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MADOU No. 240 “Combined kindergarten”

Holiday "We want to be healthy!"

Bakalchuk Yulia Borisovna

Konkova Natalia Alexandrovna



We present to your attention the holiday script for Health Day “We want to be healthy!” This event is dedicated to healthy image life and is aimed at developing in children a sustainable interest in preserving and maintaining their health. The fairy-tale characters Aibolit and Carlson come to the children for the holiday. They show and tell why it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and what will happen if you don’t. Appearance fairy-tale heroes, frequent changes in activities (games, relay races, songs, poems, riddles) help create a positive emotional mood for children during the holiday.

“We want to be healthy!”

(Holiday scenario for children of the preparatory group)

Compiled by:

Target: Formation of children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle.


  1. Strengthen children's understanding of ways to maintain health (performing hygiene procedures, proper nutrition, physical activity).
  2. Instill in children a desire to engage in physical education and sports.
  3. Strengthen children's knowledge about harmful and healthy foods.
  4. Cultivate a desire to consciously take care of your health.

Material and equipment: pictures depicting sports, attributes for relay races (small and large balls, cones, spoons, hoops, massage mats), animal and bird costumes, models of fruits and vegetables, hygiene items (soap, comb, toothpaste, washcloth, towel, etc.)

Celebration progress:

Children enter the hall to the music

Leading. Hello guys. Today in our kindergarten the holiday “Health Day” and the motto of this holiday: “We will say yes to health! " And this means that today we will learn together to protect and improve our health. Because good health is the wealth of a person. And it accumulates since childhood.

Child. The holiday of sports and health begins with us. Sun, sun, shine brighter, The holiday will be more fun!

Communicative game “Heel and toe”

Leading. Guys, surprises await you today, There will be games, there will be laughter, And fun activities are prepared for everyone.

The song “Fizkult-Hurray!” plays.

Children walk in a circle, then sit on chairs.

Leading. Guys, what helps us be healthy? (Children's answers) That's right, physical education and sports. Playing sports is very important, as people become healthier and stronger. Does anyone know any poems about sports?

Child 1 The kids really need sports, we are strong friends with sports, Sports is an assistant, sports is health, sports is a game, Fizkult-Hurray!

Child 2 There is no better recipe in the world - Be inseparable from sports. You will live 100 years. That's the whole secret.

Leading: Well done! Guys, do you know any sports? (Children's answers)

There are many types of sports, you can’t even count them all. Let's play now, name sports.

Game "Sports"

The presenter shows pictures various types sports, and the children name them and show the corresponding movements

There's a knock on the door.

Leading. What kind of guest is in a hurry to celebrate? What is his name, do you know? And to do this, quickly guess the riddle: Come to him for treatment. Any animal, any bird. He will rush to help everyone, Good Doctor...

Children. Aibolit!

Aibolit comes in to the music and dances.

Aibolit. Hello guys. I was running past and heard some noise. What happened to you? Is someone really sick?

Leading. No, no one got sick among us. Just a kindergarten celebrating Health Day.

Aibolit.“Garden” - of course, this is the place where the trees all grow. Why is the garden suddenly “children’s”? Why are the guys here?

Leading. To make it more interesting, we will answer the question with a song. We will sing Aibolit, Just like we live in kindergarten.

The song “Kindergarten” is performed (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).


Now everything is clear to me.

I'm happy for you from the bottom of my heart,

Are you familiar with charging?

Dear kids?


Well done, question two

It will be more difficult:

Who will be able to show animal exercises?


Our guys can do everything

Look at “Zverobika”

Children dressed as animals and birds run into the hall, singing and dancing.

The song “Zverobika” (lyrics by A. Khait and K. Levenchuk, music by B. Savelyev) is performed.

Aibolit. Guys, do you know what you need to do to be healthy?

Children. Yes!

Aibolit. Then solve the riddles. I'll start and you finish. Answer in unison.

To be healthy and clean, you need your hands... (wash with soap)

Health is fine, thank you... (charging)

Temper yourself every day with cold water... (douse yourself)

Help us protect ourselves from sore throat... (vitamins)

Only those who are healthy and love ... (sports) do not get sick.

Well done! Do you guys like to play sports? (Children's answers). It means you are strong and dexterous. Let's see how dexterous and brave you are - let's hold a sports competition.

Relay races

1. Relay race “Don’t drop the ball!”

Children are divided into teams. It is necessary to carry a small ball in a spoon, running between the cones, then along the massage mats and back in a straight line.

2. Relay race “Jumpers”

Children are divided into teams; they need to hold the ball between their knees and jump to a landmark, then run back to the start in a straight line.

3. Relay “We are fast!”

Children are divided into teams, at the teacher’s signal they take the ball in their hands, run between the pins, put the ball in the hoop, and return back in a straight line. The next one runs, takes the ball, etc.

Aibolit. Guys, do you like cleanliness, order, washing, brushing your teeth, doing exercises? And you also have to love cold water - it strengthens your body and your spirit.

Carlson runs in, sings a song and dances.

Suddenly he grabs his heart, his lower back, and groans.

Aibolit. Carlson, what’s wrong with you, are you sick? Get up, the guys have a holiday today.


I was in a hurry to visit you!

I was in such a hurry that... I got sick.

Of course I'm a bit fat

And a little modest

But trust me guys

This is not my fault.


Yes, Carlson, you have no doubt excess weight! And this can make you sick.

Tell me, Carlson,

What do you do in the morning?


Guys, I sleep for a long time,

I snore until noon.


Tell us in order,

Do you exercise often?

Do you play sports?

Are you dousing yourself with water?


No! Charge up, guys!

I never did!

Temper yourself?

It's scary, brothers:

It's cold water!

Leading. I think I know how to cure Carlson. We need to give him some jam.

Carlson. And more!

Carlson(eats jam with a spoon). Oh! It got easier!

Leading. Well, shall we continue the treatment?

Carlson. I would like something else sweet!

The presenter takes out a large candy. Carlson jumps up, tries to take it.

Leading. Carlson, how well you jump! But you don’t want to drink it, because it’s all sweet.

Carlson. Yes (takes a Coca-Cola out of his pocket and drinks). I love Coca-Cola and mostly drink it.

Carlson suddenly clutches his stomach and groans.

Carlson. Now my stomach hurts. Well, it’s okay, it’ll pass now.

Aibolit. Carlson, I understand why you are overweight and in such poor health. Because you eat wrong and drink unhealthy drinks! Eating a lot of sweets is harmful. And if you drink cola, look, you will dissolve from the inside.

Carlson(takes out a sandwich).

I also love hot dogs!

He helped me become healthy.

Aibolit. No, Carlson!

Hot dogs are unhealthy food.

You can only eat them sometimes!

Carlson(takes out a Snickers candy bar)

Know, ladies, gentlemen:

Snickers is the best food!


You will eat sweet Snickers,

Your teeth will be out of order.

If anyone doesn't believe -

Check it out for yourself.

Carlson. Yes, my tooth hurt yesterday. When I ate Snickers for breakfast.

Aibolit. Guys, do you know what you need to do to prevent your teeth from hurting? (Children's answers) That's right, you need to eat less sweets, and brush them with a toothbrush twice every day - morning and evening. Do you remember, Carlson?

Carlson. Yes, I remember everything.

Aibolit. Now, let's tell Carlson what you need to eat to be healthy and strong! (Children list healthy foods)

Aibolit: This is what you need to eat, Carlson. These are healthy foods, and you only eat harmful ones. What other harmful foods do you guys know? (Children's answers.)

Carlson. Yes, I love kirieshki and chips.

Aibolit. That's why you're sick.

Aibolit plays with the children the game “Cook borscht”, “Cook compote”.

Aibolit. Well done boys! Do you know what you need for compote and borscht? Eat vegetables and fruits as much as possible, because these are living vitamins! Just don’t forget that you need to wash them with water and your hands with soap before eating.

From plain water and soap

Microbes are losing their power!


No, no need before meals

Wash fruits and vegetables with water.

They need to be eaten, washed down with water,

Then wash the tummy.

Leading. No, Carlson, you are wrong again. All the guys know:


To protect yourself from germs,

You need to wash with water and soap.

And every day before meals

Wash fruits and vegetables with water.

Aibolit. Do you know, Carlson, who “germs” are and why you need to protect yourself from them?

Carlson. No.

Aibolit. These are very small creatures invisible to us that can cause illness. And also, Carlson, it’s good to harden yourself with water. It is very useful to douse yourself with cold water, but this can only be done with adults.

Carlson. Now I understand why I am sick. I will definitely improve and become healthy! Oh, I forgot to comb my hair this morning!

Carlson takes out a comb, first combs his hair himself, then leans over to the children and tries to comb their hair with his comb. Then he takes out a handkerchief and tries to wipe the children’s noses.

Aibolit. Horrible! Carlson, what are you doing? After all, these are items for personal use, each person should have their own, and not give them to anyone, even the one you love most. Guys, do you know what you can and cannot give to each other?

A game of "Do's and Don'ts" is played.

(Children are divided into teams and separate personal items from common items (you cannot use: a toothbrush, comb, towel, slippers, handkerchief, etc.))

Carlson. I understood and remembered everything. Now I will have my own toothbrush and comb. I will also definitely do exercises, eat only healthy foods and begin to harden myself with cold water.

Aibolit. Well done! Have you guys remembered what you need to do to be healthy?

Children: Yes.

Aibolit. Everyone must know how to maintain health.

Child 1. You need to eat right.

Child 2. Do physical exercise.

Child 3. Wash your hands before eating,

Child 4. Brush your teeth, harden your teeth

Child 5. And always be friends with water!

Carlson. And also,

To grow and harden,

We need to play sports.

Toughen up, kids,

Good afternoon: Fizkult-Hurray!

Children. Hooray!

Musical warm-up “Radiant Sun” is being held


1. Voloshina, L. N. Organization of health-preserving space [Text]/L. N. Voloshina // Preschool education. - 2004. - No. 1. - P.114-117.

2. Zmanovsky, Yu. F. Raising children healthy [Text] / Yu. F. Zmanovsky. - M.: Medicine, 1989. - 128 p.

3. Zmanovsky, Yu. F. Educational and health work in preschool institutions[Text]/ Yu. F. Zmanovsky // Preschool education. – 1993. - No. 9. - P. 23-25.

4. Zmanovsky, Yu. F. Healthy preschooler[Text]/ Yu. F. Zmanovsky // Preschool education. - 1995. - No. 6. - P. 11-17.

5. Kopylova, T. G. Scenarios for holidays in kindergarten [Text] / T. G. Kopylova. - M.: Aquarium, 2001. – 398 p.

6. Shushakova, E. Yu. Holiday scenarios for kindergarten [Text]/ E. Yu. Shushakova. - M.:Iris - press, 2008. - 105 p.

Developed by Petrova Margarita Vasilievna teacher
GBDOU kindergarten No. 19, St. Petersburg
Project "Health Day"
Preparatory group for school.
Project passport
Type - cognitive, creative
Duration - one day
Participants are children from the preparatory group, their parents, teachers, and a physical education instructor.
Objective of the project:
Development of ideas about a healthy lifestyle, formation of the concept of “health”.
Project objectives:
Physical development:
Develop children's motivation to maintain and improve health;
Develop dexterity.
Cognitive development:
To form children's ideas about the factors influencing human health.
Social and communicative development:
Develop a value-based attitude towards your health and the health of others.
Artistic and aesthetic development:
Develop children's creative abilities.
Speech development:
Develop the ability to maintain a conversation;
Introduce proverbs and sayings about health.
Planned results:
During the project implementation
children have expanded their understanding of the influence of various factors on human health;
the prerequisites for preserving and strengthening health have been created;
Parents became interested in the problem of strengthening the physical health of children.
Relevance of the project
The health of young people is one of the indicative factors that determine the well-being of the country. In preschool childhood, the foundations of life are laid. Currently, the urgent problem is to find new means and methods that can draw the attention of parents to raising their children to have a healthy lifestyle and strengthening their own health. Many children do not even think about their own health and the health of those around them.
Techniques and methods used in the implementation of the project
Outdoor games and relay races;
Invigorating gymnastics;
Reading fiction;
Looking at paintings;
Show presentation;
Watching the cartoon "Oh!" and “Ah!”;
Listening to songs;
Creative activity;
Labor activity;
Communication with peers.
Stage I of the project is preparatory.
1. Conversation with children on the topic: “What does it mean to be successful?”;
2. Reading fiction (poems);
3. Interviewing parents “The role of the family in introducing children to a healthy lifestyle”;
4. Decorating the group with illustrations in accordance with the theme;
5. Selection of books;
6. Involving children in the preparation of a sports festival (making emblems);
6. Familiarization of parents with the plan for the Health Day;
7. Preparation of material for creative activity.
Stage II of the project is practical.
The first half of the day.
1. Morning exercises “Get ready to exercise!”
2. Listening to songs: “If you want to be healthy”, “To be vaccinated...”
3. GCD for speech development. Discussion of the topic “Health Rules”. Shorygina T.A. Toolkit"Conversations about health." Creative center Sfera, Moscow 2012
4. Acquaintance with the “Olympic Games” - viewing the presentation.
5. Leisure time for physical education “Health Day”.
6. Walk: Team work“Our favorite games are relay races.”
7. Play activity“Let’s teach Dunno how to brush his teeth.”
1. Invigorating gymnastics;
2. Outdoor game: “Healthy Products”;
3. Watching a cartoon: “Oh! And Ah!”
4. Teamwork: making a book “Useful Tips”;
5. Walk: joint activity “Ball games”. Riddles about sports.
Stage III of the project is the final stage.
Exhibition of children's photographs: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”
Recommendations for parents about hardening, mobile folder: “Creating a sports corner at home and in the summer cottage”, “Outdoor games”.
Methodological support
Baykova G.Yu., Morgacheva V.A., Peresypkina T.M. "Implementation educational field“Physical development”, Volgograd 2015;
Borisova E.N. “The system for organizing physical education and health activities with preschoolers.” Panorama Publishing House 2006;
Magazine “Physical Education Instructor” No. 2 2015;
Shorygina T.A. Methodical manual “Conversations about health”. Creative center Sfera, Moscow 2012

Health Day at the preschool educational institution

The whole day was marked by the theme “health”, where through games and conversations children learned a lot of useful and necessary things about their bodies. We shared our rules and habits for a healthy lifestyle. Parents were not left out either. Together with their children, they came to morning gymnastics in sports uniform.

At first, the parents were shy, but then they liked it so much that they suggested holding events such as joint gymnastics between children and parents.

Classes to familiarize yourself with the surrounding world “Country of Sportlandia”.

Purpose: 1. To introduce children to various sports.
2. Exercise children in forming words (names of athletes) based on the name of the sport.
3.Cultivate a desire to play sports.
Enrich children's vocabulary with words (coach, stadium, boxing - boxer, tennis - tennis player, skiing - skier, hockey - hockey player)
Manual labor: “Vitamin kebab”
Goal: 1. Continue teaching children how to use a knife, cut fruit into pieces, and thread them onto a skewer.
2. Reinforce knowledge of the rules safe work with a knife.
3. Expand knowledge about the importance of vitamins for growth and health.
4. Develop fine motor skills Hands.
5. Cultivate the desire to prepare healthy dessert yourself.
The second breakfast today consisted of “fruit shish kebab.” The children prepared their own preparations.

On this day, parents could visit any operating moment: from morning exercises to evening walk. The health day ended with the entertainment “Visiting Fairy Tales”.

Story-driven entertainment
"Visiting fairy tales"

Preparatory "B" and senior "B" groups.
Program content. Strengthen the skills of performing rhythmic gymnastics, various types of walking and running; practice balance while walking on a tightrope; practice jumping forward; cultivate courage in overcoming obstacles and friendship.
Performing musically rhythmic movements.
Aids, rope, cubes, balls, wooden spoons, water containers, petal preparations, music, treats.

Progress of the lesson
Guys, we will go on a little trip with you. It won't be easy. Today we are going to visit fairy tales. We will have to experience many difficulties. Let us prepare seriously.
First we need to warm up well... So, let's begin. Form a column one at a time.

Children walk, run, scatter in scattered areas to perform musically rhythmic exercises.

Educator: Wonderful, guys! You have overcome the obstacles.
So we came to visit fairy tales.
Music plays in a fairy tale.

Grandmother sits and is sad, next to a large turnip.
Educator: Guys, what is the name of this fairy tale?
Children: "Turnip"
Educator: Grandma, why are you so sad?
Grandmother: The turnip has grown big and big, but there’s no one to clean it up.

Educator: Guys, let's help.

Relay race “Pull the turnip”
Educator: Well done guys.
A girl goes and drops petals from a flower and makes wishes. Guys, what is the name of this fairy tale?
Children: "Seven-flowered flower"

Educator: Zhenya tore off all the petals. Let us collect a seed flower.
Game: "Collect a flower."

Educator: Well done guys.

Guys, remember the fairy tale where the grandmother, granddaughter, chicken and mouse went to fetch water. Correct: “Fear has big eyes”
Let's help them bring water.

Relay race “Carry water in a spoon”

Educator: What great fellows you are, and strong and brave and helpers, and you run fast. Even I felt hot. I’ll go to the well and get some water. I lower the bucket into the well and pick it up.
There's a treat in the bucket.


A turnip was pulled out for the grandmother, the petals were collected for Zhenya, and water was given to the granddaughter, the chicken, the grandmother and the mouse. We live together and we will come to everyone’s aid.


To develop healthy lifestyle skills in preschoolers.

Develop the motor system, fast running, agility, strength, ingenuity.

Promote the development of a good mood during sports competitions.

To cultivate attention to each other, friendship, honesty, mutual assistance, politeness, mutual respect.

Equipment: wooden plates, 2 scooters, 4 cubes, rope, massage balls - 20 pcs., 2 scarves, 6 hoops, 4 dumbbells.

Progress of sports entertainment on health day in kindergarten

Children march out onto the playground in a solemn march. They go around the circle of honor and line up in a circle.

Presenter: - Today we have sports festival, dedicated World Day health, we all gathered to compete and gain health. As they say: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”

Presenter. - Let's all say hello and wish each other good health, lots of sun, warmth, blue skies, fresh air. And in order to be healthy, you need to do physical exercise, not be lazy, and wake up early.

1 child.

We are friendly guys

We came to kindergarten

And everyone does physical education

I'm very happy to do it!

2nd child.

To always be in good mood be,

We need to forget about laziness.

We love to jump and run

Do exercises with friends.

Greetings to teams and fans.

The surprise moment is the arrival of the doctor.

Presenter: - We didn’t call the doctor.

Doctor: - I came to check the children’s temperature, take their pulse, maybe someone needs an injection against the virus?

Presenter: - Are any children unwell, do they need medical help?

Children's answer.

Doctor: - Why are you all gathered here?

Presenter: - We have sports competitions in kindergarten and we don’t want to know about the disease.

It’s better, doctor, come with us, stand up and start warming up.

Warm up.

A set of general developmental exercises with small massage balls.

Presenter: - Doctor, now look how nimble our children are.

The game is the Cheerful Handkerchief relay race.

(Conditions: Children in teams become pairs facing each other, take the scarf by the corners in the middle of the scarf, put a ball and carry it together, go around the cube and run back to pass the baton to another pair.)

Presenter: - Well, doctor, do our children look like patients?

Doctor: - No, they are not similar, but what else can they do?

Presenter: - Children also know how to keep their balance well.

The game is a competition “From bump to bump”.

(Conditions: Children take turns walking over the “bumps” on the ground, knocking on the cube and returning back, also passing the baton along the “bumps”. You cannot put your feet on the ground).

Presenter: - Now look how strong our children are.

Competition "Tug of Rope".

Doctor: - Your athletes probably took a lot of vitamins, they are so strong.

Presenter: - And now you all have a task, whose team will line up faster?

Doctor, do you like to travel by train? We invite you to our fun train.

Game - relay race "Train and carriages".

(Conditions: The first team member runs to the landmark, runs around it, runs back, takes a friend and again runs to the cube together, runs around it, then the three of them run and so on until all team members are taken).

Presenter: - Did you like riding, but can our doctor run? And our children are the fastest in the world.

The game is a relay race “Whose team is faster.”

(Conditions: Children, two at a time, with a scarf in their hands, jump on both legs from hoop to hoop, run around the cube, then run quickly back and pass the scarf to another participant).

Presenter: - You see, doctor, how athletic and healthy our children are and they don’t have a fever.

Doctor: - Now I’ll check if I have sports thermometers.

Game - relay race “Running with dumbbells”.

(Conditions: Children take one dumbbell in their hands, quickly run to the cube, run around it, then return back to pass the baton).

Presenter: - Doctor, do you have a sports, environmentally friendly vehicle?

Doctor: - Yes, I ask you to compete like racers

Game - relay race "Racers".

(Conditions: Scooter racing, children take turns going to the landmark and passing the baton back)

Presenter: - Doctor, now you are convinced that no one needs to be treated at our holiday. We play sports and take vitamins.

Doctor: - Yes, your kindergarten is simply classy: everyone is athletic, courageous, strong, dexterous and healthy. Goodbye! Good health to everyone!!!

Presenter: - All the best!!! - Children, all well done.

Children. - In a healthy body healthy mind.

Name: Scenario of entertainment in the preparatory group. Health Day!
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, Health Day, Preparatory group

Position: physical education instructor
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 60 "Teremok" of a combined type in the city of Belovo"
Location: Belovo city, Kemerovo region

Scenario of entertainment in the preparatory group.
Health Day!

Target: Create conditions for generalizing children’s basic valeological knowledge and developing the ability to use this knowledge for their health. Strengthen cultural and hygienic skills in children, introduce children to physical education and a healthy lifestyle.


- develop motor skills;

— develop endurance and attention in games and relay races;

- create a joyful emotional mood.

The children enter the hall to the music. They line up and greet each other.

Host: Hello guys, if we say hello to someone, what does it mean?

Children: We wish him health!

Leading. What is health?

Children's answers

Host: Who will say what it means to “be healthy?” (children's answers) Yes, you are right, this means not getting sick, playing sports and strengthening yourself, eating more vitamins and healthy foods. And don’t sit still, move more often.

Hello to all the guys!

And this word:

Love sports from an early age -

You will be healthy!

Everyone knows, everyone understands

It's nice to be healthy.

You just need to know

How to become healthy!

There is no better recipe in the world -

Be inseparable from sports

You will live a hundred years -

That's the whole secret!

Train yourself to order -

Do exercises every day

Laugh more cheerfully

You'll be healthier.

Guys, today we have gathered to celebrate Health Day.

A bright smile,

In a friendly parade

We need to start Health Day.

Let's all shout together

Hurray for Health Day! Hooray! Hooray!

To begin, we will divide into teams. The first team is “Aibolity”, the second is “Moidodyry”.

The teams introduce themselves.

  1. If someone is unwell, don't call the doctors. Our team, Aibolit, will heal everyone!
  2. Wash your neck and hands with soap. Rub your cheeks and nose to the holes. And Moidodyr will certainly praise you for this.

Host: To be in good competitive shape and in a great mood, let's do a little warm-up.

Musical warm-up “The giraffe has spots, spots are everywhere!”

Presenter: Guys, the warm-up is over, now you can move on to the main tasks. We have them in this wonderful barrel. You will need resourcefulness, ingenuity and, of course, mutual assistance.

Victory will never come on its own

Victory in the struggle is achieved

A little bit of hard work into victory

Enthusiasm, skill complements.

Are the teams ready to compete?

So, “Troubles from a Barrel.”

Problem 1 – flavor.

We have already said that to be healthy you need not only to exercise, but also to eat right and eat healthy foods.

Quiz about healthy foods. The teams take turns reading riddles.

I grow in the soil in a garden bed.

Red, long, sweet. (Carrot)

I was born to glory.

The head is white and curly.

Who loves cabbage soup

Look for me in them. (Cabbage)

Made everyone around me cry

Although he is not a fighter, but... (Bow)

Round rosy.

I grow on a branch:

Adults love me

And little children. (Apple)

The traffic light is on in the garden,

And people agree to wait,

While green...

Will not turn red (tomato)

She's in a brown uniform

There is no more satisfying vegetable in the world.

Its bush is blooming in the garden bed,

It grows under it in the ground. (potatoes)

He looks like a red ball

Only he doesn’t rush at a gallop.

It contains a useful vitamin -

This is ripe...(orange)

It's fruity and creamy,

The tastiest thing in the world!

It's in plastic jars

For adults and children. (Yogurt)

She will decorate vinaigrettes

Bright scarlet, rich color. (Beet)

He will be strong and tall

The one who drinks carrot... (juice).

There are for protection instead of hands -

Toothed head.

Harmful microbes around

I destroy cleverly.

Who doesn't know me?

I'm called... (Garlic)

The bees worked hard in the summer,

So that we can treat ourselves in winter.

Open your mouth wider

Eat fragrant, sweet... (honey)

What are these white grains?

Not grain or snowflakes.

The milk has turned sour - and on time

We got... (cottage cheese)

What kind of white water

Is he rushing from the farm to us in cans?

We found the answer easily -

It's just... (milk)

They cooked it from cereals,

Salted and sweetened.

Hey, where's our spoon?!

So delicious for breakfast... (Porridge)

A bush with a pleasant smell,

Fragrant, spicy, aromatic.

It has the shape of an umbrella,

When the seeds in it ripen.

Problem 2 – hygienic.

Host: Guys, do you know what items you need to take care of your appearance. (Children's answers) We'll check this now.

Relay race “Carry hygiene items”

Children are divided into teams. Opposite each team, against the opposite wall, there are tables on which there are various items(soap dishes, toothbrushes, combs, toys, etc.) Children need to run up to their table one by one, select a hygiene item and go back. The winner is the team that completes its task faster and without errors.

Host: Well done guys, you coped with this task very well, and I made sure that you all know the rules of hygiene.

Trouble 3 – medical.

Educational game “What is it?” The topic is medicines.

The presenter reads three words - definitions of a subject. The children's task is to name this object. You can use hints.

Round, black, activated... (charcoal)

White, sterile, gauze... (bandage)

Fluffy, white, fibrous... (cotton wool)

Bitter, analgesic, antipyretic…(tablet)

Pungent, disinfectant, transparent...(alcohol)

Sharp, thin, piercing...(needle)

Sticky, thin, calloused...(plaster)

Brown, burning, disinfectant...(iodine)

Violet, liquid, disinfectant...(potassium permanganate)

Glass, cold, mercury... (thermometer)

Problem 4 – physical education.

Balloon relay

The balloon is held between two sticks. Bring it to the landmark and return back.

Relay race “Don’t drop it”

Children take turns carrying a tennis ball on a tablespoon, being careful not to fall.

Relay race “Passing the ball over your head”

The first one passes the ball over his head to the next one, until the last participant. The last participant with the ball runs around the team and stands first.

Archery relay

Each participant runs to the finish line, where the onion lies, and tries to hit the target bucket, which is located 5 m further than the finish line.

Relay "Turtles"

Walk to the landmark and back without losing your shell (pelvis).

Problem 5 – intellectual.

Host: We have done a warm-up for the body, and now I suggest you train your brain and engage in intellectual activity.

Educational game “Is it true?”

To the answer YES, the children raise their hands up and clap their hands; to the answer NO, they stomp their feet and turn their heads.

Questions for teams.

Is it true.....

  1. What is the heart on the right side of the body?
  2. If you need to call the police, will we dial 01?
  3. What if you eat a dirty apple and wash it down with a glass of water, nothing bad will happen? The apple in the tummy will wash itself!!!
  4. What is 36.6 - normal temperature human body?
  5. Why do onions make your eyes cry?
  6. Why is blood blue?
  7. What ambulance called by number 03?
  8. Should you brush your teeth only in the morning?
  9. That a cold occurs due to hypothermia of the body?
  10. What are the benefits of using a computer for long periods of time?
  11. That vitamins from the pharmacy are completely harmless and can be eaten in any quantity?
  12. That smoking is very dangerous, and that it is harmful for children to be near a smoker when he smokes?
  13. Why should you wash your hands before every meal?
  14. Is chewing carrots and crackers very beneficial for children’s teeth?

Problem 6 – dance.

We never get bored here

It's time to start dancing

Stand in a circle together,

Hold hands together.

Boogie-woogie dance warm-up

Problem 7 – health-improving.

Massage of biologically active zones "Neboleyka"

for the prevention of colds (developed by M.Yu. Kartushina)

To prevent a sore throat, stroke your neck with soft palms.

We will stroke him boldly. movements from top to bottom.

So as not to cough, not to sneeze, with index fingers

You need to rub your nose. rub the wings of the nose.

We will also rub the forehead, apply the palms of the palms to the forehead with a “visor”

We hold the palm with the visor and rub it with sideways movements

Make a “fork” with your fingers, spread your index finger and

Massage your ears skillfully. middle fingers and rub

points in front and behind the ears.

We know, we know - yes, yes, yes! - Rub their palms against each other.

We are not afraid of colds!

Host: With this our holiday has come to an end. Be friends with sports and be healthy!

Children really need sports!

We are strong friends with sports!

Sport is a helper, sport is health,

Sport is a game, we shout - physical education... hurray!!!