Hello friends! I, Lena Zhabinskaya, welcome you again to the pages of my blog! Sincere and selfless mother's love makes us give our best to children. We select healthy and tasty products especially for them, cook them for a long time, and then present them beautifully. However, the strongest emotional impulse is sometimes “rewarded” with a rash, intestinal colic or the whims of a picky baby.

Why is this happening? Pediatricians say that most often it’s all about incorrectly introduced complementary foods. A lot has already been said about him, but this does not reduce the questions young mothers have. Therefore, it is quite natural that today we will figure out how to introduce an egg into a child’s complementary foods. Competently, painlessly and safely! Put aside all your business, we are starting!

This small oblong product always has a place in any refrigerator. It is an almost irreplaceable ingredient in any culinary recipes, a record holder for consumption in the world, a symbol of procreation and well-being, and also a storehouse of useful substances. And this product is an egg.

Traditionally, it contains 12 vitamins, as well as a handful of microelements. These include: A, E, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, lecithin, iron, magnesium, iodine, sodium, sulfur and a lot of protein. It is worth noting that eggs are second only to fish oil in terms of the amount of vitamin D that protects babies from rickets.

And all these substances are perfectly absorbed by the body without harm to it, because eggs are also a dietary product. That is why they can and should be introduced into the baby’s diet. Simply to provide him with strong teeth and bones, as well as healthy nervous and cardiovascular systems.

But with all these advantages, the egg was and remains one of the strongest allergens. Meanwhile, you can minimize its possible negative impact on the body simply by knowing what, when, and how to offer your child.

Which ones are healthier?

Despite the fact that chicken eggs are regulars in our refrigerators, pediatricians still recommend using quail eggs for the first complementary feeding, and there are several reasons for this:

When to offer

World pediatrics does not have a clear view on introducing eggs into a child’s diet, hence the conflicting opinions in the literature. Traditionally, Russian pediatricians believe that eggs themselves are a difficult product to digest and put a strain on the gastrointestinal tract infant. Therefore, they recommend offering them no earlier than 8–9 months of life.

Therefore, experimenting with the testicle yourself is more early age crumbs without a doctor's permission are not worth it.

How much to give? Initially, it is recommended to offer a few grains of quail egg yolk, thoroughly softened and mixed with vegetable puree or porridge, which have long been introduced into the toddler’s diet and are well known to him. For the first time, it is better not to do this at night, so that you have time to carefully monitor the child’s condition during the day.

What should you be wary of? Tearfulness caused by abdominal pain, vomiting, problems with bowel movements, itching or rash, especially behind the ears. If they are not there, after 2–3 days the manipulations with the yolk are repeated, gradually increasing the portion. Ideally, up to a year, a child should receive half a chicken yolk or a whole quail yolk at a time, but in reality the amount eaten can be adjusted by the pediatrician.

From 12 months, protein is also given, and in the same way, starting complementary feeding with small grains. Despite the huge amount of vitamins and microelements in the egg, there is no need to rush to introduce it into the diet. It’s good if at 1 year and 3 months the child can eat half (including the white and yolk), and by 2 years – the whole thing.

If any negative reactions occur, the baby’s introduction to the new product is postponed for 1–2 months, after which they try to introduce it again.

How to give

Perhaps all mothers know that raw foods are taboo for a baby in the first year of life, and eggs are no exception. Only those that have been hard-boiled are suitable for complementary feeding.

Before boiling, eggs must be thoroughly washed with soap and running water. This is done because birds spread salmonellosis. The largest number of bacteria usually accumulates just on the shell.

In addition, traces of droppings often remain on it. Needless to say, washing eggs with soap before eating, even with subsequent heat treatment, is an elementary prevention of intestinal infections in children. Therefore, do not forget to do this under any circumstances.

How long to boil eggs for a baby? At least 10 minutes in boiling water.

And after cooking, cool, carefully separate the white from the yolk and break off a few pieces from the latter.

Fried or soft-boiled eggs are allowed to be given to a child no earlier than 2 years old. The same goes for all kinds of puddings and omelettes.

These rules should not be neglected simply because new dishes introduced into the diet correctly will subsequently relieve the baby from serious allergic reactions and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Eggs are good for you. To prevent anemia, rickets, vitamin deficiency, and finally, frequent colds. So eat them yourself and give them to your kids. And also save the article to your wall and subscribe to blog updates! I, Lena Zhabinskaya, say “Bye-bye!” and I look forward to seeing you on its pages again!

The first six months of a baby's life normal height and development, mother’s milk is sufficient, but from the age of six months, the baby’s diet must be expanded by introducing various types complementary foods - porridge, vegetables, yolk.

Young parents are advised to figure out when they can start adding egg yolk to their baby’s complementary foods and how to do it correctly so as not to cause the child to have an aversion to the new product or provoke an allergic reaction.

Useful properties

Children under one year old can only be given the yolk of chicken or quail eggs, since the white is a strong allergen. The yolk is rich:

  • essential fatty acids;
  • micro- and macroelements, including iodine, phosphorus, potassium, iron;
  • B vitamins, as well as vitamins D, A, PP, E;
  • lecithin.

Adding this product to your baby’s diet helps to establish proper metabolism, strengthen vision and the nervous system, and improve the functioning of the thyroid gland and hematopoietic organs. The beneficial substances included in the composition have a beneficial effect on the development of intelligence and memory, strengthen the tissues of bones and teeth.

Contraindication is individual intolerance to the product. If your baby has an allergic reaction to chicken eggs, it is recommended to pause for two to three weeks and then give your baby a little quail egg yolk.

A quail egg is much less likely to cause allergies in children, so you can start with it right away, especially if your baby has already experienced allergic reactions to other types of complementary foods. In addition, the yolk of quail eggs has a higher quality composition due to the increased content of essential amino acids.

When to introduce protein foods

For many decades, egg yolk has been considered an ideal complementary food for infants from three to four months of age, but today pediatricians do not recommend giving it until seven months of age. This is due to the high fat content in the product, which disrupts the functioning of the liver, which is not ready for increased loads.

In the first months of life, a newborn baby is not yet able to cope with new products other than breast milk - his digestive system needs to mature and establish the production of enzymes. Therefore, the first complementary foods are introduced starting at 5-6 months. These are juices, vegetables and fruits. Food should be pureed so that the baby does not choke while eating.

From seven to eight months, it is allowed to include yolk in the baby’s diet - his body is already prepared for heavier protein foods, compared to breast milk. Egg whites are started to be given little by little only to children over a year old.

How to give complementary foods with yolk

Pay special attention to the freshness of the eggs. It is preferable to use eggs from your own domestic chickens or buy from familiar farmers who feed the birds with high-quality feed and do not give antibiotics. If the egg is purchased in a store, check its freshness. For this raw egg immersed in a container of cold water:

  • a fresh egg immediately sinks to the bottom;
  • An egg that has lain for more than 5 days does not sink immediately, with a delay, or even remains floating on the surface.

The egg must be washed carefully and thoroughly in a running warm water and cook for 10-12 minutes after boiling. A quail egg, despite its smaller size, takes the same amount of time to cook as a chicken egg.

Long-term heat treatment is necessary to eliminate the risk of salmonellosis and to properly boil the yolk, in which, under the influence high temperature a significant part of the substances that can cause allergies is destroyed. When removing the yolk from a peeled egg, make sure that no piece of white gets into your baby’s complementary food.

It is necessary to give the yolk for the first time during one of the morning feedings, so that it is easier to track the reaction of the child’s body. Usually allergic manifestations are observed on the second day. This may be indigestion, redness of the skin and mucous membranes. If the infant is not ready for a new food, delay introducing it for about a month.

Please note: you cannot add yolk to complementary foods to which the baby has not yet adapted, and you also cannot give him another new food on the days when the reaction to the yolk is tested. Otherwise, it is impossible to track what exactly caused the allergy.

If digestive system the baby reacted calmly to new product, gradually, over several steps, the volume of yolk in complementary foods is brought to a quarter of a chicken or a third of a quail. The yolk is given to the baby in this volume until the age of one, then the portion can be gradually increased and egg white can be added.

Complementary foods with yolk can be given to your baby two to three times a week so that he grows healthy and develops properly.

The baby does not always get used to the taste of new complementary foods the first time. If he starts spitting out the yolk mixed with milk, do not force him to eat. After waiting a few days, give him this product mixed with vegetable puree that the child prefers.

Egg yolk is one of the components of complementary feeding for infants.

Chicken yolk for babies

Chicken yolk contains:

1) essential fatty acids necessary for normal development and complete differentiation of metabolism, nervous system and vision, affecting intelligence and memory;

2) important minerals: zinc, iron, iodine, phosphorus, manganese and potassium, which affect the growth of bones and teeth, normal function of the thyroid gland and hematopoietic organs;

3) vitamins (groups B, A, PP, D) - vital for the functioning of all organs and systems of the child’s body.

When to give egg yolk to a baby

According to the timing of the introduction of complementary feeding, which was developed by the World Health Organization, egg yolk is introduced into the child’s diet from 7 months. Previously, this product was one of the first courses of complementary feeding, which was introduced to infants from 3-4 months of life. But today, most experts believe that yolk should not be given to children under 6 months of age, due to the high fat content in its composition (23%) and instability of the liver, so it is a rather heavy product. If it is introduced early into the diet, the child may develop symptoms in the future. functional disorders in the form of gallbladder dysfunction and irritable bowel syndrome. If the baby has a tendency to develop allergic reactions, the introduction of the yolk is postponed until 8-9 months.

The yolk is administered along with formula or breast milk or added to vegetable puree or porridge.

The egg is hard-boiled (15-20 minutes), separated from the white, and a paste is made from the yolk, which is mixed with any liquid (mixture, milk).

It is necessary to introduce this product into the diet gradually - starting with the baby and monitoring the baby’s condition throughout the day. If there are no allergic reactions, you can give your baby about a quarter of a teaspoon of the new product. Then the portion is slowly increased to a quarter of a yolk twice a week, and from 11 months it is gradually increased to half a yolk. Egg whites can be given to a child only after one year. When cooked, some of the allergens from the egg yolk are inactivated, but the body can react to the introduction of a new product in the form of an allergic reaction - in this case, it is better to exclude the yolk from the child’s diet for a year and a half.

Quail yolk for babies

Quail eggs are considered more useful in their qualitative composition (they contain more essential amino acids - histidine, glycine, lysine and threonine), and are less likely to develop allergic reactions. Therefore, you can start complementary feeding with them. But it is important to monitor the single dose - the amount of yolk; it should not be large, because allergies sometimes occur to quail eggs.

Quail eggs need to be cooked no less carefully than chicken eggs.

Yolks appear in children's diets before they are one year old, as they are a source of valuable nutrients for the development of the baby. How exactly are they useful, do they have any harmful effects, when can they be introduced into the baby’s menu, and in what quantity is it permissible to give them to children? Let us examine these and other questions in their relation in more detail.

Egg yolk is very healthy and is introduced into complementary foods quite early.


Egg yolk is a valuable food product primarily because of its composition. Here are the substances it is rich in and what effect they have on the body:

Vitamin A

Participates in the formation of bones and teeth

Improves vision

Affects skin condition

Facilitates the progression of infectious diseases

Vitamin D

Strengthens bones

Affects the overall health of the body

Important for calcium absorption

Strengthens muscles and relieves muscle pain


Refers to "good" cholesterol

Helps in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins

Important for hormone synthesis and bile formation

Promotes cell regeneration

Important for speech development, as well as psycho-emotional development

Amino acids

Participate in the construction of body tissues

Important for a child's growth

Reduces “bad” cholesterol levels

Participates in fat metabolism

Calms the nervous system

Improves memory and brain function

B vitamins

Participate in metabolic processes

Promotes the formation of blood cells

Ensure normal functioning of the nervous system

Important for the skeletal system

Eliminates drowsiness, irritation and headaches

Important for the functioning of many internal organs

Known for its anti-cancer effects

Iron and cobalt

Important for hematopoiesis

Prevents the occurrence of anemia

Gives energy to the body

Important for the absorption of certain vitamins

Affects the development and growth of the child’s body


Protects against heart disease

Harm and contraindications

  • It is a fairly high-calorie product that contains a lot of saturated fat, so its excess consumption can be harmful if you are overweight.
  • In its raw form, it is less digestible and can cause infections.
  • May cause an allergic reaction.
  • Not recommended for problems with the bile ducts.

As with the consumption of most foods, the inclusion of yolk in the baby’s diet should be dosed.

Why give?

By the age of 6 months, the baby becomes insufficient in the nutrients contained in breast milk. It is at this age that new dishes begin to appear on children’s menus that provide valuable nutrients for babies. When the baby has become familiar with vegetables (a source of vitamins and fiber) and cereals (a source of carbohydrates), it’s time for chicken yolks. They are a source of fats, fat-soluble vitamins, important minerals and other beneficial compounds. And that’s why they are included in children’s menus at an early age.

Why is yolk better than white?

  • All the fat-soluble vitamins contained in eggs are found in them.
  • Yolks contain carotenoids and lecithin, but whites do not contain these beneficial substances.
  • They contain most of the calcium, vitamin B6, zinc, folic acid, iron, vitamin B12 and thiamine.
  • Protein molecules in the composition are combined with fats, which promotes their absorption.

Are allergies common?

Allergic reactions to it occur much less frequently than to whole eggs and egg whites, however, are also possible. They most often manifest themselves as redness of the skin and rash, as well as digestive problems (vomiting, constipation, upset stomach). If the baby has a tendency to allergies, introduction into the diet should be done extremely carefully and in small portions.

Introduce yolk into your baby's menu with caution

About quail yolks

The yolk of quail eggs contains more nutrients that are important for the health and growth of babies. It is this that is recommended to be introduced into the baby’s diet if the baby has exudative-catarrhal diathesis, since allergic reactions for this product are much rarer. For kids who tolerate chicken yolks well, a great idea would be to alternate chicken and quail in the children's menu.

From how many months can you give it?

If a child is fed breast milk, the yolk is included in his menu from the age of 9 months. For babies who receive artificial nutrition, it is introduced into the diet at 7 months.

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Indicate the child's date of birth and method of feeding

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Introducing yolk into complementary foods: how to give it to a child under one year old?

After boiling the egg for 10 minutes, cut it open and remove the yolk, being careful not to capture even the slightest part of the white. For the first test, a small crumb the size of a match head is enough. Mash the product and mix it with mother's milk or formula, or add it to vegetables that your child has been eating for a long time. You can also add the yolk to the porridge. Gradually the amount for the baby is increased to the age norm.

It is better to mash the yolk with a fork or grind through a sieve.

How to quickly separate the yolk from the white, watch the video of the Life Hacks and Experiments channel.

Can it be given raw?

Eating raw egg yolks is not recommended for children under one year of age. Such a product is not only less digestible in a child’s body, but can also cause illness (if a child is given raw chicken yolks, there is always a high risk of contracting salmonellosis). If parents want to give them to their baby, it is best to do this after a year, but stick to quail yolk and wash the eggs thoroughly.

Norms by age

It should be offered to a child of the first year of life, taking into account the baby’s age and type of feeding. Recommendations for the consumption of chicken egg yolk under the age of one year are as follows:

As for the quail egg yolk, in the first month of administration its amount is increased to half a day, and then increased to a whole and given in this quantity for up to a year. Children older than one year begin to be given whole eggs.

Yolks along with whites can be eaten by children after 1 year

  • To prepare yolks for your baby, be sure to buy fresh eggs from a trusted seller. In this case, the shells of the eggs must be whole, and before boiling they should be lowered into water - if the egg floats to the surface, then it is spoiled.
  • Before boiling an egg for baby food, it is important to rinse it thoroughly. This is especially important for households chicken eggs which can cause salmonella infection.
  • If you are giving yolk to your baby for the first time, it is best to choose morning feeding. In this case, by the end of the day it will already be noticeable whether the baby tolerated the new product normally.
  • If your child is prone to constipation, give it only 1-2 times a week.

Before cooking eggs, check their freshness

When introducing complementary foods to a baby, young parents often have many questions, and while vegetables and cereals are fairly clear products, allergens such as eggs raise doubts. How much yolk should I give my child? When should you start introducing eggs into your diet? Is it possible to have an allergy after using them? And why are they needed in feeding a baby?

The answers to these questions can be found out from a pediatrician, but even he cannot always fully and competently understand all the nuances.

Why give yolk to a child?

The main allergen in an egg is the white, not the yolk. The yellow part contains a lot of useful microelements and substances valuable to the body, such as:

  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin D;
  • biotin;
  • carotene;
  • folic acid;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • amino acids.

All these components are very useful for a growing body: vitamins strengthen the immune system and accelerate the development of the baby, microelements affect the proper growth of teeth and bones, and also “tune” all body systems to correct work. But it should be remembered that the yolk is a rather heavy food. It contains more than 32% fat, while proteins are half as much.

Symptoms of an allergy to yolk

In most children, an egg allergy (if any) lasts until one year of age (up to a maximum of two years), and then goes away. There are very few people who have allergies for life.

You can tell that your baby is allergic to yolk by the following signs:

  1. redness of the skin;
  2. small pimples on the skin;
  3. constipation;
  4. stool disorder;
  5. vomit;
  6. in some cases - an attack of suffocation.

At what age should children be given yolk?

Very often you can hear stories from grandmothers that earlier in the villages an egg was the first complementary food and began to be given at 2-3 months. “Bit by bit, on the tip of a spoon,” say “wise” ladies and mislead young parents.

Remember that any complementary foods should be introduced no earlier than 5-6 months! This is especially true for children who are breastfeeding. For up to six months, a baby’s mother’s milk is sufficient, so you shouldn’t feed him anything else, much less eggs.

You can introduce yolk into the diet no earlier than 7-8 months, and for children with allergies - no earlier than 8-9 months. This is due not only to the high risk of allergies to the product, but also to the increased fat content in the yolk. It makes digestion difficult and puts serious strain on the liver. Therefore, if the baby has stomach problems, then egg feeding can be delayed for up to a year.

Protein can be introduced during the baby's second year of life.

Which eggs are better - chicken or quail?

Doctors recommend starting the introduction of complementary foods with quail eggs. This is explained by the fact that the content of allergens in them is lower than in chicken. In addition, a small quail yolk contains more useful substances than a chicken yolk, but it has almost no cholesterol.

However, you can also feed your child chicken yolks - provided that there is no allergy to them and the baby feels good after such a breakfast.

How to choose eggs for baby feeding?

When choosing eggs for the little ones, you should be guided by the following rules.

  1. Buy only the freshest eggs.
  2. Choose products from a familiar or well-known manufacturer.
  3. Do not try to save money and purchase goods at a discount or promotion, or in a low-price store.
  4. Leave cracked eggs on the shelf.
  5. If you want to feed your baby eggs from your own chickens, make sure that the birds are not sick.
  6. Before boiling the egg, immerse it in cold water. If it drowns, then you can cook it and offer it to the baby. If it surfaces, throw away such a product without regret - it is not known how long it has already lain on the shelf in the refrigerator.
  7. Before boiling, the egg must be washed well. It is also advisable to wipe it with soda.

How to introduce yolk to a child?

You need to boil an egg for a baby for at least 10-15 minutes. Soft-boiled eggs, much less “in a bag,” are not suitable for a child. The yolk should be well cooked and there should be no raw parts left in it.

When the egg is cooked, carefully separate the yolk from the white. Remember that not a crumb of protein should end up on your baby’s plate, as this may well cause allergies and redness of his skin.

Remember that the next day (if you want to feed the baby the yolk for two days in a row), you need to boil a new egg, and not feed it with yesterday’s egg.

It is also worth considering that the yolk can contribute to constipation, so you need to be very careful with this product.

The yolk is a high-calorie and fatty product. It is quite difficult to absorb and digest by the body. In addition, eggs are considered one of the strongest allergens. This is why you should not give your baby too much yolk. At the beginning of complementary feeding, it is better to limit it to once a week; later, you can increase the days of eating yolk to 2-3 times a week.

For the first time, you can give your child no more than 1/5 teaspoon of yolk crumbs (or 1/3 of quail yolk). If the baby accepts the new product normally and does not develop rashes, redness or other signs of allergies, then soon (after about 7-10 days) the portion can be increased to 1/4 teaspoon. But don't rush. A whole yolk can be given when the baby is about a year old.

The yolk should be given in the morning before the first feeding. This will allow you to observe your child’s reaction to a new product throughout the day. If the baby develops redness, rashes or blisters on the skin (i.e. allergies), then the introduction of egg feeding should be postponed until the baby is one to one and a half years old.

Eggs - useful product, rich in microelements and vitamins, so if you want to see your baby healthy and strong, you definitely need to introduce them into his diet. This should be done carefully, not forgetting that there are allergies to eggs.

However, as practice shows, most babies calmly accept a new dish without showing signs of allergies. If your child is very sensitive, then it is better to start complementary feeding with quail eggs - they are not only healthier than chicken eggs, but also do not cause allergic reactions.