Sending your children to kindergarten is not so easy. Either there is no queue, or there is no suitable establishment. Sooner or later the problem will be solved, but a change in preschool educational institution is required for various reasons.

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How to transfer a child to another kindergarten in 2019? Due to various circumstances, it may be necessary to transfer a child from one child care institution to another.

Moreover, most parents do not know how to do this correctly. How to transfer a child to another kindergarten in 2019?

General points

Parents of children preschool age It is useful to know how preschool educational institutions are recruited. This will help you understand the procedure when transferring your child to another kindergarten.

The territorial department of the education department is obliged to compile lists of children for each individual kindergarten.

The formation of groups is carried out on the basis of applications submitted by parents and the age of the children.

Before the first of June of the current year, information about the composition of the groups is brought to the attention of the heads of children's institutions and direct applicants.

At the appointed time, parents go to the kindergarten to which the child is assigned.

After providing the necessary documents, the agreement is concluded. As a rule, after the groups of free places in the kindergarten doesn't stay.

All subsequent applications are recorded and included in the general queue for the next year, that is, until the next recruitment.

You can get a place earlier only if students drop out. For example, someone will transfer to an ion institution or for some other reason stop attending a day-care center.

At the same time, we should not forget about priority recipients and beneficiaries. Children individual categories parents have priority for enrollment in preschool educational institution.

What you need to know

The number of places in child care institutions is limited. In the absence of free places, preschool institutions simply cannot accept children, especially out of turn.

In accordance with clause 3 of the Procedure, transfer of a child from one child care institution to another is possible at any time, regardless of the period of the school year.

A detailed explanation of the right of children to education in the Russian Federation can be obtained from the Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science.

The basis for creating the Letter was the existing practice of the European Court of Human Rights in considering cases concerning violations of children’s rights to education in the Russian Federation.

This provision prohibits denial of the right to receive education.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation civil rights and freedoms cannot be limited due to lack of registration at the place of residence.

Russian laws do not allow the regulation of such rights in relation to children on the basis of registration at the place of residence of the parents.

That is, the lack of registration cannot become a reason for refusal of admission to a preschool educational institution.

But registration, at least temporary, will simplify the translation process. The resulting temporary registration is equivalent to a permanent one.

In addition, according to the law, if you are staying at another place of residence for more than ninety days, you will in any case need to register temporarily.

Is it possible without the father's consent?

According to generally accepted standards, any of the parents has the right to pick up a child’s documents from a kindergarten for transfer to another preschool educational institution.

That is, a parent who does not agree with the actions of the other parent has the right to contact the guardianship authorities to resolve the situation.

Anyone who believes that the interests of the child are being violated can also apply.

It states that parents cannot represent the interests of the child if there are conflicts between the interests of the children and parents.

In this case, the guardianship authorities appoint a representative who protects the interests of the child.

It states that all issues regarding the upbringing and education of children are resolved by mutual agreement.

If there are disagreements, an appeal to the guardianship authorities or the court is required. Of course, there is no provision for transferring a child to another home without the consent of the father.

But if the authorized bodies consider that the child’s situation has worsened significantly after the transfer, then by decision the baby will be transferred back.

Features of the procedure

Changes in education legislation have led to the fact that admission to a secondary school can be denied only due to lack of places.

In this case, preschool educational institutions are staffed based on the existing queue. And the movement of the queue is carried out based on the date of submission of the application by parents to be placed in the queue.

That is, in fact, you can expect to get a place no earlier than the designated queue arrives at the time the kindergarten is staffed.

Meanwhile, one of the parents decides to wait with the determination in the child's home or for some other reason skip their turn.

In order to be guaranteed a place in a preschool educational institution upon transfer, you need to submit an application to the local education department.

This indicates that the space is needed now and waiting another year is not feasible. In such cases, the authorized bodies are obliged to find a place for the child.

Otherwise, you can send a complaint about the inaction of the authorities to the prosecutor's office. Let the educational authorities prove that there really is no place in any kindergarten.

In Moscow

To transfer a child to another preschool educational institution in Moscow, you need to contact the Public Information Center about the provision of educational services of the Moscow Department of Education.

In St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, you can apply to register a child’s transfer to another kindergarten at the city education department, namely at the education department of the district where you plan to receive education.

Most often, those who are faced with the question of transferring to another kindergarten are those who are about to move to a new area or even a new city. There are other reasons why parents want to change the environment for their child. Some kindergartens show neglectful treatment of children, insufficient attention to the child's development, poor nutrition and frequent illness. Sometimes a child cannot get used to the teachers and complains about what he does not like in kindergarten.

Although this is a difficult issue, it needs to be addressed. The law provides for any citizen possibility of transferring the child to another MDOU (municipal preschool educational institution). This is stated in Art. 25 of Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012. The difference in the transfer procedure may depend on the rules of a particular kindergarten, but in general the principle is the same. The difficulty of a shortage of places in kindergartens is what often becomes a problem, and this is what every parent faces.

Instructions for parents

A step-by-step description of the steps to transfer your child to another kindergarten should help you go through all the stages faster.

1. Testing the waters

First you need to probe the area for the availability and quality of kindergartens. You may have heard good reviews about any kindergarten: good food, many developmental programs, and the like. View reviews on forums on the Internet can be a very valuable help in finding information, including approaching directors from different institutions. Parents will tell you which kindergarten is best to avoid and which one you can safely transfer to.

Decide on the place where you want to transfer your child. Talk to kindergarten managers about availability free seats. It is at this stage that you need to agree on a place for the child, then there will be no difficulties with subsequent actions. If there is a place, then in the future ask for a voucher-direction to this particular kindergarten from the education department. Statistics show that there are not always places available and then you need to queue up for this kindergarten or look for another one.

And ask the head of your institution for a certificate stating that your child is currently attending there.

2. Where to contact?

You need to contact education department your city, namely to the commission for staffing kindergartens. Ask them to give you a special application form, where you need to indicate the personal data of the child and both parents, registration and actual address of residence, as well as a justified reason for changing the child preschool.

Be sure to indicate in the completed documents if the child has right to priority enrollment to kindergarten. For example, if you are a working single mother. In the same application, indicate the number of the kindergarten that you have already visited regarding availability.

You will be given a direction (ticket) to the kindergarten you indicated. It indicates the validity period from the date of issue, in which you need to invest, otherwise it will be invalid. Please note that you will be given a referral to a kindergarten only if there are places in it, otherwise you will be put on a waiting list with a supporting certificate.

What documents should you take with you to fill out an application for a new kindergarten (originals and copies):

  • child's birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the current kindergarten stating that your child attends it;
  • If you are from a preferential category, then do not forget to take the appropriate documents.

If there are places in the new kindergarten, you will be given a referral that will be valid for a certain period.

3. Queue at kindergarten

Your chances of getting into kindergarten depend to a large extent on the reason for the transfer child. If you have officially changed your place of residence and can provide documentary evidence in the form of a change of registration in your passport, then the issue will be resolved faster. Even if there is no place in another kindergarten, you will be restored to the queue with the original delivery date. But if you are simply not satisfied with the kindergarten, then you will be put on a waiting list from the date of your appeal on this issue. So, in the second case the chances are much lower.

4. Expulsion from the previous kindergarten

You need deduct his child from the kindergarten he attends. Check everything regarding payments and make all payments, otherwise the documents will not be given to you. Write an application to the head for transfer to another preschool educational institution. In it you indicate the reason for expulsion: “transfer to another kindergarten.” Depending on the rules of the institution, you may be required to provide documentary evidence of the transfer in the form of a referral from the education department. If everything is in order, then you can pick up the medical card and transfer it to the new kindergarten.

5. To the new kindergarten

In the name of the head of the new preschool institution you need write a statement according to the sample that will be provided to you on site. You need to bring to the new kindergarten:

  • application for admission to kindergarten;
  • referral from the commission for staffing kindergartens;
  • passport of the child’s authorized representative (parent);
  • medical card;
  • all other documents that were given to you in the previous kindergarten.

Enter into an agreement with the kindergarten to which you are transferring your child.

The notorious “no places” is a violation of children’s rights

It turns out that an answer such as “there are no places” cannot be an argument for not accepting your child into a preschool institution. Despite this, the situation is quite standard and well-known, which a huge number of parents face. Endless lists that are compiled no one knows how and your turn still doesn’t fit.

Firstly, contact the education department and ask to be directed to another kindergarten that is in your area and that has places.

Secondly, if you conscious parent, then know that the law of the Russian Federation gives the right to education to every child and the lack of places cannot influence this in any way. Law of the Russian Federation“On Education” dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 states that “The State guarantees citizens the availability and free preschool…education.”

Queues and lists are by and large a semi-legal method of forming groups. Contact the head of the education department with this justified complaint. This may be the decisive moment for finding a place in a kindergarten. Otherwise, you have the right to file a claim in court on the grounds that your child is being deprived of the right to preschool education guaranteed by law.

If the child is 5-6 years old, then the education department must quickly provide a place in kindergarten, since this is preschool education, and it is everyone’s right to receive it for free.

Reason for transfer - child abuse

Sometimes, before transferring your child to another kindergarten, try to solve the problem in the same place. After all, there are not always places available in another kindergarten, and do not forget about the child’s stress that he will experience during the transfer.

If you not satisfied with the work of teachers for objective reasons and the head of the kindergarten does not solve this problem in any way, then you can contact the relevant authorities with a complaint about a specific preschool educational institution. Talk to other parents and write a collective complaint, which you send to the education department of your city with a request to check the teaching staff of the kindergarten for professional suitability.

If the treatment of children in a kindergarten is extremely careless, you may need to contact the prosecutor's office with a complaint about violation of children's rights. Believe me, then the reaction and measures to eliminate the incorrect relationship with children will be carried out quickly. But it is best to make a collective complaint from several parents.

Of course, these are unpleasant measures and it is better to solve everything at the manager level. However, you do not have to endure and calmly watch your child suffer.

Sending your children to kindergarten is not so easy. Either there is no queue, or there is no suitable establishment. Sooner or later the problem will be solved, but a change in preschool educational institution is required for various reasons. How to transfer a child to another kindergarten in 2018? Due to various circumstances, it may be necessary to transfer a child from one child care institution to another.

Р' случае, если семье СЃ детьми предстоит сменить РјРµС ЃС‚Рѕ жительства, то РІРѕРїСЂРѕСЃ состоит РЅРµ С‚ олько РІ том - как упаковать RїРѕСЃСѓРґСѓ RїСЂРё RїРµСЂРµРµР·РґРµ. R' большинстве случаев предстоит SЃРјРµРЅР° детского °РґР° - как произвести эту процедуру Р±С‹ стро Рё безболезненно, можно RїСЂРѕС‡РµСЃС‚СЊ РІ статье.

How to change a ticket to kindergarten

The education department has accumulated more than 800 vouchers, which no one is in a hurry to pick up. Novosibirsk finally managed to get rid of the long-term waiting list for preschool institutions; all children received a place. But what about those who were sent to kindergarten too far from home?

They gave me a permit, but I’m not happy with the garden. What to do to avoid losing your place in line? - Kindergartens

Since most people are lazy to read the topic “Queue for the garden” and continue to regularly ask the same questions, the topic is highlighted. Tell me, please, today we were stunned by the news that they gave us a DS (and the head of the kindergarten where we were assigned called, but the voucher did not arrive). But this garden is far from home. If we refuse this, then they will give us a garden in an area not far from home, or it is better to take what they give and exchange it with someone. I really need advice, because they are calling for registration on Thursday.

How to change places in kindergarten?

You can change places in kindergartens at any time. Legally, the easiest way to do this is within three days after receiving the voucher in hand, if both kindergartens are located in the same administrative district. All you need is to find the parents of a child who has received a ticket to the kindergarten that you need and wants to exchange it for the kindergarten that you received. Together you approach the inspector, who changes your tickets. All. In other cases, the algorithm of actions is more complicated, but it is quite possible to implement it.

How to change kindergarten | This is your right...

Please tell me when I can contact you for copies of permitting documents? They give me a ticket to one garden, I’m not sure I’ll like it there. Is it possible to change it to another garden later? The commission told me that in this case, I would have to get on the queue again. Has anyone encountered this?

Ticket to kindergarten: TOP 5 mistakes of parents

Two weeks later, on April 28, the Department of Education presses a button in the Electronic Kindergarten program, and it automatically begins enrolling children in preschool institutions. Recruitment lasts until August 31, but the main enrollment takes place in May. The generated lists are received by the heads of kindergartens, after which the employees of the institution begin calling parents and telling them the good news. 01/27/2017 A service for exchanging vouchers to kindergartens started working in Novosibirsk

How to change a ticket to kindergarten | Novosibirsk news

The reason for changing a kindergarten or, in other words, transferring a child from one kindergarten to another, most often arises when you change your place of residence, moving from one district of the city to another or to another city altogether. But there are other reasons: conflict relations between parents and teacher; bad attitude teachers for children; poor quality teaching; a new kindergarten with improved teaching methods, etc. The reasons may be different, but the transfer process itself, as a rule, is the same everywhere and consists mainly of choosing a new kindergarten and collecting documents.

How can you transfer your child to another kindergarten in 2018?

Contact the other party of the exchange INDEPENDENTLY, make sure you intend to exchange Contact your territorial department of the Department of Education and Science with a statement of desire to make an exchange, the parents of the other child who agree to the exchange do the same;

How to change a kindergarten in the electronic queue (queue for kindergarten) 2017 - when moving, change the application, change the kindergarten number, Government Services

After the birth of the baby, it becomes necessary to enroll him in kindergarten. It is often impossible to get a place in kindergarten right away due to a lack of places. In order for your child to have the opportunity to attend kindergarten, you still need to wait until a free place in the queue becomes available.

Should I exchange vouchers for kindergarten?

The photo is inserted into the text. You can insert a few more or close this window. When you've been pregnant for a long time, the whole world seems like a fairy tale, and you're at least a fairy in it. Such a round fairy. The eyes are sparkling, the smile is mysterious, the gait... I’ll leave out the gait. And you wait. And you think, while eating your second ice cream on a park bench, WOW! A little more and here it is happiness! You read a lot, you asked, you can imagine everything. But time passes... and you understand... NOT TRUE! So, here's a list of things I was absolutely unprepared for.

Exchange of places in kindergarten - how to change, is it possible, to another area

Transfer of a child from one kindergarten to another is subject to availability. However, parents can agree to switch places. To do this, you just need to find a “couple” - parents who are ready to give up their place in a preschool educational institution in exchange for yours. Another option is possible - to entrust the procedure to officials.

How to change kindergarten!? - how to change kindergarten to another

A problem for modern parents of preschool children has become the lack of places in kindergartens. Therefore, fathers and mothers need to know how to quickly and correctly get on the waiting list for a place in a preschool institution. Instructions1Gather the necessary... How to register for kindergarten

Children take first place in their lives as soon as they are born. The queue for kindergarten is a real test for parents. In many kindergartens there is an acute shortage of places, so it is advisable to add your baby to the list as quickly as possible...

How to transfer a child to another kindergarten: step-by-step description of actions and possible problems

Most often, those who are faced with the question of transferring to another kindergarten are those who are about to move to a new area or even a new city. There are other reasons why parents want to change the environment for their child. Some kindergartens show neglectful treatment of children, insufficient attention to the child's development, poor nutrition and frequent illness. Sometimes a child cannot get used to the teachers and complains about what he does not like in kindergarten.

The process of exchanging vouchers in DS / Forum

Sending a child to a good kindergarten is already a problem. What to do if the parents have moved, want to take the child to a kindergarten near home or work, or simply want him to be in the same kindergarten with the children of relatives or friends. There is a way out - an exchange of kindergartens. True, this procedure is

HOW to change a ticket to a kindergarten:: what a ticket to a kindergarten looks like...

Many people consider obtaining a place in a preschool institution to be a fairly easily achievable goal and are very much mistaken about this. In big cities, it is almost impossible to enroll your child in kindergarten legally due to the fact that there is a catastrophic shortage of places. You should take the issue seriously in order to promptly receive a ticket to a normal kindergarten with a good reputation.

How to change a ticket to kindergarten - popular posts

How to get a place in kindergarten

A child is a great miracle that the creator gives us, but in addition to moments of happiness in the life of parents, increased level responsibility for the life and health of one's small penis family. For proper development baby needs live communication with peers, fun games And proper nutrition, so a huge burden of responsibility falls on the shoulders of mom and dad. The first year of a toddler’s life is the basis for his future future, because it is in infancy character is formed and the first communication skills are acquired.

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Attending kindergartens is not compulsory, i.e. parents can be with the child themselves or leave him with grandmothers or nannies. However, it is worth understanding that the baby needs communication with peers for his normal adaptation in society and...

How to change kindergarten!?


Good afternoon I know that a hundred years have passed, but in response to my question, Google brought up your post first) we also want to ask through the manager) did you manage to change the garden then? Thanks for the answer)

No, I couldn’t get into the kindergarten I wanted at that time. All the years I took my daughter to kindergarten, BUT I don’t regret it, we had GOLDEN teachers, they love the children as if they were their own.

Thank you. They gave us a garden just like it was copied from your story: scary - creepy. Now at least they are repairing the roof, but there is still a lot of repairs without it. Let's try to walk around, maybe he'll take it with his attitude). There are no other options anyway)

no way, I just stood in line and at 3 years old we went wherever we wanted. Actually, I didn’t choose, I got up immediately at 2 (both are in my yard) and ended up in one of them

So you're just lucky.

And in our kindergartens it was forbidden to glue wallpaper fire safety, now everywhere is being renovated and painted, so now the gardens really need wall painting. You can do this perfectly :) This summer I wanted to paint a group with us, but after the renovation there was no money left, but I offered my services :)

I don’t even know about coming with a cake; I myself don’t know how to make gifts and suck up. But I think you will immediately win her over and interest her.

Thank you, I’m ready to buy all the paints at my own expense, I’ve already printed out several pictures as an example. I'm going on Tue.

It’s kind of risky with a cake, I probably won’t do it.

Maybe bring her a present. This is what we were advised to do. It’s true that we are through friends, but they hinted to us that she doesn’t like it when they come empty-handed. Another option is to settle into this garden. For a while, of course. Children of employees must be given a place. Even if he's not there.

I make cakes. Wouldn't it be a bit arrogant to go with a cake? and one more thing. and if there really is no space in the garden and she can’t do anything. don't take it back.

Well, there’s no room, so what? What space is he missing? I have a friend in a group of 24 people! She is a teacher. About 21 of them are constantly visiting (some are regularly sick) There are only 20 beds! If more people come, they put them on cots. And nothing, they somehow get out. Lockers are shared between two people. There would be a desire)))

And we also came and said: “How can we help the kindergarten?” In total, 2 verandas were corrected.

I'm thinking. whether to offer them cakes or not. Can they be in kindergartens or not? I would do it for the holidays.

Now I’m sitting here printing out pictures (of cakes). I don’t know what else I can interest them in.

like for a birthday, they wanted to bring a cake, they said cookies would be better, although sometimes children are given condensed milk with cheesecakes for breakfast!? but try, they may provide some discounts to employees)))

I went to one kindergarten without success. in the second there was no head, they told me to come on Tuesday, but they say there are no places, it’s already too much and the most unpleasant thing, they answer that they don’t decide anything, it’s all the department of education.

I left the first kindergarten almost in tears. Well, how can it there really nothing that can be done? after all, if it were necessary to place the granddaughter of the manager, a place would be found.

I came to the head and asked that we desperately needed to get into this particular kindergarten because... because! “I can provide all possible assistance to the kindergarten, maybe I need to buy something?” The manager then suggested making repairs in the garden. to all the parents of our group, on their own in their own group.
My sister was offered to buy a DVD for the group. In general, good luck to you and don’t be afraid of anything! For the sake of a child, you can go to any scandal)))

Oh, of course, I will offer all possible help. but is it needed is the question. The kindergarten is just great. It seems to me that everything is already there. every second parent drives an expensive foreign car.

But I’ll remember the DVD idea, do they need enough? :))

You always need something in kindergarten, don’t worry)

the main thing is that she will understand what you are getting at))

please tell me your opinion about the kindergarten, Montessori groups, teachers, head

We go to kindergarten 238 (Lenin. district on Barbusa) - the kindergarten is located far away and inconveniently, next to our house - 267, 268 and 320, well, I won’t say anything about 288 for tubinfected children which is opposite my windows. but here it is.

Tell me, is it so difficult everywhere? Until I asked for a written refusal, they didn’t even offer me any options. There is an option to stay in the same kindergarten, but change the group. I’m waiting for the manager to come out, what if he doesn’t go to the meeting either?? Our teacher is me.

They were given a place in kindergarten Secondary School No. 4 (Profsoyuznaya Street, 9A, Kedrova 18k3), group 3-4 years old, in kindergarten No. 775 (Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya St., 14A) Or in kindergarten No. 2690 (Dmitry Ulyanov St., 25 )

I decided to talk about the “delights” of our kindergartens. I didn’t want to, but it boiled, it hurt, and it was just a cry from the heart. I hope this doesn't happen too often, although I know it doesn't. (((((((((My eldest daughter.

In general, this is the whole question. We've been going to the group for a week, we've almost gotten used to it, but this evening they called me from the kindergarten and told me that we will now go to the second group from 15 to 18, which is what we need.

Despite the excellent reviews about the Rainbow kindergarten and the fact that we were told that we were incredibly lucky to get to our teacher, I will exchange the ticket for a kindergarten that is still closer to us. Age 5-6 years (senior group)

Is this even possible, or from the realm of fantasy? I would even pay extra or I don’t know how. and then Stepa says something like this: we’re not allowed to talk in kindergarten. (and also, as I have known for a long time, they are not allowed to run.

Girls, please tell me what kind of kindergarten you have? In general, the situation is this: my daughter goes to kindergarten at the end of June, we wanted to go to another kindergarten. but not this one, the reviews about it are too bad, but...

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How to change kindergarten

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How to exchange a place in kindergarten? How does the exchange of kindergartens take place?

How to exchange a place in kindergarten? How does the exchange of kindergartens take place?

I wrote to the local Education Management Department an application for transfer to another kindergarten. There, naturally, she indicated her passport details and the number of the child’s birth certificate. They said that as soon as places become available, they will call you back and give you a ticket to the desired kindergarten.

In our city you can do this if necessary kindergarten exchange:

If you are still on the waiting list for kindergarten, you can immediately write an application to be placed on the waiting list to the Education Committee of the desired district, indicating the number of the kindergarten and the reasons for such an application. They can be placed in a queue on a general basis; the place in the queue is also determined by the availability of benefits, that is, if there is a preferential category of citizens, then they are enrolled in a preferential queue.

If you have already received a place in the kindergarten, then you can contact the Education Committee of your area, write an application there and wait for someone to respond, but the chances are low.

You can simply stick an advertisement on the doors of the kindergarten where you want to go, that you are offering an exchange, or place such an advertisement in the media (newspaper advertisements, Internet sites like Avito).

You definitely need to contact the head of your kindergarten and where you want to go, and tell them about your desire. Sometimes it helps. Communicate more with parents, there is also a chance to learn something.

When exchanging, if you find a place, then you need to get a ticket in the Education Committee of the area where your new kindergarten is located. Documents for obtaining a ticket to kindergarten standard: a copy of the child’s birth certificate, a copy of documents confirming the benefit, if any.

When we tried to change a place in kindergarten, I contacted the administration with this question, they gave me a thick magazine and told me to sign up there (full name, address, kindergarten we are visiting and the numbers of which kindergartens we are considering for exchange, phone number). When asked what’s next, they said - wait, maybe someone will call you, and if not, then come periodically yourself and look at this magazine, maybe you’ll find something.

After a couple of months, I realized that this was a useless endeavor. Therefore, I simply wrote a letter of resignation from the kindergarten that I was attending, took all the documents, and then went to the MFC (multifunctional center) and again stood in line for the kindergarten. Just a few days later, we were given a place in a kindergarten (right next to the house). I approached the director of the kindergarten, gave the documents and wrote an application for admission. And they began to attend kindergarten.

Change kindergarten

Can. You contact the commission, they will tell you what to do. You get back on the waiting list, but they try to find you something suitable as soon as possible.

Can I show them the right one myself? Or is my opinion taken into account, but how will it be trampled on?

Of course you indicate where you would like to go. They will look for a transfer opportunity.

But, purely theoretically, if, say, you move to another area, can you change the kindergarten to another in the new area in the same way? Do I need to go to the commission at my old place of residence or a new one?

I don't know, I haven't encountered it. You probably need to go or call the commission at your new place of residence to find out what and how.

We moved from Medvedkovo to Strogino. The queue is being moved. You have to go to a commission, and gardens at the new place of residence are added to the queue, while leaving one of the gardens at the old one. But somehow the queue doesn’t move very well. We got a garden at the other end of Strogino, and all last year I took the child by car or my mother by bus. Terribly inconvenient.

I forgot to write. You need to go to the commission for your new place of residence.

It all depends on how busy the gardens are and how full the groups are. And, of course, the desire of those in charge to deal with your problem. There is no need to stand in line again - you already have a ticket.
You need to go to the same place where you received your ticket. Then there are two possible options:
1. There are no problems with places in the required age group, and the child will be easily transferred.
2. There are no places, but perhaps someone really wants to get into the kindergarten your child goes to. Then you will be replaced.

go to the commission and stand in line “for transfer”. For example, we have 200 people in this queue, and they told me that it hardly moves, they got up a year ago. but I changed my mind about transferring (the kindergarten is old, but the teacher is wonderful, and this is the main thing I think), so I’m not monitoring this issue. but if I definitely decided to transfer, especially because of inadequate teachers, then 1. I would go to the commission to find out what and how, 2. I would write or go to the district education department, 3. if that doesn’t help, I would write to the department of education and higher, higher, until my question is resolved.

1 You are well savvy.
And indeed, contacting the commission is absolutely useless, they don’t want to make unnecessary gestures and for some reason they are sure that we should be grateful to them for getting into kindergarten at all! The district education department is their boss, so it’s better to go there.

exactly. and there is no need to be afraid of them. and the district administration too. that's their job. they are for us, not the other way around

Isn’t it easier to join another group in the same DS?

If there is space, then, of course, this is a priority.

Approach the manager, they try not to wash dirty linen in public and try to resolve controversial issues on their own, without involving third parties
Do you have a psychologist in your kindergarten?

Of course, I’ll start with the head (if I have to start), she used to work as a psychologist in our kindergarten. Adequate.

From experience, it turned out to be easier to remove the teacher than to transfer the child to another group
But our teacher had a blast and our parents cooperated

When I was there, a similar question was asked to the head teacher, she said that the state is fulfilling its obligations by providing you with a place in kindergarten, but if you refuse it, then that’s your business. In a huge queue, no one will actually translate.

theoretically - a horse,
practically no luck =)
my friends had similar attempts and suffered epic failures

This question is also interesting to me, because... theoretically it is possible for us to move.
I asked on the forum of the electronic commission for kindergartens. There they told me that if a child does not yet go to kindergarten, but is standing in line, then he will remain in the same line, but the numbers of the desired kindergartens will be changed for him. But if you already go to kindergarten, you will have to stand in line again. And at the same time, as they said, age plays a role - the older you are, the greater the likelihood of ending up in the garden. This makes me very sad. For example, a child went to a nursery, then he is 3 years old and the parents decide to move - it turns out that you have to get in line again, and the chances of getting a ticket by joining the line not from birth like the others, but from 3 years old, are not very great, as it seems to me.

It really depends on your area of ​​residence and your luck. I didn’t stand in any queues at all, because... The son had a great time with the nanny. but when the younger one appeared on the horizon, plans changed dramatically. In the end, I got in line and within a month (!) I got a place in the kindergarten for my son. However, they say that this is an accident. but in the end it is possible :)

How old was your son then?
I hear such stories from those who are 5 years old

he was a little older than 3.5 years old. went to junior group, we have her from 2 to 4. In April she joined the queue, and in May she already received a ticket

we transferred in September.
The process took about a month without interrupting production))

We changed it a year ago for about the same reason.
1. Go to the kindergarten you want and try to please them. Say that the child is having trouble getting used to the team, the psychologist (this is important!) said that the kindergarten needs to be changed, you are moving, etc. There is no need to throw mud at another kindergarten - they will simply think that you are always unhappy with everything and will try to send you away. The manager should look at the lists and say that she can take you into some group.
2. Go to where they give out vouchers, singing the same song. Say that the head of the new kindergarten has found a place for you. If you manage to convince them, you get a ticket for the next month.

It seems that our mini-district of Moscow is different from others :) Although there are only one or two kindergartens, three (!!) of my friends transferred their children to other kindergartens. For various reasons. Someone left because of the teacher, and someone went to the same group because the kindergarten was good.
Everyone did this.
1. To the head of the kindergarten where the child is supposed to be transferred. For availability of places in the group.
2. To the commission, but with the fact that there are places in the selected kindergarten and your child is welcome there.
Well, something like this, and all this happens very quickly - a couple of days, and the child is in another kindergarten.
Good luck to you. (and remember, there are few teachers with whom parents are absolutely satisfied. Even ours, whom the children adore, can sometimes be sooooo messy :))

Our parents usually change places privately. An announcement is made to see if anyone wants to come to your place. Maybe it’s closer or more convenient for someone. You can hang it in all the kindergartens in the area where you want the place.

if there is a conflict with the teacher, then better than a child take

I can’t tell you the algorithm of actions, but the teacher personally asked me if I wanted to transfer my son to another kindergarten, say No. 7, since the mother from kindergarten No. 7 wanted to transfer the child to ours, No. 9, they were inconvenient for the location of the seventh kindergarten. The seventh kindergarten is right next door to us, but I chose the 9th kindergarten, so I refused to swap places.

The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,,,

The reasons for transferring a baby can be completely different. Whatever they are, the translation process is the same and is accompanied by a standard algorithm of actions and collection of papers.

The most common reasons for transfer:

  • family moving to another area or city;
  • frequent illnesses of the child due to persistent viruses;
  • conflict between parents and teacher;
  • poor attitude of teachers towards children;
  • poor quality teaching;
  • the child cannot make friends with other children;
  • teachers do not fulfill their duties;
  • parents decided to transfer their child from a municipal kindergarten to a private one;
  • parents found a kindergarten with improved teaching methods;
  • the training program differs from the one that was originally offered upon admission.

Step by step instructions

To change childcare facility you need to go through more than one authority, fill out papers and wait for a decision. There is an exact algorithm for the correct actions of parents.

Algorithm of actions for the parent who want to transfer their child to a new kindergarten, looks like this:

  • independently search for a place in a new kindergarten for your child or contact the regional department of education;
  • pick up documents from the old garden based on deductions upon application;
  • submitting documents to a new kindergarten.

Using a travel guide

The first step to take after you decide to change your child's kindergarten is to visit the department of education in your area. There you need to fill out an application. It indicates the reason why the child is transferred to another institution.

The application must include:

  • Full name baby, his address, date, month, year of birth, place of birth;
  • the real reason for the transfer;
  • the presence of factors for priority acceptance of the baby into a new kindergarten (if any).

In this case, a certain package of documents is attached to the application confirming what the parents wrote:

  • parents' passports;
  • a certificate from the kindergarten that the child actually still attends;
  • documents that confirm the presence of factors for priority admission to a new kindergarten (if any).

You can download a sample application.

A special commission is being assembled. She is considering the parents' application. If the commission members satisfy the document provided, a referral voucher is issued. Without it, the child will not be accepted into any kindergarten. The referral voucher is issued by the commission only if there is a place for the child in another kindergarten. When there are still no places, the family is put on a waiting list.

A referral voucher is needed only if the transfer is carried out from one municipal kindergarten to another. If they want to transfer a child to a private kindergarten, then parents just need to make sure that there is a free place for their child. To do this, you need to discuss all the nuances with the administration of the private garden orally, pick up the documents from the municipal kindergarten, and then return to conclude an agreement.

If the commission has not issued the parents with a referral voucher, you should go to the kindergarten where your child used to be. There, a statement is written about expelling the child from the kindergarten addressed to the head of the institution.

The application addressed to the manager contains the following information:

  • Full name your child, date, month, year of birth;
  • the group the child goes to;
  • the name of the kindergarten to which the parents are transferring the child (or want to transfer them in accordance with the queue in which they were enrolled), the address of its location;
  • the reason why the parents decided to transfer the baby (it is not necessary to write this);
  • signed by parents/guardians.

Afterwards an order corresponding to this document is issued. Before the child is expelled, parents must pay the kindergarten all the money they owe (in case of debt). When the order is signed, parents will be able to receive their child’s documents. You need to go to the new garden with the same documents.

Documents that are taken from the old garden:

  • certificate of passing a medical commission;
  • recommendations of doctors, psychologists and other specialists (if available);
  • the child’s medical card, where all his illnesses and examinations are recorded.

You will need to bring the relevant documents to the new kindergarten. There, parents write an application asking to enroll their child in new group.

In the application, which is also written to the head of the kindergarten, you must indicate:

  • Full name child, date, month, year of birth, place of birth, address of residence;
  • current place of residence and full name parents/guardians of the child;
  • the reason on which the child is enrolled in this kindergarten (in this situation it is a transfer from another kindergarten).

Documents that must be submitted along with the application:

  • documents received from the previous kindergarten;
  • passports of parents/guardians;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • medical card (if it suddenly wasn’t included in the documents from the previous kindergarten);
  • referral from the district education department.

After this, the parents and the kindergarten administration enter into an agreement, according to which the child’s education process, the procedure and amount of payment, as well as other services, rights and obligations are stipulated.

An initial payment is required immediately, and the child is sent for a medical examination. If the change of kindergarten occurs quickly, but the baby will not go through all the doctors.

It is best to make copies of all documents received from the old kindergarten and those submitted to the new one. You should always have them with you.

You definitely need to think about what the baby might be worried about going to another place. At first he will be capricious, cry, and have no desire to get ready for kindergarten. The main task of parents is to convince the child that the new kindergarten has very good teachers, cheerful boys and girls, new swings, sandboxes, toys, etc. You need to interest the child and tell him only good things. Then he will be able to quickly join the new group of children and make friends with the teachers.

On the electronic portal of State Services there is the same queue as for regular enrollment in kindergarten.

In this case, the year when the child needs to be transferred to another kindergarten is indicated.

Documents required to register a child in the queue:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • baby's residential address;
  • passports of parents/guardians;
  • right to priority admission (if any).

The service is provided to residents of Russia on the State Services website free of charge. An application for transfer is submitted on the portal, and a package of documents is attached in electronic form. The queue number can be checked on the State Services website.

If your child is enrolled in kindergarten, then parents who are registered on the portal receive a notification. There will be a direction to the kindergarten, indicating its name, location, opening hours and documents that you need to have with you. If within 30 days the parents have not used the referral and have not transferred their child, their place in the queue will be cancelled.

The transition of a child to another kindergarten is regulated by a number of reasons. But no matter why parents want to change their old child care institution to a new one, they must follow a mandatory algorithm.

Leave your previous place, receive documents, write an application for a referral to a new kindergarten and register with him. In fact, this process is not easy.

Parents need to be patient while waiting and have the strength to go through all the mandatory procedures. They need to support little children, because the shift kindergarten for baby at the age of 2.5-6 years very worried and traumatizing him.

It happens that parents are not satisfied with the kindergarten their child goes to for personal reasons. Or there was a move, and the old kindergarten found itself in an inconvenient location. Whatever the reason, change of preschool institution- a responsible step not only for adults, but also for children. We'll have to prepare for it. We are talking about the paper component of the question and about the child’s psychological adaptation to the new environment. Not every child will accept such colossal changes in life with joy.

Situation: how to change place in kindergarten when moving

According to the law, citizens of our country have every right to transfer a child from one preschool institution to another. It is written well, but in reality there is a problem of shortage of places in kindergartens. So find something new place in kindergarten when moving it will be difficult.

When the desired option is found, parents should file an application with the municipal education department of their area of ​​residence. As a rule, preschool education is handled by a separate department. The request will be considered by a special commission. If the place is given, the parents will be given a ticket to another kindergarten. You need to come to the head of the kindergarten with this document.

It also happens that parents know in advance which kindergarten they want to go to. In this situation, it is better to first contact the head of the selected institution. If there is space, the ticket will be issued quickly. Otherwise, we will have to negotiate somehow. It all depends on the desire to get into this particular kindergarten.

If it is officially announced that there are no free places in a given kindergarten, then parents will be asked to join the general queue. If there are grounds, then you can get on the preferential list. And the transfer will be made only after receiving the voucher.

After all the procedures completed, you will need to write applications for leaving the old kindergarten. Nurse must provide a personal medical card and vaccination certificate. Don't forget to take your child's personal belongings. Leaving something behind is considered a bad omen 😉

When entering a new kindergarten, you will again have to pay a “voluntary” fee. You will also need to go through a medical examination again and pass all necessary tests. The list of specialized specialists during the transfer should be clarified with the pediatrician at the site.

Only after all the stages have been completed can the child be sent to a new kindergarten. Only he should be psychologically prepared for this. If there are any serious problems with a change in the team, environment and teacher, you need to contact a kindergarten psychologist. It will help you adapt smoothly.

Tags: how to change place in kindergarten when moving