It is unlikely that in everyday life a person thinks about how he breathes; this process is perceived as something natural, a reflex. However, there are situations when breathing needs to be controlled, and you need to learn how to do it correctly. Today we’ll talk about breathing exercises that help a woman relieve birth process.

Why is this important

During contractions, especially during labor, most women in labor are confused and nervous. Trying to somehow relieve the growing pain, they hold their breath or start screaming. Neither one nor the other is good for the mother and...

Proper breathing during childbirth and contractions greatly facilitates the situation:

  • by focusing on breathing exercises, a woman thinks less about pain;
  • it tightens less, allowing the muscles to relax and speed up the process of cervical dilatation;
  • correct measured technique saturates the maternal and child's body with oxygen, which is important when you consider the stress both experience during pregnancy.

Did you know? The frequency of inhalation and exhalation varies depending on the season. In the cold season, it is underestimated, according to scientists, this happens because the body saves energy in order not to become overcooled.

How to breathe correctly: we analyze childbirth step by step

Let's look at how to breathe correctly during and. The technique is actually not complicated: the main thing in it is to manage and control the frequency, uniformity and amount of inhalation and exhalation per different stages labor activity.

Latent phase

The first contractions are usually not painful, they resemble a nagging pain with. In this situation, you should not make any effort or special technicians, muscle contractions are not regular and not prolonged, with an interval of 20 to 40 minutes. This is a kind of signal that it is time to go to the maternity hospital. First of all, you need to calm down, breathe evenly and deeply, preparing the body for a more serious test.

End of the first phase

Gradually, the contractions intensify, and here you need to relax as much as possible: you don’t need to curl up into a ball, even if you really want to, and there’s no need to scream. By doing this, you strain your muscles and interfere with the flow of oxygen; in addition, strong tension can provoke muscle spasms in the neck.

The following technique is recommended: inhale long through your nose, exhale slightly shorter through your mouth, while keeping count, this will allow you not to get lost and think less about the pain. This relaxation will allow the cervix to open and the baby to move through the birth canal without stimulation from the obstetrician.

Active phase of labor

The active stage is accompanied by efforts, and it becomes more difficult to breathe smoothly. In this case, you should use the so-called dog technique:

  • While the contraction is going on, we take frequent inhalations and exhalations through our mouths, while filling the upper part of the lungs.
  • In the interval between attempts - take a deep breath, exhale slowly.

Important! Frequent shallow breathing is not typical for humans and can cause dizziness, so the intervals between contractions are filled with the usual deep saturation of the lungs with oxygen.

Increased contractions

The obstetrician will tell you how to breathe correctly during contractions in the midst of labor: exhaling through the mouth with the lips extended into a tube, as if directed downward, will help make it easier for the child to move through the birth canal. It is advisable not to sit or lie on your back, as this will compress the vena cava and impair blood flow to the uterus, placenta and fetus.

Transition phase

The transition phase usually accompanies the first birth. At this stage, pushing is actively underway, the fetus is already positioned head down and is ready to “exit”, but the cervix has not yet dilated to the required size. The stage is painful for a woman; she wants to push, but she cannot do this. Until the birth canal is fully open, the baby can be injured and can also cause serious injury to you in the form of tears in the cervical tissue. In this case, you need to “breathe” the effort with dog breathing: often and sharply drawing in and releasing air through the mouth.

Completion of labor

Let's figure out how to breathe correctly during the completion of the birth process. Lying in the birthing chair, the woman in labor rests against the leg devices and holds the arms of the chair with her hands, inhaling deeply through her nose, pressing her chin to her chest and exhaling, tensing abdominal muscles. When the head comes out, the obstetrician will tell you to stop pushing. The doctor will turn the baby into a position that is more comfortable for the body to pass through, and the woman in labor will be able to relax for a while.

Important! When pushing, you should not puff out your cheeks or strain your facial muscles; in this situation, the eye vessels may burst.

Birth of the placenta

The baby was born, but it is still necessary to “give birth” to the afterbirth. No special breathing technique is required here, since nature itself took care of the expulsion of the placenta. Within half an hour to forty minutes, the uterus repeats contractions that separate it from its walls and help it come out. The only thing is that the obstetrician can ask the woman in labor to push lightly to speed up the process.

Did you know? Another method has appeared in the repertoire of modern diagnosticians - “breathing prints”. By studying the contents of a person’s exhalation and the composition of the molecules it contains, specialists can identify a disease, and not only of the lungs. This method allows you to recognize a malignant tumor, gastrointestinal diseases and even brain diseases.

Early preparation: the key to successful childbirth

It is advisable to master breathing techniques in advance so as not to get confused during labor and childbirth. Exercise daily, but no more than ten minutes, rapid breathing can increase the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood, which will lead to dizziness.

Like physical exercise, breathing are divided into static and dynamic. The first ones are performed in a relaxed position, the second ones - during any movements.

Breathe with your belly:

  • we exhale all the air from the lungs, while the stomach is drawn in as much as possible;
  • We relax the abdominal muscles and gradually, starting from the lower sections, fill the lungs with oxygen.
You can monitor the process by pressing your palms to your stomach at the level of the lower ribs: we release the air - the palms are under the ribs, we press them in - they protrude with the stomach. The second exercise also begins with exhalation. The process is similar to the first exercise with a slight difference: everything is done slowly and smoothly, you need to feel how the air passes through all parts of the lungs.

"Breath of a Dog":

  • Deep exhale-inhale.
  • Then the tongue is pressed to the upper palate, breathing is not deep, sharp, for about 20 seconds.
  • Relax and repeat.
Breathing on the count:
  • Over the course of several minutes, counting to ourselves to four, we fill our lungs, then count down and release the air.
  • The cycle duration is about ten minutes.
At the end of the gymnastics, we breathe evenly and smoothly for about ten minutes, filling both the chest and stomach, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Strong tension of an unprepared woman in labor reduces labor activity, increases pain and leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus -. According to doctors, the immune system of such children is less adapted to negative influence external environment. Today there are many courses for expectant mothers that will help them prepare well for an important event.

Most pregnant women direct maximum attention to carrying the baby, and at first few people even think about how the most important process - the birth of the baby - will take place. But the closer the time of “X” comes, the greater the desire to learn how to behave correctly during labor and childbirth. Including how to breathe correctly. After all, breathing during childbirth determines how it will go, and the well-being of the mother in labor, and what’s more, proper breathing during contractions and pushing even affects the health of the baby.

So, what does breathing technique mean during childbirth, what exercises will help mommy ease the process of bringing the baby into the world? What is the difference between proper breathing during labor and childbirth? Let's figure it out.

· Correct breathing during childbirth (breathing during contractions and pushing)

Proper breathing during contractions and childbirth allows you to speed up labor, and in addition makes it possible to significantly alleviate the condition of the mother in labor and reduce painful sensations that accompany childbirth. How can breathing techniques during childbirth reduce pain? It’s very simple, thanks to muscle relaxation, calming breathing, and distraction, which is precisely what ensures proper breathing during childbirth. In addition, the correct breathing technique is designed in such a way that the diaphragm does not interfere during childbirth, but, on the contrary, helps the birth process.

Now about accelerating labor thanks to breathing: a “properly breathing” woman during childbirth concentrates her attention on controlling inhalation and exhalation and their correct alternation. Believe me, this does not distract you from being “obsessed” with pain, and, therefore, the muscles are not so tense, it is easier for the cervix to open, and therefore the birth process proceeds easier and faster.

When a woman uses proper breathing during childbirth, it helps saturate the entire body with more oxygen. This is extremely important for the muscles that work in “intensified mode” during childbirth; a lack of oxygen promotes spasms and reduces the effectiveness of pushing. And of course, oxygen is vital for the baby, especially in such a difficult period for him - proper breathing during contractions and pushing will help maintain his condition normally.

It would seem: some kind of nonsense - learning to breathe correctly! Breathing is an unconditioned reflex for every person; each of us is born with perfect breathing ability. So why are these breathing exercises needed during childbirth? The fact is that the birth process requires a woman to have a completely different breathing technique than in her normal state. There is a huge difference between how a person usually breathes and how they should breathe while giving birth, and proper breathing during contractions and pushing is really worth learning in advance. The most the best option will master breathing exercises during childbirth several months before they come in handy, nature itself “hints” to us about this, “sending” it long before childbirth. Having honed your breathing exercises, you will bring your skills to automaticity, and during the birth process you will not think about how you need to breathe in a certain time period. After all, the breathing technique during childbirth differs significantly in different periods of labor: breathing during contractions has its own characteristics, and breathing during pushing has its own. And in both cases, the main secret of proper breathing is control of inhalation and exhalation, complete control over breathing.

· Breathing technique during childbirth

As you already understood, in different periods During labor, a woman’s breathing technique during childbirth is also different. That is why there are several techniques, and breathing exercises during different labor periods are different from each other, that is, breathing during contractions and pushing is specific. Practice and perfect the exercises every time your training contractions begin, but under no circumstances push, just breathe.

Correctbreathing during contractions, video:

· Breathing technique during childbirth: proper breathing during contractions

The very first rule when true regular contractions occur is: do not squeeze, do not strain, do not try to suppress the pain. You can't scream or tense up. Otherwise, you will only aggravate the condition, both yours and your baby’s: firstly, you will not be able to get rid of the pain, and secondly, you will be exhausted and weakened by the time when a lot of effort is really required from you. If you strain with the onset of each new contraction, you yourself will prolong the labor process, suppress labor, the cervix will not be able to dilate to the required amount, and it is possible that doctors will be forced to resort to medicinal methods of pain relief and stimulation of labor. Moreover, when a woman is “squeezed” and focused on pain, the child receives significantly less oxygen than he needs, which negatively affects his health, and also his further development. For example, babies who suffered hypoxia (oxygen starvation) during childbirth have certain difficulties in the adaptation period, and often at a later age. Therefore, remember: don’t strain, don’t clamp down!!!

So, basic exercise on proper breathing at the beginning of contractions. Take a deep breath through your nose full breasts for 4 counts (count: one, two, three, four), exhale through the mouth in 6 counts (one, two, three, four, five, six). The exhalation should always be slightly longer than the inhalation. Exhale through the lips using a “tube”. This method allows a woman to relax and more actively saturate the blood with oxygen, because with a full exhalation, the body gets rid of more carbon dioxide, and the portion of air during inhalation will be larger, which means that the organisms of the mother and child will receive more oxygen. Remember: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Another breathing technique during contractions is called dog breath. The analogy, I think, is clear - you need to breathe like a dog on a hot day (it’s not necessary to stick out your tongue ;)). The essence of the exercise is shallow breathing: the mouth should be slightly open, inhalation and exhalation should be short through the mouth, exhale, as always, a little longer. And you don't have to be afraid to look funny. Remember: childbirth is not a time for narcissism and prejudice. Doctors and obstetricians won’t see anything new, and you won’t get a Grammy for your “performance.” By breathing correctly, you will help the doctors, yourself, and your child. The doggy style breathing technique during childbirth can be useful when the first exercise is no longer effective, does not help, and contractions become stronger. The main rule: the more intense the contractions, the faster the breathing should be.

· Breathing technique during childbirth: proper breathing during pushing

Here the obstetrician is already in command of the parade. It is the doctor who will tell the woman in labor how and when to breathe, how and when to push, and when this should absolutely not be done.

On average, the duration of one attempt is about a minute. Start off you should push as soon as you take a deep breath. So the entire volume of air that you inhaled will help, putting pressure on the uterus. The main thing is to do everything correctly, on command, and do not push on your head under any circumstances(do not create tension on the head and eyes). Otherwise, facial and eye vessels may burst. All your efforts should be directed to the perineum: pressure from top to bottom, from the thoracic diaphragm to the perineum(the latter should be as relaxed as possible at this moment so that the muscles do not interfere with the opening of the cervix). If you feel that you are short of air, exhale and inhale very quickly again, and continue to push again.

Another of the most effective exercises for pushing is breathing “on a candle”. To do this you need to do enough take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth, and do it as if you want to blow out a candle. Exhalation can be accompanied by a soft singing vowel sounds: “a”, “o”, “u”, “s”. At the moment When the baby’s head has already “erupted” and begun to emerge, you should breathe calmly, if it is very difficult it is possible switch to shallow breathing “like a dog”.

Important to know!!!

During training, when you are honing exercises on breathing techniques during childbirth, a phenomenon such as hyperventilation (a kind of oxygen overdose) may occur. In this case, you may feel severe dizziness, lightheadedness, and darkening of the eyes. To avoid losing consciousness and get out of this state, inhale and hold your breath for 20-30 seconds. It also helps if you fold your palms and “breathe in them.” You should also avoid dry mouth that occurs when breathing with open mouth, to do this, touch the tip of your tongue more often to the upper palate just behind the teeth. Breathing “into your palms” also helps, with your fingers spread wide apart. Well, if possible, of course, rinse your mouth with water more often so that it doesn’t dry out.

Breathing during labor and childbirth should not be voluntary. But in reality, the above-described rules of breathing are dictated to us by nature itself, but a woman can hardly realize and remember what exactly helps in a given situation during childbirth - there is not enough time, and not before, as it were. Although everything is just the opposite, a woman in labor must control her every inhalation and every exhalation. You can consider yourself lucky if you give birth not alone, but in the presence of an assistant (husband, mother, or close friend - it doesn’t matter). A person nearby can prompt you at the right moment to breathe when you lose your rhythm. And you shouldn’t assume that after reading a couple of times about breathing techniques during childbirth, you can, if necessary, reproduce everything clearly on your own. Rather, it’s the other way around - not only will you not remember, but you’ll also confuse everything. For everything to go “as it should,” the breathing technique during childbirth must be brought to automaticity. And the rule “when a contraction begins, relax” should be firmly rooted in your head. And don’t panic, everything will work out for you - you are a woman, you were born to become a mother! Therefore, prepare well and you will pass this exam without any problems with an A plus!

Yana Lagidna, especially for MyMom . ru

Correct breathing during childbirth, video 2:

Childbirth is the most crucial moment, completing the gestation period. Several hours of contractions and pushing precede the magical moment of meeting a mother and her baby. Obstetricians-gynecologists divide childbirth into three time periods. In the first period, the opening of the uterine cervix is ​​observed, in the second period the fetus passes through the birth canal, and in the third period the placenta is released.

During childbirth, the mother should follow all doctor's orders. Her own well-being and the health of her child depend on the correctness of a woman’s actions. Breathing during childbirth is the basis for the physiological birth of a baby., therefore, the expectant mother should study the technique of respiratory (breathing) movements.

The need for proper breathing during childbirth

At the end of the first stage of labor, contractions become intense, frequent, long and painful. The cervix opens 8-10 centimeters. The baby begins to descend into the inner part of the vagina, which is in contact with the outer wall of the rectum. Due to the compression of the baby's head, the woman experiences a persistent desire to defecate, called pushing.

Pushing is a contraction of the pelvic floor, abdominal, and diaphragm muscles (the muscle that separates the abdominal and thoracic cavities) to help push the baby out of the uterus and vagina. With their arrival, a period of expulsion begins, which lasts about 2 hours for a primigravida or approximately 60 minutes for a repeat pregnant woman.

Proper breathing during childbirth prevents many complications. Adequate respiratory movements ensure the prevention of ruptures of the perineum and vagina. Strong attempts cause a sharp tension in the above-mentioned structures at the end of labor after the appearance of the head. Due to improper breathing during this period, the vagina and perineum may tear.

Also, too early attempts when the cervix is ​​dilated less than 8 centimeters can cause cervical rupture. With this complication, the risk of future miscarriage increases. Breathing exercises during labor and childbirth prevent early pushing of the baby out of the uterus and protect the cervix from rupture.

Correct breathing technique during childbirth helps avoid intense pain. Relaxation exercises protect the abdominal muscles from excessive spasm and tension, which cause acute discomfort. If the correct rhythm of breathing movements is observed, childbirth is less painful, so the administration of analgesics can be avoided.

Adequate breathing during the birth of a baby can not only help the mother relax, but also “push” the baby out of the birth canal. Strong muscle movements provide the final push at the end of the second stage of labor. With proper breathing, the mother only needs a few pushes to deliver the baby's head and then the shoulders.

Attention! Adequate breathing during childbirth helps the mother relax, reduce the intensity of pain, prevent ruptures of the cervix, perineum and vagina, prevent fetal hypoxia, and also make strong efforts at the end of the expulsion period for the birth of the child.

Also breathing exercises ensures clarity of consciousness for the mother in labor. With proper respiratory movements, her body receives a sufficient amount of oxygen necessary for normal brain activity. With hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the central nervous system a woman may not understand well what is happening around her and may not follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Proper breathing during childbirth ensures normal oxygen supply to the fetus. With a relaxed state of the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, the blood vessels of the placenta are dilated, due to which the organ is supplied with a sufficient amount of blood. If a woman is overly tense, the unborn child may be in a state of hypoxia.

Alexander Kobas: Breathing during childbirth

Correct breathing during the first stage of labor

The initial phase of the first stage of labor is called “latent”, during which the uterine os expands to 5 centimeters. During the latent phase, contractions are observed that last up to 15 seconds, with a frequency of no more than one every 20 minutes. With them, the woman does not experience severe pain, so she should not waste energy that will be needed later.

Breathing during the latent phase of labor between contractions has no peculiarities. A woman should try to relax and distract herself. When a contraction begins, the woman in labor is advised to take a measured, deep breath through the nasal cavity. She needs to try to stretch it out over a long period of time, feeling how her lungs gradually fill with air. Afterwards, the woman should make the same measured exhalation through the oral cavity.

You should try to extend the long and measured act of respiration over the entire period of the contraction. This type of breathing is called “abdominal” because it forces the abdominal muscles to engage. This type respiration eliminates organ hypoxia and leads to improved contractile function of the uterus.

For psychological comfort, doctors recommend that women in labor count in their heads while performing breathing exercises. Inhalation should take about one-third of the time, and exhalation about two-thirds. Thus, if the contraction lasts 15 seconds, you should count to 15 in your head. As you inhale, the woman should reach 5, and as you exhale, up to 15.

The second and third phases of the opening period are called “active” and “transient”, respectively. In them, the cervix continues to dilate at a higher speed, pouring out amniotic fluid. By the beginning of the second stage of labor, contractions last 55-60 seconds, the interval between them can reach 3 minutes.

During contractions, a woman in labor is recommended to use special breathing techniques. Their principle is based on frequent and shallow respiratory movements, which help reduce pain. At the end of the contraction, you need to take a deep breath through the nasal cavity and exhale through the mouth, as described above. This technique helps a woman regain strength before the next contraction.

Three Basic Breathing Techniques

#1. "Candle".

This technique is based on fast and shallow breathing movements, when inhalation occurs through the nasal cavity and exhalation through the mouth. The woman in labor needs to imagine a candle in front of her lips, which she should blow out as quickly as possible. Inhalations and exhalations should alternately replace each other until the very end of the contraction. The candle exercise increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, which reduces the intensity of pain due to the release of endorphins.

#2. "Big Candle"

This is a variation of the previous exercise. The main difference between a large “candle” and a standard type is the implementation of increased respiratory movements. Inhalation is performed as if a woman in labor is trying to take it with a stuffy nose. Exhalation is carried out through an almost closed mouth opening. The “big candle” is more effective in relieving pain.

#3. "Locomotive".

This exercise is a combination of the previous two. At the beginning of the contraction, the mother should breathe as if using the “candle” technique, towards the middle of the contraction she should switch to the “big candle” technique, towards the end again to the “candle”. "Steam Locomotive" is the most effective exercise during the transition from the first stage of labor to the second.

Correct breathing during the second stage of labor

As the second stage of labor begins, the woman begins to feel the urge to push. However, at this time she must overcome this feeling, since the child must go as far down the paths as possible on his own. Excessive tension can weaken the woman in labor and cause rupture of the not fully dilated cervix.

The time when a woman needs to start pushing is determined by the doctor after a vaginal examination. Therefore, the woman in labor should carefully listen to the obstetrician’s instructions and follow them.

For maximum effectiveness of pushing, a woman is recommended to practice “swimmer’s” breathing. When a contraction begins, a woman should dial full lungs air through the mouth, as if before diving. During pushing, the woman in labor must hold her breath, as if she were under water. At this moment, you should tense your abdominal muscles as much as possible. During one contraction, the woman must take three breaths, followed by straining. Next, the woman in labor is recommended to exhale slowly through her slightly open mouth, which allows the new position of the baby to be fixed in the tract.

While pushing, a woman should not scream loudly. The scream distracts the doctors and does not bring any relief to the woman in labor, but only exhausts her. Also, the mother should try not to push “up”, since the tension will transfer to her head, which can lead to rupture of the capillaries. Incorrect pushing does not move the baby along the birth canal, but only tires the woman.

Women should listen carefully to the doctor or midwife when the head appears. When she is born, you should stop pushing and start “dog” breathing, which helps prevent perineal ruptures. After the specialist’s signal, the mother should continue to push to further push the child along the paths.

Primiparas are recommended to master breathing techniques before the 32nd week of pregnancy. IN severe stress Incorrect respiratory movements can harm the woman and child. At special courses, the expectant mother learns all breathing techniques, which will help her not get confused in the maternity hospital.

Breathing during labor plays a very important role important role. How correctly a woman breathes will determine her well-being, the activity of cervical dilatation, the intensity of the pain syndrome, and even the need for medical intervention. Therefore, it is necessary to learn breathing tactics in advance, since during the birth process it will be difficult for a woman to follow the doctor’s instructions without prior preparation. But often in the first half of pregnancy, a woman rarely thinks about the impending birth. But the closer this crucial moment is, the more questions the expectant mother has: how to behave at the beginning of labor, how to keep the situation under control and how to breathe during labor and childbirth in order to relieve pain and have a successful birth. ?

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many changes. The planned “restructuring” also affects the respiratory system. An actively growing uterus occupies a large space, which entails displacement of all organs and the diaphragm. The lungs, in turn, move slightly upward, which causes the woman to breathe more shallowly. But this does not cause oxygen deficiency in the pregnant woman. On the contrary, the total volume of inhaled oxygen gradually increases and until contractions occur it becomes twice as much as before pregnancy. To function fully, the lungs adapt to the needs of the body:

  • The total volume of exhaled air decreases slightly.
  • The chest circumference gradually increases.
  • The inframammary angle widens.

After delivery, all these changes return to their original form.

Childbirth is the final stop of pregnancy, but despite the fact that this physiological process is inherent in nature, a woman is able to significantly facilitate her work and reduce pain. That is why, in special courses for pregnant women, the lion's share of classes is devoted to how to breathe correctly during childbirth.

Breathing and the process of childbirth: what is the relationship?

With the onset of labor, the first thing a woman feels is pain, which intensifies over time. It is quite natural that a woman who has not undergone prenatal preparation begins to shrink and scream in order to “endure” this process as quickly as possible. This condition causes a vicious circle: the woman tenses and squeezes the birth canal, the uterus contracts, and the hormonal system still provokes its opening. As a result, the woman in labor suffers multiple ruptures, and the child experiences oxygen starvation. But if the ruptures heal after childbirth, fetal hypoxia can lead to serious complications for the baby in the future.

Note! It is impossible to master breathing techniques after the onset of labor, so you need to accustom your body to such work in advance. If you take special lessons, breathing correctly during childbirth will be easy. The woman’s breathing will be brought to automaticity, and at the time of contractions she will not need to concentrate on the work of her lungs.

The main goal of proper breathing is to dull pain, restore strength, relax between contractions and facilitate the process of bringing the baby into the world. If a woman can control her well-being and breathe correctly, it is quite possible that she will not need painkillers and stimulants.

Many women ask questions about why we need to learn to breathe, since this reflex is given to us from birth. The fact is that the structure of the internal organs changes during the period of bearing a baby, which entails the need to breathe differently. Of course, a woman will still give birth even without special techniques, but childbirth will probably not be easy.

So, why do you need to breathe correctly during contractions:

  1. Rhythmic breathing provides mother and baby with sufficient oxygen. Its severe deficiency can cause fetal hypoxia, dizziness and numbness of the extremities of a woman in labor.
  2. Focusing on breathing exercises significantly reduces pain during labor and normalizes a woman’s psycho-emotional background.
  3. Usage various techniques breathing allows you to replenish the mother’s reserve of strength and safely move the baby along the birth canal.
  4. The ability to relax and breathe smoothly allows you to reduce labor and prevent cervical ruptures.

If a woman panics, she not only loses control of her breathing, but also cannot adequately follow the instructions of the medical staff. Therefore, it is better to start breathing training a couple of months before giving birth. If you realize it already with suitcases in hand, going to the hospital, you will simply be late! So, when is the best time to start preparing:

  • The ideal time for this is the appearance of training contractions, namely after the onset of fourth month pregnancy. The minimum number of classes is 6-8, the maximum is before the onset of labor.
  • It is preferable to attend professional courses for pregnant women, because there you can learn a lot of useful information not only for childbirth, but also for the future raising of the baby. Complex breathing exercises can only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, so as not to harm yourself and your baby instead of benefiting yourself.
  • You can gain basic knowledge of how to breathe during childbirth on your own without the help of a trainer. The main thing is to devote at least 10 minutes a day to exercise, do it regularly and make sure that the exercise does not cause discomfort. But consulting a doctor is still necessary.

How to breathe correctly during labor and childbirth: techniques

There are quite a few breathing methods, each of which has its own effectiveness and is designed for a certain stage of labor. Some methods are designed to help a woman dull the pain, others - to help the child be born. Let's look at the most popular and effective methods.

How to breathe correctly during labor and childbirth: breathing in sequence

This method is the simplest and very easy to implement. The woman is required to inhale, counting to a given number, for example, to 5. As she exhales, she must repeat the same action.

It is better to select the speed and duration of breathing individually until complete comfort is achieved. This method helps relieve a panic attack and provide the fetus with a stable flow of oxygen.

Important! Properly pushing and breathing during childbirth is the key to a successful birth of your baby!

How to breathe correctly during labor and childbirth: pronouncing words syllable by syllable

Another available method involves the rhythmic pronunciation of a certain word in syllables. Thus, the woman does a light breathing exercise while monitoring her well-being.

Any word consisting of two syllables will do - for example, “baby”. How to do this? It’s very simple: as you inhale, slowly, as if humming, pronounce the syllable “ma,” and as you exhale, pronounce “lysh.” At the same time, attention is focused on the sound of vowel sounds. While doing this exercise, concentrate your attention on the chosen word, breathe deeply and slowly. If the task is performed correctly, the muscles will be relaxed and the pain will not be as severe.


This method of breathing is approved by almost all obstetricians and gynecologists, considering it the most correct. Its essence lies in the fact that air is inhaled exclusively through the nose, and exhaled through the mouth. As you exhale, to concentrate your attention, it is recommended to pronounce vowel sounds. In this case, the shoulders and facial muscles should be at rest. This type of breathing often causes a feeling of dryness in the mouth, so you should always keep a bottle of water.

Breathing with a partner

Women who decide to give birth in the presence of a husband or other loved one should master the technique of partner breathing. A woman really needs support during childbirth. It is especially difficult to keep the situation under control when the intensity of contractions increases. Partner breathing has three big benefits. Firstly, this method requires constant eye contact between partners, which helps to avoid stress. Secondly, the partner controls the breathing rhythm, and the woman repeats after him. And thirdly, partners hold hands, which creates a positive psycho-emotional environment.

Abdominal breathing

It is very important to learn to breathe “with the stomach” during childbirth, that is, when inhaling and exhaling, the stomach should “walk” and not the chest. To acquire this skill, you should place both palms parallel on your stomach and chest. During the breathing process, the hand on your stomach should actively rise and fall, and the one on your chest should remain motionless.

Full breath

This exercise combines “thoracic” and “abdominal” breathing. As you inhale, you need to gradually fill the lower abdomen with air and rise to the upper parts of the lungs. As you exhale, you need to release the air in the reverse order. The abdominal and chest muscles should be as relaxed as possible. In this case, you can also use the hand method: with this breathing, the palms should rise in turn.

Economical breathing

During childbirth, there are times when delaying and saving oxygen will be necessary. To do this, you can resort to economical breathing mode. It involves a sharp deep breath and a long exhalation.

Rapid breathing

Rapid or shallow breathing is characterized by a cycle shortened by half compared to the usual one. There are two varieties:

  • “Candle” - breathing is fast and continuous. Two or three inhalations and exhalations are made per second. From the outside it looks like a sharp blowing out of a candle.
  • “Doggy style” - rhythmic breathing with the tongue sticking out and pressed to the upper palate.

Forced breathing

When it’s time to push, you need to completely fill your lungs with air, stop breathing and push with your lower abdomen. If you direct your strength to your head, the baby will not move a millimeter. When it becomes impossible to hold the air, you should exhale, relax and repeat all over again. In this case, you need to use the “chest” type of breathing so that the diaphragm does not put pressure on the uterus. And in the interval between contractions you need to resort to the full breathing method.

To fully conduct classes, you need to create a comfortable environment and take a comfortable position. There are no strict requirements for choosing a body position. You can take a lotus position, lie on your back, take a knee-elbow position, or simply walk slowly around the room. The main thing is that the woman feels comfortable and at ease. Having mastered the important aspects of these techniques, a woman will learn to breathe during contractions in order to ease her fate.

How to breathe correctly during contractions

The respiratory rhythm should be different at different stages of the birth process. If a woman has fully mastered the basic methods, then when labor begins, breathing correctly will not be difficult for her.

  • In the latent phase of labor, when contractions are rare and weak, you can use the economical breathing mode. You need to inhale deeply and exhale slowly. This will help maintain a balance of energy costs, bring the heart rate back to normal, and enrich the blood with oxygen. You should try to rest between contractions.
  • As contractions intensify, you may need to use the method you have worked out. You need to breathe regularly, deeply and steadily.
  • At the peak of the contraction, when the pain is simply unbearable, it is better to breathe quickly. Most often, women breathe “like a dog”: a sharp, silent inhalation and a loud exhalation. After the end of the next contraction, move on to the breathing technique that you have mastered.

Advice! If for some reason you were unable to complete prenatal training and have not mastered any breathing method, be sure to ask for help from the medical staff so that you know how to breathe during contractions. Without practical advice, it will be difficult for you to endure such an important and difficult process.

Breathing during pushing

When the uterus has opened and the baby is ready to be born, it’s time to help him. At this stage, a completely different breathing pattern is needed. To better understand how to breathe during childbirth, watch the video. There are many videos on this topic on the Internet, and these kinds of films are also shown in courses for pregnant women.

  • When you are told to sit on the birthing chair, begin the count breathing technique that we described above. If there is one nearby close person, ask him to support you.
  • Control your breathing so that the air puts maximum pressure on the diaphragm, and it, in turn, on the uterus. This will help the baby move towards the exit.
  • If you start to have a panic attack and feel short of breath, take a break. Exhale the remaining air completely and take a deep breath. This technique will restore the diaphragmatic breathing rhythm.
  • At the moment when you need to push the fetus out as much as possible, use the pushing breathing method.
  • After the baby is born, the mother can relax and restore her usual breathing rhythm. True, she will have to push one more time to expel the baby’s placenta from the uterus.

Many years of experience of obstetricians have long proven the effectiveness of using breathing exercises during childbirth. In addition, modern courses use methods and techniques from world experts, which makes these classes especially popular among pregnant women. Therefore, when labor begins, most women know how to breathe and push correctly. All that remains is to pull yourself together and complete the main task - to give birth to a baby.

Video “Breathing during contractions”

Proper breathing during childbirth is very important. It helps simplify the process of bringing a baby into the world and provides him with a sufficient amount of oxygen. The speed of the baby's birth and the strength of pushing depend on the correct use of existing techniques.

Contraction training Support
Expectant mother Symptoms of false
don't panic

Proper breathing during childbirth makes it possible to relax at the initial stage. At this time you need to take deep breaths. They can even replace an analgesic during intense, painful contractions.

Any breathing technique during childbirth should be rehearsed in advance. This will make such an important undertaking much easier. Learn all the different techniques and consult your doctor to make sure you're doing it right. Extra workout will make you feel more confident and relaxed during childbirth.

Why breathe correctly

Even during pregnancy, you need to practice proper breathing, which will be useful during childbirth. If you train every day, then by the end of the 9th month a woman will be able to help her baby be born.

Practicing correct breathing

The ability to breathe correctly is necessary to calm down, relax during contractions, and also keep muscle contractions under control. Moreover, you need to breathe properly in order to...

  1. The muscles of the uterus received sufficient oxygen. In this case, contractions will not be as painful, since it is hypoxia (lack of oxygen) that causes pain.
  2. Make pushing more effective. The pressure of the diaphragm on the uterus helps the baby to be born. If a woman simply takes air into her cheeks, the baby will not progress.
  3. Protect the child from birth trauma, control pushing.
  4. The child did not suffer from hypoxia.
  5. The baby's head was born softly.

During labor and childbirth you should use different techniques breathing. Do not neglect them if you want the process to be as painless as possible. There are even special courses where expectant mothers are taught the correct behavior at the most crucial moment of their lives.

Among several techniques, there is the most popular one called “candle”. It is used during the entire birth process.

How to act when pushing

Proper breathing during childbirth is very important in the first period, when contractions begin. Usually a woman goes to the maternity hospital when the contractions are not particularly strong and manifest themselves in abdominal stretching. After some time, they become permanent and begin to repeat regularly. During this period, you should not try to suppress pain in yourself. There is no need to strain or scream, because this will not bring relief. The pain will not get easier, and the body will become very tired and exhausted. Therefore, during labor and labor, focus on inhaling and exhaling.

Many girls who are experiencing their first pregnancy begin to become very tense during contractions, and this suppresses the birth process and interferes with the rapid and correct dilatation of the cervix. As a result, doctors have to use medications to stimulate labor. During childbirth, improper breathing will not lead to anything good. The fetus will not receive the required amount of oxygen, which may cause oxygen starvation. And this usually affects the well-being and development of the child. Moreover, improper behavior of the mother can cause a perineal rupture.

Doctors will help you in this matter

As soon as the cervix has dilated by about 4-5 cm, the active phase begins. Proper breathing during childbirth during this period is very important, because uterine contractions become very strong and can cause severe discomfort to the mother in labor. Contractions last about 20 seconds with a break of up to 5-6 minutes. At this time, the amniotic sac usually ruptures and amniotic fluid is released. Due to this, contractions intensify, and after the outpouring of water they become longer and stronger. During this time, try the following types of techniques:

  • "candle";
  • "big candle"

During labor and childbirth, using the candle technique may cause slight dizziness. This happens because the respiratory center of the brain is oversaturated with oxygen and endorphins begin to be produced. Of course, if you control your breathing during regular contractions and childbirth.

Endorphins are “happy hormones” and therefore reduce the sensation of pain. “Candle” represents frequent shallow sighs. You need to inhale through your nose and exhale quickly through your mouth, as if you are blowing out a candle that is in front of your lips. You should breathe in this way constantly until the contraction ends. Due to the endorphins produced, this method acts as a natural anesthesia.

During childbirth, there is another technique - the “big candle”. This is a forced version of a regular “candle”. Also, during a contraction, you need to alternate inhalations and exhalations, but you need to breathe with effort. The exhalation should be through practically closed lips, and the inhalation should be as if you are trying to inhale, but your nose is stuffy. This method is used during childbirth and frequent contractions, if proper breathing using the “candle” technique does not sufficiently relieve pain. If you breathe in this way, the pulse will level out, and the body will have time to rest before the onset of the next contractions.

How to breathe during childbirth

When the baby's head begins to press hard on the cervix, one of the most difficult moments occurs. A woman wants to push, but it’s too early to do it. During childbirth at this moment, competent breathing technique will help to survive the dangerous period and prevent the development of various complications.

No matter how much you want to push, listen to the midwife, do only what she says. There are several correct techniques during childbirth:

  • "variable";
  • "train";
  • "candle";
  • "pushing."

“Alternating” breathing is carried out as follows: you need to take a deep breath, and then a series of short inhalations and exhalations for about 4-5 approaches. For the last time, you should purse your lips into a tube and exhale deeply until the very end. During full dilatation of the cervix, when the baby's head passes through the opening, you need to breathe using the “train” technique. The uterus is very excited, so contractions last approximately 40-60 seconds. Moreover, the interval between them is very short – sometimes less than one minute. You need to “breathe” the fight; for this, a combination of “candle” and “big candle” is used.

If you depict the fight graphically, you get a wave. The contraction begins with weak sensations, which begin to increase, reach maximum power, and then fade away. The “locomotive” accelerates and intensifies simultaneously with the sensations that the woman in labor experiences during contractions. First you need to use the “candle” technique. When the contraction intensifies, like a steam locomotive picking up speed, you need to intensify your inhalations and exhalations, and then move on to the “big candle” technique. As soon as the contraction reaches its peak, it is necessary to speed up the inhalations and exhalations of the “big candle” as much as possible. As the contraction begins to subside, breathing also calms down. The "locomotive" approaches the station, where it stops to rest.

Support for a loved one

Do not confuse the techniques you need to breathe during childbirth. If you get confused and do not listen to the doctor, the process will become noticeably more complicated and will cause even more pain and inconvenience. At the very last stage (except for the stage of extracting the placenta), when the cervix is ​​fully dilated and the baby is born, the woman must exert the maximum amount of physical effort. That is why you need to try to maintain a relaxed and calm state, so as not to simply waste your strength.

If during labor and delivery you use correct technique breathing, this will allow you to spend your energy as efficiently as possible. In order not to delay the birth of the child, you need to use special breathing. As soon as the effort begins, you need to inhale as deeply as possible and then begin to exhale. In this case, the exhalation should be directed to the perineum. You cannot push on the head and eyes. Please note that such straining is unlikely to be without consequences, and the effectiveness will tend to zero. You will only suffer and spend a lot of energy, but this will not help the child at all. Exhale air as if you were using it to move the child towards the exit.

This full, deep breath cannot be weakened or interrupted. Otherwise, all your efforts will go down the drain. If you are pushing and feel that there is not enough air, you need to carefully exhale it to the remainder, then re-gain the maximum amount using a deep breath and exhale. If during childbirth the exhalation follows the proper breathing technique, it will begin to put pressure on the uterus and diaphragm.

The duration of one attempt is approximately a minute. During this time, you need to make three deep exhalations. At this moment, “candle” breathing is required. You take a deep breath and then slowly exhale the air. If during childbirth your behavior and breathing are correct, the pushing will be as effective as possible. As soon as the head appears, you need to breathe very slowly, like a dog, and in no case rush things.