If you are interested in your well-being and health, we advise you to always check the contents of the cosmetic products you use. It is advisable that they have a natural base and do not contain components that can harm your body.

We present to you a list of the most dangerous components that may be present in your cosmetics. Manufacturers can add various synthetic and chemical substances to their products, which have the most negative impact on health.

1. Benzene peroxide.

This component is often used in cosmetic products aimed at combating acne and acne.

Benzene peroxide can cause tumors and damage DNA and cells in certain concentrations. This substance is toxic and should not be inhaled. May cause poisoning if swallowed and in contact with skin, irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes, skin and respiratory tract.

2. DEA (diethanolamine), MEA (monoethanolamine) and TEA (triethanolamine).

These substances are used in foaming cosmetics and cause eye irritation and contact dermatitis. They are easily absorbed into the skin and can accumulate in the organs of the body, even in the brain. Frequent use of cosmetics containing these substances may increase the risk of liver disease and kidney cancer.

3. Dioxin.

This substance is not listed on the label. Contained in cosmetics with antibacterial components and in cleaning products. Dioxin causes cancer, reduces immunity, causes nervous system disorders, miscarriages and mutations in the embryo. This substance violates hormonal background. Dangerous proportions for the human body: one drop per 300 swimming pools used at the Olympic Games. The human body has no protection against dioxin.

4. DMDM ​​hydantoin and urea (Imidazolidinyl).

Used as a preservative in cosmetics. The substances can cause cancer, adverse skin reactions, joint pain, allergies, depression, headaches, chest pain, ear infections, chronic fatigue, dizziness and loss of sleep. Exposure to these substances also causes rapid heartbeat, asthma, and pulmonary complications.

5. FD&C (Colors and pigments) - These synthetic dyes made from coal tar contain heavy metal salts that accumulate in the body. Skin irritation may result from exposure. Accidental ingestion of substances causes oxygen starvation and death. Carcinogens.

6. Substances with prefixes methyl-, butyl-, ethyl-, propyl- used as preservatives in deodorants and antiperspirants. They can cause breast cancer, destroy hormonal levels, and cause infertility.

7. PEG (polyethylene glycol) has the same effect as dioxin. Used in all personal care products, baby care products, and sunscreens.

8. Phthalates found in many cosmetic products, and, as a rule, is not prescribed in the composition. It has a negative effect on the human body, causing liver and kidney damage, congenital malformations, decreased sperm activity, and early puberty.

9. Propylene glycol (PG) and butylene glycol — petroleum products that act as surfactants. The substances are so toxic that they require protective gloves, clothing and glasses. They penetrate the skin very quickly and cause damage to the brain, liver, and kidneys.

What you put on your body goes into it.

Breast cancer rates are increasing. Meanwhile, there are more than 85,000 synthetic chemicals on the market, of which less than 10 percent have been tested for such effects on our health. Between these two facts there is a huge gap of information that science may never be able to fill. But we can act now to protect our health: we won't have to wait for scientific progress to catch up with an incurable condition common sense that something is not right.

Anti-tobacco activists addressed the hot topic long before we had evidence of the biochemical process by which tobacco smoke leads to lung cancer. The same precaution must be taken by every healthcare field because waiting scientific proof is killing us. There is no doubt that environmental factors are increasingly influencing human health, and caution should be the guiding principle you use when purchasing and using personal care products.

Consider the following scenario. You wake up in the morning and grab your favorite shampoo (full of synthetic fragrance, dyes, preservatives and foaming agents). You may also be using hair conditioner (again full of synthetic fragrance, preservatives, lather enhancers). Do you use shower gel to wash yourself? Even your soap from a reputable manufacturer will likely have at least synthetic fragrance and dyes.

After washing your face, your skin may be a little dry, so you open the package of moisturizer - more synthetic fragrance and preservatives... that linger on your skin! Moisturizing face cream, more synthetic. Perfumes, and even they often contain a mixture of synthetic scents. After exposing your skin to many synthetic irritants every day, do you wonder why so many people on earth suffer from various skin allergies?

Harmful ingredients found in most commercial products

1. Parabens

Parabens is a class of chemicals widely used as preservatives in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Parabens are effective preservatives in many types of formulas. These substances, and their salts, are used mainly for their bactericidal and fungicidal properties. They can be found in shampoos, moisturizers, shaving gels, lubricants, ointment bases, parenterals, sprays, and toothpaste. They are also used as food additives.

Their effectiveness as preservatives, combined with their low cost, long history of use, and the ineffectiveness of natural alternatives such as grapefruit seed extract, may explain why parabens have become so popular. They are increasingly being questioned after being found in high concentrations in breast cancer. Although the discovery does not establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the use of substances containing parabens and cancer.

2. Alcohols (Meth, SD Alcohol)

Denatured alcohol (lat. denaturatus - devoid of natural properties) - technical alcohol, to which special substances have been added to prevent its consumption for food purposes; used for lighting, laboratory and industrial needs, as fuel.

Your first reaction to oily skin You'll probably clean it all off by washing your face repeatedly to get rid of the greasy feeling, but what a lot of people don't realize is that the more often you do this, the worse it will get. Many cleansers are alcohol-based, and while they make your face feel clean, they completely strip it of its natural moisture. This causes your skin to produce even more oil, which will lead to an even oilier face! Check your cleansers for the presence of denatured alcohols, most likely they contain them.

3. Alpha-Hydroxy Acids

Alpha hydroxyl acids also called fruit acids or AHA. They are among the most common active substances in anti-wrinkle preparations, moisturizers, and cleansers.

Potential harm: AHAs are known for speeding up the clearing of dead cells from the skin. But they can also increase your skin's sensitivity to the sun by as much as 50 percent, thereby speeding up your aging process. Constant exposure to the sun's rays without protection puts you at risk of skin cancer.

Solution: use products where the concentration of AHA is no more than 10 percent.

4. Formaldehyde

It is an active ingredient in nail polishes, soaps, shampoos and creams.

Potential Harm: This potentially irritating preservative can be absorbed into the skin and cause allergic reactions, headaches and even asthma. This component is also often referred to as formaldehyde. In Japan and Sweden it is prohibited for use in cosmetics.

Possesses toxicity, negatively affects genetic material, reproductive organs, respiratory tract, eyes, skin. Has a strong effect on the central nervous system. The lethal dose of a 35% aqueous solution of formaldehyde (formalin) is 10 - 50 g.

Symptoms of chronic poisoning: Paleness, loss of strength, unconsciousness, depression, difficulty breathing, headache, often cramps at night.

Formaldehyde is included in the list of carcinogenic substances.

5. Propylene Glycol

It is an active ingredient in tanning lotions and lipsticks.

Potential harm: Its hygroscopic properties are used to prevent the product from dissolving (it absorbs moisture from the air). But this also affects the liver and kidneys. In addition, it is known as an irritant to the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Solution: try not to use products that contain propylene glycol; it is better to replace them with products containing glycerin.

6. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) or Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS)

Used as a powerful detergent in industry, pharmacology, and cosmetology. The most common surfactant. It is included in most cleansing formulations, including many toothpastes and shampoos, since it is cheap and provides effective foaming and cleansing.

Belongs to irritant, but not carcinogenic substances. In combination with other chemicals, it can create carcinogenic compounds.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate May Seriously Worse Skin Problems in Atopic Dermatitis Patients. How a component of toothpaste can cause stomatitis and the appearance of aft. Using toothpastes without SLS can reduce ulcers. Sodium lauryl sulfate has been shown to irritate facial skin only with prolonged exposure (more than an hour).

7. Talc

It was previously believed that inhalation of talc dust could cause talcosis, a benign disease from the group of pneumoconiosis, but special studies conducted by the European Talc Manufacturers Association showed that talc is harmless to health.

Meanwhile, American scientists have discovered that regular application of powders containing talc to the female genital area significantly increases the risk of developing uterine cancer. According to the researchers, this dependence may be due to the fact that tiny particles of talc penetrate into the internal genital organs and are fixed there for years, causing chronic inflammation. This long-term inflammation, in turn, creates favorable conditions for the malignant degeneration of endometrial cells and the rapid growth of a cancerous tumor.

8. Petroleum (mineral) oils

Petroleum (mineral) oils - liquid mixtures of high-boiling hydrocarbons (boiling point 300-600 °C), mainly alkylnaphthenic and alkylaromatic, obtained by oil refining.

It is an active ingredient in makeup removers, lipsticks and lotions.

Potential harm: The pores of the skin become clogged and do not allow it to breathe, which can lead to the formation of cancer.

When looking at cosmetics packaging, pay more attention to what is always written in the smallest font, somewhere on the bottom or on the back of the box - the ingredients! When reading the composition of any cream, be it a cheap one in a tin tube or a super-expensive luxury one, one and the same nuance catches your eye: vitamins, oils and other active substances are always at the very end of the list of ingredients, but at the beginning - regardless Depending on how expensive the cream is, the ingredients are always the same. Mineral oil (or liquid paraffin), propylene glycol, all kinds of silicones - this is what forms the basis of almost any cream. It is not surprising that the effect of such creams can be compared with the effect of decorative cosmetics.

When applied to the skin, silicones even out the skin texture, filling the grooves and creating a smooth effect. smooth face. But when the cream is washed off, everything returns to its original form. You can easily verify this by not using the cream for several days.

Mineral oil locks moisture into the skin, forming a film on the surface of the skin, but under this film the skin does not breathe. In addition, mineral oil is comedogenic, that is, it can clog pores, causing the appearance of comedones and acne...

Products with an occlusive effect (that is, locking moisture in the skin) give a feeling quick fix dryness, reducing skin inflammation, but they do not eliminate the causes of dehydration. Such creams are indicated for people with a damaged skin barrier, but in people with normal skin they can disrupt skin regeneration processes, suppressing the natural processes of skin self-hydration.

In order to from mineral oil, silicones and water to obtain a delicate airy cream - emulsion - emulsifiers are used. They vary, but often, in an effort to save money, manufacturers use cheap emulsifiers based on sodium laureth sulfate, a harsh surfactant that can destroy the skin barrier, making the skin more susceptible to infections and prone to inflammation.

Unfortunately, most cosmetics manufacturers are more concerned about cosmetics had a texture that was pleasing to the consumer, and that makes some sense. All the accelerating rhythms of life limit the ability to fully care for the skin. Few people want and can afford to massage their face for 5 minutes, and then wait 15 minutes and blot the skin with a napkin - and now creams melt on the skin that are instantly absorbed, creating the effect of a smooth, velvety face. Don't want to wait several months to see the results of using a new cream? Please, here is a cream that will instantly give your skin a glow from the inside out. And it no longer matters that radiance is achieved not through exceptional skin health, but through the addition of light-reflecting mica particles to the cream.

Thus, those components that make up the vast majority of cosmetic creams actually have nothing in common with the skin and are not able to provide it with adequate nutrition and building material for new cells. Day after day, covering up skin imperfections with silicones and paraffin, we make the skin starve.

· 10/18/2016

Whether under the influence of fashion, or perhaps due to personal conviction, we all strive for maximum naturalness. That's why it's trending now organic cosmetics and care products with minimal chemical content. And some extreme people have gone even further - they completely refuse any cosmetics, any services from beauty salons and preach the “naturel” style. Well, it's their choice and they have the right to it. But is it really the same decorative cosmetics didn't deserve amnesty? Is there really no use for it other than to disguise imperfections in appearance? I don't believe it!

Here, for example, foundation. He has long been declared almost an enemy female skin! It clogs pores, dehydrates the skin, and does many other bad things. I don't argue! A foundation made in an underground factory in a remote Chinese province should not be used. But a high-quality foundation not only does not cause harm, it also provides additional care. Thus, modern foundations contain UV filters that protect our skin from negative influence sun rays. And a cream selected according to your skin type will also heal it. For example, for oily dermis, a cream with an antibacterial complex is suitable - it will prevent bacteria from running wild and prevent the formation of acne. In addition, manufacturers often add antioxidants to creams, which prevent the appearance of early wrinkles, as well as vitamins and healthy oils. So, when choosing a foundation, read the label carefully.

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And in general, it seems to me that a high-quality foundation, through which the skin breathes, is a kind of barrier between our body and the environment, which is not always friendly (exhausts, sudden temperature changes, dust, street dirt - all this does not affect the skin in the best possible way). Of course, on vacation I wouldn’t smear myself with foundation, even the most useful one, but in the city it’s a nice thing!

The mascara has also taken a beating! How many attacks were there on her! Eyelashes come out, get damaged, and in general, using mascara is a direct path to conjunctivitis. Ladies! Choose quality cosmetics! Many useful things are also added to mascara today. I would advise using mascara with vitamins A and E - they promote the growth and strengthening of eyelashes. Pay attention to mascara with aloe extract - it perfectly moisturizes the eyelashes. Remember that eyelashes are the same hair and they also need moisture. In general, the “right” mascara also performs useful functions.

Well, I’m ready to talk and talk about the benefits of lipstick! Personally, even if I’m not in the mood to wear makeup, I don’t leave the house without lipstick! As Coco Chanel said, “If you're sad, put on a little more lipstick and go on the offensive.” But the fact is that lipstick also protects your lips. Its composition necessarily includes waxes, oils and fats. This is the base.

As you know, the skin on the lips is very delicate, and there are practically no sebaceous glands in it, so it is the skin that suffers the most from wind and cold. Oils soften and nourish it. A good thing is lipstick based on avocado oil. It is close in composition to human fat, so it is well absorbed by our skin. It can also enhance the production of collagen and elastin. The fats in lipstick create a protective barrier on the skin that will prevent your lips from becoming chapped. Some will say that it is quite possible to get by with hygienic ones. “Why?” - I will answer. After all, using coloring lipstick, you can apply beauty and protect your lips.

In general, we can say. All of the above is a cry from the heart. Yes, I love cosmetics and am ready to defend them from unfair attacks! You know, the times when eyebrows were lined with antimony, which tends to accumulate in the body and cause, for example, problems with the thyroid gland, or they used blush made from mercury (no comment here! How many beauties have died because of this!) glory God, they have sunk into oblivion. The choice of cosmetics today is rich and manufacturers, following trends and fighting for the client, strive to make it also useful! So choosing something of your own that will make you both beautiful and beneficial is not so difficult. In general, those who seek always find!

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Harm from decorative cosmetics– negative impact of cosmetics on the skin and health in general.


Decorative cosmetics are one of the most important assistants of a modern woman who wants to look like a millionaire in any situation. Many people are ready to get up an hour earlier every day in order to have time to get themselves in order before going to work. Few people think about it, but frequent use of decorative cosmetics harms the skin, and sometimes even leads to premature aging.

It is possible to minimize the harmful effects of cosmetics, the main thing is to learn how to choose them correctly. Today, when the range of cosmetics is huge and varied, it is very difficult to make a choice, because not all products are useful, no matter how beautiful the case or bottle they are in. And the question immediately arises: what harm can decorative cosmetics cause?


Foundation is a frequent guest in women's cosmetic bags; it can be used to disguise some skin defects, including dark circles under the eyes, subtle scars, scars and pimples. Cosmetologists say that daily use foundation (especially in the heat) leads to adverse consequences. But is this really so? Or does it depend on the honesty of the manufacturer and the components used in its manufacture?

Undoubtedly, the composition plays an important role; the optimal foundation would be one that combines caring and decorative properties. Such a product will not clog pores and dry out the skin, but, on the contrary, will nourish and moisturize it, and also cope with its main task - to even out the color and correct imperfections. Foundations containing sunscreen filters that can prevent photoaging of the skin will not harm the skin.

The choice of concealer is purely individual, depending on your skin type. For example, a foundation containing stearic acid is suitable for those with dry skin. When applying such a product to problematic or oily skin, you should expect very unexpected consequences - the appearance of acne or its intensification. Otherwise, foundation is harmless unless it has expired or is manufactured in an unsanitary manner using prohibited chemicals.


Mascara – true friend in creating a unique and expressive look. This cosmetic product is also popular among women of all ages. But, like other products, mascara can cause problems with the eyes and skin. As a rule, mascara contains parabens; they significantly reduce the cost of the product, which is why they are often used in the production of cosmetics. These substances are perceived by the body as derivatives of estrogens, the high level of which increases the risk of developing cancer.

Carcasses with aluminum powder have a neurotoxic effect; this component prevents the removal of mercury from the body in food. Negative effects on the eyes and the strongest allergic reactions render carcasses containing propylene glycol. And another most harmful component of the product in question is retinol acetate, it causes gene mutations and disrupts the natural functioning of skin cells. Waterproof mascara can have a negative impact on eyelashes and skin, including hair loss and dermatitis.

It is not advisable to use mascara with a waterproof effect every day, only in special cases and then thoroughly rinse it off after a few hours. The brush that comes with the mascara is a kind of collection of pathogenic bacteria and microbes, and it should be changed at least once every 2-3 months, otherwise irritation cannot be avoided. And most importantly, you should not purchase this cosmetic product from little-known manufacturers or at too low a price, because the health of your eyelashes, eyes and overall health depends on its quality.


Photo: Sebastian Duda/Rusmediabank.ru

Lipstick is designed to complete the look and make it unique, inimitable and seductive. But, like other cosmetic products, lipstick contains many questionable ingredients that can harm your lips. Over the hundreds of years of the existence of lipstick, the recipes for its manufacture have practically not changed; as always, waxes, oils and fats are taken as its basis, although not always natural, as before.

The shape of the lipstick, as well as its plasticity and strength, depend on the wax. Honest manufacturers use waxes of plant origin, others use synthetic waxes that have a negative effect on cells. The oils that make up the lipstick nourish and soften the skin of the lips and supply it with valuable nutrients. Natural oils have these qualities, while artificially derived ones have the opposite effect. The hardness of lipstick depends on the fatty components. They leave a thin film on the lips that protects the skin of the lips from moisture loss and chapping. We are talking about natural fats; others can cause allergies and irritation.

This statement may seem strange to some, but most women who scrupulously apply makeup to their faces every morning feel a slight sense of guilt. This is not surprising, because at least once in every girl’s life, a wise mother and grandmother told her that in pursuit of a face without flaws, they waste their youth and natural charm. There is hardly a woman who has not encountered the terrible statement that decorative cosmetics causes premature aging. However, it makes sense to check how true this statement is. Is it really true that in order for the reflection of a face in the mirror to delight you with its flawlessness, you have to pay for the health of your skin, and is it possible to help with this? decorative cosmetics?

Experts' opinion

Dermatologists believe it is necessary to first classify decorative cosmetics to assess their true capabilities. Like everything else, decorative cosmetics can be divided into mass market, luxury products and medicinal dermatocosmetics. In general, mass-market cosmetics do not harm the skin and give it a beautiful tint, but in some cases it can cause a number of problems - dehydration, pigmentation and the appearance of blackheads - this is if decorative cosmetics low quality. Cosmetic products from reputable manufacturers contain components that moisturize the outer layer of the skin, mineral screens that serve as protection against UV rays, and even microelements that try to fight photoaging.

Causes of skin problems

According to experts, many skin problems resulting from the use of decorative cosmetics can be caused by individual intolerance to cosmetic ingredients, inappropriate storage and application conditions, for example, applying decorative cosmetics with makeup brushes borrowed from a friend to uncleaned skin. Today in the pharmacy chain you often find medicinal decorative cosmetics. These are products aimed not only at beautifying the skin, but also solving many of its serious shortcomings. Therapeutic decorative cosmetics are divided into products with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, products with a high coefficient of ultraviolet protection, as well as foundation creams and powders recommended for use after surgical interventions.

The latest developments in cosmetics production

It's a fact that decorative cosmetics, which modern women use is very different from what the older generation used. The cosmetics industry, like any other, has come a long way. Modern cosmetic products have nothing in common with the cosmetics of, say, the 60s. Times when after When purchasing lipstick, women risked receiving a mixture of petroleum products; fortunately, they have long since passed. Now in production they are used exclusively natural waxes, and in pigment shells, silicones alternate with vitamin supplements.

Arguments in favor of decorative cosmetics

So, decorative cosmetics is not just a way to take care of yourself by applying makeup, but also a completely inspiring activity that can lift your spirits, increase self-esteem and give you the opportunity to safely experiment with your appearance, because every woman needs to change from time to time. There are no apparent reasons to give up such pleasant moments in our lives. Indeed, thanks to the latest achievements of science, all modern decorative cosmetics undergo multiple tests, so only expired or not very high-quality cosmetics can harm the skin.

How to choose the right decorative cosmetics

Not everyone has the opportunity to live and work in an environmentally friendly and favorable environment. Therefore, in the rather harsh conditions of the rhythm of a big city, the skin of the face also needs additional protection. And cosmetics are just a reliable way to protect your facial skin from unwanted environmental influences. However, experts warn that each person may experience an individual intolerance to absolutely any cosmetic product. Therefore, the most common advice is that before choosing decorative cosmetics, you need to consult with a dermatologist and, if possible, identify your skin characteristics.

Naturalness is becoming more and more fashionable. A pretty female face without traces of decorative cosmetics or with a minimal presence of such becomes a rule of good manners, and this cannot but rejoice. Modern women actively use body and face care products and cannot easily give up decorative cosmetics, but more and more often they are asking the question: is cosmetics harmful? Let's try to understand this issue.

Decorative cosmetics and face

Modern cosmetologists agree that decorative cosmetics can cause serious harm to the body. Judge for yourself: it clogs pores, often provokes allergic reactions, and accelerates the aging process of facial skin. Shadows contribute to drying out the skin around the eyes, powder and foundation prevent the epidermis from fully “breathing”, mascara kills eyelash bulbs, and lipstick promotes discoloration natural color lips Indeed, there is a lot of harm from cosmetics, but it only appears if you overexpose cosmetics on your face and do not take care of the health of the epidermis.

According to experts, the negative effects of cosmetics can be avoided if, before applying makeup, wipe your face with a swab soaked in lotion and treat it with moisturizer. Before going to bed, make-up should be removed from the face by rinsing it off. warm water with an alkaline (soap) solution, and removing the remnants of makeup with special milk. As practice shows, women who do not neglect these simple tips and they are not lazy to take care of their appearance, and at 50 they look like they did at 30. The rest are left blaming cosmetics for everything.

Taking care of your own appearance also involves regular use of face masks. They are selected based on skin type and its condition. It is better if a professional cosmetologist gives advice on choosing and using masks. In addition, knowing your skin type, you need to show your face to the sun more often or, conversely, protect it from ultraviolet rays using a wide-brimmed hat and special creams with sun protection factor. In summer you need to moisturize and nourish your skin. In winter, it is important to protect it from wind and frost, using for these purposes fortified nourishing cosmetics; moisturizing cosmetics are applied in the evening at home, when you no longer need to go out into the cold.

How often to use cosmetics

Each representative of the fair sex has the right to decide for herself how often to use this or that cosmetics. You strictly need to follow only two rules - wash off your makeup at night and give your skin a day to rest from makeup for a day, or better yet, two days a week.

In addition, it is a rare woman who wears a full range of makeup every day. And those who try to engage in this tedious procedure soon abandon it, switching to light makeup, only emphasizing the beauty of your appearance. In this case, damage to the skin is significantly reduced, which means the epidermis does not suffer. And in this case it is much easier to remove it.

Cosmetics need to be selected according to your skin type and tone, eye and hair color. A separate question that a woman who wants to look beautiful and at the same time take care of her health needs to think about own skin, this is the quality of the cosmetics used. No one can guarantee that expensive cosmetics will necessarily be of high quality. However, products based on components such as tea tree oil, shea butter, or aloe vera extract a priori cannot cost less than a loaf of bread. Experts advise not to skimp on cosmetics, and to purchase them only in specialized stores or pharmacies. This will ensure that your skin does not become allergic and you do not introduce an infection into it.

As you can see, the question “are cosmetics harmful” does not have a clear answer. It is necessary to use only high-quality products, and not to overdo it with applying makeup, then there will be practically no harm from cosmetics. Health and beauty to you!