In our country, the state’s obligation to provide for the needs of citizens who, for a number of reasons, cannot work is defined by law. We are talking about pensioners, since in some countries such a category simply does not exist. In our country, a pensioner is a person who receives monthly allowance from a fund that was partially formed by himself.

However, this status is not always associated with advanced age. Thus, certain categories (medical workers, teachers, military personnel) may begin to receive pensions a little earlier than generally accepted retirement age. Such a pension is called preferential and has certain distinctive features, compared to labor. In order to have information on the issue of calculating payments to military personnel, you need to have an idea of ​​the procedure for providing benefits, financing, and methods for calculating length of service.

The term “length of service” itself has penetrated so deeply into colloquial speech that it is often used not always appropriately. Meanwhile, he determines that preferential length of service, which is provided to military personnel or persons equivalent to them, these are employees of the FSIN, FSB, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

You can receive a long-service pension if your military service has reached 20 years or 12.5 years, but provided that the total length of service is 25 years. In the second case, citizens receive a so-called mixed pension. An example is the case when a military man left service after 12.5 years and took a civilian position.

Who is eligible for a preferential military pension?

Informing citizens about the main provisions of the law that regulates the situation of interest is the main goal of many resources. Despite the availability of information, the Internet remains relevant thorny issues regarding military service. An effective way out of this situation is a more detailed interpretation of significant articles, presented in an accessible form for the average, legally unprepared citizen.

The first emphasis will have to be placed on who is entitled to preferential pension benefits. Key Points considered in Law No. 4468-1 of February 12, 1993, but we will briefly highlight those categories of citizens who can count on a long-service pension. Among the first to be identified are military personnel directly, except for those who are included in the ranks of the Armed Forces by conscription, these are privates, sailors, warrant officers, midshipmen and officers who have signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense. Since the Russian Federation is the legal successor of the USSR, this article also applies to military personnel who were in the ranks of the SA.

The law stipulates that preferential military service can be obtained by persons who are considered to be military personnel. Some power structures have already been listed above. It remains to add fire service employees, which have been integrated into the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. It is worth noting separately that intelligence service employees have similar rights. In the future, for simplicity, all categories will be referred to as military personnel.

Formation of length of service

Each serviceman, first of all, must independently navigate the issue of forming seniority. As a last resort, upon personal application, you can obtain information from the office or department pension fund, but this approach is associated with time costs. In addition, in order to calculate the length of service there is no need to thoroughly study Law No. 941 of September 22, 1993, because it is easier to use the main excerpts from it.

Length of service can be summed up from all terms of service, even if it took place in different units. A complete list of structures is presented in the Federal Law and unites various departments.

  • Intelligence and counterintelligence service.
  • Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service.
  • Drug control authorities.
  • Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • Government Communications Service.
  • FSO divisions.
  • Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, CIS and USSR.

The above legislative act has developed two annexes that define benefits for military personnel serving in a certain geographic area. The zones listed in the first appendix are considered the most unfavorable, which is the reason for counting one month of service as two months of service. A similar definition is provided for the content of the second application, with the difference that a month is counted as 1.5 months of service.

Training in a military or civilian specialty had and still has a number of nuances associated with taking into account length of service. The problem is that the legislation has changed since 2001, and for civilians, studying at a university no longer provides additional time to their length of service. Many people tend to transfer this situation to calculate the length of service of a military man. However, there are several situations to consider here.

  • Persons admitted to military educational institutions can sign a contract after the first year. Consequently, they are considered full-fledged military personnel and make contributions to the fund, from which payments will then be made. All years of contract service are included in the preferential length of service on a 1 to 1 basis. This means that one year of study will be counted as one year of service.
  • If a young man studied at a civilian university with a military department, and upon graduation decided to make a military career, then the period of study will be included in the mixed experience in pure form or the length of service is preferential, but will be divided in half. In simple words, 5 years of institute will be counted as 2.5 years of service.

Additional periods to military service

Often mistakes are made when trying to determine the length of service. This is due to the fact that many military personnel are not informed about various nuances, as a result of which certain periods of their calculated service are excluded, often without reason. In order to fully cover the list of additional periods, we will present them in accordance with Article 13 of Federal Law No. 4468.

  • Serving in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB. This provision is legal if the service was completed during the existence of the USSR.
  • Direct service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation or the USSR.
  • Staying in custody provided that the citizen was wrongfully prosecuted.
  • A period of absence from service provided that the dismissal was made illegally.

The procedure for calculating total length of service must necessarily take into account the conditions of service, since quite often a pensioner has more length of service than the actual length of service. This is explained by the presence of benefits that provide for a certain ratio of service life and length of service.

The coefficient can be different, from 1.5 to 3. The preferential category includes military personnel from high mountain areas or regions of the Far North. The maximum coefficient is established by military personnel who are participants in hostilities for the duration of such hostilities.

Special conditions of service include the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the service of pilots during missions, parachute jumping, and service at installations with nuclear weapons. A separate position is occupied by the calculation of length of service when women retire, because for this category of military personnel there is a maternity leave. The period of 70 days before the birth of the child and 3 years after his birth will be included in the length of service, provided that the total period of maternity leave for the entire life does not exceed 9 years.

Calculation of military pension

The monthly payment will be guaranteed only in a number of cases when the minimum length of service for a pension has been achieved. It cannot be determined unambiguously and depends on the accompanying conditions. For example, minimum experience permanent military service must be equal to 20 years, while there are valid reasons to leave the service early. Compensation will be paid to a military personnel who retires for health reasons if he has served for at least 10 years.

Organizational and staff events can lead to the disbandment of a part or an entire unit. Then the retirement of military personnel is also considered early, but not at the will of the citizens. Therefore, a fairly small lower threshold of service has been determined - 10 years.

If military personnel decided to leave service without reason and engage in civilian activities, then they can leave part of military pension under certain conditions: total experience reaches 25 years, and half of them are given to military service. This will be available when the citizen’s age allows him to receive a regular civil pension.

The issue of the minimum length of service at which one can count on receiving benefits is currently one of the most pressing. The fact is that some parliamentarians have repeatedly spoken out in favor of raising the retirement age. Basically, these proposals are made through the Ministry of Finance.

In attempts to normalize the budget after the crisis, a number of extraordinary decisions are being made that affect the interests of those who count on state support. Measures such as increasing length of service can be taken not only in law enforcement agencies, that is, for military personnel, teachers, and doctors to receive pensions, the lower limit may increase. The reaction to such steps will follow immediately, because many hold on to their jobs solely because of the small amount of service left. Realizing this, the government is in no hurry to implement this idea.

Length of service of military personnel gives the right not only to receive a bonus for the years of service a citizen has served, but also to receive a pension under special conditions. ABOUT length of service of military personnel and the procedure for calculating pensions taking into account length of service we will discuss in detail in this article.

What is the length of service for military personnel?

According to current legislation, military personnel are entitled to receive a long-service pension only in two cases:

  1. If at the time of dismissal from service the serviceman has 20 years of service or more. Moreover, this rule is also true for citizens serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the fire service or bodies of the penal system.
  2. If at the time of dismissal the serviceman’s age has reached 45 years, the total length of service is 25 years (with at least 12 years and 6 months of it given to military service) and the employee is dismissed due to reaching the age limit for being in this service, in connection with organizational - due to routine activities or health reasons. This condition will also be valid for the persons mentioned in the first paragraph.

If one of the above conditions is met, a citizen is entitled to a pension for long service. If the situation does not fall under the above, his length of service will be counted towards his total length of service. This means that the former military man will retire on the general terms provided for by pension legislation.

Amount of pension for military personnel for length of service

So, let’s say that you are a military serviceman, your situation falls under the above requirements of the law and, accordingly, you have the right to receive a pension for long service. How much will you end up getting?

If at the time of dismissal and retirement a serviceman had 20 years of service, then the amount of his pension will be ½ of the salary he received during his service. The same rule applies to persons whose total work experience is 25 years, of which 12.5 are years of service in military structures, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.

In the case where a citizen has served for more than 20 years, there will be discrepancies. So, if a serviceman has accumulated all his service in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or the armed forces, then for each year exceeding this period, he will be accrued another 3% of the amounts of monetary allowance (but not more than 85% of these amounts in total). If a serviceman has a mixed length of service (i.e., 12.5 years as a military personnel, and the rest is general labor), then for each additional year he will be accrued only 1% of the amount of his salary.

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In the total amount of monetary allowance when determining long service pensions for military personnel include:

  • salary for military position;
  • salary according to military (or special) rank;
  • long service bonus;
  • payments related to the indexation of cash benefits;
  • compensation for food, the monthly cost of the corresponding food ration.

It is important to note that the salary in this case will not include an allowance for service in high mountains, remote areas or in other special conditions. The legislator also strictly establishes that the final amount accrued to a dismissed serviceman pension provision cannot be less than 100% of the basic part of the old-age pension established at the time of its accrual to the military personnel. Base part pensions are established by the Government of the Russian Federation and special laws of the constituent entities of the state based on the current level of the subsistence level.

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Availability of required quantity years of service of a military man, although it confirms his right to receive a pension for his length of service, it does not limit his choice in favor of an old-age labor pension. In other words, a military serviceman who has retired and has the right to receive a pension for long service may refuse to receive it and receive an old-age pension on the general basis provided by law.

Is it possible to receive two pensions?

As we have already said, a military serviceman has the right to refuse a long-service pension in favor of old-age work. However, in an effort to protect social rights former military personnel, the legislator also provided for the possibility for them (as well as for employees of the State Fire Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.) to receive pensions both for length of service in the listed departments and guaranteed to every Russian labor pension by old age.

In this case, receiving 2 pensions at once is possible only if the following conditions are met:

  • a former military man must continue to work under a contract after completing military service;
  • a citizen applying for an old-age pension must first reach the age established by law (55 and 60 years for women and men, respectively);
  • the employee's total insurance experience must be at least 5 years (in accordance with current legislation, any citizen who has the required work experience is entitled to this right, provided that during this period the employer paid insurance premiums for him);
  • The right to receive a pension for length of service has been recognized for military personnel.

It is important to note that when establishing the amount of an old-age pension, the authorized state body (PFR) will not take into account the periods of activity of the military pensioner, which were taken into account earlier when applying for a long-service pension, and the periods of military service preceding the assignment of a military disability pension.

Calculation of length of service for military personnel who previously served in special conditions

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Every serviceman knows that length of service is not always calculated in calendar terms. When a serviceman serves under special conditions or performs complex tasks during his activity, a preferential calculation of length of service may be applied to him. For example, if he participated in hostilities or underwent military service in a state of emergency: each month of such work will be counted as 3 months. From the calculation of 1 for 3 it will also be calculated length of service of military personnel who took part in counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus.

The legislation also identifies other cases when the calculation length of service a serviceman will be reflected not in calendar terms, but on preferential terms. So, special attention should be paid to cases where military personnel serve and live in territories with unfavorable climatic conditions, for example in the Far North or other equivalent areas. When calculating pension benefits, the regional coefficient in force in the region should also be applied to such military personnel. Other mandatory coefficients in force in the territory of education are also subject to application. However, it should be noted that the maximum coefficient used when calculating a military pension is 1.5.

If a military pensioner is reinstated in service, the payment of his pension is suspended. Upon the next dismissal, the payment is resumed based on the length of service that will occur at the time of the last dismissal.

As you know, length of service is the length of service of military personnel and affects the size of the future veteran’s pension benefit. Salary also depends on military experience, because consists of salary And percentage increase, calculated from length of service. The calculation depends on a number of conditions and can be made both in calendar and preferential terms.

Calendar calculation of years of service

In the case of calendar calculation, a calendar day is equivalent to one day of service and includes the following periods of service in:

  • Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • SVR of Russia;
  • Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation (Rosgvardia);
  • departments of state security and the FSB of Russia;
  • railway, border, and civil defense troops;
  • divisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia;
  • other military formations of the Russian Federation.

Longevity is also considered training time(up to 5 years) in specialized educational institutions. The countdown begins from the moment of enrollment, provided that 1 year of study is equal to 6 months of service. It is worth noting that the “conscription” period is also calendar. However, if a serviceman participates in hostilities, the payment will be made on a preferential basis.

Preferential calculation of length of service

Preferential calculation means the period of service credited to larger size(a year in two, or a day in three). The legislation contains a very wide list of conditions under which a serviceman falls under preferential calculation of length of service, so we will indicate only a few of them:

  • serving as a pilot, regularly performing parachute jumps;
  • eliminating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and working in special conditions;
  • activities related to the direct use of the nuclear arsenal and work in certain structures with sources of radiation;
  • period of arrest, imprisonment or exile due to illegal conviction.

In addition, in case of service in unfavorable climatic conditions work experience will be calculated in preferential terms, taking into account the regional coefficient in force in the region.

The influence of length of service on pension provision

As already noted, military experience affects pension payments. The calculation of the length of service of military personnel, as well as the procedure for calculating payments, is carried out based on the following conditions:

  • if military experience is 20 years or more, then the serviceman is entitled to a 3% increase for each subsequent year. At the same time, the total amount of the pension with the bonuses received should not exceed 85% from previously received salary;
  • if available mixed experience of 25 years, the increase will be 1%, for each processed year.

Special attention should be paid to receiving funds from benefits. In case of dismissal, payments begin immediately upon submission of the relevant documents. At the same time, the main requirement for a serviceman is the termination of military service in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces. If the soldier is reinstated and returned to the armed forces, the pension provision will cease until the serviceman is discharged.

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However, despite the unchanged value of the reduction coefficient, in 2018 it was decided to index the pay of military personnel and persons equivalent to them by 4%. In this regard, military pensions will be increased 1.04 times January 1.

Minimum pension amount

The state-guaranteed minimum for these payments corresponds to the persons listed in paragraph 1 of Article 18 of Law No. 166-FZ and from April 1, 2017 is 5034 rubles 25 kopecks. From April 1, 2018 social pension will be indexed by 4.1%, after which it will be 5240 rubles 65 kopecks.

It happens that the amount of pension provision for citizens assigned by the state is lower living wage, determined based on the rate of price growth. If this happens, the pensioner will be assigned without a declaration.

Amount of military pensions for length of service depends on the amount of money received and, as a rule, it is quite high compared to other types of pensions, so military citizens social benefits usually not installed.

Conditions for granting a long-service pension

This type pension payments to those military citizens who have accumulated a certain amount of experience in a military position. Thus, a pension for military service (length of service) can be granted subject to the following conditions:

  • A pension is assigned to those who are discharged from military service if they have special training at least 20 years.
  • If the dismissal occurred due to reaching the service age limit - 45 years, or for health reasons or due to organizational and staffing measures (downsizing), then if there is a total length of service at least 25 calendar years(including at least 12.5 years service in law enforcement agencies), then the citizen has the right to pension provision based on mixed length of service.

If the above conditions are not met, then this type There will be no pension provision.

Deadlines for granting pensions

The pension is established from the moment of dismissal from the authorities and paid for life, or until re-entry into military service.

The appointment is made by the authorized departments of the departments in which the service took place before dismissal, upon application of the person. The application should be accompanied by the necessary documents entitling the right to increase the amount (about dependents, awards, etc.), confirming the absence of work and others, within the deadline no later than 3 months from the date of application. After receipt of all necessary documents, an appointment is made within 10 days.

Payment of pensions to military pensioners

The pension is paid through bank branches (usually through Sberbank branches) or postal services at the place of residence of a citizen living in Russia. Payment of pensions abroad is regulated by agreements with these countries.

Delivery costs are incurred at the expense of the federal budget. Pension delivery is carried out for the current month. Implementation labor activity is not an obstacle to receiving a pension, but it limits the right to a dependent supplement and additional monthly financial support.

Right to receive a second pension

Upon reaching the generally established retirement age (60 years for men and 55 years for women), military pensioners can apply for a second pension- . However, to obtain it, it is necessary to develop “civilian” experience, which is not included in the military pension.

Before 2015, the required minimum experience was only 5 years. However, with changes in legislation, since 2015 the requirements have increased annually by one year and for 2018 at least 9 years are required. Thus, by 2025, for the appointment of a second pension there will be must be 15 years old civil experience.

The size of the second payment depends on the number of years worked and earnings before 2002, as well as accrued insurance premiums since 2002, but does not provide for an increase in the payment due to the presence of dependents.

The amount of pension received will obviously be less than that of civil pensioners, since its calculation does not include a fixed payment. However, every year February 1st occurs, so its size will increase.


Pensions for military personnel stand apart in pension legislation. These payments apply only to security forces. The increase in monetary allowance significantly increased, which had a positive effect on the well-being of these individuals, increased the morale of the Army, and made service in the security forces attractive for young people.

In Russia, military personnel are paid a monthly salary under a contract. Workers in this area are also entitled to additional payments. One of them is the percentage allowance for military personnel. They also have many benefits that are not provided to people in other professions.

What does the salary consist of?

The salary consists of 2 parts. The first includes salary, which depends on the position and rank. Even a private cannot receive less than 15,000 rubles. Officers' pay is much higher, but it all depends on length of service, the level of danger of the job and other factors.

The salary of military personnel has a second part - additional payments. Their peculiarity is that they are paid only to certain categories of workers. Usually some conditions must be met. The calculation of additional payments is set as a percentage, but sometimes it is calculated in salaries.

Types of allowances

The second part of the salary may consist of the following types of allowances:

  • percentage bonus for length of service for military personnel: if military service lasts more than 24 months, then these types of payments begin and increase over time;
  • for qualifications: confirmation of professionalism is required, and this requires passing tests;
  • activities with state secrets: it is paid to an officer who has passed the FSB check and also received the required level of access;
  • for special merits: the law on military personnel includes information about the categories of employees who are entitled to additional payments;
  • for dangerous activities associated with risks to life and health: diving, exercises, parachute jumping;
  • achievements in service: the relevant ministers themselves set the conditions, amount and rules for providing bonuses; it is also called “personal bonus”;
  • conscientious service: equal to 3 salaries per year;
  • financial assistance: provided once a year in the form of salary.

Officers are also provided with incentives when receiving state awards, when serving in difficult climates, Far North, in other countries. Each salary increase serves to motivate employees to work efficiently.

Length of service

The allowance of military personnel includes an allowance, which is calculated as a percentage of the salary. Its size is influenced by the service life in a particular structure, as well as in their totality. The size of the entire salary depends on this.

Thus, the percentage is added to the salary, and the region of the Russian Federation may be added to the total amount, for example, due to service in the bonus, a bonus is considered, and then income tax is calculated.

Calculation of allowance

The percentage bonus for length of service for military personnel is the same as for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But it differs from what is required for civilian personnel. The Law on Military Personnel states that the bonus is calculated based on length of service:

  • if the work lasts 2-5 years, then 10% is added;
  • 5-10 years - 15%;
  • 10-15 years - 20%;
  • 15-20 years - 25%;
  • 20-25 years - 30%;
  • from 25 years old - 40%.

The percentage bonus for length of service for military personnel is determined by duties and location of service. For employees of flight organizations included in the crew of helicopters, if they take part in tests, 1 month is counted as 2.

Other military personnel receive a special bonus. For example, if the work involves skydiving, then 1 month is 1.5. The same applies to the military, who are associated with warships and boats. Based on these rules, the salaries of military personnel are calculated.

Features of military pensions

The bonuses are provided not only to working military personnel, but also to retirees. When calculating benefits, length of service as well as injuries sustained are taken into account. Based on the legislation, the age at which you are entitled to receive a pension is determined:

  • 45 years old - women;
  • 50 - rank and file;
  • 55 - captains;
  • 60 - middle generals;
  • 65 - senior command staff.

To retire, you need to work for 20 years. The benefit is determined in the following amounts:

  • if the length of service is 25 years, then 50% of the salary;
  • for each year over 25 years, 3% is charged;
  • the total amount cannot be more than 85%.

The calculation of military pensions based on legislation can be established in other ways:

  • if there is civil experience, then 1% per year is added to 50%;
  • in case of disability, 85% of the salary is accrued;
  • if disability occurs due to illness, then the pension will be 75% of the salary;
  • to the families of military personnel, if they died during hostilities - 40%, and when the death is not related to these events, then 30%.

The calculation takes into account annual indexation, which is approved by the president of the country. It turns out that the pension of the military is quite high compared to civilian personnel.

Other benefits for military personnel

In Russia, military personnel are considered a special category of citizens, since they are provided with many additional benefits:

  • Housing: housing is provided for the period of military service, as well as for permanent residence;
  • education: in and also after it there are advantages of enrollment in educational institutions;
  • medical services: military personnel, as well as family members, are offered free medical and rehabilitation services in sanatoriums;
  • food and things: certain categories of employees are given food rations, and clothing provision involves the issuance of field uniforms;
  • free travel: military personnel can go on vacation every year, as well as on a business trip to a new place of work, without paying for it;
  • pension: compared to civilians, military personnel can retire at the age of 45 if they have 20 years of service;
  • life and health insurance: in the event of death while performing military work, the family is given 3 million rubles.

With dismissal, if the employee is found unfit for work or injured, 2 million rubles are issued. Thanks to so many benefits, many choose military service.

Advantages and disadvantages of working as a contract soldier

If you want to enlist in the military, you need to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of the job. This will allow you to make the right choice:

  • this employment is profitable, especially if there is no prestigious job in towns and villages;
  • provided social package, benefits, stable pay, which is not offered at all jobs;
  • service in the RF Armed Forces is comparable to regular service, and therefore differs from urgent service, where there are many restrictions.

The disadvantages include:

  • health risk;
  • life according to the rules;
  • psychologically difficult work;
  • business trips, life in the field.

As can be seen from the calculations, the military receives a high income, as well as a pension. The work is promising, because no other profession provides so many privileges.