Development of teenagers' independence when studying the basics of designing and modeling wood products in technology lessons.

Technology teacher: Pivovarov D.V.

In our country, there has been a steady demand for an independent, active, enterprising personality. In general psychology, independence is defined as volitional quality personality, expressed in the ability to set a goal on their own initiative, find ways to achieve it and practically implement the decisions made.

Developing independence as a personal quality is not easy, since you need to be able to create conditions under which the student will have a desire to create and confidence that he will be able to achieve his goal. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that children differ greatly in their interests, activity, initiative, etc. Therefore, the technology for developing independence should be built in stages and the development process itself will be quite long.

Educational area“Technology” opens up great opportunities for the development of independence of schoolchildren due to its following features: firstly, along with the assimilation of theoretical knowledge, a significant role is given to the independent creative activity of students; secondly, the content of the subject and its focus on creative activity allows for a connection between classroom and extracurricular work. Thus, the development of schoolchildren’s independence can be carried out in stages: in class, while studying an elective course, in a creative association.

In the lesson, first of all, the tasks of the “Technology” course, which is compulsory for all schoolchildren, are solved. The development of student independence is facilitated by the use of the project method. Indeed, the main stages of design - identifying a need and formulating a problem, developing ideas and conducting research, selecting and elaborating one idea, manufacturing a product - allow students to acquire independent activity skills.

Design is an interesting and exciting process for schoolchildren. They experience satisfaction not only from the results of their work, but also from the knowledge that the work was completed independently, from a sense of their own importance. The role of the teacher is to provide assistance and create conditions for the successful activities of schoolchildren, taking into account their interests and preparedness.

In technology classes, students complete up to four learning projects per year, covering all sections of the program. This allows us to improve the cognitive and transformative activities of schoolchildren and achieve a high level of development of their personal qualities.

During the learning process, schoolchildren achieve an increasingly higher level of independence; the tasks facing them become more complex; The content of projects is expanding. For example, at the initial stage of training using the project method, schoolchildren, in the process of research, study the simplest production technologies and tools, narrow areas of their application, and the basic properties of materials. Gradually, the range of tasks expands, and students, without the help of a teacher, set goals, plan their activities, study industrial production methods, and consider environmental issues in detail. Students’ ability to compare theoretical positions and concrete actions is increasingly developing. By the end of 8th grade, 35% of schoolchildren achieve a high level of independence, 53% of students are at an average level, the rest still need the help of a teacher and friends, experiencing difficulties in making independent decisions. Thus, we can say that in lessons where the use of the project method allows us to abandon traditional teaching without students determining the purpose and significance of the work being performed, we only partially achieve the task set for us to develop independence as a personal quality.

Teaching teenagers the skills to work independently when learning technology.

IN modern life It is necessary not only to equip students with knowledge and skills, but also to develop a willingness to replenish them independently. Therefore, it is very important to teach children the skills and abilities of independent educational work and, above all, the ability to work with notes. This is where they begin to learn the basic techniques of independent work. As a rule, not all children have a clear understanding of the rational methods of writing down the main main thing. Working on notes is a creative process. At the same time, it is necessary to show will and force yourself to work. Children should be taught to first listen, and then choose the main thing that will help restore all the material, only after that can they be taught to write down the content of the new material. It is important to teach children to widely use headings, enumeration, and highlight names and definitions in their notes. A summary is a brief written summary of the content of the text.

When studying the section “Decorative and applied arts” (sawing and planing), we make sure to draw up a technological map. Children learn not only to read, but also to draw up diagrams of drawings, then the sequence of manufacturing the product.

We must strive to ensure that lessons awaken in children curiosity, a desire to expand their horizons through self-education, extracurricular activities. An example would be project execution.

In my opinion, oral responses and written work that skillfully and appropriately use extracurricular information obtained outside the textbook deserve higher marks. With such a relationship between classroom and extracurricular activities, lessons will stimulate the creative activity of students, expanding and deepening knowledge in areas of interest to them, and reports on the results of extracurricular activities will help expand the horizons of all students in the class and develop their curiosity. When studying the “Arts and Crafts” section, we, of course, take the textbook as a basis, but basically everyone likes to work with additional literature.

Speaking about the requirements for lesson content, we must not forget about the didactic principle of accessibility. But accessible does not mean easy. Material that is too easy does not require the efforts of will and thought of children, does not arouse their interest in the material being studied, and does not contribute to mental development. Therefore, we should talk about determining the measure of feasible difficulty of the content of each lesson. But this measure is not the same for all children. This implies the requirement individual approach when selecting the content of tasks for children’s independent work in the classroom. So, for example, give stronger students the opportunity to draw up more complex technological maps, gradually complicating them, assign more complex reports, more difficult projects, while ensuring that all students master the required material. The teacher has the opportunity to vary the content of independent work so that strong students do not mark time, and weak students do not lag behind the general movement of the class.

Fundamentals of design and modeling of wood products

Design is one of the stages of creating a product. (“Construction” means “device” in Latin.)

Design is part of design and will be an essential element of your future creative project.

Typically, design begins with a visual representation of the product, drawing up its sketches, technical drawings, and drawings.

Then the necessary materials are selected.

Next, a prototype of the product or the product itself is made, tested for strength and performance, modified taking into account shortcomings, and this is repeated many times, from one option to another, until the best product is created according to its purpose.

During the design process, the developer (designer) faces many product options. Multivariation in design is called variability. Variability is inherent in both the design of the product and its appearance - design. (The word “design” translated from English means “conception, project, drawing.”) In the narrow sense, design is the artistic design of a product. In Fig. 25 shows the variability of design solutions for decorative kitchen boards.

A beautiful and fashionable product, thought out from the point of view of technical aesthetics (beauty), simplicity and safety of maintenance and operation, is in high demand and is more valuable. That’s why they work through many product options until they find the most suitable one. This is how various designs of tables, chairs, armchairs and other wood products appeared.

Finally, the product must be technologically advanced (easy) to manufacture, durable, reliable and economical.

A product manufactured with the least amount of time, labor, money and materials is considered technologically advanced.

A durable product can withstand a given load without breaking.

A reliable product that lasts without fail for a long time.

An economical design solution is considered to be a product that does not require additional costs when used. Manufacturability, strength, reliability and other properties are the basic principles of design, manufacture and operation of products.

All of the above listed necessary properties of a product constitute its quality. A high-quality product is durable and reliable, convenient to use.

When designing products, it is very important to select the right materials for them so that the product is durable and cheap, easy and quick to manufacture, and meets all the requirements placed on it.

When making several parts from one blank, it is important that there are as many of them as possible and that they are strong. For example, it is not economical to make products from boards, as shown in Fig. 26, a. If we take the cutting marking diagram shown in Fig. 26, b, then all products will be defective (fragile), since their handles will break off along the fibers. According to the cutting diagram (shown in Fig. 26, c), the top product will also be defective. But if the workpiece is plywood, then we will obtain the largest number of products according to the marking scheme shown in Fig. 26, c.

One of the design techniques is product modeling. A model is a reduced or enlarged sample (copy) of a product that is made in order to understand its structure and principle of operation. (“Model” - from the Latin “measure, sample, norm.” “Copy” - from the Latin “set.”)

Since childhood, all of you have loved to build models of buildings, cars, tractors, boats and ships, and paper airplanes. And these are precisely models of existing structures and machines. The models you make can move, swim, and fly.

Models, like real products, are made according to sketches, technical drawings and drawings.

In Fig. 27 presents wooden models (toys) of a tractor and a car.

Practical work

Design of simple wood products

1. Design several versions of the same wood product according to the teacher’s instructions.

2. Make technical drawings of the best product and drawings of its parts.

3. Consider whether your product will have sufficient strength and reliability; will it be technologically advanced?

4. How important is modeling to the development of your creative project?

New terms: Option, variability, design, manufacturability, strength, reliability, efficiency, quality, property, model.


1. Gornostaeva Z.Ya The problem of independent cognitive activity// Open. school. – 1998. - No. 2 P.38-42.

2. Danilov M.A. Fostering schoolchildren's independence and creative activity in the learning process. – M.: Education, 1978. – 82 p.

3. Demin. M.V. Work and play as types and aspects of human activity. Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 7. Philosophy. -1983. P.22 - 25.

4. Esipov. B.P. Independent work of students in lessons. - M.: Uchpedgiz 1961. - 127 p.

5. Zhidelev. M.A. Methods of teaching labor actions. - M.: Higher School 1972. - 95 p.

6. Zharova L.V. Control independent activity students - M.: Posvet 1982. - 73 p.

Technology lesson for 6th grade.

"Design and modeling of wood products"

Goals : To introduce students to the processes of designing and modeling wood products; to cultivate students' ability to be creative; promote the development of imagination.

Lesson : Combined (mastering new knowledge, generalizing and systematizing what has been learned).

Teaching Method : Oral questioning, story, demonstration of visual aids, practical work.

Visual aids : Options for cutting boards and toys, models of toys (tractor and car). Assembling products of standard parts from a designer set. Making a model of a wooden boat.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizational and preparatory part.

Greeting the teacher, monitoring attendance, checking students' readiness for the lesson, communicating the topic and goals of the lesson.

Teretic part.

Repetition of covered material.


In what products are mortise connections used?

How are the cut areas marked?

What is the length of the cut section when connecting the bars at right angles?

How and with what are the removed areas cut out in the bars?

Presentation of new material.

Teacher's story plan:

Design of wood products.

Modeling of wood products.

Work on new words and preliminary definition of their concepts.

Design of wood products. What is construction?

Design is one of the stages of creating a product. The term “design” translated from Latin means “device”. Design is part of design and will be a necessary element of your future creative project. Typically, design begins with a visual representation of products, with a visual representation of the product,cleaving yoke of sketches, technical drawings, drawings. Then the necessary materials are selected. Next, a prototype of the product or the product itself is made, tested for strength and performance, and modified many times, taking into account shortcomings, until the best product is created according to its purpose.

Guys! What should the product be like?

Each product must best suit its purpose and have a beautiful appearance. Therefore, in the process of its construction, various options are tried.

What is variability in your opinion?

Variability in design consists of changing individual elements of a product while maintaining its main purpose. The terms “Option”, “variability” come from the Latin word “changing”. This is how various brands of cars, wood and metal processing machines, variants of clamps, vices, saws, etc. appeared. In school workshops, it is also possible to design products in a variety of designs. For example, a decorative board intended for cutting food on it and decorating the kitchen can be shaped like animal figures (Options for cutting boards), and a stand for pencils can be made in a whiter, more beautiful design. original form(Variability of pencil holders). No matter how the product varies, when designing it, a number of factors (design principles) must be taken into account: strength, reliability, manufacturability, efficiency, etc. Products are durable because they can withstand certain loads without breaking. For example, a carpentry workbench is durable because it is constantly exposed to various impacts when processing workpieces on it. Reliability determines the ability of a product to perform a given role while maintaining its basic characteristics. A reliably manufactured product is trouble-free and durable. No matter how they are made, for example, decorative boards (Options for cutting boards), they must serve reliably for cutting food, do not split, and their handles must be comfortable to hold. Such a board should serve for a long time. Manufacturability characterizes the product’s compliance with the requirements of economical manufacturing technology. A technologically advanced product is one that is manufactured with the least amount of labor, money, materials and time. Products that do not require additional costs during use are more economical. For example, a carpentry hammer with a slotted toe is more economical than a regular carpenter's hammer because it can also serve as a replacement for pliers.

Guys! Which connections will be more durable?

The most durable connections are obtained by gluing parts with two dowels (screws and nails), located diagonally at a distance of at least ¼ of the width of the beam from the ends and edges (Gluing bars with dowels). After the glue has cured, the protruding ends of the bars are cut off with a fine-toothed hacksaw (cutting off the protruding ends from the workpiece). The gluing area and the product are planed with a plane from the edges to the center so as not to break off the ends; processed with a file or sandpaper. If you accurately and accurately mark and cut out pieces of wood, the connection does not require adjustment, so do not allow negligence and defective work.

Types of connections with sawing of parts. Processing the sawed corners of the drawer frame with a file and emery cloth.


Practical work: “Joining wood blocks with a half-thickness cut.”

Technological map and drawing.

Organization of the workplace: students complete the task - each at their own workplace. To complete the work you will need: a workbench, clamps, blanks, a ruler, a square, a surface planer, longitudinal and transverse fine-tooth saws, a carpenter's chisel, a plane, a file, sandpaper, a drill, a rasp, a hacksaw, dowels (or screws, or nails), glue .

Introductory briefing.

Quests :

    Select and mark the bars for the half-thick connection according to the teacher’s instructions;

    Cut out the pieces to be removed;

    Clean the joint and adjust the bars to be joined;

    Apply glue to the surfaces, fasten them with dowels (screws or nails)

    Clamp the adhesive joint into a clamp or workbench clamp.

Safety rules (one for two on each table):

    Must be observed general rules labor safety, work only with serviceable and sharply sharpened tools

    The workpieces should be securely secured to the workbench clamps (vise or clamp).

    Do not allow sudden movements of the saw, its distortion, or hold left hand close to the canvas.

    You should be careful when working with a chisel.

    You need to saw the bars smoothly, without jerking.

    Do not blow away sawdust or sweep it away by hand; you should use a sweeping brush.

Current briefing. Students completing assignments independently. Current observations of the teacher, monitoring compliance with safety regulations, answering questions that arise during the work process, checking the correctness of assignments.

Possible errors:

    Inconsistency in the sizes of marked blanks, the need for adjustment; reasons: inaccuracy of the measuring instrument, non-compliance with marking techniques or carelessness, inattention of the worker.

Final briefing. Evaluation of student performance, selection best works students, analysis of mistakes made and analysis of the reasons that caused them, explanation of the possibilities of applying the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in socially useful work.

Setting up for a follow-up lesson.

The next lesson will continue to introduce wood processing technology. Students will gain an understanding of the design and modeling of wood products.



Course of lectures

Krasnoyarsk, 2011


State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian State Technological University"

Department of Woodworking Technology




Course of lectures

Direction of training

250400 Logging technology

and wood processing industries

Training profile

Woodworking technology

Graduate qualification (degree)


Form of study

Full-time reduced

Krasnoyarsk, 2011

Design of wood products: Course of lectures for students in the field of training 250400 Technology of logging and wood processing industries, training profile Woodworking technology, graduate qualification (degree) Bachelor, full-time reduced form of study / comp. L.V. Pakhnutova. - Krasnoyarsk: SibSTU, 2011. – 40 p.

Compiled by:

Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Woodworking Technology Pakhnutova L.V.,

Recommended for students studying the basics of designing wood products. It is of interest to specialists in various fields of technical sciences dealing with the problems of professional development of woodworking specialists. Can be used in the system of retraining and advanced training of teachers.

Approved at a meeting of the Department of Woodworking Technology

06/03/2011, protocol No. 4

“___” ____________ 2011, protocol No. ___


Module 1 Fundamentals of design of wood products and wood materials …………………………………………………………….

Topic 1.1 Stages of designing wood products…….……..

Topic 1.2 Classification of wood products. Requirements for wood products………………………………………………………

Topic 1.3 Structure of wood products. Design rules………………………………………………………………………………......... .

Topic 1.4 Arrangement of parts and assembly units in products

made of wood………………………………………………………………………………….

Module 2 Theoretical foundations design accuracy………..

Topic 2.1 Interchangeability. GOST 6449 Wood and wood materials. Tolerances and landings………………………………………………………………

Topic 2.2 Processing accuracy. Methods for determining processing errors…………………………………………………………………………………...

Topic 2.3 Limit calibers in woodworking…………………...

Topic 2.4 Types of unevenness of processed surfaces…………...

Topic 2. Methods for determining surface roughness. GOST 7016 Wood. Surface roughness parameters……………..…

CONCLUSION …………………………..……………………………..……


Appendix A (for reference). List of keywords…..………………

Before you design anything, you need to know exactly under what conditions you will have to work. Therefore, it is immediately necessary to determine the main parameters and limitations of the proposed product, dictated by circumstances and desires.

Obviously, there is no need to “reinvent the wheel.” It's useless and no use to anyone necessary work. When planning or constructing something, it is very important to create something of your own, new, original, unique, while relying on what is already available, taking into account quality and modernity




Subject: Design and production of wood products.

Target : create conditions for the formation of skills and abilities in the design of wood products;

To cultivate in students independence, perseverance in achieving goals, and the ability to be creative;

Promote the development of imagination and technical creativity.

Object of labor : carpenter's square.

Equipment : workbench, blanks, ruler, pencil, square, chisel, mallet, plane, rasp, sandpaper.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Organizational moment.

Greeting the teacher, monitoring attendance, checking students' readiness for the lesson, assigning workshop attendants.

State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

  1. Presentation of new material.

What do you understand by the term “design”?

(probable answers are listened to)

Construction -This is the development of a product design.

A design is understood as a device (product) with a certain interconnected arrangement of its parts, methods of their connection and interaction.

Any design process is preceded by a preparatory stage.

Preparatory stage.

1. Problem occurs.

Without it, there would probably be no point in doing anything at all. After all, what pushes us to action? Of course, a problem arises. The teacher can put it in front of the student, or he can define it himself. Let's look around: what difficulties does he, his loved ones, friends, and people around him face? How can he help himself and them? What skills and abilities do you want to develop in yourself? When he answers these and similar questions, he will understand how many unsolved problems each person faces.

2. Identification of main parameters and limitations.

Before you design anything, you need to know exactly under what conditions you will have to work. Therefore, it is immediately necessary to determine the main parameters and limitations of the proposed product, dictated by circumstances and desires.

3 . Mini-research (identification of traditions, history, trends)

Obviously, there is no need to “reinvent the wheel.” This is useless and unnecessary work. When planning or constructing something, it is very important to create something of your own, new, original, unique, while relying on what is already available, taking into account quality and modernity. This study will help with this.

4. Comparative analysis.

For analysis, designs are selected that are identical in purpose and different in design. Comparing designs with each other and comparing with possible conditions their manufacture and application, choose the best one. The analysis (for example, of devices) includes criteria for assessing design excellence, labor productivity, product quality, work safety and, in relation to training workshops, the educational impact on students.

The perfection of the design is determined by the number of parts and moving joints, the presence of standardized parts, ease of manufacture and maintenance. If the application results are the same, the design that contains fewer parts and moving joints is considered better. A preferable design, other things being equal, is one that has fewer parts, most of which are unified.

Basic requirements for product design

Manufacturabilityallows you to produce a product on universal equipment easily and without unnecessary costs. A technologically advanced part is one that is manufactured with the least amount of labor, for example, only by machining. Low-tech parts are those whose designs require manual processing, although it could be done without it.

Economical requires the production of a product at the lowest cost, obtaining the greatest profit when operating the product or implementing the technology. Economy is at odds with the accuracy of a part or product. The higher the accuracy, the more time, energy, and human effort will be required to produce the part, and the more expensive it will be. Therefore, the manufacturing accuracy must be such that the part does not cost too much.

Ergonomics (a branch of science that studies a person and his activities in production conditions) provides for the manufacture of a product that would be serviced by a person with the least expenditure of his energy, movements, forces, and would be convenient to use.

Safety provides for the creation and operation of products without disrupting human life. When using finished product the possibility of injury must be excluded.

Environmental friendliness the project consists of the manufacture and operation of products without harming the environment.

Construction stages

1. Making sketches and drawings.

Typically, design begins with a visual representation of the product. During the design process, the developer (designer) has many product options. Multivariation in design is called variability. Variability is inherent in both the design of the product and its artistic design - design.

2. Making sketches and drawings. When preparing working drawings, the designer decides on the selection of materials, taking into account their optimal performance, properties; determining the magnitude of loads acting on parts and assemblies; calculates the dimensions of parts.

Thus, the design process itself involves independent mental work to determine the shape of each part that is most appropriate for its purpose and the possibility of manufacturing (manufacturability), depending on whether the production will be single or serial.

When designing products consisting of several parts, they determine the methods of their connection and interaction, the order of processing and assembly, i.e., they plan and comprehend the upcoming work.

Design classes help stimulate mental activity, develop observation skills, and help consciously assimilate educational material, accelerate the formation of labor skills.

The future labor teacher must master the design of products and the ability to supervise young designers.

III. Practical work.


1) construct several options for a carpenter's square from wood;

2) do technical drawing best option your carpenter's square and drawings of its parts;

3) consider whether your product will have sufficient strength and reliability; will it be technologically advanced;

4) make a carpenter's square.

Safety instructions:

1) It is necessary to comply with general labor safety rules, work only with serviceable and sharply sharpened tools.

2) Workpieces should be securely secured in the clamps of the workbench.

3) You should be careful when working with a chisel.

4) Do not blow away the shavings and sweep them away by hand; you should use a sweeping brush.

Current briefing.Students completing assignments independently. Current observations of the teacher, monitoring compliance with safety regulations, answering questions that arise during the work process, checking the correctness of assignments.

Possible errors:

Inconsistency in the sizes of marked blanks, the need for adjustment; reasons: inaccuracy of the measuring instrument, non-compliance with marking techniques or carelessness, inattention of the worker.

IV. The final part of the lesson.

Evaluation of student work results, selection of the best student work, analysis of mistakes made and analysis of causes, their who called, explaining the possibilities of applying the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in socially useful work.


repeat the material covered;

Cleaning workplaces.


  1. study with students the elements and sequence of designing and modeling products.
  2. develop meaningful reading of drawings. c) cultivate hard work.

Equipment: samples of wood products.


I. Repetitionpassedmaterial.

1. Conversation on the following issues:

What dimensions are indicated on the drawing of a prismatic part?

What drawings are called assembly drawings?

In what order should an assembly drawing be read?

2. Didactic exercise“We read and discuss wise thoughts.”

Description. Statements about the work of outstanding personalities are written on the board.

The teacher reads them expressively, then invites students to independently reflect on them and express their opinion, attitude to their content, and the underlying meaning.

On the board:

  • The true treasure for people is the ability to work.
  • Only work gives the right to enjoy life.
    N. A. Dobrolyubov

3. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

II. Presentation of program material.

Illustrative story.

Teacher. In technology, it is very important, if not the main thing, to develop a perfect technical design. The constructive solution of a thing is carried out by engineering design.

Construction- This is the development of a product design. Design is a complex and multi-operational technological process that includes:

  • visual presentation of the product;
  • drawing up sketches, technical drawings, drawings;
  • selection required material;
  • production of a prototype;
  • strength and performance testing;
  • eliminating deficiencies.

To get beautiful product, at the same time simple and safe to use, as well as fashionable, the designer has to consider many product options, take into account a set of functional conditions and requirements (ease of use, maximum compliance with operating conditions, creation of a harmonious integral form, high aesthetic qualities).

Any thing, from a simple working tool to the most complex equipment, from a children's toy to spaceship, acts as an element of a complex system in the center of which is a person. Design may begin with the modernization of an old thing or the creation of a new thing, but its work ends with the aesthetic organization of the entire subject environment and the coordination of “second nature” - the generation of technology with natural nature into one harmonious whole.

Try to answer the question: what is the difference between design and engineering design? (Answersstudents.)

Now let's try to figure it out together. The designer seeks harmony of function and form in accordance with the characteristics of human perception. His approach to things is much broader than that of the designer. It takes into account the various functions of the thing:

  • purpose - the ability to satisfy a specific human need; for example, a spoon is a device for eating, a tape recorder is a device for playing sound recordings;
  • the communicative function of a thing is, as it were, a collective message from the manufacturer to future consumers; Descendants will judge the level of development of our production by the products;
  • the modeling function of a thing organizes consumer behavior; Thus, a conveyor sets one operating mode, an individual machine another; the same dishes at the festive and everyday tables evoke different attitudes towards them;
  • the typological function of a thing is an example of a series, it represents a whole class of things;
  • the representative function of a thing is the representation of a person in the external world;
  • The decorative function (as part of the objective environment) of a thing is the decoration against which our activities take place.

And if engineering design provides a constructive solution to a thing, then artistic design organizes the forms of an object based on all its connections and functions. The shape of the product has a certain independence; it is designed not only to show function, but also to produce an aesthetic effect.

When designing a product, it is necessary that it be:

  1. technologically advanced, that is, manufactured with the least amount of time, labor, money and materials;
  2. durable, that is, withstand a given load without destruction;
  3. reliable, that is, to work flawlessly for a long time;
  4. economical, that is, it does not require additional costs during the manufacturing process.

When making several parts from one workpiece, it is important to get as many of them as possible, and for this it is necessary to take into account their correct (economical) placement and marking.

Let's look at examples of markings and product design options.

Which one do you think is optimal and why? (Answersstudents.)

If the product is made of wood, then it is:

  • a) uneconomical;
  • b) fragile;
  • c) the top one is defective.

Conclusion: the option of making it from multi-layer plywood is the best option.

One of the design techniques is modeling.

Model- a reduced or enlarged copy of the product.

A model is created, just like a real product, based on sketches, technical drawings and drawings.

III. Practical work.

Completing tasks:

  1. From the examples, choose the best, in your opinion, option for a handle for carpentry and plumbing tools.
  2. Create a sketch and technical drawings of your chosen product.
  3. Offer other product options.

IV. Lesson summary.

Grade practical work students.

Homework: select material and prepare short messages on the topic “Useful to know and be able to do.”