PvP in Blade and Soul is based on a faction system. To fight other players outside the arena, you will need to wear a special costume of a particular faction, after which you will be open to attack by those players who are wearing costumes of the opposing hostile faction, and you can, in turn, attack them. There are no safe places in the game - if you wear a PvP suit, then you can find a battle anywhere, be it a city, an open location, or even an area between servers, where you can get if you use cross-server group selection. For killing other players you will not receive any penalties, no matter where this murder occurs, local guards will not react to you in any way unless you are wearing a costume of a faction hostile to them. So, for example, when you put on a Marine Brotherhood costume, the guards in the Emerald Village and other places will become hostile to you, while you will not be able to beat the pirates, but they will also accept you as one of their own. When you kill monsters - representatives of a hostile faction in a PvP suit, one or several of their leaders may appear, after killing which you will receive special medals that can be exchanged for various items from the relevant merchants. Also, killing members of the opposing faction is associated with a number of achievements, some of which are rewarded with special titles displayed above the character's name. Total, on at the moment, the game features 2 main and 6 additional warring parties in pairs, let’s look at them in more detail.

Main factions

You will be introduced to the first pair of warring parties at the very beginning of the game, and a little later you will be given the corresponding costumes. Due to their general availability, these costumes are well suited for duels outside the arena; they can also be used to obtain seals of the Sea Brotherhood or the Guardians, for which costumes and equipment are purchased from NPC Chin Che in the Emerald Village.

Receiving costumes:
Guardian costume: Quest "Mysterious Old Man" near the location Black Forest Camp (Black Forest).
Pirate costume: Quest "Mysterious Messenger" in the Emerald Village.

Twilight Cult Vs Realm of Un

You will receive the form of the kingdom of Un at the very beginning of chapter 2 of the main quest, while the cultist's attire will have to be obtained from cult members with whom you will periodically have to deal with during the game. The costumes are suitable for a duel, but it will be difficult to derive material benefits from wearing them.

Receiving costumes:
Form of the Kingdom of Un: Quest "Mysterious Village" to the Hermit Village (Desert Lands).
Cultist Costume: Drops with some chance from any Shadow Cult fighters.

Pun Empire Vs Heaven Serving Alliance

The final pair of factions for now. If the Empire uniform is relatively easy to obtain, then the Alliance costume requires sufficient effort to acquire, and therefore few people do this, and the costume can be rarely seen, plus both outfits look very amateurish. Due to the above-mentioned factors, this pair is practically unsuitable for duels and searching for opponents; the only bonus that can be considered is that seals are obtained in the Alliance suit, for 200 of which you can buy an assassin mask covering the entire face.

Receiving costumes:
Form of the Pun Empire: Drops with some chance from any fighters of the imperial troops or can be bought for 40 seals of one of the main factions from the NPC Hong Yenran, who stands near the location of the Watchtower (Dark Forest).
Heavenly Service Alliance Suit: Purchased from NPC Hong Yenran for 100 Alliance Seals. Seal data can be obtained by killing Alliance soldiers in imperial uniform.

Some players are having difficulty finding Hong Yongran, so here is a hint:

The place where Hong Yongran stands

We told you about the general concepts of the faction system in the world of Blade and Soul. Now the time has come to take a closer look at the system for accumulating PvP points and ways to obtain faction costumes. Let's not delay - let's get started!

Methods of obtaining and appearance of faction costumes - Dobokov.
It's time for entertaining stories! This part of the article, as you might have already guessed, will be devoted to methods for obtaining Doboks. This part, in my opinion, is one of the most interesting. Methods for obtaining costumes are divided according to the principle: from small to large. Each point is represented by pairs of groups warring with each other.

Part one. Doboki factions

As we already wrote above, the first Dobok will be provided to us at level 10. To get it, you need a scroll, which always drops from monsters in the area marked on the map.

The enemy group's dobok will be given to us a little later, namely in the first large village. To get it you need to complete a simple task and go to the house indicated on the map.

We will easily get the first Army suit of this branch. A chain of main missions will lead us to it. You can get it at the place indicated on the map

But in order to get the Robber costume, Dobok of the opposite faction, we will have to make an effort. This item drops when hunting monsters in the area indicated on the map. The chance of knocking him out is quite high, so you shouldn’t worry too much.

To get the first costume from this branch, we will have to put in a lot of effort. It drops from monsters in locations for characters level 42 and above. The chance of its dropping is extremely low, so we will have to spend a lot of time at the place of its extraction.

And according to tradition, the last one, White Dobok, will be more difficult to obtain than the previous one. To acquire it, we need to put on the costume of the opposing faction and go hunting for the Boss, from whom coins fall out. It is these coins that we will need to purchase White Dobok from the seller who is marked on the map.

In conclusion of this part, I would like to add that the war between representatives of the six groups described above is only available in the order in which they are indicated. We were not given the opportunity to dress up in a costume from the first branch of factions and punch players from the second in the face. It’s sad, annoying, but ok - it’s for our safety.

Part two. Doboks of powerful warring factions.

We indicated above that the first group of factional Doboks will be given to us at approximately level 22-23, after completing the story mission. In the future, if you lose a costume or change faction (and this is possible), you can re-purchase it from merchants.

How to recognize the enemy. The system is one's own - someone else's.
To understand who is in front of you, an ally or an enemy, you just need to launch the friend-foe system, or rather, pay attention to the color of his name. Characters who are your enemies and can be attacked will have a health bar and a red in-game name. Neutral characters who cannot be attacked are always marked in gray.

The nicknames of allies belonging to the same faction as your character will always be displayed in light blue.

Kill counter and how PvP Aura works.
When we put on Dobok, magic immediately happens above our heads. The value of our rank and a circle appears blue, with a value of 1 - this is our Kill Counter or Aura Accumulation Sphere. It demonstrates how many enemies we have already killed. Initially, each character has one soul - his own. With each kill, we take the souls of our opponents and accumulate them in our Sphere. The maximum value available for accumulation is 30 souls. After filling the Sphere, you should definitely exchange Souls for faction PvP points.

A zero value in the field of Souls appears only at the moment of our death, because during this period we do not even have our own soul. This value will only be visible to us; to other players we will look like a useless piece of texture on the floor.

Be careful with souls. If we are killed or we take off our faction costume without exchanging the accumulated Souls for PvP points, then everything that we have acquired through back-breaking labor will be stolen by the game, or simply lost.

Soul Accumulation Sphere changes its size and color depending on the character’s level and how many warriors fell from your merciless hand. The more murders, the more larger size Spheres. This is done for convenience, because with the help of such visual support we can easily determine the priority of attacking opponents in battle. We will unleash all the dogs on someone, and leave someone alone, because he is 10 levels younger than us and is of no use to the common cause.

Each representative of the enemy faction, be it a player or an NPC, has an indicator of accumulated souls. When we kill any enemy, we take not only his soul, but also the souls of those who died at his hand, but only on the condition that there is practically no difference in our levels.

Remember, the lighter the Aura Sphere above the enemy, the greater the difference between our levels. If the sphere above the enemy is light blue, if he is killed, we will receive only part of his souls. In cases with gray Spheres, we will not gain anything at all from killing this character, he is too young for us, and we cannot offend little ones.

System for distributing Souls during a party attack and in other controversial situations.

In controversial situations, when a player or NPC of an enemy faction is attacked by several characters, souls will be distributed as follows:

  • If we attack an NPC, the Souls will go to the one who dealt the first blow.
  • If we attacked a player, but they tried to place us and take the Soul for ourselves, then the one who dealt the final, fatal blow to the enemy will receive a plus in the Sphere.
If we killed a player along with his group, the souls that he owned at the time of death will be distributed as follows:
  • The player who makes the last hit will receive the most Souls
  • Approximately 1/3 of all available souls will be received by the one who inflicted at least some damage on the enemy
  • Only a small part of the enemy’s souls will go to group members who did not participate in the duel.
It is important to remember that this distribution will only take place if the enemy killed had a significant number of souls. If he had, for example, 1 soul, all group members will receive the same number of points in the counter.

It is most convenient to achieve PvP rank at low levels, where players of the opposite faction will least interfere with us, and it will be much easier to kill NPCs. If for some reason you have not reached the PvP rank at early levels, go to the fourth faction camp, Cote d'Azur, there are many NPCs there and they appear quite quickly.

Let's stop here and take a break. In the next article I will tell you about faction locations and the tasks available in them. Hold on!

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The costume system in Blade and Soul is built a little differently than in other games of the same genre. Clothes in BnS are needed only for aesthetic pleasure and activation of trigrams. Costumes have no time limits and can be used throughout the entire gameplay. The only exceptions may be specialized costumes obtained during various events. For owners VIP status A convenient function is available, like Wardrobe(it can be called by pressing F3, regardless of the location you are in).

Faction Costumes

In Blade and Soul PvP - battles not available in constant time. There are specialized costumes for this, which you can get for the quest “ Call of the Faction» in Bamboo Village. Available in game 2 basic factionsHongchon And Murim.

Murim's Robe

Honchon's Robe

With the advent of a new class - Spirit Masters, a small event took place on the official Russian server. The reward for him was a suit “ Night ghost". The player could obtain this costume by completing all story quests available at this stage. However, the event ended on July 12, so obtaining this costume was no longer possible. You can't buy it in the store either.

Costumes obtained in dungeons

At existing locations there is a fairly large number of different dungeons. In each of them you can get either a costume or decoration. Next will be presented sets that can be knocked out in purple dungeons. These costumes are the most valuable in the game.

Un Kingdom Warlord's Uniform

This costume can be obtained in the dungeon Harbor of the Southern Sea Brotherhood V strange forest.

Fire set

These items can be obtained from Ancient Tomb With Lord of the Flame.

Secret agent

Can be obtained from the Mechanism at Camp of the Imperial Vanguard, what's in Dark Forest.

Beginner's outfit

This costume has a small chance of being obtained in Spider Nest V City of Spirits.

Marine Brotherhood Officer Uniform

This robe can be obtained from Bay of Storms or in Cuttlefish Bay from any of mobs.

Villainess Set

This costume is only available to female characters and to males of the Lin race. There are no restrictions on wigs and jewelry.
All kit parts can be obtained from By Hwarang V Cuttlefish Bay in mode 4 people.

Marine Brotherhood General Uniform

The suit falls into Shark Bay since last boss.

Thunder set

This set can be obtained from Thunder God V Spiral labyrinth.

Other costumes

Here are the robes that are obtained through various events or, simply, upon purchase V store(the store is accessible by pressing the key F10).

Call of the Spirits

Outfit “Sea voyage”

This costume is still available today. To obtain it, you need to purchase it in the store located in your inventory. chest with weapons.

Almost at the very beginning of his journey, the player will have to complete the task “Call of a Faction” (access to the task appears in the process of completing tasks in chapter 5 of the plot) and choose one of the proposed factions: alliance Murim or cult Hongchon. Depending on the choice, the character will be given faction clothes: white and blue (Murim) or red and black (Khonchon). Faction clothing can be examined in more detail on representatives of factions.

Wearing a faction's outfit automatically turns on combat mode with representatives of the opposing faction!

When using a faction costume - instead of title The character's faction rank is automatically indicated. The initial rank of factions is: “Novice” for the Honchon cult and “Apprentice” for the Murim alliance, followed by the ranks of [X] rank Fighter, etc.). The character's rank is “pumped up” using fame points. Also, while wearing a faction outfit, players have the opportunity to complete faction tasks, for which they can receive: money, experience, fame points, faction seal, crystals, etc.

Faction Seals can be donated to the vault combat school, from where it will be used to increase the rank of the school.

The first location where you can receive quests from a representative of your faction: Healing Spring in the Borderlands [Great Desert]. By completing other quests, the character reaches this point at approximately level 23.

Faction quests (in faction clothes!) can be obtained from NPCs in:

  • Great Desert:
    • Healing Spring (Borderlands)
    • Headquarters of Murim/Khonchon (Land of Martyrs) - available after completing the quest from the headman of the [Village of the Sages]
    • Murima/Khonchona Base (Rocky Gorge)
  • Plain of Plenty:
    • Shore Camp Murima/Honchon (Pig Farm) (to be able to receive tasks, you must have (at least) faction rank 9)
    • Murima/Honchon Outpost (Dark Forest).

View information about fame points, faction rank of a character, etc.: [P] (eng) → [Faction] tab