Leading. in


White none repeat scroll 0% 0%; text-align: justify; text-indent: 16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial; -moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-b ackground -inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> Wuchansha.

scroll 0% 0%; text-align: justify; text-indent: 16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial; -moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-b ackground-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> (A student comes out, a wreath of ears on his head, in his hands a bunch of ears, he embodies a rye field.)


1.7pt; background: white none repeat scroll 0% 0%; text-align: justify; text-indent: 16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial; -moz-background-origin:-moz-initial ;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-init ial; "> (A song is heard behind the scenes, reapers come out, you escort the song "Rye grew, grew in the field." Words And Notes for this and all other songs are included in the appendix.)

-Moz-initial; "> 1st reaper.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-poli cy:-moz-initial; "> 2nd reaper.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-i nitial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-mo z-initial; "> 3rd reaper.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-i nitial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-mo z-initial; "> 4th reaper.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-i nitial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-mo z-initial; "> 5th reaper.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-poli cy:-moz-initial; "> 6th reaper.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-poli cy:-moz-initial; "> 7th reaper.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-poli cy:-moz-initial; "> 8th reaper.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-poli cy:-moz-initial; "> (The song "Our Nivki is golden" is being performed.)

9th reaper.

10th reaper.

(The reapers make up the ears in one sheaf, weave a wreath of ears and sing the song "Oh, a lily bloomed in the garden.")

moz-initial; "> 1st reaper. Which goddess shall we choose?

2nd reaper. Let's Mira!

(A wreath is laid on the head of the goddess, in the hands of a sheaf, circling her chain and sing song "mugs, girls, circle".)


(Everyone goes to the owner, sing a song "Open, master, your yard." The goddess goes first.

Moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> To meet the hosts with bread and salt. The goddess steps forward and, bowing to the hosts, lays a sheaf of dazhynachny at their feet. The wreath is passed into the hands, sentencing.)


3rd reaper.

Moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-poli cy:-moz-initial; "> 4th reaper.

-Moz-initial; "> 5th reaper.

benefited you

1.7pt; text-indent: 34.3pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial; -moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-b ackground-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> From four sides.

-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> Brought you a collection

From under the green mountains

None repeat scroll 0% 0%; margin-left: 1.7pt text-indent: 34.3pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial; -moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-b ackground -inline-policy:-moz-initial; ">

-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-i nitial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-mo z-initial; ">

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-poli cy:-moz-initial; "> 6th reaper.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-i nitial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-mo z-initial; "> Master.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-poli cy:-moz-initial; "> (Gaspadynka puts dishes on the table, everyone sleeps the song "Oh, you, my tables!".)

-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-i nitial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-mo z-initial; "> Master. V.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-poli cy:-moz-initial; ">- The peasant came up to the pan, and he was just pouring and turned the steamer's bowl over.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-poli cy:-moz-initial; "> The peasant asks:

- Lord, why did you eat like that, did you flip the bowl?

- This means I'm full.

None repeat scroll 0% 0%; margin-left: 1.7pt text-indent: 16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial; -moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-b background -inline-policy:-moz-initial; ">- That's it! And I keep thinking, why is this my pig as soon as it feeds, and the troughs turn over.

0cm 0.5pt 0.0001pt 1.7pt; background: white none repeat scroll 0% 0%; text-align: justify; text-indent: 16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial; -moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-pol icy:-moz-initial; "> 7th reaper.

(Dance in progress.)

White none repeat scroll 0% 0%; text-align: justify; text-indent: 16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial; -moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-b ackground -inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> 8th reaper.

text-indent: 16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial; -moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-b ackground-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> (The song "Round the Yar" is performed.)

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-poli cy:-moz-initial; "> Master.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-i nitial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-mo z-initial; "> Once, in the distant past, every person knew how old he was to live in the world. But once God was walking on earth, he went into one village and sees that some

- You

- So I have few years to live in the world for It turned out that this is enough for my age.

Did not like such a thing to God, and he decided make it so that people do not know who will die when.

Moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-poli cy:-moz-initial; "> Mistress.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-poli cy:-moz-initial; "> (The song "Like on our field" is being performed.)

Student. Listen, I'll tell you a joke.

The boy led a calf on a rope, which rushed all sides. And just then the officials were passing by.

Why don't you take off your hats in front of me, ham?! - he shouted at young man.

- When my hands are full, sir official! Tears from

9th reaper.

10 reaper.


White none repeat scroll 0% 0%; text-align: justify; text-indent: 16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial; -moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-b ackground -inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> Master.

(Everyone sings the song "Oh, Fields")

0% 0%; margin-left: 1.7pt text-indent: 16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial; -moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-b ackground-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> All are forgiven:

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-poli cy:-moz-initial; ">-Be your healthy;

Stay with God;

[error: Irreparable invalid markup("

") in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

Leading. Dear guests! Today we invited you to the "Bagach" holiday. This is a big holiday in the life of the Belarusian village. Once upon a time, when the harvest was coming to an end, they left a small handful of rye - grandfather's, or God's, "beard", then they zazhynali, tied it with a ribbon, said the order and solemnly, with songs and jokes, carried it home. This was Bagach. He was carried in court to those who wished wealth and happiness. Bagach, according to legend, provided Niva with rye and brought prosperity and happiness to the house.

Student. Bagach was addressed with the words: "Bagach! Bagach! Don't forget our fields!". It was on this day, at sunrise, that the owner sowed the Niva with rye. The winter sowing began solemnly. In the house everyone washed, cleaned, cooked and baked a lot of delicious things.

white none repeat scroll 0% 0%; text-align: justify; text-indent: 16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-background -inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> Wuchansha. Going to the sowing season, the peasant put on white shirt and in the evening there was a gala dinner. Cleanliness in the house, festive clothes of the seibit, prosperity on the table were considered ritual elements, which contributed to success in work, fertility was sown in the fields.

scroll 0% 0%; text-align: justify; text-indent: 16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> (A student comes out, a wreath of ears on his head, in his hands a bunch of ears, he embodies a rye field.)

Student. She said the field is wide, the rye is nuclear. Reapers, my young reapers, golden sickles. Come to me early tomorrow, so that I don't stand still. I don’t want to stand in the field, waving the last ears, but I just want stags in the field, and dug in the threshing floor.

1.7pt; background: white none repeat scroll 0% 0%; text-align: justify; text-indent: 16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-initial ;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> (A song is heard behind the scenes, reapers come out, you escort the song "Rye grew, grew in the field." Words And Notes for this and all other songs are included in the appendix.)

-Moz-initial; "> 1st reaper. Guys, girls, just look, the last strip of rye is left!

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> 2nd reaper. Now let's go ahead and curl your beard, do Bagach and celebrate the holiday.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> 3rd reaper. We will thank the Nivtsy for a good harvest.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> 4th reaper. Dima, roam faster, and then fall asleep under the sheaves.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> 5th reaper. Something lately Light has become to Dima to cling to.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> 6th reaper. Whoever loves whom, he loves him.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> 7th reaper. Look, whose Nivki is hotter on the hill?

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> 8th reaper. Vasilyova Nivki. He's probably going to reap it when the white flies fly.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> (The song "Our Nivki is golden" is being performed.)

9th reaper. We will play the first Dozhinki!

10th reaper. So let's pasture the beard of a zazhynatsi and knit a sheaf of dazhynachny.

(The reapers make up the ears in one sheaf, weave a wreath of ears and sing the song "Oh, a lily bloomed in the garden.")

-Moz-initial; "> 1st reaper. Which goddess shall we choose?

2nd reaper. Let's Mira!

(A wreath is laid on the head of the goddess, in the hands of a sheaf, circling her chain and sing song "mugs, girls, circle".)

Goddess. So let's take the sheaf of dazhynachny to the owner.

(Everyone goes to the owner, sing a song "Open, master, your yard." The goddess goes first.

-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> To meet the hosts with bread and salt. The goddess steps forward and, bowing to the hosts, lays a sheaf of dazhynachny at their feet. The wreath is passed into the hands, sentencing.)

Goddess. Pazdarov God, sir! Bring you a wreath from a wide field, from a kernel of rye.

3rd reaper. The owner of his economy will not lose, we will pay for a wreath, although red boots for our desire - a harvest for the harvest, the owner for a long century.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> 4th reaper. A wreath for the owner, and a jug of kvass for us.

-Moz-initial; "> 5th reaper.

benefited you

1.7pt; text-indent: 34.3pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> From four sides.

-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> Brought you a collection

From under the green mountains

none repeat scroll 0% 0%; margin-left: 1.7pt text-indent: 34.3pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-background -inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> I from the mountain, from under the mountain to the gospodar yard,

-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> From padwars to chambers for all sorts of fees ...

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> 6th reaper. Gaspadinka, come on! Swing quickly, as we swayed near Nyvka. Take out kvass with sausage.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> Master. Come in, sit down, please!

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> (Gaspadynka puts dishes on the table, everyone sleeps the song "Oh, you, my tables!".)

-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> Master. Listen, please, I'm telling you a joke V.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; ">- The peasant came up to the pan, and he was just pouring and turned the steamer's bowl over.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> The peasant asks:

- Lord, why did you eat did you flip the bowl?

- This means I'm full.

none repeat scroll 0% 0%; margin-left: 1.7pt text-indent: 16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-background -inline-policy:-moz-initial; ">- That's it! And I keep thinking, why is this my pig as soon as it feeds, and the troughs turn over.

0cm 0.5pt 0.0001pt 1.7pt; background: white none repeat scroll 0% 0%; text-align: justify; text-indent: 16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> 7th reaper. In order for the hosts and guests to paralyze their bones, you need to jump and clap your hands.

(Dance in progress.)

white none repeat scroll 0% 0%; text-align: justify; text-indent: 16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-background -inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> 8th reaper. Let's also sing a good song.

text-indent: 16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> (The song "Round the Yar" is performed.)

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> Master. Have you heard, my dear, the legend "How long does a person live? No? So listen.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> Once, in the distant past, every person knew how old he was to live in the world. But once God was walking on earth, he went into one village and sees that some a man makes a fence not from wood, but from straw. God looked at him and asked:

- You why, man, is the fence not made of garodish wood, but with lard?

- So I have few years to live in the world for It turned out that this is enough for my age.

Did not like such a thing to God, and he decided make it so that people do not know who will die when.

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> Mistress. That gosseiki got bored, maybe they sang a song, or what?

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> (The song "Like on our field" is being performed.)

Student. Listen, I'll tell you a joke.

The boy led a calf on a rope, which rushed all sides. And just then the officials were passing by.

Why don't you take off your hats in front of me, ham?! - he shouted at the young man.

- When my hands are full, sir official! Tears from wagon, calf of the patrimai, and I will take off my hat.

9th reaper. Enough already singing and dancing, it's time to get ready to go home.

10 reaper. I really, it's time, it's already late.

Pupil. Thanks to the owners for the bread and salt.

white none repeat scroll 0% 0%; text-align: justify; text-indent: 16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-background -inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> Master. Thank you, my dear ones, that they did NOT go around our hut. Let's sing a beautiful song in farewell.

(Everyone sings the song "Oh, Fields")

0% 0%; margin-left: 1.7pt text-indent: 16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> All are forgiven:

-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; ">-Be your healthy;

Stay with God;

Style = "background: white none repeat scroll 0% 0%; margin-left: 1.7pt; text-indent: 16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz- initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; ">-Goodbye healthy, live richly;

16.8pt;-moz-background-clip:-moz-initial;-moz-background-origin:-moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> - Be quick, health;

-moz-background-inline-policy:-moz-initial; "> -Healthy are and don't forget us;

Walk healthy!

Almost all over the world there is a harvest festival. The scenario for each country is different, and the celebration takes place in different time. But the idea of ​​the autumn event is one - to thank for the harvest. This holiday has pagan ancient roots, and now not a single preschool event doesn't work without it.

Where else is the autumn holiday celebrated?

The harvest festival is celebrated in autumn by Catholics, Orthodox, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Germans, Americans, Canadians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indians. This day humanity thanks higher power(each nation has its own deity) for fertility. Previously, they revered Mother Earth, later the autumn harvest festival coincided with the celebration of the Virgin. Such a union is connected with the fact that the harvest also symbolizes well-being, family happiness, and offspring. All this Christian women also ask the Mother of God.

Roman Catholics have been celebrating the autumn feast since the third century AD, the Slavs have always held celebrations in the fall. They passed in different days under different names: autumn, the feast of childbirth, Pasikov's day, the Nativity of the Virgin, autumn saints, Malaya Prechistaya, vegetable garden day, Sposov's day, Mother Autumn, rich man, offering day, mistress, day of blessing of bread, bows day, aspos day, second meeting autumn.

All this is the harvest festival. The script first included the ancient peoples (now they are shown in theatrical performances). Over time, descendants began to add funny contests, games, giving the celebration an entertainment character.

Holiday in preschool

In all groups kindergarten autumn holidays are celebrated. At younger preschoolers these may be closed events or open lessons. Children, together with the teacher, are preparing for the autumn holiday, learning the names of vegetables, their properties, games, short quatrains. The teacher only makes masks for them (a ribbon with a paper image of a vegetable), that is, nothing is needed from the parents for the celebration.

And older preschoolers delight their parents with bright performances, where they reveal all their talents. But to children's holiday the harvest passed without hesitation, you need to prepare for it in the lessons:

  • solve riddles about autumn;
  • explore the properties of autumn;
  • learn songs, poems on;
  • repeat what autumn is rich in;
  • remember about vegetables, berries, mushrooms, fruits that are harvested in the fall;
  • study the dance, where the heroes will be autumn-themed;
  • remember the exit sequence of the participants.

To hold an autumn performance, you will need the help of parents to memorize poems, songs, collect autumn improvised material (cones, acorns, chestnuts, leaves, branches), sew autumn costumes, make autumn crafts. The hall is decorated with teachers, children, parent committee, and autumn family crafts decorate the hall of the kindergarten.

Fall event example: start

Here's how preschoolers celebrate harvest festival. The script assumes the adult roles of the host, Borovichok, Amanita and children's images of a bear cub, Antoshka, fly agarics, Turarama. Preschoolers enter the hall to the music, sit on the chairs. The facilitator greets the children with a poem about autumn, focusing on how beautifully the hall is decorated (to match the golden autumn). Here the children go out one at a time, read poems about autumn.

The host tells in poetic form about the beauty of golden leaves, inviting children to sing the song “Falling Leaves” (music by M. Krasev, lyrics by M. Ivensen). After the song, a bear cub runs in with a bright envelope, narrating in verse that this is a telegram for the guys. Gives it to the leader and runs away. The letter was written from autumn, which says that she has a lot of work to do (color the vegetation, lead the birds to the south, replenish stocks of squirrels, bears, hedgehogs), therefore she offers the guys her assistant, who is recognized by the riddle.

middle view

We continue to consider the children's harvest festival. The scenario becomes more active towards the middle of the event. Borovik enters and asks about autumn berries. Here we are talking about cloudberries, and since the mushroom does not remember it, the children sing the song "Cloudberry" (music by A. Abramov, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky). Further, Borovik says that Autumn handed over a basket with complicated leaves, on which clouds, wind, rain are written). Preschoolers again, together with the presenter, pronounce the features of autumn weather, study the autumn months. Next, the children sing ditties about autumn.

Borovik invites everyone to dance in pairs (dance " A true friend"to the words of M. Plyatskovsky, music of B. Savelyev). Next, the mushroom guesses which one enters the hall. Together with the children, they remember edible and guess riddles. Next comes the fly agaric dance. After that, Borovik and Amanita leave, and the children with the leader dance and sing the song "Harvest" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

The end of the children's scenario

Now Tararam enters, who introduces himself in poetic form, plays with the children in the game with the chairs "The most dexterous." The chairs are arranged in a circle, and the children run around them to the music. As soon as the music stops, you need to take a seat. Whoever is left without a chair leaves the game. The chair is removed, the game continues. The winner will be the one who stays with the chair. Then the children dance any dance in the end for Tararam.

After his departure, Antoshka comes, together with the children he sings the song of the same name (music by V. Shainsky). By the way, this children's song is used by almost all teachers, arranging a harvest festival (for adults, the script includes the following children's game about potatoes). Next, preschool children play the game "Plant and collect potatoes." Children are divided into two columns. The first participant takes a bag of potatoes, plants them in drawn circles. Returns and gives the empty sack to the next player to harvest. So the game continues until the last participant, those who plant and harvest everything win.

Antoshka runs away to train, and mushrooms with a basket of cones come to replace him. The host draws attention to the fact that the guys are not squirrels, they don’t eat cones. To which Borovik asks the guys to close their eyes, reads a spell, during which the baskets are replaced by apples. Children are treated to delicious apples, farewell poems are read and everyone goes home.

How is the harvest festival at school?

The scenario for schoolchildren includes dance, comic, mobile, intellectual competitions. It can be a school-wide holiday for all elementary and senior classes or events for each class separately. For junior schoolchildren you can make a whole idea with useful information about vegetables, and older children can participate in competitions, showing their knowledge, abilities, and skills.

Here is an example of a school-wide holiday in the form of a tea party. Classes sit at their tables, on which there should be gifts of Autumn with an autumn bouquet. This is also one of the competitions of the autumn holiday. Before the start of the celebration, teachers, students of each class select a judge, team captains, come up with a name, a slogan, a motto on an autumn theme. Next, the host announces competitions, the children participate, and the judges then announce the intermediate and final balls. The disco completes the harvest festival. Competitions of the autumn event can be presented in the form of television games "Field of Miracles", "Star Hour" or a quiz.

Contest examples

  • Autumn gifts. Dishes, autumn bouquet and how the participant invites guests to his table are evaluated.
  • Puzzles. Teams take turns recalling riddles on the autumn theme, guessing them to their opponents. Evaluate the number of riddles, the number of correct answers.
  • Vegetable legend. Schoolchildren need to find three stories of local vegetables in advance: when they appeared, where they were brought from, where they are used. The task is that you need to describe the facts gradually, without naming the vegetable, and the opponents must guess what it is. Both the story itself, its presentation, and the answers to the tasks of opponents are evaluated.
  • The best salad. It takes a minute to come up with a recipe from autumn products. This competition can be divided into two stages: from edible and non-edible products. The originality of the name, the complexity of the dish, the “delicious” description of the preparation of the salad are evaluated.
  • Who is bigger? In turn, you need to name vegetables, berries, mushrooms, fruits, cones and other gifts that are harvested only in the fall.

What other autumn competitions are there?

The scenario of the holiday "Harvest Day" may be different. It can be presented as a charity fair. That is, when classes need financial assistance from parents, then all students bring different homemade cakes. A purely symbolic price is set for it. Children with their parents go to the stalls, buy products. The sale is accompanied by the performance of buffoons, autumn poems, songs, dances.

Sample script for younger students

Consider another harvest festival at school. The script is suitable for younger students. All the guys are met by the Scarecrow, who gives a tour of his garden. He just doesn’t name the vegetables directly, but starts from afar, telling where they come from, who brought them, what kind of relatives they have in other countries, and only at the last stage he tells a familiar riddle about them.

Then they move on to the competition of proverbs about vegetables. The scarecrow starts and the children have to finish with their name. Next, the students should show their amateur performance by providing a dance of vegetables or singing about them.

Then the Scarecrow focuses the attention of children on the benefits of vegetables and fruits. Riddles on the autumn theme are again guessed. Next, the children recite poems about autumn. If you wish, you can tell how the villagers celebrated the autumn celebration (for this purpose, you can read the script for the harvest festival in the village or find the rites of the ancient Slavs). The Scarecrow then complains that he is standing in one place, suggesting that the children stay in his place. The person who wishes must stand on the iron circle of "Health" with a broom. You need to put the broom in front of you, turn around 360 degrees and catch the broom before it crashes to the floor.

Next, everyone plays the game "Collect the potatoes." While the melody sounds, the children dance. As soon as it stops, the students must grab a potato, which is one less than the participants. Then the children stage a fairy tale about a red tomato, and then they treat everyone to sandwiches from these vegetables. Finally, the schoolchildren dance to the song "Antoshka" and "Harvest", go home, as the Scarecrow tells them.

Harvest holiday scenario for pensioners

For adults, the autumn holiday is organized by the administration of the city or village. Usually, a vegetable fair is organized on the square with the performance of artists. Ordinary citizens can buy presented products at a low price. The judges determine the winners in the competitions:

  • the largest vegetable or fruit;
  • competition of photos of vegetables, fruits grown in the garden;
  • competition of autumn bouquets, costumes;
  • exotic vegetables and fruits grown in their area;
  • young gardeners who have grown their crops;
  • autumn craft competition.

Competitions are approved by local authorities. In addition to garden competitions, the artists offer their own harvest festival scenario for pensioners, parents and children. The performance combines songs, theatrical performances of artists with competitions for ordinary citizens. Here on the square there are various attractions. After the performance, the winners among gardeners and summer residents are announced, and prizes are awarded.

Brief conclusions

The autumn festival is held all over the world at the beginning, middle and end of autumn. Russian schools, kindergartens, camps cannot do without autumn balls, the townspeople are looking forward to autumn fairs. But there are countries where all citizens officially celebrate the harvest festival (for adults, the script is approved by local authorities). On this day, people can buy gardeners' products, participate in competitions, receive prizes, and children will learn a lot of interesting things about vegetables and fruits.

BOGACH - AUTUMN HARVEST FESTIVAL IN Rus'. The ancient holiday of the autumn equinox and Mother Autumn herself, rich in beauty and harvest, gave another amazing name to this day - “Rich Man”. The Bogach Festival is one of the oldest important agricultural holidays, which ended the harvest cycle. In general, the tradition of the Harvest Festival is from time immemorial all over the world. This is the Celtic Mabon (Alban Elved), and the pagan European Thanksgiving Day, and the Japanese holiday Tsukimi Matsuri (Admiring the Full Moon on autumnal equinox), the Chinese Autumn Moon Cake Festival and the Vedic fire festival Diwali (Deepavali) - Harvest Festival. In Rus', this is Ospozhinki, Rich Man. Christianity left us only broken links in the chain of the cycle of the Great Harvest Festivities - these are the so-called Spas: apple, nut, honey. From the depths of centuries, a description has come down to us Slavic holiday harvest from the Danish chronicler Saxo Grammaticus (1140 - 1208). “Every year after the harvest, a mixed crowd from all over the island in front of the temple of the god, sacrificing cattle, celebrated a solemn feast, which was called sacred. The next day, when the people stood at the entrance, he, taking a vessel from the statue, carefully observed whether the level of the poured liquid had dropped, and then he expected a crop failure next year. Noticing this, he ordered those present to store up fruits for the future. If he did not foresee any decrease in the usual fertility, he predicted the coming time of abundance of fields. After such a divination, he ordered the harvest of this year either more economically, or more generously spent. Having poured out the old wine at the feet of the idol, like a libation, he poured the empty vessel again: as if drinking for health, he honored the statue, both for himself and for the fatherland, good luck to the townspeople in multiplying victories with solemn words. Having finished this, he raised the horn to his lips, extremely quickly, in one gulp, drank it and, filled again with wine, inserted it again into right hand statues. Making a honey wine pie round shape, the size of such that it was almost equal to human growth, proceeded to the sacrifice. Putting him between himself and the people, the priest, according to custom, asked if the rouge could see him. When they answered that they saw, he wished that in a year they would not be able to see. With this kind of prayer, he asked not for his own or the people's fate, but for the growth of the future harvest. And the Belarusians have left invaluable evidence of the archaic holiday Bogach (Bagach), held on the autumn equinox. The holiday also had the names Bagach, Bagatnik, Bagatukha, Razhstvo God Matsi, Rastvo, Other, Malaya Prachystay, Other Christmastide, Spozhka, Small Most Pure, Bagataya rich, Green. The rich man is not only the name of the holiday, but also the name of a popular print, or a sieve (basket) with rye and a candle. Grain from the first sheaf was collected in a basket (sieve), a handful of grain was brought from each yard, from each family of the village. A candle for the Rich Man was prepared to the singing of "dazhynka" (dozhinochny) songs. A lit candle, as a symbol of the sun, is directly related to the autumnal equinox. The rich man was consecrated, and after the prayer service, a lubok with grain and a lit candle was carried through the village. They went around the yards with him, as if outlining a magical protective circle. Everyone accompanied him. It was believed that the circle would keep the village from diseases, troubles, misfortunes and misfortunes, and the rich man would bring good luck, prosperity, health to the community, and especially to the house where he would be kept. In the place where the rich man was kept, a generous ritual feast was held. The rich man stood in the red corner whole year, as a home amulet, the keeper of the house and family, the embodiment of prosperity and good luck. In some regions of Belarus, the rich man was carried around the herd. This action was accompanied by fortune-telling: if, after the Lesser Pure, the cattle hurries to the field very early, then the winter will be early. On Bogach, Belarusians, having preserved the most ancient customs, slaughtered the best ram or sheep for a general feast. Also made in Russia. It was not allowed to be greedy when arranging a ritual feast. The people gathered in one of the huts for a large communal meal. Kutya was prepared with honey from cereals of a new crop, kulebyaka with fish was baked, beer was brewed, jelly was prepared. The participants of the meal were served to drink from a common bowl of fresh beer, glorifying the Mother of God, Mother Earth. The holiday, depending on the harvest, could last from several days to a week. Rites reminiscent of New Year's Christmas time are associated with the Bogach holiday, it is not for nothing that these second autumn days were also called “Drugi Christmas time”, all of them are aimed at ensuring warmth, health and prosperity in the house. Everyone on the day of the Rich Man wished each other: “Be rich like autumn!”. The youth, as well as at winter Christmas time, guessed that day. In honor of such a holiday, the girls bought red scarves, red beads and expected grooms. On these days of festivities, the guys looked out for the girls, the girls got to know the guys. In Rus', weddings took place more often in the fall, at the end of the harvest. Pryyshov Bagach - throw ragach, Byary to the little one - this little one! On the seletni Lakhach good luck: Zhyta ў chimneys burned, Aves, like tyn paros, And barley fell on the ground. A buckwheat, like a kvetachka, And wheat, like a cowberry.

Harvest Festival - a holiday dedicated to the harvest, fertility and family well-being. By this time, field work is being completed: harvesting, exporting grain to barns, harvesting flax. The foundation for the well-being of the family for the coming year has been laid. On this day, they honored and thanked the Mother of God (Mother - Cheese-Earth) for the harvest. It is believed that she gives well-being, patronizes agriculture, family and especially mothers.

This is a European holiday of pagan origin. In the Roman Catholic tradition, the holiday has been celebrated since the 3rd century. n. e., usually on the day of the Archangel Michael, September 29.

Among the Eastern Slavs, the Osenins on September 8 (21), which had a different name - "Harvest Day" can be considered an analogue of the harvest day.

Slavic names of the holiday

Slavic Harvest Festival

September 14 In the agricultural calendar of the Slavs, this day was called "autumn" or "spocks" and celebrated as a harvest festival. On this day, Thanksgiving was given to Mother Earth.

At the beginning of September, the harvest was completed, which was supposed to ensure the well-being of the family for the next year. In addition, the meeting of autumn was marked by the renewal of fire: the old fire was extinguished and a new one was lit, which was mined with blows of flint.

From autumn, the main economic activity was transferred from the field to the garden or to the house: the collection of vegetables began (first of all, onions were harvested). Usually a treat was arranged in the Osenins, for which the whole family gathered.

For the holiday they brewed beer and slaughtered a sheep (ram). A pie was baked from the flour of the new harvest. They praised Mother Earth for giving birth to bread and other supplies.

Since the harvest of hops began from that day, the corresponding game songs were sung at the festive festivities:

We weave, hops, weave,
To our side
As on our side, there is a lot of freedom!
And the freedom is big, the men are rich!
That the peasants are rich, stone chambers!
What stone chambers, golden doors,
What poppies are cast!

September 21 Second Autumn. Nativity of the Virgin.

The ancient Slavs had a holiday of the Heavenly Smith - Svarog. By this time, the rites of closing Svarga (interruption of the living connection between Heaven and Earth) had already passed. The earth is gradually fettered by frost from the abyss, the influence of the bright Gods is falling.

The land remains in the care of Veles. So that people could survive a difficult time, Svarog gave them an ax, the art of craft.

Therefore, blacksmiths, carpenters and all craftsmen. From that day on, chickens are slaughtered, and the first ones are served as a sacrifice to Svarog.

The girls rent a hut, arrange a brotherhood, sometimes they gather it throughout the village, and for three days they invite the guys to a party, while the bride girl is considered the mistress of the house. In the evenings, magical, scary and playful tales are told, mischievous games with kisses are played.

Bratchina (other names - eve, candle) was called a joint meal of full members one-village community arranged in clubbing after the prayer service. Despite the prohibitions of the authorities, brotherhoods were everywhere preserved in the social life of the peasants.

At the heart of the brotherhood was a pious custom - the remembrance of the saint, to whose help the community once turned to save them from disaster.

September 27 Third Autumn

Slavs celebrate great holiday- Rodogoshch (Tausen) - when the harvest is harvested, the autumn sun - Svetovit - no longer bakes, the trees are preparing for winter sleep, throwing off their beautiful outfits. By this day, a huge honey cake is baked (in the old days the cake was the height of a man), behind which, after the beginning, the priest hides and asks: “Do you see me?”
If the audience answers in the affirmative, then the priest pronounces a wish: next year to harvest a more plentiful harvest and bake an even bigger pie.

After the start, on which requires fortune-telling for the next year and divination over a bowl of sacred wine, a feast begins with a mountain - food on the table is placed in a slide, which by the end of the feast is greatly reduced.

On this day, a fairy tale is played out about the hero and the underworld, designed to remind of the fading Sun and the coming Winter.

Before dark, they kindle a fire and jump over it, clearing themselves. Priests walk barefoot on hot coals, chanting: “Yazhe, Yazhe, trampling!” It is necessary to beware of walking on coals without preparation in order to avoid burns.

Priests get rid of burns by introducing themselves into a special state with uniform blows to the tambourine.

The holiday ends with crowded games.


The Belarusians called the holiday "Rich"(Belarusian Bagach, Another Prachystaya, Spozhka). The symbol of the day is a splint with grain, in the middle of which a candle was placed. Zhito for the rich man was demolished from all over the village.

A priest was invited to the house where the rich man was. After the prayer service, a lubok with grain and a lit candle, accompanied by all the inhabitants, was carried around the whole village. Then the participants went to the next house, where the rich man stayed for a whole year. The rite was aimed at preserving the well-being, productivity, fertility of livestock, and family well-being.

In modern Belarus, the "Republican festival-fair of village workers" Dazhynki "" is held annually. It has been celebrated on a republican scale in Belarus since 1996.

Dozhinki (Dazhynki) in Belarus have always been celebrated very solemnly with beautiful meaningful rituals.

On the last day of the harvest, cleanup was gathered. The most respected woman distributed everyone in the field, then she herself took a sickle and began to reap with a song that everyone picked up. At the end, each reaper set aside a spikelet for a common dozhin sheaf.

The girls chose "Baginya" among themselves. Led by the “Baginya”, with a sheaf of dozhins in their hands, they all went to the owner’s house together. The hosts, having heard the songs of the reapers, went out to meet them with bread and salt. Upon entering the house, the owners placed the dozhinka sheaf under the images along with the zazhinochny. Dancing and music began. The ritual dance "Talakukha" was performed.

After the revolution and before the war, the customs of zazhinok and dozhinki did not change much. In the years 1960-1970, socialist rites actively take root. The festival of the first sheaf and the festival of the harvest were held.

Since 1996, dozhinki have been held in Belarus as the Republican festival-fair of village workers.

The holiday includes a procession of all participants along the main street of the city (regional center) and exit to the central square of the city. In front of the columns are a flag with the emblem of the festival - "Golden Kalossami". The holiday lasts two days. On the first day, a solemn rally is held, after which the best combine operators and drivers are awarded. Then the concert of the best folklore groups of the republic begins. Exhibitions of works by folk craftsmen are held. On the second day, folklore groups disperse around the area. And in the city itself, agricultural products and equipment are demonstrated. Concerts are held at several venues, a lottery is held, folk games and fun.


Harvest festival in Germany Erntedankfest) is also historical. This holiday is rooted in Roman customs. On this day, people rejoice at a good harvest and thank God for his gifts of nature (vegetables, fruits, cereals, berries) and that he takes care of people. In return for this, believers return to him part of his gift.

The harvest festival was celebrated in pre-Christian times. It has been celebrated in the Catholic Church since the 3rd century. In Prussia, it was first celebrated in 1773 on the first Sunday after St. Michael's Day (September 29), after which it became a regular event.

Catholics give thanks for a good harvest: bread on August 15 (Nativity of the Virgin) and on the first Sunday of October, when they “give thanks for the fruits of the earth and human labor” and, as a token of gratitude, bring wreaths of ears and baskets with beautifully arranged fruits.

The date of the first Sunday in October was approved in Germany by the Catholic Church in 1972, and each parish of the Evangelical Church determines its own holiday date: the first Sunday in October or the first Sunday after Michael's day.

During the Third Reich, the harvest festival was elevated to the rank of official, and, since 1934, it was celebrated every 1st Sunday in October.

The ancient peasants believed that the harvest was guarded by the spirit that gave it growth or death.

The spirit will give a good harvest if he is pleased and rejoices, and will destroy the harvest if the peasant did not please him or offended him. In this regard, this holiday was celebrated earlier as a victory over the spirits.

Today is the day of completion of field work and thanksgiving to God for his gifts. On this day, a special service is held in the church. At the same time, the church is decorated with the best fruits of the new harvest, wreaths of wheat.

These harvesting and reaping wreaths are made in advance from the ears of the last sheaf. Vegetables, fruits, cereals are illuminated and laid out in front of the altar.


Israel celebrates Sukkot- harvest festival, one of the central and oldest among the Jewish people. The celebrations continue throughout the week. All this time the Jews pray, sing religious songs and open the doors of their houses for guests.

“Celebrate Sukkot for seven days, when you clean from your threshing floor and from your winery. And rejoice on your holiday, you, and your son, and your daughter, ”says the Torah. The high priests of the land of Israel - kohanim - bless the gifts of this land and its people at the Wailing Wall, stretching out their hands, closing their eyes, as it was customary from Aaron, the brother of Moses, so it happens today, at the very ancient holiday harvest, which is celebrated in Jerusalem.

“It is also a celebration of the unity of our people. We pray and bless everyone on this day: believers, doubters, those who honor traditions, and only those who touch the great heritage,” said Rabbi Avraham Cohen.

Sukkot is the Feast of Tabernacles. In memory of their wanderings in the desert, Jews live for seven days in huts, whose roof is covered with palm branches so that you can see the starry sky through it, and in the red corner there is a place of honor for those who are ready to look into the light of the souls of the forefathers. During Sukkot they sing, pray, eat, receive guests. A multilingual crowd, columns from America, Australia, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Thailand, acrobats, clowns, musicians - 70 thousand people from all over the world are on the central streets of Jerusalem.

This is also a tradition, but already the latest and completely secular. A parade in honor of Jerusalem, which is carried out by representatives of about 60 countries, who gather at the end of Sukkot in the holy city.

Weekly holidays end with a prayer, when, shaking a young shoot of a palm tree, a branch of a river willow and myrtle, the reader says: “You are the Lord our God, sending the wind and giving rain for good, and not for damnation, for life, and not for death, for abundance, and not for impoverishment."


Onam(Thiru-onam) - a harvest festival in India - is celebrated in late August - early September, on the day when Chandra [Moon] passes the Shravan nakshatra.

Onam is celebrated as the day of Mahabali's return from exile. On this auspicious day, King Maha Bali visits his kingdom and his people again. The whole state is alive with festivities and energy. This is a time of ceremonies, celebrations and joy, fun and sports.


Purpose of the holiday: to promote the formation of a natural history culture and a culture of communication among children.


    Summarize children's knowledge about autumn

    Teach cultural behavior at collective events

Holiday decor:

    On the board is a poster "Harvest Festival";

    The class is decorated with leaves, drawings of mushrooms, vegetables and fruits.

The leader reads the verse:
The rowan brushes are already burning with fire,
And the birch leaves turned yellow,
And the singing of birds is not heard at all
And quietly, autumn comes to us.

Presenter1: Outside the windows now autumn ... Differently we call it: cold, golden, generous, rainy, sad ... But, be that as it may, autumn is a wonderful time of the year, this is the time of harvesting, summing up the results of field work, this is the beginning of school, this is preparation for a cold and long winter ... And no matter how it was on the street - cold or warm - motherland always beautiful, attractive, charming! AND folk wisdom says: "Autumn is sad, but I want to live"

1. Autumn! Nice time! And seeing an important watermelon,

The kids love autumn. The child will revive.

Plums, pears, grapes - And everyone will cordially say:

It's all over for the guys. "Hello, it's time for autumn!"

2. The sun is gentle, shining

Decorate our land!

We are all over Russian land

We collect the harvest.

We collect, we collect

We are a rich harvest.

What have we grown

You will see now.

HOST 2 Autumn appears before us not only as a sad beauty, but also as a generous hostess. The well-known proverb: “Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies” - speaks of autumn as a harvest time. Our artists will tell us about the generosity of autumn.

The tale of the turnip

Leading: Grandpa planted a turnip...
Grandfather turnip said:

Grandfather: You grow, grow big.
Become a rich harvest
So that I can be proud of you.
I'll bring you some water
Five buckets of fertilizer ...
Oh, I'm tired, it's time to sleep. (He lies down near the turnip and falls asleep.)

Leading: Grandpa sleeps without worries.
Meanwhile, the turnip grows
Yes, it fights with weeds:
Their feet and hands...
Here is autumn in the yard.
Chilly morning in September
Grandfather woke up, scared. (Grandfather wakes up and jumps from the cold, chattering his teeth.)

Grandfather: Ah, I am an old sleeper.
It's time to pull the turnip.
I grew up, I look a little.
Oh, yes, the turnip was born!
I never dreamed of such a thing. (Grabs a turnip and pulls.)

Leading: Grab it, but the turnip was indignant.

Carrot: What a clumsy old man!
I am not a turnip, I am a carrot.
You did not wash your eyes.
Turnips I am a hundred times slimmer.
You will be lost without me...
Do not drink carrot juice
There is no substitute for my soup...
And one more secret.
I am vitamin rich...
I am a great harvest!

Grandfather: Well, get in the basket.
What is it, what a miracle
Maybe I slept badly?
I sowed the turnip in the spring.
Okay, my friend, wait,
I'll pull out another turnip.

Oh oh oh,
I protest!
I am not a turnip. I am a potato!
I am the head of all fruits
It's as clear as twice two:
If there are no potatoes in the soup,
No need to pick up a spoon.
I am your main crop!

Grandfather: Well, get in the basket.
Well, I'll go to the turnip again.
How firmly it sits in the earth!
Oh yes turnip, here are those on!

Cabbage: Right, I'm outraged!
I don't look like a turnip
She has one dress
I have a hundred of them!
All without buttons...
And then...
I am crispy cabbage!
Without me, the salad is empty
And with me any lunch
Stuffed cabbage or vinaigrette ...
It will become 10 times more useful!
And then me, dear,
You can sour and salt ...
And keep it until summer.
You can eat me all winter!

Grandfather: You are welcome ... in the basket.
What are these miracles?
It's been two hours
I spent in the garden.
Where is the turnip! This one is like…

Beet: Again, the grandfather did not guess.
Know you lost points
Or has the devil beguiled you?
I confused beets with turnips.
I'm a hundred times redder than her
And healthier and tastier!
There are no beets and no borscht,
In vinaigrette and cabbage soup ...
I alone - the source of color!
I am a great harvest!

Grandfather: Well, get in the basket.
And you will find a place.
But still interesting
Where is the turnip? Maybe this one?

I'm almost the same color
But not a turnip, old man,
I am your onion!
Let a little and insidious,
But popular among the people.
All hostesses know me
Add to soup and porridge
In pies, in mushrooms, in broth ...
I am a nightmare for viruses!
Even the flu scares me...
At least now I'm ready to fight.
I am a great harvest!

Grandfather: Well, get in the basket.
The evening is drawing to a close.
The moon rises to heaven.
Yes, it's time for me to go home.
Tomorrow morning
I will look for a turnip again,
And now the desire to sleep.
Wow, heavy basket
A car would be nice...
A notable harvest has grown!

Leading. The story has come to an end.
Whoever listened, well done.
I look forward to your applause
And other compliments...
After all, the artists tried,
Let's get a little lost.

Leading 1 Many different vegetables grew in the garden

For rich borscht, we’ll pick everything in order:

And parsley, and dill,

And potatoes and garlic.

We'll send everything to the pot.

The water gurgles together

Our borscht is boiling.

Oh, and delicious food -

Everyone knows this.

Lead 2 Vegetables fruits! All of this is great, of course! But if there is no bread on the table, then for all of us it will be a big disaster. (a girl comes out with bread in her hands).

Girl Bread is a gem!

Don't worry about them!

Take bread for dinner in moderation.

Bread grains are a fabulous fruit

They will hide in the ground and rise together.

The best award in the world

This is a living reward for work!

Presenter 1

If we want someone

Meet with honor and honor,

Meet generously, from the heart,

With great respect,

We meet such guests

Round lush loaf.

He is on a painted platter

With a white towel.

Lead 2 Great, so we figured out the vegetable gifts of autumn. It's time to play.

Contest 1

For one trip, you can only transport either tubers, or root crops, or bulbs. On toy trucks, children transport vegetables to the music and put them in Autumn's basket.

Competition 2 .

A girl is selected from each team. The task of the participants in this competition is to sort out the beans as quickly as possible, separating the white from the brown and decomposing them into two saucers. Scarecrow gives start.

Leading While these beautiful girls, clever minds, good hostesses are doing their job, we will hold another competition!

3.Competition "Pig in a Poke"

Vegetables and fruits are hidden in the bag. Blindfolded, the child takes a vegetable out of the bag and determines by touch what it is. (Potato, apple, tomato, cucumber, zucchini, orange, carrot, beetroot, onion, garlic, eggplant).


Autumn is so generous I caught a mouse in a cage

Everyone will be rewarded for their work. And there it was locked tightly.

We are on the Harvest Festival, because without a mouse you can’t collect

It has borne fruit. Turnip in the garden.

I have a thin figurine, I don't get sick with the flu anymore,

And a high heel. We are not afraid of drafts.

I will not eat meatballs, All pills replaces

Fry a zucchini for me. Us head of garlic

We watered our pumpkin

Morning, evening and afternoon!

The pumpkin has grown big

And now we live in it!

What kind of pig is this

Where is the holey patch

Why can't you hear the squeal?

Well, brother, this is a zucchini!

Why is mom in the closet Oh, dear friends,

Has it become very empty? Give me cabbage.

I put on all the outfits, I sunbathed all summer,

Like a head of cabbage. The garden is empty.

We are on the Harvest Festival

They brought vegetables.

After the exhibition, our chef

For a year we will cook cabbage soup!

(knock on door. Scarecrow enters)

Lead 2(surprised): Who are you and where are you from? Why in this form at a children's party?


I dress out of fashion

All the century I stand, as if on a clock,

Whether in the garden, in the field-garden,

I instill fear in the flocks.

And more than fire, whip or stick

Sparrows and jackdaws are afraid of me.

Presenter 1(shouts at the Scarecrow): Stop talking in riddles here, answer the question plainly.

Scarecrow: Guys! What is being done? Intercede!

(Pretends to cry, takes out of pocket big leaf burdock and wipes tears with it instead of a handkerchief.)

Lead 2: Well, here's another! Cry at the children's party! Say what you need?

Scarecrow: Guys! I'm not some kind of slacker and lazybones, I'm a labor Scarecrow Garden. All summer I stand in the garden, I guard the master's crop, I don't sleep, I don't eat, in any weather - both in the sun and in the rain. I work without giving up! (He turns to children depicting berries, fruits and vegetables.) Hey you, garden and garden fruits! And come on, confirm that I protect you well from winged robbers!

Fruit(in chorus): Protect, protect! Thank you! We would be lost without you!

Scarecrow: Well, here, but they don’t let me go to the children’s party! They say the outfit is not fashionable. Which one was issued! And then, after all, if I stand in the garden in a model suit, who will be afraid of me?

Presenter 1: Don't be offended, Scarecrow. Now we've got it all figured out. Come sit down as a guest and help us hold a quiz.

4. Competition "Quiz from the Scarecrow"

1. They say that about one of them, even some famous Italian writer wrote a whole novel.
I also heard that this family has about 400 kinds of relatives all over the world. This is a leek, and a shallot, and many, many more various kinds.
But I can't tell you who it is. It's a secret!
Well, you probably guessed what we are talking about?

2. Shhhh! I do not know anything. I didn't tell you about this.
And on two beds near the fence we have this growing. In! It was brought to Russia in the 18th century. At first, noble ladies adorned their hairstyles and hats with her flowers. And today it has become our “second bread”. They even wrote a funny song about her. Guess who it is?

3. Shhhh! Well, I don't know, I didn't say anything.
And recently, two hares wandered into our garden from the forest. So they attacked one of our residents. I was dumbfounded when I saw it. Then, of course, I showed them. Only they were seen.
But that same resident is just a slob - dressed in a hundred clothes, but all without fasteners. Did you recognize her?

4. Do you know why so many riddles, sayings, proverbs, poems have been invented about fruits and vegetables?
That's right, because they all give people health. And, besides the fact that they can be eaten, a lot of useful things can be done from most plants.
For example, they make sunflower seeds ... how is it ... this, I completely forgot ...

5. Competition "Potato"

Rules of the game. You need to take a potato with a spoon and run to the basket, put it down and pass the baton.

6. Competition "Who is faster"

(pass the vegetable in one direction, then in the other)

Harvest Festival

Tatyana Bokova

Autumn decorates the squares
Multicolored foliage.
Autumn feeds the harvest
Birds, animals and you and me.

And in the gardens, and in our garden,
Both in the forest and by the water.
Nature has already prepared
All kinds of fruits.

The fields are being cleaned
People collect bread.
The mouse drags the grain into the mink,
To have lunch in winter.

Root squirrels dry,
bees store honey.
Grandma is already making jam,
He puts apples in the cellar.

Harvest is born

Collect the gifts of nature!

In the cold, cold, in bad weather Harvest will come in handy.

Presenter 1

What a different autumn ... And cheerful, sunny, and sad, dull ... But always so fabulous and unique. Autumn is in full swing today. We are grateful for this fall. Ahead of winter, spring, summer ... and new meetings.

Autumn is in a hurry to finish things!

Carefully poured rain on the ground.

I didn’t forget about the birds - I went south,

Harvest in the fields and gardens.

Gave us different fruits at first,

Then she treated us with mushrooms,

Watermelons, melons and grapes,

We love autumn! We are happy about autumn!

Dance with hats

Summing up the competition with the gifts of nature.

Fruit tea.