How to properly store medicinal plants.

Medicinal plants are usually stored whole in dry, cool rooms, always protected from direct contact. sun rays. It is not recommended to grind plants for long-term storage, since the active substances contained in it are easily destroyed in the presence of moisture in the atmosphere and due to oxidation by oxygen.

Scented and essential oil plants should be stored separately from non-scented ones, otherwise they may be spoiled. If you still have to store the plants crushed, they should be packed in glass jars and tightly closed with a lid. When storing all types of medicinal plants, they must be labeled with the exact name and date of collection.

Even with proper storage of medicinal plants, the amount of active substances in it decreases over time, therefore, shelf life has been established for each type. Flowers and herbs, as well as leaves, are stored for 1 to 2 years; fruits from 2 to 3 years; roots, rhizomes, tubers and barks I from 3 to 5 years. For some plants, these terms are slightly different: for example, bearberry leaves are stored for up to 5 years, horsetail grass - up to 4 years, licorice root - up to 10 years, and raw materials such as moss spores can be stored for a very long time.

Recipes for blood purification.

  • Pour 1-2 teaspoons of crushed burdock root into a glass of cold water, leave for 12 hours, boil a little and strain. Drink morning and evening for 14 days.
  • Place two finely chopped cloves of garlic in a glass of milk (or water). Bring to a boil, leave for 10 minutes. Take once a week.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 2 pinches of red pepper and 1 tablespoon of maple juice to a glass of mineral water. Drink 1/2 liter of this drink daily. At this time, it is not recommended to consume spicy, starchy foods, meat and alcoholic beverages. The protein deficiency is replenished with cottage cheese and yogurt.
  • Recipes for fatigue, overwork and increased nervousness.

    Recipes for nervousness.

  • Drink one glass of water in which potatoes were boiled in their skins 3 times a week.
  • Stir raw yolk in a glass of hot milk, add a little sugar and drink slowly. You can do this 2-3 times a day.
  • Grate peeled garlic, mix with honey (preferably linden) in ratio B and take a tablespoon with a drink. warm water, before bed.
  • Recipes for headaches.

  • Apply slices of cut potatoes to your forehead.
  • Pour boiling milk over the egg, stir and drink immediately. This treatment cures migraines within a week.
  • Vascular spasm can be relieved by immersing your arms up to your elbows in hot water for 10-15 minutes.
  • Recipes for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

  • Mix a glass of crushed beets and boiled in milk with a glass of honey. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals for weakness of the heart muscle for a month. After a break, the course of treatment can be repeated.
  • For atherosclerosis and high blood pressure, the following collection is recommended: 3 parts horse sorrel herb, 2 parts celandine herb, 1 part plantain leaves, 2 parts marsh grass, 3 parts lemon balm herb. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for about an hour, strain. Drink one and a half tablespoons 7-8 times a day.
  • For low blood pressure, it is recommended to collect equal parts of cumin fruits, hawthorn flowers and valerian root. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into 2.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 10 hours and strain. Take half a glass 3 times a day.

    Recipes for diseases gastrointestinal tract.

    Blessed is he who is early in the morning
    Has a chair without forcing.
    That's why food suits the gut,
    And all pleasures are available.

  • Pass 100 g of dried apricots through a meat grinder, add 100 g of prunes, 100 g of raisins, 50 g of honey, mix everything and take a tablespoon during dinner for constipation.
  • Infusion and tincture of calendula flowers are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gall bladder, and chronic colitis. Brew a teaspoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 0.5 cups 4 times a day.
  • To treat stomach ulcers, a decoction of yarrow is recommended: brew 1.5 tablespoons of yarrow flowers in an enamel bowl with a glass of boiling water, cover and simmer on low heat for 15 minutes, then leave for 1-2 hours and strain; Take the infusion one tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  • A decoction of dandelion root has long been used to improve appetite, as a choleretic, for insomnia, gastritis with low acidity, for jaundice, as a means of enhancing the action of the pancreas, for stomach ulcers. Pour 5 level tablespoons of roughly crushed roots into a liter of boiling water and simmer covered for 20 minutes. Cool, strain and take half a glass warm an hour before meals 3 times a day.
  • Recipes for diseases of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas.

  • Chaga - a birch mushroom - is used for diseases of the liver and spleen. Pour a piece of dry mushroom with warm boiled water for 4 hours (to soften), then grind it on a grater or meat grinder. Pour one part of the raw material into 5 parts of warm boiled water and leave for 2 days in a cool, dark place. Then strain the infusion and squeeze out.

    Take a glass 1-3 times a day. During treatment with chaga, a diet using vegetable oil is recommended. The use of antibiotics and glucose injections is contraindicated.

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of leaves or a tablespoon of white birch buds into an enamel bowl with half a liter of boiling water, add a quarter teaspoon of baking soda (to dissolve the resinous substances), leave for 1 hour, strain. Take half a glass 4 times a day for liver diseases.
  • For cholecystitis, a decoction of fumaria officinalis, agrimony, common chicory, St. John's wort, and chamomile flowers is recommended. Pour 4 tablespoons of the mixture into a liter of cold water, bring to a boil, and boil for 2-3 minutes.
  • Recipes for cleansing the body of salts and toxins.

  • Heat an old silver coin over a fire and place it in a glass of water, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach every day for a week.
  • To increase the excretion of salts in the urine, take red currant juice.
  • Cut the onion head in half. Place 1 drop of tar on each half. Apply to the place where salts are deposited.
  • Rinse 3 tablespoons of rice, add clean water and leave until morning, cook without salt and eat on an empty stomach 3-4 hours before breakfast. Do this every day for 3-4 weeks. Joint pain subsides within 4-5 days.
  • Fast for 3-7 days.
  • Do cleansing enemas daily using 1 liter of water with the addition of a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Every day during fasting, take a hot bath for 10-20 minutes.
  • The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a year, preferably on spring and spring days. autumn equinox. The main indicator of getting rid of salts is increased flexibility. In addition, after fasting, performance and endurance increase, and sexual strength increases.
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    By using the products that you almost always have at home, you can achieve the same good cosmetic effect as using store-bought cosmetics. In addition, you can be sure that they will slip you a cheap fake high price. And the effect will be no worse. Here are the preparations of scrubs and masks for hair, face and body from those products that are available in every kitchen, folk beauty recipes from the kitchen shelf.

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    Folk recipes beauty

    Kitchen pantry health

    Look in the refrigerator and on the kitchen shelves, you will probably find something there that you can use to make a face and body scrub or a healthy nutritional supplement. Fans will especially like recipes for quick “at-home” care natural remedies, because such cosmetics contain no fragrances, preservatives, or substances that can harm the environment.

    Sea salt for beauty

    For example, sea salt is an excellent natural peeling. You can cleanse the skin of your entire body using a scrub made from a small handful of salt and heavy cream or sour cream. This mixture should be applied to a damp body and massaged gently, focusing special attention places where the skin is rougher - elbows, knees. A scrub made from dried coffee grounds and olive oil will help achieve the same wonderful result.

    Sea salt, containing many beneficial microelements, perfectly saturates the skin with the nutrients it needs. It is useful for making hands and feet. To make such a bath, salt is dissolved in a small bowl of warm water. For better results, you can add a few drops of essential aromatic oil, such as lemon, to the water.

    The best and simple beauty recipes

    1. Another great kitchen cleanser is cornmeal. To obtain flour, corn grits must be finely ground in a coffee grinder. Add water to the flour, apply the resulting paste evenly to your face and leave for 15-20 minutes. The mask will work better if, after applying it, you lie down and relax, and when finished, moisturize your skin with cream.
    2. An oatmeal mask, for the preparation of which oatmeal is also ground in a coffee grinder, cleanses, softens and nourishes the skin well. At the same time, than more sensitive skin, the finer you need to grind the flour. Add a little water to it (if oily skin) or cream (for dry skin) to make a paste, and the mask is ready!
    3. You can cleanse your facial skin and give it a fresh look with a mixture of shaving soap, table salt and a pinch of soda. This mixture perfectly cleanses pores of impurities. And if you first take a steam bath for your face (in other words, breathe in the steam), using decoctions of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile or calendula, the effect will be even more noticeable.
    4. Regular tea bags can be an excellent tonic for the skin around the eyes. You need to brew the bags as usual, then remove them, cool them, apply them to your eyes and lie down for 10-15 minutes.

    More products and recipes for health and beauty

    A large number of substances beneficial for the skin are found in products such as cottage cheese, banana, pear, honey, lemon, strawberries.

    1. Lemon juice returns shine to hair, and for the face, especially for oily skin, a mask made from egg whites, to which a couple of drops of lemon juice is added, will be very useful.
    2. And to give softness and shine to your hair, an egg yolk mask with lemon juice is also added.
    3. A banana pulp mask softens the skin and smoothes out wrinkles, and a pear pulp mask will give any skin type smoothness and elasticity, as well as a fresh strawberry mask, which is especially useful for dry facial skin.

    Aloe in hair mask

    Aloe grows in many homes; it is also called agave. If you take one fleshy leaf of this medicinal plant, make a paste out of it (using a meat grinder or blender), add a spoonful of honey and castor oil (it can be replaced with egg yolk) - you will get a wonderful nourishing mask for hair. Do it once a week before washing your hair, and you need to keep the mask on your hair for an hour and a half.
    You can also use aloe.

    Try at least a couple of these simple ones folk beauty recipes, because they were successfully used to preserve theirs and their great-grandmother’s when “store-bought” cosmetic products were unavailable.


    Recipes traditional medicine most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an addition to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

    Don't self-medicate!

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    Of course, every girl wants to be irresistible. But not everyone is ready to shell out all their money on various cosmetics that don’t even necessarily help. And that's right. There are a huge number of folk beauty recipes. These are products for hair, face, hands and the whole body, which can be made from improvised, and most importantly - natural products that will not cause a chemical attack on your body. Let's look at some of them.

    Hair care

    Let's start with the hair. Beautiful long hair are a real pride for a girl. And, of course, they require constant care. Next folk remedies will help you with this care.

    Hair shampoo

    To make shampoo at home you will need the following ingredients:

    • 140 grams coarse corn flour
    • 20 drops castor oil
    • 30 drops of any essential oil, whichever you prefer

    Preparing shampoo is extremely simple:

    1. mix all the above ingredients
    2. After this, massage the resulting product onto your hair, starting from the roots.
    3. massage your head some more
    4. then rinse off the product with a stream of warm water

    Hair spray

    To prepare the spray you need the following ingredients:

    • 3 lemon wedges for blonde hair and 3 orange for dark
    • 250 milliliters of water
    • 50 milliliters of vodka

    A hair care spray is made from natural ingredients as follows:

    1. Immerse lemon or orange slices in hot water for half an hour
    2. After this, strain the resulting broth and wait until it cools completely
    3. then dilute it with 50 milliliters of vodka
    4. mix everything well and pour the product into a spray bottle

    Hand and nail care

    Nail growth accelerator

    To make this product you need:

    • one dessert spoon of wheat butter
    • two dessert spoons of castor oil
    • the same amount of salt

    Prepare the product as follows:

    1. All these components must be mixed
    2. then transfer it to a sealable container
    3. Shake the resulting mixture thoroughly in this container.
    4. After this, apply the product to your nails and leave for five minutes.
    5. After this period, the drug must be washed off with a stream of water.

    Hand care cream

    The cream prepared according to the recipe described below will significantly soften and moisturize the skin of your hands. For it you should prepare the following ingredients:

    • a quarter cup of olive oil
    • the same amount of vodka
    • one dessert spoon of lemon juice
    • one tablespoon of crushed flower petals (pre-dried)
    • the same amount
    • 100 milliliters of water

    For making nourishing cream do the following steps:

    1. pour into a bowl olive oil, vodka, lemon juice and water
    2. then mix all these ingredients well
    3. then add sea ​​salt and flower petals (if you couldn’t find the petals, it’s okay, you can do without them)
    4. stir everything well again
    5. After this, apply the resulting mixture to your hands and leave it for a few minutes.
    6. After this period, rinse off the cream with warm water.

    Facial care

    Chocolate orange lip balm

    For the balm you will need the following ingredients:

    • three tablespoons cocoa butter
    • one dessert spoon of vitamin E in oil
    • several bars of dark chocolate (delicious milk chocolate, unfortunately, will not work)
    • orange

    At home, lip balm is made as follows:

    1. First of all, melt the cocoa butter in the microwave.
    2. Immediately add chocolate to this butter and stir until it melts
    3. If you can’t melt the chocolate, put the mixture in the microwave for some more time.
    4. then add vitamin E to the resulting mass and squeeze a little orange juice into it
    5. mix everything well to obtain a homogeneous mass, and transfer this mass into some convenient small jar
    6. When the resulting product has cooled completely, you can start using it.

    Face masks

    Protein mask

    This mask only requires one or two proteins chicken eggs and a drop of lemon juice. And the effect it gives is simply amazing! Rejuvenates, tightens the skin, smoothes wrinkles and fine lines and opens the eyes.

    1. add a drop of lemon juice to egg white, separated from the yolk
    2. beat the resulting mixture thoroughly
    3. After that, apply this mixture to your face and hold until the product is completely dry.
    4. then wash it off with warm water

    Calendula tincture mask

    1. take one tablespoon of tincture of the medicinal plant calendula
    2. dilute it with one tablespoon of cold, pre-boiled or purified water
    3. Soak cotton pads in the resulting liquid and place them on your face for 30 minutes.

    Calendula has disinfecting properties and is included in a variety of cosmetics.

    Don't forget to also use vegetables, fruits and berries to care for your skin. This could be regular circles of sliced ​​cucumber placed on the eye area, and a few mashed berries, or any other ones, applied to the face for a few minutes. Raw zucchini is good for dry and inflamed skin. Raspberries and grapes perfectly moisturize the skin. Lingonberries, cherries, and currants have the property. Peach will invigorate tired skin. And the tomatoes will dry out too much.

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    Every woman wants to be beautiful. And this applies not only holidays, but also everyday life, so everyone is interested in folk beauty recipes. Firstly, it’s a pleasure to sit at the table and prepare masks, scrubs, and creams on your own. Secondly, it significantly saves the family budget.

    There are a lot of recipes for the beauty and health of the body, and at first you may even get confused about where to stop. To make it easier to navigate this issue, you should decide which part of the body you need to work with first - face, arms, legs, stomach, etc. For each area, you can use your own homemade beauty recipes.

    Facial mask

    The older a woman gets, the more she begins to pay attention to the condition of her facial skin, because it is this part of the body that is always open to people. All kinds of cosmetics, polluted air, working in hazardous working conditions, constant stress always leave their mark. Not everyone can afford to go to beauty salons and undergo expensive procedures. As for home remedies, they are easy to make at home, and all the ingredients can be found in a pharmacy or store.

    A homemade beauty mask for facial skin will help get rid of such unpleasant problems:

    • dry or oily skin;
    • wrinkles;
    • peeling and irritation;
    • acne;
    • post-acne;
    • pigmentation that appears with age;
    • skin aging;
    • blue circles under the eyes due to chronic fatigue;
    • impurities, including blackheads.

    Folk beauty recipes are based on those products that are on our table or in the refrigerator almost every day. So, what can you use on your facial skin to achieve health and beauty?

    Honey and potatoes

    Honey has such a wide spectrum of action that it is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. For a beautiful and youthful face, you can use the following recipes:

    1. To get rid of wrinkles, honey (1 tsp), bio-yogurt (5 tsp), lavender oil (2 drops) and egg yolk (1 pc.) are mixed in a glass container until smooth. The resulting mixture is applied to the face with massage movements, and after 15 minutes, washed off with warm water. It is advisable to apply moisturizer.
    2. To make a lifting beauty mask, you will need yolk, honey, peach oil and rowan juice (1 tsp each). The ingredients are mixed, and the resulting mixture is applied to the skin of the face and neck and left for 20 minutes. The procedure must be repeated every 2 days for 25 days.
    3. For the third beauty product you will need dandelion (10-15 flowers), which should be finely chopped. Add 2 tbsp to the resulting slurry. honey, then mix thoroughly and apply to the face for 15 minutes.

    Many recipes for youthful and beautiful skin include potatoes. The fact is that this product contains a large amount of vitamins B, C and K, choline, thiamine, and selenium. They help restore the natural balance of moisture, tighten the skin, eliminate pigmentation and acne. To make your face regain its former beauty and freshness, you can try the following recipes:

    1. Medium potatoes are finely chopped so that maximum juice is retained. The resulting pulp is applied to the skin of the face in the form of a compress (you can use gauze for this). This mask is left on for 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.
    2. Oily skin can also be helped, but in this case carrots will be an addition. Potatoes and carrots should have the same ratio when both are chopped. Since the mixture will be too liquid, make it thick with a small amount of flour. The beauty mask is applied for 15 minutes and then washed off.

    Bananas, eggs and more

    Bananas, like honey, in addition to being used in medicine, are also popular among cosmetologists. This product is even included in many expensive facial care products. But why pay more when there are homemade beauty recipes that will have no less effect on your skin? For the face, banana is used in the following ways:

    1. To rejuvenate the skin, the pulp is turned into a soft substance, to which honey and sour cream (1 tsp each), as well as 1 yolk, are added. The resulting mask should remain on the face for 25-30 minutes, after which it is removed with water. But there is little secret: Removal of the remaining pulp should be done with patting movements.
    2. Banana is good for restoring water balance, as it contains vitamins for the beauty of the skin, especially if it is inflamed.

    To do this, you will need chopped banana pulp (1/3 of the fruit), to which fresh milk (2 tbsp) is added. If the consistency is too liquid, then it can be packed in a gauze bandage and such a compress applied to the face (15 minutes). In this case, the mask is removed using a cotton pad, which is pre-moistened with milk (low-fat).

    This product is good for ridding the skin of freckles and pigmentation, as it is a natural whitener. To take advantage of this property of the fruit, mix half a banana with lemon juice (1 tsp). This mask stays on the face for no longer than 15 minutes.

    Eggs are a natural source of protein and contain beauty vitamins. To saturate the skin, one yolk mixed with cucumber (1 tablespoon puree), apple (1 tablespoon puree), honey (1 tablespoon) and wheat honey (2 tablespoons) is enough. This mask is applied to the face and kept for about 20 minutes, repeating the procedure 2 times a week.

    Also egg masks eliminate excess fat from the skin, but in this case you will need protein whipped until foamy. Cover your face with this mixture and wait 30 minutes. For maximum effect, everything needs to be washed off. mineral water, and then wipe with an additional ice cube.

    Even by applying ordinary oatmeal to your face, you can provide your skin with health and vitamins. But ancient beauty recipes recommend grinding the porridge finely along with honey, peach or olive oil and yogurt, and applying this mixture to the skin (for 15 minutes).

    If you want your grandmother’s beauty recipes to have maximum effect, then before any procedure you need to prepare your facial skin.

    To do this, you need to steam your face using inexpensive pharmaceutical products in the form of herbal teas. Usually, holding your head above the steam for 10 minutes is enough for the pores to open.

    A woman should make various masks from time to time and take preventive measures. For example, a diet of youth and beauty, which includes avoiding all confectionery, flour, fatty, and smoked foods, will help not only keep the skin’s water balance at the required level, but also reduce the risk of diseases throughout the body.

    Cosmetologists give their clients a number of instructions that help maintain the effect of the procedure for a longer time. For example, a cream intended to care for the skin around the eyes should contain the following substances:

    • collagen - tightens the skin and gives it elasticity;
    • green tea extract - normalizes skin color;
    • manganese - eliminates dark circles under the eyes;
    • caffeine - promotes skin tone.

    For the eyes, it is good to make lotions from a decoction of calendula flowers.

    The following recipe is good for such purposes: pour calendula (2 tablespoons) with boiling water (1 glass) and leave for 15-20 minutes to brew. Cotton pads are dipped into the resulting liquid (if it has not cooled down, then it should be strained and placed in a cool place), which are then applied to the eyes. This compress lasts 15 minutes, and for the calendula to work better, you should cover your face with cling film and a terry towel.

    To have less on your face facial wrinkles, your face should not come into contact with the pillow while sleeping. Drinking a lot at night also contributes to this problem.

    It is useful to do ice procedures for tone. Ice cubes can be used from plain water or frozen green tea. This operation is carried out in the morning, when all hygiene procedures have been carried out. But the cream cannot be applied to the face for another hour.

    After masks, peelings, scrubs, you need to let the skin breathe and only then apply the cream. Besides this cosmetic product must contain vitamins A, E, D.

    You can make your own moisturizer, which will save money. To provide beauty to the skin from the pharmacy, you only need camphor alcohol, chamomile and lanolin.

    After the chamomile is brewed, it is left to brew. Meanwhile, you need to mix the yolk, vegetable oil(2 tsp) and honey (1 tsp), to which infusion (1 tsp), camphor alcohol (15 ml) and lanolin (15 ml) will be added later.

    All components must be mixed until smooth. The cream is used as needed, kept on the face for no more than 15 minutes (removed from the skin using paper towels) and must be stored in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

    Proper body care

    In order for your body to look toned, you should also take care of it. Yoga is good for health, but the course of such classes should be selected by a specialist. Do not forget that proper nutrition plays an important role for beauty.

    Every woman experiences problems with her décolleté as she ages: these could be pimples or loss of skin tone. A white clay mask will help with this. But it should be applied not only to the chest, but also to the neck, since these two areas are interconnected.

    In addition, for your beauty from the pharmacy you need and essential oils herbs and pine needles. They are added to the bath, which is taken before bed. This will saturate the skin with essential microelements. Of course, it is also important healthy image life. Any bad habit affects not only the internal state, but also the external appearance. Therefore, if beauty and health are expensive, then you will have to work on yourself.


    This is a universal detergent, suitable for washing dishes and washing plumbing fixtures. The good thing about it is that it contains only 3 components that cannot, in principle, cause allergies, which means that it is environmentally friendly. It dries your hands moderately, yes, but no more than after a regular detergent.

    Grate ordinary laundry soap on a coarse grater (you can use baby soap). The proportions are as follows: for 100 grams of soap, add 100 grams of warm or even better hot water. Then whisk everything with a whisk until strong foam, and then pour in 75 grams of soda. The result is a paste. It can be enriched with any essential oil - it’s a matter of your taste. Cleans dishes, sink and bath with a bang.


    YouTube Video

    Every housewife probably has “grandmother’s” cast iron cookware stored somewhere in the kitchen! The cast iron that you can buy now cannot be compared with the quality that was before. But how to cook delicious dishes when the dishes are covered with an unwashable burnt layer of fat? And is it possible to give your favorite saucepan a second life? There is a way out! This method will make your old favorite dishes look like new!

    So, first we need the simplest tools available at first glance, and these are:

    1) universal PVA glue (regular medium jar, I have 125 g) 1 pc.

    2) laundry soap 72% 1 pc.

    So, first, grate the laundry soap on a coarse grater. I pour water into a large container (in my case, a large deep basin) and bring it almost to a boil. At this point, I reduce the heat and pour grated soap and PVA glue into the basin. I mix everything thoroughly so that the soap dissolves. I put a frying pan that has been “killed” over the years into the resulting solution... And... don’t be alarmed... I cook it for 2 hours over medium heat, adding water when part of the solution evaporates. !!! During the entire time of this work I had the hood turned on. This in no way means that there will be a strong smell! There is a child in the apartment, so, as they say, out of harm's way... After 2 hours, I drained all the solution and cooled the pan itself a little under running water. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this solution makes the fat itself very soft. In some places it began to crumble on its own. I brought it to perfect shine by regular cleaning with a metal sponge. The process itself took me about 30-40 minutes. Believe me, this method is the most effective and simple, and most importantly not expensive! And here is the result - the dishes sparkle and beg to be cooked in them!


    On the shelves of many domestic stores you can still see nondescript, brown pieces of laundry soap. This product costs a penny, the smell leaves much to be desired, despite the abundance of modern detergents, it seems that this product is not at all competitive in the market. Widespread use of laundry soap What do the numbers on a bar of soap mean? 72%, 70%, 65% are the percentage of fatty acids. The larger the number on a piece of laundry soap, the better it copes with dirt and infection. PROS –

    In fact, laundry soap has a number of properties that are not inherent in other detergents. The first advantage of laundry soap is that the product is made only from natural and environmentally friendly materials, vegetable oils and animal fats; the soap is hypoallergenic and completely harmless to the human body. This product is often recommended for washing clothes and bedding of small children. After washing, you can even water your house plants with soapy water; the water will not harm them, because there are no chemicals in the soap.

    Laundry soap is an indispensable assistant for a summer resident. Use it to clean any surfaces and utensils. Laundry soap also has a beneficial effect on the quality of some fabrics, such as wool. After washing woolen products with laundry soap, they acquire fluffiness and original softness.

    A long time ago...Back then, only cold water flowed in the shower, and laundry soap was provided. But when my father came to get his hair cut, the hairdressers were surprised: such thick hair- and absolutely no dandruff! Everyone was wondering why he washed his hair like that... My classmate had thick, luxurious hair below her butt. Such that she could not comb herself. Everyone gasped after her, but I couldn’t resist asking how she looked after them. The first wash is with shampoo (we wash off the main dirt), then - with household items. soap. I tried it! Six months later, instead of my three thin hairs - cool hair and 0 dandruff. I've been happy with my hair for 9 years now. Our neighbor told me that during the war she washed her hair with laundry soap, and her hair looked better than after washing with shampoo.

    One of my friends, on the advice of a teacher, relieved a child of a serious inflammation that was beginning to develop on his leg with the help of laundry soap. Laundry soap is successfully used to treat inflammatory processes (up to the onset of gangrene). Even gynecological diseases are successfully treated with laundry soap (in some maternity hospitals it is used to wash the floors in departments where newborns are kept). Surgeons know about the amazing ability of laundry soap to replace surgical gloves (if you lather it on your hands and leave it to dry) - they say that then, even with a cut during surgery, the risk of infection is minimal. Laundry soap is also an antiviral agent. And with this purpose it is successfully used in the intimate sphere for the prevention of various diseases.

    By washing your hair with laundry soap, you can ensure that your hair becomes thick and healthy (both dandruff and hair fragility disappear). True, so that the scalp does not become too dry after such a wash, you still need to rinse your hair with an acidic solution based on vinegar or lemon juice.

    It is recommended to wash your face with laundry soap - at least 2 times a week - so that your skin always looks young. After washing, you need to lubricate the skin with ordinary baby cream. Moreover, the effect of such washings, as those who have tried it say, is better than using expensive professional cosmetics. Washing the skin in a steam room with a birch broom soaked in a solution of laundry soap cleanses the skin very well: the skin is wonderfully cleansed and then seems to glow from the inside.

    You can cure an incipient runny nose with laundry soap. You need to make a soap solution, dip a cotton swab in it and treat your sinuses. Then (although it will sting a little at first) your nose will never be stuffy, and after 2-3 such treatments you will forget about the cold for a long time.

    When bitten by a dog, to prevent infection from entering the wound, it is advised to let the blood drain from the wound (it will wash away the bacteria), and then either apply gauze or bandage it with a bandage soaked in a solution of laundry soap.

    Laundry soap also successfully treats fungal foot infections. It is advised to thoroughly wash the affected areas of the skin with soap and a brush, and then treat the surface of the skin with iodine.

    Laundry soap is used to treat the skin for minor burns (for example, a household burn in the kitchen).

    After depilation, to prevent redness of the skin in sensitive areas, people also use laundry soap. You just need to lather yourself once and there will be no irritation. Laundry soap can successfully treat thrush and prickly heat. It is good for washing, it kills all bacteria and fungus such as thrush. When dealing with thrush, it helps a lot to lather your ring finger and coat your vagina as far as your finger will fit, that’s what they told me at the maternity hospital. If there are any problems in the oral cavity, you can treat your toothbrush with a solution of laundry soap and leave it overnight. By morning you will be sure that your toothbrush is completely disinfected. Laundry soap contains a lot of alkalis, which quickly and efficiently dissolve dirt and also have an antimicrobial effect. It is not for nothing that coarse laundry soap is still used in medicine as an antiseptic.

    When I served in the army, I treated foot fungus with laundry soap. Just for 1 week, morning and evening, wash your feet in cold water with laundry soap and the fungus is gone!

    A few years ago, my newly pierced ears became inflamed - just a black lump formed on the back of the lobe. I was already in the mood to take off my earrings and “fill in” my ears, but my mother took ordinary laundry soap, rubbed it with fine shavings, added onion juice and applied it all to my lobe for the day. In the evening I took everything off, then I lubricated my ear with alcohol for a couple more days, and everything went away. There were no more problems.

    Laundry soap is an excellent remedy for relieving swelling. To do this, just dilute the soap in water and rub the resulting solution on the bruise. The procedure must be performed several times a day.

    Acne remedy. Pour the laundry soap into a bowl, add water and beat it into a foam with a shaving brush. Now take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting foam, 1 tsp. extra salt and stir. Apply this mixture to a well-washed face. I warn you - it will sting a lot, but this just means that the healing process is underway. Keep the mask on for half an hour. Dry salt will remain on your face, brush it off and wash your face first with hot and then with cold water. This procedure should be done 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

    Remedy for boils. Mix grated onion, laundry soap and sugar in equal parts. Apply this ointment to the abscess and bandage it. This should be done at night, in the morning you will see that the wound has completely cleared. Doctors recommend washing with laundry soap once every two weeks: you will protect yourself from viruses and bacteria.

    For cracked heels and corns, make a bath of 2 liters of hot water, 1 teaspoon of soda and 1 tablespoon of shaved laundry soap.

    Laundry soap and rainwater will eliminate hair loss forever. Use only dark laundry soap to soap your hair. Do not use any other detergents. You should wash your hair 2 times a week. I did this for two months. The result is wonderful.

    If you anoint the bruised area with laundry soap, there will be no bruise.

    My mother also did this kind of peeling at home - a cosmetologist advised her back in Soviet times: apply foam from laundry soap to damp skin of the face and, with a cotton swab moistened with calcium chloride, wipe the face along the massage lines. The skin is cleansed very well. Mom looks very good and doesn’t understand my expenses for salon acid peels.

    Laundry soap is a remedy for burns. If you burn your hand or something else (in the kitchen, for example, with fire or boiling water), immediately wash the burn area with laundry soap and let it dry. Not only will there be no blisters from the burn, but there will also be no redness left!