A gentle rose fell into your palm to give you many bright and joyful moments. A child came from heaven to your home, but he did not yet have any support or support in heaven, and now, the word rose plunged into water, your daughter received baptism and a mentor angel in heaven. May luck never leave her life, and may a kind but fair fairy live in her soul, who will give her many joyful moments, happiness in her personal life, wealth and luck on her life’s path, as well as a lot of success and lucky coincidences on your life’s path and on her path that the girl has to go through. May your daughter’s talents bloom like bright peonies and rose petals, and may luck smile on her in all her endeavors, like the full moon above the horizon on a full moon.

Our daughter, today
A very important day in life!
The power of the Lord is upon you,
Enter God's canopy in peace!
We want to be obedient
Always live according to God,
Don't remain indifferent
Never in this life!

Baptism day is a wonderful day
Daughter, we want you
I entered the temple! Heavenly Father
May all your dreams come true!
Let godmother teach
The godfather will also give advice,
A ray of Christian faith
May good light always shine!

You will enter the temple today,
You will find faith in God!
Daughter, will you now
Under protection, believe me!
God will not leave you in trouble,
But he will ask you strictly for your sin!
You, dear, don’t sin
To save the soul!

Christening is a holiday for the soul,
Second, perhaps, birthday.
Mother, hurry up and set the table,
Father, please accept congratulations!
Let your daughter grow
For your joy, for your own good,
Let her not know worries,
He moves through life with a firm step!

Let this day remain in our hearts,
We have a special ritual of christening.
And somewhere in the distance, on the clouds,
Let them write down these name days.
Let your daughter grow up smart
May life give her luck and happiness,
Let her be lucky in whatever she does,
And he will not recognize grief and bad weather.

We wish you, parents,
Do not offend the child
Do you want it or don't you want it?
We'll have to educate
A worthy member of society,
And put in a lot of effort
So that there is loneliness in life
Never survive.

We want our family of friends
Congratulate your daughter on her christening!
We wish you more children,
So that you don't have a sleepless night,
So that your daughter makes you happy,
She grew up smart and kind,
So that every day and every hour
I was surprised by something good.

On the day of your daughter's baptism
I want to wish you:
Not a single sleepless night,
Never lose heart.
To be smart, to be brave
And grew persistent
To achieve everything,
So that she can do everything!

Sanctification of the Holy Spirit
May he protect and keep you
After all, you were born for great happiness
For love that burns like a lamp.
That always lights the way,
What is light, and kind, and warmth,
What helps to understand and forgive,
What brought you into this world.
Be healthy, beautiful, cheerful,
Be lucky, brave, simple,
with a pure heart and sincere words,
We protect you as an Angel of God!

Parents, congratulations!
You baptized your daughter today!
We wish you comfort in your home,
To raise my daughter with dignity,
So that your baby grows up
And your dreams came true
So that life is not easy book
It was easy and calm to read!

Daughter is your beautiful flower,
Warm, gentle breeze.
What did God bring you for happiness?
Everything is in his love and power.
Let the "flower" grow beautiful,
Kind, smart, gentle, sweet.
Let's drink to the girl so that her life
Was filled with the light of joy!

(Name), purest soul,
From now on you are a child of the Lord.
Having said a prayer over you,
Father washed you in the font.
And the Christian faith is yours.
All the angels have flown around you.
Fate is entrusted to their protection,
The Lord is with you from now on forever.
And godparents of your mother and father
Read to the very end:
They vouched for you before God,
Your sins are their fault on their conscience.
Dear mother and father! godmother to you
From now on they are like brother and sister.
Love the baby together.
In spirit, you are all close hearts.

Today your girl was baptized,
We want to wish you good luck,
So that she is raised in affection and love,
Always love, pity and understand.
So that your daughter is a worthy person
Ever entered adult life,
So that the Lord rewards her with success,
And he rewarded you for your good deeds!

Christenings of small children -
Great celebration of honors!
For a tiny baby
Both the heart and soul sing.
Church bell ringing
Maybe he won't remember
But we will capture this hour
How most joyful for us!

On the day of your child's christening
I want to wish you
Only the best and most important -
Do not know troubles and sorrows,
Happiness, love and joy to you,
So that your family grows,
Life brought sweets,
Were true friends!

There is a special ritual in Rus',
His name is christening.
Let sadness and anger pass by,
Let the worries go away
Let your little daughter
Lives in abundance, like a princess,
Grows like an angel -
Sweet, beautiful and gentle.

May your daughter grow up happy
It becomes more beautiful from year to year,
Always gives you smiles,
And he never gets sick.
Let her be a wife and mother,
It really gives me pleasure
With all my heart I want to wish
For your daughter, for the day of her baptism!

Be happy and protected by God
From grievances, doubts and losses.
No matter how fate turns the road,
Stay loving and believe.
We are sad in the distance, of course,
We love you very much, we pray for you,
So that the Lord, great and eternal,
Save you from all sorrows

From time immemorial the news cannot be counted,
But it is known that from time immemorial
No news is better than news
About the birth of man.
A man cried to laugh
A man lives his first hour,
Man was born to rise
Live, fall in love, beaming with joy.

Baby in lace clothes
There is hope for parents
Joy, tenderness and love,
So to speak, both flesh and blood.
On this important Epiphany Day,
God's blessing
Bright Angel above you
Protects your peace.
Dad, mom, your child
Both fun and reward.
It's heaven for the heart, and for the soul
All worries are good!

Have your friends or relatives decided to baptize their daughter? They will be pleased to receive beautiful and warm congratulations from you on this joyful day on the baptism of the girl. This solemn church ceremony symbolizes the acceptance of the child into the number of believers. It is believed that after this he will be assisted higher powers, including his guardian angel.

Poems dedicated to the baptism of a girl

The sun looked out the window,
Well, we haven’t slept for a long time -
We are preparing our baby
For the christening ceremony.

You will be in a white outfit -
In ruffles, bows, lace.
Looking at such beauty,
Everyone in heaven will gasp.

On the day of spiritual birth
A beam of light will shoot up.
Wishes, congratulations...
Just don't cry!

May the angel cover you
From adversity and from insults,
And the Lord, by his will
Will protect and preserve!

On the day of your daughter's baptism
I want to wish you:
Not a single sleepless night,
Never lose heart.

To be smart, to be brave
And grew persistent
To achieve everything,
So that she can do everything!

Today was a particularly good day,
All the relatives hurried to visit the baby,
After all, today is her christening day,
And it’s even more important than the name day.

The Lord blessed her from heaven,
Bestowed with good health and good luck,
And she will grow up very happy,
With an honest soul and a beautiful appearance.

This page of our website presents warm and touching words for congratulations on the baptism of a girl in verse and prose. They can be written on a postcard, sent as an SMS, in an email, or posted on social networks.

Today is an unusual day - an angel has descended from heaven,
He took the baby under his wing and wove grace into her braids.
On the day of christening, I wish happiness to the golden girl.
May the Lord generously bestow tenderness and kindness!

Let the cross that they put on the princess on this day
It will protect you from troubles and pain, and erase the shadow from your life.
May the baby be healthy, may it grow to the joy of everyone,
May every day bring her only joy and inspiration!

Mom dressed up the baby
In rompers and booties.
Mom saw her daughter off
Light candles for God in church.

The godfather and godmother were in church,
The little angel was christened.
You are now dear to us,
God-baptized daughter.

We wish you in life
Be lucky, happy!
And let everyone consider you
The best, dear people.

Congratulations on the baptism of a girl in verse or prose

Christening is a wonderful occasion to congratulate the child’s parents on this bright holiday and wish their baby health and happiness. If creative talents If you don't have enough, you can take advantage of our help and use congratulatory verses for the baptism of a girl.

Parents, congratulations!
You baptized your daughter today.
We wish you comfort in your home,
To raise my daughter with dignity,

So that your baby grows up
And your dreams came true
So that life is not an easy book
It was easy and calm to read!

For christening good weather
He predicts a smooth path for the baby.
Nature smiles at her,
The sky blesses the child on this day!
We send congratulations to the child,
Let the angel protect him with his wing.
We wish you happiness and success,
May he always bring smiles to your home!

To my beloved girl
I wish for baptism
More of the most better days,
Such a mood
So that you want to do everything,
So that life is wonderful,
And never lose heart,
Live an interesting life!
Congratulations on the girl's baptism.

Let the luminous purity
My goddaughter is shining!
And God's strong hand
Keeps it forever
Time goes by in life.
May the bright angel lead
Her to a spiritual, wondrous paradise!
And let the cross protect
Her from evil and from anxiety,
Trouble won't come to your doorstep!
And the sun will only shine
And illuminate our path with light!

Christening is a cheerful and joyful holiday,
The girl has a godfather and a godmother,
A pectoral cross is a mandatory gift,
Who will protect you throughout your life, baby.
I sincerely congratulate you on your christening,
I wish the girl good luck, happiness and health!
May a lucky star accompany you on your journey,
And may your cherished dream always come true.

My wonderful baby
My bright angel, unearthly,
Even if you are still just a child,
Wrapped in a hundred swaddling clothes,
You don't know life differently.
I want to congratulate you on your christening
On this bright day I love you
And wish you smiles, happiness,
Love from parents, warmth!

Daughter is your beautiful flower,
Warm, gentle breeze,
What God brought you for happiness -
Everything is in his love and power.
Let the flower grow beautiful
Kind, smart, gentle, sweet!

The world suddenly lit up with light -
An angel has appeared in the house!
He makes us all smile.
Cheerful laughter will sound in the house,
The clatter of feet, a ringing voice,
Blossom, our joy, like a flower!
Let the blessing descend
On this bright holiday - the day of baptism!

Baptism is one of the seven sacraments that are performed in Orthodox Church- gives hope that in the future the girl will be able to avoid adversity and suffering, and her life will be happy. From this day on, the Lord and the angels take the child under their protection. On this wonderful day, send your child’s parents congratulations on the girl’s baptism, which are presented on our website.

Congratulations on the baptism of your charming daughter, who has now found protection in the form of the Lord, her guardian angel and her godparents! Now the girl can live in harmony with herself and the people around her, and know that everything in her life will definitely work out successfully. I wish her and you happiness and peace of mind, faith in a bright future and optimism, strength and health. Let your charming daughter grow up healthy and energetic, self-confident and purposeful, smart and beautiful. And may the Christian faith contribute to the development of kindness and honesty, and an understanding of the true values ​​of our world. Please accept my sincere and heartfelt congratulations!

Dear friends! Today is one of the most important days in your baby’s life, because she received the sacrament of baptism. Now she is under the protection of her guardian angel, who will always be there, protect the child from all troubles and adversity, and guide her on the right path. Now parents also have an invisible, but such an important assistant in raising their little daughter. Let the baby grow up to be a healthy, cheerful and happy girl! There is still a lot of unknown and new things ahead of her. Under the protection of heaven, all roads will be open to her and safe routes will be provided. May your family be happy, happy holiday to you!


Congratulations on your christening! Let the guardian angel always be near the baby, protect him from evil and disease. May there be grace and joy in your home. May the Lord protect small miracle and give him a good fate!

So may God help her in everything,

Congratulations on your daughter's baptism!
With God blessing her,
Let good dreams sees at night
In the morning, the world lights up with joy!
To choose the true path in life,
Along the way I met only happiness.
And, as in childhood, she laughed and jumped,
Warding off bad weather with kindness.

I sincerely congratulate the baby, parents and godparents on the christening! May life be bright and happy, may your days be filled with God's grace and pleasant events. Health and all the best!

Let that day remain in our hearts,
We have a special ritual of christening.

Let them write down these name days.

And he will not recognize grief and bad weather.

And there is no more wonderful and beautiful baby.
So may the Lord help her in everything,
May he protect her happiness!

Grow up very smart and the most beautiful,
To be healthy, of course, to be smiling,
And mom and dad are madly in love!

Your daughter's baptism -
So please accept my congratulations
On this important, bright holiday!
We wish you various blessings,
Well, my daughter needs to grow up,
And may the angel be with her on the way
And will support and save,
And it will bring good luck!

For your daughter's christening,
Golden angel
Please accept congratulations,
Get some treats!
May God help her
On any of life's paths!
I wish her happiness
And health and goodness!

On this special day, on the day of initiation into the sacrament of baptism, I congratulate you with all my heart! May your guardian angel illuminate the path of life and protect you from everything bad. May your health be good and your soul bright. Happy christening, prosperity, great happiness and love.

Your daughter was baptized today,
We want to wish you good luck,

We wish you more children,
So that you don't have a sleepless night,
So that your daughter makes you happy,
She grew up smart and kind,
So that every day and every hour
I was surprised by something good.

Parents, congratulations!
You baptized your daughter today!
We wish you comfort in your home,
To raise my daughter with dignity,
So that your baby grows up
And your dreams came true
So that life is not an easy book
It was easy and calm to read!

Let your daughter grow up happy,

Always gives you smiles,
And he never gets sick.

With all my heart I want to wish

You baptized your daughter today,
Let him grow up healthy
So that you are proud of your daughter,
Let her beauty bloom.
Let him glorify his parents
With her own strength, she
We would like to congratulate you on your christening!
We'll drink to the dregs for her.

On this day you baptized your daughter,
I congratulate you on this bright event.
Let her grow more beautiful from year to year,
Kinder and happier in this life.

Congratulations on a significant event in the baby’s life - christening; may the guardian angel always protect him with his wing from troubles and difficult situations. We wish you a bright destiny, a smooth path in life, health and a happy childhood!

Let him protect you from trouble and failure,
Let her dearest daughter will,
Beloved, loving, let her be, no less.

Baptism of a pretty little one.
From now on, your daughter and the angel are together,
And without his protection - not a minute!
I wish the little girl would grow up
Beautiful and smart, of course.
Let her be lucky in everything, let everything succeed,
Life is easy, bright and carefree.

As wise people taught,
Dipping the girl into the font,
You handed it over to the Lord -
And the world rose up, blossomed, and sang!
And we will not hide our admiration,
Showing off your feelings:
My daughter's baptism has taken place,
With which we congratulate you!

Your daughter has today
Great and very important day!
She is with the baptism of the Lord
She entered God's holy canopy.
Let her grow up obedient
To the joy of all my relatives,
Will never be indifferent
Lives with dignity on earth.

Your sweet little one has been christened!
We are happy for you, dears!
Along with the baby's baptismal name
An angel has appeared in the sky above!
Let the baby be healthy and beautiful,
Let her entire life be happy!
Let the girl grow up to your joy,
Having known the holiness of this sacrament!

Congratulations on your christening! May the baby's guardian angel always protect him and lead him through life on the brightest path. So that there are only happy moments and successful days in his life.

Our daughter, today
A very important day in life!
The power of the Lord is upon you,
Enter God's canopy in peace!
We want to be obedient
Always live according to God,
Don't remain indifferent
Never in this life!

Baptism day is a wonderful day
Daughter, we want you
I entered the temple! Heavenly Father
May all your dreams come true!
Let godmother teach
The godfather will also give advice,
A ray of Christian faith

You will enter the temple today,
You will find faith in God!
Daughter, will you now
Under protection, believe me!
God will not leave you in trouble,

You, dear, don’t sin
To save the soul!

Christening is a holiday for the soul,

Father, please accept congratulations!
Let your daughter grow

Let her not know worries,
He moves through life with a firm step!

We have a special ritual of christening.

Let them write down these name days.

And he will not recognize grief and bad weather.

We wish you, parents,
Do not offend the child
Do you want it or don't you want it?
We'll have to educate
A worthy member of society,
And put in a lot of effort
So that there is loneliness in life
Never survive.

We want our family of friends

We wish you more children,
So that you don't have a sleepless night,
So that your daughter makes you happy,
She grew up smart and kind,
So that every day and every hour
I was surprised by something good.

On the day of your daughter's baptism
I want to wish you:
Not a single sleepless night,
Never lose heart.
To be smart, to be brave
And grew persistent
To achieve everything,
So that she can do everything!

Parents, congratulations!
You baptized your daughter today!
We wish you comfort in your home,
To raise my daughter with dignity,
So that your baby grows up
And your dreams came true
So that life is not an easy book
It was easy and calm to read!

Daughter is your beautiful flower,
Warm, gentle breeze.

Everything is in his love and power.

Kind, smart, gentle, sweet.

We want to wish you good luck,

Christenings of small children -
Great celebration of honors!
For a tiny baby
Both the heart and soul sing.
Church bell ringing
Maybe he won't remember
But we will capture this hour
How most joyful for us!

On the day of your child's christening
I want to wish you
Only the best and most important -
Do not know troubles and sorrows,
Happiness, love and joy to you,
So that your family grows,
Life brought sweets,
There were true friends!

There is a special ritual in Rus',
His name is christening.
Let sadness and anger pass by,
Let the worries go away
Let your little daughter
Lives in abundance, like a princess,
Grows like an angel -
Sweet, beautiful and gentle.

Always gives you smiles,
And he never gets sick.

With all my heart I want to wish

From grievances, doubts and losses.

Stay loving and believe.
We are sad in the distance, of course,
We love you very much, we pray for you,

Save you from all sorrows

From time immemorial the news cannot be counted,
But it is known that from time immemorial
No news is better than news
About the birth of man.

Baby in lace clothes
There is hope for parents
Joy, tenderness and love,
So to speak, both flesh and blood.
On this important Epiphany Day,
God's blessing
Bright Angel above you
Protects your peace.
Dad, mom, your child
Both fun and reward.
It's heaven for the heart, and for the soul
All worries are good!

It becomes more beautiful from year to year,
Always gives you smiles,
And he never gets sick.
Let her be a wife and mother,
It really gives me pleasure
With all my heart I want to wish
For your daughter, for the day of her baptism!

We have a special ritual of christening.
And somewhere in the distance, on the clouds,
Let them write down these name days.
Let your daughter grow up smart
May life give her luck and happiness,
Let her be lucky in whatever she does,
And he will not recognize grief and bad weather.

Daughter is your beautiful flower,
Warm, gentle breeze.

Everything is in his love and power.

Kind, smart, gentle, sweet.

Our daughter, today
A very important day in life!
The power of the Lord is upon you,
Enter God's canopy in peace!
We want to be obedient
Always live according to God,
Don't remain indifferent
Never in this life!

We want our family of friends
Congratulate your daughter on her christening!
We wish you more children,
So that you don't have a sleepless night,
So that your daughter makes you happy,
She grew up smart and kind,
So that every day and every hour
I was surprised by something good.

We want to wish you good luck,
So that she is raised in affection and love,
Always love, pity and understand.
So that your daughter is a worthy person
Ever entered adult life,
So that the Lord rewards her with success,
And he rewarded you for your good deeds!

On the day of your daughter's baptism
I want to wish you:
Not a single sleepless night,
Never lose heart.
To be smart, to be brave
And grew persistent
To achieve everything,
So that she can do everything!

Christening is a holiday for the soul,

Father, please accept congratulations!
Let your daughter grow

Let her not know worries,
He moves through life with a firm step!

Our daughter, today
A very important day in life!
The power of the Lord is upon you,
Enter God's canopy in peace!
We want to be obedient
Always live according to God,
Don't remain indifferent
Never in this life!

Baptism day is a wonderful day
Daughter, we want you
I entered the temple! Heavenly Father
May all your dreams come true!
Let godmother teach
The godfather will also give advice,
A ray of Christian faith

Child baptism is one of the most important sacraments of Orthodoxy. This ritual has enormous power, and its main result is known: the baby finds his guardian angel. If you witness this great miracle, then be sure to prepare words of congratulations for the parents: it doesn’t matter whether it’s poetry or prose, the main thing is from the heart.

Congratulations on baptism in prose

From the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate you on your baby’s baptism. May this child be destined to experience a million bright events and happy moments. May he never know what sadness and adversity are. May the guardian angel whom he found today protect and protect him. And you, parents, remain as young and strong to show this baby the world in all its glory! Congratulations!
This wonderful event has happened! From this day on, your baby is under the most reliable protection - the protection of God! May there be no disappointments, adversities and falls on his path. May God and the guardian angels hear your prayers and give your baby health and cheerfulness. Please accept our sincere congratulations!
The christening of this little angel is a wonderful holiday! We would like to wish him a happy and long life, may he always be blessed by God, and may his faith be sincere. He has a whole life ahead of him, full of joys and sorrows. So let him learn to appreciate joy, and let him perceive sorrow with fortitude and dignity. Happy christening!
Wonderful baby, today you have found your little angel, who will never tire of working to keep you healthy, happy and successful. He will cover you with his wings at the right moment and illuminate the right path. There will be only joy, beauty and carefreeness in your life, and also boundless love godparents. Congratulations!

Congratulations on the christening of a girl

Today to your sweet girl
An angel descended from the heights of heaven.
And a small cross on a chain
Conducts her into the good world of her miracles!

I congratulate you on her christening,
May her life be filled with goodness!
May Jesus himself lead you through life
Your baby at night, even during the day.


A daughter, they say, is then born into a family,
When God wants to give a compliment to mom!
Your daughter is simply a miracle that comes true!
We congratulate you on your christening at this moment.

After all, now she is under God’s protection,
So may your baby be lucky in life!
Any doors will be open for her,
And luck will certainly give you a gift!


Today you baptized the sun’s daughter,
You gave her life, love and kindness!
Let troubles never await you in your life,
But only warmth, inspiration, comfort!

God bless her sinless soul
In the heat of summer, in the cold of winter!
May her spirit always be calm,
May life be full of love and hope!


Dear goddaughter!
Let life be fun
And the sun is shining,
You are my good one!

The eyes will be bright
Smiles are only greetings,
All thoughts are not boring,
Life is prosperous!

Grow up for joy
Mom and Dad! Goodness,
Happiness and luck,
Good luck, have fun!

This day is solemn
Accept greetings:
From the heart - with christenings,
Kind and sweet!


Bright eyes and berry lips,
Soon she will wear dresses, skirts,
And today, your little daughter
For the first time he will wear a chain with a cross.
Holy water will sprinkle her face,
And all the misfortunes and sorrows will melt away.
She will find a guardian and holiness,
Congratulations on achieving this joy!


With christenings, happy parents!
We wish you, your daughter, happiness.
The baby is growing strong and healthy,
It gets more beautiful day by day!
Let the baby have a sound sleep,
From now on, an angel protects her.
Let your hearts beat in unison,
Love and happiness are preserved in the home!

Congratulations on the christening of a boy

A wonderful holiday of the sacrament of baptism
And now an angel is assigned to the baby.
May his life be filled with inspiration,
May his fate be wonderful.

May baptism give all the good things,
And let his godparents teach him kindness.
And most best boy this one will become
Let the clouds not float over him.


Your wonderful baby has come into the world,
And finally, the time has come to baptize him!
We wish him to achieve everything in life,
In the meantime, I slept from night until morning,

So that neither childhood illnesses would disturb him,
I've never been in a bad mood in my life.
Let the excellent boy have an interesting life,
He is his parents' dream come true!


On this bright and beautiful holiday,
On the first holiday after your birthday,
On Christening Day I wish you light and happiness
Good luck, love and luck to the boy!

May the heavenly angel protect him,
May your soul always be at peace!
May luck be constant
Life was worthy of him!


You have become stronger in spirit,
More beautiful body!
Let me breathe easier
Dream more boldly!

Neither trouble nor sorrow
Don't let them hurt you!
Lots of happiness to you,
Joy without end!

May your christening
Will be a vigorous start
To beauty and peace:
Enjoy the fart!

Let everything be interesting
I succeed in life
And, as in a good song,
Life is good!


There is a hero in your house - no matter where!
His years have just begun.
He is now protected from all harm,
An angel of God dedicated a vow to him.
Therefore, please accept congratulations
He will be happy and blessed.
You couldn't find a happier baby in the world,
Than a child whose soul is baptized!

Short congratulations on your baptism

The sacrament of baptism is one of the most important days, both in the life of the baby and in the life of his parents. Yours is just getting to know the world, and one of his first acquaintances is his acquaintance with God. May your home be filled with care, tenderness and love, and may the Lord always remember you!


With all my heart I want to congratulate you on your christening and sincerely wish you good luck and strong faith, great hopes and a bright path, happiness and life’s grace, generous gifts of fate and heaven’s protection.

Cool congratulations on your baptism

Snoring, sleeping in the cradle
Charming baby.
Funny, serene.
It’s wonderful to lie there like that.
Our unearthly joy,
May the angel protect you
All my life from troubles and evil.
Drives away all misfortunes
A wing from you.
Joy, happiness, luck,
Good luck! Happy sacrament of baptism!

Congratulations on the baptism of a child in your own words

This bright and joyful day has come. The baby became an Orthodox believer and found his little angel! I would like to wish that the path of life is kind and happy, that along the way you meet only true friends and good people so that fate bestows great love and good health.


A big and significant event has happened in your life, dear parents! You didn't just give life little man, you have opened pure faith for him. Let the guardian angel help the baby faithfully, timely and reliably. Let there be no difficulties and adversities, but only light and happiness. Happy christening!

Today your baby's soul is on the right path. I would like to wish that your bright angel will always be there and take away all the troubles and tears. And let the heart always know the right direction and never make mistakes in its choice. Congratulations!

Happy christening! We wish the baby to grow up smart and strong to the delight of his parents. May he live the happiest in the world, may the angels follow him everywhere, always protecting him from sorrow and misfortune. We wish the world to always be kind to the baby and those around him.

Congratulations from the godmother at the christening

I became a godmother today
Adorable little daughter!
It seems to have become more serious
From this very moment...
I promise I will definitely
To help her through life.
And your status is inspired
Constantly confirm!


Before God in a quiet church
I became a godmother...
So for the little princess
Don't feel sorry for yourself...
Your goddaughter baby
I promise to keep it.
From everything that is too much in life
It might do some harm...


My beloved goddaughter,
Today is a joyful day for us!
I became a happy mother
Not native, but named by God.
I want to promise my parents
Help raise a beauty.
Let him be obedient and sweet
She's trying to grow up!

It's so flattering to be called godmother,
And I had the chance to become her...
I promise to be serious
Help the baby with everything!
So that she could one day
Ask for advice or help.
And she knew they wouldn’t refuse her here...
I always vow to love her!


The christening took place for the named daughter,
The event is celebrated by the family.
From now on I became the child’s godmother,
I made a vow under the arches of the church...
I promise my baby from the bottom of my heart
Always be a friend like that
What will help and will not scold you,
Support with a reliable hand!

Congratulations to the godson at the christening

The sun is clear, a bright flower,
Our sweet baby, godson, son!
Passed the test of baptism with honor!
Your sonorous laughter gives us inspiration.

We wish you health, smiles, warmth,
May your mother always be with you,
So that everyone grows up healthy and strong to the joy of everyone,
So that you comprehend the world with leaps and bounds.

So that you always achieve what you have in mind,
He remained himself, did not break himself!
And so that he never forgets his father's house
And your place at the family table.


I have never seen a boy more serious
You are so wise, beyond your years.
I will gladly fulfill my duty as a godmother -
And I will give you the warmth of my soul!

Growing up in a good atmosphere,
Be prepared for surprises and miracles!
Be talented to the fullest
Where you decide for yourself!

Congratulations on christening to parents in verse

Congratulations on your Son's baptism!
Let the Guardian Angel walk nearby!
From this day on, let it fly by
The thing that brings us grief and tears!
Let only joy and happiness surround you!
Peace in the soul and smiles in the eyes!
Let your son not know bad weather,
He now has an angel in heaven!


You have passed Communion three times,
(You have passed Communion three times)
Have you learned the Sacrament of Baptism,
(I learned the Sacrament of Baptism)
And in the ritual of Ablution
The soul has undergone Purification.
God will help you in everything,
He will live in your heart,
Appearing with every new day
In your blessing!


No baby your year,
But already in holy water
The daughter was immersed.
Baptized in the Temple of God!
From sins and all misfortunes
Protect only in God's power!
God protects my daughter now,
She is favored from heaven!


Congratulations on your Epiphany
Your own son!
For Holy Communion
The important reason was:
Born of love in a family,
It will be your child now
by God's word protected
From sins from the cradle!


Congratulations on your Epiphany!
It is carried out once in a lifetime.
Having washed with holy water,
Live with a pure soul!
Sins are forgiven before God,
So be faithful to your duty
Take the bright path in life,
There's no turning back!


The sun shines brightly at its zenith,
Everyone gathered, relatives, friends.
Everyone is talking, loudly, hotly,
“You will be dad, I will be mom”

The second is called his birth.
There is a small cross on the young body
He will reveal the secret on the day of Epiphany,
Our beloved child is a godson.

Happy baptism! We wish you all the best!
Let the heart warm with warmth,
May God help you take a step
And he never backs down.


Did the press receive notice?
What is the reason for the news here -
That baptism took place in your family,
That is, communion with God's hand?
Oh, you decided to call only your own?
Right! In spite of the grumbling
This is an intimate moment, not for everyone;
You are truly family now!
Congratulations! And your child
May success accompany you in everything!


Today is the sacrament of baptism
You've finally done it!
I wish you congratulations,
May the Lord protect you!
Now you are under His protection!
And day, and night, and always!
May your faith be pure!
And it will never run out!


This great sacrament is baptism,
Angels are singing in heaven today!
May blessings come
On this day on your head!
And from now on the cross is consecrated,
Like a symbol of faith on the chest!
Congratulations! You are now baptized
The Lord will protect you from troubles!

Do you know beautiful congratulations with baptism? If yes, then share with our readers in the comments below the article!

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Photo: by request of Yandex and Google

Today is your daughter's baptism,
And there is no more wonderful and beautiful baby.
So may God help her in everything,
May he protect her happiness!

I wish the baby to be the happiest,
Grow up very smart and the most beautiful,
To be healthy, of course, to be smiling,
And mom and dad are madly in love!

Baptism is a great step
Towards faith, light, God.
And let everything always be like this,
To make the road smooth,
So that my daughter grows up glorious
And I never got sick,
To take care of mom and dad,
She didn’t offend me, but she pitied her.
Let the light flash in the window,
Gives joy and patience
For many, many more years!
I congratulate you on your baptism! Congratulations on your daughter's baptism!
With God blessing her,
Let him have good dreams at night,
In the morning, the world lights up with joy!
To choose the true path in life,
Along the way I met only happiness.
And, as in childhood, she laughed and jumped,
Warding off bad weather with kindness. On this day you baptized your daughter,
I congratulate you on this bright event.
Let her grow more beautiful from year to year,
Kinder and happier in this life.

Let her angel go with her everywhere,
Let him protect you from trouble and failure,
Let her be the sweetest daughter,
Beloved, loving, let her be, no less.

There is excitement and joy in the house. A little man sleeps in the cradle, snoring. His parents are moved when they look at him and thank God for their firstborn. Let the little man grow up healthy, gain strength and bring only joy to his parents. And if there are worries, they will only be pleasant ones.

I congratulate you on a wonderful day
Baptism of a pretty little one.
From now on, your daughter and the angel are together,
And without his protection - not a minute!
I wish the little girl would grow up
Beautiful and smart, of course.
Let her be lucky in everything, let everything succeed,
Life is easy, bright and carefree. As wise people taught,
Dipping the girl into the font,
You handed it over to the Lord -
And the world rose up, blossomed, and sang!
And we will not hide our admiration,
Showing off your feelings:
My daughter's baptism has taken place,
With which we congratulate you! Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
You are on the day of your daughter's baptism!
Let the sunny mood
Will fill the line happy days!
Let her path be bright,
Let him grow up healthy and mischievous!
We wish her a life without sadness and anxiety,
Hope, faith in her, great love! Today I surrendered to the sacrament
Your whole friendly family.
The daughter bathed in the holy font,
The whole family was blessed.

Today we became closer to God,
Hearts and thoughts of people.
And only he, we know, is needed,
He is the most faithful of friends.

Congratulations on the baptism of a girl - christening poems

A gentle rose fell into your palm to give you many bright and joyful moments. A child came from heaven to your home, but he did not yet have any support or support in heaven, and now, the word rose plunged into water, your daughter received baptism and a mentor angel in heaven. May luck never leave her life, and may a kind but fair fairy live in her soul, who will give her many joyful moments, happiness in her personal life, wealth and luck on her life’s path, as well as a lot of success and lucky coincidences on your life’s path and on her path that the girl has to go through. May your daughter’s talents bloom like bright peonies and rose petals, and may luck smile on her in all her endeavors, like the full moon above the horizon on a full moon. Best congratulations with the baptism of my daughter.

Our daughter, today
A very important day in life!
The power of the Lord is upon you,
Enter God's canopy in peace!
We want to be obedient
Always live according to God,
Don't remain indifferent
Never in this life!

Baptism day is a wonderful day
Daughter, we want you
I entered the temple! Heavenly Father
May all your dreams come true!
Let godmother teach
The godfather will also give advice,
A ray of Christian faith
May good light always shine!

You will enter the temple today,
You will find faith in God!
Daughter, will you now
Under protection, believe me!
God will not leave you in trouble,
But he will ask you strictly for your sin!
You, dear, don’t sin
To save the soul!

Christening is a holiday for the soul,

Father, please accept congratulations!
Let your daughter grow

Let her not know worries,
He moves through life with a firm step!

We have a special ritual of christening.

Let them write down these name days.

And he will not recognize grief and bad weather.

We wish you, parents,
Do not offend the child
Do you want it or don't you want it?
We'll have to educate
A worthy member of society,
And put in a lot of effort
So that there is loneliness in life
Never survive.

We want our family of friends

We wish you more children,
So that you don't have a sleepless night,
So that your daughter makes you happy,
She grew up smart and kind,
So that every day and every hour
I was surprised by something good.

On the day of your daughter's baptism
I want to wish you:
Not a single sleepless night,
Never lose heart.
To be smart, to be brave
And grew persistent
To achieve everything,
So that she can do everything!

Sanctification of the Holy Spirit
May he protect and keep you
After all, you were born for great happiness
For love that burns like a lamp.
That always lights the way,
What is light, and kind, and warmth,
What helps to understand and forgive,
What brought you into this world.
Be healthy, beautiful, cheerful,
Be lucky, brave, simple,
with a pure heart and sincere words,
We protect you as an Angel of God!

Parents, congratulations!
You baptized your daughter today!
We wish you comfort in your home,
To raise my daughter with dignity,
So that your baby grows up
And your dreams came true
So that life is not an easy book
It was easy and calm to read!

Daughter is your beautiful flower,
Warm, gentle breeze.
What did God bring you for happiness?
Everything is in his love and power.

Kind, smart, gentle, sweet.

(Name), purest soul,
From now on you are a child of the Lord.
Having said a prayer over you,
Father washed you in the font.
And the Christian faith is yours.

Fate is entrusted to their protection,

Read to the very end:

Love the baby together.

We want to wish you good luck,

Christenings of small children -
Great celebration of honors!
For a tiny baby
Both the heart and soul sing.
Church bell ringing
Maybe he won't remember
But we will capture this hour
How most joyful for us!

On the day of your child's christening
I want to wish you
Only the best and most important -
Do not know troubles and sorrows,
Happiness, love and joy to you,
So that your family grows,
Life brought sweets,
There were true friends!

There is a special ritual in Rus',
His name is christening.
Let sadness and anger pass by,
Let the worries go away
Let your little daughter
Lives in abundance, like a princess,
Grows like an angel -
Sweet, beautiful and gentle.

Always gives you smiles,
And he never gets sick.

With all my heart I want to wish

Be happy and protected by God
From grievances, doubts and losses.
No matter how fate turns the road,
Stay loving and believe.
We are sad in the distance, of course,
We love you very much, we pray for you,
So that the Lord, great and eternal,
Save you from all sorrows

From time immemorial the news cannot be counted,
But it is known that from time immemorial
No news is better than news
About the birth of man.
A man cried to laugh
A man lives his first hour,
Man was born to rise
Live, fall in love, beaming with joy.

Baby in lace clothes
There is hope for parents
Joy, tenderness and love,
So to speak, both flesh and blood.
On this important Epiphany Day,
God's blessing
Bright Angel above you
Protects your peace.
Dad, mom, your child
Both fun and reward.
It's heaven for the heart, and for the soul
All worries are good!

Dear daughter, today is this holiday
I am glad to congratulate you on your baptism!
I wish you happiness both in winter and summer,
After all, for me you are the best treasure!

I want you to be loved by God
And I have never been sad in my life!
To be invincible in everything
Let there be only grief - no problem!

Live with hope in your heart!
Always pray in sadness and anguish!
I generously congratulate you today
With your beautiful verse lightly!

My little blood, my dear daughter,
I congratulate you on your Epiphany!
I give you flowers in honor of this
And I wish you the best!

May your life be illuminated with bliss
And a bright light from heaven and from God!
May you certainly be happy
And your path will be easy!

I wish you joy and happiness,
Much love for yourself and for your loved ones too!
Let your age of bad weather pass by
And you can do everything you need in this life!

My dear daughter, my beloved,
I congratulate you on your Epiphany!
I wish to live without worries,
And move forward towards your dreams!

Let the holy water sprinkle
And God will forgive your sins!
I wish you a lot of great joy
And I send you congratulations with my heart!

Daughter, always be beautiful
Let there be grief in life - it’s not a problem!
Always strive for the beautiful with your soul
And always be smart!

I never feel sorry for anything for you,
After all, you are my dear daughter!
May your life always be sweet,
Be happy, don't give up hope!

I am glad to congratulate you on your Epiphany,
To wish on this very day
Find rewards for everything you do
And so that you won’t be lazy when working forever!

Live wonderfully, better than today,
Achieve the best in life!
And with the permission of the Lord truly
Let nothing bad happen!

You have grown and become so beautiful
You just can’t take your eyes off it now!
Daughter, I love you today passionately
I will generously congratulate you on your Epiphany!

I wish you to live richly and beautifully,
Accumulate big capital!
And always be caring and sweet
Be happy forever in life!

Let your dreams and dreams come true
And let joy enter the house more often!
May holy providence protect
All that you have achieved through hard work!

You, daughter, are beautiful, good,
You are a trembling, gentle soul!
Congratulations again on your Epiphany
I wish you a little bit of everything!

Take a swim in the ice hole today
And all day long, I ask you, smile!
No need to frown today, baby!
Let there be happiness above the rooftops!

Always work for the joy of everyone around you,
Let your most faithful friend be nearby!
Daughter, be happy, don’t get sick
And you can definitely do everything and succeed in everything!

Congratulations on your daughter's christening

D For any parents, the christening of their own daughter is a very touching and important event. Don't forget to congratulate your close relatives or good friends on this significant and joyful day in their life. Children are a great joy and reward for those who love and good people, so feel free to wish the new parents of the girl mutual and bright joy, happiness and mutual understanding. Let the christening of their daughter become one of the most unforgettable and touching moments in their lives. Select for congratulations only the most sincere, kind and kind words, which can warm the soul of parents and give unforgettable emotions. A daughter is a gift and a great joy for both mother and father. Let her Christening be joyful and unforgettable, because a girl is a great happiness that you need to be able to take care of and appreciate. Be sure that your daughter’s parents will be happy and satisfied sincere congratulations and wishes.

May your daughter grow up happy
It becomes more beautiful from year to year,
Always gives you smiles,
And he never gets sick.
Let her be a wife and mother,
It really gives me pleasure
With all my heart I want to wish
For your daughter, for the day of her baptism!

Let this day remain in our hearts,
We have a special ritual of christening.
And somewhere in the distance, on the clouds,
Let them write down these name days.
Let your daughter grow up smart
May life give her luck and happiness,
Let her be lucky in whatever she does,
And he will not recognize grief and bad weather.

Daughter is your beautiful flower,
Warm, gentle breeze.
What did God bring to you for happiness?
Everything is in his love and power.
Let the "flower" grow beautiful,
Kind, smart, gentle, sweet.
Let's drink to the girl so that her life
Was filled with the light of joy!

(Name), purest soul,
From now on you are a child of the Lord.
Having said a prayer over you,
Father washed you in the font.
And the Christian faith is yours.

Fate is entrusted to their protection,

Read to the very end:

Love the baby together.

Our daughter, today
A very important day in life!
The power of the Lord is upon you,
Enter God's canopy in peace!
We want to be obedient
Always live according to God,
Don't remain indifferent
Never in this life!

We want our family of friends
Congratulate your daughter on her christening!
We wish you more children,
So that you don't have a sleepless night,
So that your daughter makes you happy,
She grew up smart and kind,
So that every day and every hour
I was surprised by something good.

Today your girl was baptized,
We want to wish you good luck,
So that she is raised in affection and love,
Always love, pity and understand.
So that your daughter is a worthy person
Ever entered adult life,
So that the Lord rewards her with success,
And he rewarded you for your good deeds!

On the day of your daughter's baptism
I want to wish you:
Not a single sleepless night,
Never lose heart.
To be smart, to be brave
And grew persistent
To achieve everything,
So that she can do everything!

Christening is a holiday for the soul,
Second, perhaps, birthday.
Mother, hurry up and set the table,
Father, please accept congratulations!
Let your daughter grow
For your joy, for your own good,
Let her not know worries,
He moves through life with a firm step!

Our daughter, today
A very important day in life!
The power of the Lord is upon you,
Enter God's canopy in peace!
We want to be obedient
Always live according to God,
Don't remain indifferent
Never in this life!

AND At christening, I want to give the child a lot of joy and light from heaven, a guardian angel who gives not only a Christian name, but also protects the soul of the child. Life will become bright and joyful, tender and beautiful, which your daughter deserves. May she be surrounded only by bright and kind people, among whom there will be many kind and true believers, and may your life become beautiful and bright because your daughter will feel good and bright in this wonderful world. Let her life delight you with big and small successes, bright and interesting abilities of the girl, as well as interesting events in her life, which any bright and interesting girl deserves. beautiful woman. May there be no end to the joy, as well as to the heavenly and pleasant defense of Christianity.

A friend's daughter is like a toy
Groovy, fidgety, laughing,
Christenings are taking place in the church today,
The girl is blessed for goodness and happiness.
Congratulations on your daughter’s christening, friend,
I wish you a beautiful life from the bottom of my heart,
May luck always accompany you,
Let love and hope surround you. ©

Girlfriend, today is your holiday,
Your daughter's christening
I'm so pleased that you offered me
To be godmother to your princess.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
May your daughter always make you happy,
I wish you health and cloudless happiness,
May fate reward you to the fullest. ©

A friend’s daughter has a holiday, like a name day,
Today they celebrate christenings,
A kind angel flaps his wings over her,
Life will be calmer, more fun.
Happy christening day, friend, congratulations,
I wish you good health from the bottom of my heart,
Let love and happiness surround you,
May many good things happen in life. ©

For happy holiday there's a reason
A friend celebrates her daughter's christening,
The baby now has God's protection,
There are countless gifts and wishes for her.
May luck come to you like it comes to your home,
May luck always find you,
May fate always smile on you,
I wish you well-being, joy, warmth. ©

Christening is the main holiday of the whole family,
The pectoral cross protects from harm,
A friend happily greets guests,
Celebrating my daughter's christening.
May your dreams always come true,
May there be a lot of happiness, joy, kindness,
I wish you good health for many years to come,
Congratulations on your christening holiday. ©

Let us come to the Lord God in prayer,
To baptize your sweet miracle,
Let us offer our hearts as a gift to Christ,
The Guardian Angel will extend his hand to us.
The cross and the water on the chest will sing,
Just don't cry on this holiday, friend,
After all, the Lord himself will give us comfort,
We will illuminate your sweet miracle. ©

Dear angel is growing up,
And in your arms,
He quietly falls asleep
Daughter, your sweetheart.
Know, friend, that it’s christening,
They definitely won’t go in vain,
And the Lord will add strength,
The angels are waiting at the temple.
Sprinkle it with some water,
Place a cross on your neck,
Hold her tight
And protect with love. ©

Congratulations to your friend on your mobile phone

Today is an unusual day - an angel has descended from heaven,
He took the baby under his wing and wove grace into her braids.
On the day of christening, I wish happiness to the golden girl.
May the Lord generously bestow tenderness and kindness.

Let the cross that they put on the princess on this day
It will protect you from troubles and pain, and erase the shadow from your life.
May the baby be healthy, may it grow to the joy of everyone,
Every day may she bring only joy and inspiration.

The world suddenly lit up with light -
An angel has appeared in the house!
He makes us all smile.
Cheerful laughter will sound in the house,

Congratulations on the baptism of a girl in verse

Congratulations to the goddaughter from the godmother

My dear goddaughter, I am now your mother.
On your christening day I wish you faith, joy, and goodness.
I will pray for you every day with love,
Be happy and healthy, my glorious child.

My baby, she was born for everyone’s happiness,
May the Lord protect you from bad weather!
The church rite was full of sacraments,
May the angels protect you now

From troubles, from illnesses, from the human evil eye!
Let both deed and word bring joy.
And remember that I, your godmother,
Ready to help with anything and always!

Congratulations on christening to the goddaughter from the godfather

I became a father before God,
I baptized you, my light.
For you, my daughter,
I now hold the answer.

I wish you to be happy
You were definitely there
The light that I received in the temple,
To keep it in my heart.

May an angel always be with you
He walks along the path of fate,
Let faith help you,
Gives strength to move.

I have never seen a more wonderful girl
May your heavenly father take care of you,
My beloved goddaughter,
I will protect you too!

Congratulations on christening to granddaughter from grandmother

In this glorious moment, dear, the light will disperse the clouds.
On your christening day, I wish you grace, granddaughter.
Know that today you have found support in a difficult world.
May the power of happiness and goodness always help you.

Be honest, have a pure soul, take care of faith in your heart.
Know that you are not alone in life - Do you hear? Angel steps!
Let your bright patron stand at your head,
Protects your health and peace of mind.

Sweet sun, bright flower,
My joy, my glorious angel!
We just brought you from the temple,
You will become the happiest of all, the happiest!

The Lord loves and bless you,
And the Guardian Angel protects from troubles!
There is no more beautiful child than a sweet granddaughter!
Grow for the joy of everyone, my why!

Congratulations on the baptism of a girl in prose

Congratulations on the christening of a girl from her godmother

It's a great honor to be the godmother of such a nice little girl. I will gladly take on all the responsibilities of a godmother and watch you grow, mature and become prettier! I am ready to help in everything with good advice, wise instructions, and sincere conversations! May every year bring new knowledge and experience, igniting your interest in life! I want to wish you that you illuminate our boring adult world with a bright star! Happy Epiphany, my dear goddaughter!

Wishes to the goddaughter from the godfather

Dear goddaughter! Let your life be like a rainbow - bright and beautiful, like an interesting book - rich and bewitching. And I, as your godfather, will do everything to make it safe and easy! You can always contact me with any request and for advice! I want you to take all the best from your family and reach the highest peaks in life!

Congratulations on the christening of a girl from her grandmother

My sunshine, my granddaughter, my sweet angel! The rite of Baptism is fraught with a real miracle. Thanks to this sacrament, you have a guardian angel who will accompany you through life and protect you from all kinds of troubles. And grandmother’s wisdom, which comes with experience, will protect you from unreasonable actions! Don’t be afraid, granddaughter, to come to me for advice! I will be happy to share everything I know! Be smart, baby!

Congratulations on the baptism of a girl in your own words

When a helpless baby comes into this world, so beautiful and so dangerous, he needs reliable protection. The rite of Baptism provides such protection to the child. Now our baby is protected from illness, troubles, and sorrows. She has two fathers and two mothers, which means she will never be left alone in difficult situations. Be happy, our girl! May the world be kind to you!

For any parents, the christening of their own daughter is a very touching and important event. Don't forget to congratulate your close relatives or good friends on this significant and joyful day in their life. Children are a great joy and reward for loving and kind people, so feel free to wish the new parents of the girl mutual and bright joy, happiness and mutual understanding. Let the christening of their daughter become one of the most unforgettable and touching moments in their lives. For congratulations, choose only the most sincere, kind and affectionate words that can warm the soul of your parents and give unforgettable emotions. A daughter is a gift and a great joy for both mother and father. Let her Christening be joyful and unforgettable, because a girl is a great happiness that you need to be able to take care of and appreciate. Be sure that your daughter’s parents will be happy and satisfied with sincere congratulations and wishes.

May your daughter grow up happy
It becomes more beautiful from year to year,
Always gives you smiles,
And he never gets sick.
Let her be a wife and mother,
It really gives me pleasure
With all my heart I want to wish
For your daughter, for the day of her baptism!

Let this day remain in our hearts,
We have a special ritual of christening.
And somewhere in the distance, on the clouds,
Let them write down these name days.
Let your daughter grow up smart
May life give her luck and happiness,
Let her be lucky in whatever she does,
And he will not recognize grief and bad weather.

Daughter is your beautiful flower,
Warm, gentle breeze.
What did God bring to you for happiness?
Everything is in his love and power.
Let the "flower" grow beautiful,
Kind, smart, gentle, sweet.
Let's drink to the girl so that her life
Was filled with the light of joy!

(Name), purest soul,
From now on you are a child of the Lord.
Having said a prayer over you,
Father washed you in the font.
And the Christian faith is yours.
All the angels have flown around you.
Fate is entrusted to their protection,
The Lord is with you from now on forever.
And godparents of your mother and father
Read to the very end:
They vouched for you before God,
Your sins are their fault on their conscience.
Dear mother and father! godmother to you
From now on they are like brother and sister.
Love the baby together.
In spirit, you are all close hearts.

Our daughter, today
A very important day in life!
The power of the Lord is upon you,
Enter God's canopy in peace!
We want to be obedient
Always live according to God,
Don't remain indifferent
Never in this life!

We want our family of friends
Congratulate your daughter on her christening!
We wish you more children,
So that you don't have a sleepless night,
So that your daughter makes you happy,
She grew up smart and kind,
So that every day and every hour
I was surprised by something good.

Today your girl was baptized,
We want to wish you good luck,
So that she is raised in affection and love,
Always love, pity and understand.
So that your daughter is a worthy person
Ever entered adult life,
So that the Lord rewards her with success,
And he rewarded you for your good deeds!

On the day of your daughter's baptism
I want to wish you:
Not a single sleepless night,
Never lose heart.
To be smart, to be brave
And grew persistent
To achieve everything,
So that she can do everything!

Christening is a holiday for the soul,
Second, perhaps, birthday.
Mother, hurry up and set the table,
Father, please accept congratulations!
Let your daughter grow
For your joy, for your own good,
Let her not know worries,
He moves through life with a firm step!

Our daughter, today
A very important day in life!
The power of the Lord is upon you,
Enter God's canopy in peace!
We want to be obedient
Always live according to God,
Don't remain indifferent
Never in this life!

Baptism day is a wonderful day
Daughter, we want you
I entered the temple! Heavenly Father
May all your dreams come true!
Let godmother teach
The godfather will also give advice,
A ray of Christian faith
May good light always shine!

Today is an unusual day - an angel has descended from heaven,
He took the baby under his wing and wove grace into her braids.
On the day of christening, I wish happiness to the golden girl.
May the Lord generously bestow tenderness and kindness.

Let the cross that they put on the princess on this day
It will protect you from troubles and pain, and erase the shadow from your life.
May the baby be healthy, may it grow to the joy of everyone,
Every day may she bring only joy and inspiration.

An angel has appeared in the house!
He makes us all smile.
Cheerful laughter will sound in the house,

Congratulations on the baptism of a girl in verse

Congratulations to the goddaughter from the godmother

My dear goddaughter, I am now your mother.
On your christening day I wish you faith, joy, and goodness.
I will pray for you every day with love,
Be happy and healthy, my glorious child.

My baby, she was born for everyone’s happiness,
May the Lord protect you from bad weather!
The church rite was full of sacraments,
May the angels protect you now

From troubles, from illnesses, from the human evil eye!
Let both deed and word bring joy.
And remember that I, your godmother,
Ready to help with anything and always!

Congratulations on christening to the goddaughter from the godfather

I became a father before God,
I baptized you, my light.
For you, my daughter,
I now hold the answer.

I wish you to be happy
You were definitely there
The light that I received in the temple,
To keep it in my heart.

May an angel always be with you
He walks along the path of fate,
Let faith help you,
Gives strength to move.

I have never seen a more wonderful girl
May your heavenly father take care of you,
My beloved goddaughter,
I will protect you too!

Congratulations on christening to granddaughter from grandmother

In this glorious moment, dear, the light will disperse the clouds.
On your christening day, I wish you grace, granddaughter.
Know that today you have found support in a difficult world.
May the power of happiness and goodness always help you.

Be honest, have a pure soul, take care of faith in your heart.
Know that you are not alone in life - Do you hear? Angel steps!
Let your bright patron stand at your head,
Protects your health and peace of mind.

Sweet sun, bright flower,
My joy, my glorious angel!
We just brought you from the temple,
You will become the happiest of all, the happiest!

The Lord loves and bless you,
And the Guardian Angel protects from troubles!
There is no more beautiful child than a sweet granddaughter!
Grow for the joy of everyone, my why!

Congratulations on the baptism of a girl in prose

Congratulations on the christening of a girl from her godmother

It's a great honor to be the godmother of such a nice little girl. I will gladly take on all the responsibilities of a godmother and watch you grow, mature and become prettier! I am ready to help in everything with good advice, wise instructions, and sincere conversations! May every year bring new knowledge and experience, igniting your interest in life! I want to wish you that you illuminate our boring adult world with a bright star! Happy Epiphany, my dear goddaughter!

Wishes to the goddaughter from the godfather

Dear goddaughter! Let your life be like a rainbow - bright and beautiful, like an interesting book - rich and bewitching. And I, as your godfather, will do everything to make it safe and easy! You can always contact me with any request and for advice! I want you to take all the best from your family and reach the highest peaks in life!

Congratulations on the christening of a girl from her grandmother

My sunshine, my granddaughter, my sweet angel! The rite of Baptism is fraught with a real miracle. Thanks to this sacrament, you have a guardian angel who will accompany you through life and protect you from all kinds of troubles. And grandmother’s wisdom, which comes with experience, will protect you from unreasonable actions! Don’t be afraid, granddaughter, to come to me for advice! I will be happy to share everything I know! Be smart, baby!

Congratulations on the baptism of a girl in your own words

When a helpless baby comes into this world, so beautiful and so dangerous, he needs reliable protection. The rite of Baptism provides such protection to the child. Now our baby is protected from illness, troubles, and sorrows. She has two fathers and two mothers, which means she will never be left alone in difficult situations. Be happy, our girl! May the world be kind to you!

The rite of baptism of a child is a responsible step for believing parents and their child, a procedure that symbolizes the person’s acceptance into the Christian faith and church. The baby finds his guardian angel. For Christian believers, this is the most important event in life. Here we have collected beautiful congratulations on the baptism of a girl’s child in verse and prose, and you can also send an original audio congratulation to the girl’s parents.

Mashenka, purest soul,
From now on you are a child of the Lord.
Having said a prayer over you,
Father washed you in the bath.

And the Christian faith is yours.
All the angels have flown into your circle.
Fate is entrusted to their protection,

Read to the very end:
They vouched for you before God,
Your sins are their fault on their conscience.

Love the baby together.

Christening is the healing of our soul,
This is the world's second birthday,
Mom, come on, hurry up and set the table,
And dad, accept congratulations from the guests.
Let your honey grow healthy
For the joy of your parents and for your own benefit,
Let her not know the worries of life,
Let him follow his destiny with a firm step.

Baby in lace clothes
There is hope for parents
Joy, tenderness and love,
So to speak, both flesh and blood.
On this important Epiphany Day,
God's blessing
Bright Angel above you
Protects your peace.
Dad, mom, your child
Both fun and reward.
It's heaven for the heart, and for the soul
All worries are good!

Today to your sweet girl
An angel descended from the heights of heaven.
And a small cross on a chain
Conducts her into the good world of her miracles!

I congratulate you on her christening,
May her life be filled with goodness!
May Jesus himself lead you through life
Your baby at night, even during the day.

The world suddenly lit up with light -
An angel has appeared in the house!
He makes us all smile.
Cheerful laughter will sound in the house,
The clatter of feet, a ringing voice,
Blossom, our joy, like a flower!
Let the blessing descend
On this bright holiday - the day of baptism!

We want to wish you good luck,

And he rewarded you for your good deeds

There is a special ritual in Rus',
His name is christening.
Let sadness and anger pass by,
Let the worries go away
Let your little daughter
Lives in abundance, like a princess,
Grows like an angel -
Sweet, beautiful and gentle.

You might be interested in:

Congratulations on the baptism of a girl’s child in your own words, in prose

Today the girl has her own guardian angel, who will definitely be able to protect her from any obstacles in life and will give her many chances to find spiritual harmony and true happiness. Please accept my sincere wishes, because they are pronounced with such kindness and care that they must come true in reality. Heavenly powers Now they will guard the girl every day, regardless of the time of day. Long life, irrepressible energy, strength of spirit - this is what you can count on. Now everything will definitely work out for our princess in the best possible way and we, of course, will understand how much she deserves such a turn in life. Let today's sacrament be truly significant for you. I'm like godmother charming daughter, I undertake to take care of and protect her, to do everything possible and impossible for her happiness. She must be a worthy lady.

We sincerely congratulate the parents and their daughter on the sacrament of baptism! Today your baby has found not only a godfather and godmother who will be with her at any moment, but also the intercession and help of God. Let faith help her grow up kind, honest and loving woman!

I congratulate the baby on her baptism and with all my heart I want to wish that the path along which the baby will walk is kind, simple and happy, that there will always be a bright angel in the child’s life who will protect him from troubles, that parental love and the love of dear godparents will always protect child and helped to strive for dreams.

We sincerely congratulate the baby on the most intimate and secret rite- baptism! May the Guardian Angel protect you and guide you on the true path, may God send you a lot of health, joy, good luck and prosperity!

Congratulations on a very important and significant event - christening! We wish that the guardian angel would look after, guide and warn the baptized child. Let the child’s path be bright and serene. I wish you good health, easy educational everyday life, patience, prosperity and a lot of joy for each parental stage you pass!

[in prose]

Congratulations on your daughter's baptism

Today is your daughter's baptism,
And there is no more wonderful and beautiful baby.
So may God help her in everything,
May he protect her happiness!

I wish the baby to be the happiest,
Grow up very smart and the most beautiful,
To be healthy, of course, to be smiling,
And mom and dad are madly in love!

Baptism is a great step
Towards faith, light, God.
And let everything always be like this,
To make the road smooth,
So that my daughter grows up glorious
And I never got sick,
To take care of mom and dad,
She didn’t offend me, but she pitied her.
Let the light flash in the window,
Gives joy and patience
For many, many more years!
I congratulate you on your baptism!

Congratulations on your daughter's baptism!
With God blessing her,
Let him have good dreams at night,
In the morning, the world lights up with joy!
To choose the true path in life,
Along the way I met only happiness.
And, as in childhood, she laughed and jumped,
Warding off bad weather with kindness.

On this day you baptized your daughter,
I congratulate you on this bright event.
Let her grow more beautiful from year to year,
Kinder and happier in this life.

Let her angel go with her everywhere,
Let him protect you from trouble and failure,
Let her be the sweetest daughter,
Beloved, loving, let her be, no less.

I congratulate you on a wonderful day
Baptism of a pretty little one.
From now on, your daughter and the angel are together,
And without his protection - not a minute!
I wish the little girl would grow up
Beautiful and smart, of course.
Let her be lucky in everything, let everything succeed,
Life is easy, bright and carefree.

As wise people taught,
Dipping the girl into the font,
You handed it over to the Lord -
And the world rose up, blossomed, and sang!
And we will not hide our admiration,
Showing off your feelings:
My daughter's baptism has taken place,
With which we congratulate you!

Your daughter has today
Great and very important day!
She is with the baptism of the Lord
She entered God's holy canopy.
Let her grow up obedient
To the joy of all my relatives,
Will never be indifferent
Lives with dignity on earth.

Your sweet little one has been christened!
We are happy for you, dears!
Along with the baby's baptismal name
An angel has appeared in the sky above!
Let the baby be healthy and beautiful,
Let her entire life be happy!
Let the girl grow up to your joy,
Having known the holiness of this sacrament!

Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
You are on the day of your daughter's baptism!
Let the sunny mood
Will fill a series of happy days!
Let her path be bright,
Let him grow up healthy and mischievous!
We wish her a life without sadness and anxiety,
Hope, faith in her, great love!

Let this day remain in our hearts, We have a special ritual of christening. Our daughter, today is a very important day in life! The power of God is over you, You enter God’s canopy in peace! We wish to be obedient, To live in a divine way always, To never remain indifferent In this life!

A child came from heaven to your home, but he did not yet have any support or support in heaven, and now, the word rose plunged into water, your daughter received baptism and a mentor angel in heaven. For any parents, the christening of their own daughter is a very touching and important event. Rest assured that your daughter’s parents will be happy and pleased to receive sincere congratulations and wishes.

On the day of your daughter’s baptism, I want to wish you: Not a single sleepless night, Never lose heart. So that she grows smart, so that she is brave and persistent, So that she can achieve everything, So that she can do everything! Copyright 2010 - 2016. Cool and beautiful congratulations on the Pozdravik website. All materials are copyrighted. Copying can only be done with an active link to this site. Copying materials to greeting websites is prohibited!

Christening - significant event in the life of every child and his parents! You can send your favorite SMS congratulations to the parents of the baptized child to any mobile phone(not only in Russia, but also in other countries). I wish the baby to be the happiest, to grow up very smart and the most beautiful, to be healthy, of course, to smile, and to love mommy and daddy madly!

With the fact that God blesses her, May she have good dreams at night, May she light up the world with joy in the morning! From now on, your daughter is alone with the angel, And without his protection - not a minute! Along with the baby's baptismal name, an angel appeared in the sky above! May the baby be healthy and beautiful, May her entire life be happy!

Please accept my congratulations on the day of your daughter's baptism! Let the sunny mood fill a series of happy days! Let her path be bright, Let her grow healthy and mischievous! A little man sleeps in the cradle, snoring. At the moment of Baptism, the Holy Spirit sanctifies the entire being of the baby.

Baptism of a child is an important step not only for the child himself, but also for his parents. You baptized your daughter today!” Parents, congratulations! So from now on, let life be easier and happier, because your Guardian Angel will now always be at your side. His parents are moved when they look at him and thank God for their firstborn.

Developing this idea, we can say that with the birth of each child, people’s love for their fellow humans increases. Baptism can rightfully be called the first holiday in life for most children. On this day, the baby accepts gifts, congratulations and good wishes. This icon (the size of the baby's height at birth) is made to order with the image of the child's patron saint.

Congratulations on your daughter's baptism

Guests invited to the christening can give the child anything they want. This significant day must be spent in good mood both the baby's parents and guests. I congratulate you on the christening of your beloved baby and want to wish you good health, good luck, luck in life and as many pleasant, interesting moments as possible!

May everything in life be good! Dear baby, on this day you became a piece of God! Don't lose faith - be strong in spirit and heart! Love mom and dad, as well as all your relatives! We wish you health, luck, joy, good luck! Never turn away from the earthly path - it will definitely lead you to the best!

Congratulations on mobile

A gentle rose fell into your palm to give you many bright and joyful moments. May your daughter’s talents bloom like bright peonies and rose petals, and may luck smile on her in all her endeavors, like the full moon above the horizon on a full moon. We wish you, parents, not to offend the Child. Whether you like it or not, you will have to raise it as a worthy member of society, and invest a lot of effort, so that you don’t survive loneliness in life forever.

Today is your daughter’s baptism, And there is no more wonderful and beautiful baby. So may God help her in everything, May he protect her happiness! Let the light flash in the window, Give joy and patience for many, many more years! I congratulate you on your baptism! So that she chooses the true path in life, On that path she meets only happiness. And, as in childhood, she laughed and jumped, driving away bad weather with kindness.

Congratulations on your daughter's baptism! And somewhere in the distance, on the clouds, Let them write down these name days. May your daughter grow up smart, May life give her good luck and happiness, May she be lucky in whatever she does, and may she not recognize grief and bad weather. We congratulate you with all our hearts on the baptism of your baby! On this day you baptized your daughter. I congratulate you on this bright event. There is excitement and joy in the house. I congratulate you on the wonderful day of the Baptism of your pretty little one.

For any parents, the christening of their own daughter is a very touching and important event. Don't forget to congratulate your close relatives or good friends on this significant and joyful day in their life. Children are a great joy and reward for loving and kind people, so feel free to wish the new parents of the girl mutual and bright joy, happiness and mutual understanding. Let the christening of their daughter become one of the most unforgettable and touching moments in their lives. For congratulations, choose only the most sincere, kind and affectionate words that can warm the soul of your parents and give unforgettable emotions. A daughter is a gift and a great joy for both mother and father. Let her Christening be joyful and unforgettable, because a girl is a great happiness that you need to be able to take care of and appreciate. Be sure that your daughter’s parents will be happy and satisfied with sincere congratulations and wishes.

May your daughter grow up happy
It becomes more beautiful from year to year,
Always gives you smiles,
And he never gets sick.
Let her be a wife and mother,
It really gives me pleasure
With all my heart I want to wish
For your daughter, for the day of her baptism!

Let this day remain in our hearts,
We have a special ritual of christening.
And somewhere in the distance, on the clouds,
Let them write down these name days.
Let your daughter grow up smart
May life give her luck and happiness,
Let her be lucky in whatever she does,
And he will not recognize grief and bad weather.

Daughter is your beautiful flower,
Warm, gentle breeze.
What did God bring to you for happiness?
Everything is in his love and power.
Let the "flower" grow beautiful,
Kind, smart, gentle, sweet.
Let's drink to the girl so that her life
Was filled with the light of joy!

(Name), purest soul,
From now on you are a child of the Lord.
Having said a prayer over you,
Father washed you in the font.
And the Christian faith is yours.
All the angels have flown around you.
Fate is entrusted to their protection,
The Lord is with you from now on forever.
And godparents of your mother and father
Read to the very end:
They vouched for you before God,
Your sins are their fault on their conscience.
Dear mother and father! godmother to you
From now on they are like brother and sister.
Love the baby together.
In spirit, you are all close hearts.

Our daughter, today
A very important day in life!
The power of the Lord is upon you,
Enter God's canopy in peace!
We want to be obedient
Always live according to God,
Don't remain indifferent
Never in this life!

We want our family of friends
Congratulate your daughter on her christening!
We wish you more children,
So that you don't have a sleepless night,
So that your daughter makes you happy,
She grew up smart and kind,
So that every day and every hour
I was surprised by something good.

Today your girl was baptized,
We want to wish you good luck,
So that she is raised in affection and love,
Always love, pity and understand.
So that your daughter is a worthy person
Ever entered adult life,
So that the Lord rewards her with success,
And he rewarded you for your good deeds!

On the day of your daughter's baptism
I want to wish you:
Not a single sleepless night,
Never lose heart.
To be smart, to be brave
And grew persistent
To achieve everything,
So that she can do everything!

Christening is a holiday for the soul,
Second, perhaps, birthday.
Mother, hurry up and set the table,
Father, please accept congratulations!
Let your daughter grow
For your joy, for your own good,
Let her not know worries,
He moves through life with a firm step!

Our daughter, today
A very important day in life!
The power of the Lord is upon you,
Enter God's canopy in peace!
We want to be obedient
Always live according to God,
Don't remain indifferent
Never in this life!

Baptism day is a wonderful day
Daughter, we want you
I entered the temple! Heavenly Father
May all your dreams come true!
Let godmother teach
The godfather will also give advice,
A ray of Christian faith
May good light always shine!

The rite of baptism of a child is a responsible step for believing parents and their child, a procedure that symbolizes the person’s acceptance into the Christian faith and church. The baby finds his guardian angel. For Christian believers, this is the most important event in life. Here we have collected beautiful congratulations on the baptism of a girl’s child in verse and prose, and you can also send an original audio congratulation to the girl’s parents.

Mashenka, purest soul,
From now on you are a child of the Lord.
Having said a prayer over you,
Father washed you in the bath.

And the Christian faith is yours.
All the angels have flown into your circle.
Fate is entrusted to their protection,
The Lord is with you from now on forever.

And godparents of your mother and father
Read to the very end:
They vouched for you before God,
Your sins are their fault on their conscience.

Dear mother and father! godmother to you
From now on they are like brother and sister.
Love the baby together.
In spirit, you are all close hearts.

Christening is the healing of our soul,
This is the world's second birthday,
Mom, come on, hurry up and set the table,
And dad, accept congratulations from the guests.
Let your honey grow healthy
For the joy of your parents and for your own benefit,
Let her not know the worries of life,
Let him follow his destiny with a firm step.

Baby in lace clothes
Hope for parents
Joy, tenderness and love,
So to speak, both flesh and blood.
On this important Epiphany Day,
God's blessing
Bright Angel above you
Protects your peace.
Dad, mom, your child
Both fun and reward.
It’s heaven for the heart, but for the soul
All worries are good!

Today to your sweet girl
An angel descended from the heights of heaven.
And a small cross on a chain
Conducts her into the good world of her miracles!

I congratulate you on her christening,
May her life be filled with goodness!
May Jesus himself lead you through life
Your baby at night, even during the day.

The world suddenly lit up with light -
An angel has appeared in the house!
He makes us all smile.
Cheerful laughter will sound in the house,
The clatter of feet, a ringing voice,
Blossom, our joy, like a flower!
Let the blessing descend
On this bright holiday - the day of baptism!

Today your girl was baptized,
We want to wish you good luck,
So that she is raised in affection and love,
Always love, pity and understand.
So that your daughter is a worthy person
Ever entered adult life,
So that the Lord rewards her with success,
And he rewarded you for your good deeds

There is a special ritual in Rus',
His name is christening.
Let sadness and anger pass by,
Let the worries go away
Let your little daughter
Lives in abundance, like a princess,
Grows like an angel -
Sweet, beautiful and gentle.

You might be interested in:

Congratulations on the baptism of a girl’s child in your own words, in prose

Today the girl has her own guardian angel, who will definitely be able to protect her from any obstacles in life and will give her many chances to find spiritual harmony and true happiness. Please accept my sincere wishes, because they are pronounced with such kindness and care that they must come true in reality. Heavenly forces will now protect the girl every day, regardless of the time of day. Long life, irrepressible energy, strength of spirit - this is what you can count on. Now everything will definitely work out for the best for our princess and we, of course, will understand how much she deserves such a turn in life. Let today's sacrament be truly significant for you. I, as the godmother of a charming daughter, undertake to look after and protect her, to do everything possible and impossible for her happiness. She must be a worthy lady.

We sincerely congratulate the parents and their daughter on the sacrament of baptism! Today your baby has found not only a godfather and godmother who will be with her at any moment, but also the intercession and help of God. Let faith help her grow up to be a kind, honest and loving woman!

I congratulate the baby on her baptism and with all my heart I want to wish that the path along which the baby will walk is kind, simple and happy, that there will always be a bright angel in the child’s life who will protect him from troubles, that parental love and the love of dear godparents will always protect child and helped to strive for dreams.

We sincerely congratulate the baby on the most intimate and secret rite - baptism! May the Guardian Angel protect you and guide you on the true path, may God send you a lot of health, joy, good luck and prosperity!

Congratulations on a very important and significant event - christening! We wish that the guardian angel would look after, guide and warn the baptized child. Let the child’s path be bright and serene. I wish you good health, easy educational everyday life, patience, prosperity and a lot of joy for each parental stage you pass!