From the moment the child begins to attend kindergarten, parents should know their rights and responsibilities, as well as the teacher. Often, mothers and fathers have a question: Do preschool employees have the right to punish children? For what children's offenses can disciplinary measures be taken? How should parents react to this? Read all about this and much more in this article.

Npunishment in kindergarten for children

There are no ideal children, each with their own character, disposition and habits. Now imagine what happens in kindergarten When do such “different” children gather? That's right, chaos. The main task of the teacher- is to form in each child the correct model of behavior in society. When one kindergartener, the more active one, begins to push and fight with other children, does the kindergarten employee have the right to use punishment? Yes, because a child who behaves badly needs to realize his mistake, and the teacher must be responsible for the life and health of other children in the group.

Punishment is not the most important component in the process of education, the meaning of which is to cause in children an understanding of the incorrectness of their behavior, a feeling of guilt, shame and repentance. This goal is achieved only when the educational measure is applied correctly. So, before punishing a child in a preschool educational institution, the teacher must:

  • fully understand the situation: why the kid did it one way or another (maybe someone persuaded him or forced him), what motives he was guided by (defended himself), etc. Depending on the answers to these questions, it is necessary to select an effective and appropriate punishment for the offense;

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  • choose an educational measure that should not harm children's health: neither mental nor physical. Did the teacher spank or even beat your child? Not only should she lose her job, she could also face punishment for her unprofessional behavior.
  • apply a fair, reasonable and understandable punishment. The most important thing is that the kindergartener himself is confident in the correctness of the punishment received. It is very important that the response to the offense is as quick as possible. Punishment that is applied every other day or even a week is not correct. It is unlikely that the baby will be able to understand the justice of such punishment;
  • adhere to tact and politeness. Under no circumstances does the teacher have the right to label children, humiliate and insult them.

It is also worth noting that each punishing childrenpreschool age should be applied in accordance with the principle of “misconduct - punishment - forgiveness”. The child was punished and already realized that he was wrong. There is no point in further infringing on his rights, finding fault or overstating demands on him. This behavior is considered unprofessional.

How should a teacher react to the most common children's pranks? If a fidget systematically violates kindergarten discipline, offends other children and does not obey, then the following, pedagogically justified, punishments can be applied.

  • Comment. Is your child's behavior crossing all boundaries? First of all, you should remind him of this.
  • One last note of clarification. You can explain the wrongness of a child’s action in any way you like. The main thing: do not raise your voice, do not insult or threaten. It is best to give the kindergartener the opportunity to understand the consequences of what he has done, by feeling himself in the place of the offended child.
  • Time for reflection. 10 minutes is enough for a child to think about his behavior and draw conclusions.
  • Apology. If the kindergartener has repented of his wrong action, such a measure of influence will be sufficient.
  • Temporary deprivation of pleasure or entertainment. Is the fidget disrupting classes? You can simply not allow him to participate in a children's game. Such punishment will be a very useful lesson for him.
  • Attitude change. For every kindergartener, as a rule, the teacher is good friend and mentor. Therefore, if changes occur in communication with him, children begin to worry, rethink their actions and repent. This method of education can be very effective if you adhere to certain conditions:
  1. temporary nature;
  2. inadmissibility of group criticism. This can turn the entire group against the offender;
  3. easy level of ignoring. The teacher should not completely stop communicating with the child, but only change him.
  • Informing parents about their child's misbehavior. If none of the above educational measures work, the kindergarten employee should talk to the preschooler’s mom and dad. Parents, in turn, must influence his behavior.

How can you not punish?

Punishments that oppress human dignity using nicknames, offensive words and shouting are unacceptable. This list also includes such a method of education as standing in the corner.

ATTENTION! Punishment in kindergarten should under no circumstances be administered using physical force.

The chosen measure of influence should not interfere with compliance with the regime. In other words, you should not punish with sleep, food and walks, as this is harmful to the physical well-being and development of children. Also, it is incorrect to give a kindergartener additional workload. This method is not pedagogical and will not teach him anything good; on the contrary, removal from work duties should be perceived as punishment.

Useful video

How can parents find out if children are being abused in kindergarten? Opinion of a lawyer and psychologist in one video:

Workshop for educators


Target look at the use of punishments in a new way, rethink them.

It is proposed to discuss different points of view.

Introductory word

Today we will talk about important issue, which everyone faces - both adults and children - about the problem of the appropriateness of applying punishment.

Is complete denial justified?punishment as an educational measure? Adults who, for fear of offending or upsetting a child, do not practice punishing children at all risk raising individuals with a complete rejection of discipline and a disrespectful attitude towards other people. It is almost impossible to raise a child without rules, restrictions and prohibitions. Without explaining to him where the boundaries of what is permitted in behavior and actions are, adults expose the child to great danger and actually abandon him to his fate. Another thing is that punishments for children should correspond to the level of their offenses.

Punishment is a complex and difficult method of education: it requires enormous tact, patience and caution.

So, in the process moral education the child's personality, rewards and punishments act as auxiliary means, but in certain situations they becomenecessary in the educational processmeans of pedagogical correction.

Reward and punishment cannot be reduced only to the ethical assessment of children's behavior, that is, to approval or condemnation. Approval and condemnation are everyday, ordinary influences on students. Reward and punishment differ from other means of moral education in the power of their influence. This is a shock effect, stimulation of strong feelings.

Within a family, there is one system of punishment for misconduct, but in kindergarten the situation is different. Here pedagogical practice and responsibility other than parental responsibility must come into play..

Working with children has a special responsibility. The activities of a teacher should not harm the child’s psyche.


Group discussion,drawing up a summary table of criteria for the pedagogical effectiveness of punishment.

Execution options:

1. The effectiveness of rewards and punishments depends on the method of their application. When using rewards and punishments, one must, first of all, proceed fromanalysis of a specific pedagogical situation. The teacher must plan and ensure the advancement of the student and the team in moral development. The use of punishment presupposes that the child is aware of the consequences of his actions and should help him choose the right course of behavior.

2. The most important requirement in the application of punishment isfairness and objectivity.

3. Punishment should cause feelings of shame, grief, remorse,dissatisfaction with oneselfawareness that his behavior caused condemnation from his comrades and the entire team.

4. The most important basis of punishment in educational institutions (at school, in kindergarten) -public assessment of behavioran individual student by a team.Public opinion is the strongest means of influence. And when resorting to it as a method of shaping children’s behavior, the teacher must manage the opinion of the children’s team so as not to turn a serious conversation about an offense into a trial of the child. Therefore, resorting to public opinion As a means of condemning disobedience, the educator should use it only in extreme, exceptional cases, when other, milder measures are not successful. We must not forget that if a child’s action is often subjected to collective discussion, then the child’s sensitivity to more delicate influences involuntarily becomes dulled.

5. Punishment should always bejustified and understandablefor the offender, as well as for all members of the team.

6. In applying punishments it is necessaryindividual approach, taking into account individual character traits, type of nervous system.Need to know individual characteristics each child in the group. Based on this, the punishment that one child accepts may be ineffective for another.Punishment must be meaningful to the child, otherwise it loses its meaning and does not serve to interrupt unwanted behavior.

7. The child can participate in the selection of rewards and punishments. Children are sometimes very fair in finding a suitable punishment for themselves, feeling the trust they have placed in him. By making choices, they also better remember what can follow a certain behavior, and this increases their responsibility.

8. Punishment should not be long in time.Punishment should be as close in time to the offense as possible, especially for preschool children. After 30-40 minutes, the child will no longer remember what prompted him to do this and not otherwise.

9. In each subsequent punishmentdon't mention previous sins, this only perpetuates the child’s bad behavior.

10. Adults must be adamant in their decision, otherwise the child will always hope for its cancellation.Rewards and punishments must be carried out. It is very important that the promised reward of the ball is received (both in a positive and negative sense), and therefore you should not make unrealistic promises. By not keeping your promises, you lose your authority.

Basic children's misdeeds and how to respond to them. Children's misconduct can be divided into 4 groups.



How to react

Involuntary offenses

Committed by children due to ignorance, ignorance, lack of life experience or necessary useful habits

In this case, the punishment will be unfair and therefore not beneficial. It will be enough to confine oneself to a patient explanation of a norm unknown to him. The source or motive of this group of offenses is the child’s cognitive attitude towards the environment, an attempt to look inside things. Preschool children try to find answers to a number of questions, not turning directly to an adult, but acting independently:for example, an attempt to drown balloon in a sink with water ends in failure - the ball bursts, water splashes.

Misdemeanors - pranks that are an option for the game.

They are typical for children of early and early preschool age. Having taken on a certain role in the game, the child forgets about everything, focusing only on the actions of the character being played. "I am a wolf, I will bite." He begins to growl and grabs other children with his teeth. Thus, Seryozha is not an attacker. He was guided by the most noble intentions, the most honest impulses.Not always negative result there is bad behavior. Sometimes a negative result is an attempt to explore your capabilities.

Before punishing, find out the reason for your child's bad behavior.The child decided to make a surprise and decorated the polished cabinet with plasticine panels. In this case, the child must be praised for the result, emphasizing that this panel would look better on cardboard, and besides, it would be possible to move it around the apartment.

Misdeeds caused by overtired children

Characteristic signs of a child's behavior are activity, initiative and resourcefulness, but not premeditation.For example, Misha went sledding and ran through snowdrifts. The boy got great fun. But here’s the problem: he’s covered in snow, and he’s also wearing felt boots.

It is appropriate to switch attention to another activity that is more useful and interesting for children.

In such cases, it is better to invite the child to quickly change clothes and take part in cleaning the clothes as much as possible.

Intentional misconduct

The child deliberately ignores the reasonable demands of educators when generally accepted norms of behavior are ignored.

See below for punishment options.


Can be used in kindergartenpunishments such as depriving the child of pleasure or entertainment, temporarily depriving a child of a favorite toy, or interesting game, removal from the desired role in the game, etc. Punishment must be combined with persuasion.

The educational impact has such a form of punishment aschange in the teacher's attitude, teacher to the child, expressing dissatisfaction with his behavior. The teacher’s short-term alienation has a strong impact: the child experiences this attitude, experiences a feeling of remorse, and a desire to correct his behavior.A child is sensitive to changes in adults’ attitudes toward him, especially if he values ​​their affection. Thus, the teacher “does not notice” the offender, answers questions dryly, and when addressing all the children, looks past him. Usually, a child, trying to regain his former disposition, cannot withstand such ignoring for a long time and ends the “quarrel” with reconciliation: he apologizes for his action.

For a child, sensitive punishment can beprohibition from doing what you love. For example, the teacher removes the offender from duty, emphasizing that he cannot entrust such responsible work to someone who does not know how to behave well. But the child should be told about this so that he understands the justice of the punishment.

As a punishment in a group, you can usetemporary restriction in any activity. For example, if a naughty boy got into a fight or took a toy from another child, you can seat him at the table. Instead of an outdoor game that all children play, offer him a board game that he will play alone. Such forced loneliness will make the child understand that in the team there are certain rules that must be followed.

For some children it will be enough to offerput yourself in the shoes of an offended child. This technique will allow the offender to understand how unpleasant his actions were. In addition, it is necessary to give children more positive examples.

It is sometimes advisable to warn a preschooler who is characterized by increased pride that his behavior, if it happens again, will be told to dad or other family members.. And, of course, if the warning is not successful, do so. For example, inform parents about the behavior of their son or daughter. In this case, the teacher must be sure that they will support him. However, this method of influence should be used extremely rarely, as the child may draw the wrong conclusion.

Sometimes the so-callednatural consequences method, that is, they use measures of influence arising from the act itself: if you make a mess - clean it up, pour water - wipe it off, tear off a button - sew it on. This causes the child to have a conscious attitude towards his actions: it is not very pleasant when he himself has to pay for his bad behavior. But this method is not acceptable in all cases. It is impossible, for example, to leave a child without a walk because he was capricious and did not want to get dressed; You cannot send your child to kindergarten in a soiled dress because he is sloppy (this is unlikely to help if the child does not have the skill of being neat!).

The easiest way to explain to a child about the norms of behavior in a group is toexample of a game with rules or a fairy tale. For example, speaking about Little Red Riding Hood, pay attention to the fact that, without listening to her mother, she finds herself in an unpleasant situation that could have been avoided. In addition, when reading works containing moral meaning to children, be sure to invite them to discuss the actions of a particular hero. By identifying themselves with the characters of books, cartoons, and games, children will quickly and better learn the rules of behavior and understand the importance of following them.


In the family, in kindergarten are unacceptablepunishments that depress human dignity: offensive nicknames, rude words, standing in the corner. Corporal punishment, which is prohibited in our country, is categorically unacceptable, as it embitters a child, forces him to lie, be secretive, cunning, and instills cowardice.

Punishment should not interfere with compliance with the regime!Anything that can harm the normal physical well-being and development of children, threatens their safety and health - violation of the regime, deprivation of lunch, sleep, walks, should in no case be used as punishment.

You can't punish a child with work. By turning the performance of certain duties into punishment, you can cause hostility towards work, and this contradicts the basic principles of education. On the contrary, any work assignments should bring children joy and satisfaction from the efforts expended. Removing a child from performing labor assignments should be perceived by them as punishment.

Quite obviousthe harm of frequent punishments: the child stops reacting to them and gets used to the fact that this phenomenon is common and not exceptional.

It is unacceptable to resort to bribery and deception. If a preschooler is forced to submit to the demands of his elders, promising to give him a treat or a toy in return, then he may deliberately become stubborn and capricious in order to bargain for what he wants. And it’s completely unreasonabledon't keep promises: Once deceived, the baby will subsequently question any order of the adults.


Summing up: how to properly punish preschoolers (see Memo). Then practice on yourself incorrect and constructive phrases for punishment.


How to properly punish a child

  • Punishment should not be harmful to health- neither physical nor mental. Whenever children are punished, they should not be deprived of satisfaction of their biological and physiological needs.
  • With any punishment, the child must be sure that the punishment fair .
  • If there is any doubt about whether to punish or not to punish, DO NOT punish.No "prevention", no punishments “just in case.”
  • One thing at a time.Even if an immense number of offenses are committed at once, the punishment can be severe, but only one, for all at once, and not one for each. The child must be informed about what offenses will be punished and in what form.
  • Punishment is not at the expense of achievements. Whatever happens,do not deprive your child of what he deservespraise and rewards, never take away what was given.
  • Statute of limitations. It is better not to punish than to punish belatedly. The preschooler will forget about his prank within an hour, and will be sincerely perplexed, “Why?” Late punishment will not bring any benefit, but will cause resentment and cause mental trauma.
  • Punishment for children should betemporary nature. Punished - forgiven. The incident is over.
  • No humiliation. When punishing children, you should avoid insults and labeling. We evaluate only the behavior or specific act of the child, and not his personality.
  • Children should be punishedconsistent, and not from case to case.

You can't punish!

When a child is sick (the psyche is vulnerable, reactions are unpredictable); immediately after physical or mental trauma; when a child can’t cope or something doesn’t work out for him, when he eats, after sleep, before bed, during play, while working; when the internal motives of an offense, the most trivial or the most terrible, are incomprehensible to us (we must definitely figure out what caused the offense, maybe it was defense, someone talked it into it, etc.); when we are not ourselves, tired or upset about our problems (anger is a bad advisor).

Remember suggestibility!

When scolding a child, do not claim that he is lazy, a slob, etc., that nothing will work out for him, that he is incorrigible, etc. The child BELIEVES! By assessing, we suggest.

Respect personal privacy!

When expressing disapproval, determine only actions, do not touch the person. Not “you are bad”, but “you did something bad”, not “you are cruel”, but “you acted cruelly”. Express your attitude to the action: “I’m upset by your behavior,” “I’m sad because you offended me,” “I’m in a bad mood because of your action.”

Hello, Sergey!

Such acts threaten the teacher with criminal liability.

[Criminal Code of the Russian Federation]

Article 156. Failure to fulfill obligations to raise a minor
Failure to perform or improper performance of responsibilities for raising a minor a parent or other person entrusted with these responsibilities, as well as teaching worker or other employee of the educational organization, medical organization, organization providing social services, or another organization obliged to supervise a minor if this is an act associated with cruelty to a minor , - shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to one hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to one year, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to four hundred and forty hours, or by corrective labor for a term of up to two years, or by forced labor for a term of up to three years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to five years or without it, or imprisonment for a term of up to three years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to five years or without it.
Article 112. Intentional infliction moderate harm to health
1. Intentional infliction of moderate harm to health, not dangerous to human life and not entailing the consequences specified in Article 111 of this Code, but causing long-term health disorder or significant permanent loss of general working capacity of less than one third, -
is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years, or forced labor for a term of up to three years, or arrest for a term of up to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to three years.
2. The same act committed:
A) in relation to two or more persons;
V) in relation to a minor or other person who is known to be in a helpless state by the perpetrator, as well as with special cruelty, mockery or torture for the victim;
is punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to five years.

You need it as soon as possible record this trace by hand on the child's body (until it passes) in the emergency room(get a certificate of this fact)

If there are witnesses who also saw this trail when the child was taken from kindergarten, they will have to be attracted

Talk to the parents of other children, this is probably not an isolated case.

The more information and evidence you have, the better.

Record negotiations with the teacher and school director on this occasion using audio and (or) video.

In general, record all conversations to the maximum and other evidence that you come across (and information from other parents who, God forbid, had a similar situation with the same teacher)

1) or with a complaint to the Ministry of Education of the region (republic) with a requirement to take action (attach a copy of the certificate from the emergency room to the complaint)

2) either you write to the regional prosecutor’s office or contact the police with a statement, here you will need a certificate, witnesses and all the other information and evidence that you have (then everything will be much more serious for the teacher)

See for yourself what to choose. Such teachers, of course, are dangerous for children and for society as a whole.

Even if a fine is simply awarded under Article 156 of the Criminal Code, this will still entail a criminal record in any case for the teacher

Best regards, Natalya

Is there anything more important than the safety of children. Each of the parents leaving their child in kindergarten would like to feel peace of mind that nothing bad will happen to their children. However, the whole of last year passed under the impression of numerous scandals related to.

So, for example, one of the most egregious cases was a scandal involving the fact that in Tatarstan, one of the kindergarten teachers beat and pulled a little boy by the hair because he was eating too slowly. This case caused great public outrage and received due legal consequences, following an inspection by law enforcement agencies, where the child’s parents turned. It is worth noting that such educators who commit violence against their students or fail to perform their duties properly may bear both disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability for their actions. Thus, one of the main articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation regulating such violations is Art. 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (failure to fulfill obligations to raise a minor).

Parental Actions to Protect Children. So, if parents begin to suspect that their children are victims of violence or neglect in kindergarten, the most difficult thing is to collect the appropriate evidence. Due to their young age, children are simply not able to accurately describe and tell what happened to them. Therefore, you have to find the evidence yourself. To do this, you need to carefully examine the child to see if he has any abrasions or bruises. In addition, bruises and some specific marks (such as the mark of a palm strike on a child’s bottom or other parts of the body) can serve as evidence. If anything like this is discovered, you should immediately go to the emergency room to document the presence of such injuries. It should be especially noted that the cause of bruises can be not only the violent actions of educators, but also their failure to properly perform their duties. For example, children may be left unattended while walking or during some active games. In addition, educators may violate safety rules and allow children to be present in hazardous areas.

It should not be forgotten that injuries can also be psychological. For example, they may be associated with the fact that teachers yell at the child or use violence that leaves no traces. The consequence of such actions will be panic fear and the child’s unwillingness to go to kindergarten. In this case, you must contact child psychologist, who will draw up an appropriate conclusion. However, you should not immediately panic if your child has a bruise. It could also be a simple coincidence. But if parents have serious grounds for suspicion of improper performance of their official duties by one of the staff, then first of all, you can write a complaint (it will be better if it is from several parents, that is, collective), addressed to head of the preschool educational institution. In this case, the head will have to conduct an appropriate check and if such violations are confirmed, the guilty teacher may be dismissed under Art. 336 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, based on the facts of the inspection, parents can contact higher authorities: the police, the prosecutor's office or the district education department.

If there are not enough grounds for an appeal, but at the same time, parents want to increase control, they can contact the head of the preschool educational institution with a proposal to install surveillance cameras. The cameras themselves, accordingly, must be located openly, and keep under review the entire territory of the kindergarten where children are located, with the exception of certain places (where children can be without clothes). Recordings from such surveillance cameras can also become evidence of improper performance of their duties by any of the educators.

If you contact law enforcement agencies, a special medical and pedagogical examination will be carried out, the conclusions of which may serve as the basis for teacher liability, even criminal liability. So, for example, on similar grounds, criminal cases can be initiated under articles from 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to Art. 118 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – inclusive. Moreover, if a child, while under the supervision of teachers, received an injury not related to violence, but due to an accident, then the parents have the right to contact the preschool educational institution with a demand for reimbursement of the cost of treatment and compensation for moral damage (Article 1073 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Actions of educators to protect their rights. Any legal relationship has a bilateral order. The presumption of innocence, which operates in our country, guarantees the protection of the rights of not only parents, but also educators in the conflict that arises. Unfortunately, some parents sometimes tend to abuse their rights either intentionally or by mistake. This becomes especially significant due to the unwillingness of the heads of preschool educational institutions to make public the complaints of the parents of their pupils and who do not make attempts to accurately understand the situation that has arisen. It is much easier to quietly fire your employee than to attract the attention of higher authorities to a controversial issue that has arisen.

It is necessary to understand that children always tend to run and jump, and they do not always succeed in this as skillfully as they would like. Sometimes it is simply impossible to avoid bruises and abrasions. And if the teacher did everything that depended on him to minimize the risk of injury, and also provided all the necessary first aid, if the child did receive an abrasion or other damage, there can be no claims against him.

The rights of the teacher are also protected by the relevant articles of the current legislation. In case of illegal dismissal, without specifying serious reasons, or other violations Labor Code, a preschool educational institution employee has the right to be reinstated in his job through the court. It should also be remembered that serious accusations must be supported by sufficient evidence. Otherwise, the teacher may sue for libel, and the defendant in this case will be overly suspicious parents.