Contrary to popular belief, how the expectant mother eats during pregnancy determines not only weight gain during pregnancy, but also conditions such as dizziness, leg cramps, and whether the unborn child will be overweight. So, the second trimester of pregnancy by week - and lists healthy products.

14-16 weeks of pregnancy: can pregnant women eat sweets?

Goodbye morning sickness! Finally a state expectant mother is stabilizing. But if you value good health and want it to continue to please you, then it’s time to take full responsibility for the quality of the substances supplied. After all, it’s very easy to gain weight starting from this period! And this is not just an aesthetic problem. Excess weight includes dangerous pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and even preeclampsia, a form of severe pregnancy.

If in the first months of pregnancy, due to frequent nausea, you either did not gain or even lost weight, then the second trimester of pregnancy, along with relief from ailments, will surprise you with a significant increase in appetite. Our body takes a course towards anabolism: this is a type of metabolism in which the body accumulates substances and is actively engaged in the construction of tissues.

Thus, bodybuilders are even ready to take artificial hormones in order to adjust the body to anabolism and, as a result, build muscle mass. And for pregnant women, this mode turns on naturally! So if you do exercises for pregnant women and eat enough protein foods (1.5-2 g of pure protein per 1 kg of body weight), you will be able to strengthen the muscular system more easily than at any other time in your life. thereby making the body strong enough for successful natural birth. Of course, you won’t look like a bodybuilder, but normal, toned female muscles will greatly help a young mother cope with a three-kilogram live dumbbell, which will only become heavier over time.

Often pregnant women complain of dizziness. The fact is that in the first months of pregnancy the amount of insulin increases, which allows the body to use all the glucose in the blood. This means that its amount in the bloodstream may periodically fall below normal levels. So my head is spinning.

But it is better to respond to this behavior of the body not with fast carbohydrates (sweets, flour, potatoes, polished rice), but with slow carbohydrates - fruits, vegetables, herbs, whole grains, etc. Then the amount of glucose in the blood will not jump up and down, every now and then making itself felt with dizziness, but will be stably maintained at the proper level.

Moreover, due to hypersensitivity to glucose, sweets and flour in the body of a pregnant woman turn into fat much faster than in a normal non-pregnant state. So pregnancy is the worst time to indulge in sweets, unless, of course, you want to turn into a bun.

17-20 weeks of pregnancy: best sources of protein during pregnancy

The child's body grows, and he needs more and more building materials - protein. Nitrogen accumulates in the mother's body. Starting from the 17th week, the body retains about 2 g of nitrogen per day. So legumes, champions in their content, are completely unnecessarily blacklisted by many for fear of flatulence. If you introduce them into your regular diet, there will be a minimum of gases, but the benefits of lentils, mung beans, chickpeas, and green peas are still enormous!

Some legumes are superior to meat products in protein content. They are best when sprouted. Then the proteins are converted into ready-made amino acids, and the body needs a minimum of time and effort to absorb them. In addition, sprouted legumes become softer and can be cooked for just a couple of minutes, which more effectively preserves their nutritional properties. Just pour the lentils hot water, and green peas are so good!

Protein metabolism during pregnancy requires a supply of sufficient amounts of all amino acids more than ever. So it makes sense to consider how much protein you eat per day and vary your sources. Pay attention to other plant foods rich in protein: nuts (walnuts, almonds, pistachios, pine), seeds (flax, sesame, hemp, sunflower, pumpkin), pseudo-cereals (quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth).

And even in the fifth month of pregnancy, many note that they seem to have a second wind. Let's support this wonderful state! Let's create all the conditions for the body to breathe easily. Oxygen exchange accelerates as the baby grows. Blood volume is increased, which means general ability red blood cells to carry more and more oxygen for both bodies - now even better! Daily walks for at least an hour, or preferably several, and regular ventilation of the premises (several times a day, and especially before bed) - this is what will increase the amount of oxygen that is so necessary for the health of the expectant mother and baby!

21-24 weeks of pregnancy: vitamins from natural products

Progesterone and estrogens continue to take care of the baby’s development and the transformation of our body. Both of these hormones affect mineral metabolism, storing calcium and other minerals for the baby's growing body. Review your diet for micro- and macroelements! Some body signs will help us recognize possible deficiencies.

For example, pigmentation that was previously unusual for a woman during pregnancy can, of course, appear. This is normal and usually goes away after childbirth or breastfeeding. The breast halos darken, a line appears on the abdomen, and sometimes chloasma and freckles appear. But if the pigmentation is quite strong, this may indicate a lack of vitamin B9. Urgently return the yellow pills to your diet and eat more greens.

If your legs cramp during pregnancy, this may indicate an excess of accumulated phosphorus or a lack of calcium. Physical activity helps to utilize phosphorus: walking, swimming, exercises for pregnant women, etc. After all, phosphorus bases are the first to be used for the resynthesis of the universal ATP molecule, which accelerates with regular exercise. Are you moving enough?

Calcium can be quickly replenished in large quantities from foods that are champions in its content. Do you think it's dairy? But no! There are only 150 mg of this element in 100 g of milk. But in sesame and poppy seeds per 100 g there are 1000 and 1500 mg of calcium, respectively. It is recommended to germinate the seeds a little (this is their most bioactive form) and grind them in a coffee grinder for maximum absorption. You can use them to make tahini paste or vegetable milk. It is tasty and will very quickly fill the deficiency of calcium that is so necessary for both you and your baby.

The amount of blood, which has gradually increased over the past months, is already becoming significant in volume. The body produces more and more red blood cells, so it's worth checking if you have enough iron-rich foods in your diet. In addition to animal products, these are: whole grains, legumes, beets, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, pomegranates, apples, plums and prunes, persimmons, dogwoods, raisins, dried apricots, figs and all types of nuts.

In principle, in order to receive all the necessary micro- and macroelements in their natural form, it is worth introducing into your diet foods that are natural multivitamin and mineral complexes, and these are seaweed and pollen (if you are not allergic to bee products). They contain almost everything that the female body needs in this regard.

It remains to add a sufficient amount of sour - vitamin C (without it, most other vitamins are not absorbed), orange vegetables - vitamin A, unrefined vegetable oil- vitamin E, and the sun for the natural production of vitamin D. The very minimum is to sit for 10 minutes with an open window, at least partially exposing the body, regularly, 2-3 times a week. It’s better, of course, to catch sunny days, but ultraviolet light also penetrates well through clouds. This way, of course, you won’t tan too much, but you will create conditions for the synthesis of vitamin D in therapeutic doses. If these conditions are met, your mineral and vitamin metabolism will be in perfect order!

25-27 weeks of pregnancy: how not to gain excess weight

This month of pregnancy can be called transitional. The body begins to adjust to the catabolism mode, that is, the breakdown and utilization of stored substances to obtain energy from them. And if you have accumulated a certain amount of fat, it’s time to put it to work! Let's look at our lipid metabolism.

Not all the fats we consume go into the subcutaneous layer. In addition to providing energy, lipids protect organs, they are used to build membranes, that is, cell membranes, and some hormones and vitamins. Just think, 60% of our brain is made up of lipids!

But within us the process of building a completely new central nervous system person! The picture is clear - we really need fats. Moreover, both unsaturated and saturated, that is, those that are in solid and liquid states at a temperature comfortable for humans.

The point is that different types The body uses fats for different functions. It is recommended to use them in a 50/50 ratio. So butter, and coconut, and avocado, and unrefined olive - yes! And the expectant mother should show special respect to flaxseed. After all, essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 can be obtained from it in the right quantity and ideal ratio, allowing you to avoid inflammatory processes in the body and even make us more beautiful, fresh, attractive!

As for the fat that is stored in reserve, its accumulation occurs in special cells - adipocytes. They can be present in different quantities in different parts of the body and can increase in size. Total number adipocytes are increased in those people whose mothers gained overweight during pregnancy. So, by staying in shape while you're expecting your baby, you're not only keeping your own body attractive, but you're also laying the foundation for your unborn baby's natural tendency to be slim.

The hormone leptin regulates the processes of fat deposition, and also participates in energy metabolism and appetite regulation. Due to an imbalance with it, a person may become hungry, and it will be difficult for him to feel full, even if he has already eaten. In naturally thin people, it is present in the blood plasma mainly in bound form(that's lucky!).

One of its functions is to transmit a signal to the brain about the size of adipose tissue. Too rapid weight gain may be due to a disruption in the interaction of leptin with its receptors in the hypothalamus. Its concentration increases in the blood at night, and if you do not sleep enough or poorly, your metabolism is disrupted.

But the growth hormone somatotropin (GH) is responsible for lipolysis, that is, the breakdown of fat. Its synthesis occurs in the deep phases of sleep. And this also indicates a direct connection between lipid metabolism and the quality of rest. Therefore, it makes sense to think through and implement measures to improve sleep.

The simplest rule is to accustom yourself to going to bed early, because every hour of sleep before midnight is several times higher in quality than the rest of the hours. In addition, according to research from Harvard University, the more time you spend in the evening under artificial light, the more the production of melatonin is delayed and the synthesis of ghrelin, a hormone that provokes appetite and the desire to snack, increases - even if the body objectively no longer requires food today.

Those who were physically active during the day sleep well. So walking, swimming, or other exercises will turn on the mode of burning extra pounds not only directly during execution, but also at night, thanks to good sleep. Mint or lemon balm tea will help you calm down, relax and fall asleep closer to your deliberately chosen time.

And if you really want to watch and chew something, move it to the morning! And your metabolism will work properly, and calories will be beneficial.

To be continued.

A pregnant woman is the most beautiful in the world, because she carries within herself new life. And this is despite the weight gained, possible swelling, disheveled hair or other similar situations. Strangers only smile at the sight of a rounded tummy, but ladies may still be dissatisfied with their appearance. What can you do, it's female nature. Therefore, many expectant mothers will benefit from advice on how not to gain weight during pregnancy.

Rule No. 1 - proper nutrition

Every woman, from the very moment of conception, must take care not only of herself, but also of the baby. Everything that the mother eats while pregnant, the baby also eats in varying quantities, therefore, in order to maintain his health in the womb, you need to learn how to eat properly. First of all, it is worth understanding that when choosing a way to avoid gaining weight during pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to use any diets for weight loss. The fact is that they are based on avoiding certain types of food, the microelements of which may be beneficial to the baby. It is also strictly forbidden for the expectant mother to go hungry or have frequent meals. fasting days, because already in the womb the baby must eat normally in order to develop correctly. What a pregnant woman can eat: vegetables, fruits, lean soups, dairy and fermented milk products, as well as healthy food. In turn, it is strictly forbidden to consume alcohol, heavy foods, fast food, including chips, crackers, etc. It is not recommended to abuse fatty or fried foods, eat raw foods (for example, sushi), and drink carbonated water. By eating properly throughout the entire period of bearing a baby, you can remain normal and gain just the required weight over the entire period.

Rule No. 2 - walks

Another tip on how to avoid gaining weight during pregnancy is to walk more. Both the baby and the mother need this, because already in the womb the child feels when he is outside and when he is in a stuffy room. Walking is useful because it helps you lose weight extra pounds, without sitting too long in front of the computer or TV, gaining only the desired weight during pregnancy. Also, when walking, the mother trains the muscles of the whole body, keeping them in normal tone, which will subsequently make it very easy. While carrying a child, it is useful for ladies to do gymnastics, yoga, and you can load your body in other light ways.

Rule No. 3 - control

How not to gain weight during pregnancy? You need to start a special calendar at the very beginning and periodically record your weight, waist, hips, and chest measurements. For example, once a week. This will help you control changes in your body. In order not to overdo it in the race for slim figure, you can use the approximate norms of weight growth by trimester. When figuring out how not to gain weight during pregnancy, you need to know that a woman is simply obliged to gain weight over the entire 9 months; fighting this fact is a waste of time. Normal weight gain is 10-13 kg, of which the baby takes on 3-3.5 kg, the uterus about 1 kg, the placenta 500-800 g, various fluids - amniotic, blood, breast tissue - 7-8 kg.

Pregnancy is a unique time for a woman. The ability of the female body to bear, grow and feed the little person inside can be considered a real miracle. From the very first weeks of a desired pregnancy, a woman tries to protect her baby from external negative factors, monitors her health, and takes all the required tests. But at the same time, the woman relaxes and can indulge in any gastronomic delights, justifying herself by saying that these are the wishes of the baby in the womb. Unfortunately, just a few months after giving birth, the young mother comes to her senses and realizes with annoyance that the accumulated kilograms need to be lost somehow. Excess weight is not just a cosmetic problem. Excess kilograms during pregnancy create real problems for its course. In this article we will talk about excess weight during pregnancy - is it acceptable, how to fight it with proper nutrition and gentle sports.

The dangers of excess weight during pregnancy

Of course, during the period of bearing a child, all women gain excess weight, and this is not always only the weight of the child. On average, if you add up the baby's weight, amniotic fluid, placenta, increased amount of blood, acceptable fat layer, about 10 kg comes out. That is, a woman’s weight is normally allowed to increase by no more than 10-15 kilograms from the initial weight you had before pregnancy. If your weight exceeds the permissible values, then this is fraught with dangerous complications.

Excess weight plus pregnancy is a colossal burden on a woman’s cardiovascular system. That is why, during the period of bearing a baby, such patients may develop varicose veins and disturbances in the functioning of the heart.

Pregnancy, complicated overweight, is a serious load on the spine. As a result, a woman may experience hernias, disc displacements, etc.

Excess weight creates a risk of developing preeclampsia, diabetes, and hypertension.

If a woman gains weight during pregnancy, not only her weight increases, but also the weight of the baby in the womb. Giving birth to a large baby is more difficult; it is fraught with ruptures in the birth canal.

An overweight woman is always at risk of miscarriage or premature birth. But on later On the contrary, excess weight is fraught with post-term baby.

Postpartum rehabilitation for obese patients takes longer and is more difficult.

If you are overweight, there is a risk of premature rupture of water.

Excess weight during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the mother, but also for the baby. A sharp change in body weight often leads to disproportions between the child’s head and torso. A large amount of fat deposits leads to hypoxia in the baby. A well-nourished child is more difficult to examine after birth, and the assessment of the condition may be biased.

In addition, by gaining excess weight, even before the baby is born, you are programming his tendency to gain extra pounds. Why do you need this? Especially if there is a girl in the womb. Do you really want her to go on diets all her life and suffer from endless complexes? If you want your child to be happy and healthy life, you need to monitor his nutrition today. Besides, it won't hurt you to take care of your own figure.

The opinion that with the onset of pregnancy you should start eating for two is very dangerous and insidious. If you double your diet, your weight will increase to dangerous levels in a short time. Yes, the diet must change, that's undeniable. But its quality, not quantity, should change. Here are a few useful tips that will help you establish a healthy and balanced diet during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, women are often overtaken by a crazy feeling of hunger, when the expectant mother is ready to demolish everything in her path. It's hormones, there's nothing you can do about it. This is how the body protects the baby from starvation. To avoid such impulses, you need to follow a diet. You need to eat every 3 hours, even if you don't feel like it. However, portion sizes should be minimal - no more than one glass. This will protect you from overeating.

You need to give up harmful fast carbohydrates. If you cannot refuse cakes and sweets, at least limit their consumption - no more than one piece of candy per day, cakes only on weekends.

When choosing between a healthy and unhealthy snack, give preference to healthy foods, they can also be tasty. Yogurt, curd cheese with different fillings, good cheese, fruits, vegetables - how could it be tasteless? Recently in departments dietary nutrition Various healthy and tasty products appeared. Just look at the apple chips alone - so crunchy and appetizing, and absolutely safe. In addition, you can snack on a variety of whole grain bars - they are high in fiber, which will protect you from constipation. You can treat yourself to homemade jelly - based on berry and fruit juices. The calorie content of such a product is negligible.

Surround yourself with useful things. Keep apples, bananas, nuts and dried fruits in a vase on the kitchen table instead of candy.

Try not to eat at night, at least don’t overeat.

If you are tormented by a strong desire to eat something, know when to stop! Chocolate, citrus fruits, honey, eggs, strawberries - all this is acceptable during pregnancy, but in small quantities. If you eat more than normal, you will harm your child and he may develop allergies for life.

Be sure to include lean meat, fish, and poultry in your diet. This will give the body nutritional value and plenty of protein.

If you feel that you have gained too much excess weight, then give yourself a fasting day on buckwheat or kefir. In this case, you need to drink a lot of water or green tea. During pregnancy, a fasting day can be done no more than once a week. Psychologically, it is easier for a woman to maintain a restriction for 24 hours than to diet constantly.

Be sure to add different types of greens to your dishes - greenery is very useful during pregnancy.
Unless your doctor limits the amount of fluid you drink, try to drink as much as possible. This will help cleanse your body of toxins and waste. Drink compotes, fruit drinks, teas, freshly squeezed juices in diluted form. From herbal decoctions You should avoid it for now - some of them can cause uterine tone.

The diet should contain a lot of vegetables - they are very healthy, do not cause allergies and do not harm the body at all. In the morning, try to eat cereal porridge - oatmeal and buckwheat are especially healthy. Lunch – vegetable and meat soups, salads. It is better to make dinner protein - meat, fish, poultry with vegetable salad. Snacks can be in the form of dairy products, fruits, cookies, nuts, etc.

Excess weight is a consequence of two main factors - overeating and a sedentary lifestyle. And if we have already figured out nutrition, we need to decide how to exercise during pregnancy, because intense exercise can be dangerous for the fetus. Indeed, loads such as running, weightlifting, game and contact sports should be prohibited. But you can find an alternative that will allow you to warm up without risk to your health. Swimming is very beneficial during pregnancy - in water, the load on the spine is significantly reduced, and the woman moves much more freely. Swimming warms up all the muscles of the body, water calms mother and baby. Be careful when visiting public swimming pools during pregnancy - you should use a tampon to protect your vagina from infection. In addition, be sure to wear special corrugated slippers to avoid slipping on the wet pool paths.

In fitness centers you can choose the optimal sport for yourself. As a rule, yoga, Pilates, bodyflex, and special gymnastics for pregnant women are recommended for pregnant women. All exercises in these sports are aimed at stretching the muscles - no strength training. Stretching makes the muscles more elastic and pliable, which perfectly prepares the body for childbirth. If you work during pregnancy and you have absolutely no energy or time to go to workouts, then just go for a walk. Walking has a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman, the body is saturated with oxygen, and you get rid of excess calories. It will be much more useful if you walk in nature - in a grove, forest, near a pond, etc.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for any woman, so why spoil it with drooping folds and health problems due to obesity? To avoid gaining excess weight, you need to carefully monitor it. Be sure to buy a scale and note changes in its readings every week. Get enough sleep - this will protect you from overeating, emotional outbursts and negativity.

Sometimes a woman gains a lot of weight, even if she watches her diet and doesn’t overeat. Be sure to tell your doctor about your experiences. A sharp gain in body weight may indicate gestosis, polyhydramnios, and even multiple pregnancy. Proper and balanced nutrition, good doctors and a positive attitude will help you carry your baby without extra set masses. Remember, food is not the only pleasure in life, try to please yourself with something else.

Video: how not to gain weight during pregnancy

During pregnancy

It is believed that in 9 months you need to gain from 8 to 10 kilograms (no more). Otherwise, you risk unkind reprimands from doctors, swelling, a salt-free diet, fasting days (which are quite difficult to endure) and even pills and hospitalization. On the other hand, weight gain is an individual thing and there are no average norms here and cannot even exist. Some women even lose weight in the first and second trimester and begin to gain weight only closer to childbirth. However, there are few of them. As a rule, having learned about pregnancy, we begin to eat for two (or even three), having a blast.

Pregnancy is not the time for restrictions and diets. However, no one is stopping you from following the rules healthy eating and think about the future (shedding extra pounds after childbirth can be quite difficult).

1) Don't forget about breakfast

Many women, due to toxicosis or out of habit from pre-pregnancy life, refuse to eat in the morning. This is fundamentally wrong. You (and, by the way, your child) have already been 8-9 hours without food (during sleep), and therefore you simply need to make up for the missing calories. Otherwise, by lunchtime you will have a ravenous appetite and you will eat much more than you could.

2) Create a menu

Do you know what exactly you will eat for breakfast or afternoon snack today? If not, then you are much more likely to snack on a chocolate bar, a hamburger or a sausage roll. A pregnant woman's appetite is unpredictable, and therefore if you suddenly want to eat something right on the street or in the subway, you must be prepared for it. Make a menu for the day in advance and don’t forget to carry an apple, bread and drinking yogurt with you.

3) Avoid catering

Unfortunately, restaurants, cafes and canteens cannot boast of preparing exclusively healthy and healthy dishes. An abundance of oil, flavorings, fatty sauces... - do not have a very favorable effect on the figure. However, this does not mean that you should not leave the house and eat only steamed cutlets. The main thing to focus on is: common sense and a sense of proportion. When going to a restaurant, order proven, well-prepared and the most “healthy” dishes. Unfortunately, during pregnancy you will have to give up undercooked steaks, meat and fish carpaccio, soft cheeses (such as brie), sushi, raw fish, large quantities of tuna and unpasteurized dairy products. You should also not get too carried away with coffee (limit to 2 cups a day), strong tea - be it black or green (it washes away much-needed folic acid), as well as carbonated drinks (bloating - not best friend pregnant woman, believe me).

4) Listen to your body, not other people

“Now you have to eat for two!” – does your mother-in-law keep telling you? “Would you like to eat another cutlet?” - Mom begs? “You need to eat a lot now!” - says the husband? Well, pregnant women really need a lot more calories. So, if earlier you could limit your diet to 1000-1500 kcal, now (due to increased metabolic processes) you need 2500 kcal per day. However, not all calories are created equal. Try to eat healthy and not overeat. You should not eat the second and third servings forcefully or for company, justifying yourself by saying that you are expecting a child. Replace the supplement with an apple or yogurt and try to convince your family that you are trying to eat healthy and that your diet (including its amount) is approved by your doctor. Listen to your body (most likely, it gives you a hint): if you want meat, eat it (perhaps you lack iron or protein); if, on the contrary, you don’t even want to think about meat products, you shouldn’t force yourself (you can obtained from other dishes).

5) Be aware of prohibited products

Smoked sausage, sharp cheeses, various pickles, soda, hamburgers, buns and cakes - it is better to exclude all this from the menu of a pregnant woman. Of course, this does not mean that you should limit yourself in everything, but these foods should be consumed as rarely as possible. Remember: everything you eat affects your baby and his development. That is why it is best not to get carried away with sausages, canned food, pates and semi-finished products (who knows what they are made from?), it is better to focus on natural products (for example, boiled meat, chicken or fish). Try to fry less, use a double boiler, do not forget to eat fish and fresh vegetables and fruits. However, there is no need to get carried away with the exotic. Of course, you can eat pineapples, mangoes and oranges, but not every day and in small quantities. Modern nutritionists recommend sticking to the “great-grandmother’s diet” and eating only what our ancestors ate and what grows in our area. I must say, this has its own rational grain.

Well, your task is not so difficult: you must provide yourself with the proper amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals, while consuming as few preservatives and unhealthy foods as possible. In addition, pregnant women need to take special care of the water balance in the body - doctors recommend drinking at least 2 liters of fluid per day (if you do not have edema).

6) Don't forget about physical activity

Pregnancy is not a disease. And therefore, if you do not have any complications, and the doctor does not object to your exercise (this condition is mandatory!), feel free to go to the pool, water aerobics for expectant mothers, a fitball group and other entertainment for pregnant women. Also, don’t forget about long walks fresh air and breaks at work (every half hour get up from your desk and walk for 5-10 minutes in the corridor).

7) Don't eat at night

Pregnancy is not a state when you need to test your willpower. If you want to eat at 12 o'clock at night, it is best not to argue with your body. However, it is better to replace fried potatoes with pork with a glass of warm milk, kefir, yogurt or fruit (for example, a green apple).

8) Don't starve

Firstly, it is not healthy for the child, and secondly, the longer you don’t eat (for example, skip lunch and afternoon snack), the more you will eat later (for dinner). You must develop your own diet and eat at least 5-6 times a day. Breakfast, second breakfast at work, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and evening kefir - this is the ideal meal schedule for a pregnant woman. If you are not working, you should not rely only on the canteen - take food with you in containers, yoghurts, kefir and, of course, fruits and nuts. So, you can get everything necessary vitamins and microelements and gain weight only by the kilograms prescribed by the Ministry of Health.

While carrying a child, a woman needs to be careful and attentive to her health and maintain a healthy diet. The tendency to overeat and consume high-calorie foods under the pretext of “you need to eat for two” is dangerous: in some cases, such eating behavior complicates the course of pregnancy and childbirth. This approach to nutrition has long been refuted by experts, and now all doctors and nutritionists advise avoiding large portions and junk food.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with her weight loss recipe:“I lost 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it at night...” Read more >>

How should you eat during pregnancy?

It is easy to gain excess weight while carrying a child because many changes occur in the body and body fat not so noticeable. Extra pounds become obvious after childbirth, which is often one of the causes of postpartum depression. To avoid gaining weight during pregnancy, you must follow these rules:

  1. 1. Eat small portions. The fetus, rapidly increasing in size, compresses the internal organs, and difficulties may arise in the functioning of the stomach. Large portions aggravate digestive processes and cause discomfort.
  2. 2. Eat according to the schedule. The body gets used to receiving food at the same time and works harmoniously.
  3. 3. Avoid feeling hungry. This can have a negative impact on your well-being.
  4. 4. Avoid dehydration. You need to drink enough water, but not overdo it. The excretory organs are also under pressure, swelling may form, and frequent urge emptying the bladder can affect the microflora of the genital organs.
  5. 5. Diversify your diet. This is necessary to ensure that both the fetus and the expectant mother receive enough essential beneficial microelements.
  6. 6. Do not eat or drink at night, so as not to worsen your health.
  7. 7. Lead an active lifestyle, but not contrary to your state of health and well-being.
  8. 8. Avoid stress.
  9. 9. Sleep at least 8-10 hours a day.

Experts recommend adding 10-12 kg to your pre-pregnancy weight. Moreover, in the first trimester a woman may not gain anything; the entire load falls on the second and third. 10-12 kg is a relative figure, and it is influenced by many factors:

  • number of fetuses - if a woman is pregnant with twins, then it is quite normal for her to gain up to 15 kg;
  • swelling - expectant mothers prone to it gain much more, but the excess fluid disappears immediately after childbirth;
  • genetics - there are larger and more graceful women, different types figures, for some it is considered normal to gain 20 kg, and for others it is a lot to gain 10.

Each organism is individual, and you should not rely on average figures. Compliance with the principles proper nutrition guaranteed to help you avoid gaining excess weight. Moreover, overweight women healthy menu While carrying a baby, you can even lose weight.

Excessive weight gain may be an indicator of gestosis, kidney and endocrine system disorders. Therefore, it is important to keep this issue under control and weigh yourself regularly.

Approximate diet

Precise nutritional recommendations to help you avoid gaining excess weight can be obtained from a gynecologist, endocrinologist and nutritionist, who will base their conclusions on the woman’s characteristics and current test results. Sometimes, if any pathological abnormalities are observed, the diet is supplemented with vitamin complexes and harmless food additives.

Close relatives of a pregnant woman should ideally also observe healthy image life and do not eat junk food.

Authorized Products

Products that, according to doctors’ advice, must be included in the diet of the expectant mother are presented in the table:

Product Method of use Benefit
Beef, beef liverStew, bake, grill or steam. Accompany meals with raw vegetables and herbs. It is enough to use 2-3 times a weekContains a record amount of folic acid needed by the fetus
Poultry, rabbit meatUse gentle heat treatment methods; vegetables are suitable as a side dishThe best source of protein necessary for maintaining a woman's muscle mass and building the baby's muscles
Spinach, greensAdd daily to all salads, soups, stews, preferably rawAn excellent source of fiber, which helps remove toxins from the body and improve digestion.
EggsChicken - no more than 5 pieces per week, quail - no more than 12. It is best to cook them, always until cooked - this minimizes the risk of salmonella infectionEgg white is completely digestible, and the yolk contains enough vitamin D, folic acid and cooked fats
Fish, seafoodStew, grill, or as part of steam cutlets. Can be eaten up to 6 times a week, best for dinnerPolyunsaturated fats have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and help improve skin condition
Sea kaleIn any form, except mayonnaise salads and marinated, you can eat it dailyRich in iodine, a deficiency of which is often observed during pregnancy, especially if the woman previously had thyroid dysfunction
All vegetables, potatoes - in small quantitiesIt is enough to eat potatoes 2 times a week, boiled or baked. All other vegetables should be eaten in season to minimize the likelihood of nitrate toxicity. Preference should be given to green vegetables and those that have negative calorie content: all varieties of cabbage, carrots, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, bell peppers, pumpkin, beets. Use gentle thermal methods, try to consume raw vegetables as much as possible.A huge amount of vitamins and nutrients, fiber, prevention of constipation, which often occurs in the background hormonal changes body of a pregnant woman
CerealsChoose only unpolished ones, cook for breakfasts and in moderation for lunchesConsidered the best source of energy, the grain shell contains a lot of fiber
Dairy and fermented milk productsGive preference to low-fat ones, monitor the body’s reaction to milk and drink no more than 1 glass per day. Kefir and cottage cheese can be consumed more often both independently and as part of various dishes and cocktailsRich in calcium and proteins, fermented milk products help maintain stomach microflora
FruitsEat raw or baked throughout the day, ideal as a snack. It is advisable to eat bananas, melon, grapes, mangoes, dates and figs in the morningAn excellent source of fiber and healthy natural sugars that help cleanse the body.
Dried fruits, nutsAbout 50 g of dried fruits and 30 g of nuts and seeds per day will be enough. Can be added to morning porridge, eaten as a snack, or made into healthy desserts and energy bars.They quickly satisfy hunger, are considered an excellent alternative to unhealthy desserts, are rich in nutrients and help prevent constipation. Nuts and seeds are rich sources of healthy fats and protein
Cold pressed vegetable oilsOlive, flaxseed, amaranth, grape - in a dosage of 1 tablespoon per day. It is not recommended to expose to temperature - most useful properties in this case it disappearsContains essential fats and has a beneficial effect on digestion

What should be excluded?

The following products are strictly prohibited for expectant mothers:

  • fast food;
  • fish and meat that have not undergone heat treatment (as part of tartar, sushi);
  • smoked meats;
  • salted and pickled foods;
  • raw chicken eggs;
  • homemade dairy products from an unreliable supplier that have not been pasteurized;
  • alcoholic drinks.

In order not to gain weight, you must also give up sugar and confectionery, sausages, baked goods, sweet carbonated drinks, store-bought sauces, unhealthy snacks.

Menu examples

An approximate menu for every day for a week for a pregnant woman, which will not allow you to gain weight, looks like this:

Day of the week Breakfast Snack Dinner Snack Dinner
MondayOatmeal on water with dried fruits and nutsApplesVegetable soup, brown rice, baked chicken breast, tomato and cucumber saladLow-fat kefir with sweetener and branZucchini baked with cottage cheese, cheese and herbs
TuesdayOmelette with low-fat milk and 2 eggs with herbs and vegetablesEnergy bar made from oatmeal, prunes, dried apricots, sunflower seeds and walnutsSteamed turkey cutlets, steamed broccoli and cauliflowerYogurt with berriesSalad of seafood, cucumber, lettuce, dressed with lemon juice
WednesdayBuckwheat porridge with vegetable salad, fresh fruitBaked pumpkinStewed cabbage with chickenSandwich with feta cheese and whole grain breadLentils, whole grain bread and red fish sandwich
ThursdayCheesecakes with raisinsMilk jelly with sweetener and berriesTomato puree soup with herbs, beef liver stewed with carrots and onions2 hard-boiled eggsFish cutlets, vegetable slices
FridayRice milk porridge with prunes and pumpkinApples baked with cottage cheese and a little honeyChicken meatball soup, buckwheat porridge, cabbage saladLow-fat kefirRabbit stewed with vegetables
SaturdayOatmeal pancakes with branDried fruitsVinaigrette with green peasCottage cheese casserole with raisinsBeef liver, vegetable salad
SundayOatmeal made from cereal, milk, cottage cheese and eggs with low-fat sour creamAny fruit or smoothieBeans in tomato sauce, carrot, celery and pumpkin seeds seasoned with vegetable oilDried fruitsDurum wheat pasta with seafood

Rarely, about once every 10 days, a pregnant woman can afford to eat her favorite dessert in the morning

If, in the opinion of the gynecologist leading the pregnancy, the girl has gained a lot of weight and there is a danger to normal childbirth and the condition of the child, then she may be prescribed special diets or fasting days. Their essence comes down to cutting carbohydrates and increasing the amount of fiber-rich foods: vegetables, fruits. They help to lose extra pounds without harming the woman’s health or the child’s weight.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with perestroika hormonal levels and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls they call it “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make these sizes.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...