Experts say that talent grows out of the interests of the child. According to psychologists, children, having reached the age of 4-5 years, and sometimes even earlier, show an increased interest in a particular activity. At the same time, musical or artistic preferences may arise even before the year. It is very important not to miss this moment and do everything to maintain interest and develop abilities that will be useful in the future.

It is generally accepted that all children are talented from birth. But this famous saying only partly true. Having been born, the child has the makings of certain abilities that must be developed. Otherwise, these natural prerequisites will not bring noticeable results. It is important to notice them in time, develop them and not let them get lost. Therefore, it would be more correct to say that talented children after all, they are not born, but become.

Experts say that talent grows out of the interests of the child. According to psychologists, children, having reached the age of 4-5 years, and sometimes even earlier, show an increased interest in a particular activity. At the same time, musical or artistic preferences may arise even before the year. It is very important not to miss this moment and do everything to maintain interest and develop abilities that will be useful in the future.

The main role here is called upon to be played by parents who spend a lot of time with the child, know him better, feel and understand him. Observing what the baby prefers to do, what games he plays, what he is interested in and what questions he asks, you can get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bit interests and abilities.

Theoretically, everything is quite simple, but in everyday life it is difficult to rise above the hustle and bustle. Children's interests and inclinations often interfere and even annoy adults. For example, few people will be happy if, on the way to the kindergarten, the son stops to watch the work of a grader or excavator. There will be even less enthusiasm about the tablet disassembled for parts.

But there is no talent without interest! And a talented child is in great need of a generous guide, directing his abilities in the right direction. Therefore, parents need to look and see, listen and hear, and it is very important not to harm.

How to help develop a child's talent

Remembering that talent- this is a higher level of abilities, it is necessary to figure out which area of ​​\u200b\u200bhuman activity the inclinations of a particular child belong to and, based on this, develop them.

A child has musical ability if he:

  • at the sound of a melody, he rushes to where it sounds, dances, smiles;
  • tries to repeat the melody heard, easily remembers it;
  • feels the rhythm
  • sings very emotionally;
  • learning to play a musical instrument;
  • composes the melody.

In order to develop musical talent the child needs to acquaint the baby with various musical works, go to concerts with him, talk about composers and musicians. For older children, you can download a program for creating music, because the element of creativity is very important.

A child has artistic ability if he:

  • likes to draw, paint or sculpt;
  • consciously combines colors and materials;
  • likes to create objects that have an applied character;
  • over time can express his opinion about works of art.

In such cases, parents can show the baby how to make interesting objects or paintings from improvised means, and thereby not only contribute to development of artistic talent child, but also to join his interests. By the way, these works can serve as a good basis for a home exhibition.

A child has athletic ability if he:

  • very energetic, agile, agile and ready to play on the playground for several hours at a time;
  • calmly treats bruises, abrasions and bumps;
  • loves various competitions;
  • physically strong;
  • prefers competition or aimless running around to reading.

Having such a child, it makes sense to introduce him to various types sports and give him a choice. In addition, in order to develop sports talent child, as well as even more unite the family, you can go to the pool, go cycling or watch sports programs on weekends with the whole family.

The literary talent of a child can be manifested in the fact that he:

  • likes to listen, read and leaf through books;
  • has a rich imagination, fantasizes and composes fairy tales;
  • has a rich vocabulary, is interested in the meaning of new words.

For further development of literary talent It is recommended to enroll your child in the library and go there with him. But the child must choose books on his own. It is appropriate to talk about literary works and their heroes. It is possible and necessary to arrange family readings aloud and compose poems, inventing rhymes.

A child has obvious artistic talent if he:

  • can speak clearly and emotionally;
  • owns expressive facial expressions and gestures;
  • likes to imitate the heroes of fairy tales, films, ordinary people, changing his voice;
  • wants and knows how to evoke emotions in people by talking about something;
  • loves to be heard.

How develop artistic talent? You can create a home theater, read children's works by roles, attend theatrical and school performances with the whole family.

A child has technical ability if he:

  • loves to assemble and disassemble mechanical objects;
  • tries to independently find the cause of the breakdown of mechanisms;
  • can repair toys, use available spare parts to assemble other crafts;
  • constructs;
  • interested in specialized literature.

Note that the ability to technology is manifested, as a rule, at the senior preschool age. Classes with the father in different technical circles or joint repair work around the house will contribute to further development of technical talent, as well as bring dad and son even closer to each other.

Ability to scientific work can be recognized if the child:

  • demonstrates a genuine interest in numbers and counting;
  • enjoys board games and puzzles;
  • disassembles toys, figuring out how they function;
  • can easily concentrate;
  • has the ability to abstract and generalize.

To develop scientific talent you need to constantly involve the child in economic activities where you need to count something. And it is also desirable to solve puzzles together with him, play Board games put together puzzles, invent math games, to build something from different geometric shapes. You can download free computer math games for the appropriate age.

What else needs to be considered when developing the child's natural abilities?

Active activity in the chosen direction will help the development of the child's abilities. An important role in this process is played not only by education and character, but also by relationships in the family.

Children's creativity is best motivated by joint activities with parents. Family holidays, hiking, excursions to museums, theaters and exhibition halls, listening to music together, reading books, playing games and much more help progress creative activity. Thanks to this, the child becomes self-confident and more prone to all undertakings. Talent will remain undiscovered when there is no trusting relationship between the child and adults. If parents are indifferent to the child's occupation, then he can easily lose interest in his hobby. But, if the family supports him, then the abilities will develop rapidly and can develop into something more - into talent.

When choosing a circle, section, studio, you need to take into account the abilities of the child, not forgetting about his passions and desires. If the baby does not have certain abilities for the occupation that adults have chosen for him, then he may develop a loser complex. The more the older generation forces the child, the more likely it is that they themselves will be dissatisfied with the results. It is very important not to make a mistake and not pass off your own choice as child's choice.

Each age period corresponds to certain skills. Already in the first two years, the child begins to show the first inclinations of creative abilities. At the age of three or four years, the baby is disposed to knowledge and willingly engages in many types of creativity. At the age of five or six, interests and abilities are formed as a result of any activities. Therefore, visiting various studios of interest is welcome. Having reached the age of seven - eight, the child, as a rule, is already determined with a passion for any one type of activity. Adolescence characterized by the formation of stable interests and independent creative thinking.

However, it is important to note that sometimes abilities are manifested not in childhood, but in adolescence. And you also need to be prepared for this.

Any competent psychologist will tell you that every person initially has some kind of talent, and you yourself have no doubt that your priceless treasure must have some kind of gift.

And this is absolutely true: all children are very talented, each has exceptional abilities, but it is the task of parents to notice them in time, and then develop and direct them in the right creative direction.

Talent or ambition of parents?

Every adult has certain lofty aspirations, but not all of them have found realization in life, so it is not uncommon for parents to try to embody them through their child, sometimes without even realizing it. How to be in this case? A wise parent will never impose his point of view on his own child, but, on the contrary, will make every effort to identify the interests of his own child and try to help him realize them.

How to discover talent?

You just need to observe the child, and then analyze his behavior: what is he interested in, what does he manage to do better than others? Maybe he draws wonderful plot pictures or deftly jumps through a rope? Then, perhaps, it is worth recording it in an art studio or a sports section.

When is parental support important?

If you notice such abilities in your child, then at this moment it is very important to support him: do not spare praise for success, support him in difficult moments. Such participation is extremely necessary for him - he will understand that his parents believe in him, and this will give him maximum confidence in his abilities. Do not be too upset if one day your child tells you that he no longer wants to do what he used to really like. Do not scold him, try to understand the reasons for such a change in mood. Perhaps this is just fatigue, or perhaps interest has been completely exhausted.

If this is not just a whim, but a conscious decision, then there is no need to aggravate the situation, but try to choose an adjacent field of activity. It is better to interest the child again than to do something that does not have a soul.

Communication with the child comes first

Active, but unobtrusive participation in the life of your child, the constant manifestation of interest in his affairs will allow the child to understand his importance and significance in the life of his family, and you will be able to notice all the disturbing moments in his life in time.

Self-reliance is important

No need to follow the child on the heels and constantly monitor him. It is much more effective to teach him to plan his own time and keep track of his affairs. Constant repeated reminders to do something are unlikely to achieve the goal, but communication on an equal footing, trust will bring positive results - the child will definitely appreciate your attitude and will be sincerely grateful to you.

We are looking for talents

Musical ability

Your toddler has musical ability if he:

  • loves to listen to music;
  • easily remembers the rhythm and the melody itself;
  • plays musical instruments with special feeling and emotions;
  • and also, perhaps, himself composes music.

Technical ability

The presence of technical abilities is signaled by:

  • the child's keen interest in various mechanisms;
  • reverent love for designers, device parts;
  • the ability to repair faulty appliances;
  • desire to draw interesting drawings;
  • special interest in technical literature.

Scientific interest

Your child has a scientist if he:

  • able to clearly and correctly express their own and other people's thoughts;
  • makes generalizations;
  • perceives abstract concepts;
  • he likes to read popular science articles and books;
  • he is constantly trying to give his explanation of various realities;
  • does not get upset if his inventions are not appreciated by adults, and after a while he tries to figure it out again in order to eliminate the shortcomings and bring his idea to perfection.

Outstanding intelligence

The presence of outstanding intelligence in your child is reported by his abilities:

  • reason consistently;
  • ease of perception;
  • excellent memory;
  • the presence of common sense, and sometimes too sober calculation;
  • observation;
  • the ability to quickly respond to new things in his life.

Talent for sports

Your child has a talent for sports if he:

  • overly energetic and constantly on the move;
  • he is not afraid of bumps and bruises;
  • he is the winner in various fights;
  • you think he has an endless battery somewhere because he never gets tired.

Artistic ability

Artistic ability takes place if the child:

  • expresses his thoughts with drawings;
  • reverently refers to works of art;
  • constantly sculpts, draws, draws, tries to make such crafts that can be used in practice - to decorate the interior or clothes.

literary talent

Your child perfectly retells the plot of the work, fantasizes about a real event, creating an unusual story out of it, and the characters in his stories are humanized and interesting, he likes to retire to write his opuses - he probably has manifestations of literary talent.

Summing up

Do not, under any circumstances, doubt your child! This is the most serious mistake that adults make, and comparison with peers who do something better than your child makes him very upset and completely discourages the desire and desire to do something. Your sincere faith in him and support will help him move mountains! And your main task is to help the child find and discover his talent.

If you want to raise an imaginative child, you must teach him to think independently. How exactly to do this and how does it help develop artistic skills? Secrets shared by Adam Grant, business school teacher, author of a psychology book and father of three.

Praise the child, not his actions

If your toddler shows you his drawing, do not tell him: “What Nice picture!" Say: "What same you talented!".
This will help the child understand that he is capable and unique, and will also push him to further develop his abilities. Need with early age help the child understand that he is doing the right thing, showing his individuality.
In this case, growing up, he will retain the power of his imagination, which is so noticeable in early childhood.

Never invent unnecessary restrictions

Recently, researchers conducted an experiment: they compared families of children with artistic skills with families where children did not show special talents.
As a result, it was found that parents in families of the second type have at least six strict rules regarding the daily order of things. In families of the first type, there are sometimes no rules at all! If you severely limit your child, he will not develop problem-solving skills on his own.
It is easier for him to follow the routine and choose the usual solutions without thinking about the alternative. However, the complete absence of rules is also not always ideal: freedom of choice and spoiledness are two different things!

Discuss everything with your child

Another study was conducted among architects. It showed that the parents of the most successful professionals used the following parenting tactics: they explained the rules of behavior to the children, telling the reasons for each of the rules and discussing everything that happened with the children, allowing them to independently evaluate their behavior.
When parents and children discuss something together, the child can explain their opinion and help parents find a solution to the problem, which in the future leads to the development of the skill to defend their point of view and strive for success.
Family discussions are also necessary for the child because in this case it is easier for him to understand the consequences of his actions and decide for himself. In addition, this way children quickly understand the laws of morality.
In short, this tactic has many advantages.

The ability or personality of a child makes it unique. Each parent longs for his beloved child a successful and vibrant life, so it is better to start identifying the giftedness and developing the abilities of a little person as early as possible.

Correct and, most importantly, timely identification of the baby's inclinations before school age contributes to their full development. How to determine that a child is endowed with outstanding abilities that will help him achieve success in any field of activity?

Who and where will reveal the child's abilities

To identify the abilities and inclinations of the child, there are three places - a kindergarten, school and, of course, the family. In this case, the main role falls on the family. Teachers of a preschool educational institution work within the framework of a specific program aimed at mass education and upbringing of children. There is little time left to determine individual qualities. And although the baby spends most of the time in kindergarten, the main role will belong to the parents.

At school, where a teenager receives a huge amount of knowledge, the same problem. The focus of the traditional curriculum on mass education leaves little room for teachers to strictly individual approach to everyone in the class.

The only place where small man gets the most attention, it's a family. It is the parents who are responsible for the timely identification and subsequent development of a new member of society with a set of unique qualities and abilities.

Remarkable fact

The story of Thomas Edison is indisputable proof that only thanks to parents a child gets a chance to become an outstanding person.

As a young boy, Thomas returned from school with a letter from his teacher. Mother could not hold back her tears when she read the letter. She even read to his son: "Your child is too brilliant for our school, so take care of his education yourself."

Many years later, going through the family archive, Thomas found a letter from a teacher to his mother. “Your son is mentally retarded. We cannot continue to teach it at school along with other children. We strongly recommend that you educate him at home” – this is what was actually written in that message.
When the truth was revealed, Thomas Edison was world famous as an inventor.

The correct approach to the child, the determination of his abilities is the main guarantee of the future successful life of a small person.

How to identify a child's abilities

There are several practical methods for identifying the unique abilities and creativity of children. The first two are more suitable for studying preschool children, the latter is relevant for working with schoolchildren.

  1. Analyzed observation. A simple method will reveal what the child shows a true interest in, and what activities bring nothing but boredom. Tip: Most often, the baby asks exactly what interests him the most. Be attentive to his questions, and you will be able to understand the range of his interests.
  2. Game observation. During the game, preschool children open up as much as possible. In a collective game, it is easy to identify leadership qualities, the ability to communicate with other children. Watching a preschool kid play with dolls or cars will allow you to understand how developed imagination and logic are.
  3. Tests, surveys. Such methods are used when it is difficult to identify the inclinations of school-age children or to reinforce previously obtained results. Parents themselves can conduct tests or surveys, it is better to consult a specialist about the results.

Abilities have nothing to do with the acquired skills and abilities of a person, but they explain the ease of obtaining them. It is thanks to individual abilities that a person becomes successful in a particular area of ​​life. Correct Definition creative inclinations of children - the key to a future happy life.

There are certain signs that will allow you to determine in which area development is more productive.

Signs of high intelligence

  • Interest in the outside world: increased attention to everything that happens. For a long time he watches a jumping frog, a running car or rain.
  • The assimilation of information in large volumes. Easily withstands reading long stories, can retell the plot, draws attention to details.
  • The desire to collect and systematize the information received. The kid asks a large number of questions about a specific event, builds logical chains, organizes information.
  • Large and rapidly growing vocabulary. Having heard the word for the first time, understanding its meaning, the child often and correctly uses this word in everyday speech in the future.
  • Analytical skills: can calculate the course of events, establish cause and effect, draw conclusions. It rained, the asphalt became wet, the color darkened, rain is water, if you pour water on the asphalt, it will darken.
  • signs critical thinking. The child does not trust a particular source, double-checks the information received. For example, after asking a question to mother and having received an answer, he approaches his father, grandmother or grandfather with a clarifying question.

Signs of expressed creative abilities

  • Use of the imagination. He likes to fantasize, adds vivid details to the story of the event, while playing with dolls or cars, he comes up with incredible stories.
  • Using intuition to solve creative problems. He did the right thing, but he cannot give a clear explanation why he made such a decision.
  • Quick reaction to events, the ability to adapt to the situation. "Changes shoes" on the go and changes its decision depending on the situation. For example, the mother did not buy a too expensive toy, the baby does not throw a tantrum, but asks to buy a cheaper option.
  • High emotionality, attention to the feelings of children or adults, the ability to empathize or share joy.
  • Showing interest in creativity - painting, poetry, music, etc. Highlights favorite authors, artists or musicians, navigates the world of creative people.
  • The tendency to analyze their feelings and actions.

Signs of sensory (practical) tendencies

  • Desire to work with hands using various materials and tools.
  • Easy assimilation of various practical skills. For boys, this is an interest in planing, soldering, constructor. In girls, this sign is manifested in the love of sewing, knitting or embroidery.
  • Increased attention and care for family members or friends, the desire to provide assistance during illness.
  • interest in mechanisms. The kid is happy to help dad with repairs various equipment, with pleasure collects a tent during a hike.
  • Special abilities, or the right way of development.

Now you understand that your child is a little keeper of unique abilities. The next step is to narrow the circle of searches and choose the path of development for the baby. Depending on the inclinations of children, specific abilities need to be developed.

The relationship of inclinations and abilities

A pronounced propensity for any calculations or measurements, the manifestation of logic in all matters, the desire to systematize data indicates a predisposition of children to the exact sciences - mathematics, physics or chemistry.

Craving for musical works, constant purring of melodies, excellent memory for musical works testify to musical abilities.

The child cannot be torn away from the book, he swallows whole volumes fiction, reads works outside the curriculum, maybe even composes himself? This speaks of creative literary abilities.

Back from kindergarten or school, the child not only tells, but also shows what happened during the day, imitates the behavior of loved ones, participates with pleasure in creative amateur performances. This is a born actor. You need to develop theatrical skills.

Usually children cannot be torn away from drawing. But if your baby spends almost everything with pencils or paints free time, loves to sculpt, and for all holidays you get a gift created by his hands, the scope of his creative abilities lies in the fine arts.

From preschool age, the child shows dexterity and dexterity, runs well, easily endures the most serious loads, he must be attributed to future brilliant athletes.

If your house has a lot of designers, and the child shows a great interest in complex mechanisms, most likely he has technical abilities.

Many friends, ease of communication not only with peers, but also with adults, the ability to establish contact even with strangers speak of communication skills. If your child feels like a fish in the water among complete strangers and easily involves them in the game, social abilities are evident.

Children may show a propensity for several areas of activity at once. Or the inclinations may not be very pronounced. If you've been watching your child long enough, but aren't sure what abilities you need to develop, a simple test will help you decide on the right answer.

Read the following statements carefully and confirm or refute them:

  1. Excellent memory for poetry and stories.
  2. The child feels your mood.
  3. The child asks cognitive questions, for example, who invented the time.
  4. Excellent orientation in the area (even in an unfamiliar area).
  5. A ballerina would envy the baby's gait.
  6. Favorite thing is listening to music.
  7. Circle of interests - the world: thunderstorm, lightning, rain, snow, etc.
  8. Perfect auditory memory: if you rearrange the words in your favorite book, he will definitely correct you.
  9. He quickly mastered tying shoelaces or riding a bicycle.
  10. You regularly become a spectator of a home theater with your favorite child in the lead role or a participant in creative evenings.
  11. During the journey, the child's attention is focused on the features of the area.
  12. Perfectly distinguishes the sound of musical instruments.
  13. Schematically depicting the area for a child is much easier than explaining in words.
  14. It accompanies most of the words and movements with active facial expressions.
  15. All toys lie in place from smallest to largest, or sorted into cabinets according to color or size.
  16. He explains his actions with the feelings that he experienced at that moment.
  17. Every day you listen to amazing stories that "happened" with your baby.
  18. Each sound heard is worthy of a commentary.
  19. In all strangers, he looks for similarities with children or adults he knows.
  20. Surprises you with a clear assessment of his strengths and capabilities (for example, I cannot carry this bag, it is too heavy).

Key to understanding

  • If you confirmed statements 1, 8, 17, the child shows linguistic abilities.
  • If you confirmed statements 6, 12, 18, the child's musical abilities are evident.
  • If you confirmed statements 3, 7, 15, your baby has mathematical abilities.
  • If you confirmed statements 5, 9, 14, your baby has sensory abilities.
  • If you confirmed statements 10, 16, 20, your baby has a tendency to self-knowledge.
  • If you confirmed statements 2, 10, 19, the basis for development is psychological abilities.
  • If you confirmed statements 4, 11, 13, topographic (spatial) abilities are pronounced.

Now you are fully armed, because you know exactly which abilities of the child need to be developed so that in the future he will reach incredible heights. The success of the child is in your hands. The main thing is not to succumb to temptation and not to instill in the child unnecessary qualities. It is by developing natural inclinations that you will achieve maximum success in its development.

Did you know that every child can become a good actor if you start developing his abilities in early childhood? True, the parents' ignorance of what first steps to take in this direction can become a stumbling block. This article will focus on how to start developing acting skills in a child at home. You will find in it information on the basis of which you can carry out at home acting classes for children, exercises for the creative development of your baby in the art of reincarnation.

To begin with, let's figure out how these skills will be useful to a little man in life. You probably have no idea how much benefit it can bring acting for kids! And the exercises , with the help of which this art is mastered, also bring kids a lot of joy, fun and creative satisfaction. Here is what a child can benefit from mastering this type of skill:

  • The child will not be squeezed and shackled at countless matinees, school events, performances in camps and circles;
  • He will learn to put himself in the place of others, will be capable of empathy;
  • Acting abilities perfectly temper character, therefore such children are usually active, sociable, have many friends;
  • If you don't know how to develop self-confidence in a child , then acting classes will also be very useful here. Children cannot do without play, reincarnation. The invented world and new images fulfill the dream of being the way you want, and this strengthens self-confidence.

The first ability to role playing appear at two and a half to three years. That's why from this age you can start little by little acting classes for children. Exercises can be quite simple at first and even organically fit into other events. If books are often read to a child, he will definitely get excited about the idea of ​​trying on the role of an affectionate kitten, a cowardly bunny, a brave bear. The task of parents at this moment is to set an interesting tone for banal dialogues and events. For example, a child wants to be a salesperson. But just buying goods is boring for both mom and her baby. Invite your child to pretend to be a disgruntled salesman. Tell us about facial expressions: frowning brows, hands on hips and other attributes of grumblers. The positive and encouraging reaction that is required from the mother at this moment will happen by itself. You'll be laughing heartily as the kids immerse themselves in the image to the max. They notice details that are not evident to an adult, up to scratching the bridge of the nose and strikingly similar intonation.

Come up with more complex puzzles in the game, for example:

  • The doctor you came to for treatment also has a toothache;
  • The train, on which the baby rides monotonously every day, suddenly left from under his very nose;
  • The cowardly hare found a magic wand and confidently approached the wolf.

The main idea that is important to convey to the child: depending on the situation, the same character can behave differently. At this moment, he is not bad and not good - he is experiencing feelings . Then the wolf becomes not angry, but lonely, bored or offended. With such an interpretation, the baby will be able to play any role in the future, including the most cunning and insidious.

How to move from a passionate game to professional mastery?

Tell your child that the acting profession is the ability to transform into a character so that everyone believes the image on stage.

The acting game is conducted with the help of several key points:

  • Speech (the most suitable intonation is selected, conveying the age, character, mood of the hero);
  • Facial expressions (one of the most difficult, but very expressive techniques in this profession);
  • Body movements, pos.

Acting for Kids: Exercises

Now you can move on to practical exercises in the art of reincarnation.

A striking example is the image of an old grandmother. Ask the young actor to play this role only with intonation, without movements.

Then show all the details of the posture and facial expressions of the grandmother: the head is slightly tilted, the back is hunched, left hand holding a wand, right ㅡ grabbed her lower back, legs slightly bent at the knees. Face ㅡ wrinkled but good-natured, with a slight smile.

Then we give the novice actor time to memorize all the elements in the pose, then we offer everyone a well-known game and say: “One, two, three ㅡ freeze the marine figure!” When pronouncing this phrase, the child does whatever he wants, and at the last word freezes in the learned pose of an old grandmother. This game ㅡ is both an interesting and challenging preparation for the first roles of a baby at home. She will help him not to get lost in acting classes, where there will be an unfamiliar environment.

The profession of an actor is of great interest to children because of the unusual atmosphere, scenery, costumes. Boys must be shown how to handle a sword, march correctly, and load a pistol. It will not be superfluous for young princesses to learn about secular manners, table setting and other feminine skills.

Why is it important to inform the child? The more he is aware of different professions, skills and behavior of certain categories of people, the less tightness he will have on stage.

How to maximize acting talent in a child?

If parents want their child to have excellent acting skills, you need to develop him in the following areas:

  • First, you need to deal with the speech of the child. Even small defects can cause large complexes and excitement on stage. You can correct the situation with the help of a speech therapist. Also encourage your child to declare poetry with expression.
  • Listen to classical music as it develops a good ear. A music school can also help children over seven years old.
  • It is also important to develop athletic form, a sense of balance, agility and ease of movement. Dancing and active games help a lot with this.
  • Even a novice actor should know his face: play in front of a mirror, take pictures and shoot on video. When viewing frames, note children's facial expressions: praise for a smile, an expressive look, and eyebrow movements.

  • Helping your child cope with fears is the last and most important point. It is necessary to inspire the child that he is unique: “Anyone can play Cinderella, and since you are nobody!” Tell them that even famous actors get nervous on stage, make mistakes and forget words, but treat it with humor.

Above, we have already touched on the topic, How to develop self-confidence in a child. Acting classes for children, exercises - themselves are a factor that strengthens self-confidence. But in any undertakings of a child, the support and faith of parents in their baby is very important. If you are the most attentive spectator of your child, he will definitely succeed!

Marina Belyaeva, an inventive mother of a cheerful son and an entertaining daughter