Enrollment for a basic self-defense course is underway!

Evening and Sunday groups for beginners are open.

The basic three-month applied program is designed for beginners and is suitable for anyone who

  • have not practiced martial arts before,
  • or I did, but that was a long time ago :)
  • or not too confident in your physical fitness.

If you have not yet decided how deeply you are ready to study self-defense, come to this three-month program. In the meantime, let's take a look at what's happening inside and how the classes are going.

What will happen there?

By completing the basic course, you will become familiar with the key principles of self-defense, learn the basics of movement and application of force in combat.

This is where you can deliver a blow, develop a striking base with your hands and knees, and prepare physically and mentally to repel an attack.

During the learning process you will develop psychological stability necessary for active and successful self-defense. It's no secret that in many ways psychological state, the willingness to fight for your life determines the outcome of the battle.

Principles of the White Lynx club:
  • Small groups: in groups of any level no more than 15 people.
  • Women's groups: girls train in comfortable conditions according to a program developed taking into account the psychophysics of women.
  • Test classes: The Club regularly hosts control classes where you can test your self-defense skills in conditions close to real ones.

What result will I get?

Please note that this course does not teach prepared techniques. They just don't work in real life. If you want to be able to scatter ten opponents with one blow, this is not for us. The main objective of the initial course is to study the striking base, the basic principles of self-defense and psychological preparation. As a result of completing the course, the student develops his own strategy for behavior in extreme situations, which he will use in the future.

What else?

A “side effect” of practicing self-defense is improving health: developing strength and endurance, improving posture and training the cardiovascular system. And also good mood and the joy of active activities in a friendly environment!

In addition to physical preparation for extreme situations, we pay attention. This module is a complement to the basic self-defense program. Psychology classes are free for club students who attend training.

In addition to the basic program, we offer classes in (knife vs. knife, unarmed vs. knife). The ability to defend against edged weapons is a very useful skill in a big city!

Program basic course

  • Basic principles of self-defense
  • Staging a strike. Two, three with hands
  • The concept of distances
  • Passive self-defense - safety for every day, the ability to prevent an attack
  • Efficient movements
  • Setting up attacking combinations
  • Protection from punches
  • The simplest schemes for releasing seizures
  • Impact parts of the hands: fist, palm, forearm, elbow
  • Blasting with hands
  • Vulnerable body parts
  • Kicks
  • Attack danger categories
  • Self-defense on the ground and in a prone position
  • Self-defense in confined spaces
  • Algorithm of actions during an attack
  • Legal aspects of self-defense
  • Working against a wall, self-belaying

How are the training sessions going?

The basic course of applied women's self-defense is taught in small groups. If you come to an already existing group, a second trainer will help you quickly get used to the training process.

For training you will need boxing gloves, bandages and leg protection. Equipment can be rented from the Club and purchased for personal use. In order to reduce injuries, we kindly ask you not to purchase equipment without consulting an instructor!

Our groups:
Weekend group 1: Sunday 12.00 - 14.00
Group evening 1: Monday, Wednesday 19.00 - 20.30
Group evening 2: Monday, Wednesday 20.30 - 22.00

Main hall: st. Bolshaya Semenovskaya, 42. 5 minutes from Elektrozavodskaya/Semyonovskaya metro station.

Realities modern world are such that we risk encountering danger simply by going outside. Sometimes we can't avoid dark alleys and deserted areas, so we need to know self-defense techniques that will help us protect ourselves in case of danger. And if a conflict arises and the alleged offender crosses a certain line, then the most correct thing on your part would be to launch an active attack in order to deprive him of the opportunity to continue his actions.

Of course, it is worth remembering that assault is not the only way to resolve a conflict - in some cases it is better to flee, forgetting about pride, even if you know self-defense techniques. But there are also situations when the only way to protect your life is self-defense. Most fights in the streets are started by a physically strong person, sometimes there may even be several attackers. In such cases, prohibited self-defense techniques will be the most effective. This technique is quite simple, but at the same time its techniques are very traumatic.

Features of prohibited techniques

The specificity of this technique lies in striking the enemy’s most vulnerable spots. And there is no need to apply great force to injure a weak spot. Therefore, such techniques are suitable for people of any gender, age and build. There are many particularly vulnerable places on the human body that cannot be pumped up with muscles or accustomed to pain.

For prohibited self-defense techniques to be effective, strikes must be struck quickly and spontaneously. In self-defense, not only technique is important, but also cunning. That is, if you are unexpectedly attacked, you do not need to immediately get into a fighting position - it is better to pretend to be scared and then strike the enemy with a strong blow.

The most vulnerable areas of the human body

So, the main areas that do not have dense muscle cover are: collarbones, spine, shins, ankles, temples, instep, internal organs, joints, the back of the skull and the most sensitive places (eyes, carotid artery, groin, lower abdomen, nose and throat). The most effective techniques self-defense for girls and children is striking the enemy in the ear area, bridge of the nose, and at the base of the jaw. As well as painful holds and grips on fingers, hands, collarbones and elbows.

There are quite a lot of techniques for protecting yourself during an attack. And in order to master them perfectly, it is better to enroll in special courses; such skills will certainly not be superfluous.

Techniques that will help deprive the offender of his legal capacity

As a rule, weak attempts at resistance will only provoke the aggressor, and he will move on to more terrible actions. Therefore, it is worth considering useful self-defense techniques on the street that will help you buy time and partially incapacitate the offender.

Knee to the groin

This technique, in its classic form, is either a grab of the scrotum, since this area is the most vulnerable in men. If you hit the attacker hard in this place, he will reflexively release his hands, as a result, you will have the opportunity to free yourself from the grip. Please note: you need to hit as hard as possible, since weak attempts will only anger your opponent.

Punch to the groin

The blow can be applied from the bottom up with a hand clenched into a fist. You need to hit with the surface of your thumb like a knife blow from bottom to top. If the enemy grabs you from the back and holds you by the hair or throat, then you need to hit with the edge of your palm or with your fist, directing the blow back. If it allows, you can use it with a half-turn of the body - this technique will be even more effective.

Throat hit

Simple self-defense techniques for women always include such an important blow as a poke to the throat.

You need to fold your fingers in a pinch, pressing the pads tightly against each other and apply it to the enemy’s throat. This solution will be the most optimal way of defense, but only if the aggressor’s throat is open. The blow is applied to the depression above the collarbones from top to bottom or from bottom to top at an acute angle. This technique is very painful and can lead to difficulty breathing in the attacker, coughing or even fainting.

Hit the nose with the edge of the palm

This blow must be applied with the edge of the palm to the nose or area upper lip. This is a great way to protect yourself from attack. It must be applied in a horizontal plane with an open palm and a drawbar. The most effective use is a hidden strike, that is, you seem to beg for mercy by folding your arms in front of your chest. The palms should be offset relative to each other, so that the little finger right hand was on the left thumb. He performs it as if you want to sharply clean dirt from your left palm with your right palm. If this technique is performed correctly, the opponent will experience strong

A blow to the ears

This famous blow is delivered with open palms, folded slightly in a boat, simultaneously on the enemy’s two ears. The main requirement is that it must be sharp and strong. It is necessary to use the inertia and weight of your body, and then this technique can lead to rupture of the eardrum or severe painful shock.

Slash to the face

This technique is considered typically feminine. To use it, you need to turn your body a little and throw your arm forward: shoulder, then elbow and hand, which shoots a whip from the bottom up. You can use your knuckles, the edge of your palm, or the back of your hand as a striking surface.

How to free yourself from strangulation and capture?

Effective self-defense techniques are not just about using strikes to incapacitate an attacker. With their help you can get rid of, for example, a frontal grab by the throat. To do this, you need to strike the enemy in the face using any of the above methods, this will give you the opportunity to loosen your grip. And in order to wriggle out of the grip, you need to lean on the aggressor’s hand with your shoulder or forearm from top to bottom using the weight of your body.

If you need hands, you can do this by twisting your hand towards your opponent's thumb. Next, you need to move the weight of the body through the front leg onto the grabbed hand and hang on it. At this time, you can strike the attacker’s thigh with your unloaded leg. You can also effectively use the energy of a turn and use your free hand to throw a backhand punch at the opponent's face.

These are the simplest self-defense techniques, but do not forget that a damaged opponent is even more dangerous. And even if you managed to neutralize and immobilize him, do not lose your vigilance and do not turn your back on him.

Useful self-defense techniques

You can knock the enemy's breath away and even deprive him of consciousness with a strong blow. The blow can be delivered with both the hand and the foot. A strong hit to the attacker's nose can temporarily throw him off balance. If you carry out a direct blow to the nose with your knee or elbow, this will result in a deep knockout or a broken bridge of the nose for the aggressor. An uppercut to the chin can also knock out an opponent. But remember that performing a blow incorrectly can result in broken fingers or broken bones.

Self-defense techniques in pictures will help you determine which places human body are the most vulnerable. Joints are one of these weak areas. If you deliver a directed blow to your opponent from the side or perform a sweep with reverse side knee, he will lose his balance. Strikes to the knee joints are also effective in short-range combat.

What is the role of balance in combat?

The effectiveness of self-defense techniques depends on many factors: the physical characteristics of the enemy, their number, the characteristics of the surrounding space, and so on. There are no universal ways to protect against attack. Therefore, the main goal that you must achieve is to learn to remain calm and balanced in any situation. After all, very often the outcome of a fight is determined by a person’s physical and mental balance.

Learning to maintain calm and balance during a fight is quite difficult. This process includes the development and strengthening of the vestibular system, as well as the formation and strengthening of muscles.

Effective use of self-defense techniques

Self-defense fighting techniques are techniques in which you need to violate your opponent's personal space in order to strike him. Simple punches and kicks will not bring desired effect, since they will only anger the attacker, and you need to neutralize him. In addition, when delivering such blows, you lose your balance, and your opponent will take advantage of this.

Throws are a good technique for protecting against attack, but in a street fight they are ineffective, since many throws have some restrictions on their use. For example, freestyle wrestling throws require good physical shape and serious preparation. Self-defense usually involves physical pressure on the attacker's painful spots, areas or points. The main thing you must remember is that self-defense on the street does not tolerate ceremony. Your strikes should be aimed at effectively and quickly unbalancing your opponent, and then you need to neutralize him on the ground. You need to throw the attacker off balance using your own body weight and mistakes in his tactics. Of course, not in all cases it makes sense to use self-defense techniques, and there are situations in which the best decision is to escape. However, having studied at least the most basic techniques, you will learn to correctly navigate in unusual situations and be able to protect yourself if attacked on the street.

So, today we will debunk the main myths about self-defense for girls, and tell you how girls should really behave in dangerous situations during attacks and even robberies. What weapons can be used and what strategy can be used to easily defeat even a man slightly superior in strength and weight.

Girls are more dangerous than men

And yes, despite the assurances of many specialists in women’s self-defense, this is indeed possible, because women are many times more dangerous for a man than any other man. At a minimum, it is usually women that a man can psychologically allow much closer than other men.

Plus, women are more often trusted, they seem more secure, fragile and naive, and men much more often want to be left alone with them, which they actually take advantage of.

In addition, it has been proven that a woman in battle is more cold-blooded, more cunning, she is much better at deception and acting. Women survive blood loss even longer, which is often useful in military conditions, this is how their body works. So the best snipers and hired killers are definitely our lovely ladies.

A girl needs to win with cunning, not force.

But on the other hand, girls should not start being thoughtlessly proud and forget that physically they are still weaker, and in an open “fair” fight they still lose to a man in 90% of cases.

Therefore, their main trump card is cunning, which they must be able to play well in the event of any emergency. And even more so in the case of possible robberies, rapes and the like.

Of course, I know a couple of girls who, having entered the same elevator with a maniac who was never alive or at least healthy, would not let him out, even without using weapons. But this is a completely different story and a completely different type of thinking, in no way connected with sports martial arts and self-defense for women living an ordinary social life.

To do this, naturally, you need to devote a lot of time to serious martial arts, understand the physics and structure of the human body in detail, study the main pressure points and complex techniques.

Show your weakness more often

Then yes, you can win on your own and without weapons. And even do whatever you want with one completely unprepared man. But are the many years spent on training worth it, or is it better for a girl to show weakness instead of strength during self-defense?

Well, again, even in that case, most often her coach then has to go to the police and prove that she did not inflict these injuries on purpose, and that she was in danger, and did not simply cripple the guy because of her whim.

After all, I hope, you understand, if you have been practicing martial arts for 10 years, the police will have a different demand for you. Or they may also say that you are deliberately provoking it in order to practice, or that, in general, you should not hit people, since you are a pro and your duty is to detain them with a painful hold, and then take them to the police.

Therefore, even in the police after an incident, it would be good to use competent acting. After all, it’s better to say that, in general, we never did anything. In general, you are a frightened girl in hysterics, you were attacked, and everything else is pure coincidence.

A strategy for effective female self-defense during an attack on the street

It seems to me that the most correct model and strategy for self-defense for a girl in almost any attack is to always agree on everything and assent to the last, relaxing as much as possible and making the relationship trusting even with a dangerous maniac or an armed bandit.

What to do if someone tries to kidnap you?

Naturally, except for the cases when they suddenly started trying to push you into a car to take you somewhere. But even in this case, it will be more profitable to start not resisting right away, since two or three strong guys, if they have already grabbed you, will shove you into the car anyway.

Here it is better to relax for a couple of seconds and say that there is no question, you will go without any problems, and as soon as they think about it, start running as quickly as possible.

After all, if you don’t stop resisting, they will definitely hold you tightly all the time and you won’t have a single chance.

What to do if you find yourself with a maniac

Moreover, this strategy is the best and most effective even in such terrible situations, which are sometimes shown in films or crime chronicles, where a girl is kidnapped by a maniac and kept in a basement for 20 years, mocking her as he wants.

After all, why does the maniac keep them in the basement for 20 years? Naturally, because all these 20 years they have been resisting, fighting and trying to escape, even when there is no such opportunity.

Plus they constantly cry and scream, trying to reach the neighbors. Naturally, in such conditions, any reasonable maniac will understand that such an “aggressive” girl must be kept in the farthest basement and under as many locks as possible.

What do you think, if these girls, having already realized that they had ended up with a maniac, immediately began to behave ideally, swore their love to him, promised to give birth to ten children. You would be praised for your resourcefulness in how he managed to kidnap you so skillfully and, in general, what a great guy he is, that he did all this and now she will always be with him.

Naturally, any man, and especially a psychopathic maniac, will simply melt at such words like a child. And having made sure that her fame is true, she doesn’t try to escape and doesn’t even think about it; after 2 days, or even on the same day, she simply stops locking the door.

Perhaps he will even relax so much that he will want to go to the neighbors to show off his new wife. Most maniacs are as naive as children, like, in fact, almost all men. It won’t be difficult to deceive them if you play well, and in this case, 20 years of imprisonment in a basement can be easily replaced by a maximum of 2 days.

After all, when he relaxes, all the piercing weapons in the house will be at her service, and maybe even leave through open door when the psycho goes to work.

Especially if she hints to him that there should be exclusively trusting relationships between people, like in a normal family, and she is offended by his distrust towards her. As, in fact, usually wise women and do to their men.

Well, in this situation, since you have already found yourself in it, then for now you need to treat your opponent as your man, that is, in the most reasonable and wise way.

Perhaps you will say this is unrealistic, because it is very disgusting and unpleasant, but on the other hand, think for yourself what is more unpleasant, this or sitting locked in a basement for 20 years and giving birth to children to a maniac. Therefore, always choose the better of 2 evils.

And, in the end, if you do something, then learn to do it well. Even if it’s a robber or a maniac, you will still have good memories.

The most powerful weapon for a girl

After all, it is a great art, no matter who you communicate with, to bring people happiness and good mood. In fact, this is precisely the calling of a girl, albeit for evil people, it won't last long. But this is your most important weapon, and it would be the height of stupidity not to use it.

For a girl to not use cunning during self-defense is roughly the same as for a man to throw stones at a bear when he has a working and loaded Kalashnikov assault rifle in his other hand.

Even if in these, probably, the most difficult situations, everything can work out quite easily for you, if you show at least a little resourcefulness, then an ordinary robbery or attempted rape for you, in general, will be an ordinary fun acting scene.

How to behave as a girl during a robbery

Naturally, like any game, there are rules, so during a robbery you also need to behave as modestly as possible and agree to everything. In general, in more than 90% of cases, a really fragile girl should simply give what the robber asks of her.

In my book about martial arts, I already talked in detail about how to minimize your material losses with the help of the second mobile phone and a second wallet, as well as simply reasonable behavior, when you do not take with you such valuable things that you would be more sorry to lose than your life.

And indeed, 90% of robbers will leave satisfied and will not make physical contact (fight with you) if you give them 1 phone and 1 wallet. Then you say that you have nothing else and you go home. You wish the robber good luck without hysterics, and say that you will not call the police. What you actually do is up to you.

How can a girl properly resist a male robber?

Well, if you still decide to show courage and physically confront a male robber, and attack him yourself with the help of a previously stored gas spray, shocker or knife, then you need to once again use the best female tactics, code-named "snake bite".

Which is that you actually only have exactly 1 chance to surprise attack your opponent. And this one chance must be used 100%, and hit only at the moment when you are 200% sure that the enemy will not be able to repel this most “poisonous” and insidious attack.

That is, you need to wait until the last moment, until the ideal moment presents itself, and literally with one simple action change the entire situation with the attack to the opposite.

Naturally, it is not necessary to finish off the attacker, show unnecessary cruelty, and so on. The girl’s task during self-defense is simply to avoid an attack with minimal forces and protect herself.

Therefore, for humane purposes, you can stock up in advance on interesting female self-defense props, just designed for such smart women, like a gas canister, indistinguishable from lipstick, or a stun gun, indistinguishable from a modern mobile phone.

With such a secretive female weapon, you can show even more acting skills, and even put on lipstick for your favorite robber, becoming the most dangerous and most beautiful “victim” for him.

Due to the increasing number of cases of attacks on women, it is necessary to be able to defend yourself. If you do not have the opportunity to take self-defense courses, then reinforce your knowledge with this article.

Remember, if a situation occurs that you are in danger and you decide to respond, then you need to do this with maximum confidence. If your gestures are hesitant, but are perceived as an attempt to resist, this can only further anger the enemy. If you hit, hit hard, remember - your life and health are at stake.

So, all girls know about the most sensitive point of men - groin. If your opponent grabs you, you can use this technique to get him to let you go. And then run away as quickly as possible. Because it is not yet clear how strong the blow you dealt and how quickly he can recover, but the fact that this will make him incredibly angry is for sure. Even if it seems to you that you have neutralized it, there is no point in standing and watching. We need to leave quickly. So, if the enemy is facing you, you need to hit him in the groin with a cupped palm. If the maniac is clearly taller, try to kick with all your might, while at the same time using your hands to yank the attacker’s clothes and shoulders down. Experts also recommend that in a critical situation not resist until the rapist undresses, which will help avoid aggression. Then you need to grab the scrotum, squeeze it tightly, pull it towards you and twist it to the side. After this you should quickly run away.

Following. If the enemy's throat is open, then you can use this against him. Place the fingers of your dominant hand in a pinch (all fingers together, fingertips touching each other) and poke firmly into the chest cavity from top to bottom or bottom to top (depending on the height of the offender) at an angle of 45 degrees. This technique causes severe coughing, watery eyes, sometimes bleeding from the throat and fainting.

Self-defense techniques for women very often include blows to the face. The enemy's weakest points are the eyes and nose. The thumbs of both hands are stuck into the eyes of the rapist, and the remaining fingers cling to the corner of the opponent’s lower jaw just below the ears and press against the movement of the thumbs. If for some reason you are unable to cope with the enemy, you can try this method: without letting go of his face from your hands, hit him against the wall with all your strength. Even the most fragile girl who grabs the attacker by the hair can take a person out of a capable state for a few seconds.

A blow to the ears. Cup both palms and forcefully strike the attacker's ears. Causes a painful shock, sometimes rupture of the eardrum. You can also grab the enemy’s ears with both hands and use a screw-like movement - sideways, towards you, down - twist them until he is on the ground.

A blow to the leg. If you are wearing heels, then use the following technique. Raising your foot, strike with force your heel on the instep of the opponent’s foot or on the toes, making trampling movements, as if you were squashing a cockroach. Also, if your shoes have a strong toe that is not too elongated, they can hit the lower third of a maniac’s shin.

If the enemy is facing you and is squeezing his throat to loosen his grip, blows to the eyes, nose, and throat (described above) will help. Then, simultaneously use your shoulder and forearm (if the opponent is holding you with his left hand, then you need to knock him down with his left shoulder) lean on the maniac’s hand, knock down the grip from top to bottom.

If you were attacked with a knife. Then you can try to force the enemy to throw it. Gotta try pinch his tendon. Grab his hand (which holds the knife), while turning your body to the left. Then try to hit your opponent's elbow with your right elbow. At the same time, continue to twist the maniac’s hand, while simultaneously moving the hand with the weapon back. Also remember that you can try to unclench the brush if you straighten it thumb and little finger.

Remember that in the event of an attack, you must consider any objects, either in your hand or lying nearby, as a potential weapon. If for you a bag is just a bag, then you will have a hard time. Let's assume that at some point you managed to get behind the enemy's back (for example, if there were two of you and he attacked a friend, or your husband is fighting with an attacker and you are behind), use your belt (can be a waist belt, or a bag). Place a belt around the enemy's neck and start making choking movements. The maniac will have difficulty breathing and will be temporarily neutralized. Or you can use the bag as a whip. Grab it tightly by the handles and hit the enemy's head with all your might several times.

A few words about defensive weapons. Gas weapons. It has many advantages, but it is useless to use for self-defense in enclosed spaces. The enemy, of course, will receive his share of coughing and pain in the eyes, but you will completely share it with him. When using weapons in open space, you should take into account the strength and direction of the wind. The wind can carry the gas curtain away from the enemy, or direct its effect towards you. In addition, the gas has little effect on alcoholics and drug addicts. Stun gun. Perhaps the most effective remedy. A two-second exposure will give about five minutes to escape. By using a stun gun, you protect yourself in a specific situation, preventing possible problems in the future (there are no traces left on the maniac except redness), which almost inevitably arise when using trauma. Trauma is, of course, very effective. But, I must warn you that now in legal practice there are many cases when the victim herself comes under investigation for inflicting grievous bodily harm on the attacker.

Remember the basic principles of self-defense:

  1. If you don’t want to be a victim, then try not to react to insults and attacks. It’s better to let it hurt you mentally than physically.
  2. It goes without saying that you should not visit sparsely populated, gloomy places.
  3. No matter how romantic it may be, you should not meet men on the street. There are a million known stories of cases where such a sweet acquaintance ended in tears for a girl.
  4. If it is possible to avoid a fight (for example, by running away), then it is better to do so.
  5. If a company attacks you, you should identify the initiator-leader and be the first to neutralize him. The rest may hesitate after this and retreat.
  6. If you enter a sparsely populated room, such as an entrance, and see a group of people there, be prepared to repel a blow and try not to turn your back on the potential aggressor.
  7. If a fight is inevitable, look your enemy in the eye with confidence.
  8. Remember that the most effective strikes come from the elbow, knee and head.
  9. If you are attacked and you cannot respond, then try to cover your vital organs and call for help. Practice shows that when attacked by a maniac, the cry “Fire!” evokes more responses than shouting “Help!” But you can use anything as long as it helps.
  10. And of course, you shouldn’t put strangers in the car and open the door for strangers. No matter how nice and polite people may seem to you, remember that this may only be their mask. If you look at the criminal chronicles, you will see that the serial killer maniacs detained after many years looked completely normal.

In conclusion, I wish you never to encounter such situations. Be careful, good luck!

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Self-defense techniques for girls and women
Often, fragile representatives of the fair sex have to engage in real battle with those who are called upon to protect and protect modern ladies. Self-defense means come to the aid of girls and women - pepper sprays, stun guns and even ordinary accessories. However, experts do not recommend using such items if the technology for handling them has not been fully mastered.

The chances of success in a seemingly unequal battle increase significantly if the potential victim masters the simplest techniques of self-defense.

Having decided to engage in a fight with an attacker, it is necessary to attack the enemy first so that he no longer poses a threat. Otherwise, attempts to resist the attacker can anger the attacker and provoke aggressive attacks without any allowance for gender. It is almost impossible to remain a winner in such a situation.

Usually, women know well that a blow to the groin - best way force a man to let go of a potential victim. In this case, the attacker reflexively lowers his hands to protect the reproductive organs. Taking advantage of a few seconds, you need to quickly run away from the scene of the attack.

You can hit the groin with a cupped palm (if the enemy is facing you). If the attacker is clearly taller, try to kick with all your might, while at the same time using your hands to yank the clothes and shoulders of the potential offender down. If the man's height is not much different, suddenly and unexpectedly squat down, bending your knees and moving your pelvis back, and then, quickly straightening up, strike from below.

In a critical situation, experts recommend not resisting until the maniac or rapist undresses, which will help avoid aggression. Then you need to pull it towards yourself and twist it to the side, firmly squeezing the scrotum with your hand. After this, you should quickly leave the scene of the attack.

Self-defense techniques for girls are based on the suddenness of resistance. Thus, a quick blow with the folded fingers of the leading hand to the chest at an angle of 45 degrees or from top to bottom can provoke a severe cough, profuse lacrimation, and in rare cases, bleeding and even fainting. A similar technique is used if the enemy’s throat is exposed. A sharp blow with folded fingers to any part of the face can also provoke bleeding or painful shock.

Self-defense techniques for women very often include punches to the face. The enemy's weakest points are the eyes and nose. Even the most fragile girl who grabs the attacker by the hair can take a person out of a capable state for a few seconds. If someone grabs you by the hair, you should try to hit or press on your eyes.

A kick to the groin or neck will be no less effective.

In the event that the enemy grabs the hair from behind, you should press the attacker’s hand to the head with both hands and turn with a slight tilt of the head, while twisting and sharply bending the hand at the wrist.

A blow to the ears is also unexpected for the attacker. For this self-defense technique, cup your palms and hit the opponent’s ears with force. It should be remembered that such a blow also causes a painful shock and can lead to rupture of the eardrum. If it doesn’t work, grab the attacker’s ears with your hands and pull them sideways or toward you in a screw-like motion until the offender is on the ground.

Self-defense techniques for girls include kicks to the legs. If you wear boots or shoes with even very low heels, lift the toe of your toe slightly and press your heel firmly onto the instep of your opponent's foot. As a rule, after this the potential criminal falls, unable to step on his sore leg for half an hour.

In order to deprive the attacker of the ability to see, representatives of the fair sex try to stick the thumbs of both hands inside the eye socket right up to the membrane. In this case, the remaining fingers should cling to the corner of the opponent’s lower jaw just below the ears and press forcefully towards the movement of the side fingers. In this case, the criminal is almost guaranteed to lose orientation in space. If you cannot cope with the enemy, in this case you can, without letting go of your face, hit the attacker with all your might against a wall or hard surface.

If the enemy is facing the victim and squeezing the throat, precise blows to the eyes, nose and throat of the criminal will help loosen the grip. After this, the potential victim must simultaneously lean on the attacker’s hand with his forearm and shoulder in order to break the grip from top to bottom.

If, while trying to escape, the enemy managed to grab your hand, take a small step forward and hang on your hand. In this case, the body weight is transferred to the front standing leg. With your free leg, kick the criminal in the thigh. Turning around, deliver another blow to the face with a relaxed hand.

Often the criminal attacks his victim with a knife. In order to protect yourself from wounds, grab the hand holding the weapon and turn your body to the left. Then try to hit the elbow of the attacker with the elbow of your right hand. At the same time, continue to twist the opponent’s hand, while simultaneously moving the hand with the weapon back. With this movement, you pinch the tendon and force the attacker to release the knife.

You should not try to snatch the knife from your opponent. Do not forget that a person’s hand can be unclenched by extending the thumb and little finger. Remember: it is better to cut your hand than to risk the possibility of stabbing your vital organs. To protect yourself from a criminal, improvised means - keys, knitting needles, sharp objects - are also suitable. However, it is necessary to remember that while the enemy is breathing and moving, you must not lose vigilance under any circumstances. Even to an enemy who is knocked out and incapacitated at first glance, you should never turn your back. We should also not forget that the best protection against attackers is an attempt to avoid unpleasant situations. That is why representatives of the fairer sex are not recommended to return to dark time days from guests or stroll through deserted parks and squares. And if there is such an opportunity, then sign up for self-defense courses for girls.

Remember: it is easier to prevent an attack than to fight an aggressive attacker who is determined to commit a crime.