Options holiday menus you can find quite a lot, but our goal is not only to feed guests nourishingly and tasty, but also to try to amaze them. In addition, it is extremely necessary to please the mascot of the coming year - the mischievous monkey, and therefore we simply must find the most original recipes for dishes for the New Year 2016. It is easy to get confused among the abundance of culinary delights, so we have selected the most interesting options treats that will satisfy any gourmet.

What original to cook for the New Year's table

Before we start cooking and generally purchasing the necessary products, we first need to carefully think through the thematic unusual menu for the New Year, what original and interesting dishes can be included in it, based on a monkey (or other) theme.

Hot dishes for the New Year

Hot food is an integral part of the feast, but preparing 3 or more different items is costly and unnecessary.

One or two perfectly prepared meat, fish or poultry dishes with a light side dish will be more than enough.

Salads on the New Year's menu

The times when Olivier was planed with basins on New Year's Day have already sunk into oblivion. Now you want something special, refined, and buffets are becoming more and more fashionable.

Therefore, the emphasis should be on the original recipe and portion serving, for example, in lavash rolls or tartlets.

For salad lovers, we have put together a real guide to unusual salad mixes.

New Year's snacks

No matter how you look at it, you can’t do without sliced ​​meat, fish, vegetables and cheese. Make small dishes for these simple appetizers, your guests will be grateful.

In addition, canapés and other mini-snacks for the buffet table should be given greater preference in all this New Year’s fuss, because it is these “one-bite” delicacies that will be swept off the table first. It's convenient, beautiful, creative and delicious!

Drinks on the New Year's menu

Champagne and New Year are two inseparable things. Of course, today, more and more often, refined, expensive varieties of this bubbly drink are preferred to the traditional “Soviet”, but isn’t it time to introduce the rule of drinking all kinds of cocktails on the night of 31st to 1st? This is both diversity and, again, creativity.

If children sit at the table along with their parents, then you can prepare them a delicious non-alcoholic drink, and even non-alcoholic mulled wine.

Here are a few recipes for cocktails and lemonades that will delight both children and adults.

Bright ideas, original presentation, exclusive dishes, our delicious recipes will become a real guide-instruction into the world of holiday cooking and will tell you how to surprise your guests for the New Year.

Several cooking ideas New Year's ice you will find in the next article.

But it is worth remembering that no matter what dish we decide to impress the gathered company, its taste and aesthetic value must be at its best, so we do not forget about decorating salads, appetizers, desserts and hot delicacies.

This is the only way to achieve the effect of an exquisite New Year's dinner. Well, in order to avoid overeating, as often happens at New Year’s tables, in ours we will focus on recipes for light dishes, mini-snacks, sandwiches and drinks.

And now, let’s put on aprons, arm ourselves with kitchen utensils and products, turn on the movie “Carnival Night”, and, inspired by the New Year’s mood, we begin to create a truly magical and most unusual New Year’s table.

Hot dishes for the New Year's table have always been and remain a real headache for the hostess of the celebration, because it is on this day that you want to cook something unusual and original.

In principle, there are plenty of decent recipes with photos for the New Year’s table on the Internet. We decided to narrow the search range and offer the most interesting ones.

New Year's stumps under the snow

For this dish we need

  • Beef fillet 0.3-0.5 kg,
  • 4 eggs,
  • Fresh mushrooms (100g),
  • 1 medium onion,
  • Breadcrumbs,
  • Any greens to taste (1/2 bunch),
  • Salt,
  • Black pepper powder,
  • Lettuce leaves,
  • Adyghe white cheese (100 g).


  1. Cut the meat into pieces 15 cm long, 0.7 cm thick, add salt, pepper and beat on both sides with a mallet.
  2. Chop the onion and champignons and fry until tender, adding a little salt.
  3. Meanwhile, beat 3 eggs with finely chopped herbs and add mushrooms and onions to the egg mixture, then pour the mixture into a frying pan and fry the omelette pancake on both sides.
  4. Then cut the omelette into strips 15 cm long and place it on top of the chops, which we roll up (the meat is on top of the omelette inside) and secure with a toothpick.
  5. Now bread the rolls in egg, then in breadcrumbs and fry in oil until golden brown, then wrap them in foil and put them in the oven for 30 minutes.

When serving on “stumps”, you should grate white cheese on a fine grater, or replace it with boiled egg white.

If you are making a large stump, then you can decorate it with mushrooms, as shown in our photo.

Tropical chicken

This original and simple dish will definitely please the hero of the occasion - the monkey.


  • Banana - 2 pcs.;
  • Kiwi – 2 fruits or canned pineapple – 3 rings;
  • Chicken breast – 2 pcs.;
  • Hard cheese – 180 g;
  • Salt;
  • Black pepper – ½ tsp;


  1. Cut the chicken into portions, add salt and pepper, then lightly beat on both sides.
  2. Cut bananas and kiwi (pineapples) into circles.
  3. Place the meat on a baking sheet, place bananas, kiwi (pineapples) on top of each piece and sprinkle with grated cheese. Tropical chicken should be baked in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 o C.

For this beautiful and tasty dish we will need:

  • 0.5 kg fresh salmon or catfish fillet,
  • 1 lemon,
  • salt,
  • olive oil (2 tbsp.),
  • ground black pepper,
  • ground coriander (to taste),
  • bamboo sticks,
  • sprigs of rosemary,
  • colored bell peppers for decoration and garnish.

Cut the fish fillet into cubes with a side of 3 cm, then salt it, brush it with spices and soak it in a marinade of lemon juice and olive oil.

After 20 minutes, we string the fish onto bamboo sticks, place the kebab in a container so that the edges of the sticks lie on the edges of the container and the salmon does not touch the surface of the dish, and send our dish to the oven preheated to 200 o C for 15 minutes.

Decorate the salmon kebab with sprigs of rosemary, a slice of lemon and multi-colored peppers cut into strips.

If you want to continue your search for the option that suits you, you can use other convenient articles on our website.

Unusual recipes for salads and snacks for the New Year

Salads and appetizers are perhaps the most interesting and most delicious dishes during the New Year holidays. And how they are not decorated.

Here we go fire monkey– the symbol of 2016 cannot be ignored. Here, in principle, you can take any favorite salad recipe and decorate it in the shape of a primate’s face, in the shape of a banana or coconut, decorate any cold dish with a palm of olives mounted on a bamboo stick with onion feathers at the end.

And even aspic or jellied meat can be poured into a “Christmas tree”, “Santa Claus”, “monkey” mold before cooling, or made beautiful with bright vegetables (corn, peas, chopped boiled carrots or beets, bell peppers, herbs), which will emphasize the sophistication of your table.

We have prepared several creative recipe options for the New Year with photos that will highlight the theme of the holiday.

Snack "Monkey"

For this snack we need 0.4 kg of bacon, 3 bananas, toothpicks and butter for frying.

  • We cut the banana pulp into 3 cm slices and wrap it in bacon, cut into strips 3 cm wide. To prevent the snack from unraveling, we secure everything with toothpicks.
  • After that, put the bacon-wrapped bananas in the butter heated in a frying pan and fry until crispy.

The appetizer should be served on a platter lined with lettuce leaves and lemon slices.

Palm salad


  • Beef heart – 0.5 kg;
  • Squid carcasses – 9 pcs.;
  • Orange – 1 pc.;
  • Bavarian mustard – 1 tbsp;
  • Mayonnaise – 200 g;
  • Beijing cabbage - 1 fork;
  • Salt - to taste;


  1. Boil the squid carcasses, well washed to remove the film and entrails, for 3 minutes and cut into strips.
  2. We also cook the heart until tender (1.5 hours) and cut into strips.
  3. Finely shred the Chinese cabbage (reserve 3 leaves for decoration).
  4. Chop the oranges into cubes (reserve the juice that separated during cutting).
  5. After this, mix all the ingredients and season with mustard, mayonnaise and add salt to taste.
  6. On one side of the dish we place cabbage leaves like palm leaves, and we lay out the salad itself in the shape of a trunk.

Salad “In orange”

This snack must be made in portions, where the skin of half an orange will act as a serving plate. To do this, cut each fruit in half with a zigzag and carefully remove the pulp.

For the salad: cut the pulp of 1.5 oranges into cubes, 2 fresh cucumbers and boiled chicken fillet (1 breast) - cut into strips, then mix everything, season with mayonnaise and add salt to taste.

As a decoration, you can take cranberries, red currants or soaked lingonberries.

Banana salad

This salad must be served in the bananas themselves, that is, in their peels. To do this, we make a kind of boat from each banana, the bottom of which is slightly trimmed for stability.

Carefully remove the pulp (we will need it for the salad), and line the inside of the banana “container” with Chinese cabbage leaves.

Now we cut the salad itself: boiled chicken breast (1 piece) and the pulp of 2 bananas, cut into cubes, 1 sour apple and 100 g of hard cheese, grated, then mix everything and season with light mayonnaise and salt to taste.

After preparing the salad, place it in a banana “salad bowl” and serve.

Hit parade of original fillings for tartlets

Tartlets with cheese and tomatoes

Mix crushed tomatoes (2 pcs.), parsley, grated cheese (150g) and egg (1 pc.), season with 1 tbsp. cream and salt to taste.

Korean filling

Mix grated cheese (100 g), chopped ham (100 g), Korean carrots (2 tbsp) and corn (2 tbsp), add salt and season with mayonnaise.

Chicken tartlets

Chop Korean asparagus (200g) and boiled chicken (0.4 kg), mix with green peas (200g).

Season with a sauce of concentrated milk (4 tbsp), melted butter (1 tbsp), white wine (30 ml), 1 tbsp. starch, lemon juice, salt and black pepper.

Sea tartlets

Mix finely chopped boiled egg with chopped smoked salmon, torn lettuce, chopped dill and mayonnaise.

Place the salad in a tartlet and decorate the top with “beads” of salted red caviar.

Interesting dessert dishes for the New Year 2016

Both adults and children love desserts, but for the New Year's table this sweet menu item needs to be thought through thoroughly.

For example, no one in the middle of the night after heavy libations will want to fuss with a huge cake, or gobble up rich cream cakes on both cheeks after a hearty dinner. And the monkey is unlikely to favor something like that at his celebration.

So the final stage of the feast is an excellent opportunity to bring to life the most daring and interesting ideas New Year's delicious recipes desserts for the holiday table.

Salad "Fruit Palm"

  1. Along the edge of the dish we place peeled tangerines or oranges cut into slices - this will be our “sand”.
  2. Next, in the form of a palm tree trunk, lay out a banana cut lengthwise and then sliced ​​across.
  3. Finally, cut the peeled kiwi into semicircles and place it on top in the form of a crown.

So we have an original tropical cut of fruit.

Dessert “Snowy”

For dessert we need sour cream 20% (0.4 l), curd mass (3 tbsp), granulated sugar (3 tbsp), a pinch of vanilla, 50 ml of water, 1 tbsp. gelatin and any berries for decoration;

  • Using a blender, beat sour cream and cottage cheese with vanilla for 2 minutes.
  • Then add sugar and continue whisking until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved.
  • In a separate cup, dilute gelatin with hot (60-80 o C) water, stir and infuse. Then we pass the gelatin liquid through a sieve to avoid lumps, and introduce it gradually, stirring into the curd mass.

Now all we have to do is pour the dessert into bowls and put it in the refrigerator to harden. Before serving, decorate with berries.

Banana popsicle


  • Bananas – 4 pcs.;
  • Milk chocolate bar – 1 pc.;
  • Nuts – 1 tbsp.;
  • Coconut flakes - 100 g;


  1. We cut the peeled bananas in half and place each half on a skewer or ice cream stick, after which we place the fruit in the freezer for 2 hours.
  2. After 120 minutes 2 in a water bath, we need to melt the chocolate bar to a liquid state, after which we pour chocolate over the frozen fruit and immediately sprinkle with coconut and crushed nuts.

Chocolate on frozen bananas hardens very quickly, and the dessert looks exactly like a delicious popsicle. It should be stored in the freezer until serving.

New Year's drinks

Iceberg cocktail

Chilled milk (0.2 l), 200 g of creamy ice cream, 2 egg yolks and 50 ml of cherry syrup must be whipped in a blender for 2-3 minutes until the liquid foams.

After this, pour the cocktail into glasses and decorate with an umbrella, a straw and 2 cherries.

The same cocktail can be prepared with any other syrup, for example, strawberry or blueberry.

Non-alcoholic cocktail "Majito"

In a bowl, grind with 1 tsp. granulated sugar 1 slice of lemon, 3 leaves of fresh mint and dilute with 2 tbsp. water.

After this, pour the resulting syrup into a glass with ice and fill the container with chilled sprite. As a decoration we use mint leaves and a slice of lemon on the edge of the glass.

Cocktail “Insolent Monkey” low alcohol

To make the cocktail emphasize the atmosphere of the New Year's celebration, we wet the edges of the glass with water, after which we dip the wet rim in a saucer with powdered sugar.

After this, fill the container 1/3 with ice and mix 50 ml of champagne and 50 ml of orange juice in it.

New Year's mulled wine: a recipe for every taste

Mulled wine is not only a very pleasant drink, but also very healthy if prepared correctly. And, of course, what would New Year be without this warm, invigorating “nectar”.

Option 1: alcoholic mulled wine

  1. In a container we put 100 g of cane sugar, 2 cinnamon sticks, a pinch of ground nutmeg, 1 bay leaf and pour in 700 ml of semi-dry red wine.
  2. Over low heat, stirring regularly, heat the mixture until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Next, add 2 oranges, cut into pieces, into the saucepan and heat the drink to 70 o C.
  4. Now turn off the heat and leave the mixture for 10 minutes under a closed lid, then add gin (200 ml) and pour the mulled wine into glasses.

Option 2: non-alcoholic mulled wine


  • Cranberry juice – 0.7 l;
  • Apple juice – 0.4 l;
  • Apple – 2 pcs.;
  • Cinnamon – 2 sticks;
  • Cloves – 5 pcs.;
  • Honey - to taste;
  • Orange - 1 pc.;


  1. Mix fruit drink and juice in a saucepan, add sliced ​​apple, cinnamon sticks and cloves, then heat the drink to 60 o C and leave covered for 20 minutes.
  2. Then add honey to taste and pour the finished drink into glasses, garnishing with orange slices.

Red, orange, yellow. It is these colors that should include the most original recipes for New Year 2016 dishes in order to attract the fire monkey. An abundance of tropical fruits, fresh vegetables and sweets will also please this big-eared hooligan!

The symbol of 2015 is the Blue Wood Goat, an active nature, has a passionate disposition, stubborn, prone to idleness, loves joy and freedom. A goat is a family animal, so it is better to celebrate the New Year 2015 with your family, at a large table. You can appease the Goat by arranging a real feast of her favorite delicacies. IN New Year's menu 2015 Delicious snacks from vegetables, fruits, as well as cheeses and other dairy products must be present. But this does not mean at all that you will have to do without meat snacks; the main thing is not to offend the Goat by the presence of lamb dishes. Be sure to think of fun games in which all members of your family would participate. Remember, goats are very active.

When compiling the New Year's menu, you can use proven recipes, as well as try new items and dishes prepared by me specifically for the Year of the Goat. Considering how the New Year's table is replete with various dishes, the menu contains recipes for light snacks and salads that will not prevent you from enjoying the holiday and having an active time. Some dishes can be prepared on the eve of the holiday (for example, desserts), thereby saving time before the holiday to put yourself in order, and giving yourself time to relax. In the New Year's menu 2015 you will find dishes for every taste, and despite the simplicity of their preparation, they still remain delicious, which is just right for the hostess of the coming year, the Goat.

When setting the table, you should pay attention to the dishes: it is advisable to choose wooden bowls for the appetizer, but if one is not available, then it will be enough to put a wooden spoon or a wooden figurine of a goat or sheep in a place of honor. But the color scheme of the plates is very diverse: blue, green, white. The dishes must be made from natural materials(ceramics, porcelain, etc., but not plastic) – The Wooden Goat loves only natural things!

Now more about the dishes New Year's menu 2015 year.

New Year's salads

Beef tongue salad is decorated for the New Year 2015, the Year of the Goat - the salad is laid out on a platter, and the face of the Goat is collected on top. The elements for the Goat's face are made from egg whites, cheese and tongue. If you plan to decorate your salad in the same way, then before cutting the ingredients, take care of the elements for decoration. The Goat's horns are thin plates of the tip of the tongue, with just the right curved shape. The muzzle is cheese, originally square shape, then the excess is cut off to make ears. For the eyes, egg whites and small pieces of tongue were used.

We suggest preparing this hearty and tasty salad especially for the youngest members of your family. All children will certainly like this salad in orange cups; in addition, it is quite light and does not contain onions; in addition, instead of mayonnaise, we suggest seasoning it with natural thick yogurt or a mixture of yogurt and mayonnaise, or even better, homemade mayonnaise.

This salad fully lives up to its majestic name. Therefore, it is unlikely to become a frequent guest on your table, since such a noble salad definitely needs a reason, and the best reason is, of course, the New Year!
This salad can be prepared in a large salad bowl by mixing all the ingredients, but layered salad on portioned saucers looks more original and festive.

In Russia, the Olivier salad has long been assigned the status of a New Year's salad. Despite the fact that the salad bears a foreign name in honor of its creator, the Frenchman Lucien Olivier, this salad, both in Russia and abroad, is considered originally Russian, and is even called Russian salad. And all because this salad was born precisely on the territory of Russia in the 60s of the 19th century in the French restaurant “Hermitage”, whose chef was Lucien Olivier.

Herring under a fur coat is a decoration for anyone festive table. But due to the fact that this recipe requires some effort, herring under a fur coat is not prepared very often. So I won’t tell you anything new about this popular dish, I’ll just show you how else it can be decorated.

The “Golden Horseshoe of Happiness” salad is prepared according to the principle of mimosa salad with chicken, but you can use it as a basis classic version mimosa salad with canned fish.

New Year's snacks

Meat rolls with bell peppers are quite a tasty appetizer, suitable for both a regular table and a festive one.

Lightly salted salmon is delicious in itself, and even a simple sandwich with butter will be at home on the holiday table. But you can put in a little more effort and prepare an appetizer with salmon in a very interesting presentation, which is also very suitable for celebrating the coming Year of the Goat.

Rarely does a holiday table go without sandwiches with caviar. I suggest trying sandwiches with capelin caviar. Don't wrinkle your nose, but try it first. The taste is most delicate, all the ingredients are in place and complement each other perfectly. In the photo you see the design of sandwiches with capelin caviar in the shape of stars and Christmas trees.

Jellied is truly a New Year's dish! Jellied can be with meat, chicken or fish. This dish is very similar to jellied meat, but is much easier to prepare.
Amazing aspic with beef in the shape of a swan lake will become a real decoration of your New Year's table!

You can make an amazing holiday snack from lavash - rolls with crab sticks, eggs, cheese, herbs and garlic. Such a simple and beautiful appetizer will not decorate the New Year's table for long, since it will disappear from it first!

No holiday table is complete without miniature buffet-style sandwiches. Especially for you, we have selected a very original recipe for canapés with the charming name “pearls” and with the most festive and harmonious combination of ingredients - caviar, soft cream (or curd) cheese and quail eggs.

Cheese balls are a fairly easy snack to prepare. Ideal for the holiday table and will disappear from it instantly, thanks to its piquant taste.

Sagudai or sugudai is a cold appetizer made from fresh or freshly frozen fatty fish. This recipe was born on Far North Russia, where the dish is prepared from local Yenisei fish - broadfish, valka, muksun or whitefish. Salmon, trout, salmon, mackerel and greenling are also great for this recipe.

A simple and original recipe for incredibly tasty marbled chicken roll. This roll looks very festive, is prepared quickly and, most importantly, consists of simple and affordable products!

Hot dishes

This duck with oranges is not baked in the oven. It is very difficult to get tender and juicy duck meat by baking it whole in the oven, either the breast will dry out, lose its juices, or the legs will not reach. The French eat rare duck, and most duck recipes are basically French. But I’m not sure about the quality of the bird, so bloody meat is not my option. And then I came across a recipe for duck in Italian, where the duck is not baked, but stewed for a very long time over low heat, and almost under steam. The result was very tender meat, and also soft, which is surprising for a duck. The sauce in which the duck is stewed is very aromatic, this aroma is transferred to the meat. You get not only delicious duck meat, but also a fragrant sauce for the side dish. In my opinion, regular rice works best here. Cooking time 2-2.5 hours

As a hot dish for the New Year's table, we suggest preparing stuffed chicken baked in the oven.
Stuff the chicken with rice and raisins and, not forgetting the symbol of the year, add apples and sweet peppers. They will add pleasant sweet and sour notes to the dish.

Preparing for the New Year always brings a lot of joy and pleasant emotions. Any housewife wants to surprise her guests with her culinary successes. Therefore, it is worth starting to compile a menu for the New Year 2015 in advance. The dishes should be tasty, appetizing and healthy. How you decorate and serve them is also important. After all, the holiday atmosphere should be felt in everything.

In order for the festive table to please you and your guests, you need to pay special attention to creating the menu. The coming 2015 is the year of the wooden goat. It is necessary to take into account the preferences of this animal and use more herbs, fresh vegetables, and fruits for preparing dishes.

Also on your list of must-have products should be cheeses, which make excellent snacks and salads. For main course, serve some kind of fish dish and traditionally bake New Year's duck with apples. Bake New Year's gingerbread cookies with your children. They will be an excellent Christmas tree decoration.

Think about which drinks are best suited for the New Year's table. Prepare alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails and serve them in glasses decorated with rain or serpentine. And if you are planning to celebrate the coming year at fresh air, take care of warming drinks. Bring a thermos with mulled wine or punch and all your friends will thank you.

Special attention give festive table setting. Lay out a new tablecloth, take out beautiful dishes, light candles and be sure to decorate the dishes.

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Holiday Recipes

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Cold appetizers

On New Year's table traditionally there are several cold appetizers. They should look appetizing and create a festive mood.

  • "Happy Sheep"


  1. cauliflower – 250 g
  2. tomatoes – 3 pcs.
  3. cheese – 150 g
  4. olives – 7 pcs.
  5. mayonnaise – 100 g


  1. We make sheep: for the body we take boiled cauliflower, for the head - olives, mayonnaise eyes.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into circles, grease with mayonnaise.
  3. Three cheese and sprinkle on top.
  4. Place everything on a large plate.
  5. Decorate with greens.
  • "Snowballs"


  1. cottage cheese – 250 g
  2. butter – 100 g
  3. sour cream – 50 g
  4. Parmesan cheese – 50 g
  5. garlic
  6. almonds – 50 g
  7. dill
  8. green


  1. Soften the butter.
  2. Mix cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, garlic and dill using a blender. Add a little salt.
  3. Cool the curd mass for 35 minutes.
  4. After half an hour, take out the finished mass. Form round balls after wetting your hands with water. Don't forget to put an almond nut inside the ball.
  5. Roll the balls in grated Parmesan. Then put it back in the refrigerator.
  6. Serve ready dish on a plate decorated with lettuce leaves and dill.


  1. salmon – 200 g
  2. cream cheese – 250 g
  3. lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.
  4. Armenian lavash – 1 pc.
  5. dill
  6. green onion


  1. Chop the dill and onion.
  2. Mix cream cheese, herbs and the juice of one lemon in a separate bowl.
  3. Lay out the pita bread and brush it with the prepared cheese spread.
  4. Cut the salmon into thin strips. Place on greased pita bread.
  5. Make a neat roll and refrigerate for a couple of hours.
  6. Then cut into pieces.
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New Year's salads

Pay special attention to decorating holiday salads. Any of them can be presented in a “New Year’s outfit” and all guests will definitely want to try it.

  • Salad “Snow White Sheep”


  1. mushrooms – 200 g
  2. pineapples – 1 can
  3. Dutch cheese – 150 g
  4. eggs – 4 pcs.
  5. onions – 2 pcs.
  6. olives – 1 jar
  7. mayonnaise


  1. Stew mushrooms with onions.
  2. Boil the eggs and cool.
  3. Place the mushrooms on a plate, sprinkle with grated cheese on top, coat with mayonnaise and shape into a lamb.
  4. Then arrange the pineapples into pieces, rub the egg and soak in mayonnaise again.
  5. The next layer is halved olives and sprinkle everything with grated whites.
  6. Grate the yolk and sprinkle on the sheep's head.
  7. Make eyes from raisins, tail and mouth from dried apricots, and paws from prunes.
  • Herringbone salad


  1. eggs – 2 pcs.
  2. potatoes – 2 pcs.
  3. onion – 1 pc.
  4. carrots – 1 pc.
  5. pickled cucumbers – 2 pcs.
  6. ham – 200 g
  7. mayonnaise – 150 g
  8. salad pepper – 1 pc.
  9. dill
  10. pomegranate seeds – 10-15 pcs.


  1. Boil potatoes, carrots and eggs. Peel off the skin. Chop into cubes.
  2. Chop onions, cucumbers and ham.
  3. Mix everything with mayonnaise.
  4. Then form a mound in the form of a cone on a plate from the resulting mass.
  5. Arrange dill in the form of Christmas tree branches and decorate with pomegranate seeds.
  6. Make a small star out of lettuce peppers and decorate the top of the Christmas tree.
  • Salad “First of January”


  1. sweet pepper – 3 pcs.
  2. carrots – 1 pc.
  3. shrimp – 150 g
  4. cheese – 150 g
  5. eggs – 6 pcs.
  6. mayonnaise – 10 tbsp. l.
  7. pomegranate seeds – 5 pcs.
  8. dill


  1. Boil shrimp, carrots and eggs. Grate the yolks and whites into different dishes.
  2. Cut out the word “January” from the carrots.
  3. Rinse the bell pepper. Cut out the number "1". Chop the remaining pepper.
  4. Arrange the peppers in a rectangle shape on a tray. Apply mayonnaise on top in the form of a grid.
  5. The next layer is boiled shrimp and again a mesh of mayonnaise. Sprinkle with yolk.
  6. Then sprinkle with protein, pour mayonnaise on top and grate cheese.
  7. Now coat the entire salad with mayonnaise. Make a strip of chopped yolk on top.
  8. Place the unit and the word “January” in the center of the “calendar sheet”, and a sprig of dill and pomegranate seeds on top.
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Hot dishes

On the New Year's table menu, hot dishes are of great importance. Select recipes taking into account the preferences of the “hostess” of the coming 2015 – the sheep. These animals mainly eat plant foods. Therefore, when you cook meat and fish, use more vegetables.


  1. fish fillet (hake, pike perch, pollock, etc.) – 1 kg
  2. cauliflower – 800 g
  3. onions – 3 pcs.
  4. carrots – 2 pcs.
  5. tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  6. milk – 150 ml
  7. egg – 1 pc.
  8. cheese – 200 g


  1. Grate carrots, chop onions. Fry everything together. Place on a baking sheet.
  2. Cut the fish and place on carrots and onions. Place in the oven for 25 minutes.
  3. Cook cauliflower for 10 minutes. When cool, cut into smaller pieces.
  4. Mix egg with milk.
  5. Cut the tomatoes into slices.
  6. Remove the fish from the oven and arrange the cauliflower on top. Pour the milk-egg mixture, arrange the tomatoes in circles and grate the cheese on top.
  7. Bake for 30 minutes.


  1. duck – 1.5 kg
  2. apples – 1 pc.
  3. tangerines – 2 pcs.
  4. pitted prunes – 150 g
  5. garlic – 2 cloves
  6. honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  7. pepper


  1. Rub a clean duck with salt, pepper, and garlic inside and out.
  2. Make honey syrup (1 tablespoon per half glass of water). Brush the duck with this syrup.
  3. Stuff with prunes, apples and peeled tangerines. After this, brush with syrup again.
  4. Bake for 90 minutes in a special oven.
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A New Year's menu wouldn't be complete without delicious desserts. You can prepare a delicious cake, bake cookies and pastries. Or prefer light desserts, the ingredients of which are champagne and tangerines.


  1. champagne – 300 ml
  2. sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
  3. cream – 75 ml
  4. water – 100 ml
  5. lemon – 1 pc.
  6. gelatin – 20 g


  1. Put 2 tablespoons of sugar and lemon zest into the water and boil.
  2. Add lemon juice and gelatin. Gelatin should completely dissolve.
  3. Strain the resulting syrup, add champagne, mix thoroughly.
  4. Pour into glasses and leave in the refrigerator until it hardens.
  5. Prepare the cream. Mix the cream with sugar (1 tbsp), champagne (1 tbsp) and lemon juice (1 tsp). Whisk everything.


  1. tangerines – 12 pcs.
  2. water – 300 ml
  3. sugar – 1 tbsp. l.
  4. orange liqueur – 2 tbsp. l.
  5. cinnamon
  6. mint sprig


  1. Remove the peel from the tangerines.
  2. Put sugar on the fire. As soon as it turns caramel, add water.
  3. During cooking, add tangerine zest and cinnamon. Remove from heat after 5 minutes.
  4. Add orange liqueur and stir.
  5. Set aside to cool slightly. Then pour in the tangerines.
  6. Cool.
  7. Garnish with a mint leaf.
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Fruit canapés on skewers as a table decoration

The New Year's menu is ready, all you have to do is choose an outfit, buy gifts and you can safely welcome 2015!

Coming New Year differs from the previous two in the calmness and restraint of its patron - the emotional and expressive Horse and Snake give way to the restrained and balanced Goat (or Sheep).

According to the eastern calendar, on February 1, 2015, the Goat “takes” everything into its hooves, however, as usual Slavic custom, we will start welcoming her on December 31st. The colors of the year are green and blue, the material is wood. What could be closer to nature, right? Therefore, we will try to make the decoration of the house and table suitable for the Green Wooden Goat (and Sheep). Let's make a bouquet of fir branches, limes and silk ribbons, put wooden dishes or green porcelain on the table. Is there no such thing? We set up our favorite set, select green or blue napkins and a tablecloth to match.

Goat and Sheep are herbivores, and quite picky ones at that. Therefore, fresh vegetables and fruits and greens in large quantities and variety must be present on the table. Just a basket of vegetables and fruits is, of course, beautiful, but we also need something very tasty for the guests, so we prepare , or for dessert - . As for greens, appetizers look great on lettuce, and chicory leaves are a convenient place for spicy, spicy salads for a buffet table.

In addition to the vegetable “arsenal,” dairy products are perfect for the Goat. With, and, for example, you can prepare a lot of main dishes and sauces for them. And what can we say about dairy products - that alone is worth it!

IN eastern calendar it is written that the Goat is a water sign. Therefore, there should be fish and seafood on the table.

As for alcohol, the Goat does not like it. Horoscopes advise for New Year's holiday opt for light and light alcoholic drinks and cocktails.

I dare to offer you several menu options for the New Year 2015 - the Year of the Goat or Sheep.

Menu for New Year 2015 No. 1: Green.

This idea did not arise by chance. Goat and Sheep are inextricably linked with fresh lush grass, open spaces of meadows and pastures. Besides, there are a lot of green dishes in the world, why not combine them on one holiday table at least once in your life.

As cold snacks on the New Year's table 2015 I’ll offer two green dips for croutons – and . In addition, you can serve beautiful sliced ​​cucumbers, garnish with capers, green hot chili peppers and, of course, herbs.

I recently came across a wonderful dish that I will definitely serve as hot snack in New Year's Eve . This .

To prepare them you will need: for 600 g chicken fillet 2 zucchini, 60 g unsalted pistachios without shell, 1 egg white, 400 g Parmesan cheese (can be replaced with another dense cheese with a bright taste), rosemary, olive oil, salt.

How to cook chicken rolls: First you need to cut the zucchini into long strips 3-4 mm thick. In a small blender, now grind the pistachios, cheese, egg white, butter and rosemary. Choose the smoothness of the mass yourself - it can rightfully be grains, so that the taste of each ingredient can be felt, or it can be creamy. The next step is to prepare the chicken. To do this, cut the fillet into thin oblong layers. This is best done with a very sharp knife. Now beat the meat between two layers of cling film, very gently. After this, each piece of meat is greased with pistachio and cheese filling and rolled up. We wrap a piece of zucchini around each roll and secure it with a toothpick or wooden skewer. Cut the resulting rolls crosswise into thinner ones, about 2 fingers thick. And that’s it – fry on all sides in olive oil in a heated frying pan. Serve warm, garnished with herbs.

To choose salads for New Year 2015, remember the freshness of the ingredients and the vegetable content of each of them. It goes great on our holiday table. I also add a small apple to it. It gives additional juiciness and highlights the aroma of cucumber. The second salad - as if created for the New Year's table 2015 and our menu - fresh, tasty and also green. Perfect.

If you still want to serve the usual ones, garnish them with herbs, capers, cucumber or avocado.

After all, you see, almost every salad can be decorated and decorated festively. For example, the shape requires only medium-sized cutting and some kind of binding dressing. Usually this is mayonnaise, but it is better to meet the Goat with sour cream or yogurt.

Hot dishes for New Year 2015– this, it seems to me, is the basis, the central point of the menu.

The most festive side dish of all Slavic countries is, of course, mashed potatoes. Let's not cancel it, the Goat is very constant in its desires. And to make this dish green, like everything else on our menu, we’ll make it for the guests. If you really want to pamper your guests with culinary delights, cook for them - such giant “pasta” with a delicious aromatic filling will be remembered by everyone for a long time, and they will also ask you if this is the most pleasant thing for the hostess.

To pair with potatoes or cannelloni, I suggest serving lobio - or (in winter, green beans are sold frozen in almost every supermarket).

If you don’t like lobio, let’s cook it. A very beautiful and tasty green dish. Meat course – . Ekka suggests veal in this recipe, but for the Goat it is better to substitute pork or chicken.

It seems to me that the ideal dessert for New Year 2015 could be ice cream. After all, cakes and other heavy sweets are usually left for the morning (or even on January 2), but many guests will agree to enjoy ice cream. There are a lot of recipes for green ice cream. For example, or its mint and pistachio “relatives”. You can also make it green.

Menu for New Year 2015 No. 2: Fish.

Goat – watermark. Hence the idea of ​​a fish menu. In addition, fish and seafood cook quickly, and for a holiday you can afford to splurge and buy processed products right away, so that their preparation takes a minimum of time.

Typically, fish dishes are distinguished by their lightness and beauty, minimalistic decoration and filigree shapes. Therefore fish snacks on the New Year's table 2015 for our menu it is smoked salmon tartlets And .

Tartlets with smoked salmon It's quite easy to prepare. The main thing is to buy good tartlets so that they are tasty and crispy. Or you can prepare them in advance in your kitchen.

It is better to immediately find thin-cut salmon. You also need light mayonnaise, capers, dill, lemon, ground black pepper and cucumber. Mix mayonnaise with pepper and finely chopped dill. Capers can also be finely chopped and added to mayonnaise, or you can place them next to the fish - as you like. Now fill each tartlet with a teaspoon of mayonnaise, lay out the fish beautifully (roses, flagella, rolls - everything is beautiful). Decorate with a slice of cucumber and sprinkle with a little lemon juice. You can crush it with a little black pepper.

To cook, you need to take 200 g each shrimp and scallops - peeled and fresh, 90 ml freshly squeezed lime juice, 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice, 1 tablespoon orange zest, a small handful of very thinly sliced ​​red onion and 2 bell peppers - red and yellow (these need to be diced ), half a glass of tomato pulp, without skin and seeds, 1 chili pepper without seeds, 1 avocado, on the tip of a teaspoon of cumin and cayenne pepper, olive oil and salt to taste.

Scallops need to be cut in half crosswise and boiled in boiling salted water for exactly 1 minute, then transfer them with a slotted spoon to cold water to stop the cooking process. Boil the shrimp in the same way (you can use the same water). Depending on their size, this process will take 2-3 minutes. After boiling them, place them in cold water. Pour citrus juice over shrimp and scallops and refrigerate for 30 minutes. After this, add the rest of the ingredients except olive oil and avocado, mix gently and refrigerate for another half hour. Peel and cut the avocado into cubes, add to the salad and mix gently so that it does not choke. Divide the finished ceviche into martini or margarita glasses and drizzle olive oil and serve. Ceviche in any of its variations is an amazing holiday appetizer.

It is good to serve with crispy toast from several types of bread, or a more economical option is.

For me, the fish menu is a set of relatively light dishes, without excess fatty, overcooked and not very healthy. That's why hot dishes for the New Year's menu 2015 With the theme Fish I would like to suggest the following. It will be . If you absolutely do not like pasta during the holidays, replace it in this recipe with boiled potatoes, cut into large cubes. We will also serve a whole fish - a symbol of wealth and prosperity in eastern countries. It could be or.

In addition to the dishes suggested above -. This is perhaps the hardest dish on our menu for the stomach, however, its taste is worth it.

Dessert, to my regret and to the happiness of the guests, it will not be fishy. For dessert on New Year's Eve we will offer it to our family and...

Menu for New Year 2015 No. 3: Country.

This menu is dictated by this year's proximity to nature. Moreover, the tree and green perfectly woven into the decor of a country house. The dishes I will offer are very homemade and quite simple, and I know that if you prepare them with love and faith in the best in the coming year, this menu can become a worthy competitor to the most sophisticated and expensive competitors.