Propaganda team "VETERINARIANS"

Roads, roads,
which we choose


They promise us anxiety,
But the more we know, the wider the choice.


And today there are no closed routes for the heart!
You can choose any profession


You choose who you will become, who you will be!

(in unison) Look and listen, we are starting!

A scene based on the fairy tale “Aibolit” by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.


Good Doctor Aibolit!

He is sitting under a tree.

Come to him for treatment

And the cow and the she-wolf,

And the bug and the spider,

And a bear!

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone

Good Doctor Aibolit!

And the fox came to Aibolit:

Fox:“Oh, I was bitten by a wasp!”

Leading: And the watchdog came to Aibolit:

Barbos:“A chicken pecked me on the nose!”


And the hare came running

And she screamed:


“Ay, ah! My bunny got hit by a tram!

My bunny, my boy

Got hit by a tram!

He was running along the path

And his legs were cut,

And now he's sick and lame,

My little bunny!”

Leading: And Aibolit said:

Aibolit:“No problem! Give it here!

I'll sew him new legs,

He will run along the track again.”


And they brought a bunny to him,

So sick, lame,

And the doctor sewed his legs on,

And the bunny jumps again.

And with him the mother hare

I also went dancing.

And she laughs and shouts:

Hare:“Well, thank you, Aibolit!”


Aibolit is a special doctor,
He heals all animals
He is always respectful
Among honest people.


Such a doctor is called:
A veterinarian.
Helps all animals
It will heal, it will heal.


Animals, birds, everyone who is sick,
Who is dissatisfied with their health?
calling you vet -

He will bandage it and give a decoction.


If your dog has a fever
She needs a vet.
It will help you heal
Even the tiger and the she-wolf.


This doctor treats animals

His name is veterinarian

He's a big specialist in barnyards

That is his special gift!


Will defeat the lice eater

And it will remove the tick,

Has great experience in this

Businesslike, not complaining.


Understanding, with dexterity,

Will give relief to the cattle

Will set everything right with a deft hand

Helping animals...


Vitamins and vaccinations

From infections and illness

Withers, paws and scruff

May everyone be healthy!

A song based on the song “We are not stokers, we are not carpenters”:

We are not stokers, we are not carpenters,

And hello to all animals!

Do not refuse us a favor

Come to the doctor's laboratory

Otherwise they will die in obscurity, yes!

Wildlife and beauty!

We will heal your pets tenderly,

Let's save them from serious troubles, slightly

And then maybe everything in the world will be

They will never get sick, yes!

We are not stokers, we are not carpenters,

But there are no bitter regrets!

Veterinarians are veterinarians, yes!

And hello to all animals!

(in unison) Long live the work of VE-TE-RI-NA-RA!


My soul hurts for cats,

It hurts for the dogs too,

For fish and parrots,

For snakes and turtles,


For hamsters and mice,

And for pet rats...

You successfully treat everyone,

Your meaning in this life.


I thought about this:

It would be nice to become a doctor

But not for children, but for cats!

The children are in pain - we will cry,

Let's burst into tears in the heat of the moment,

Mom will call the doctor.

And to the stray cat

What if it’s suddenly unbearable?

Who calls doctors to him?

He is a stray - he is no one's!

(in unison) Long live your warmth, veterinarian!

Song "Veterinarian"

Saving lives every day

Fluffy little friends

Looking into their eyes, barely breathing

And my soul breaks

Veterinarian, veterinarian

God gave you talent

You go to your friends for help

To spite the bad weather and winds.

Homeless poor and sick

And very, very expensive

There are many animals on earth

But you are alone - praise be to you.

Musical numbers and skits:

Song of a veterinarian serving the Presidential Prize race at the central hippodrome:

I'll go out into the field with my horse at night
Show the horse the hippodrome
We will go with the horse across the field together
The horse sits on me and I sit on him
I'll look a horse in the mouth
A drop of nicotine at will
If the horse dies, it's not a problem,
But he is provided with meat forever
And in the morning I'll go to the market
Sell good product
I'm a veterinarian last days
I love animals, but not horses Hit parade of songs “These funny animals”:

____: 3rd place goes to a group with the self-explanatory name “Beasts” with their new hit (to the tune of “Everything that concerns you” gr. “Beasts”):
More dogs - good and different
And preferably few contagious,
But you definitely need to vaccinate
Everything that bites you, everything that bites me
It's called rabies, it's called...

____: in 2nd place - Zemfira and a song about the difficult fate of Pavlov’s dog
(to the tune of “I Dreamed of the Sky of London” by Zemfira):
I dreamed of delicious food
Saliva drips from reflexes
Light bulbs around day by day
What does the owner want from me?
Without such bells, I’m a solitary animal
And I’m definitely not good with reflexes for a long time...

____: and finally, in 1st place on our hit parade is the song of the March cat after surgery ( to the tune of “The Death of Constance” from the film “D. Artagnan and the Three Musketeers”):
Love has passed, tomatoes have wilted
The hostess gave in to persuasion
Goodbye roofs, cats, the feeling is getting cold
And what is left of love for me now?
Only the name...
Castration! Castration! Castration!!! Reception room of the head physician, to whom patients come with their pets:

(the screen opens, a doctor sits at the table, humming something under his breath)
- Next!.. What, there’s no one? Then the next one!.. (drinks from a test tube, a girl with a plush dog enters):
- Doctor, are you taking it?..
- (choking) What are you doing?! Were you following me?!
- No... I came in and looked - you accept!..
- Yes, I accept! What am I, what am I?! Others here accept...
- What do I care about others! I'm coming to see you!!!
- (smirking) Well, come on in... How did you catch me at the reception?
- So you have a sign on the door when your reception hours are!
- You, I see, came to my appointment for a reason! Well, what do you have?!
- I have this: friend... (points to the dog)
- ... suddenly he turned out to be neither a friend nor an enemy, but...
- Yes, doctor... What should I do?!
- Well, please accept my condolences!
- I accept...
- I accept too! (drinks again) Next!..
(patient enters with animal container)
- Doctor, can I?! I'm coming to you, doctor. I really ask you to accept!..
- Well, you don’t need to ask me much about this... (drinks, the patient gets scared)
- Tell me, doctor, how much do you take a day?
- Uh... At work or in general?..
- Well, at work...
- Oh, at work - in general!..
-You have a very difficult job. By the end of the working day, you probably can barely stand on your feet?!
- Who do you take me for?!
- I?! I don't accept it, you accept it!
- Well, come on, what do you have?
- Here’s what I have (shows a container, not visible to the viewer): it doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite...
- ... and doesn’t let you into the house?! Lock!!! Did you guess it??? Next!..
(one patient included)
- Doctor, are you taking it?
- (mocking) Of course I accept! (drinks again)
- Doctor, I come to you with an unusual request... I’m very worried...
- Don't worry! I have been working as a veterinarian for 22 years!
- This is necessary! 22 years - down the drain! Sorry for the pun...
- Well, what do you have, let’s hurry up!
- There, behind the door... (speaks into my ear)
- Shy?! Afraid to undress?! Interesting! This is the first time in 22 years! Let’s go, let’s take a look, let’s take, so to speak, measures... (both leave, grabbing a bottle)

Issue "Interview with the editor of a veterinary newspaper":

Good evening, dear friends, the program “In the World of Pets” is on air and our guest is the editor-in-chief of the most scandalous newspaper of the year Valery Serafimovich Veterinarov. And immediately the first question: why is your newspaper called so strangely?
- The fact is that the name of the newspaper should be sonorous, which is why the editorial board decided to call the newspaper “Tpprrrr...” (command to stop a horse - approx.), however, it turned out that it was almost impossible to write this combination, I’m not afraid of this word, letters, which is why I had to stop at more simple version"WoofMeow." As they say, simple and tasteful...
- By the way, about the taste. I understand everything, but why does your newspaper smell like manure?
- You see, these are production costs... The way we print the newspaper is in full compliance with its name.
- Tell me, did you decide to become the editor of a veterinary newspaper since childhood?
- Undoubtedly! One day I came home, my dog ​​Tikhon was lying under the bed and looking at me with an unforgettable dog look, and there was a huge puddle near the bed. I was overwhelmed with feelings, and I realized: THIS IS MINE!!! Yes, I really had enuresis then...
- Well, let me remind you that our guest is the editor-in-chief of the WoofMeow newspaper. What current topics does your newspaper cover?
- And our special correspondent from the scene of events, Roman, will tell you about this.

(group “Ivanushki International”, song “Poplar Down”)
Chalk on the asphalt
You're circling the horse
Teeth, tail and mane
You touch it with a glove.
Do you remember last summer
The birds were in pain
But this summer
The flu has come to the stable...

Horses sneeze and cough
You must understand that the virus is so cruel
In our clinic, 86 specialists are fighting it.
Horse flu, heat, July,
Tears don't help
Only you don't trust anyone
And you prepare doses, doses, doses...
- Well, now I understand why there is a huge portrait of Ksenia Sobchak on the centerfold of your newspaper... And a text message arrived at our studio. Lidiya Vasilievna is interested in why some phrases are repeated three times in the newspaper?
- As you understand, not only people read us. For example, our regular reader is the parrot Arseny. It’s clearer to him that way. Our other regular reader, the goat Stepan, actually reads it to the core!
- So he just eats?
- Well, you can say it like this...
- The next question was sent by Innokenty Petrovich. Do you call all your pet readers by human names?
- Certainly! Moreover, I have a song for everyone. And for this occasion I took my guitar with me.

A song about Benjamin the skunk.
Everything now smells only of you
Lower belly, upper legs and wallpaper...
And immediately the ending:
Take the skunk with you
I don’t need it, believe me... Song about the cow Glasha:
Clover, you ate clover
I even tried to eat flowers
But she died
No or yes
No… Song about friends:
A couple of horses
Petya and Zhenya
Been moving all night
With great tension
Horse flu
Petya, Zhenya is no more Here's more:
I wanted to ride into the city on a white horse
But, alas, I did not find horses in Astana Or here's a song about impending danger:
From the south in full carriages
With cucumbers and tomatoes
Goes to Moscow
Freaky pig
And she has a brand on her back
It was printed in Georgia
It's scary to think
You have to believe and wait... - Thank you, very touching. What if we dig deeper?
- To the ground?
- Into history!
- Oh, few people know, but veterinarians are a very ancient profession! The first veterinarians appeared in Ancient Greece. After the capture of Troy, all Trojan horses began to be looked not only in the mouth, but also... deeper!
- But let me tell you that there were veterinarians in the era of dinosaurs...
- Alas, you are right here. There were no veterinarians then. And that's why they became extinct! But when mammoths appeared...
- Well, they died out too!
- Yes, we also have medical errors...
- And finally, I would like to know. Looking at your article headlines, for example: “The good Doctor Aibolit is sitting on chicken again,” “Glamourous fleas are getting themselves stylists,” etc., the question arises: does your newspaper raise serious topics?
- Well, you yourself wanted it... (group “Hands Up”, song “Alien Lips”)
To the veterinarian Romka
Goes to the reception again
A simple blind girl
With a guide dog
The red light came on
But she didn't know about it
The next morning about the tragic fact
The whole country found out
The moral of this song is very
Very, very simple
Dogs can be angry
Get yourself a cat

Professional living room

“Veterinarians of the vast country”

Target: Expand students' knowledge about future profession, instill love and respect for the veterinary profession.


Animal drawings, photographs, multimedia presentation,

poster “A doctor treats a person, and a veterinarian treats humanity” I. Pavlov.

The anthem “Veterinarians” sounds

Word from Kukhorenko T.A.

Presenter 1:

That's how it happened. They treated
From antiquity to the present day
All animals that have been tamed
And, at the same time, people.

Presenter 2:

Since primitive times, since man was able to tame animals, there has been a need to monitor their health.

Veterinarians first of all need to fight for the lives of their four-legged patients, making important decisions on the fly, and then treat them long and hard, while optimizing loving owners.

Previously, man not only looked for close friends in animals, but also learned from them in many things.

Presenter 1:

Today we invited you to a professional living room

“Veterinarians of the vast country.”

Presenter 1:

Veterinarian Lancet Proletarian,
The persecutor of minor deaths,
The last friend of four-legged creatures
In the age of non-four-legged speeds.

Presenter 2:
You can't see his portraits in the newspaper,
And glory does not stay in his house,
But animals, defenseless like children,
They trust him.
For them, with his mighty kindness
Exalted above all masters:
They caress them, teach them or torture them -

But only he heals and saves.

Presenter 1:

Characteristics of the veterinarian profession.

Reader 1

The word “veterinarian” translated into Russian means “healing livestock.”

A veterinarian provides medical and preventive care to animals and monitors the sanitary condition of the animals’ places of residence.

Reader 2

Our smaller brothers suffer from the same diseases as people:

This includes a common cold, a sore throat, and a stomach ulcer.

Treating animals is sometimes much more difficult than treating people.

The patient will not explain what and where it hurts, and will not describe the symptoms.

Reader 3

Helping someone in need has always been an honorable and important thing.

Two people come to see a veterinarian: an animal and its owner.

The vet needs to understand both. And animals, like their owners, have very different characters.

Moreover, it could be a cow, a cat, or even a parrot!

Reader 4

A veterinarian studies the causative agents of infectious diseases in animals, modernizes methods of mass preventive vaccinations, and carries out measures to protect animal health.

Conducts a constant fight against diseases common to humans and animals. A veterinarian controls the sanitary quality of livestock products: meat, milk, and eggs.

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 41"
Extracurricular activity
as part of events
V elementary school on career guidance
Prepared the event:
primary school teacher
Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 41"
Gorbunova Lyudmila Nikolaevna
Extracurricular activity scenario
Profession "Veterinarian"
expanding students' understanding of the variety of specialties in this profession.
introduce children to the profession of veterinarian;
give general information about the content of labor of this profession;
to form motivation and interest in work activities;
to form a respectful attitude towards working people;
develop intellectual and creative capabilities;
show ways of self-knowledge to determine your inclinations in the professional field.
Equipment and methodological support: computer, projector, screen, cards, presentation, poster.
I. Organizational moment. - Guys! Today we will learn a lot of interesting things, we will solve riddles, remember proverbs, fairy tales, and recite poems. First, let's get ready for good work.II. Psychological mood. - Everyone please stand in a circle. Hold hands and let's greet each other. Everyone turned to each other and smiled at each other. Turn to me, everyone, smile at me too. III. Progress of the event.
1. Guessing riddles about professions.
- Guess the riddles.
1) Tell me who is so delicious
prepares cabbage soup,
Smelly cutlets,
Salads, vinaigrettes? (Cook)
2) He runs the show, knows all the scenes by heart. He teaches how to play a role. What should you call him, friends? (Director)
3) This doctor is not just a doctor, He treats people’s eyes, Even if you see poorly, You can see everything with glasses. (Ophthalmologist)
4) A glass eye will point, click once - and we will remember you. (Photographer)
5) He protects nature, drives away poachers, and in winter he welcomes forest animals to visit the feeders. (Jaeger)
6) They put two dexterous hands on the heels on the shoes. And the heels on the heels are also the work of these hands. (Shoemaker)
7) He puts the bricks in a row,
He is building a kindergarten for the children.
Not a miner or a driver,
He will build us a house... Builder
8) He calculates precisely, so that everything is strong and durable. Without his calculations, the work will fall apart!
Know, baby, take an example,
Factory he ... Engineer
9) Who is on duty on the road all day long in the rain and snow? Who has a stern voice, even though he is a kind person?
Who instantly turns on the flashing light and bravely rushes in pursuit? (Inspector)
2. Determining the topic of an extracurricular activity.
- Guess the name of our event. To do this, make a word from the initial letters of the riddles.
- What word did you come up with? (Professions)
3. Competition “Guess the profession”
Who makes and sells medicines in the pharmacy?
Children's doctor?
Airline driver?
Who will give us a book to read?
Who bakes bread in the bakery?
Will the letter be delivered to our home?
Who will cook the broth for us?
Who will teach you everything, teach you how to count and write?
4. Guess the riddles:
1. Our dog has a fever
Cute little dog, don't cry.
Your doctor will cure you
Good doctor - veterinarian
2. A doctor, but not for children, but for birds and animals. He has a special gift, This doctor is... a veterinarian
5. Student presentation.
A veterinarian is a doctor who treats animals. The word veterinarian in Latin means one who treats livestock.
A doctor is a doctor for humans, a veterinarian is a doctor for humanity.
6. Teacher's story
Veterinary medicine is very ancient history, and the profession of a doctor who heals animals is most likely one of the most humane in the world. It is the healers of “silent creatures” who must have special, almost absolute kindness and compassion. Because our younger brothers cannot talk about their illnesses or be indignant if treatment fails.
History of the profession
The first veterinarians appeared in pastoral tribes several thousand years ago. Already at that time, some herbs, such as wormwood, were used to treat animals.
In ancient states they understood how necessary the profession of a veterinarian was, and they greatly valued such people.
Ancient Egypt. In Ancient Egypt there was an educational institution called the House of Life. Medicinal papyri found during excavations described recipes for preparing medicines for bulls, sheep, pigs, goats, and geese.
Ancient Greece. In ancient Greece there were horse doctors. They were called hippiaters.
Ancient India. In India, the profession of a veterinarian was very honorable. Here the priests treated animals.
Ancient Rus'. They have long treated cattle in Rus'. The first written mention of horse doctors can be read in Novgorod scribe books of the 15th century. In the 17th century, the stable department created stables where horses belonging to royal family and her associates.
Emperor of Russia Peter I
The emergence of veterinary medicine in Russia as a science is associated with the name of Peter the Great. It was during his reign that the first veterinary schools were opened and books on veterinary medicine began to be published.
King Louis XV of France
Veterinary medicine became a science and profession in the modern sense 250 years ago.
In 1761, King Louis XV of France, concerned about diseases in cattle, proposed the founding of a veterinary school in Lyon.
The first veterinary clinicians in Russia were Y. K. Kaidanov, P. I. Lukin, G. M. Prozorov, I. I. Ravich, X. G. Bunge7. Competition "Guess"
- Look at the photos on the slides and guess where veterinarians work:
(children guess where veterinarians work)
- in veterinary clinics,
- at veterinary stations,
- in food markets,
- at poultry markets,
- in zoos,
- in animal hospitals,
- at agricultural enterprises.
8. Teacher's story.
What professional qualities should a veterinarian have:
- accuracy;
- discipline;
- responsibility;
- forethought;
- punctuality, pedantry;
- ability to switch from one activity to another;
- ability to plan your activities over time;
- switchability of attention (the ability to quickly switch attention from one object to another or from one activity to another).
What human qualities should a veterinarian have:
- developed observation skills,
- memory,
- logical thinking,
- patience,
- friendly attitude towards animals.
The list of animals that must be examined by a veterinarian includes:
- horses,
- cattle,
- small cattle,
- pigs,
- rabbits,
- poultry,
- camels,
- dogs, cats, mice, decorative animals, etc.
What veterinarians study:
Veterinarians study the anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and microbiology of animals. In addition to general disciplines, a veterinarian must know private ones - private physiology (for example, dogs), diseases of bees and fish, as well as veterinary and sanitary examination of animal raw materials (skin, fur, meat, milk, fish, etc.) August 31 - Vet Day
In 2011, a new professional holiday- Veterinarian's Day.
But it was announced not by secular authorities, but by Patriarch Kirill. Therefore, the holiday of “Aibolit” is celebrated on August 31 - the Day of the Holy Martyrs Florus and Laurus, who have long been prayed for in Rus' for the protection and healing of livestock...
9. Sketch based on the work of K.I. Chukovsky’s “Aibolit” Presenter: - Good Doctor Aibolit! He sits under a tree. Come to him for treatment, a cow, a she-wolf, a bug, a worm, and a bear! Good Doctor Aibolit will heal, heal everyone! And the fox came to Aibolit:
Fox: - Oh, I was bitten by a wasp! Presenter: - And the watchdog came to Aibolit. Barbos: - A chicken pecked me on the nose! Presenter: - And the hare came running and screamed.
Hare: -Ay, ah! My little bunny got hit by a tram! My little bunny, my boy Got hit by a tram! He was running along the path, And his legs were cut, And now he’s sick and lame, My little bunny! Presenter: - And Aibolit said.
Aibolit: - No problem! Bring him here! I'll sew him new legs, He'll run along the path again. Presenter: - And they brought him a bunny, So sick and lame. And the doctor sewed on his legs, And the bunny jumps again. And with him the mother hare also went to dance, and she laughed and screamed. The hare: - Well, thank you, Aibolit!
10. Competition “Continue the phrase”
- The tractor is driven by ... the tractor driver. - The electric train ... the driver. - The walls were painted ... by the painter. - The board was planed by ... the carpenter. - The light was installed in the house by ... the fitter. - In the mine, ... the miner is working. - In the hot forge ... the blacksmith. - Who knows everything - Well done!
11. Competition “Say the proverb”
He who doesn't work doesn't... eat.
Labor feeds a person, but laziness... spoils him.
Don’t teach by idleness, but teach... by handicraft.
More action - less... words.
To live without anything is only heaven... to smoke.
You can’t even take a fish out of the pond without difficulty.
12. Working with cards.
- Guys, there are cards in front of you. Each card has a word written on it. You need to make a sentence from these words and explain this statement.
A profession is work to which a person devotes his entire life.
IV. Result of the event. - Guys, our interesting event has come to an end. In order to find your favorite business, you need not only to know a lot about professions. You need to listen to yourself, to your inner state, what your soul is about. I think when you grow up, you will choose a profession that you like and will love it. It will make you happy, but remember, any of them is necessary and important, no matter where you work and no matter what you do, you will bring joy and benefit to people.
V. Reflection.- What new have you learned about the profession of Veterinarian?
- What qualities should a veterinarian have?
- Guys, what did you like about the event?

Happy people are Russian veterinarians. Not only do they have a favorite profession, but they can celebrate their holiday twice a year! This is not a joke. Indeed, International Veterinarian Day is celebrated in April. But the Russians don’t stop there. Since 2011, by the decision of Patriarch Kirill, a new Orthodox Veterinarian's Day has been established, which falls on August 31.

The date of celebration was not determined by the Orthodox community by chance. This is the day of remembrance of the martyrs Florus and Laurus, who are considered the patrons of livestock. They are often depicted on icons with horses, but all veterinary doctors receive heavenly intercession from the saints. That is why academicians of the Russian Agricultural Academy proposed August 31 for the celebration and found support from both the church and veterinarians.

Happy Veterinarian's Day - a worthy holiday -
Those with a kind heart and a calm mind
He boldly helps our smaller brothers.
May fate give you generous gifts!

After all, it’s not easy for specialists to be like that,
May life give you access to health
And, of course, fortunately - you deserve it.
Much patience, joy and strength to you!

Good Doctor Aibolit
He sits in the veterinary hospital.
And they bring the little animals to him -
From kittens to frogs.
And puppies and hamsters,
Snakes, fish, spiders...
He will heal everyone, he will heal,
It won't hurt anyone.
And the good old man will celebrate
Holiday - Veterinarian's Day!

Happy Vet Day! May this kind and noble profession give you good bear health, soft cat tenderness and affection in love, decent material supplies and more reasons for puppy delight.

Veterinary work is very honorable.
May gratitude not always find you,
But among many hundreds of other professions
Your position is very firm.

Your calling is to be for the little brothers
A psychologist, and a friend, and a doctor.
It’s hard to downplay your merits -
Without you, we will be lost one hundred percent.

Who else, if not you, to our dear pets
Will it help you to always be healthy?
So be always protected by fate,
Veterinary workers!

From myself and from my little brothers
We hasten to congratulate you,
We know that animals are treated
People are just big souls!

You're probably in the genes somewhere
Aibolit's relatives,
The stable is the same scene for you,
Animals are the same kids!

So let everything work out
Every day and every hour
Happy holiday, veterinarians!
Happiness and goodness to you!

To be happy under the sun,
So as not to know troubles with your pet,
Everyone knows the pet's illness
A doctor with the prefix “vet” treats.

The animals are all wagging their tails -
It's like he's sacred to them.
They salute with a ringing bark
And they whine shyly.

He will bandage it, bandage it...
Saving a life is a great gift.
Preserves our happiness
Good veterinarian.

Happy Veterinarian's Day
We are the ones who heal all animals,
They have a very big heart
And there are no kinder people in the world,
We wish all Aibolit
Good luck, happiness, long years,
Let the animals recover
And may there be many victories!

Happy Veterinarian's Day.
And I wish you a successful life,
So that work brings joy,
Inspired, gave strength.

And for the fact that you are good,
To be always deservedly respected.
More joyful, happy moments for you,
Only patients who are recovering for you.

Happy Veterinarian's Day!
May it be for your good deeds
Kindness to you like a gentle cat
Regularly goes to purr.

To treat, you yourself do not get sick,
Be happy. We really need you.
I wish you the best in the world,
May everything you wish come true.

Let your patients
Less grinning at you.
Let only gratitude
Coming from their eyes.

Let everyday life be easier
No emergency problems
Let there be more joyful
At work you have topics.

Resistance to stress,
After all, patients are not simple.
Health and success,
And more kindness.

You give injections to dogs and cats
And you treat sick tails,
You, like Aibolit, will understand them perfectly
And quickly apply bandages!

Happy Veterinarian's Day, I congratulate you
From the bottom of my heart I want
Add “Thank you” from all patients
Such a great doctor!

Congratulations: 65 in verse, 13 in prose.

Happy veterinarian's day picture

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