Sexual relationships are important part personal life of each person, allow you to feel deep happiness and satisfaction. But spouses and lovers do not always experience pleasant sensations during sexual intercourse. A woman may experience discomfort due to increased vaginal dryness, which is often observed with certain gynecological diseases, after childbirth, during menopause, or as a result of overwork.

So-called lumbricants help get rid of unpleasant sensations– chemical lubricants applied to the mucous membranes of the genital organs. They are also often needed by partners who practice anal intercourse and oral foreplay.

Lumbricants can be purchased at any pharmacy, but the price for them is quite high. There are situations when a person is unable to buy a drug due to financial problems or lack of time. Moreover, synthetic products are not suitable for all people; they can provoke allergic reaction. In such cases, you need to look for a reliable and safe replacement for pharmaceutical lubricants, prepare it yourself at home from the ingredients at hand.

What are lumbricants?

Lubricants are substances of liquid or gel-like consistency used to moisturize the female genital tract, allowing to get rid of discomfort during intimate acts. The vaginal mucosa is covered with a large number of nerve endings that are sensitive to the slightest irritating factor. Therefore, for a pleasant sexual relationship, it is necessary to keep the genitals moist. Pharmaceutical lubricants are based on water, oil or silicone.

What are lumbricants intended for?

During sexual arousal, the Bartholin glands of the vagina secrete a secretion that ensures normal hydration of the genital passage. Lumbricants perform a similar function. Thanks to pharmaceutical artificial lubricants, a woman:

  • protects your genitals from cracks and tears;
  • eliminates pain from irritation of dry mucous surface;
  • establishes a barrier to sexually transmitted infections;
  • enhances sexual desire, increases the sensitivity of the intimate area;
  • softens and cleanses the skin of the genital organs.

Popular and widely used substitutes for pharmaceutical lubricants

If you ask women about a simple and affordable substitute for artificial lubricants, they will most likely, without thinking twice, name sunflower oil. This product is attractive due to its low cost, good lubricity, and safety for the mucous membranes of the genital organs. But here is the hygienic state of the vagina when used vegetable oil causes concern.

Any oil, both sunflower and the more expensive olive oil, in its raw form is colonized with bacteria and fungi, which, if they come into contact with the mucous walls, can cause irritation. To get rid of microorganisms, the product must be boiled. Also, oil does not wash off well. Women who take care of their underwear and bed linen should not use such a lubricant.

Oil from:

  • coconut,
  • mango seeds,
  • jojoba,
  • grape seeds,
  • hawthorn,
  • rapeseed

These natural extracts have more soft texture, are suitable not only for moisturizing the mucous membranes of the genital organs, but also replace lotions for a relaxing massage. It is considered especially pleasant and comfortable coconut oil . It melts well upon contact with warm skin, makes the vaginal walls smooth and soft, and has a light aroma. True, the cost of a quality product is quite high and is not affordable for all women.

You should not use oil-based lubricants when using a latex-based condom, especially if you do not want to accidentally become pregnant. Vegetable fats can destroy rubber.

Titan Gel

How to make intimate lubricant at home from products?

Banana is considered the best product for preparing intimate lubricant. This inexpensive fruit with soft and slimy pulp needs to be mashed into a pulp and a little boiled water added to it. The woman determines the degree of viscosity of the substance at her own discretion, but usually a few teaspoons of water are enough. Starch is also often used to prepare lubricants.

Ordinary jelly is prepared from it. The smell of the liquid is not the most pleasant, so it is recommended to add a couple of drops of some kind to it. essential oil. Both banana and starch contain an abundance of fungi and bacteria, so these products can only be used as a lubricant once or twice. Otherwise, the woman may need the help of a gynecologist.

How did I enlarge my penis by 3.5cm in 14 days?

Hello friends! My name is Nikita Korablev, I am a popular blogger and until recently the owner of a 13cm penis! Yes, yes - exactly 13cm! But I decided to change my penis and I succeeded! This is what I wanted to talk about...

When you're small- your girlfriend, of course, tries to calm you down, to say that the main thing is not sex, but the soul and all that jazz. But I am a young and healthy man, I was 25 – and I believed in this nonsense... Until the moment they sent me a video of two healthy men spanking her. So much for “sex is not the main thing”...

I decided that it was time to end this and began to study tons of literature on penis enlargement. I watched foreign videos, translated English literature in search of a set of measures that could help me. Started trying jelqing, different ones traditional methods, creams and gels, pumps and all that stuff.

After 2 years, I came across Titan cream, ordered it and... it didn’t help me! Although it helps every second person. I started researching the problem and this is what I discovered...

For some, the structure of the penis is different - that is why it is so difficult for some to enlarge it with the help of Priapus gel. But there is a way out! The genetics and structure of the penis cannot be corrected, but you can use different exercises and methods of penis massage (jelqing) and together with Titan gel this technique gives REAL RESULTS! After several years of searching and a huge number of methods that I tried, I finally found my method that works: TITAN GEL + JELQING was able to enlarge my penis by 3.5 cm in 14 days, and after a few months of training by another 1.5.

Total 5 cm in the end! 5CM FRIENDS! Now I am 18 cm and I can be proud of this size! Yes, not huge, but it’s more than enough to make women moan from orgasm.

Use this technique and satisfy your women in bed! Order Titan gel and start using jelqing. Good luck to you!

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Photo Gel lubricant 1 tube

Qty Price for 1 unit. Prices Bonuses Buy
1 tube 390 RUR/piece 390 rub.

Main active ingredients

Gel lubricant has a silicone base

The basis of the gel lubricant is the active ingredients:

  1. carboxymecellulose;
  2. distilled water;
  3. sodium hydroxide;
  4. methyl;
  5. propillarabene;
  6. carbomer;
  7. artificial flavor;
  8. menthol.

The product is made on a silicone base. It absorbs slowly and does not dry completely. However, you don't have to worry about greasy stains remaining on your laundry. The effect after applying the lubricant lasts for a long period of time.

The components of the gel lubricant have nourishing and moisturizing properties. They compensate for the lack of natural lubrication and prevent discomfort during sexual intercourse. The product does not contain alcohol, so it does not dry out the skin. It does not cause burning, irritation or pain.

Gel intimate lubricant dosing regimen

Lubricant should be used a few minutes before sex. To do this, apply a small amount of lubricant to the genital area: the head of the penis or the inside of the vagina.

Gel lubricant can be used several times a day. Its uncontrolled use causes discomfort, so watch the dosage. If you apply a large amount of gel, remove the excess with a napkin. The lubricant is compatible with latex products.

Useful information on the topic Gel lubricant:

Lubricant storage conditions

Gel lubricant should be stored in a tightly closed tube at a temperature of +20-30 degrees. Do not leave the product in freezer. Be careful not to get wet; the product should not be stored in the bathroom. For storage, you should choose a dry and dark place out of reach of small children.

If the conditions are not met, the shelf life of the drug is reduced. The date of manufacture is indicated on the packaging. The lubricant should be used within two years from this point.

Gel Smazka intimate action

The mechanism of action of Gel Lubricant is simple. The product provides comfortable intimacy by increasing the moisture of the mucous membrane. It nourishes the surface of the genital organs, ensures easy penetration and sliding of the penis into the vagina.

Additionally, lubricant eliminates pain, promotes active blood supply, and also regulates the sensitivity of nerve receptors. The patient experiences a normal reaction to sexual arousal. A slight cooling effect allows you to reduce the hypersensitivity of erogenous zones to increase the duration of sexual intercourse. The lubricant has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. It eliminates unpleasant and musty odors.

The effect of the external agent

The effect of the product is noticeable almost immediately

Gel intimate lubricant is known for its beneficial effect. Menthol, which is the basis of the composition, helps to partially reduce the sensitivity of receptors located on the genitals. As a result, the pleasant sensations from intimacy are just as pronounced, but the likelihood of early ejaculation is reduced. The use of the product helps to more than double the duration of erection.

Gel lubricant has a local effect. It does not affect the reproductive function, hormonal background and the general well-being of the patient. Regular use of the product makes it possible to have a full sex life. As a result, a person’s psycho-emotional background improves, physical activity and vitality.

Women and men choose these drugs

Using the gel in old age

Gel lubricant is recommended for use by mature and elderly people who are sexually active. Most often it is chosen by women. The drug gives good effect during menopause. Thus, a decrease in the production of vaginal secretion during this period occurs based on two factors: due to the gradual decline of ovarian function and (or) changes in hormonal levels, namely, a decrease in estrogen levels. It is for this reason that most women experience decreased libido and pain during sex.

In this case, the lubricating gel has a cooling and refreshing effect. It moisturizes the inner surface of the vagina as much as possible. After this, the excitement becomes stronger and longer lasting, and sex brings extremely positive emotions.

Gel intimate lubricant benefits

Advantages of intimate lubricant gel:

high-quality composition it contains no substances hazardous to the patient’s health and does not cause serious adverse reactions
texture and consistency the lubricant is easy and pleasant to use, it is easy to apply and lasts a long time
light aroma the unobtrusive odor does not cause discomfort, and the low percentage of flavoring in the composition reduces the risk of developing allergies
versatility the product is suitable for both men and women of all age categories (except minors)
loyal price the cost of the drug is 450-500 rubles per package, which is enough for a long period of time

Side effects during use

In rare cases, the lubricant causes adverse reactions. This usually happens when there is an allergy and dosage rules are not followed.

The body's possible reaction is as follows:

  1. redness of the skin, formation of rashes and spots;
  2. itching, burning and discomfort of the perineum;
  3. dry mucous membrane on the genital organ.

If you have a severe allergy to the Gel-Lubricant, the patient feels mild malaise, dizziness and loss of strength.

  • apply a small amount of product;
  • if there is no effect, do not use it again;
  • exclude all restrictions and contraindications;
  • do not combine with incompatible types of medications.

Gel lubricant intimate probability of overdose

Cases of overdose of intimate Gel lubricant are rare. They were installed in 0.5% of subjects. The drug is allowed to be used several times a day, if necessary, this is done daily.

In case of frequent use of the lubricant, slight numbness of the surface of the skin on the organ may occur. This reaction is not dangerous to your health and goes away without medication. To avoid onset, apply a moderate dose of the product.

Gel Smazka intimate contraindications

Contraindications to the use of intimate gel lubricant:

  • minor or older age;
  • individual intolerance to the composition;
  • presence of damage to the skin;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • infectious processes in the pelvic organs;
  • other restrictions on sexual activity.

During pregnancy, a woman should consult a gynecologist. Most often, he advises against stimulation through lubricants. Also, consultation with a doctor is necessary for those who suffer from gynecological diseases, especially during their exacerbation.

Kidney failure

Gel lubricant is not dangerous for your liver. Due to its local effect, it does not affect this organ. In case of such violations, it is allowed to have a full sex life and use a lubricant to moisturize the pelvic organs. Even a pathology such as liver failure is not a contraindication.

Cardiovascular diseases

During cardiovascular diseases, the use of Gel Lubricants and other lubricants for intimate hygiene allowed. If, upon diagnosis, doctors allow sexual activity, moisturizing lubricant will not cause negative consequences in the patient's well-being.

Presence of other pathologies

Any disease (other than infectious or inflammatory processes) are not restrictions on the use of Gel Lubricant. If you have health problems and are sexually active, you can use this product without fear. It will improve the quality of your sex without harming your body.

Unlike most water- or fat-based analogues, Gel lubricant has a safe composition. It has nutritional properties, does not contain aggressive fragrances and dyes, does not leave greasy marks on the skin and clothes, and has a pleasant consistency and smell. Thanks to its balanced pH, the product is suitable for owners sensitive skin. The silicone composition is characterized by the most economical consumption.

Gel intimate lubricant main properties

Gel lubricant has unique properties:

Difference from other similar products

Intimate gel lubricant differs from similar preparations in that it contains low levels of harmful synthetic components. As practice has shown, they are the cause of the development of an allergic reaction. We also draw your attention to the cost - the product is inexpensive, but at the same time, effective.

Unlike oil, water and fat lubricants, intimate Gel lubricant has a silicone base. It is convenient for daily use and can be combined with a condom. Silicone is less likely to cause irritation, does not leave marks on underwear and bedding, and is also economical in consumption. One tube will last you for many months.

Video of applying intimate lubricant

From the video you can learn how to properly apply lubricant to the penis.

There are cases when, during sexual intercourse, natural discharge is insufficient or absent, then you cannot do without an intimate lubricant gel.

Such gels belong to a special category of cosmetics intended for sexual intimacy. They are simple to use - apply a small amount to the skin of men and women in areas that will come into contact with each other during intimacy.

When using a condom, the gel is applied to it, not under it, otherwise it may slip off during intercourse.

The use of intimate gel lubricants

The main function of lubricating gels is to moisturize the mucous membranes of the genital organs to facilitate the sliding of sensitive parts intimate places both partners.

  • If a woman has sexual intercourse, it causes pain and can lead to microtrauma. In the affected areas, severe discomfort is then felt, and pain appears when walking. Due to cracks and open wounds on the mucous membrane, the likelihood of infection increases.
  • The intimate gel is also used during oral intercourse. It has a pleasant smell and taste, moisturizes the mucous membrane of the mouth and genitals.
  • Gel lubricant is a mandatory attribute of anal sex, otherwise injury cannot be avoided. Anal gels relax the muscles of the anus, facilitate sliding, exhibit a bactericidal effect, eliminating possible troubles of anal contact.
  • People who have an overly active sex life with frequent spontaneous contacts can use an antiseptic gel that reduces the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (100% protection is not guaranteed).
  • Both partners use stimulating lubricant gels. Their effect is based on blood flow and increased blood circulation in the genitals, affecting their nerve endings. Gels are used for problems with erection, low excitability of the partner, and lack of foreplay.
  • Contraceptive intimate lubricant gels contain special components with spermicidal and antiseptic effects. Maintains mucous membranes in a healthy state, reduces the likelihood of unwanted pregnancy.
  • Prolonging lubricant gels allow you to increase the duration of sexual intercourse and delay the onset of orgasm by suppressing the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the glans penis (without reducing the severity of sensations). They prevent premature ejaculation.

What are the dangers of intimate lubricant gels?

The question of the dangers of intimate lubricant gels for health still remains open, since there are no accurate research results on this matter. It is believed that water-based gels can cause, which is possible due to the presence of glycerol in them, which is a nutrient medium for fungi.

In addition, any component in the gel can provoke an allergic reaction. Very often the cause of allergies are parabens, which are used in cosmetics as preservatives due to their fungicidal and antiseptic properties.

All lubricating gels negatively affect the quality of sperm, significantly reducing the possibility of conception.

Video - review of lubricants

The quality of intimate life between partners is one of key points complete idyll and mutual understanding. In order for sex to bring pleasure and pleasant sensations, nature took care of the natural lubrication of the genital organs, which are responsible for sliding and the most gentle friction. Several systems and organs in the body are responsible for the release of lubricant, be it the hormonal system or the blood circulation.

Most often, a lack of lubrication in women leads to problems in sexual life and the inability to achieve orgasm. Experts advise not to ignore vaginal dryness by resorting to lubricants. You can use gels and lubricants for both vaginal and anal sex and oral sex. An important condition is knowledge of how to apply and how to use such intimate accessories.

What you need to know about lubrication?

The main purpose of intimate lubricants is to moisturize the genitals if partners lack natural secretions. Thanks to their unique structure and consistency, such products guarantee easy and gentle gliding of the skin, which ensures sensitivity of the tissues of the vagina and penis. Otherwise, vaginal dryness and sex can lead to trauma to the mucous membranes.

To choose a lubricant according to your requirements, you need to distinguish lubricants primarily by their base:

  1. Water-based gel lubricant- the safest lubricant that is suitable for daily use. The lubricant does not leave stains on the fabric, is quickly washed off with water, and also carefully protects the skin from injuries and allergies. Such lubricants, among other things, do not violate the strength and integrity of barrier contraceptives.
  2. Gel lubricant oily base- this type of lubricant is inferior in many respects to the first option. Despite excellent hydration, the oily base does not accept the use of latex and rubber in contraceptives, and can also disrupt the microflora of the female genital organs.
  3. Silicone based lubricant- new generation lubricants that are distinguished by technological advantages. Such lubricants are suitable for the use of contraceptives and sex toys, and they also guarantee the highest slip coefficient. Silicone gels are most often used during anal sex due to their perfect moisturizing and super-slip properties.

Numerous companies that produce lines of intimate lubricants classify their products into three groups - lubricants for vaginal, anal sex and oral sex. There are lubricants with a warming effect for people who have low libido and erection problems. For anal sex, cooling gels and anesthetics are recommended, which ensure the comfort of sexual intercourse. For oral sex, gels are produced with different tastes and aromas.

How to use intimate lubricant correctly: instructions

Lubricant gels should be used by both partners, applied to the man’s penis and to the woman’s external genitalia. If a man uses contraception, the gel is applied to the surface of the condom. Lubricants must be used strictly for their intended purpose so as not to cause irritation or allergic reactions.

  • Detailed instructions are provided for each lubricant;
  • before using the lubricant, you need to test the product for allergies (apply a little on your wrist);
  • if there is no reaction, the lubricant should be applied to the skin of the genital organs of both partners;
  • After the end of sexual intercourse, the remaining lubricant should be washed off with soap and water.

If suddenly there is not enough lubrication, you can reapply the product so that friction does not cause discomfort to partners. Required condition is compliance with the purpose of lubricants, since some of them do not accept the use of contraceptives and toys, others cannot be used daily.

Video instructions

Get acquainted with detailed instructions You can watch videos on how to choose the right lubricants and use them in practice. For example:

You need to choose an intimate lubricant strictly according to your needs, that is, lubricant for anal sex should be used strictly for such purposes, the same can be said about other types of lubricants. For lovers of variety in sex, you can use universal species lubricants (most often these are water-based lubricants).

For reference! Preference should be given to proven brands, for example, Durex or Contex, Jonson; Jonson or Lubrix.

You need to buy lubricants in trusted stores; the product must have quality certificates. The best solution would be to buy lubricants in pharmacies, supermarkets and specialty stores. It is unwise to save on such products, since hypoallergenic high-quality lubricants will not be cheap.

Often, women refuse or avoid sexual intercourse due to discomfort or excessive friction caused by a lack of natural lubrication. If the discomfort is not caused by a disease or hormonal imbalance, solving the problem will be quite simple - you need to purchase an intimate lubricant or lubricant for sex. When it comes to choosing such an intimate item, women have a question: “What is a good intimate lubricant?”

Analogues of lubricants

Before purchasing a lubricant, you should decide for what purposes it will be used, and based on this

It is very important to make a purchase in a specialized sex store or pharmacy, since the products in question on the shelves of consumer stores may be of poor quality and even dangerous.

Of course, you can use a natural lubricant instead - male sperm. But this analogue is suitable only for couples who dream of a child or the woman takes birth control pills.

Saliva can also be a good analogue. Its only drawback is that it dries quickly and can cause irritation if there are small wounds or scratches on the skin.

Choosing an intimate lubricant

Typically, once opened, lubricants can be stored for three months to a year, depending on the composition. Lubricant should be applied before sexual intercourse and washed off thoroughly after.

Water-based lubricants

Suitable for use with condoms, does not contain harmful substances, not on the skin, easy to wash and wash off. The disadvantage of such lubricants is their short duration: within 5-10 minutes after application, it will completely dry or be absorbed.

The best intimate - Unex from Rosparfum - Desire. Taking care of the health of its customers, the famous brand produces only high-quality products, presenting products for the basic instinct on the world market, from lubricants to sex toys. Unex lubricant is intended for everyday use, comes in a convenient 40 ml bottle, perfectly moisturizes the skin, and increases the sensitivity of intimate areas. Does not cause skin irritation, does not corrode rubber or latex. It is quickly washed off with water and does not cause poisoning if it gets into the mouth.

Hot Glide Liquid Pleasure is no less popular. The Austrian company Hot has been supplying intimate goods for men and women to the world market for 18 years. The Hot company produces high-quality, easy-to-use, effective multifunctional products for affordable prices. Hot Glide Liquid Pleasure lubricant (volume 30 ml) provides gentle glide, moisturizes the skin, protects against the formation of small cracks and scratches, and is great for both vaginal and anal sex using toys. Compatible with latex condoms, without added dyes, with a neutral odor.

What is a good water-based intimate lubricant that would be suitable for use during menstruation? Lubricant Toyfluid, volume 100 ml. Great for both classic sex and intercourse using toys or latex protection during menstrual periods. The special composition provides long-lasting glide and hydration, easily washed off with water.

Silicone or fat based lubricants

They cope with the task perfectly, provide good glide and do not require re-application; if used extensively, they can leave marks on clothes or bedding.

Under the innovative brand "System Joe", products for adults are marketed, made from pharmaceutical ingredients that undergo strict dermatological control and are absolutely safe and hypoallergenic. It was System Joe, on the recommendation of sexologists and doctors, that released the world's first silicone-based lubricant for women. Premium Women, volume 120 ml. Unlike applied directly to the female intimate area. Compatible with latex and rubber products.

Types of silicone lubricants

Silicone-based lubricants can have different effects:

  • Antiseptic. “Contex Wave” is a gel lubricant containing panthenol (B 5), which has a positive effect on the condition of the mucous membranes, providing an antiseptic and healing effect. Reduces the possibility of damage to contact surfaces and condom rupture. Available in 100 ml containers.
  • Exciting. The Russian company "Biorhythm" produces Stimulove Strong, a well-known lubricant on the intimate market with an exciting effect, with a volume of only 20 ml. The peculiarity of the lubricant is its unique warming effect, thanks to which partners experience bright, sharp, unique sensations during sexual intercourse, it is non-toxic, and is easily washed off with water. This intimate lubricant does not cause allergies, itching or redness on the skin. Stimulove Strong contains glycerin, water, hydroxyethyl cellulose, carrageenan, fragrance, etc.

  • Lubricant with benzocaine that prolongs sexual intercourse. Pharmatex contraceptive lubricant for local use has spermicidal and antibacterial properties. The special effect is caused by damage to the sperm, which leads to the impossibility of fertilizing the egg. "Pharmatex" not only has a contraceptive effect, but also prevents the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, and also restores a woman's hormonal levels, promotes rapid healing of wounds and after childbirth.

Oral sex lubricant

Safe, environmentally friendly, has a pleasant fruit or berry taste.

What is a good intimate lubricant for oral sex that would be able to diversify your sex life with a vibrant fruity aroma? Of course, Durex Play Sweet Strawberry. The intimate lubricant is absolutely safe, provides silkiness, smoothness and makes it possible to enjoy the bright, juicy aroma of strawberries all year round.

Lubricant for anal sex

They are made from a special high-quality silicone base, used only in combination with a special condom, and do not dry out for several hours.

Intimate gel lubricant "Durex" for anal sex Play Tingle, volume 50 ml. The lubricant gained its popularity due to the special “frosty tingling” effect. The unique mixture of ingredients causes a simultaneous feeling of warmth and slight cold. Compatible with Durex condoms, vibrators and toys, does not contain menthol, fragrances or spermicides, and is not a contraceptive.

Intimate lubricant “Contex Strong” for anal sex, volume 100 ml. Great for first anal intercourse and makes it more comfortable and safe thanks to aloe vera extract, which protects the mucous membrane from damage and prevents inflammation. Suitable for use with a condom, does not destroy rubber and latex.