On his official page on the social network Instagram, the popular performer, former member of the “Tea for Two” duet Denis Klyaver shared a fresh photo with his many subscribers. An exemplary father and family man suddenly appeared in the company popular singer Eva Polna, with whom several years ago he began a passionate but short affair. The fruit of the artists’ love was the girl Evelyn. Actually, Denis and Eva, who briefly joined together, took her to school. "Happy September 1st, Friends!!!"– the singer briefly signed the photo.


In the photo, Denis is posing in snow-white trousers, a black T-shirt and a black jacket. Eva chose a brighter outfit - a purple dress and a traditional hat to match. Evelyn completed the picture, dressed in a white blouse and black sundress. It is visible to the naked eye that the girl is the spitting image of her mother.

Let us remember that a couple of years ago it turned out that Evelyn’s father is singer, ex-member of the group “Tea for Two” Denis Klyaver. He himself made a loud statement on the air of the program “Let Them Talk” with Andrei Malakhov. At the same time, the TV presenter wrote on Twitter: “Today in Let Them Talk: for the first time Denis Klyaver admits that he is the father of Eva Polna’s child.” Klyaver reported that he and Polna had a child “out of great love”.

Later, Eva admitted that she took Klyaver’s statement as a betrayal. “We agreed that we would remain silent about what happened between us eight years ago: yes, we met, a child appeared, but we did not get married, but separated. Denis officially admitted the fact of his paternity five years after Evelyn’s birth. I don’t I wanted strangers to get into my life. I then asked Denis why he did this. He replied that he did what he thought was necessary. Well, this is a normal position for a man. A man is always in a better situation than a woman who has children“, Polna said in an interview. The singer’s second daughter Amalia was born from businessman Sergei Pilgun.

Singer Eva Polna gave birth to a daughter, as it recently turned out, from the lead singer of the group “Tea for Two” Denis Klyaver. In an interview with 7 Days magazine, Polna spoke for the first time about her daughter and her relationship with Klyaver: “I learned from journalists that Denis told everything in the television program. They started calling me to give me my comments, but I couldn’t say anything. We agreed that we would remain silent about what happened between us eight years ago.” About Denis Klyaver WE met, a child appeared, but we did not get married, but separated. Denis officially acknowledged the fact of his paternity five years after Evelyn’s birth. I didn't want strangers interfering in my life. We succeeded in this for a long time. Even our artist friends knew nothing. It’s one thing when history concerns me, I’ve already grown into a shell, as boxers and wrestlers say, “I’ve become calloused”, I’ve learned not to react to some things, considering them the costs of my profession. But when it comes to my children... It’s not their fault that their parents are such popular people. Although I understood that sooner or later the information would come out. Because children live in an adult world. Evelyn knows who her father is. She goes to school, communicates with other children, she is in society. It's unpleasant that it was presented in this form. I would like everything to be beautiful, like, for example, in the magazine “7 Days”. They tell you beautiful stories. I then asked Denis why he did this. He replied that he did as he saw fit. Well, for a man this is a normal position. A man is always in a more advantageous situation than a woman who has children. About relationships with an ex-lover There is no conflict between us. You know, a man and a woman are one story. Parents and children are completely different. I want my daughters to have dads who root for them, help them, and support them. Father's support is very important in a girl's life. But I won’t tell Evelyn or Amalia that dad is so wonderful and wonderful, or, on the contrary, I won’t scold them. Why artificially create a myth and say that dad is Gagarin, when he is not Gagarin?! Girls will figure it out themselves when they grow up. Everything is before their eyes. I don’t want to lie to you either, that they communicate four times a week, spend everything together free time, Denis goes to parent meetings to the school where Evelyn studies, and Sergei gave Amalia a pony (Sergei Zhukov, businessman, father of his youngest daughter, Amalia. - Ed.). He didn't give her a pony; we have nowhere to put it. And Denis is not an ideal father. But my daughters are happy because they are loved. Both Sergey and Denis are wealthy people. If they come to our home, then gifts are given to both young ladies at once. This is, of course, correct. But I asked them to direct their generosity in a more reasonable direction, for example, to a foreign language teacher.
Denis has a wonderful wife, they are happy. And I’m also very happy for Sergei. My family is girls, grandparents - my parents, who spend time with them from morning to evening, walking, washing, feeding, playing, reading books - and me, the head of the family. Yes, I work a lot, I go on tour, but the girls understand this. About my daughters I wanted them to have beautiful names that would be understood throughout the world. This is a certain sound code. It is believed that girls should be given names with many open vowel sounds. And in the names of boys, on the contrary, there should be a feeling of firmness, some kind of internal support. My girls are very different in character. The eldest Evi is calmer and easily compromises. Amalia, on the contrary, has her own opinion on any matter, she knows what she needs. Therefore, we have to look for a special approach to explain to her why, for example, a silk, ruffled dress cannot be worn with bologna quilted pants. Or why now you need to turn off the TV and go to dinner. Although, if mom barks or hits the table with her fist, she will quickly do everything. (Laughs.) Amalia is more assiduous and collected. She has been practicing choreography since she was two and a half years old. After all, I myself am a choreographer by profession, and dance has not left my life - I rehearse with a coach, and together with my partner we participate in competitions. Professional dancing is hard work and a lot of stress, moral and physical. If Amalia decides that she wants to be a classical ballerina, and everything, as they say, will grow together - go ahead. And Evelyn plays the flute. Since she dreams of becoming a singer, these classes are useful - for her lungs, for her vocals. We'll see what happens next. Now Evie is going through a lot of stress, because the first grade at school is a serious stage in life.
About family and career I don’t want to be a mother cuckoo who flies somewhere all the time. I'm trying to snatch at least a few hours to spend time with the girls, take a walk together, play, go to the movies new cartoon, just chat. I love those moments when both my girls are under my side: Evie on one side, Amalia on the other. I immediately feel like a mother hen who has taken her chickens under her wing. It is no coincidence that on my social network page I sign stories about my girls “Mother Bird.” (Laughs.) It’s important for me to preserve the feeling of family, so that my daughters know that they will always help, be sorry, and encourage.

Russian singer, former lead singer of the group “Guests from the Future,” Eva Polna is a creative person who walked towards her success without doubting her abilities. Her figure is not slender, but her excellent taste and sense of style helps her choose clothes for plus-size people.

This beautiful woman- not only a popular performer, but also the mother of two beautiful girls. Not long ago it became known that the father eldest daughter Eva Polny Evelyn is Denis Klyaver - a popular Russian singer.

Eva Polna about the relationship of daughters with their fathers

As a result of the relationship between these two performers, Evelyn was born. The parents agreed not to disclose information about who the girl's father is. Moreover, Denis Klyaver recognized his paternity only 5 years after the birth of his daughter. No one knew about the relationship that existed between Denis and Eva. The singer was the first to reveal the secret, without coordinating it with ex-lover, who did not want strangers to interfere in her personal life. Despite the fact that the romance between the artists quickly ended, the relationship between them remained friendly.

Since the parents of both of the singer’s daughters are popular people, sooner or later everyone would know who Evelyn’s father is. One way or another, the truth became known, and the girl communicates with her father, Denis Klyaver. The father of Eva’s youngest daughter, Amalia, is businessman Sergei Pilgun. The singer believes that children should have fathers and happily allows them to communicate and spend free time together, since girls need their father's support and attention. According to Eva, she neither creates myths nor scolds the fathers of her children. Over time, the girls will draw their own conclusions, since they see their dads very often. Each of the artist’s former lovers has their own family, but this does not prevent them from taking care of their daughters and being in good relations with their mother. Eva Polna is glad that Evelyn and Amalia are happy because they are loved.
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The famous performer Denis Klyaver and his third wife Irina have been happy together for more than ten years, almost seven of which have been married. The couple has a son, Daniel, who is three and a half years old.

In the “Secret for a Million” program, the hero of which was Denis Klyaver, his wife Irina remembered what emotions she experienced when future husband confessed to her that he had an illegitimate daughter from his relationship with singer Eva Polnaya. This happened at the very beginning of the romance between Irina and Denis.

“It was a real shock for me to find out that Denis has a child with a famous vocalist,” admitted Irina Klyaver. - I needed time to realize this and come to my senses. I don’t have high self-esteem and I understood perfectly well that Eva Polna is a star, and I ordinary girl. And when I met Denis, I thought that we had an affair for a couple of months at most. Let's play and go our separate ways."

However, everything worked out for them, and the marriage of Irina and Denis Klyaver is considered one of the strongest in Russian show business. The third wife of the ex-lead singer of the group “Tea for Two” knows everything about her husband’s previous passions, she knows his second wife Yulia, and supports friendly relations with Eva Polnaya, women even congratulate each other on their birthday.

Let us recall that the passionate and short-lived romance of Denis Klyaver and Eva Polna ended with the birth of their daughter Evelyn in 2005. The musicians kept their relationship secret from the public for a long time, making public the fact that they had joint child only in 2012. Then the girl went to first grade, and her parents attended the school function together.

By the way, Irina Klyaver has adult daughter from his first marriage. Anastasia is over twenty years old and has an excellent relationship with her stepfather. The girl admits that when she found out about her mother’s affair with Denis Klyaver, she was truly delighted. Anastasia was a fan of the group “Tea for Two” and even in her wildest dreams could not imagine that she would drink tea with the lead singer of the group and discuss the most important problems with him.

“Denis is a wonderful father and husband. Very caring. True, there have been punctures over the course of eleven years,” Irina Klyaver said, laughing. – Last year, for example, I nagged him because he didn’t give me flowers for my tenth birthday. life together. But I’m not jealous, and I’m one hundred percent sure that he’s faithful to me.”

On his official page on the social network Instagram, the popular performer, former member of the “Tea for Two” duet Denis Klyaver shared a fresh photo with his many subscribers. An exemplary father and family man suddenly appeared in the company of the popular singer Eva Polna, with whom several years ago he began a passionate but short affair. The fruit of the artists’ love was the girl Evelyn. Actually, Denis and Eva, who briefly joined together, took her to school. "Happy September 1st, Friends!!!"– the singer briefly signed the photo.


In the photo, Denis is posing in snow-white trousers, a black T-shirt and a black jacket. Eva chose a brighter outfit - a purple dress and a traditional hat to match. Evelyn completed the picture, dressed in a white blouse and black sundress. It is visible to the naked eye that the girl is the spitting image of her mother.

Let us remember that a couple of years ago it turned out that Evelyn’s father is singer, ex-member of the group “Tea for Two” Denis Klyaver. He himself made a loud statement on the air of the program “Let Them Talk” with Andrei Malakhov. At the same time, the TV presenter wrote on Twitter: “Today in Let Them Talk: for the first time Denis Klyaver admits that he is the father of Eva Polna’s child.” Klyaver reported that he and Polna had a child “out of great love”.

Later, Eva admitted that she took Klyaver’s statement as a betrayal. “We agreed that we would remain silent about what happened between us eight years ago: yes, we met, a child appeared, but we did not get married, but separated. Denis officially admitted the fact of his paternity five years after Evelyn’s birth. I don’t I wanted strangers to get into my life. I then asked Denis why he did this. He replied that he did what he thought was necessary. Well, this is a normal position for a man. A man is always in a better situation than a woman who has children“, Polna said in an interview. The singer’s second daughter Amalia was born from businessman Sergei Pilgun.