What is love and where does it come from? Many have tried to answer this question famous people, creating love poems, paintings or any other objects of art. Every person in his life has experienced a state of love and soared on the wings of happiness and love, but not everyone was able to meet the real - strong and eternal love of his life. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish it from a simple hobby, but this point is incredibly important, because no one would like to miss out on their happiness.

In order to determine how suitable you and your boyfriend are for each other, on our website there is online test for girls called Love Test games for girls. Here you have to find out in percentage terms how ideal your couple is. Spend your free time doing a cool love test. site wish you a pleasant game!

Tips for passing:

First, you should enter your names in the two fields located on the hearts. Then click on the button at the bottom of the test structure and wait until the results are fully analyzed. As a result, you will see the percentage of names in the upper heart, located in the central part of the playing field.

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the site always offers the widest selection of free online games. Brand new games appear on the site every day!

To your attention, dear visitors of Oleg Matveev’s psychological assistance website, free psychological tests online, from category "likes or dislikes": This love tests and close relationships for boys and girls, for girls and young men (guys), for men and women, for wives and husbands, for all those who want to live in love and harmony, and enjoy love for themselves and their neighbors, and therefore, enjoy life, not suffer from it.

The Loves/Dislikes test is a group of free tests for getting to know yourself, others and close relationships.

Likes or dislikes- a topic of concern to many people who are starting or already having close relationships with the opposite sex. Love- this is the only force that really works miracles: it changes people for the better, changes negative life scenarios, fatal fates without psychotherapists, makes people human, happy and joyful, healthy and rich... Love is happiness, i.e. what we all, consciously or not, strive for.

And every person has the right to know: likes or dislikes he himself, other people and the world in general, loves or doesn't love me my close person; likes or dislikes the whole world. Because his thinking, perception of the world, himself and others, his emotions and feelings, and the behavior and physiological reactions corresponding to them, and therefore his whole life in general, his future, his destiny will depend on this knowledge.

Love tests are a group of tests that determine the real closeness of a partner’s relationship

Love tests for girls and boys, girls and boys (young men), for women and men online and free:

Take love and relationship tests

  • Ask each other one by one

If you are fond of tests, try to look into the future with the help of fortune telling and use tests to figure out the personality of your soul mate, then the game Love Tests for Girls will appeal to you.

In the fortune teller's salon

The game Love Tests for Girls takes us into the mysterious world of magic. With its help, occultists turned to otherworldly forces to influence the future. In this game for girls we will visit the salon of the seer Eleanor. Her room is shrouded in darkness and a mystical atmosphere. Everywhere hangs the paraphernalia necessary for a medium to communicate with spirits.

The fortune teller meets us behind her magical crystal ball, in which the future is revealed to her. Outwardly, the girl resembles a gypsy. She has dark skin. Her eggplant-colored hair is tied with a colorful scarf to match the colors of her bright dress. Like all gypsy fortune tellers, the girl’s ears are decorated with rings.

The seer’s gaze seems to ask a silent question: “Are you ready to look into the future and find out your destiny?” Well, are you ready for the love test?

Love tests in games for girls

Turning to fortune tellers with questions of love has been relevant at all times. Fortune tellers looked for fate in a crystal ball, in coffee grounds, on tarot cards, etc. Each nation throughout history has had its own rituals of fortune telling for love. For example, the Slavic peoples living in Rus' had their own traditions. Yuletide fortune-telling was especially popular in those days.

They were held during winter holidays- on Epiphany and Christmas Eve. During these critical periods, the Yuletide evil spirits were especially strong. Girls, using fortune telling on mirrors, burning threads, using a ring, tried to find out the identity of their betrothed, the gender of the child, whether love would be happy, etc.

With the help of similar tests, the heroes of the games tried to predict their fate and love. Remember how Twilight Sparkle from Ponyville came to the seer's salon to tell her fortune for love?

Combinations of symbols during the test allowed her to conjure up images of various gentlemen. The plot of this game develops approximately according to the same scenario.

Find your soul mate

With the help of a fascinating test and magical manipulations, we will try to find out the identity of our betrothed in the game. It’s nice that the game is in Russian, so the love test will be very clear for girls.

The fortune teller in the game sits surrounded by candles. They create an atmosphere of mystery. They also tell the fortune teller in the game about the presence of otherworldly forces.

A deck of cards is laid out in front of the medium. While we are taking the love test, Eleanor is shamanizing something with her hands over the crystal.

In order not to languish our curiosity any longer, let's proceed to the test. In the left menu of the screen will appear all the time various items, and we will have to choose which one we like best. This will allow us to learn about our preferences and choose a gentleman.

First you need to choose a decoration option. Next is your favorite type of clothing. Then the test will ask about the girl being tested’s preferences in sweets. It’s difficult to navigate the game right away, because everything looks very tasty. Then the girls need to choose an emoticon. This probably shows that you are an optimist at heart, a crybaby or a bitter person, etc.

Now let's decide on preferences in desserts. Next, the girls are asked to indicate in what weather they feel more comfortable. After choosing your favorite toy, the test is over.

At this moment the magical mystery begins. Magical processes take place in the crystal: it processes our information in the game and selects an answer. For the magic to happen, you need to move your mouse along the arrows located on the crystal, clicking on them. Hold down the left mouse button and, as it were, pull something up, going up along the arrow.

At this moment, the fortune teller moves her hands over the crystal ball, asking the spirits about the future. And now we have the long-awaited test results. The picture shows your type of guy with a brief summary. For example: “Reliable guy.” It continues: “The three main traits of your boyfriend are: calmness, equanimity and confidence. He is always balanced and never jealous. He knows how to behave in any situation."

It is worth noting that, unlike other similar games, this test is truly interesting and has excellent colorful graphics, so it is very exciting.

Which girl in childhood did not use a daisy to guess whether a guy loved her? When you are in love, you really want to know whether your feelings are mutual. But in order to check this again, you shouldn’t spoil it beautiful flowers, better launch an exciting one online game“Test love” and guess as much as you want, without causing any harm to nature.

To start playing, first enter your name and the name of your chosen one in the special fields of the playing field. Then choose a beautiful flower that you will sacrifice in the name of bright feelings and happiness. Next, choose a cute assistant who will tear off the petals of your virtual flower and feast on them. Cheerful ones are ready to help you Ladybug, a serious bee, a joyful caterpillar, a happy bird and a cute snail.

Now the fun begins. The game "Love Test" provides the flower of your choice. Use your mouse to click on its petals and the insect of your choice will bite them off until it eats every single one. As soon as you feed the diligent creature, the long-awaited result will appear before you. If you see a fireworks display of colorful ribbons and kissing bugs, it means your couple has passed the test and your sympathy is mutual. If lightning strikes against the background of gloomy skies, and your little friend runs away bursting into tears, then, alas, your chosen one did not live up to your expectations.

Don't be upset if the Love Test results are negative. Keep playing, choose another flower (or guy) and you will definitely get lucky. In general, love relationship This is a huge amount of work that needs to be built and protected. Good luck and good mood!