The composition of caring cosmetics must include a certain lip oil. There are a large number of natural cosmetic oils that can be used to maintain the beauty and health of this delicate area.

Use for care various oils at home is an excellent method that helps moisturize the skin, saturate it with vitamins, and improve blood circulation. The most best oils for lips:

  1. Peppermint essential oil. This fragrant plant brings great benefits to the body not only when consumed orally in decoctions and teas. Also this effective remedy, the oil of which can be used to beauty the skin. After applying this care product, local blood circulation increases, causing the lips to slightly increase in volume. This area is also saturated with vitamins and minerals.
  2. From lemon balm. Used for recovery natural color, to improve appearance.
  3. From lavender. Excellent nourishment, this product is suitable for daily care behind the delicate skin of the lips. In addition to getting rid of dry lips, it can be used as a prophylactic to prevent cracking and wounds. Additionally, it has antiseptic and regenerating properties, which makes it possible to use it as part of a complex treatment of herpesvirus.
  4. Olive. The olive oil mixture has a moisturizing effect, which makes dryness disappear. It can also be used to protect against hypothermia and colds, against cracks and wounds.
  5. Almond oil. Has excellent moisturizing and nutritional properties. It has an effective regenerating effect, through which dryness is quickly eliminated and wounds are effectively tightened. Lips become protected from aggressive external influences, manifested in severe frosts, wind, and sun.
  6. From wheat germ. It is quite new in the cosmetology industry, but we can already draw a conclusion about its universal properties, manifested in the elimination of any problems affecting the epithelium: cracks, dryness, colds. When used, the skin is nourished and saturated with beneficial microelements.
  7. From avocado. Thanks to nutritional components and vitamin substances, active protection against negative factors occurs. A large amount of vitamin E is an excellent prevention of premature aging.
  8. Coconut oil for lips. Excellent help with chapping, dryness, cracks. With regular application, the skin is saturated with nutrients and moisturized. Coconut-based balm is a good protection against external negative factors.
  9. Cocoa butter. Makes the skin smooth and soft, saturates with vitamins, rejuvenates.
  10. Castor oil for lips. Castor oil is an excellent helper for frequent cracking and roughness of the skin, and also helps it quickly adapt to sudden changes in climatic conditions.
  11. Peach lip oil or apricot oil. It is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals useful for preserving beauty and youth.
  12. Sea buckthorn oil for herpes on the lips and other skin problems - dryness, cracks, wounds.
  13. Grape seed oil for lips is rich in tocopherol and is a powerful antioxidant.
  14. Shea or shea. Combats increased dryness of the epidermis.

There are also other, less popular, but no less effective and useful substances:

  • jojoba oil;
  • butter;
  • fir oil;
  • burdock;
  • linen;
  • pink;
  • raspberry;
  • macadamia;
  • vanilla;
  • cinnamon;
  • mango;
  • argan

The listed products are most often used in the cosmetology industry for personal care.

What's included

For lips essential oils contain the following positive components:

  1. Tocopherol, retinol (vitamin A). They prolong youth, take an active part in cell synthesis.
  2. Antioxidants. Removes free radicals.
  3. Polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  4. Minerals.

How to choose a product depending on the purpose of use

Remember that lips are very delicate and sensitive; they are easily susceptible to the negative effects of adverse external factors. Therefore, regardless of which oil is chosen to care for this delicate area, certain criteria for the correct choice should be taken into account:

  1. All of them must be natural, only plant-based.
  2. These products should be well accepted by the skin and absorbed quickly.
  3. Be sure to conduct a preliminary test for an allergic reaction. To do this, place a drop of the substance on the inside of your wrist. If there is no redness, itching, burning or other unpleasant symptoms, you can use this remedy on other areas of the body.
  4. Many of them are not used in pure, concentrated form. Only in combination with the base.
  5. It is recommended to choose a product to solve a specific problem, for example, to get rid of excessive dryness and flaking of the skin, choose moisturizers; When cracks or wounds appear, preference is given to cosmetics with a restorative and bactericidal effect.
  6. For convenient application of the substance, the kit must include a dispenser, applicator or brush. Treating lips with fingers is unacceptable.

How to use correctly

Depending on the purpose, on why and why it is necessary to use the product, it may be different in each case. To add volume and brightness to your lips, you need to mix the oil peppermint and almonds with any balm. After using the mint composition, you can see noticeable swelling, since mint causes swelling of the tissues. It persists for some time. To make the effect more stable and long-lasting, you can additionally add a few drops of lemon extract. Combining lemon balm oil with any other oil has the same effect.

To get rid of dryness and to increase the protective functions of the lips, mix grape seed and castor oil, rose oil, grape and apricot oil, or a composition that contains flax and peaches. Apply castor oil to the delicate area daily, this will prevent dryness, cracks and wounds, and dehydration. You can also smear your lips with olive, almond, and avocado oils as independent remedies.

We should also talk about lip balms and those products that are used for speedy healing and for the treatment of diseases. To quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptoms caused by the herpes virus, it is recommended to use the following remedies:

  • rose essential oil for herpes on the lips - helps to heal wounds and cracks, helps to quickly relieve the inflammatory process;
  • tea tree oil for herpes – accelerates healing, eliminates the severity of inflammatory reactions. Tea tree oil for herpes on the lips helps to quickly get rid of herpes, eliminates pain, itching, and relieves redness;
  • Sea buckthorn oil for herpes on the lips increases the healing rate of wounds and cracks;
  • lavender – relieves itching and burning, reduces redness and swelling that accompany the development of the disease.

To get rid of wounds, cheilitis and other problems, products containing sea buckthorn, fir, chamomile, tea tree, and rose petals are used. Chocolate balm accelerates the healing of cracks due to cheilitis. With systematic application of rosehip extract, you can prevent the appearance of early wrinkles in the corners of the lips, saturate this area with positive components, and heal cracks. Wheat sprouts should take pride of place in the fight against premature aging. An extract or balm based on these substances appears effective means to prolong the youth and beauty of the delicate area.

It must be remembered that everything natural oils are quite heavy. Therefore, with regular application of such substances, the latter can be an obstacle to normal metabolic processes. For example, a greasy film on the lips interferes with the normal evaporation of moisture, which should be in a certain percentage. Therefore, cosmetologists do not recommend regular, daily use of such substances, only in combination with other cosmetics - balms, lipsticks.

How often do we think about how to properly care for our lips, what product should be used, what lip oil can be used throughout the year, what will happen if we ignore emerging skin problems on our lips, and, finally, what exactly should be included in the composition? caring cosmetics.

Lip care: do you need it?

I hope everyone is already accustomed to properly caring for the skin on their face and body, but we often simply ignore our sponges. But in vain.

The skin on your lips is very similar to the thin skin around your eyes. At the same time, it is even more susceptible to negative environmental factors. Therefore, by the age of 30-40, we will regretfully be able to observe small wrinkles around our own lips, a colorless tint on the lips themselves, an uneven surface, and peeling. And also feel itching, dryness, tightness and even burning.

To prevent these unpleasant phenomena, we recommend starting to use the right lip care products as early as possible. Its composition may include castor oil, olive oil, sea buckthorn, peppermint, cinnamon, jojoba, lavender, auxiliary nutritional and protective components. It is not necessarily expensive, it is not necessarily pigmented, it is not necessarily demanding on storage conditions, which means it is suitable even for 15-year-old girls. And these are the means we have in mind.

10 best oils

The skin on the lips lacks pigment that would protect it from ultraviolet radiation. There are also no sebaceous glands on the lips, which ensure moisture retention, but there are many nerve endings, as a result of which the lips become very sensitive to the effects of negative factors.

    Olive oil will quickly get rid of peeling and heal wounds.

    Almond oil is ideal for chapping.

    Wheat germ oil is a real panacea for cracks and wounds.

    Jojoba oil is a liquid wax rich in amino acids similar to collagen. Jojoba ensures the safety of the product and is an excellent antioxidant. Jojoba oil is a storehouse of vitamin E.

    Castor oil – softens and perfectly nourishes the skin. Castor oil is well absorbed and applied evenly. It is castor oil that does not dry out, but also does not form an unpleasant film on the lips.

    Peach – enriched with fatty acids, rejuvenates and nourishes the skin. Peach pits can be used to scrub your lips.

These are base oils to which essential oils can be added. They are inexpensive, almost everyone has them on hand, so we consider them to be our main assistants in the fight for juicy lips. Along with these, you can use base lip oil made from sea buckthorn, avocado, and grape seeds.

    Lavender or cocoa oil is an excellent antiseptic and powerful cell regenerator. Lavender is famous for its properties to quickly heal and restore tissue. Lavender extract very quickly soothes the skin and relieves inflammation.

    Melissa and peppermint oil - helps restore a beautiful, natural skin tone on the lips. Mint also speeds up blood circulation.

    Shea butter - penetrates deep into the layers of the skin, delivering nutrients to them.

    Cinnamon oil – stimulates blood circulation, improves metabolism. Cells begin to renew themselves faster, just like when using mint.

Do not forget that when using essential oil to care for your lips, its amount should be minimal - a drop per teaspoon of base oil (olive, peach, almond, wheat germ).

Essential oils of lavender, lemon and others should never be used in pure form. It’s better to prepare a balm or caring mixture from them. But the basic ones - almond, jojoba, olive - can be applied without fear.

How to choose oil

The skin of the lips is extremely sensitive and receptive. Therefore, oil (whether castor, jojoba, peppermint, olive, peach, lavender or any other) must have a number of properties to care for it:

    It must be 100% natural.

    The oil should be well absorbed into the skin. Otherwise, it will simply freeze in the cold. And in the summer it will float, causing discomfort. If the oil is well absorbed, then it does a good job of moisturizing and nourishing. This property can be tested on the wrist. These include: castor, jojoba, peppermint, lavender, peach. That is, those that are ideal for our purposes. In general, if the skin is very dry, it absorbs almost any oil.

    It is better to choose a lip oil to solve a specific problem: if the skin is dry and flaky, use moisturizers; if cracks and wounds appear, use regenerating and antiseptic (in this case best choice– lavender).

    The purchased product should be easy to apply and have a dispenser or brush. Avoid applying lip oil with your fingers.

    Try the oil, feel the aroma and consistency. You should not experience the slightest discomfort.

You can create your own natural, high-quality and very effective lip balm based on oils and your favorite care products. We are pleased to share our exclusive recipe.

DIY chocolate lip balm

Both men and children face this problem, but most often women. Often the reason for this is the use of long-lasting cosmetics. But from today you can forget about the problem of dry and flaky lips. This product is especially suitable in the cold season, but can also protect from the scorching rays of the sun.

Prepare 2 lipstick bottles, a steam bath, and the necessary ingredients:

    2 teaspoons beeswax (need to be grated). It is an antiseptic, has antibacterial properties and in this case acts as a dense base.

    dark (75%) chocolate – grate 2 teaspoons. In addition to easily improving our mood, it also has excellent astringent qualities, perfectly softens the skin, and has a nourishing effect. In our balm it will give a barely noticeable color.

    cocoa butter – 1 teaspoon. Normalizes metabolic processes, neutralizes problems on the lips in the form of microcracks and dryness, makes the skin softer, more supple and elastic.

Place a container of beeswax in a water bath. When it starts to melt, add cocoa butter and chocolate. When the solid ingredients combine, add the oils:

    1 teaspoon grape seed oil. It contains linoleic acid, which relieves inflammatory processes. It is this substance that will relieve the unpleasant burning sensation on the lips in a matter of seconds.

    1 teaspoon olive oil. Can be replaced with jojoba or peach oil.

    1 teaspoon castor or peach. It softens the skin and retains moisture in its cells.

    A quarter teaspoon of cinnamon, which accelerates blood circulation, helps nourish the skin. If desired, add 2-3 drops of peppermint. It additionally stimulates blood circulation, providing a pleasant cooling sensation on the lips, but if you overdo the dosage, mint can cause an unpleasant tingling sensation. Mint will make your lips plump.

    orange oil – 6 drops. Please note that its anti-inflammatory property will disappear if you add the product to a hot composition.

First, we combine castor, olive (or jojoba) and grape. Then mix all the ingredients thoroughly and remove from the steam bath. We wait 10 minutes until the mass cools to a temperature of 40 degrees. After this, add 6 drops of orange oil to our product. Stir everything again and quickly pour it into lipstick containers. As a rule, 2 bottles will be enough. Without closing the bottle, put the product in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

This balm can be stored in the refrigerator for about a year, and in a cosmetic bag for 2 months. The balm turns out to be quite dense. If you are used to using liquid lipsticks, you can reduce the amount of wax by half and use a brush when applying. Also, instead of a whole spoon, you can use 0.5 spoons of castor oil.

The balm literally immediately relieves the feeling of tightness and burning, perfectly nourishes and relaxes the skin on the lips, making it elastic. We guarantee that with regular use you will forget about peeling and cracking in frosty, windy weather or during the unbearable heat of the summer.

Do not forget to properly and promptly care for the skin on your lips and around your lips. We will share with you everything else you need to know in the following articles.

Seductive lips are not volume and shine, but well-groomed and soft. Ask any man.

Seductive lips - what could be sexier and more attractive to the opposite sex? Caring for them is an integral part cosmetic procedures to maintain youth and beauty. The delicate skin of the lips, like the rest of the face, requires close attention, starting from a young age.

It is exposed to external influences, which are not always favorable: solar radiation, wind, frost. Not last place in the deterioration of the condition of the lips is the use of cosmetics(lipsticks, glosses), especially those containing synthetic dyes, fragrances, emulsifiers and other dangerous chemical compounds.

Why use lip oil?

According to many women, lip oil, regardless of whether a factory product is used or various homemade compositions of vegetable oils with the addition of natural products and essential oils, improves the condition of delicate skin, prevents dryness, eliminates peeling, and heals damage.

Regular application of oils helps create an invisible film on the lips that protects against chapping, the formation of microcracks and the application of aggressive cosmetics. In addition, oils nourish, soften, moisturize, and restore skin color.

Review of ready-made oils, pros and cons

Modern manufacturers pay special attention the presence in the assortment of cosmetics: balms, oils, lip glosses, designed to provide high-quality care for the appearance of every woman. Here are just a few of the most common products from well-known brands.

  • Nivea

The product contains shea butter (shea butter) and almonds, which is known to be the best combination for moisturizing and nourishing the skin. The product provides complete care throughout the day, intensively enriches the skin with moisture, and maintains ideal softness of the epithelium throughout the entire time of use.

Nivea lip oil is available in a series, so every woman can choose for herself ideal remedy by aroma and personal preference: “Juicy raspberry” (gives lips a gentle pink tint), “Cream caramel” (gives an attractive aroma), “Macadamia nut and vanilla” (nourishes the skin thanks to healing nut ingredients).

Unlike traditional balms, nivea lip oil has a thicker and more textured consistency, making it economical and convenient to use.

The disadvantages of this product include its individual intolerance and a feeling of discomfort (a feeling of stickiness on the lips and bad taste), which is usually observed in rare cases.

  • Clarins

Daily use of Clarence oil guarantees high-quality lip care. Moreover, the applied product has cosmetic properties, emphasizing the beauty of the lips with a delicate, alluring and pleasant shade.

Clarins eclat minute lip oil has a weightless cream-like consistency and, when applied, gently shades the skin color, while moisturizing it and promoting the healing of microcracks. In cold weather, the product is indispensable as an effective protection against adverse external influences.

In very rare cases, it is possible to develop allergic reactions on the components of the product, however, any product that includes natural ingredients is not immune from this.

  • Libriderm

The lip oil produced by Libriderm in a convenient packaging with a roller contains a complex of fat-soluble vitamins (A + E), healing oils: castor, shea, cocoa, peach kernels, omega-3 and omega-6 PUFAs, glycerin, aloe extract and other beneficial for skin connections.

Such a diverse composition allows the cosmetic to be used not only for effective lip care, but also to give them an attractive shine in any situation. The oil moisturizes delicate skin, nourishes it and eliminates cosmetic imperfections, such as dryness and flaking.

The product is ideal for sensitive skin lips, but if there are herpetic eruptions on them, it can cause them to spread to other areas of the skin.

  • Lip balm and oil “Strawberry Fudge”

The company TM ChocoLatte has launched a universal lip care product that gives delicate color, full volume and unique sensuality to lips with fat-soluble vitamins, bee products and natural oils: coconut, castor, mango.

The only disadvantage of this product, as well as other similar care products, is considered individual sensitivity and allergies to the components present.

Natural lip oils, rating and benefits

Vegetable and essential oils are widely used both in the production of cosmetic care products for the delicate skin of the lips, and for the preparation of homemade medicinal and nutritional products.

The basis of any cream, gloss or lip balm is vegetable oils, the best of which are considered to be the following:

  1. Shea butter. For lips, this oil, which has another name - shea butter, is of particular value due to the presence of tocopherols, PUFAs, cinnamic acid and a whole complex of microelements. Application of shea butter provides the epithelium with adequate nutrition, increases its elasticity, enhances the natural color and thoroughly moisturizes the skin.
  2. Almond oil. The product is indispensable in skin care, especially delicate skin, in particular lips and eyelids. Nourishes, moisturizes, softens, increases elasticity, heals and protects the epidermis.
  3. Coconut oil. For lips, this balm is considered the best moisturizer. Its use improves skin microcirculation and its saturation with nutrients, resulting in healing of cracks and a significant improvement in skin color and condition.
  4. Castor oil. The product has powerful emollient and nourishing properties. Castor oil is evenly distributed over the surface of the lips, quickly penetrates into the deep layers, and creates an invisible and imperceptible protective film.
  5. Wheat germ oil. A universal remedy for accelerating regeneration. Application of the elixir promotes the healing of existing skin lesions and is also an effective prevention of their formation.
  6. Olive oil. Fatty olive seed extract is effective in caring for dry, flaking-prone skin. It has anti-aging, restorative, regenerative and antioxidant properties.
  7. Sea buckthorn oil. Biologically active compounds of sea buckthorn seeds (carotenoids, tocopherols, oleic and palmitic acids) exhibit anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antimicrobial, protective and healing properties. Application in pure form and as part of combined products allows you to protect your lips from the adverse effects of external factors (ultraviolet radiation, frost, wind) and provides them with complete nutrition.

There are several options for using each of the listed oils.

Firstly, they form the basis of most ready-made cosmetics produced by various companies.

Secondly, they can be applied independently, lubricating cleansed lips several times a day as a nourishing balm.

Thirdly, they can be mixed together in different proportions and used as described above.

Fourthly, they are used as basic basis(singly or in composition) for natural essential oils.

Fifthly, they are included in the formulation of combined homemade lip care products, for which there are a great many recipes.

Lip masks made from natural products

A mask made from low-fat cottage cheese and carrot juice (1:1) has proven itself well. Masks made from the pulp of grapes, cucumbers and melons are also effective. The procedure is carried out in the evening, applying a layer of medium thickness to the lips, for example, during a traditional face mask 1-2 times a week.

Is essential oil used on lips?

Concentrated natural esters from plants are used in lip care only as an auxiliary product. They are never applied in their pure form to the skin of the lips and other areas of the body. We list the most effective essential oils added to homemade or ready-made lip cosmetics:

  1. Peppermint and lemon balm oil. Activates blood circulation, making the lip color brighter and more saturated. The inclusion of the product in care products is aimed at giving a seductive plumpness to the lips. The use of mint elixir helps improve the regeneration and renewal of dermal cells.
  2. Cinnamon oil. Like peppermint ester, cinnamon ester stimulates local metabolism and blood flow to the lips and is used to increase volume and fullness.
  3. Lavender oil. Has restorative and disinfectant properties. Accelerates the healing process of microdamage to the delicate skin of the lips, soothes and relieves inflammation, eliminates peeling.

The basic rule when using essential oils is to maintain the proportion: 1 drop for every 15 ml of the base product (ready-made balm, cream, herbal oil).


Before applying the product with essential oils to your lips for the first time, you should conduct an allergy test. To do this, apply a balm with the addition of the required amount of ether to the skin on the elbow. If there is no irritation during the day, the composition is used in small quantities to lubricate the lips. Any discomfort after the procedure should be interpreted as individual intolerance to the composition.

What lip care products to use is up to you to choose. We have provided information about the most common products in this cosmetic line. Beauty and plump lips to you at any age!

Your skin on your lips is truly delicate and thin. But to maintain this state it is necessary proper care. In bad weather, be it frost or wind, the skin of the lips becomes dry and may begin to crack. Lack of vitamins plays a huge role.

Lip skin care should be systematic and thorough. Modern cosmetology offers a huge number of lip care products. But the most common is lip oil.

Oils made from natural ingredients are an excellent way to care for the skin of the lips. They nourish it with vitamins, provide essential microelements and moisturize. Among the huge number of cosmetic oils existing on the market, it is very difficult to make a choice, to understand who they are suitable for and what their benefits are.

Features of natural oils

There are two types of oils:

- basic;

- ethereal.

Let's talk in detail about each of them. Base oils serve as a base for essential oils because they are fatty. Among them, the main representatives are coconut, olive, avocado oil and others. They are made from parts of various plants. They have a strong effect on the skin, so they are recommended to be used in combination with basic ones.

Cosmetic oils for lip skin care

In cosmetology, the following common oils are distinguished:

  • almond oil- an excellent humidifier in any weather, it is also protection against aggressive environmental conditions. It perfectly nourishes the lips and helps improve regenerative processes. Known for preventing aging and premature aging of the skin. It is recommended to combine it with other types of oils;
  • avocado oil will supply the skin with necessary microelements, vitamins, in particular vitamin E (helps preserve the youth of the skin), as well as nutrients that our skin cannot do without;
  • coconut oil- an excellent remedy for regenerating the skin of the lips after the negative effects of frost, wind and sun. Effective for dryness, cracks, and wounds. When you use it daily, you will forget about these problems, since with it the skin will receive all the necessary nutrients and will become resistant to the aggressive effects of the external environment. It is recommended to use it as a lip balm. It is solid with a pleasant smell;
  • wheat germ oil– an effective remedy in the fight against dry skin, it easily heals all wounds and saturates the skin with nutrients;
  • grape seed oil– makes the skin elastic and gives it freshness. Promotes metabolic processes of the skin. Not only externally, but also internally improves the condition of the lips;
  • cocoa butter– softens, protects and, very importantly, helps retain moisture, thereby preventing cracks from appearing. Cocoa butter is solid in consistency and yellow in color. It will melt easily on your lips. Has a pleasant piquant smell;
  • shea butter (karite)– popular not only for the skin of the lips, but also for the hair, facial skin, and hands. Helps in the fight against dry skin. It is best to use shea butter at night, this way its effects are better manifested. As a result, the skin will become soft and velvety.

Essential oils for lips

We introduced you to natural base oils and talked about how they help the skin maintain velvety, softness and moisture. Using base oils will help you solve many lip skin problems. But we must not forget that you can achieve the desired result and emphasize your naturalness only through the combined use of base oil and essential oil.

Let's tell you more about essential oils

  1. Peppermint oil- an effective lip enlargement product; when applied, it promotes blood flow to the lips, thereby creating a natural swelling. Has a delicious smell.
  2. Melissa oil– emphasizes natural color lips, which gives them juiciness and brightness.
  3. Lavender oil– an excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent! It is actively used in the treatment of herpes on the lips. This type of oil promotes active regeneration of epidermal cells, which prevents them from aging, and makes the skin more elastic and soft.
  4. 4. Cinnamon oil– another type of essential oils, thanks to which blood circulation improves and lips acquire a natural, rich color. Due to increased blood circulation, lip volume increases. Cosmetologists recommend combining cinnamon oil with everyday products. You can dilute your lip balm with a drop of cinnamon oil. After applying it, there may be an unpleasant sensation for a short time, but don’t worry, it goes away quickly.
  5. Tea tree oil - a well-known antibacterial agent inflammatory processes. Promotes wound healing by providing an antiseptic effect. It is recommended to use it locally in the treatment of herpes.

Precautions when using essential oils

Essential oils cannot be used in their pure form - only in combination with base oils. So you need to take one drop of essential oil and dilute it with one spoon of base oil.

Before use, it is recommended to test for the absence of allergic reactions. To do this, you need to dilute 1-2 drops of essential oil in 0.5 teaspoon vegetable oil, then apply the resulting liquid to your elbow, wait ten or fifteen minutes. If there is no irritation or burning, then this essential oil can be safely used.

Pay attention to the smell of the oil. A large number of essential oils have a pleasant, bright smell and can have an effect on your nervous system, thereby lifting your mood and positively influencing the fight against winter depression.

Natural oils are used for different purposes depending on the desired effect.

If you want to make your skin smooth and soft, you can use a scrub. It won't be difficult to prepare it. You need to take the oil, mix it with sugar or honey, which has been candied, massage your lips with smooth movements for one or two minutes, then rinse with warm water.

To combat dryness, masks made from oils are used. They can be used daily at night.

To protect lips from negative external influences (frost, sun and wind), it is recommended to add oils to lip balm, using it all day.

If your work involves constant conversations, as a result of which your lips have completely lost moisture and are dry, then you need to use compresses. Dilute five milliliters of essential oil with vegetable oil and leave on your lips for a short period of time.

If you want your lips to have a natural shine and be healthy, then feel free to use natural oils daily. This will allow you to easily fight aging, external negative conditions and be attractive even without bright lipstick.

Recipes from cosmetologists for oil mixtures:

  1. Mix a few drops of peppermint oil with glitter for daily use will increase the volume of the lips, since mint helps to increase blood circulation and increase blood flow. If you want to maintain the volume of your lips for a long time, then you need to add lemon oil (1 drop) to the balm.
  2. If you mix lemon balm oil (about five drops) with any base oil (ten grams), freshness will return to your lips, and the contour will become more pronounced and clear.
  3. To protect against negative influence environment, you need to add one drop of lavender, geranium or rosewood oil to the base oils (olive, almond, etc.) - your choice.
  4. If wounds appear on your lips, you can mix lavender oil (two drops), rosewood oil (two drops) with almond oil (about ten grams), adding five grams of honey.
  5. For healing the skin: a drop of lavender oil, a drop of lemon oil and ten grams of base oil + five grams of honey. Better effect can be achieved with daily use.
  6. For effective protection, nutrition, and moisturization of the skin of the lips, grape seed and sea buckthorn oils are added to avocado oil.

Homemade lip balm is easy!

Don't you like drugstore or store-bought lip balms? Do you think they don't contain natural ingredients? Then we will tell you how you can make the perfect lip balm yourself.

So, the recipe for natural lip balm:

  1. Melt beeswax (25 g) in a water bath;
  2. Add 25-30 g to the resulting liquid. base oils, which we talked about earlier;
  3. Then add no more than 3 drops of essential oil;
  4. Leave the mixture of wax and oils in a steam bath for a couple of minutes to obtain a homogeneous mass;
  5. Add 3 drops of vitamin E or A (oil essence) to the resulting mixture;
  6. Pour the resulting balm into a convenient container. That's it, your homemade natural balm is ready!

Homemade balm is effective for everyday use; it makes lips soft, helps maintain softness for a long time, and protects against dryness! At the same time, do not forget about the precautions described earlier.

Oil selection

If your skin easily reacts to the effects of various allergens, then you need to be extremely careful when choosing an oil, paying special attention to the properties:

  1. The oil must be natural, without chemical additives;
  2. It must have the property of good penetration into the upper layer of the epidermis, otherwise in the cold period it will freeze on the lips, not providing the necessary protection, and in summer period blur. Only those oils that are perfectly absorbed can cope with the function of nutrition and moisturizing.
  3. It must be remembered that all oils must be selected depending on the purpose. So, if the skin is dry, then it is better to use moisturizing oils; if there are cracks on the lips, then regenerating or antiseptic ones, for example, lavender oil.
  4. The balm that you bought in a store or pharmacy should be easy to apply - with a dispenser or brush. It is not recommended to apply with fingers!
  5. Try using oil. How does it make you feel? Is there any discomfort? Do you like the smell? The balm should be enjoyable and completely satisfying.

Thanks to our recipes, you can make your own lip balm using natural, high-quality oils based on your favorite care products.