The life of a young family is complicated by many factors of the modern world. Most of them are temporary phenomena that will soon pass. But obsessive relatives, especially the unloved mother-in-law, is a global problem. Magic will tell you how to drive your mother-in-law away from your home.

Mother-in-law doesn't always get along well.

To quickly ward off an annoying relative

A conspiracy will help get rid of an unloved relative easily and for a long time. It is used when the husband's mother comes to visit too often, calls endlessly and annoys her with her conversations, sets her husband against her daughter-in-law. To carry out the ritual and ward off the mother-in-law, you need to prepare:

  • one medium-sized onion;
  • a glass or living water;
  • 3 church or white candles.

This rite is performed at night, the Luminary takes with him everything bad and unpleasant. Fill a glass with water and put it on the table. Light 3 candles and put them around the glass. Peel the onion first, cut in half. Hide one part in the refrigerator, and throw the other in water. Sit down at the table and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Now I have my own mother, the one who gave birth to my beloved. So that there were no barriers between us, calm reigned and everything went smoothly. I attract the forces of goodness and love to the hearth, the envious enemy will not penetrate there. We will get rid of anger and hatred, but get rid of hostility! I prepared a delicious pie, as soon as you taste at least one piece, you will love me and call me your beloved daughter-in-law. From now on and forever you will be like a lawful mother to me. Candles will help me in the semi-darkness, a conspiracy, for love, sending you. Amen".

The words of the conspiracy must be repeated 7 times, a glass with an onion left on the window for 7 days. Then the onion and water After a while, the magic should work, the mother-in-law can ask for forgiveness, if this did not happen, then the ceremony must be repeated 7 times every 7 days.

So that the husband stops being a sissy

This spell will help awaken masculine qualities in the spouse in order to repel the mother and drive her away from home, the ritual will return him to the power of his wife. For him you will need:

  • sweet homemade freshly baked pie;
  • 7 church or red candles.

This rite is said on a full moon or At midnight, place a cake in the center of the room on the floor, around it are 7 lighted candles. On a clean white sheet, write the words of the conspiracy and read them aloud 7 times:

“Just as an onion unites with water, so are we, the servants of God (the names of the daughter-in-law and spouse), and no one and nothing can quarrel us, let us not be separated! So that my beloved husband listens to me and listens! To always support me, to always be a mountain for me. So that in disputes with my mother he was always on my side, but he was not a sissy, but he could get rid of everything mother-in-law, Amen.

You need to sit near the ritual circle and visualize your desire until the candles burn out completely. In the morning, the remains of paraffin and a bundle with a conspiracy must be buried in a deserted place. Give the cake to the mother-in-law.

The rite will help the husband to fight back the mother

To get rid of her husband's mother forever

Relatives are not always disgusting only by nature, they can or with the help of black magic. The goal of contention can be a share in an apartment or house, to get rid of competitors for inheritance forever.

Most strong conspiracy from evil mother in law- this is a lapel on the husband so that the mother does not pester her son. Sometimes it's the only one. Such rituals may Negative consequences. It is worth remembering this and either repaying the debt (doing charity work, giving someone a large amount).

On the waning moon with an apple

For the ceremony you will need:

  • 1 ripe red apple of medium size;
  • black and white silk threads;
  • church or

The lapel is held late at night on the day of the waning moon. Tie the threads together with three different knots. Light a candle and put it on the table, next to cut the apple in half. Put the halves next to each other. Take the thread, bring it to the fire and set fire to the knots. Put the ashes on the apple halves and start rubbing it between them while saying:

“There is fire on the candle, water on the ground, Holy fire help me, I divide it in half, spread it in the corners, fire is holy, I will burn the bundle, I will dry the flower, fire is holy. Water will cool what has grown together, tear it apart, holy fire, help. Amen, Amen, Amen."

You need to put the halves as far apart as possible. In the morning, bury or drown in different places: the farther they are from each other, the better. Find a young fruit tree, break off a small rod and bury it between the slices. During the entire ceremony, you need to visualize your desire and believe in its fulfillment.

Lapel for salt and water

This is a more time-consuming and costly rite against an evil relative; for it you will need:

  • wineglass;
  • church or blue candle;
  • several kitchen paper napkins;
  • mirror;
  • photographs of husband and mother-in-law;
  • biomaterial (handkerchief, toothbrush, comb) of the husband and mother-in-law.

The ceremony is carried out at night in the dark, the table must be covered with a dark tablecloth, put a mirror on it. Between him and himself, put a lit candle on the right, on the left a glass with living or melted water. A photograph of the mother-in-law is placed near the glass, and a spouse is placed near the candle. The pictures show their biomaterials.

You need to take a candle and dip its water with the burning side, saying the words of the spell:

“As fire avoids water, as fire avoids water, so you, the servant of God (the name of the target), will begin to avoid and avoid the servant of God (the name of the woman).”

Wipe the candle with a napkin, remove the remaining paraffin, dry the wick. Put it in place and start lighting it again: the more difficult the candle is to burn, the stronger the rite will work. It is necessary to light the fire again, put it out in a glass and say:

“As water is afraid of fire, as water runs away from fire, so you will be afraid of the servant of God (name of the woman) and so you will run away from him.”

For the third time, dry, clean, light, put out and say:

“Just as fire and water do not converge, as they will never converge, as they will never be together, so you servants of God (the name of the goal) and (the name of the woman) will never again converge and not be together.”

Dry the candle again, but do not light it again. All things, including water, carefully hide from prying eyes. The rite is repeated 3 nights in a row, if it seems a little, then 5 times. On the 6th day, go outside, burn a candle in a deserted place until the end, photographs and biological material. Pour water over the left shoulder.

The rite with salt and water is quite complicated

To love the bride

This mother-in-law conspiracy will make her reconsider her attitude towards her daughter-in-law, son, grandson. As a result, a relative will only help when her piglets. It is enough to speak a certain herb so that the mother-in-law falls in love with her daughter-in-law.

For the ceremony, plantain leaves and stalk are suitable, washed and dried. When the herb is ready, you need to grind it in a mortar to a state of flour, reading these words:

“I do not cook soup, but a decoction. For the mother of the beloved fat with love. Let evil person it will perish, otherwise my family will perish from the face of the earth. Let the negativity not step on the threshold. And the daughter-in-law, and the bride, and the mother - may there be peace for everyone. Amen".

The dry mixture is added to everyone's tea and served as a treat.

For the daughter-in-law to love the mother-in-law

This prayer will bring respect and love to the relationship between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law, so that the daughter-in-law loves her, helps her at home in everything, respects, and gets rid of prejudices forever. He will make a conspiracy so that the mother-in-law accepts the chosen one of her son, and helps only on demand. For the ceremony, you will need water from three places. When everything is ready, you need to pour all the liquids into one container and say:

“Rivers, fast waters, thundering streams, from three rivers, oceans, three swamps, from three buckets, from three streams, from three pipes, from three glasses, from three spoons and on my threshold. Wash away, water, remove all anger, scandal, quarrel, unnecessary conversations between the servants of God (your name and daughter-in-law). Forbid to quarrel, make noise, shout. Soften the heart of the servant of God (the name of the daughter-in-law), just as the sun illuminates the earth, squanders warmth and light on everyone, so the servant of God (the name of the daughter-in-law) gave love and affection to the Servant of God (name of the mother-in-law), she waited for an affectionate word, respected and revered. I lock it with a solar lock, I throw the key into the water.

New article: a prayer or a conspiracy so that the mother-in-law loves the site on the site - in all details and details from the many sources that we managed to find.

Mother-in-law conspiracy. A conspiracy so that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law and does not say a word across

Sweet from your blood, your flesh,

So I will be your blood, flesh,

For the soul, for the heart.

Love me like your child

And more than your heart.

Today I will tell you how to make an amulet that brings money. This magical method allows you to attract money and wealth to your home by reading a conspiracy on a money bag. Only now, nothing is said in my magic notebook about the amount of money received with the help of a conspiracy for a money bag. Well, let's try, and there, what God will give, that's good. To all of you, of course

In magic, there are a lot of good and really effective conspiracies, prayers and magical rites for money, which you need to read in order to quickly become rich and get rid of poverty. While living with my parents, I never resorted to such rituals, I had enough money for everything and I did not experience any problems with their lack. Growing up and moving to live separately to me

Today I will tell you how to conspire to quickly bring beauty and attractiveness to yourself, so that everyone with whom you communicate treats you with love and you are in favor, honor and respect with any person. The action of the conspiracy lasts only 1 day, but if desired, and it will definitely come, the rite can be repeated at least daily. Don't be afraid, this plot is completely safe and has already been tested.

A dream is a fragile creation that people constantly betray, some do it out of their own laziness, because in order to get something, you need to do something. Others give up their desire for fear of the result of what they will succeed, others are afraid of condemning others. All these people are afraid to make a little effort for the sake of their dreams and finally fulfill their desire - a dream.

Prayer that brings beauty to a person with the help of white magic is the simplest and most safe way make yourself beautiful. When Orthodox prayer about the beauty of the face and body will be read, you will very quickly gain beauty and become very beautiful and attractive to people. If you yourself do not like looking at your reflection in the mirror or you need to make people and

New Year's rites in Rus' and conspiracies for love to be read in New Year these are the most popular New Year's Eve rituals that are used by both old and young. Today Maginey has collected a complete and most interesting selection of conspiracies of rituals and rites for love that need to be done on New Year's Eve, namely in new year's eve. There is a belief that if for the new year on your own

Mother-in-law conspiracy. A conspiracy so that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law and does not say a word across REVIEWS WHO DID:

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Conspiracies, love spells and prayers for all occasions

Conspiracy against the evil mother-in-law

The conspiracy against the evil mother-in-law is magical texts that create the conditions for attracting the energy of mutual understanding, peace to the house, contribute to a calm, measured life of people who may not tolerate each other, they can even hate.

There are a huge number of conspiracies for the mother-in-law, if she interferes with the normal life of the son's family, most of which were created, honed over tens, even hundreds of years. After all, unfortunately, there are cases when a mother, who does not agree with the choice of her son, literally goes to any lengths to separate the disobedient "blood" from his chosen one.

The quintessence of magical knowledge of many generations works great today, the main thing is to make sufficient efforts to resolve the issue, really want to achieve success.

There are a large number of proven conspiracies to ward off the mother-in-law, allowing you to improve relations with the mother-in-law, corny to drive her out of the house with the help of magic, if nothing helps. Before resorting to magic, you need to try to reconcile with this person, or ask your husband to talk to her. If nothing helps, turn to the help of heavenly forces, most importantly, keep a firm intention.

When are these conspiracies pronounced?

There are many examples when the mother-in-law is able to create some problems in the family, interfere with life, create conditions that sometimes lead to a violation of the idyll and even divorce. The most difficult case is when the mother-in-law lives with her family and constantly incites her son to her daughter-in-law. They say that a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth, and this lie is especially effective against loved ones.

And if a young family does not have the opportunity to move to a separate apartment, or, for example, the mother-in-law, for health reasons, needs the constant care of loved ones, the likelihood of a marriage breaking up increases. Water and stone wear away, and the husband's mother is not a stranger to him, and he will listen to her opinion.

Therefore, if you do not want to lose your loved one, you need to take the initiative into your own hands and try to resolve the issue.

If the husband's mother refuses to compromise, you need to resort to the help of heavenly forces from her intrigues. One of the most effective means to solve this problem is a conspiracy to love the mother-in-law. If you just want to build a relationship with your mother-in-law, then white conspiracy. And in order to permanently ward off the mother-in-law, if you need to drive a woman out of your house, you will most likely need to use black magic. In this case, the lapel of the husband from the mother-in-law, made on their joint photo, or a ritual with wax dolls, is suitable.

How to be in a difficult situation

The life of a young family often depends on many factors, among which relationships with parents occupy a fairly significant place. Therefore, if you are tired of the constant presence of your mother-in-law in your house, it is you, the daughter-in-law, who needs to solve the problem.

To perform the following conspiracy from the evil mother-in-law, you need to prepare an onion, three candles and a glass of water. The ceremony is held on the waning month. At this time, the words of the conspiracy, in order to get rid of the mother-in-law, can act with maximum force on the woman who bothers you, and the goal will be achieved in the shortest possible time, life will become easier. Light candles late at night, put them on the table, cut the onion, dip it in a glass of water and read the words of the conspiracy to the mother-in-law.

The words of the ritual are repeated seven times, after which the glass is left on the window for seven days.

After a week, give water and an onion to the ground in a deserted place.

In a few weeks, a conspiracy to get rid of the mother-in-law should work, because no protection will help from it.

What to do if the mother-in-law disliked

Even if the mother-in-law lives separately, she can create a number of problems simply because she does not like her daughter-in-law. She can occasionally mischief, casually noticing something unpleasant in your address when meeting. Fortunately, even in such a case, there are rituals, spells, conspiracies from an evil mother-in-law.

The following ritual will not only improve relations with the husband’s mother, but will make it so that the mother-in-law can see your positive aspects and love you. In order to carry it out, you will need seven candles and a very tasty cake.

It is recommended to perform the ritual on the full moon, and if it does not work out, then at least for the growing month. At midnight, candles are lit, of which a vicious circle is made on the floor, in the center of which a pie is placed. The following conspiracy is written on a piece of paper so that the mother-in-law falls in love with you, it is read seven times over the pie.

Spend the next 15 minutes visualizing positive relationship with mother-in-law. The candles must burn out to the end, after which the wax is wrapped in a sheet with a plot and buried in a deserted place. Pie, of course, you need to treat your mother-in-law, for example, by inviting her for tea.

If you want to use "heavy artillery", turn your husband away from his mother. Choose any: with a photo of the waning moon, with volts and a knife - which one you like more. But remember that for the use of black magic higher power require a high fee. The husband may start drinking, he may have health problems. You break not a simple connection, but a blood one, and this is dangerous for all participants in the ritual, voluntary and involuntary.

What does it take to make the ritual work?

To achieve success in the goal, you need to follow some rules. The most important thing is to choose an attainable goal, to strive for it, not paying the slightest attention to fictitious obstacles. Visualize the situation you want to achieve, preferably in as much detail as possible.

Remember heavenly forces help only believers, those who are trying to create their own destiny. It is impossible to imagine a situation when, after a strong quarrel, the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law reconcile, becoming best friends. A good relationship is the result of long-term, productive work of two individuals who work daily to bring about positive change in existence.

Useful conspiracies:

A personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in what areas of life you will succeed in the new year.

Mother-in-law conspiracies: comments

Comments - 6,

For many girls, this article is very relevant. You need to understand that it is with the help of a conspiracy that you can attract positive energy and a positive attitude into the house. My mother-in-law did not like me very much, but lately she has become quite unbearable. I used a spell for an onion, three candles and a glass of water. Repeated seven times. And no matter how skeptic I was before, I cannot but admit that after reading the conspiracy, the atmosphere in the family began to improve, the mother-in-law began to behave more calmly, does not scream, does not find fault, does not climb into our relationship. Higher powers help only those who believe - do not forget this!

And where do you put the candles?

What should I do to keep my mother-in-law out of our family?

Candles where to put

And if it is not possible to feed the mother-in-law with a pie, what to do or is there another effective conspiracy for mother-in-law's love

I have a slightly different problem. My husband strongly listens not only to his mother, he is completely subordinate to his father, a husband of 40 years. Without touching the execution of orders. In his opinion. Mother does everything right. The father, as he says, wakes up. We have a son, I feel sorry that all the time he sees the scandals that they arrange through her husband, but he does not see that he is a means for revenge .. HOW TO REMOVE THEIR INFLUENCE ON MY HUSBAND. HELP

Mother-in-law conspiracy

Different relationships develop between the mother-in-law and the son's wife. It happens, trusting and friendly, It happens - a cold war, you can observe hot battles. And all this happens because two women sincerely and wholeheartedly love their man alone. It's good when both are able to slow down, if not, then the trouble is for the whole family, the torment for the main acting character. We know many examples of the transformation of the life of a young family into hell. Especially for a novice hostess .... And now you are already looking for a plot for the mother-in-law to love the daughter-in-law and not climb into the family.

A mother-in-law conspiracy will help you improve relations with your mother-in-law or, conversely, drive her away from the family.

You can cry, locking yourself in the bathroom from resentment, you can complain to your mother and girlfriends, seek sympathy and support. And you can resort to magic conspiracies, spells. You can try to weaken its influence and the pressure of discontent on your own.

Weaning the mother-in-law from the family by photo

If you are thinking about how to ward off your husband from your mother-in-law, a conspiracy will help you a lot! Do it on the waning moon after sunset. There should be no one in the apartment except you, and of course, no one should know about it either.

Prepare a good photo. On it, except for your husband and his mother, there should be no one. The photo should have been taken several years ago, preferably months ago.

Slowly tearing the photo into two parts, as if dividing the people standing on it, say the words you hope for:

“I am tearing, weakening a heavy, inappropriate force.

I separate the mother from the son (name the names), like summer from autumn.

Let them go different ways, their own ways

As the threads of a ball break without pain, so the connection breaks without grief.

Roll hatred in a ball, get off our family "

Be sure to present the picture you are thinking about. Do not wish your mother-in-law bad, illness, longing. Just ask for the separation of roads.

Securely hide half of the photo with the image of your husband, first, face to face, connect it with your photo and tie it with a red thread. Take the mother-in-law half of the photo away from home, tear it into small pieces and scatter it in the wind.

Very soon you will notice that the mother-in-law does not often enter your house as she used to, and the roads intersect much less often. Then grace and peace of mind will begin to return to your family.

Red thread conspiracy

Here is a simple plot for the mother-in-law to love the daughter-in-law. In that

Read this conspiracy to the mother-in-law so that she loves you and accepts you as a daughter-in-law

no photographs are required.

  • Take a red wool thread;
  • Mentally divide it into two halves;
  • Cut with a sharp knife;
  • On each of the halves, tie a strong knot on both sides;

Don't say any words. Think only about the fact that you want to get rid of the obsessive guardianship of your mother-in-law. Hide the half corresponding to the husband in a secluded place at home, and take the other half, the mother-in-law, away from home and leave it on a tree branch without tying it.

Be patient and wait. Force maternal love excessive and defeating her is not an easy task.


If you have any questions or need help with a life situation you can consult with our experts.

Tired of the mother-in-law, there is no longer any strength. Everything climbs and climbs into our family. We also live together with her, and her constant poking her nose into every little thing knocks me off balance. And in the end, my husband and I fight. In general, to get rid of this, I decided to make a spell. No sooner said than done, the spell itself is not difficult. Now I'm waiting for it to work and the mother-in-law will leave us behind

Some may be lucky, but not me! My mother in law is a monster. I climbed on the forums, read, found your article on how to excommunicate the mother-in-law from the family from the photo. I read it, I did everything right. Oh, it's been a week already, she only came by once and didn't talk to me. You know, I'm happy with this result! Thanks for the free information. I wish I would stop talking to my husband...

Wow, how my mother-in-law already got me. All the nerves were frayed by her notations and moralizing. And now she’s also climbing to her husband, complaining about me. In general, everything went to the fact that we would have divorced. And how not to resort to a conspiracy? My family is dear to me and I am ready to fight for it by any means. This time, she took advantage of a conspiracy. And by the way, I already noticed that it works.

The mother-in-law is not just tired, she no longer has the strength to endure her. Climbs everywhere, and in the upbringing of grandchildren, and in our relationship with her son. And I feel that with her words she sets her husband against me. So to avoid a divorce, I ventured to make a conspiracy. Worked like lightning! At first, he began to come less often, and now he does not call at all - he calls and asks how to help. Previously, this did not happen at all!

I love my mother-in-law and have nothing against her, but sometimes you need to let a person understand where you can poke your nose and where you shouldn't. And if a person does not understand, then a conspiracy comes to the rescue. Why not, but the family is whole and strong, and there are no quarrels in it. I have not yet had to resort to this method, but I admit it.

Everyone knows that mothers-in-law are different, and so mine, it's just a nightmare, everything is wrong with her, everything is not like that, forever a bad daughter-in-law, I raise children incorrectly, I feed her son incorrectly. To be honest, I didn't have the strength to put up with her. She made a conspiracy, and everything changed, as if turned upside down. Now every day we communicate with her, drink tea, she has become like my second mother. Thank you

Yes, I see many problems with the mother-in-law. What kind of attack is this! Why do women think they know better who suits their sons and who does not! If you love your son - put up with his choice and don't interfere with life - I think so! I also had big problems with my mother-in-law. I also read conspiracies to correct this situation, and it helped me. And before that, there was no life from her.

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A conspiracy to keep the mother-in-law behind.

The mother-in-law is the woman who gave birth and raised your most beloved person - your husband. You love everything in it, nothing irritates you. So why, when you see your beloved mother-in-law, everything turns upside down in you and you want to run away from her? There is only one answer. Your mother-in-law just got you with her advice and teachings. You want her to get away from you once and for all. If your patience is running out, and the mother-in-law does not let up in any way, try to make a conspiracy so that the mother-in-law falls behind and leaves you alone.

You will see, not much time will pass before your beloved mother-in-law stops prying into your affairs, falls behind and finds something to do. For the best result, a conspiracy so that the mother-in-law falls behind you must be done 3 times.

Buy soap on an even day and say the words of a conspiracy to it three times so that your mother-in-law leaves you behind forever. Her interest in your life will melt along with the soap.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As soon as you wash yourself, dissolve,

So quickly you will submit to me, mother-in-law (name),

My words, my deeds.

There would be two sisters, tired,

They got bread from the bag,

Eat it and chew it

They gave crumbs to the birds of heaven.

And as there is no eaten bread on earth,

So there will be no anger from (name) on me.

You don't have (name) more interest

To me (your name) and (husband's name).

You don't have to walk around us

And leave it alone.

May you, my prayer, be strong

For all the good times

From this hour, from my command.

Amen. Amen. Amen"

Whispers are small, but effective conspiracies. They are pronounced in a whisper or mentally in.

Water is the strongest magical conductor. Love spells speak on water.

Islam and Orthodoxy are two different religions. Therefore, remove the Muslim love spell.

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In war, all means are good! Sometimes your enemies do this.

Everyone knows what insomnia is. Also, probably.

Autumn is not only a beautiful time. Unfortunately, cold and gloomy.

You've probably heard of the conspiracy used to stop.

Voodoo rituals and corruptions have long ceased to be plots in films. .

Very often, our knowledge is not enough to successfully pass the exam. For example, .

In our life sometimes there are unnecessary, annoying people, from.

It is very important for every daughter-in-law to establish relations with her husband's mother. It often happens that when a son brings a young wife into the family, his mother becomes jealous. Now control over him is lost, he devotes less time to his mother. As a result, intrigues appear against the daughter-in-law, she can slander her son against his wife. This negatively affects the relationship of a young family. In order to prevent such consequences, in magic there is a certain conspiracy for the mother-in-law, with the help of which you can restore relationships with your spouse's mother, make sure that she does not interfere in other people's affairs, so that she does not control her son.

Before casting any spells, you need to try to improve relations with your husband's mother. A young wife needs to make every effort to make friends with a newly-made relative. If no methods work, the mother-in-law negatively affects the relationship of a young family, you can try different prayers and conspiracies. They are read in women's days- Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. You cannot perform magic actions on large church holidays and on Sunday. It is better to pray these days, ask for blessings and protection from higher powers.

Unless otherwise specified in the ritual, the magic words must be read three times. Saying the word Amen, cross yourself every time. Be sure to repeat the ritual after a month, regardless of whether it worked or not. If a particular version of the ceremony did not work, do not despair, you just need to try another one, choose a more effective one. It must be remembered that any action helps only those who believe in the power of the word and really need help.

Depending on what problem is present, the type of rite is selected. All magical effects can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Protection from influence. Such rituals are the most popular.
  2. Restoration of peace and good relations. At bad attitude husband's mother can use magical rituals. But you need to remember that they will only help to improve the world, but it will not be easy to make friends with a relative.
  3. Rituals against the mother-in-law. These are powerful rituals that will help to completely get rid of her influence, to cut off the emotional attachment of the spouse to the mother at the root. As a result, he will no longer indulge her in everything and unquestioningly fulfill all requests.

Before choosing any option of influence, it is important to decide on the goal and the desired result, only after that use magical conspiracies.

Conspiracy for peace in the family

If none traditional methods reconciliation does not help, she regularly plots, slanders her husband about her daughter-in-law, you can use magical rituals to reconcile with her mother-in-law, with the help of which peace will reign in the family. To perform the following ritual, you will need the following attributes: 7 church candles; any pastries baked with your own hands.

It is best to choose a full moon for this ceremony. At midnight, light all the candles, put them in a circle on the floor. Sit in the center of the circle, put fresh pastries next to you. Then you can read the following text:

“You are my own mother, although not blood. But you gave me a husband. I sincerely wish that we live like this, so that the walls do not tremble. May you taste my pastries, may the walls crumble forever, and in the future there will be only good, not evil. Know that I sincerely wish to make friends with you and live in peace, but in harmony. You will accept me into your heart and love me, call me your beloved daughter. We will create a hearth, the enemy will not be able to enter it. From now on and forever, treat me like a mother, loving. Yes, candles will help me. Amen".

Repeat the text 5 times, clearly pronouncing each word. This ritual at home is very effective. But it will work only if you sincerely want peace in the family. Let the candles burn out to the end, collect and hide the cinders. And treat the mother-in-law with charmed pastries. It is very important never to tell anyone about the action taken, regardless of whether it helped or not, otherwise the consequences can be unpredictable.

How to keep your mother-in-law away from your home

There is a conspiracy against the mother-in-law so that the young live in harmony, so that people who interfere with them do not come to the house. How to keep your mother-in-law away from your home? To ward off a husband from his mother-in-law, you need to collect clean water in any container on Thursday. Throw three handfuls of Thursday salt into the water. Next, take a large knife, cut the water in the form of a cross, while saying:

“I will pray to the Lord, I will overshadow myself with a cross. Yes, I will protect myself from my mother-in-law, fierce, unkind. Cover me, Lord, with your garment. She is evil, unkind, brings me only tears, gnaws at my little head. I ask you, Lord, calm down your servant (name of mother-in-law), let her heart be filled with love for me. Let the mouth be closed, and the tongue hidden, and curses from the lips do not sound, evil passes me by. May it be so now and forever. Amen".

Repeat the plot three times, then dig a hole under the tree, pour water into it, saying:

“As mother earth absorbs this water, so let my mother-in-law absorb only goodness and positive energy. Let the word come true."

How to make the mother-in-law not climb the family? There is another version of the ceremony. Held with the first rays of the sun in the morning. Dial salt in the palm of your hand, holding it, read:

“As this white salt oozes through your fingers, so may my nest be preserved. Let there be peace and kindness, well-being. I sincerely wish that we live on our own, and the mother-in-law does not interfere with us. Let me get rid of her influence. Amen".

After that, sharply unclench your fingers, let the salt spill onto the floor. Take a broom and a dustpan, carefully sweep out the debris. Throw away away from home. After a while, repeat the ceremony again.

Rite of Conflict

There are many different rituals from the intrigues of the spouse's mother. If she lives at a distance or nearby, while systematically finding fault, interfering in the lives of spouses, certain magical actions can be performed so that she does not interfere with life. The conspiracy is carried out in private.

An effective mother-in-law love conspiracy is read on the wedding day. It helps to prevent conflicts in the family. In this case, you need to read it in the house of a future relative, in a place where there is no icon:

“You will come from the dead, go to the dead. Do not torture the skin and body, do not touch the little head. To the dead - his own, to the living - his own. Amen".

Another effective version of the ceremony, which is carried out during the growing moon. For its implementation, sweets are needed that the mother of the spouse loves. Whisper the following words to sweets, cake or cookies:

“As your son (name) is dear to you and love, so let me be dear to you (my name) and love. Yes, you will not be offended by me and say nasty things to me, but you will only forgive, pity, honor and respect me, teach, but not teach, praise, but not scold or reproach. May it be so forever. In the name of the Father and the son and the holy spirit. Amen".

At the end of the sweetness, you need to cross, treat your mother-in-law to them, reading the prayer Our Father to yourself.

To get rid of constant interference in the life of spouses, it is necessary to carry out the following rituals. Perform the ritual three times: the first is performed on the growing moon so that there is strength, the second is performed during the waning moon, it helps to avoid scandals. And the third is spent on the full moon, he will help to love the daughter-in-law. Read the text on Fridays.

For a young month, bake pancakes, read the words over them, and then treat the mother-in-law:

“As the young moon is born, it will go its own path through the sky of God. So it would be for me, the servants of God (name), the young hostess, let strength be born and my influence, as the main one in the family, superiority will be felt by everyone. And I will know the paths of all mine. I will be the main one. Amen (thrice).

“As the moon is waning, so are all squabbles, quarrels waning. May my mother-in-law be silent, like a dead man is silent, like a fish in the ocean-sea. Amen (thrice).

The final stage is carried out on days when the moon is full. You should cook food, speak it, invite your spouse's mother to visit. Make sure that she is the first to sit down at the table and try the treat. Food speaks:

“How the moon shines in the sky, clear, round and beautiful. As it illuminates the heavens, so may the heart of my mother-in-law be filled with love for me. Let her caress and kindness come to me like a full moon illuminates the sky. I will lock my words with moon locks and keys. Amen (thrice).

When magical actions bring the desired effect, rituals and conspiracies performed are not allowed to be shared with anyone, otherwise it is fraught with dangerous consequences.

Separate the mother-in-law from the family

To make it better if the relationship with the husband began to deteriorate due to the mother-in-law, in this case, you can use an old conspiracy. Go to church, light a candle for health, then you need to purchase a Bible in the church, then come home, take a photo of your husband’s mother in left hand, make the following speeches:

“Good Lord, give me your help! Take away all the anger of my mother-in-law, let her become kind, affectionate to me, let there be no slander, disputes. Let her only do good to me, but not come to my house at her own will, only at my invitation. Amen, Amen, Amen."

Repeat three times. Put a photo in the Bible.

How to get rid of mother-in-law forever

How to get rid of an annoying relative forever? There is a special conspiracy from the evil mother-in-law, with which you can make her kinder, she will no longer interfere in the family. Take a handful of coarse salt. Speak to the waning moon 9 times:

“Salt is white, free-flowing. Yes, become an obstacle to my mother-in-law (the name of the husband's mother), so that she walks, but past my house. Let her live her life, mind her own business. And let him not get into our affairs, let him not interfere in our life. Deliver me from her advice, teachings, reproaches, reproaches, moralizing, slander, malice. Let him forget my way-paths to my house, let him no longer walk, do not drag himself to us. Let what has been said come true. Amen!"

Bring the charmed salt to the house of a relative, sprinkle it under the rug. A month later, repeat the ceremony. This salt will become an obstacle for her, she will not go to your house.

There is another effective conspiracy option. To carry it out, you need onions, three candles and a glass of water. Magical manipulations are performed during the period when the moon is waning. Sit at the table, put the onion in front of you, cut it in half. Then lower both halves into a glass of water in turn, saying:

“As the onion takes root, I will cut off all the ends. Let me and my husband not be separated by his blood, his mother. Her paths do not go here, but she does not interfere in our life. Let our life be happy, without its bad influence."

Repeat three times, then remove one half of the bulb from the water, throw it out into the street, and bury the second near the mother-in-law's house. Pour water into the dug hole.

Lapel of husband from mother-in-law

There are also conspiracies against the mother-in-law to remove her influence on her beloved, so that the husband does not listen to his mother and does not indulge her in everything. In order to normalize the relationship of the couple, so that the beloved stops obeying the mother unquestioningly, the following ceremony is performed. It is carried out during the period of the waning moon. Light a candle, take an onion, cut it into two parts, say 12 times:

“Like an onion and water are combined, may my husband and I be together forever, but no one and nothing can stand between us. So that my beloved listens to me and honors, respects, is on my side, supports, protects from the nit-picking of my mother-in-law! May he be an adult and reasonable man, and not his mother's son! Amen!"

Bury an onion under a tree and go home silently, without looking back.

Conspiracy to love the mother-in-law to the daughter-in-law

A conspiracy to love a mother-in-law can be done using a plant called plantain. In order for the mother-in-law to love her daughter-in-law, for this it is necessary to take plantain flowers, dry them, crush them into powder, whispering:

“I will not cook soup, but a decoction, for the mother the second fat. Let an unkind person perish in her, let her not step on the threshold with anger. Let us all be in harmony. Amen".

Add crushed raw materials to tea for the mother-in-law.

Let's take a closer look at how to get rid of the mother-in-law forever conspiracy - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

The conspiracy against the evil mother-in-law is magical texts that create the conditions for attracting the energy of mutual understanding, peace to the house, contribute to a calm, measured life of people who may not tolerate each other, they can even hate.

There are a huge number of conspiracies for the mother-in-law, if she interferes with the normal life of the son's family, most of which were created, honed over tens, even hundreds of years. After all, unfortunately, there are cases when a mother, who does not agree with the choice of her son, literally goes to any lengths to separate the disobedient "blood" from his chosen one.

The quintessence of magical knowledge of many generations works great today, the main thing is to make sufficient efforts to resolve the issue, really want to achieve success.

There are a large number of proven conspiracies to ward off the mother-in-law, allowing you to improve relations with the mother-in-law, corny to drive her out of the house with the help of magic, if nothing helps. Before resorting to magic, you need to try to reconcile with this person, or ask your husband to talk to her. If nothing helps, turn to the help of heavenly forces, most importantly, keep a firm intention.

When are these conspiracies pronounced?

There are many examples when the mother-in-law is able to create some problems in the family, interfere with life, create conditions that sometimes lead to a violation of the idyll and even divorce. The most difficult case is when the mother-in-law lives with her family and constantly incites her son to her daughter-in-law. They say that a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth, and this lie is especially effective against loved ones.

And if a young family does not have the opportunity to move to a separate apartment, or, for example, the mother-in-law, for health reasons, needs the constant care of loved ones, the likelihood of a marriage breaking up increases. Water and stone wear away, and the husband's mother is not a stranger to him, and he will listen to her opinion.

Therefore, if you do not want to lose your loved one, you need to take the initiative into your own hands and try to resolve the issue.

If the husband's mother refuses to compromise, you need to resort to the help of heavenly forces from her intrigues. One of the most effective means to solve this problem is a conspiracy to love the mother-in-law. If you just want to improve relations with your mother-in-law, then a white conspiracy will suit you. And in order to permanently ward off the mother-in-law, if you need to drive a woman out of your house, you will most likely need to use black magic. In this case, the lapel of the husband from the mother-in-law, made on their joint photo, or a ritual with wax dolls, is suitable.

How to be in a difficult situation

The life of a young family often depends on many factors, among which relationships with parents occupy a fairly significant place. Therefore, if you are tired of the constant presence of your mother-in-law in your house, it is you, the daughter-in-law, who needs to solve the problem.

To perform the following conspiracy from the evil mother-in-law, you need to prepare an onion, three candles and a glass of water. The ceremony is held on the waning month. At this time, the words of the conspiracy, in order to get rid of the mother-in-law, can act with maximum force on the woman who bothers you, and the goal will be achieved in the shortest possible time, life will become easier. Light candles late at night, put them on the table, cut the onion, dip it in a glass of water and read the words of the conspiracy to the mother-in-law.

The words of the ritual are repeated seven times, after which the glass is left on the window for seven days.

After a week, give water and an onion to the ground in a deserted place.

In a few weeks, a conspiracy to get rid of the mother-in-law should work, because no protection will help from it.

What to do if the mother-in-law disliked

Even if the mother-in-law lives separately, she can create a number of problems simply because she does not like her daughter-in-law. She can occasionally mischief, casually noticing something unpleasant in your address when meeting. Fortunately, even in such a case, there are rituals, spells, conspiracies from an evil mother-in-law.

The following ritual will not only improve relations with the husband’s mother, but will make it so that the mother-in-law can see your positive aspects and love you. In order to carry it out, you will need seven candles and a very tasty cake.

It is recommended to perform the ritual on the full moon, and if it does not work out, then at least for the growing month. At midnight, candles are lit, of which a vicious circle is made on the floor, in the center of which a pie is placed. The following conspiracy is written on a piece of paper so that the mother-in-law falls in love with you, it is read seven times over the pie.

Spend the next 15 minutes visualizing a positive relationship with your mother-in-law. The candles must burn out to the end, after which the wax is wrapped in a sheet with a plot and buried in a deserted place. Pie, of course, you need to treat your mother-in-law, for example, by inviting her for tea.

If you want to use "heavy artillery", turn your husband away from his mother. Choose any: with a photo of the waning moon, with volts and a knife - which one you like more. But remember that higher powers will require a high fee for the use of black magic. The husband may start drinking, he may have health problems. You break not a simple connection, but a blood one, and this is dangerous for all participants in the ritual, voluntary and involuntary.

What does it take to make the ritual work?

To achieve success in the goal, you need to follow some rules. The most important thing is to choose an attainable goal, to strive for it, not paying the slightest attention to fictitious obstacles. Visualize the situation you want to achieve, preferably in as much detail as possible.

Remember, the heavenly powers help only believers, those who are trying to create their own destiny. It is impossible to imagine a situation where, after a strong quarrel, the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law reconcile, becoming best friends. A good relationship is the result of long-term, productive work of two individuals who work daily to bring about positive change in existence.

how to get rid of mother-in-law forever conspiracy

Before turning to magic for help, the young wife needs to analyze how she could attract her mother-in-law into her life, who does not let go of her son. Perhaps the mother-in-law is the embodiment of a grandmother on the side of her father or her own mother. In some cases, it is enough to work out the reasons for the appearance of such a mother-in-law psychological methods and her influence on her son will begin to diminish or disappear altogether.

When a girl gets married, she is sure that she and her husband will have a friendly and strong family. Unfortunately, this does not always happen.

Many wives are unable to endure another attempt by their mother-in-law to command their son, who for some reason cannot refuse his mother due to her age or other reasons, so they decide to turn to magic for help. It is possible to make a husband’s lapel from his own mother, but is it necessary or are there other methods of dealing with the situation that has arisen?

How to remove the husband from the mother and the mother-in-law from the family? Young wives often think about this problem when they encounter the imperious mother of her husband, who does not want to accept her son's chosen one and dictates her own laws. In turn, the husband and wife support, and cannot turn away from the mother. This situation often happens when a woman raised her boy alone and he is support, support and a wall for her, because who else can protect and help solve problems if not the only son?

There are a large number of ways.

Before choosing a lapel ritual,.

It is not uncommon for a mother-in-law, wanting to bring her boy back home, starts doing various dirty tricks, for example, coming to his new home and insulting his wife, saying that she is not worthy of her son, that she does not feed him well, etc. And the son to complain about his chosen one and show how bad she feels after visiting them. There are men who are strongly attached to their mother and without the slightest doubt believe everything that they are told, and also try to do everything they are told.

What should a young wife do in the situation that has arisen, when the mother-in-law has such a strong influence on her son? Most often, the methods that help get rid of the mother-in-law and drive the husband away from her run into a break in family ties, the lapel of a son from his mother, and vice versa.

However, before turning to magic for help, the young wife needs to analyze how she could attract her mother-in-law into her life, who does not let go of her son. Perhaps the mother-in-law is the embodiment of a grandmother on the side of her father or her own mother. In some cases, it is enough to work out the reasons for the appearance of such a mother-in-law by psychological methods and her influence on her son will begin to be minimized or disappear altogether.

Another way to drive a spouse away from her mother-in-law is to try to establish contact with a woman, find common topics for conversation, help her in something, show that no one is taking her son away, and he still loves his mother. When the mother-in-law stops frequently interfering in the life of a young family, then the son will calm down and cease to be completely dependent on the mother. Perhaps he will still love his mother, but he will also begin to listen to his wife, and also devote more time to a new family.

Of course, you can try to talk to your husband, talk about the visits of the mother-in-law, about her words, but most likely because of the blind attachment to the mother, he can become even more angry with his wife and not believe her single word.

Several ways to turn a spouse away from her mother-in-law

If, nevertheless, nothing comes out and no actions and efforts help, then there is only one way out - this is to make the lapel of the spouse from the mother-in-law and the mother from the son. You can do it yourself or turn to magic specialists.

The first way is with the help of the waning moon

For this magical rite, you will need a joint photograph of the husband and his mother. If there is none, then you can try to arrange two separate photos on the computer so that they stand side by side on one sheet.

The ritual is performed on the waning moon on Saturday or Tuesday evening. It is necessary to tear the photo so that the mother-in-law is on one half, and the husband is on the other. At the same time, visualize the rupture of family ties between them.

After that, hide the photo of the husband in the marriage bed, and take the photo of his mother out of the home as far as possible and bury it, saying the words:

“The connection between the son (husband’s name) and mother (mother-in-law’s name) is broken forever, from now on their paths diverge, go (spouse’s name) and (mother-in-law’s name) are now always separate.

If necessary magical ritual repeat 3 months after the first.

The second way is the use of fire

This ceremony is also performed using a joint photograph. The photo must be burned with fire in such a way that it is divided into 2 halves. At the same time, visualize how all family ties between the son and mother burn out. Then, separately, you need to burn both halves so that the ashes do not mix. One handful of ashes (from the photograph of the mother-in-law) are taken out into the street and scattered in the wind that blows from the performer's dwelling. Dispel the second handful of ashes in the wind blowing towards the house of a young family.

After performing the ceremony for several days, one must imagine that the connection between the husband and his mother is becoming weaker and breaks off completely.

The third way is with the help of wax dolls

Write the name of the mother-in-law, and on the other of the husband, and connect them with a wax flagellum in the solar plexus area. When the dolls are ready, take a knife and smoke it on a candle and say:

“I break forever the relationship between (name of spouse) and (name of mother-in-law).”

After the words, cut the wax flagellum connecting the dolls.

Working with wax dolls is one of the most productive

Then wrap the dolls in cotton cloth and wrap tightly with thread. Leave the spouse's doll at home and hide it in a secret place, and take the mother-in-law's doll far away, preferably to the other end of the city, and throw it into the river with the words:

“You are a river, take away from (name of spouse) all attention (name of his mother), all thoughts (name of mother-in-law) about (name of spouse) cool and break all ties between them, destroy and erase forever.”

When performing any of the proposed lapels, you need to remember that magic does not pass without a trace and can lead to negative consequences, for example, a husband will not only turn away from his mother, but also from his chosen one. He will begin to pay attention to other women, change, walk, not come home at night, etc.

He may also start drinking alcohol, health problems may appear, he will begin to get sick all the time, he will be haunted by failures in all areas of activity, etc. The same consequences can also affect the performer of the magical rite herself, so making a husband’s lapel from his mother is not a way out of this situation. It is better to solve the problem by another method, less dangerous.

cat house

Mother-in-law conspiracies- magical texts that involve attracting the energy of mutual understanding and peace to the house, contributing to a calm and measured life of two people who can not digest and hate each other's spirit

In modern conditions, quite often a young married couple has to live with their parents. And even if this state of affairs is temporary, establishing relationships, or at least trying to do so, is the right decision.

Moreover, any woman understands that by improving relations with her mother-in-law, you get a second mother, and spoiling - a person who can have a negative impact on your husband.

It's no secret that a happy family life is built not only on mutual understanding and feelings of two lovers. An important influence is exerted by the relatives of each of the spouses.

And quite often negative attitude mother-in-law to the chosen one of her son can greatly spoil the happy life of the newlyweds. In addition, some parents have a peculiar imperious character, which is very difficult to put up with.

Depending on what kind of relationship you have with your husband’s mother and what results you are striving for, the type of ritual is chosen:

He does it most often in order to limit her interference in your family life, get rid of constant advice and moralizing and drive this woman away from your home.

Such a ritual will help improve relations with the husband’s mother and make sure that you and your mother-in-law see positive traits each other, which will lead to peaceful coexistence, and often to strong friendship.

Such a ceremony is performed if the mother-in-law has a strong influence on your husband, sets him against you. With the help of this conspiracy, you can free your husband from emotional dependence on his mother, making him listen to you.

Consider carefully the choice of ritual, having previously analyzed your situation and decided what results you are striving for and what you are fighting against.

Indeed, sometimes the attitude of the mother-in-law can be negative only because you do not treat her in the best way.

Ritual for peace in your home

If relations with your mother-in-law do not go well, you constantly swear and cannot live in peace and harmony, then best solution there will be a conspiracy for peace with the mother-in-law.

This ritual will not only improve relations with the husband’s mother, but also make the mother-in-law see your positive aspects and love you. To perform the ritual, you will need seven candles and a delicious cake.

Candles should be bought in the church, but the cake will come to cook on their own. The dessert should turn out delicious and please the mother-in-law. It is advisable to perform this ritual on the full moon, and if it does not work, then give preference to the growing month.

At midnight, light all the candles in a circle on the floor. Set yourself up in the center of the circle and place the pie.

“Now I have my own mother, the one who gave birth to my beloved! So that there were no barriers between us, calm reigned and everything went smoothly! I attract the forces of goodness and love to the hearth, the envious enemy will not penetrate there! Let us get rid of anger and hatred, and get rid of hostility! I cooked a delicious cake, when you taste a sweet piece, So you will love me and call me your beloved daughter-in-law! From now on and forever you will be like a lawful mother to me! Candles will help me in the semi-darkness, a conspiracy to love, sending you! Amen!"

When you read the plot seven times, devote a quarter of an hour to visualizing what kind of relationship with your mother-in-law will suit you. The candles must be allowed to burn out to the end, after which the wax should be wrapped in a sheet with a plot and buried in a deserted place.

As for the pie, you should taste it with your mother-in-law. Remember that magical rituals must be carried out in complete solitude and no one should know about magical help.

Magic ritual

Quite often it happens that the mother-in-law has too much influence on her son and interferes in all family affairs. In this case, you can drive your husband’s mother away from your home and get rid of her excessive attention with the help of a non-false rite.

To do this, you will need a pinch of salt. During the waning month, you need to speak salt. This is best done at dawn.

Holding the salt in your hands, read the words of the spell:

“Salt salt, white salt, loose salt! Help the servant of God (name) to drive away from my house, so that she lives her life, does her own business, And she was not interested in mine and her husbands and did not climb. Help get rid of her advice and complaints, Save her from anger and hostility. Make her forget the way to our house, Yes, she stopped going to us! Amen!"

Read the conspiracy for salt nine times. And when you complete the ceremony, pour salt on the threshold of your mother-in-law. The ritual should take effect within a few weeks, and to enhance the effect, repeat it after a month.

Ritual from the spouse's mother

The life of a young married couple depends on many factors. Last but not least is the relationship with the parents. IN modern world Quite often, young girls are faced with a problem when a spouse depends on his mother for everything and consults with her on every occasion.

However, this is not a problem. The problem is when a husband subordinates your whole life to the wishes of his mother, obeys her perfectly and always shares her opinion in any disputes. You can help your spouse get rid of such dependence on the mother with the help of magic: a rite is performed against the energy connection with the mother-in-law.

To complete it, you will need an onion, three candles and a glass of water. It is necessary to do the ceremony during the period of the waning month. It is at this time that the ritual against the mother-in-law has the greatest power and you will achieve the goal in the shortest possible time.

Light candles late at night and place them on the table. Cut the onion into two parts and lower it into a glass of water, reading the words of the spell:

“As an onion unites with water, so do we, the servants of God (your names with your spouse), And no one and nothing can quarrel us and not separate us! So that my beloved husband listens to me and listens, To always support me, to be a mountain for me! To be on my side in disputes with my mother, Yes, he was not a sissy, but he could get rid of everything mother-in-law! Amen!"

The words of this ritual against the mother-in-law must be repeated seven times, after which the glass with all its contents is left on the window for seven days. And when a week has passed, give it all to the earth in a deserted place. The plot should take effect in a few weeks. However, here a lot depends on faith in the result and on your attitude.

Spells against the mother-in-law are considered very effective and effective tool in the fight against her strong interference in the family life of a married couple. In addition, using magic, you can improve relations with the husband's mother and get a second mother instead of the worst enemy. It remains to choose the most suitable ritual and enjoy the result.

Mother-in-law conspiracy: ancient magic for modern daughters-in-law

After a magnificent wedding and sincere wishes of happiness and love, family everyday life will certainly come. And in them, in addition to the dear and endless beloved husband, his mother, that is, the mother-in-law, usually appears at various intervals. Relationships with a new relative are different for everyone.

For some, she becomes an indispensable assistant, a good adviser and a truly second mother. In other situations, the mother-in-law turns into a hidden, or even an obvious enemy, who not only constantly interferes in family affairs, teaches how to live and instructs on any occasion, but also leads to tantrums, scandals and even divorce.

Mother-in-law conspiracies

Psychologists have dozens of guides on this subject, how to behave, and what should never be done. However, there is not always time, and maybe even a desire to listen to this advice. And then a simple but very effective magic comes to the rescue: rituals and conspiracies for the mother-in-law, whose effectiveness has been tested by many generations of daughters-in-law. Moreover, the use of magical rituals usually gives a lasting effect and helps to neutralize the husband's mother very quickly and painlessly.

Conspiracy on the wedding day

And the very first conspiracy, so that the mother-in-law does not offend and love the daughter-in-law, is worth reading already on the wedding day. This simple foresight will help to avoid conflicts in the future and will not allow even a shadow of trouble to touch family happiness. The plot should be read in the house of the future mother-in-law, always in the corner where there is no icon.

“Bone relative, grave bone, you leave me. I came from the dead, go to the dead. Do not torment the white body, violent head, zealous heart. Dead - dead, living - alive. Amen."

Basic rules for reading conspiracies

Conspiracy on the wedding day

There are several basic requirements for reading conspiracies, including to ward off the mother-in-law. If special conditions are not prescribed in the rites, then magic words are read for women on the so-called women's days, that is, Wednesday, Saturday and Friday. For men, respectively, in men's, namely - on Tuesday, Thursday and Monday. On major Christian holidays and on Sundays, reading conspiracies, as well as performing any rituals, is strictly prohibited. It is believed that at this time one should purify oneself with sincere prayer.

Usually conspiracies are read three times, unless otherwise indicated. After each word "Amen" they must be baptized. Even if the plot for a good relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law has already begun to operate, it should be repeated in a month. This will solidify the effect. If the action did not manifest itself even after reading the plot twice, it is necessary to repeat it a third time. If after that no changes for the better happen, then the rite does not work in a particular case and something else, more effective, should be chosen.

How to keep your mother-in-law from constant nit-picking

The husband’s mother is almost sacred, but if she constantly climbs with her moralizing, overwashes things and is generally extremely negative, it’s worth holding the next ceremony.

On the evening of the day on the waning moon, you need to collect clean cold water in an ordinary bucket. Throwing three pinches into it is better than Thursday salt. Take a knife with a blade more than 15 cm and cut the water crosswise, saying:

“I pray to the Lord God, I am baptized with a life-giving cross, I am saved from my mother-in-law, I close myself with Your robe, Lord. My mother-in-law, Your servant (her name) is evil, tears, brings misfortune, like a dog a bone, gnaws me. I ask you, our God, pacify your servant (name of mother-in-law), put on love for me, your servant (name). Let her mouth not open, her tongue not swear, she does not send curses, and her evil will go away. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“As you, Mother Earth, absorb this water into yourself, so you take away the anger of my mother-in-law, from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

Conspiracy on sweets for the mother-in-law

Conspiracy for sweets

Often, the son you were lucky enough to marry is with your mother, if not the only one, then the most beloved one. That is why the parent cares about making her child comfortable and convenient, without thinking at all that it is destroying the family. To make the husband's mother fall in love with her daughter-in-law, a ceremony should be performed on the growing moon. To do this, you will need some sweets that your mother-in-law loves (sweets, cookies, gingerbread, etc.). They say the following words:

“As the son of God’s servant (husband’s name) is dear and loved to you, so I will be dear to you, the servant of God (my name). And by heart, and by blood with maternal love, from this day and forever and ever. Do not be offended by me and do not offend me, forgive me, pity me, honor me, give me, teach, not teach, praise, not scold. As she said, so be it! Key. Mouth. Lock. Forever and ever. Amen."

In conclusion, you should cross the sweet treat and leave it in the open so that the mother-in-law is treated first. Now you can go to sleep, and before going to bed, be sure to read "Our Father" nine times.

A complex ritual for peace in the family

When the mother-in-law does not seem to be evil, but does not give life, the next ceremony should be performed. A magical ritual is performed in three stages.

The first gives the daughter-in-law strength in front of her husband's mother and is read for the young month, the second helps to stop scandals and slanders for the waning month. The third and final should be read on the full moon so that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law. Conspiracies are read by everyone at their own time, certainly on Fridays.

Conspiracy for a month (young)

First you should bake pancakes, speak them and treat your mother-in-law.

“As a young month is born and will go through the heavens of the Lord in its own way and its own path, its own master, so would the servant of God (name), the young mistress, have strength and power over her mother-in-law. And would she know the roads of all her household and would keep them in her right hand, in his right fist. Tsyts, mother-in-law, I'm your head. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Conspiracy for a month (descending)

“As the month is waning, it is coming to an end, so the quarrels in our house would come to an end, melt away. My mother-in-law would be silent, as the dead do not scream, as the fish in the ocean-sea are silent. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Conspiracy to the moon (full)

It is necessary to prepare a delicious and plentiful dinner, speak food and invite the mother-in-law to the table. It is important that she sits down first. As soon as she starts to eat, you should twist the fig and show it to her under the table.

“As the moon shines in the sky, it illuminates the entire Lord’s sky, so my mother-in-law’s heart would be full for me. So she would lavish affection on me, as the full moon illuminated the sky. I lock my whole tale with a moon lock, a moon key, a moon light. Amen. Amen. Amen."

When peace and tranquility come in the family, and those around you begin to be surprised at such changes in relations, in no case should you talk about the rituals and conspiracies performed, otherwise everything will come to naught.

A conspiracy to make the mother-in-law good

Separate the mother-in-law from the family

To ward off the mother-in-law from the family, you can use the old conspiracy on the Bible and photography. For this morning in any big Orthodox holiday have to go to church. Buy a Bible in a shop and immediately bless it. And then be sure to light a candle for the health of her husband's mother.

After this event, you should come home and, taking a photo of a relative in your left hand, read the words three times:

“In the name of the Lord and His mother! I take away all the malice of the servant of God (the name of the mother-in-law), I lock it in the Holy Book. Be kind and caring to her. Amen, Amen, Amen."

Attach a photo between the pages of a consecrated book and hide it well so that no one will find it. Such a ceremony is carried out once, but its effect is noticeable very quickly. Anger and sabotage from the outside new mom vanishes as if it never existed.

Rite using plantain

If you think that only you have big problems with your mother-in-law, then you are mistaken. Similar troubles happened in very old times. It is not surprising that the unfortunate daughters-in-law came up with a huge number of conspiracies, and here is one of them.

First you need to find the most common plantain, and in the season of its flowering. During this period, the plant produces arrows with tiny flower buds. Here they should be collected and then dried. Now it is important to read the plot over the collection:

“I cook a decoction - mother-in-law broth. Let the evil be afraid, the servant of God (the name of the mother-in-law) will not be useful. Drink this tea, but come to the threshold with goodness. Let the fire-bird peck anger, and fly away. And my mother-in-law no longer expresses dissatisfaction. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Current page: 7 (total book has 10 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 7 pages]


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Just as a good mother spares no bread, no honey, no ringing money, no strength, no time for her children, so my husband, the servant of God (name), would not be stingy, would not spare anything for me and never, everywhere and always. So my words will come true and come true. Amen.

Conspiracy for a greedy wife

If your wife is stingy, hides every penny from you, scolds you, turning your life into hell because of her stinginess, this conspiracy will help you. Change the little things (a ruble or two), slander her and, when you come home, give it to your wife, saying that you found it on the road.

As a chicken rows from itself, so the servant of God (name) would row not to herself, but to me, the servant of God (name). I would not spare neither gold, nor silver, nor copper nickels, nor mint gingerbread. If only she would think of me, take care of me, as a mother pampers her child, so my wife would pamper me and feel sorry for me. Amen.

How to talk to a picky husband

To reprimand an evil, finicky character, you need to get bile from a living fish. Speak this bile and smear it on the soles of your husband's shoes. Read on bile like this:

Bless, Father,
God bless
Bless, Holy Spirit.
There is water in the temple-river,
A slave lives in that water,
Call that slave - fish.
A fish has gills, it has a liver.
In the liver of that bile boils.
Holy Mother of God says:
I forbid the servant of God (husband's name) to scream,
I command the servant of God (name) to be silent like a fish.
I speak earnestly, I persuade,
Corrosive his character I speak.
I order the servant of God (name) to be silent,
Don't grumble at your wife
Do not shout, do not wave your hands,
Quarrels, disputes do not start,
How silent the fish in the river
In the stream, in any water.


Conspiracy from the motive of her husband

If the husband spends money haphazardly, you need to talk food, give him food, and feed the guard dog what is left. They do this three times.

As a dog guards and protects the master's good,
So are you, servant of God (name),
Be careful with money.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

For jealous people

There are very jealous people who turn not only their lives into hell, but also the lives of the people around them. And as much divorce happens as a result, so many murders happen. This conspiracy can free from this evil. It is read for water, for tea and is given to drink after sunset. But you can only do it on Thursdays. Thursday is the day of cleansing.

The arrows of the fiery heart of the jealous do not stick into the ground, they break against people, they take out the soul, they break life, they torment the body. So those arrows would fly past on tall spruces, on a rotten swamp, in a dry forest, so that jealousy was removed as if by hand. Amen.

Husband took away luck?

Let your husband go to the bathhouse on the full moon at three o'clock in the morning. You need to go alone, it is desirable that no one except you knows about it. The stove needs to be heated with aspen and birch (needles cannot be added), you need to wash yourself nine times. And every time let him wash, as for the first time, both the body and the head. Before pouring the last water on yourself, let him say:

Who sat on my withers,
He drank my dirt and ate my failure.

After that, you need to immediately wash and leave. Until morning, you can’t talk to anyone, eat or drink.

Conspiracy on a grouchy mother-in-law

It's no secret that a grouchy mother-in-law with her absurd character, eternal discontent and nit-picking can destroy even the strongest family. In order to correct this misfortune, you need to know three conspiracies: the first, which is read for the young month (for the strength of the daughter-in-law in front of the mother-in-law), the second - for the waning month, so that quarrels subside, the third - for the full moon, so that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law. Each of these conspiracies is read at its own time according to the growth or the end of the month, but certainly on Friday.

First conspiracy (for a young month)

As a young month is born and will go through the heavens of the Lord in its own way and its own path, its own master, so would the servant of God (name), the young mistress, have strength and power over her mother-in-law. And she would know the roads of all her household and would hold them in her right hand, in her right fist. Tsyts, mother-in-law, I'm your head. Amen.

Bake pancakes, talk about them and feed your mother-in-law.

Second conspiracy (for a waning month)

As the month is waning, it is coming to an end, so the quarrels in our house would come to an end, melt away. My mother-in-law would be silent, as the dead do not scream, as the fish in the ocean-sea are silent. Amen.

Third conspiracy (on the full moon)

As the full moon shines in the sky, it illuminates the entire Lord's heaven, so my mother-in-law's heart would be full for me. So she would lavish affection on me, like a full moon, the sky would be illuminated. I lock my whole tale with a moon lock, a moon key, a moon light. Amen.

Prepare a good dinner, speak a conspiracy over it three times and make sure that the mother-in-law is the first to sit down at the table, and when she starts eating, show her a fig under the table. When people start wondering and asking why you have such peace in your home, don't tell anyone how you got it.

So that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law

Slander on sweets, gingerbread, tea - on everything that you can treat your mother-in-law.

As your son is dear to you, dear to your blood, your flesh, so I will be your blood, flesh, according to your soul, according to your heart. Love me like your child and more than your heart. Amen.

From enmity between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Elijah the Prophet throws his arrows,
Dispatches his army.
May the Lord send archangels like this,
And let the archangels send their angels.
The angels of God will descend, they will bring peace.
Reconcile, Lord, through the archangels,
And the archangels, through their angels, their own blood,
Daughter-in-law and mother-in-law
Servant of God (name of mother-in-law) with servant of God (name of daughter-in-law).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

For the daughter-in-law to love and pity her son

The mother takes a photo of her son, puts it on her right knee and strokes the image of her son with her left hand, saying this:

This is how my hand strokes and strokes
My dear (name),
So I would caress him and stroke the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

So that the daughter-in-law does not run out of the house

Run your little finger across the soot from bottom to top in the furnace and vice versa. Then smear the threshold of the house with this soot with the words:

How does this soot of the furnace forehead hold up,
So the servant of God (name) kept her house,
I didn’t chat in other people’s huts.
Amen to my words, amen to my words.

So that the mother-in-law loves her son-in-law
To the peacefulness of the son-in-law and mother-in-law

They put a willow wand on the threshold, slander it nine times, and then beat it on the threshold with this wand twelve times.

My business is tricky.
My willow rod, don't break, don't bend,
Submit to my cause.
So submit and make peace, servants of God (names).
I drive with a willow twig from this threshold
Any malice, any resentment.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

They light a candle from both sides, slander it and let it burn out completely.

Oh my God,
Like this candle has two ends
So that until the end of the century they do not quarrel among themselves
Brother and sister, servants of God (names).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

From a cunning mother-in-law

They read it as a gift for the mother-in-law, they give it on an even day.

I will become, the servant of God, in the morning,
I wash myself with honey, I wipe myself with a white cloud,
I will gird myself with a belt from our Lord Jesus Christ.
Who will rule me with his cunning,
Who wants to make me do it in his own way,
The Lord will make him cry.
The Mother of God will not leave me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

If the son-in-law does not want to work

Go to the ant pile, put a glass of water on it and read forty times.

Take the water, take it to your son-in-law, pour it into his drink, reading "Our Father".

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Oh my God.
water from the sea,
shade from the sun,
Star from the moon.
Lord, God, help.
How ants work
How bees carry honey
Peace and laziness do not know
So would the servant of God (name)
Worked, did not know rest,
He helped his family in everything.
My word is soft
My business is tough.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

If your husband constantly runs for advice to his mother, but does not listen to your advice, does what his mother orders, and as a result of this you have a quarrel in the house, do not despair. Take out the towel on which they lowered the deceased into the grave, get up at midnight, read the conspiracy on the towel, let your husband dry himself in the morning. You can’t slander on a towel earlier than nine days from the date of death of the deceased who was lowered on this towel.

Just as the wise old man does not go to the baby for advice, so you, the servant of God (name), do not go for advice to the servant of God (mother's name). Consult, admire with me, God's servant (name), from now on, and forever, and forever. Amen.

Safe words from violence from relatives

There are many safe words and conspiracies from trouble and violence. If you know the holy safe words that I will share with you, they will save and keep you and your loved ones from encroachment and violence. They slander them on a new pin and pin it on a curtain or something else, so long as it is not visible.

Safe words are spoken like this:

My iron is worth a penny,
And the safe words are given by Jesus Christ for this.
The word of the Lord is the first, iron is the second,
And there is no offender-rapist.
Who will break the prohibition of God,
He will destroy himself forever and ever.
Who will straighten my pin,
He will die a terrible death.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

A conspiracy from enmity between relatives of spouses

Angel to meet, the Lord is on the way,
Mother of God, bless all my words.
How the Holy Family honors and protects each other,
So let none of my relatives
Don't say a bad word.
Lord, how the Holy Family is revered in heaven,
So let my matchmakers, sons-in-law,
Daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, brothers, sister
They love each other and me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Conspiracy from quarrels with relatives

Oddly enough, but the most protracted quarrels are with relatives: here is the division of the inheritance, and other domestic conflicts. People do not communicate for several years and do not even come to the funeral. Perhaps each of the parties desires reconciliation in their souls, but does not know how to achieve it.

If this happened to you, then on the third day of Easter, read the following conspiracy twelve times. And then the angels will turn the roads of the warring in such a way that their meeting will be inevitable, and reconciliation is inevitable.

Lord help, Lord bless
Happy Easter, clean days,
Joyful tears.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Ivan the Postel, Ivan the Theologian, Ivan the Baptist,
Ivan the long-suffering, Ivan the headless,
Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel,
George the Victorious, Nicholas the Wonderworker,
Barbara the Great Martyr,
Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia,
Pray for a common path
Servants of God (names of the warring).
Tame their malice, tame their anger,
Assuage their rage.
Ratyu his saint,
Power invincible, indomitable
Lead them to agreement.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

For peace between blood people

Read on the first star three times without stopping:

I report, I respond
Teeth, lips, tongue
All evil, all dashing:
Envy, resentment, bad thoughts -
From the blood of blood people,
From a white brow, an angry heart, a flickering soul.
I will bring out with my strong word,
With your stucco deed
Any discord and any arrogance.
I'll take you out into the open field, into expanse,
I'll leave it there, cover it with earth.
Here you, discord, be
Here you, anger, live,
Here you lie
Servants of God (names) do not torment,
Do not enter into sin.
Bless, first star, for peace and goodness.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

So that relatives do not quarrel over inheritance

At night, rubbish is swept out of the house with the words:

Oh you, father, night rubbish,
Sweep the dispute out of my hut,
So that we do not quarrel among ourselves,
Didn't bite, didn't bully,
They would get along well, they would end the world.
And you, dispute, go to the night rubbish.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that there is no fornication in the relationship

Incest is an unforgivable sin. To avoid such a disaster, read the following plot on one of Saturdays in any corner where there are no icons:

Just as a dog does not need a gnawed bone, so such and such (names of children) do not need each other in bed, but they will always be friendly. Amen.

Conspiracy for a small child

Grandmother Solomonyushka Christ soared,
She left the park on Him.
God bless
God help me!
Name (name) of the baptized.
Handles, grow, get fat, vigorous.
Legs, walk, wear your body white.
Baby's tongue, feed your little head.
Grandmother Solomonyushka soared,
Baby (name) rules,
I asked God for mercy for him.
Servant of God (name), do not be gray-haired, be a walker.
Bathhouse and water, listen,
And you (name) eat plenty of milk.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Talk to a baby for happiness

The child is taken out under the clear stars and they say:

Mother of God,
You held the Son of Christ in Your arms,
She blessed with Her hand three times a day.
Mother of God, raise your holy hand,
bless my baby
For a long and happy share,
For a happy and beautiful life.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

To prevent the child from being stolen

Conspiracy words are read into the light by candles in their house when the child is sleeping.

Light from a holy candle
Give me the talisman keys
I open the seventh door
And I firmly lock the door where my son (daughter) is.
Who will take the amulet key,
Who will steal my child
He will die from the curse.

If you have a dysfunctional child

On Good Friday, buy three candles and light them in the temple, then leave the temple and stand at the gate. Stop and count those leaving. When the fortieth person comes out of the gate, cross yourself and say:

How did this person get out?
So all the nonsense from my son would be gone.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

If your child comes home from school beaten

Write this amulet to him on a piece of paper on both sides, and let him walk with the amulet for three days. Explain to the child that you can not show it to anyone.

Angel of my children, bright, kind, I release my child on you. Protect him, protect him from the eyes of enemies, from heavy fists, from malicious laughter. Send him your success. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If a son or daughter is stolen from their parents

Give the child a drink of the spoken jelly, and give pancakes and boiled eggs to the jelly, as at a wake. Speak jelly when you pour it into cups.

Remember, Lord, the sin of my child (name).
Remember his theft with the one who passed away,
So that (name) does not steal (a),
Didn't take anything without asking.
Die this sin and be remembered.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

How to remove the son's hatred for his own mother

In order to appease your son's anger, buy a live fish and, while it trembles, say:

Bude you are not a fish, kind and silent.
With a head and without a head.
And you, my son, come, take my hand,
And you, sons of anger, come down, go to the blue sea.
Don't turn back, don't grow in your heart.
My words be strong, sculpting,
During the day under the sun, at night under the moon.
Good soul, rise, rise,
Get stuck in my son's heart
For now, forever and forever.
My words are the lock, my deeds are the key.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever and forever and ever.

To adult daughter mother did not eat

Speak to the water and wash the windows first, then the doors, then the threshold. Do this three times, and you will immediately notice what a change will be in relation to you on the part of your daughter. And do not worry - what happened, it happened!

On an even day, on an even date, at an even hour
Three holy hierarchs are coming:
Demyan, Kuzma and Father Simeon.
The servant of God (name) goes to meet them.
– Where does the path lead you, holy hierarchs?
- We go to the world to give reconciliation,
From any enmity to give healing.
Saint Demyan, Saint Kuzma and Father Simeon!
Give, for Christ's sake, reconciliation,
Deliverance from enmity
Me, God's servant (name), and God's servant (daughter's name).
Take out your golden sabers,
Fire knives, damask axes,
Cut off you from the servant of God (daughter's name)
All hatred, all impatience,
Give me, for Christ's sake, deliverance from her evil.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Conspiracy to obedience to children

If you want your children not to depend on anyone, not to be led by their friends and girlfriends, to consult only with you, honor and obey only you, read this conspiracy:

Go home baby
Don't blame anyone else
Take advice with dad
Take advice with the uterus
Bow down to the icon
Submit to your parents.
So you would all rush home,
Like a baby chasing a tit.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So that children feel sorry for and love their mother

I will become a servant of God (name), blessed,
I look at the icon, crossing myself.
On the icon of the Mother of God Mary.
She presses the Christ child to her breast,
She suffers for Him day and night with a holy soul.
So that my children love me too,
Regretted, groomed, did not scold,
Words of evil against me (name) were not spoken.
There is a golden city
A girl sits above him
She has a golden bird in her hands.
The girl is thirty-five years old.
Among people and people purer than silver,
Pure than pure gold.
How kind people love
Pure silver and pure gold
So let my children look at me
I am loved and will never be forgotten.
My word is strong, my work is sculpted.
What did I say that I didn't say
The Lord will take
Word to word clings
He will add that he will not leave me with His grace.
Ying until times, from this hour.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So that the children do not be rude to you

The fish is cooked, and the tail and head are buried under a tree. Before you start cooking fish, you need to read the plot:

In the sea in the water, in the depths of the sea.
Swimming swordfish,
I'll take her head off her shoulders.
Like a swordfish without a tail and a head, there cannot be.
So from now on my children won't
With me, my mother, be rude.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Ready fish should be eaten by children. (Mother cannot even taste this fish.)

From hatred to the father's house

Remove the tablecloth or oilcloth from the dining table. Spread the surface of the table with honey, put a piece of bread, put a glass of water with a spoonful of salt dissolved in it. After crossing yourself three times, say in one breath, without interruption:

As people cannot do without salt and bread,
So the children will not be able without a father at home.
Cross again and add:
As bees swarm and never exist without honey,
So my children will not be able without a father at home.

To tame the anger of a dear mother

On a great day I was born, I fenced myself with an iron fence and I went to my dear mother. My dear relative was angry, broke my bones, pinched my body, trampled on my feet, drank my blood. The sun is clear, the stars are bright, the sky is clear, the sea is calm, the fields are yellow - you all stand quietly and calmly, so my dear mother would be quiet and peaceful all day, all hours, at night and midnight. As a bee wears diarrhea, so would a dear mother produce kind words for me, her own son. As wax melts and the face burns from the fire, so would the heart of my dear mother burn and melt. As a swan yearns for a winch, so would my dear mother yearn for me, her own son.

As a student pours water every day, so would the heart of a dear mother flow to me, her own son. As the door to the jamb pretends, so would my words to my dear mother pretend all day, all hours, days and nights, at noon and midnight.

If your daughter loves a married man

To make a lapel, take water from a well. Speak and drink it to your daughter. Read the plot like this:

Mother Voditsa,
Well sister.
Anyone who comes to you
Drink cold water.
In the bath they pour you over
The dead are washing themselves with you.
Oh, mother water, icy shores,
Cool down the servant of God (name),
So that she cools down to the servant of God (name),
I did not know sadness for him,
She didn't break her heart.
He would dislike her
He would have shamed her.
She would close the door from him,
His feet did not let him on the threshold,
I didn't run to see him.
mother well water
Your icy shores
I bow to the ground.
Cool the heart of the servant of God (name).
Raise my word to the Lord,
Deal on the heart (name), go down.
I close my plot with three locks.
Closing my business
Three keys.
Key, lock, tongue.

A safe whisper on my son

Lord, Mother of God!
paternal honor,
maternal mercy,
Keep the whole world baptized
From harm to my son.

Charm for your daughter

The amulet is read on the day of your daughter's Angel, standing at her feet while she sleeps.

My daughter, are you sleeping or are you standing before the Lord,
You look at the Mother of God.
Jesus Christ, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Protect my daughter in all matters, in all ways,
With the sun, with the moon,
On the night road and the day road,
On foreign people, foreign sides.
Legs and arms would be taken away from her enemies,
I would find darkness on their brains,
Lest they recognize either their father or their mother,
It would be disgraceful for them to offend someone else's daughter.
This spell cannot be broken by anyone.
Key, lock, witch ceiling.

Charm for your grandchildren

Place the child on a chair, give him an icon in his hands, stand behind him, bite the hair on his head three times and read:

Dashing trouble, someone else's hands,
Human enemies, evil tongues
From a slave born, baptized (name),
Hands go numb, enemies turn to stone,
Take away languages
Not to be known with dashing misfortune.

Prayer for parents

O Holy Virgin,
Mother of the Lord Supreme,
The quick-abiding Intercessor of all,
Those who come running to You with faith, I pray to You:
Pray for your Son
To hear my prayer.
Look down from heaven and come down
To my tearful petition.
Forgive, Lord, all the sins of my parents,
Free and involuntary.
Grant them, O Lord, Thy forgiveness
Like on earth
So it is in heaven.
Lengthen their age for longevity
And strengthen them in health and mind.
Lord, how you love your mother
And you honor your Father.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So that the husband does not beat his wife

Find a grave where the name of the deceased matches the name of your husband, only that the grave is not a child's one. The grave should be with a cross. Take the land near the cross, not very much, a handful. Remember the rest of the one who lies in the grave, and be sure to ask for forgiveness for taking the land. Then find two more graves with the same names and do the same. Mix all the earth together and put it in your shoes, under your pillow and bed, and add a little to your drink. Speak like this:

As these dead lie quietly and calmly in the cemetery, so you, the servant of God, live on earth and with me, the servant of God (name). Amen.

So that the husband does not scandal at home

Buy a new hammer and, while no one has worked on it, read the plot over it. Let this hammer always be in your house. The conspiracy is this:

Like a heavy hammer does not rise, so that the servant of God (name) has a heavy tongue, would not rise and would not swear. Be my words strong and sculpting from now on and forever. Amen.

Conspiracy from assault

Speak into the water three times and let the buoyana wash or drink. He won't fight anymore.

Remember, Lord, the winds are violent,
Ferocious hurricanes
And all the meekness of King David.
Pacify, Lord, the servant of God (name)
And bless him for meekness and kindness.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

If there is no right for the husband

With your shirt, wipe the corners in the room where your husband sleeps, and at the same time say this:

How this corner stands in its place, is silent,
Doesn't say bad words
Doesn't hit me, doesn't push me
Doesn't torment my soul
So that my husband (name)
Didn't hit me, didn't push me
Didn't torment my soul.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

When you have wiped all the corners, tie your shirt with your husband's and hide it for forty days. Untie the knot after forty days.

You will soon notice how much quieter and calmer your husband will become.

Conspiracy from an evil husband

To speak your husband's anger, you need to go to the cemetery and go to some funeral procession there. And when everyone is throwing change into the grave, throw five rubles too, but not paper money, but metal money, cross yourself and think to yourself like this:

Like this dead man
Can't raise his hands now
open lips,
So my husband (name) cannot
Shout at me with a loud voice
Hissing, grumbling, waving arms and legs.
Now, forever and ever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Conspiracy against treason

They read as a gift and give it to a loved one.

My mother is a queen, red lightning,
You know the sun, you are everywhere,
You will be high, you will be far.
Find, look for the servant of God (name),
Water with light, make him think about me.
Let him miss me
Nobody knows but me.
Let him grieve, suffer,
Doesn't even change his mind
Crying for me, my married wife.
I give him salt, I give him food,
I want the water for him.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Love spell on twisted threads

Twist two threads. To do this, buy two spools of thread of the same color and thickness, at the same price. The ends of the threads from both coils are connected together and wound on one candle. The plot is read twice. The first time at the beginning, when you start winding the threads, and the second - at the end, when all the threads are already rewound on the candle. Then they light a candle and read the plot for the third time. If you do everything exactly, your husband will not cheat on you.

How you threads are twisted, twisted,
So we are darling engaged.
How are you threads together
So we will be together forever.
And how hot the candle burns and burns,
So let the heart of the servant of God (name) burn,
Peace, rest does not know
Cries, suffers about me, his wife (name).
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Loyalty Conspiracy

I have a fidelity seal,
No one can take this seal:
Neither with hands, nor with conspiracy words,
Not an evasive spell
Not a trilingual curse
Neither a gray-haired grandfather, nor a cunning guide,
Neither a witch, nor an evil sorceress,
Neither a shaman, nor a cunning deceit,
Not with clear eyes
Not black curls
No white chest
Nor Adam's garden
Neither front nor back.
My seal cannot be broken
The servant of God (name) cannot be lured,
He will not change me forever and ever.
For a century he admires me,
How to be afraid of the fire of treason.
Like a child crying on his chest,
A foal screams for its mother.
No one will stand between us
Only one can separate:
If one of us dies,
Take the seal with you.
Angels, archangels,
Take the print
Carry after me.
Century after century, now and forever.
Key, lock, tongue.

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