Radio newspaper dedicated to International Children's Day

It sounds in the recording before the start of the holiday. The sound of a bugle.

Child 1. Merry horns, sound stronger!

The sound of drums.

Child 2. And the drums thunder!

The sound of a bugle and drums.

Child 3.
Sun, sun, shine more cheerfully,
Today is a holiday for all children!

Music starts.

Child 4
(against the background of music).
How much generous sun
And bright light
Day after day hot, more fun,

1st group of children.
This Earth holiday,

2nd group of children.
This is a holiday of the planet -

Together. Day worldwide protection children!

Child 1. International Children's Day was established by the International Women's Federation in 1949.
The first day of June is
The planet is smiling.

Child 2.
All the guys from end to end
A large land gathered.

Child 3.
The planet will become much warmer
From the songs and laughter of happy children.

Child 4.

Remember these wonderful minutes,
Today, children are the masters of the planet.

Child 1.
On all continents of the vast country,
In all cities and regions
The guys live and meet the sunrises.
People like him and like me!

Child 2.

Children walk on the ground
How many of them are there in this world?
How many children's songs are heard -

Child 3.
Danish, Czech and German,
Polish, Ghanaian and Vietnamese,
European, African.

Child 4.
This is what we sing as we walk, -
Before us is a vast distance!

Child 1.
The most cheerful people on the planet,

Child 2. The friendliest people on the planet -

Together. Yellow, white, black children.

Child 3.
To the guys all over the world “Salute!”
May there be peace in the world
And let them grow up happy
All the children on the planet.

Child 4.
Children on the planet are friends,
Sounding, young as spring.
And only the sun shines for us,
And we have one land!

For friendship, for smiles and for meetings
We inherited the planet!
We are bequeathed to protect this world
And this amazing land!

Learn the melody of D. Tukhmanov’s song to the words of R. Rozhdestvensky “My Country”. The members of the propaganda team, running onto the stage one by one, shout out the words of the first verse.

I, you, he, she,
Together - a whole country.
Together - a friendly family.
There are one hundred thousand “I”s in the word “we”!
Big-eyed, mischievous,
Black, red and linen,
Sad and happy
In cities and villages.

The sun is shining above you,
My homeland.
You are the most beautiful in the world,
My homeland.
I love, country, your open spaces,
I love your fields and mountains,
Sleepy lakes and stormy seas.

He will arch his back over the fields
A hundred paths will open for us
Blue taiga.
The time for ripe berries will come again,
And then they will lie on the ground again
White, huge, luxurious snow,
It's like a holiday!
They'll be on you
Look at the stars in surprise
They'll be over you
Kind dawns burn
Quite a bitch!
In the blue heights
The birds will sing joyfully
And the song will ring
Above you in the clouds
On your winged tongues.

Children's Day - holiday script for children "Journey to the Land of Childhood"

Presenter: Good afternoon everyone! I'm glad to see you today. Do you know what holiday today is? (Children answer). That's right, today is Children's Day! And you know, my dears, that not only we celebrate this holiday, but all children all over the planet.
Childhood is a golden time
And magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me,
Childhood is me and you!
Happy, irrevocable time of childhood! How can we not love.

Memories of her.

Where miracles live
Wizards and fairies
Where the world around is brighter
And the bird trills are louder.

Here today, my friends,
We gathered for a reason.
We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Girls and boys!

There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world, and we cannot live in the world without them. May the heroes of fairy tales give you warmth, may good triumph over evil forever. Far, far away lies the kingdom of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic. And whoever has been there at least once will remain a prisoner forever. Because the trees there are the most bizarre, the towers are the most painted, the princesses are the most beautiful, and the monsters are the most terrible. And also because from childhood we learn kindness, ingenuity, mutual assistance, and courage from fairy tales. Really, kids? (Children answer).

The cat Basilio and the Fox Alice come out from behind the scenes to the music. They look at everything and stop.

Cat Basilio: Ooh. Where did we end up?
Fox Alice:(Laughs). Don't know.
Presenter: Hello. Who are you?
Fox Alice: (Approaches slowly to the presenter). Hello. I'm Lisa Alice, eh
Cat Basilio: (Approaches Lesya Alice and the presenter, pushes away Fox Alice). Well, well, well. Don't talk to us, say, where is the gold?
Presenter: What kind of gold?
Cat Basilio: Which one, which one? Golden! As if you don’t know, well, Pinocchio also buried 5 soldi in the ground.
Presenter: Sorry, but where were you going?
Cat Basilio: Where, where. To the land of fools. On the field of miracles.
Presenter: A. But this is not the country of Fools, this is the country of Childhood.
Cat Basilio: (Turns to Alice the Fox). Well, where have you taken me?
Fox Alice: Well, how did I know that we would go the wrong way.
Cat Basilio: (Grievles). How did I know? How did I know?
Presenter: Dear guests, do not quarrel. Today is such a holiday.
Fox Alice: What holiday is today?
Presenter: Don’t you know?
Cat Basilio: No. And we have no idea.
Presenter: (Addresses the children). Let's remind our guests what holiday it is today, kids.
The children answer.
Cat Basilio: So what? What's good about this holiday?
Presenter: Well, how's that? Children are gold.
Cat Basilio: O. Gold. So Alice we have come to the right place. Let's go for the gold.
Presenter: Stop. Don't you dare do that! I will prove to you that children are not the gold that glitters, but the gold of the future.
Cat Basilio: Fine. What are you doing here?
Presenter: Today we will travel around the cities. Games to play quizzes. But do you like games?
Fox Alice: Yes, I really like to play with chickens and geese. (Licks lips). But my friend Basilio the Cat loves to play with a slingshot and shoot birds. (Shows a slingshot with his hands).
Presenter: Well, so that you wean yourself from such games and take the first step towards goodness. I'll give you permission to play with the children. Do you want it?
Fox Alice: Well, you can try.

Game: "Confusion".

Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox become. Behind the cat, the boys become the engine behind them, and behind the fox, the girls become the engine. Then they all stand in a circle, the music turns on, and everyone starts dancing. When the music ends and the two teams must find their hero. Boys have a cat, and girls have a fox.

The cat Basilio and the Fox Alice are quarreling. They pull the girl in their direction.

Presenter: What happened, why are you fighting?
Cat Basilio: We divide the gold.
Fox Alice: Yes, yes. Don't bother us.
Presenter: There is no need to share anything. And finally, let the child go.
Fox Alice: Why is it not necessary to divide?
Presenter: Because I invite you to an extraordinary journey and the first destination is where we will arrive. This is the city of dancing. Well, why are you coming with me?
Cat Basilio: What is needed for this?
Presenter: Nothing. Only your consent.
Fox Alice: And you don’t need money?
Presenter: No.
Cat Basilio: Fine. What will we go on?
Presenter: We will not go, but will sail on a ship.
Cat Basilio: Well, then we agree.
Fox Alice: Yes, we agree.
Presenter: Well, then let's swim.

Dance game.

Fox Alice: I didn’t like this country for some reason. But the children here are good.
Cat Basilio: Yes, yes. Let's take a few children and force them to dig for gold for us in the Land of Fools. But when we find all the gold, we will then give these children to Karabas Barabas. (They start playing palm games.)
Presenter: Well, what are you saying? These are good children, they don’t do anything dirty and they will go anywhere.
Fox Alice: Why else?
Presenter: Because I won't give them to you. I will prove to you that my children are very good. And for this I invite you to the next city. The most beautiful, the most cheerful, the most extraordinary.
Cat Basilio: Oh, and what kind of city is this?
Presenter: This is a music city.
Fox Alice: Musical? And what is unusual about this city?
Presenter: In this city, all the people sing. And I know you love to sing.
Cat Basilio: Yes we love. But I don’t think we’ll go there on foot?
Presenter: Of course not. We will go there by train.
Fox Alice: Oh, but I love trains. And sing on the train. (He leaves and sings.) What a blue sky. We are not supporters of robbery.


Cat Basilio: (Dances near the cane and hums music from Pinocchio).
Fox Alice: What got you into singing?
Cat Basilio: I don’t know, I wanted to sing something. The children just sang well, so I wanted to sing.
Fox Alice: Why did you like the children?
Cat Basilio: Don’t you understand? How much money will we earn, they can also sing. And Karabas Barabas loves singing children.
Fox Alice: Ah-ah-ah.
Presenter: And I hear everything.
Fox Alice: So what?
Presenter: And aren’t you ashamed? Whisper.
Cat Basilio: We are not ashamed of anything.
Fox Alice. That's it. I don't see any evidence. A little more and we will lose patience.
Cat Basilio: Yes. But when I'm angry, nothing can stop me.
Presenter: Okay, okay. Then I invite you to another wonderful city.
Cat Basilio: Oh, you killed me with your cities. There is nothing good in these cities.
Fox Alice: (Hits the cat in the side and smiles at him).
Cat Basilio: Well, okay, I persuaded you! What's the next city there?
Presenter: That's another matter. Next city. This is a city of art, artistry, transformation. This is a city of theater.
Cat Basilio: Wow theater?
Fox Alice: This is interesting.
Presenter: But to get there we will fly by plane. Let's fly.

Game: Fairy Tale"

Cat Basilio
: Wow-wow-wow. Wow. Well done. Artistic children. (Rubs hands).
Fox Alice: Are you thinking about what I’m thinking about?
Cat Basilio: (He hits Alice the Fox lightly on the head.) I don't know, what are you thinking? But that’s definitely not what I’m talking about!
Fox Alice: Why do you think so?
Cat Basilio: Because you have the substance with which you think.
Fox Alice: How is it not? I'll show you now. (Raises his hand at Cat Basilio).
Presenter: Well, well, well. Quietly, quietly. Don't quarrel. Now we will all stand. Don’t worry, Alice Fox, we’ll now go to the city of Quiz and Riddles.
Fox Alice: And what?
Presenter: Like what? A few riddles and quizzes and you will become smart.
Fox Alice: Is it true?
Presenter: Well, of course.
Fox Alice: Well, then let's go, I want to be smart.
Cat Basilio: It won't help you. You can't brain a tree.
Fox Alice: You yourself are a tree. (Sticks out tongue).
Cat Basilio: Stop. Shall we go on foot?
Presenter: Of course not. We will ride on horses.
Fox Alice: Well, let's go, let's go.

Game: "Quizzes and riddles"

Presenter: I need two teams. These questions need to be answered quickly. I will now choose who will defend the team. And whose team answers the questions faster is the winner. Are you ready?

Questions for the first team.
1. Tracked combat vehicle (Tank)
2. Paper bag for sending and storing letters. (Envelope)
3. A chess piece that moves in the letter G. (Knight)
4. Circus jester. (Clown)
5. Inventor of the popular cube. (Rubik)
6. Cereal dish. (Porridge)
7. Stowaway. (Hare)
8. Science about diseases and their treatments. (Medicine)
9. Slow dance to the count of 1,2,3. (Waltz)
10. The highest mountain in the world. (Everest)

Questions for the second team.
1. Bird of prey at night. (Owl)
2. Dishes for boiling water. (Kettle)
3. What three-syllable word combines 33 letters. (Alphabet)
4. Rowing equipment. (Oars)
5. Insect that brings honey. (Bee)
6. National japanese clothes. (Kimono)
7. The smallest length measure. (mm)
8. Gemstone, which is obtained from mollusk shells. (Pearl)
9. A horse of a short breed. (Pony)
10. Red line in the letter. (Paragraph)


Fox Alice: Yes, your kids are smart and so good. Everyone is so beautiful.
Presenter: Did you just understand this?
Fox Alice: Yes. Well, I didn’t look closely at them.
Cat Basilio: Oh, what's good about these kids? All they can do is sing and dance. Nothing else.
Presenter: No, you're wrong. Our children can do a lot. Not only can they sing and dance, but they also know how to have fun.
Fox Alice: Having fun? I love to have fun.
Cat Basilio: And you should just have fun. You have only one thing in your head: noise and screaming. And who will look for gold?
Fox Alice: Calm down. We have already found the treasure.
Cat Basilio: Found it? Where is he?
Fox Alice: Here in front of you.
Cat Basilio: Is this what you call a treasure?
Fox Alice: Yes. (Addresses the presenter). Well, why are we going to have fun?
Presenter: Well, of course. And we go to the last city. To prove to Basilio the Cat that children are good. Fox Alice already believed. This city of Entertainment. Are you ready, Alice Fox?
Fox Alice: Ready.
Presenter: Are you Basilio the Cat?
Cat Basilio: (Rude). Ready.
Presenter: We'll go by bicycle.


Cat Basilio: Now I see that children really are gold. But not the one that glitters.
Fox Alice: And look at the girl over there with the bows. How beautiful she is.
Cat Basilio: Very, very beautiful. I liked it here so much.
Fox Alice: Shall we go up to the children and hug them?
Cat Basilio: Let's come.
Fox Alice: (Addresses the presenter). Can?
Presenter: Well, of course you can. But only if you have changed?
Fox Alice: Well, of course we have changed.
Cat Basilio: Yes, yes, yes.
Presenter: Well, then go.

The cat Basilio and the Fox Alice approach the children and play with them the game Drawing on the asphalt “The world in which I live.”

Fox Alice: I really liked it. I would have stayed. But we need to go.
Cat Basilio: Yes, we need it.
Presenter: Where will you go?
Cat Basilio: To my home.
Fox Alice: We will tell you about your children in our country. And we will strive to make our children just like yours.
Cat Basilio: Goodbye.
Fox Alice: See you again.
Presenter: Children, let's say goodbye to our guests. Until next time.

Music sounds and presenters appear.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon everyone!
Presenter 2: Radiant smiles to everyone and good mood! Because today is a really good day - Children's Day!

Presenter 1:
Childhood is a golden time
And magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me,
Childhood is me and you!

Presenter 2: Today such beautiful, mature young men and women have gathered in this hall. You are leaving the fairyland of childhood and entering a big life.
Presenter 1: Happy, irrevocable time of childhood! How can we not love the memories of her?
Presenter 2:
We will remember more than once
That good planet
Where with the rays of the eyes
There are dawns,
Presenter 1:
Where miracles live
Wizards and fairies
Where the world around is brighter
And the bird trills are louder.
Presenter 2: What a pity that the days of happy childhood will not return! And each of us wants to be there, at least for a moment, in this small country called “Childhood”!
Presenter 1: Delve into the sandbox and, as a sign of great friendship, hit Yulka on the head with a shovel.
Presenter 2: Arrange a fight with Seryozhka over a tricycle or soar under the clouds on a swing.
Presenter 1: To truly believe in Santa Claus and Baba Yaga, turn into pirates...
Presenter 2: But childhood is gone forever. Now, if only I knew where?
Presenter 1: Perhaps this question will be answered by our vocal group, which will perform the song “Where does childhood go?” (The song is either performed by a real school vocal group, or it is simply played on a tape recorder).
Presenter 2:
Here today, my friends,
We gathered for a reason.
We hasten to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Girls and boys!
Presenter 1:
May the angel always protect you
From life's losses
And childhood, at least sometimes
The door opens for you!
Presenter 2: We invite you to the microphone... (either the head of the State Educational Institution or the school director is invited to the microphone).
Presenter 1:
The ship of childhood sails to childhood.
The large white pipes are sloping backwards.
Let me see, let me see goodbye,
Let me hear how they hum!
Presenter 2:
The breeze on the deck touched someone's hair,
A naughty tear suddenly flashed on her cheek.
How madly I want it, believe me, I really want it
Time is fleeting and turn back!
Presenter 1: Let's today, on Children's Day, try to perform a miracle and turn back time. Let's remember our golden childhood!
Presenter 2: Now you and I will write an essay about this cloudless time in our lives. I only need adjectives from you. I will write them down in the blank, and in a few minutes the essay on the topic “Remember our golden childhood” will be ready.

Game-story “Remember our golden childhood”

The spoken adjectives are written into the blank text, and the story is ready.

How good it is to be a child! No __________ worries or problems for you. __________ in the morning your __________ mother wakes you up, feeds you __________ breakfast and takes you to __________ kindergarten. And there __________ teachers, __________ friends, __________ toys and a very __________ life are waiting for you. __________ holidays, __________ activities, __________ walks - there is no time to be bored! And at home __________ grandma will treat __________ to a pie, __________ dad will let __________ knock on the table with a hammer, __________ mom will tell __________ a bedtime story. Everyone loves you, cherishes you, takes care of you, pampers you with __________ gifts. And I want __________ childhood to never end!

Presenter 1: It turned out to be a wonderful essay. And your childhood was very fun. That's why you are so cheerful and joyful today. And also because the guests of our holiday came to congratulate you. (Guests are invited to the microphone, if any).
Presenter 2: So, attention! The journey to the land of childhood begins! Let's remember the time when you were very, very small and had not yet gone to kindergarten. All children love gifts very much. I invite two teams of six people who want to receive holiday prizes the most.

Competition "Skins"

Team captains are given a large vessel with a drink (compote, juice, water), and each participant is given a long straw. Team members stand around the vessel, simultaneously lower their straws into it and begin to drink the drink. The team that empties the vessel first wins. Prizes for winners and incentive prizes must be prepared in advance and do not forget to present them at the end of each competition.

Presenter 1: Now, children, sit on the chairs and carefully watch the dance (or listen to the song). Either a choreographic or vocal group performs.
Presenter 2: At home, under my mother’s warm wing, of course, it’s good. But the day comes when the baby goes out into the world for the first time. And a great life usually begins with kindergarten.
Presenter 1: Perhaps the most important thing in kindergarten is friends. If there is good company, then even tasteless porridge, an angry teacher and old toys fade into the background.
Presenter 2:
Many, many days in a row,
In summer and winter,
We went to kindergarten
To my native kindergarten.
Presenter 1:
We were always in a hurry here,
We loved him very much.
All the guys say:
“Let's not forget kindergarten!”
Presenter 2: With such a rosy mood, two friends are going to kindergarten. It will be you (two young men are invited).
Presenter 1: Their mothers, hurrying to work, try to dress them quickly. Here we have “mothers” (two girls are invited).
Presenter 2: So, the clothes are already prepared, but suddenly the lights go out!

Competition “Dress your baby for kindergarten”

The girls are blindfolded and asked to dress the boys. Clothes are prepared in advance and hung on a chair (sweater, hat, scarf, jacket, trousers large size). Whoever can do it faster and more accurately wins.

Presenter 1: And now there’s a music or dance break.

A song is performed or a dance is danced.

Presenter 2:
There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world,
And we cannot live in the world without them.
Presenter 1:
Let the heroes of fairy tales give you warmth,
May good triumph over evil forever.
Presenter 2: Far, far away lies the kingdom of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic. And whoever has been there at least once will remain a prisoner forever.
Presenter 1: Because the trees there are the most bizarre, the towers are the most painted, the princesses are the most beautiful, and the monsters are the most terrible.
Presenter 2: And also because from childhood we learn kindness, ingenuity, mutual assistance, and courage from fairy tales. Let's remember Russian folk tale“Turnip” and we will show a performance based on it.

Fairytale game "Turnip"

Participants are called to play the roles: Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse.
When the presenter reads the text of a fairy tale, each hero must, upon hearing the name of his character, say the words assigned to him and make a gesture:
Turnip - “Oh, yes I am!” and shows with his hands how big she is.
Grandfather - “Oh, sciatica!” and, bent over, holds his lower back.
Grandma - “Fathers of Light!” and at the same time throws up his hands.
Granddaughter - “Well, here’s another!” and puts his hands on his hips.
Bug - “Woof! Will you give me a bone?” while resting his hands on his bent knees and wagging his “tail.”
Cat - “They don’t let me sleep! Meow!" and stretches, arching his back.
Mouse - “Well, where would you go without me!” and shows off strong biceps.
Overall, this staging of “Turnip” looks very funny.

Presenter 1: According to the daily routine in kindergarten, after games and lunch there is a break - a “quiet hour”.
Presenter 2: Our “quiet hour” will be a dance break. And at the same time, we’ll check how obedient your kids are.

Dance game “Do as I do”

I think everyone remembers and knows this dance game well. When the presenter makes some movements to the beat of cheerful and fiery music, and everyone present, standing in a circle, repeats these movements after him. A very energetic and fun workout.

Presenter 1: Impressions early childhood often remain in memory for a lifetime. And the holidays give them a special brightness.
Presenter 2: Joyful excitement, decorated rooms, guests, gifts, festive table- it will be remembered for a long time. And what opportunities for the flight of children's imagination!
Presenter 1: And the fantasy of adults usually comes down to one thing: mothers and fathers love to show off their beloved, smart and obedient child to guests.
Presenter 2: “Daughter, baby, stand on a chair and tell the guests a poem.” I think many of you complied with this request so as not to upset your parents.
Presenter 1: We invite the guys who still have a love for poetry to decorate our holiday.

Children's poetry competition

Everyone comes out and reads children's poems. Prizes are awarded for artistry and originality.

Presenter 2: We continue the conversation about dolls, bears and airplanes. Each of us had a favorite toy as a child. Perhaps someone still keeps it.
Presenter 1: Can you remember your favorite toy now? What was it - a doll, a bunny, a ball? Several children remember and name their favorite toys.
Presenter 2: As it should be, girls are more attracted to dolls and soft toys, and boys - cars. We ask the most avid car enthusiasts to come and join us.
Presenter 1: You organize two convoys of 4 people each: “Truck” and “Fireman”.

Relay "Drivers"

The first two young men are given children's cars on strings. The participants’ task is to “go” the distance, going around the pins placed on the floor, and not knocking them down. The team that does this faster and more accurately wins.

Presenter 2: The winners of auto racing are given a musical (dance) gift.

A song is played or a dance is danced.

Presenter 1: Everyone knows that children and animals are the best friends. A little man simply needs someone to yap, meow, chirp or croak next to him.
Presenter 2: Children love to take care of our little brothers: they treat the cat with candy, save fish from the aquarium so they don’t drown, and share toys with the dogs.
The cat says to me quietly:
- Have pity on me a little!
Presenter 1:
I don't understand this cat:
I poke candy in her mouth
I hugged her neck:
- That's how I feel sorry for you!
Well, what do you want, cat?
Presenter 2:
She says:
- A little, at least a little regret -
Let me go quickly!

During the text, the presenters hand out notes to the children with the names of the animals.

Presenter 1: Attention! Now our little brothers will appear in this hall! I ask everyone who has received notes to come to me. The cats stand on the left, the piglets on the right, and the horses in the center.
Presenter 2: Have you forgotten how these little animals “speak”? Shall we rehearse?

Competition "Animal Concert"

Teams are introduced to the song they will perform:
Cats - "Two Cheerful Geese"
Piglets - “Grasshopper”
Horses - “I’m lying in the sun”
Songs must be sung by making sounds appropriate to the animals. From the outside it looks very funny.

Presenter 1: Ah, kindergarten! Ah, kindergarten! First friends, first love... Yes, yes, it is in kindergarten that this feeling comes.
Presenter 2: I really want to know which of our young men was a Don Juan in kindergarten. I ask two confident guys to come out.
Presenter 1: We announce a dance break, and during the first dance the guys must collect autographs from the girls. Who will have more fans?

Autograph competition

Two participants are given sheets of paper and markers. The participants’ task is to collect as many autographs as possible from the female half of the hall in 1-2 minutes. The one with the most signatures on the piece of paper wins.

Musical or dance break.

Presenter 2: It was good in kindergarten! There we were loved, raised, fed and taught to be real people.
But parting comes
We'll have to go to school soon,
And today, goodbye
We speak from the heart:
Presenter 1:
“Goodbye, kindergarten! -
All the guys say -
We will never forget
Our favorite kindergarten!”
Presenter 2: And now we are no longer just children, but students. At the threshold of the school, the first teacher greets us with a smile.
Presenter 1:
Who will show the letter "A"?
Multiply twice two?
Will he write the sticks in the notebook?
Will you give it a “5” for the first time?
Presenter 2:
Our very first teacher,
Guardian of the light of wisdom.
Presenter 1: The first teacher is kind, strict, sensitive, patient, the first guide to the land of Knowledge.
Presenter 2: We invite two teams of five people, for whom the memories of their first teacher are still dear.
Presenter 1: Your mentors will be pleased to receive their portrait as a souvenir. And you will draw it.

Relay race “Portrait of the first teacher”

Two teams, at speed, blindfolded, draw a portrait of the teacher on sheets of whatman paper. The first participant draws the oval of the face, the second - eyes and eyebrows, the third - the nose, the fourth - lips, the fifth - hair. The team whose drawing is the most artistic wins.

Presenter 2: And along with the portraits, we give this song to teachers...

A song is sung or played on a tape recorder.

Presenter 1:
School is over,
You have moved to the senior class.
Lie in the sun
The sea invites us.
Presenter 2: Vacations, holidays, fun time! Sea, sun, soft sand and, of course, beach volleyball. We invite you to take part in volleyball competitions - to prepare for the beach season.

Air Volleyball Competition

All team members inflate two each balloon. And then the game of volleyball with balloons begins.

Presenter 1: After such a successful game, you need to rest.

Presenter 2: We flew by school years, all your victories and failures, “twos” and “fives” are in the past...
Presenter 1: Just yesterday you were the hosts at school, but now you can only be guests.
Presenter 2: Just yesterday you were schoolchildren, children, and today you are already adults, independent.
Presenter 1:
School flew by like an hour
School is the first grade of life,
School is the arithmetic of fate,
School - these years cannot be forgotten.
Presenter 2: When you say goodbye to school, you also say goodbye to your teachers. They taught you to comprehend science and understand the world. Vanya experienced failures with you and shared the joy of victories. In your teacher’s big, warm heart there was enough room for each of you.
Presenter 1: Today your teachers will light a light for their former students, which will become a guiding star on the road to adulthood. And along with this light, the mentor will give you his parting words.
Presenter 2: Let this candle pass from hand to hand, and let each of you say wishes and warm words to each other.

A candle is lit and the process of passing it from hand to hand and with wishes goes through.

Presenter 1:
Childhood is fading, so why be surprised?
It leaves everyone somehow.
And I want to cry and laugh,
And I don’t want to part with anyone,
But childhood still leaves us.
Presenter 2: It’s a pity that we begin to understand all the charm of childhood when we become adults.
We go into our youth along rainbow paths,
Through the snow and thick grass.
We are leaving for youth, we are rushing time,
And we ourselves are sad about our childhood.
Speaker 1: But don’t be so sad. First of all, today is a holiday. And secondly, whether childhood stays with you or goes away forever depends only on you. And even after many, many years, you can sometimes look at least for a minute into childhood and take a break from adult life there.
Presenter 2:
Now the moment of farewell has come.
Our speech will be brief:
We say to you: goodbye!
And childhood memories
Try to save!
Presenter 1: We congratulate you on the holiday and invite you to the disco!

Description: a small holiday program for children with songs and games dedicated to International Day child protection.


Presenter 1
Presenter 2

WITH good morning, my planet!
The earth is warmed with kind light.
At this good hour at dawn
Children laugh with good laughter.

(Dance "Sunny Bunny", Spanish dance group "Victoria")

SPEAKER 1: Good afternoon, dear friends!
We are glad to welcome all guests of our holiday.

SPEAKER 1: Children! So clean, so beautiful
How cute and how different!

HOST 2: When they sing and when they play -
It’s as if the world is being rocked with a smile.

HOST 1: The first day of June, the first day of the coming summer is called Children's Day. This is what the International Democratic Federation of Women decided in November 1949.

HOST 2: On the first of June, all of humanity on Earth demonstrates its ardent desire to protect children. To protect from hunger and disease, from ignorance, from fear and resentment, to protect from the horrors of war.

PRESENTER 1: Guys, guys, today in the world
On the whole planet, children are the masters.
Let's all sing together guys
The owners are children on the globe!

HOST 2: The song “Vesnushki” will be performed for you by the vocal group “Romashki”

/Song "Freckles", Spanish vocal group "Romashki"/

HOST 2: The song is our friend and comrade,
Life is more fun with her,
The work goes hand in hand with the song,
Holidays are brighter and brighter!

SPEAKER 2: Announced competition "Guess the melody". Which of you guys knows children's songs better? Now we will find out! So, the music plays, and you perform one verse from this song.

/Game “Guess the melody”

HOST 1: Accept as a gift a song performed by Svetlana Visloguzova.

/Song about summer.

HOST 2: So that the hour of fun does not fade away,
To make time go faster,
Friends, we invite you
Let's get to the riddles quickly.


HOST 1: Accept a dance performed by the Land of Knowledge studio as a gift

/Dance "Waltz"./

SPEAKER 1: Do you like to play? Shall we play with you?


This was an introduction to the script. To purchase the full version of the script, go to cart. After payment, the material will become available for downloading via a link on the website, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 49 r ub.

June 1 is Children's Day and the holiday script will help educators and teachers prepare a fun event. This day is dedicated to children, and as you know, children love to play most of all. Therefore, a game scenario with multiple competitions would be better suited for Children’s Day. Of course, you can’t do without a funny and popular character and a fabulous atmosphere.

All this is provided for Children's Day, which is recommended for kindergarten and primary school students.

Scenario for the Children's Day holiday

The song “Childhood” is playing

Presenter 1:
June came, June, June-
Birds are chirping in the garden,
Just blow on a dandelion
And it will all fly apart!
Sun Festival! How many of you are there?
Dandelions in summer!
Childhood is a gold reserve
For our big planet!

The first verse of the song “Sunny Circle” sounds

Presenter 2:
Dear friends, the long-awaited sun holiday has come for us, the longest holiday - the Sunny Summer Festival! Every day of this joyful big holiday will open up like a new page of an interesting, bright, colorful book. This is a book that will contain songs, pictures, games, fairy tales, riddles, hikes, and adventures! Every day of the summer calendar is red, because every day of summer is joy, relaxation, holiday! And the most important thing is the peaceful sky above us!

Presenter 1:
Today is the first day of summer. This day is dedicated to International Children's Day and the preservation of peace on earth. This day is dedicated to you, dear guys. :

Old woman Shapoklyak comes out:
Hi all! Girls are spinners, boys are stumps! I am the cheerful old lady Shapoklyak. And you are visiting a fairy tale. Why did you come here? (play, have fun).
Yes?! I also love to play. I know such wonderful games. For example, you can smear glue on a bench, and when someone sits on it, it will be a laugh! Ha ha ha! Good game? (No!)
Then another: a man is walking down the street, and I pour a bucket of water on top of him. Great? (No!)
Well, then one more game. Boy, come here. I was walking down the street and lost my wallet, boy, help me, pick up my wallet. (The boy tries to lift it, Shapoklyak pulls the rope). Oh, how fun! Do you like my game? No?
Oh, how boring you all are... You don’t like my games. Well, what do you like to play? (children's answers).
Okay, I'll play “your games.” But first I want to listen to poems about summer.

Children read poetry:

Child 1:
We celebrate the holiday of summer,
Festival of the sun, festival of light.
Come visit us.
We are always glad to have guests.

Child 2:
Birds will fly to the holiday
Woodpeckers, swallows, tits.
They will click and whistle
Sing songs with us.

Child 3:
Dragonflies will buzz around,
Smile poppies, roses.
And a tulip will dress
In the brightest sundress.

Child 4:
We celebrate the summer holiday
Festival of the sun, festival of light
Sun, sun, brighter gray
The holiday will be more fun.

Child 5:
First day of summer, become even brighter!
Celebrate the first of June everywhere!
After all, this is All Children's Day,
It’s not for nothing that people celebrate it!

Child 6:
First day of colorful summer
He brought us together, friends.
Festival of the sun, festival of light,
A holiday of happiness and goodness!

Presenter 2:
The holiday dedicated to Children's Day is considered open. Hurray!

All together: Hurray!

Guys, if you agree with me, say “YES”
- What’s your mood, huh?
- Is everyone of this opinion?
- all without exception?
- have we grown up?
- We managed everything?
- We made it everywhere?
- one for all?
- and all for one?
- Is your health okay?
- Do you have fun?
- can you play?

Presenter 1:
There are many games in the world,
But I can’t tell you everything.
Loved by adults and children
Play different games.
We are starting the “Fairytale Relay Races”

The song “Come Fairy Tale” plays. Children are divided into two teams.

So, the teams are assembled! And first of all, we need to name our teams somehow! We are given one minute for you to come up with team names related to the fairy tale.

Presenter 2:
And I ask you to loudly introduce your teams in unison!

Competition 1

Before the relay starts, I read an excerpt from a fairy tale; the first team to correctly guess the name of the fairy tale receives an extra point.

The mouse was running, its tail touched it, the egg fell and broke
Answer: "Rocktail chicken"

Competition 2

Carry a tennis ball in a tablespoon and pass the baton to the next person.

Competition 3

The next competition is called "The Little Humpbacked Horse". The little humpbacked horse shook himself, stood up on his paws, and perked up. He flapped his mane, groaned and flew like an arrow.

Running with a basketball on your back to the finish line and back.

Competition 4

The father had three sons, and he left them an inheritance: an old mill, a donkey and a cat. We are starting the "Puss in Boots" competition. The first player puts on the boot, runs to the finish line and back, and passes the boot to the next one.

Competition 5

Carlo entered the closet, sat down on the only chair at the legless table and, turning the log this way and that, began to cut a doll out of it with a knife. Competition called "Pinocchio".

The team is divided into two people: Alice the fox and Basilio the cat. The cat is blindfolded and put on big slippers, the fox leads him to the finish line and back, the blindfold and slippers are passed on to the next pair.

Playing with spectators

Conducted by Shapoklyak:
How are you living? - Like this! (expose thumb forward)
How are you going? - Like this! (walk in place)
How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)
How are you running? - Like this! (running in place)
How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)
Are you naughty? - Like this! (make faces)
Are you threatening? - Like this! (they shake their fingers at each other)

Game 2 with spectators

You need to finish the sentence correctly.

-The bunny went out for a walk, the hare’s paws are exactly ...... (four)
- I have a dog, she has as many tails as .... (one)
- There is a funny sign, snow has fallen, welcome... (winter)
-The blizzard howls like a drill in the yard... (February)
– Birthday is around the corner, we baked….(cake)
– Irinka and Oksanka have three-wheelers….(bicycle).

Competition 6

I came up with an idea! I found it! Let two of you take the twig in their beaks, and the third will cling to it in the middle. You will fly, but the frog will drive. Let's call this competition "Frog Traveler".

Teams are divided into 3 people. Two children put a stick on their shoulders and hold it with their hands. The third - a frog - hangs by his hands, legs crossed. You need to quickly walk to the finish line and return back.

Competition 7

Remember the fairy tale "Kolobok"? The old woman took the wing, scraped it along the box, swept it along the bottom and scraped up two handfuls of flour.

Participants need to roll the ball with a hoop to the finish line and back, pass the hoop and ball to the next player.

Competition 8

The first participant runs to the finish line and back, the second one joins him, holding his waist, and now they run together. Then a third one joins, etc.

Competition 9

Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, got dressed, took the buckets and went to the river.

The first participant takes buckets filled with water, runs to the finish line and back, passes the buckets to the next player.

The song “Not Children's Time” plays, all the spectators get up, go out onto the platform and repeat the dance movements of Shapoklyak.

Presenter 1:
For the rulers of the country
The guys are all equal:
Both red and white,
Both strong and brave,
Cheerful and noisy
And very, very smart.
Everyone will receive a gift or prize
And this is all a surprise for you.

Sofia Rotaru's song “I am you he she” is playing.

Summing up. Presentation of gifts.

The children will remember the holiday, Children's Day, held according to this scenario for a long time and will receive a lot of pleasant impressions. By the way, soon the children will go on vacation, and it will certainly be useful to every organizer.

We are publishing four scenarios for holding school, sports, district and yard holidays in honor of International Children's Day - June 1.

Scenario of the yard festival “OUR CHILDREN” dedicated to International Children’s Day

General characteristics Props Organizing Committee

Age of participants: 4-12 years

Number of participants: 100 people

  • large area
  • stage or place for equipment and presenter
  • sound reinforcement equipment
  • sports equipment for team relay races
  • souvenirs for awarding team members
  • souvenirs for birthday people (June 1)
  • colored chalks for drawings on asphalt
  • space to accommodate the Face Painting Studio: table, chairs

sound engineer, presenter, life-size puppets, Face Painting studio, animators, schoolchildren, organizing committee.

Happy music sounds : (favorite children's songs in audio recording)

The following venues are available: “Face painting”, “Drawing on asphalt”.

Young spectators are entertained by life-size puppets.

Schoolchildren take the stage.

Poetic composition “Our childhood”

The land of funny little people

Dreaming of a doll in a carriage,

About a gnome in a raspberry beret,

About the valor of legitimate kings.

We often say the word “childhood”

Unaware of the magic of meaning,

And in it there is a magic house made of cookies,

Fantasy unusual bright world!

Childhood is balls, jump ropes,

Race with friends

Bicycles, skis, sleds

And, of course, a stick and skates!

Children are joy and consolation!

Children are a fresh breeze!

You can’t earn them, it’s not a reward, -

By grace, God gives them to adults.

Children, oddly enough, are a test.

Children, like trees, do not grow on their own.

They need care, affection, understanding.

Children are time, children are work.

Childhood is like life started all over again:

First smiles, first steps,

First successes, first awards,

Children are happiness, children are us!!! ( in unison)

Schoolchildren go down from the stage to the participants of the holiday and stand in a general circle


All adults know: when children are healthy and happy, they rejoice and laugh, which means they are happy! Children, do you know what happiness is? ( Question and answer)


Do we have the most fun ones at the holiday today? The smartest? The most vocal? The most athletic? The most dexterous and skillful? What about the friendliest ones? What about the brave ones? Now we will check! Come on, who jumps the highest? Well done! Who can hold his leg like this for the longest time? And like this? ( shows) I see - well done!

Which one of you was born in the summer? So, I see...Show me how you swim? What style? “Swim” breaststroke and crawl! Great!

Who was born in spring? Come out into the circle! There is a fun task for you: jump like that! Very good! Are there any winter birthday people among you? We've been waiting for you! You will jump half a circle on your left leg, half a circle on your right. Well, we’ve reached the autumn birthdays! Come out into the circle as soon as possible! We know you love to smile! Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and help you. And you and I will smile at the neighbor on the right, then at the neighbor on the left. Let's try! Well done! Boys and girls, do you know a song about a smile? Let's sing it together!

THE SONG “SMILE” SOUNDS (audio recording): round dance


Are there any boys and girls at our holiday who completed 5th grade and moved on to 6th? Very good! We have a tongue twister for you!

-You can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk them out again, you can’t talk them out quickly

We have prepared riddles for you. Listen carefully!

What fairy tale are these words from?

- “The mouse was running, its tail touched it, the egg fell and broke.”

- “The father had three sons, and he left them an inheritance: an old mill, a donkey and a cat.”

- “He took a log in his hands, turned it this way and that, and began to cut a doll out of it with a knife.”

- “The old woman scraped the box, swept the bottom of the barrel and scraped up two handfuls of flour.”

So a fabulous warm-up took place, and now – “Physical Minute”!

Scenario of a street event dedicated to International Children's Day

General characteristics Props Organizing Committee

Event duration: 60 minutes

Age of participants: 4-18 years

Number of participants: 50-60 people

To carry out the event you need:

  • playground
  • sound reinforcement equipment
  • selection of musical accompaniment
  • props: balls, children's umbrellas, jump ropes
  • souvenirs for children

Participating in the event:

sound engineer, presenter, members of the school amateur club, two dancers - a boy and a girl, a representative of the administration, the organizing committee.

HOST: Hello, dear girls and boys! Today the first calendar day of summer has arrived, and with it joy has come to our home. On the first of June it is customary to congratulate all children on a wonderful holiday - International Children's Day. You may ask, what should we be protected from, since we are strong and brave? We, adults, are responsible for your happy childhood. We protect your peace and quiet. We really want you to grow up healthy, smart, well-mannered, educated, respect adults, love your family and your homeland. Today our friendly team has come to congratulate you on your holiday!

THE WORD IS PROVIDED TO:……………………………………………………………

HOST: Why is childhood given to every person? How do you think? ( asks the children a question) Children's answers…………………………………………………………

And now we will listen to an amazing poem performed by participants in the school literary circle, from which it will immediately become clear to everyone that childhood is given for joy!

Participants of the school literary circle:

Childhood is a time for joy!

The man has come to live!

This is a fairy tale, laughter, a game,

Books and knowledge thread.

This is the sound of lace,

Lullaby in the night.

This is the blue of the sky,

The sun's clear rays.

This is soft grass

To fall trustingly.

This is a mountain of goodies,

To eat them to your heart's content.

This is a sea of ​​kindness

To open your heart.

A world of opened dreams,

So as not to collapse forever.

To become and to be

Real people

The man came to live

In a world of happiness and love!

HOST: And childhood is a variety of questions and completely unexpected answers. Which one of you likes to play? I will ask you questions, and you will answer. Agreed? Then listen to my questions!

— What do parents hide from their children all the time?

-Who asks a lot of questions?

— What can’t you do in class, but you really want to?

-Who swims among the ice?

— Who do parents scare their children with?

—What can’t a single person in the world live without?

— What does dad like to do at home?

— What do children like most?

Of course, jump and play! All the girls and boys in the world love to jump, I know that for sure! And now we will make sure of this! You and I will jump like this! (shows the task)

I invite the first participants in our fun sports competition!

(Required equipment - BALLS)

Music sounds: cheerful, for jumping with a ball - COMPETITIONS FOR CHILDREN

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Scenario of the school music and sports festival “CHILDHOOD WITHOUT BORDERS” dedicated to International Children’s Day

General characteristics Props Organizing Committee

Event duration: 60 minutes

Age of participants: 8-10 years

Number of participants: 120 people (6 teams x 20 people)

To carry out the event you need:

  • gym
  • sound reinforcement equipment
  • selection of music
  • equipment: balls, hoops, jump ropes, rope
  • diplomas and cups

Participating in the event:

sound engineer, presenter, schoolchildren (6 teams x 20 people), school dance group, administration representatives, jury for evaluating the competition, organizing committee.

The school's gym is festively decorated.

Children's music is playing.

Guests of the holiday and its participants gather.

HOST: Good afternoon, dear guests and participants of the music and sports festival “Childhood without Borders”! We welcome you and congratulate you on International Day child! We know that future mathematicians, engineers, doctors, teachers, scientists study at this school! We wish you all success in your studies, joy, creative victories and a happy childhood! Today people who have to resolve important issues - education, children's health, active leisure, sports and recreation - have come to congratulate you on your holiday.

The floor is given…………………………………………………………………………………..

HOST: We would like to wish you

Study only with "five"!

Of course, be friends with sports,

Be cheerful and smart!

Walk through life with a song,

Don't abandon friends in trouble

Return good for good,

Glorify yourself with your deeds!

Also, of course, joke

To love poetry, prose,

Be able to draw, draw,

Swim and dance!

DANCE NUMBER performed by participants in school amateur performances

HOST: Childhood is all about small discoveries and great joys! Dear children, today you will be not only spectators, but also the most active participants in the holiday! Our fun team challenges are called “Rainbow for Everyone” and they are intended for the dexterous, strong, brave and resourceful. Do we have any clever ones today? What about the fast ones? And the most athletic ones? Amazing! I suggest that the teams prepare to participate in relay races. And the members of our esteemed jury take their places of honor. We hope that you will be very pleased to judge our competition, since talented children are participating in it! I present to the jury:

HOST: So, the teams are ready! Task one: “Your motto.”

Motto of the “Green” team:……………………………………………………………………………………

The motto of the “Yellow” team is:………………………………………………………………………………….

Motto of the Reds team:………………………………………………………………………..

The Blues team motto…………………………………………………………………………………….

Orange team motto………………………………………………………………………………………

The motto of the “Violet” team is………………………………………………………………………………….

The teams coped with the first, theoretical task perfectly!

Let's move on to the relay races! Teams! Get ready to listen to the task!

(explains the game task “Our funny ringing ball”)


HOST: In my opinion, all teams coped with the task! The results of this competition will be summed up by the jury. And we will proceed to the next task. It will be pleasant, musical and calm, because you and I will turn... into turtles.

(the game task "Turtles" is explained)

The teams begin the competition.

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Scenario of the children's holiday “In the Land of Clowning”, dedicated to International Children’s Day

General characteristics Props Organizing Committee

Event duration: 60 minutes

Age of participants: 5-6 years

Number of participants: 30-50 people

To carry out the event you need:

  • auditorium
  • scene
  • dressing room
  • two dressing rooms for artists
  • sound reinforcement equipment
  • selection of musical accompaniment
  • fresh flowers for spectators and concert participants
  • stage costumes

Participating in the event:

sound engineer, Clowns and Clowns: Antosha, Marzipan, Caramel, ABCD-eika, Letters of the Alphabet, organizing committee

Fun children's music sounds

Antosha the Clown appears: a festive greeting and meeting the participants

Clown Antosha:

Hello my dear friends! You have entered the land of Clowning! How did they not know that such a country existed? Of course there is! Funny Clowns live in it! Let's get acquainted! I am Antosha the Clown! ( shakes hands with all the children). Antosha! Very nice! Antosha! Antosha! I'm very glad to meet you! Happy holiday!

Friends, let's quickly join hands! ( children form a round dance)

Do you know that all the Clowns in the world love all sorts of confusion and giggles?

So I will confuse you and make you laugh, make you laugh and confuse you! I'll start right now!

MUSIC SOUNDS: round dance game with Clown Antosha “Merry Confusion”

Clown Antosha:

And now I’ll check which of you is the most attentive?!! I will say the wrong words, and you will say only the right ones, agreed?!!

- One, two, three, four, five, the bunny went out for a walk, the hare has exactly FIVE paws!

(Correct answer: four)

– I have a dog, she has as many as SIX tails! (Correct answer: one)

– There is a funny sign, snow has fallen, welcome SUMMER! (Correct answer: winter)

– The blizzard howls like a drill, it’s APRIL in the yard! (Correct answer: February)

– Birthday is around the corner, we baked SAUSAGE! (Correct answer: cake)

A holiday is when everyone is having fun, and when there are many, many friends around!

And here my friends have come to celebrate! Meet them!

MUSIC SOUNDS: Clowns Marzipan and Caramel Appear


Hey guys! Hi all! I am Marzipan!


Let's get acquainted! I am Caramel! I bet I can guess what your name is?!!


But you won’t guess! Some boys and girls have names that you have never even heard of.


I'll guess! (Suitable for children)

You are Masha, right? No?!! Not Masha?!! Then Glasha? No too? Who are you? ( Children answer)

And you are Sasha, right? Not Sasha?!! Then let's do this: all of you together shout out your name loudly, loudly, and then I will tell you which of you is called. Agreed?

Three-four! ( Children call names). Well, here we are!


Guys, do you know what holiday is today? Probably New Year?


But I didn’t guess right! Today is your birthday! Really, kids? Today is International Birthday Day!


But I didn’t guess right! Today is jam day! I love jam so much! Do you love it?

Let's find out which of you is the biggest jam connoisseur?

You must take turns naming any jam that you remember. The one who names the most types of jams will be an Honorary Connoisseur of Jams.

(Children name the types of jams)


I remembered! Today is Candy Day! Yes, yes, the most delicious sweets, in such pretty candy wrappers! ( He rummages in his pocket, takes out a candy wrapper, shows it to the children.). I even still have a candy wrapper from my favorite candy! Guys, which of you collects candy wrappers? (children answer). And I collect candy wrappers too! Now name the candies! Yes, yes, candies that you really, really love! (Addresses the children). For example, what are your favorite candies? And you?

(Children call). Wow! How many delicious sweets have you eaten? Your faces are so happy now!


So let’s stand in our friendly round dance “Smile” with happy faces!

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