Upon reaching a certain age, most citizens of the Russian Federation become entitled to insurance pensions. But there are several categories of persons who do not claim insurance benefits due to their disability. The state does not forget about citizens in need and provides them with the right to social assistance. The minimum social pension is directly dependent on living wage in the subject of the Russian Federation where the recipient lives.

What is the amount of payments in 2019-2020, and what changes await pensioners in the future? More on this later.

Social pension as state assistance

Social pension refers to regular benefits that are assigned to disabled persons who are deprived of the right to receive a labor pension. Like regular pension payments, social benefits are paid regularly, and the nature and conditions of their accrual are regulated by the main Federal Law “On Pensions in Russia” N 166-FZ.

The legislation distinguishes 3 types of such benefits:

  1. For the loss of a breadwinner. Intended for orphans under the age of 18 (up to 23 years, subject to full-time study at a university or any other educational institution), left without one or both parents. It is paid only to those children whose deceased relatives did not accumulate a single day of work experience.
  2. Due to disability. Intended for disabled children, as well as adults with any category of disability in the absence of work experience.
  3. Due to old age. It is paid to disabled citizens of a certain age by law (it is 65 and 70 years for women and men, respectively), as well as to residents of the Far North who have reached the age of 60/65 years for women/men.
  4. Children whose parents are unknown. Paid from January 1, 2018 to minors whose parents have not been identified. The conditions and amount of payments are similar to benefits for orphans.

The main requirement for obtaining social security is belonging to one of the listed categories. Also, a citizen must permanently reside on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Important! The main condition of appointment social payments old age for 2019 - absence insurance period for a period of 10 years (in 2020 - 11 years) and an IPC size of 16.2 (in 2020 - 18.6). If these conditions are met, the citizen receives the right to transfer to insurance coverage.

The minimum social pension in 2019-2020 depends on the type of benefit, as well as on a number of other factors.

Minimum amount of state support

This table shows the size of state pensions taking into account all indexations made for disabled Russians.

Payments are assigned on the 1st of the month in which the applicant applied for it, but not earlier acquiring the right to it.

The benefit is paid throughout the life of old-age pensioners. For disabled people, the pension is paid until the person loses his status, or indefinitely. For children who have lost their breadwinner, the support ceases to apply upon reaching adulthood or after finding a job, but no later than the age of 23 years.

The amount of payment may vary depending on certain factors:

  • changing the category of a pensioner (for disabled people, if the category of disability changes);
  • annual indexation using the inflation factor;
  • leaving the subject in which a regional allowance or a special regional coefficient is applied (for residents of the RKS);
  • transition to insurance coverage (for example, when an orphan begins working upon reaching adulthood).

How is the security amount determined?

The source of social payments is the state budget. This means that their size does not depend on the recipient’s work experience or on the fact that he has paid insurance contributions to the Pension Fund. The minimum social pension in the Russian Federation is set at a fixed amount separately for each category of recipients. According to Article 18 of the current pension legislation, payments are indexed annually.

The minimum social pension established by law in the Russian Federation increases by a certain coefficient for residents of the Far North (FN). The regional coefficient is intended to compensate for the difficult climatic conditions that complicate the lives of pensioners in the RKS.

Indexing order

The instability of the Russian economy forces the Government to regularly review the size pension payments. The fall in the exchange rate of the Russian ruble relative to more stable currencies, the constant increase in prices - all this must be reflected in social payments in order to restore the purchasing power of citizens who depend on government support.

Twice a year, in February and April, the inflation coefficient is calculated, with the help of which the size of the social pension is recalculated. In 2016, social benefits were increased only once by 4% with inflation at 12.9%, since the country’s budget did not have enough funds to fully cover the rise in prices. The shortfall was compensated lump sum payment in the amount of 5000 rubles.

In 2017, as promised by the authorities, the minimum social pension was indexed in the traditional manner - on April 1. The amount of benefits increased by 5.8%. This does not mean that pensioners have become more free in their means - their income has only become equal to the level of increased prices for goods and services.

State pension pensions, including social ones, were indexed by 4.1% from April 1, 2018. Social pensions have been increased by only 2% since April 2019.

The indexation of the EDV is carried out annually in February. In 2019, the indexation rate was 4.3%.

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Increasing benefits in the Northern regions

In regions of the Far North (FN), as well as in areas with difficult climate conditions, where residents require additional financial expenses for a comfortable life, pension payments are increased by a special coefficient, determined by legislative acts of local executive authorities.

Only representatives of the peoples of the Far North listed in the official list of Art. 11 of the Federal Law “On Pension Security”. The law also contains lists of localities whose residents are entitled to an increase in pensions according to the coefficient.

Attention! If a citizen no longer intends to live in extreme climatic conditions and leaves his region, the amount of his state support will be calculated without taking into account the regional coefficient.

Additional payment for pensioners

According to Federal Law N 178-FZ “On Social Assistance to Citizens”, the monthly income of a state-supported pensioner cannot be lower than the subsistence level established in his region (Law 4).
Therefore, the state provides citizens with amounts of money as an additional payment.

Good to know! The state is only ready to pay additional funds to the required minimum to unemployed citizens. For working pensioners social assistance does not apply.

The amount of funds for each pensioner is determined individually and depends on the total amount of his monthly income. In addition, additional payments are made from two different sources:

  • from the federal budget - a federal surcharge, which is assigned by the Pension Fund.
  • from the regional budget - a local surcharge assigned by the social protection authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The federal social supplement is paid by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and is established automatically if the SGP in the Russian Federation is significantly higher than the SGP level in the region.

The regional social supplement is paid by the social protection authorities of the region if the cost of living of a pensioner in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is higher than the size of the SGP in Russia.

When calculating the total income of a non-working pensioner, the following are taken into account:

  • pension amount;
  • the amount of additional material (social) support;
  • the amount of monthly cash payment;
  • the cost of a set of social services;
  • monetary equivalent of measures social support(payment for telephone, residential premises and utilities, travel on passenger transport, as well as monetary compensation expenses for these services).

In Russia as a whole, the cost of living is 8,846 rubles.

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Average benefit amount

Federal statistical services have summed up the number of pensioners in Russia and the payments they received in 2018. According to Rosstat, on at the moment There are about 43 million citizens living in the Russian Federation who receive pension payments. Of this number, only 7% are on state support and receive one of 4 types of benefits.

Statistics have established the average size of social payments this year - it was about 8.5 thousand rubles. Considering the fact that the main recipients of social security are citizens with a disability status who have no other sources of income, this amount seems insignificant.

In 2018, after the April indexation, the average annual amount of social pensions increased to 9 thousand 045 rubles. (103.7% of the pensioner’s minimum wage). The average amount of social benefits for disabled children, incl. disabled people since childhood, 1st group, amounted to 13 thousand 699 rubles.

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As we get closer retirement age citizens begin to wonder what minimum pension what awaits them upon termination of their employment relationship with the employer, how to calculate its size and what nuances there are that need to be taken into account when registering it. Let's look at a number of innovations when calculating pension benefits in 2016.

Minimum old age benefit.

Legislation Russian Federation does not establish the concept of " pension minimum", but government officials at the highest level declare that payments should be no less than the subsistence minimum. The subsistence minimum is a rather flexible concept because each region can set its own size, taking into account various factors: the inflation rate, the economic situation. Based on this, the regions independently can determine the lower threshold of payments based on the subsistence level determined in the region. If we take the regions of Russia, the average for Russia was 8,026 rubles, the highest regional level. minimum pension in Moscow, since March 2016 it amounted to 14,550 rubles.

True, these rules apply to pensioners whose registration in the capital is more than 10 years. At the same time, for those pensioners who received a 5% increase after the February minimum pension amount less, then there is an additional payment. A similar system works in other regions, but in different ways, some regions cannot find the opportunity to maintain high levels of additional payments, so it is best to find out more accurately what the minimum pension will be in the local social security department, whose employees will help you calculate your pension taking into account all local conditions and specific situations.

There are three types of insurance pension accruals:

  • upon reaching retirement age (for men it is 60 years old, for women it is 55);
  • disability: benefits are assigned regardless of age;
  • survivor: this benefit is paid to minors and full-time students up to 23 years of age.

Must be taken into account! If there is a right to several types of payments, then their values ​​are not summed up, and the payment is made only one at a time, depending on the citizen’s choice.

From January 1, 2017, the law regarding state law changes significantly. and municipal employees: their retirement age will increase by six months for each subsequent year upon reaching 65 years for men and 60 years for women. Minimum experience will also grow by six months every year and by 2026 will be 20 years. The government is considering a law to equalize the age of pensioner officials for men and women.

To calculate the monthly insurance payment minimum pension a number of conditions are required:

  • earned pension points must be 9 years or more old;
  • total insurance experience of at least 7 years.

The legislation has also changed the method of determining length of service for receiving an insurance pension; annually the length of service will increase by six months, and the number of points will be equal to 2.4. For example, for those retiring in 2016, seven years of accumulated work experience is enough, and in order to receive a guaranteed benefit in 2026, they will need to earn work experience at least 15 years and at least 31 pension points.

Must be taken into account! The number of points directly depends on official employment and the “white” salary: the higher the “white” salary, the more points will be accumulated.

Calculate the approximate amount of insurance payment minimum pension can be done by multiplying the cost of one point by the number of accumulated pension points plus a fixed payment. This payment at the beginning of 2016 is 4560 rubles. The cost of one point is 47 rubles. 28 kopecks The fixed payment and the cost of one point are indexed.

The insurance calculation will be done a little differently. minimum pension on disability. Its payment will depend on the assigned group and type of payments; here the minimum benefit is one and a half to three times higher than the social security established in the region. pensions. It is better to check the exact values ​​with regional FIUs. But the funded part of the disability benefit depends on the length of service and savings from salary deductions, taking into account a number of specific features. Calculation of the amount minimum pension the same as that of the working population. The amount of pension points is multiplied by the cost of one point plus a fixed regional benefit payment. The cost of the pension point and fixed payment is indexed. As of February 1, 2016 regional benefit is 4560 rub. the cost of a pension point is 74 rubles. 28 kopecks

Minimum pension in Russia in the regions.

A pension payment with an increased fixed additional payment is assigned:

  • for disability group 1;
  • upon reaching the age of 80 years;
  • workers of the Far North and equivalent regions.

Important to know! How longer term employee statements for payment of the minimum pension, the larger the exit payments will be. For example, if a pensioner applies 5 years after reaching retirement age, the fixed fee will increase to 38%. Pension indexation is carried out only for non-working pensioners.

Size pension provision worries many Russian citizens. This issue became especially relevant after the reform in 2015, when the pension was divided into insurance and funded. In addition, a government resolution was issued to raise the retirement age. As part of the changes carried out, the problem of the minimum pension is of interest to many Russians. Let's try to understand the intricacies of this issue.

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Features of pension formation

Despite a number of changes made to the process of formation and calculation of pension benefits, the system continues to remain quite transparent. The fundamental factor here is the emergence of the right to an insurance pension.

The following categories of citizens can apply for old-age pension insurance:

  • having achieved or having the right early exit to retire;
  • , taking into account the annual increase in retirement age by 6 months;
  • having insurance experience of at least 15 years;
  • have accumulated 30 or more points.

These conditions are the general grounds for receiving an old-age pension. In addition, the right to an insurance pension may arise upon receipt of disability or. Such pensions are assigned from the moment the grounds arise, provided that the citizen submits supporting documents.

How to calculate the amount of your pension

Every citizen can calculate their insurance pension independently. To do this, it is enough to know the formula used by the Pension Fund and substitute current figures into it.

The calculation formula itself is as follows: SP=X*Y+Z, where:

  • SP - the final amount of the insurance pension;
  • X- total number points earned during employment;
  • Y is the value of the point at the time of application;
  • Z is the guaranteed part, which is due to every citizen even in the absence of insurance experience.

Two points need to be clarified here:

  • the cost of a pension point for the current day is 81.49 rubles;
  • guaranteed amount - 4,982 rubles.

Both values ​​are subject to mandatory annual indexation, which is guaranteed by the state.

Important! To calculate the size yourself future pension, you can use the online calculator, which is freely available on the Pension Fund website. The system tool takes into account the key parameters that are used to calculate pensions and produces the most accurate result.

Minimum value

As the name suggests, the minimum pension is considered to be a certain amount, less than which pensioners cannot receive.

What is the minimum wage

Let's start with the fact that the very concept of minimum pension provision is absent in the current legislation. It follows that the minimum amount of pension payments is not established by federal legislation.

These amounts are set at the regional level, and according to the government, they should not be lower than the subsistence level of people of retirement age in a particular subject of the Federation. The cost of living for a pensioner is set by the leadership of the region or region, based on the characteristics of the region.

How is the minimum pension determined?

In general terms, the assigned minimum wage cannot be lower than the minimum subsistence level established in the region. If this condition is not met, the pensioner is entitled to equalize these values.

Additional payment is made subject to two conditions:

  • the amount of the pension received is below the subsistence level;
  • The pensioner is not engaged in labor or entrepreneurial activities.

Here it is necessary to clarify that the pensioner’s financial security covers not only the paid pension. All benefits and other income items are taken into account here, for example, discounted travel on public transport or subsidies for housing and communal services. In this case, intangible benefits are subject to recalculation in monetary terms.

What you need to know about indexing

The term “indexation” refers to the recalculation of pension benefits taking into account inflation and rising prices for certain categories of consumer goods. Indexation is carried out annually. In particular, insurance pensions were increased from January 1, social pensions - from April 1, 2018.

If we evaluate changes in pension provision after indexation on the national average, the amounts look like this:

  • social pension - 9,062 rubles (an increase of 2.9%);
  • insurance pension - 14,151 rubles (an increase of 3.7%).
Important! Indexation is carried out only for the amount of pensions paid and does not affect the cost of living in the regions. In addition, only pensions of non-working pensioners are indexed. For citizens of retirement age who continue to carry out labor or commercial activities, recalculation will be made after termination of work, taking into account all increases for the past period.

Peculiarities of pension provision by region

After the indexation carried out in April, the minimum pension for a non-working pensioner in Moscow is 17,500 rubles. To receive such amounts, a pensioner must live in the capital for at least 10 years.

In other regions the amounts are somewhat more modest. For example, pensioners in St. Petersburg cannot receive less than 8,817 rubles; for residents of Samara, the minimum wage is set at 7,750 rubles, and for Omsk - 9,057.

When calculating the minimum pension provision, the following factors are taken into account:

  • salary before retirement;
  • age;
  • insurance experience;
  • the amount of contributions to the Pension Fund.

Legislative norms adopted by the regional leadership also play an important role.

What pension is paid in the regions of Russia

Region/territory/Republic Minimum pension, rub.

Central District

Belgorod 8 106
Bryansk 8 441
Vladimir 8 452
Voronezh 8 620
Ivanovo 8 460
Kaluga 8 547
Kostroma 8 549
Kursk 8 600
Lipetsk 8 620
Eagle 8 550
Ryazan 8 493
Smolensk 8 674
Tambov 7 489
Tver 8 726
Tula 8 622
Yaroslavl 8 163
Moscow/Moscow region 11 816/9527

Northwestern District

Karelia 8 726
Komi 10 192
Arkhangelsk 10 258
Nenets 17 956
Vologda 8 726
St. Petersburg/Leningrad region.
Murmansk 12 523
Novgorod 8 726

North Caucasus District

Dagestan 8 680
Ingushetia 8 726
Karachay-Cherkessia 8 618
North Ossetia 8 064
Chechnya 8 719
Stavropol region 8 135

Southern District

Adygea 8 138
Kalmykia 7 755
Krasnodar 8 537
Astrakhan 7 961
Volgograd 8 535
Rostov 8 488
Crimea/Sevastopol 8 530/8 722

Privolzhsky district

Bashkortostan 8 320
Mari El 8 036
Mordovia 8 194
Tatarstan 8 232
Udmurtia 8 502
Chuvashia 7 953
Kirov 8 454
Nizhny Novgorod 8 100
Orenburg 8 059
Penza 7 861
Permian 8 503
Samara 8 413
Saratov 7 990
Ulyanovsk 8 474

Ural district

Mound 8 630
Sverdlovsk 8 726
Chelyabinsk 8 586
Khanty-Mansiysk 11 708
Yamalo-Nenets 13 428

Siberian district

Altai 8 594
Buryatia 8 726
Khakassia 8 543
Krasnoyarsk 8 726
Irkutsk 8 723
Kemerovo 8 347
Novosibirsk 8 725
Omsk 8 480
Tomsk 8 561
Zabaikalsky 8 726

Far Eastern District

Yakutia 13 951
Seaside 9 151
Khabarovsk 10 895
Amurskaya 8 726
Kamchatka 16 543
Magadan 15 460
Sakhalin 12 333
Jewish autonomy 9 013
Chukotka 19 000
Baikonur 8 726

What is the average pension in Russia?

According to information Pension Fund Russian Federation, average old-age pension in Russia as of the end of 2018 - the beginning of 2019 is approximately 14,100 rubles.

If we compare it with wages, then, according to analysts’ calculations, this pension amount is about 40% of the average earnings in Russia.

The average social pension is 9,045 rubles.

The average pension paid to disabled children is 13,699 rubles.

Pensions received by citizens with disabilities due to military trauma average 30,700 rubles.

It is worth noting that in the post-Soviet space, the Russian Federation is one of the richest countries in terms of pension provision for citizens. The only competition we can have is the Baltic region, but it is worth considering that in the Baltics there are quite high costs for utilities, which “eat up” all the “earnings” of pensioners.

If you pay attention to the pension policy pursued by the state, it can be noted that compared to the 90s of the twentieth century, the crisis in this area has begun to fade away.

What is the minimum old age pension?

Having reached the age established by law, a citizen begins to think about what minimum pension awaits him?

Note that in Russian legislation the concept of “minimum pension” does not exist; its size depends on various circumstances.

The minimum amount of an old-age pension should not be lower than the minimum subsistence level for pensioners established in the region of residence of the pensioner.

But if such a situation nevertheless occurs (a citizen’s old-age pension with all allowances is below the subsistence level for pensioners), then additional social benefits are established for the pensioner: in such an amount that the pension is equal to the regional subsistence level. The social supplement is established based on the pensioner’s application. Working pensioners are not entitled to social benefits.

The minimum pension may be increased in the following cases:

  • a citizen crosses the 80-year mark;
  • one or more relatives are dependent on him;
  • the insurance pension is indexed;
  • pensioner goes to work.

In order to receive at least the minimum old-age pension in Russia, you must have at least 15 years of work experience. But the thing is that not everyone has it. In this case, you will be paid a social pension.

Maximum old-age pension

It is currently impossible to calculate the maximum amount of an old-age pension. It will depend on many circumstances - retirement age, length of service, salary, pension contributions, etc.

Don't know your rights?

Now let's turn to the new pension legislation, namely the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”.

from January 1, 2019, the retirement age has been increased: women now retire at 60, men - at 65. And as before, citizens who retire later than the age established by law will receive an increase in their pension in proportion to the time during which they were not retired (but they could have been!).

Accordingly, the later you retire, the higher the pension will be.

Pension calculator

On June 25, 2013, a pension calculator was posted on the official website of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, in other words, a mechanism by which citizens of the Russian Federation can calculate their future pension.

But, according to the Minister of Labor of the Russian Federation, the calculator is not intended to determine the exact amount of the pension; it can only predict a certain amount given various indicators.

When calculating your future pension, you will be asked to enter the size of your salary, gender, length of military service, etc. in the columns. But the calculator gives the amount as of today, that is, as it would be if you retired tomorrow.

The calculator bases its calculations on the new pension formula, which is provided for in the Law “On Insurance Pensions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ, in force from January 1, 2015.

But! It is worth remembering that the pension formula initially includes an instrument that can affect the size of the pension in the direction of its reduction. This is the so-called cost of the pension coefficient, which is set depending on the economic and demographic situation in the country and other indicators.

What do we have besides pensions?

Due to the fact that pensioners (the majority) do not engage in labor activity, they are considered socially unprotected categories of citizens.

That is why, in addition to pension provision, pensioners can count on other benefits and allowances.

  1. Tax legislation has provided “indulgences” for pensioners in the form of exemption from property tax; the pension is not taxed, and you can also receive a property deduction for the purchase of real estate if you apply for it within 3 years after retirement (pensioners are allowed to apply for a deduction for the previous 3 years, unlike other citizens).
  2. In the healthcare sector, everything is also good: all pensioners are covered by the compulsory health insurance program and have the right to receive medical care free of charge. Citizens receiving a minimum old-age or disability pension are required to sell prescription medications at a 50 percent discount.
  3. Compensation for payments for housing and communal services. If a pensioner is recognized as low-income, then he is entitled to a subsidy to pay for utilities. In addition, in some regions compensation for housing costs is provided as an additional measure of social support.
  4. Preferential travel on public transport, provided for by regional legislation.

If we summarize federal and local legislation, we can conclude that in addition to pensions, citizens have the right to additional benefits provided to them by the state.

Pensions in 2018 - 2019

The pension formula, which provides for the recalculation of pensions in points and an increase in length of service for calculating a pension, due to its complexity, raises many questions.

It should reassure current pensioners and everyone who managed to retire before 2015 that their pension rights will not be violated, but will have the same force.

Now it is especially beneficial for citizens to receive a “white” salary and forget about envelopes, since the amount of wages and deductions from it also affect the size of their future pension.

The new law introduced the concept of “annual pension coefficient” (APC), meaning the result of a citizen’s work for the year. The RPC is equal to the ratio of the amount paid by your employer to the amount that can be paid from the maximum contribution amount multiplied by the maximum value of the pension ratio.

Another advantage was that the “working” experience required to assign a pension includes parental leave for up to 1.5 years for a total of 4.5 years. Moreover, this leave counts not only to the mother, but to the person who was officially on maternity leave.

The pension also remains composed of 2 parts: insurance and funded. Insurance is calculated according to the law “On Insurance Pensions”, and accumulative - according to the law “On funded pensions» dated December 28, 2013 No. 424-FZ, which also came into force on January 1, 2015.

If we take a closer look at the pension reforms and the latest changes in pension legislation, we will see that the state is trying to gradually “lead” the country out of the hole called “low pensions.” Evidence of this is the indexation of pensions twice a year, recalculation of pensions for working pensioners, etc.

However, it is impossible to make an unambiguous conclusion that everything is fine in the retirement field. It is necessary to give an “incubation” period for new reform and wait to see what kind of “chick” will emerge from this “egg”.

The majority of Moscow pensioners have become 3 thousand rubles richer since January 1, 2018 - this is the amount by which pensions were increased in accordance with Moscow Government Decree No. 805-PP of October 31, 2017. At the same time, there are no new increases for 2019 - the city’s social standard has not changed. Let us remind you that after the increase, the minimum pension in Moscow in 2018-2019 for non-working pensioners increased to 17,500 rubles. The minimum pension amount is guaranteed to residents who have completed their work experience and receive an old-age or disability insurance pension, as well as those who have been registered in Moscow for more than 10 years.

We’ll tell you in more detail what changes took place in the capital’s pension legislation in 2019, who is entitled to a minimum pension of 17,500 rubles, who can only count on an increase in payments to the subsistence level in Moscow, who will receive bonuses and raises. Attention: From September 1, 2019, the minimum pension in Moscow will increase by 2,000 rubles, read more.

Pension in 2018 and 2019 - it was and became

What minimum pension awaits citizens in Moscow has been discussed by the Moscow government, headed by Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, since the fall of 2017. As a result, the social minimum of the city material standard for non-working pensioners in Moscow was increased from January 1, 2018 and amounted to 17,500 rubles. In 2017, the minimum pension in the capital was 14,500 rubles, that is, the increase was more than 20%. However, the expected increase in the city social standard did not happen in 2019 - it remained at the same level as last year.

The Moscow authorities were able to find money to support a vulnerable group of the population thanks to the economic prosperity of the city and the increase in incomes of working citizens. The increased pension for Muscovites is a reflection of the economic growth that the Russian capital is experiencing. Sobyanin announced that there would be an increase in pensions in Moscow in 2018 at a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government in the fall of 2017. An economic justification for the introduction of appropriate city support measures for pensioners was also given there.

Officially, the amount of social benefits and additional payments to pensions is fixed:

  1. Decree of the Moscow Government No. 805-PP dated October 31, 2017 “On establishing the amounts of individual social and other payments for 2018.”
  2. Decree of the Moscow Government of December 11, 2018 No. 1525-pp “On establishing the amounts of individual social and other payments for 2019.”

Who is entitled to an increase to the city standard?

The increase in the minimum wage to 17,500 rubles will affect the category of pensioners who, at the time of registration of the supplement, have had a permanent residence permit in the capital for more than 10 years (this includes living in territories annexed to Moscow).

Based on clause 5(1) of the Decree of the Government of the capital No. 1268-PP, these citizens have the right to increase their pension income to the level of the city social standard if their material income is less than the minimum pension in Moscow.

Who will get an increase to the living wage?

The minimum pension in Moscow in 2019 for those living in the capital for less than 10 years (this applies to both those who have permanent registration in the capital and those who have temporary registration) will not reach the Moscow minimum of 17,500. Based on clause 7 of Moscow Government Decree No. 1268-PP, these citizens can count on an additional payment up to the subsistence level of a capital pensioner if their pensions are less than the established amount.

From January 1, 2019, the cost of living for a pensioner in the capital is 12,115 rubles. It was introduced by Law No. 22 of October 31, 2018 “On establishing the cost of living for a pensioner in the city of Moscow in order to determine the regional social supplement towards retirement in 2019.” Compared to 2018, this figure increased by 299 rubles. Previously, the pension PM was 11,420 rubles. according to the resolution of the Moscow Government No. 952-PP dated December 05, 2017

Who won't have their pension increased to the minimum wage?

The following cannot apply for additional payment up to the minimum pension in Moscow:

  • persons living in the capital and not registered;
  • those receiving pensions outside of Moscow;
  • Russians temporarily (more than 6 months) or permanently residing outside the country;
  • pensioners using social services social service organizations;
  • undergoing compulsory psychiatric treatment or in correctional institutions.

The minimum pension in Moscow at the beginning of 2019 for working pensioners will not change, not counting certain categories that are entitled to a regional compensation supplement in accordance with Moscow Government Decree No. 1005-PP dated November 27, 2007, as amended as of December 29, 2018. include disabled people and WWII participants, employees of federal and municipal healthcare organizations, education, etc.

Working pensioners should expect an increase in payments from August 2019; the size of the increase is not yet known.

Changes for 2019

  • This year, from January 1, and not from February 1 as usual, insurance pensions for non-working pensioners were indexed by 7.05%.
  • From 01/01/2019, the cost of one pension coefficient, according to the Pension Fund of Russia, is equal to 87 rubles. 24 kopecks, and the amount of the fixed payment to the old-age pension (not taking into account the corresponding increases) is 5,334.19 rubles.
  • From April 1, 2019 in the Russian Federation, including in Moscow, they increase by 2% social pensions and state pensions.

Increase in other social benefits for pensioners

In 2018, additional monthly payments were regulated by Moscow Government Decree No. 805-PP dated October 31, 2017. For 2019, a new act was adopted - Moscow Government Decree No. 1525-pp dated December 11, 2018 “On establishing the amounts of individual social and other payments ..."

It, in particular, stipulates that most social payments will remain at the 2018 level:

  • persons subjected to repression and rehabilitation - 2,000 rubles;
  • rear workers - 1,500 rubles;
  • labor and military veterans - 1000 rubles;
  • disabled people and WWII participants for consumer products, those who have not completed their work experience, those who were injured in childhood, honorary donors of the USSR - 2,000 rubles each;
  • participants who defended the capital - 8,000 rubles;
  • widowed Heroes of the USSR or the Russian Federation, Socialist Labor, full holders of the Order of Glory and Labor Glory (not in remarriage); to the parent of the deceased (deceased) Hero of the USSR or the Russian Federation; for old age or disability pensioners who have merits in sports - 15,000 rubles;
  • Heroes of the USSR or the Russian Federation, Heroes of Socialist Labor or Labor of the Russian Federation, holders of the Order of Glory or Labor Glory - 25,000 rubles;
  • persons of retirement age who are honorary citizens of Moscow - 50,000 rubles;
  • for pensioners with other honorary titles (people's, honored artist) - 30,000 rubles.

The innovations of the resolution for 2019 were:

  • Additional social payments of 1,000 rubles. per month to labor veterans and military service(women over 55 years old, men - 60).
  • Monthly compensation for local telephone subscribers - 250 rubles.
  • A number of one-time social payments have been established for 2019 - financial assistance in connection with the 74th anniversary of the victory, the 30th anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, for citizens affected by radiation. The amount of such financial assistance will be determined by individual acts of the city authorities.

You can download the full text of Resolution No. 1525-pp here. To obtain information and apply for an additional payment, a pensioner must contact the local Pension Fund office with an application for additional payment and a package of documents confirming this right.