Incredible facts

On the eve of the holidays, each of us sincerely believes that life in the New Year will be better, more joyful and happier.

There are a number of signs that guarantee happiness, luck and success in the new year. You can believe in these signs or not, but the majority still prefers to follow them so as not to spoil their holidays.

New Year's signs

A week before the New Year, you cannot use things that you just bought.

For example, it is best to save new belts, combs, hairpins and other accessories for December 31, as well as the subsequent New Year.

Seven days before the holiday, you should also not wear new clothes. Leave all this for the beginning of the New Year.

On the eve of the holidays, you should not sew on buttons. It is believed that this way you will get rid of old problems and failures.

You should not send your shoes for repairs. Otherwise, there will be very few pleasant purchases in the new year.

Refuse to purchase various small things, with the exception of gifts, otherwise in the new year you will only have non-essential purchases.

In addition, please note that during the period from December 31 to January 19, it is better not to borrow money.

You cannot celebrate the holiday with empty pockets, otherwise you will live in poverty for the entire next year.

A few hours before the New Year, as well as on January 1, forget about cleaning and generally doing any work. It is best to take care of the cleanliness of the room in advance (clean it a couple of days before the New Year).

On December 31, you shouldn’t burden yourself. Washing, cleaning, sewing, and especially sweeping the floors with a broom - all this will wait until next week.

Otherwise, you may spend the next year in losses and debt.

Don't throw garbage in New Year's Eve.

Do not celebrate the holiday in an uncleaned room.

You cannot swear, shout or call someone names on New Year's Eve. And even more so, you can’t swear.

Make sure there is an abundance of dishes on the New Year's table.

Please note the following point: you cannot put crayfish, crab or lobster dishes on the New Year's table. It is believed that these arthropods tend to move backwards. That is, old problems will attack you with renewed vigor in the coming year.

Broken dishes on New Year's Eve are also a bad omen.

When the chimes strike midnight, you cannot make wishes with the particle “not”. For example, instead of “not to get sick,” think “to be healthy.”

Do not celebrate the New Year exclusively in the company of women. If it turns out that only women gathered for the holiday, celebrating the New Year, be sure to go and congratulate your male friends, colleagues or neighbors.

You can't break things.

Don't put pins in your clothes.

You shouldn't wear it to New Year's Eve old clothes. Save it new outfit to celebrate the holiday. Pay attention to what color animal year it is and dress accordingly.

For example, 2018 is the year of the yellow earthen dog, which means yellow tones in clothes will be very appropriate.

If it is not possible to purchase new things for the New Year's celebration, make sure that at least your underwear is new.

Avoid black in clothes.

It is impossible not to spend the passing year.

You can't help but make a wish when the clock strikes midnight.

You cannot share with someone what you wished for. Your wish must remain secret until it comes true.

You cannot throw away your Christmas tree the day after the New Year.

New Year's Eve is a time of miracles, the fulfillment of your deepest desires and, of course, receiving unexpected gifts and surprises. People's favorite holiday is associated with many signs and superstitions dating back centuries. It is believed that how people spend the first twelve days of the New Year, so the whole year will pass. To have a happy year, you should listen to the wisdom of your ancestors.

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      What not to do on the eve of the holiday and January 1

      Every superstition has a piece of truth that is worth listening to:

      • Breaking dishes means quarrels in the house.
      • Quarrels at the holiday table are bad news.
      • An empty New Year's table means poverty and hunger; this is a sign for the whole next year.
      • Leftover food from New Year's table don't throw it away, luck will run out.
      • Not refusing hospitality on a holiday means lack of money.
      • Money signs for the New Year

        Material well-being in the New Year worries many on the eve of December 31st. The house begins to prepare for the holiday 10 days before the New Year. Money signs that can be observed on the eve of the holiday:

        • A new broom is bought, decorated with a red ribbon and placed in the corner of the kitchen (broom up).
        • A glass of wine and a spoonful of salad are left on the table for the brownie.
        • A wreath is hung on the front door.
        • An hour before guests arrive, church candles are lit in the rooms.
        • They make peace with everyone.
        • All debts are paid off.

        On the magical night itself, you need to have fun from the heart. And at the same time take care of your financial well-being for the whole year. In the right pocket there should be an uncrumpled new banknote (the higher the denomination, the better).

        To make money, you need to celebrate the New Year in new things, because such clothes are a symbol of future success and good luck.

        To attract money, there should be: peas, lentils, and greens on the table. Besides:

        • The house must be cleaned and unnecessary things thrown away.
        • The table is set as richly as possible.
        • The tablecloth for the festive table should be white.
        • A yellow coin is placed on the corners of the table.
        • 7 green candles are lit and allowed to burn out.
        • Make a wish while the chimes are striking.

        These six signs are mandatory. Over the course of a year, junk accumulates in the house, which attracts negativity. This negativity takes away vitality and livelihood. A white tablecloth symbolizes purity and readiness for a new life and attracts good luck to the home. Coins will attract flows of wealth energy into the family hearth. Green candles are a symbol of monetary energy.

        Signs only work when a person himself believes that everything will be fine. If you laugh at any rituals and perform them frivolously, you can do harm and get the opposite result. New Year's Eve has enormous energy power.

        Other folk signs:

        • If it snows on January 1, this is a good sign, rain means trouble, and wind means changes in life.
        • If on January 1st a man comes into the house first, it means happiness and good luck, a woman means news.
        • On December 31, the trash is not taken out after lunch - so that family happiness remains in the house.
        • The house is cleaned before noon on December 31st so as not to scare away good luck.

        Love omens

        New Year is a night of miracles and love, when everything is possible:

        • To see a crow or jackdaw in the window on January 1 means to receive news from a loved one, it can also be unpleasant. Titmouse - good news.
        • A dream on New Year's Eve is always prophetic.
        • If a woman sees a man first on the first day of the New Year, then luck and love will accompany her all year, if a woman, a rival in love affairs will appear.
        • If a girl who wants to get married in the New Year finds a coin on the street on January 1 with heads facing up, she will get married soon; tails, there will be no wedding this year.

        To get pregnant

        New Year's Eve is a time of miracles. Including for those who want to get pregnant in the New Year:

        • You need to invite a couple to your house who will soon have a child in their family. A woman needs to try something from the hands of a pregnant woman.
        • You need to buy something for the unborn child, for example, a feeding bottle and put it under the Christmas tree.
        • Start a ficus. It neutralizes negativity in the house. Place a pot with a plant in the bedroom on New Year's Day.
        • Take a photo with a pregnant guest.
        • Wear for the holiday jewelry with agate.
        • Buy an aquarium with fertile fish for the New Year.
        • A woman who wants a child can be given a string of pearls for the New Year - this is for offspring.

        Traditions of different countries

        In each country, New Year is celebrated differently:

        • In Austria, in order to have good luck all year round, you need to touch a chimney sweep or eat a piece of a pig's snout.
        • In Belarus, people change their clothes several times during the holiday. Don't do hard work on New Year's Day.
        • The British look at Big Ben to make all their wishes come true.
        • The Scots do not invite red-haired and fair-haired ladies into their house - so as not to bring misfortune. A blond man at a holiday, on the contrary, brings good luck.
        • In Germany, people jump from any height to the sound of the chimes: a chair, a table, a sofa.
        • Italians wear red underwear and throw unnecessary things out the window.
        • The Chinese scare away evil spirits by celebrating the New Year noisily and very cheerfully, using firecrackers and fireworks.
        • In Japan, people try to laugh more during the first minutes of the holiday. This is an invitation to good luck to come into the house.
      • Frost-covered tree branches are a fruitful year for grain growers.
      • A clear starry sky means a good harvest of buckwheat and peas.
      • It's good if the weather is snowy on Christmas - spring will be warm and early.

      Christmas is church holiday, therefore, there are a number of prohibitions that are not customary to violate:

      • You cannot kill animals or hunt during Christmas week - this will lead to trouble for the whole next year.
      • You can't sew at Christmas. Anyone who violates this prohibition subsequently has eye problems.
      • For the holiday, they dress in new things to maintain wealth in the house.
      • At Christmas they don’t tell fortunes - for this there is a week before and a week after the holiday.
      • Washing and cleaning also need to be done before the holiday.
      • You can't quarrel or cheat on a holiday.
      • Garbage after Christmas is not just thrown away, but burned - this will protect the family from evil spirits.
      • People sit down to the table at Christmas when the stars light up in the sky.
      • Before the festive meal, all the doors in the house open - evil leaves the house.
      • On the morning of the holiday, a bucket of clean water is brought to the house to preserve the health of the family.
      • For deceased relatives, candles and cutlery are placed in the house.
      • Gifts are definitely given to relatives for the holiday.

      The tradition of celebrating the New Year on January 1 is quite old. In our country, it appeared simultaneously with the New Year tree at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries (in 1799). Until this time, the New Year was celebrated on September 1, and even earlier (before the 16th century) on March 1.

      The New Year is associated with many signs, traditions, superstitions, ritual and etiquette requirements, the observance of which determines the course of the holiday itself and our lives in the coming year.

      This includes the feast, without which the New Year is already unthinkable. It is important that the treat is varied and rich, preferably with a roasted pig, which should be served whole. But you can’t serve crayfish on the holiday table - otherwise you’ll be “backing away” all next year.

      Don't forget that New Year is family holiday, and it’s best to meet it with your family, and you can visit friends the next day.

      The rule is well known that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will live it. Therefore, you need to forget about your problems for a while, make peace with your friends and family members if you quarreled with them the day before. Don’t be afraid to ask for forgiveness; everyone around you will appreciate it. Learn to enjoy the holiday regardless of your financial situation, successes and failures.

      Try to keep your table, pocket and refrigerator empty on the holiday, then your house will be full throughout the year.

      On New Year's Day, you should not lend objects that are associated with fire to strangers: in the old days - fire from a stove, and today - matches or lighters. If you are spending a holiday outside the city or have a fireplace in your house, then carefully ensure that the fire in the fireplace or stove does not go out during New Year's Eve. It is for this reason that in Europe it is considered a good sign to bring a coal into the house on New Year’s Day and throw it on the fireplace.

      The European tradition of throwing old things out of windows, most often at midnight, attracts attention. Therefore, if you find yourself in southern Europe at this time, stay away from residential buildings to avoid getting hurt or injured.

      The custom of choosing a “bean king” on New Year’s is noteworthy: before treating those present with a festive pie, a child is seated under the table, who commands who to give each of the sliced ​​pieces of the pie. Soon those gathered will find out who exactly got the pie with the baked bean inside. The person who received such a piece is considered lucky: throughout the year, luck will be on his side, but in reality New Year's holiday he gets the position of manager and toastmaster.

      New Year's Eve is one of the most mysterious of the year. On the eve of the holiday, our ancestors invited a priest to the house to expel demons from the home and consecrate it. To protect themselves and their households from the machinations of evil spirits, a cross was drawn on the front doors with chalk or charcoal.

      On New Year's Eve you cannot wash dirty linen in public, otherwise there will be no prosperity in the house. Traditional spring cleaning, which many people do on December 30 or 31, is best done a week before the holiday. In this case, you will only have to clean things up a little on December 30th. But cleaning the house on the 31st is not recommended.

      To make the year successful, you should celebrate the holiday in a new outfit. There is also a sign that if you wear new clothes for the New Year, then later whole year You will wear new clothes.

      In order for the family to have prosperity all year, the New Year's table should be bursting with treats. Don’t forget to put bread and salt on it - symbols of prosperity. You cannot be left without money for the New Year, otherwise you will spend the entire next year in need.

      Before the whole family sits down at the New Year's table, entangle its legs with ropes: then peace and love will reign in your family for a whole year.

      On the eve of the holiday, it is imperative to appease the animal that is the owner of the year. eastern calendar. Then you will certainly be lucky next year.

      To avoid unnecessary losses and turmoil in the coming year, you should plan the holiday in advance. If the celebration goes off like clockwork, then within a year everything you planned and conceived will be fulfilled.

      It is considered a bad omen to break a plate, glass or glass during the festival. Try not to spoil anyone’s mood or break anything this night. You cannot throw any garbage out of the window, even if it’s candy wrappers: otherwise you will have to “rasp out other people’s garbage” all year, i.e. deal with the problems of other people, for example, relatives or colleagues.

      It is considered a bad omen to see a mouse, rat or bat. If this happens, then be prepared for betrayal from colleagues or business partners.

      There is a sign that you cannot celebrate the holiday alone, otherwise you will be lonely the whole year. For this reason, many strive to find at least some company for themselves. But still, you shouldn’t celebrate the New Year with people you don’t like. This is unlikely to save you from loneliness, but your mood for the next year will be ruined.

      What should people do if they have no one to celebrate the New Year with? On the eve of the holiday, call relatives, friends and acquaintances. Congratulate them and ask how they are planning for the New Year. If appropriate, communicate that you will be alone. There is a high probability that someone will definitely invite you to visit. If this does not happen, there is no need to be sad. Perhaps it’s not so bad to be alone with yourself on a festive night, take stock of the past year and think about what you want to achieve in the coming one.

      For those who are planning to start with the New Year new life, it is recommended to carry out the following ritual - burn everything you want to part with at the stake. If there are no unnecessary or disturbing things, then prepare notes and objects that symbolize your failures or disappointments. It is important that all negative information about past problems, failures and illnesses came out of you and burned in the fire. You can perform the ritual in the company of a loved one.

      1. Good luck awaits the person who drinks the last glass of wine or champagne from the bottle at the New Year's table.
      2. If something unusual happened to you on New Year's Eve, then expect surprises all next year.
      3. If someone sneezes at the New Year's table, then the coming year will be successful for everyone present.
      4. If on January 1 the trader gives a good deal to the first buyer, then a successful trade awaits him.
      5. Whoever celebrates the New Year with joy will have fun throughout the year.
      6. Pay attention to the events that happened on New Year's Eve and the first week of the new year. They will tell you what to expect this year.
      7. If on December 31 or January 1 a stray dog ​​or cat asks to come into your house, this is not without reason. If you can't take the animal, at least feed it. Then fortune will smile on you throughout the year.
      8. If on the eve of the New Year you have the wrong door or phone number, before saying goodbye, congratulate the person on the holiday.
      9. Happiness is promised by a meeting on New Year's Eve with a white horse, a blue-eyed blonde or a large, good-natured dog. If the dog rushes to greet you and tries to lick you, then success is guaranteed in the near future.
      10. It's a good sign to receive a letter on December 31st. So be sure to check your inbox and check your email.
      11. A horseshoe found on December 31 and even a lump of manure falling under your feet is considered a good omen. In this case, the coming 12 months will be successful in business terms. In addition, this is also a sign from above, indicating that it is time to start a family or legalize an existing relationship.

      Money signs for the New Year

      In order to have money all year round, you should pay off all debts in the old year. This will not only save you from many problems in the future, but will also bring health and well-being. You also need to ask debtors, if any, to return the money they borrowed from you. It is important that they have time to do this before the New Year.

      There is another way to attract money into your life. Eastern astrologers recommend placing a red bag with three coins at the bottom of the refrigerator - always with heads facing up. Nowadays, the refrigerator symbolizes a barrel of rice, which in Ancient China was a symbol of prosperity and wealth.

      There is another way to improve financial situation. Put coins in your pocket and, when midnight strikes, ring the change - the god of trade, Mercury, will visit your home and give you prosperity.

      Preparing for the New Year is always associated with spending money. After all, you need to buy gifts for relatives and friends, set the table richly, buy a new outfit, and pay off debts if necessary. The question immediately arises: “Where can I get the money for all this?” To ensure you always have money, remember a few simple rules that will help attract the energy of money:

      1. Buy a beautiful and well-made wallet. Do not store any garbage in it. Remove and throw away unnecessary checks and receipts immediately.
      2. Never carelessly stuff money into your wallet. Banknotes must lie neatly. Remember, monetary energy does not tolerate neglect.
      3. It is believed that the smell of mint attracts banknotes. Therefore, always have a bag of mint tea or a mint leaf in your wallet.
      4. Place one American dollar in the far compartment of your wallet. On back side This bill depicts a symbol that attracts monetary energy: the all-seeing eye on the Egyptian pyramid.
      5. As soon as you receive your salary, be sure to put some of it aside in a beautiful red box or box. Because this color attracts money to itself like a magnet.
      6. Don't save money for a rainy day. It is better to collect them for some major purchase. If the required amount has accumulated, then purchase the item immediately.
      7. Let's give alms. After all, what we give to the sick, the poor or children will be returned to us with interest.
      8. Beware of freebies. Of course, sometimes you really want to drink beer, go to the cinema at someone else’s expense, or ride as a “hare” on the bus. However, keep in mind that all this is a manifestation of greed, which has a destructive effect on energy cash flows.
      9. Don’t forget to thank the Lord and your guardian angel every time you receive money.
      10. Learn how to properly handle banknotes. Always give money right hand, and take it with your left. Don't take money from someone else's hands. Let the person who gives them to you place the bill, for example, on a table or windowsill.
      11. Learn to receive and give money with pleasure.
      12. Never set yourself the goal of accumulating a lot of money. Remember, money in itself cannot be a goal, it is a means to achieve it.

      Good wishes to you in the New Year!

      Video: New Year's signs and fortune telling

      New Year's beliefs and signs will help you learn about upcoming changes in your life. The article talks about the most interesting and “sure” ways to attract good luck in the new year.

      New Year- a holiday that has a number of important superstitions and signs for people. They can relate to any part of the holiday: its onset, the time it takes place, the table set, the gifts brought and much more. For example, champagne.

      There is a sign that says what you need write your wish on a small piece of paper pen or pencil. After this, be sure to set the piece of paper on fire and throw the ashes into a glass of champagne. This drink is immediately drunk with ashes so that the wish is sure to come true.

      IMPORTANT: You must write your wish and drink the drink before the chimes strike; everything must be done within 12 hours.

      New Year's beliefs associated with champagne

      Signs and superstitions about the Christmas tree and toys for the New Year

      Christmas tree - a symbol of the New Year. In order for him to be generous and happy, the tree should decorate generously Christmas decorations and other popular decorations. The brighter and more magnificent the tree, the better and richer the New Year will be. There is also a sign: on christmas tree should hang not only toys, but also banknotes, coins and candies.

      IMPORTANT: Such decor will not only please the eye, but will also attract good luck and prosperity, financial independence, a generous table and the “sweet” life next year.

      Money on the Christmas tree

      Celebrating the New Year with and without debt: a sign

      There is one important sign - NNew Year must be celebrated with full pockets! This belief can be taken literally or symbolically. Some literally stuff their pockets with money, The larger the bill, the better.

      It is believed that a direct connection with money will help a person find prosperity next year. It's okay if you don't have pockets in your New Year's dress, but you have a good bank account. This also counts. But if you completely splurged on the New Year's table and gifts, your bills and pockets are empty - this is bad. This sign promises you wastefulness, a large amount of debt and financial troubles in the new year.

      IMPORTANT: One of the most true and “strong” signs says: do not celebrate the New Year with debts. This will ensure that next year you won't be able to give them away for a whole year. That is why most people strive to repay all debts, even the smallest ones, before the New Year.

      Celebrate the New Year without debt

      Signs and superstitions in the New Year for money and wealth

      What to pay attention to:

      • If on New Year's Eve just itched left hand . There is no need to scratch it, just squeeze it into a fist and put it in your pocket, where you will open it. This is for money!
      • On New Year's Eve place a coin under the doormat. This will allow money to flow into your home next year.
      • In order for the New Year to be successful and prosperous, before the holiday you should not only clean the house thoroughly, but also throw away all things with negative energy: broken, glued or dirty things.
      • The New Year's table must literally "bursting with treats". This sign portends prosperity for the family and all year round generous table.
      • Before the New Year don't lend money to anyone- this sign foreshadows your financial collapse for the entire coming year.
      • If on January 1 you had the opportunity to buy any product in a store at a discount, the year promises to be financial and happy for you!

      IMPORTANT: One of the signs suggests that on New Year's Eve you will put a coin, thoroughly washed, into a glass and drink the entire glass while the chimes strike. In addition, the coin should be kept in your wallet as a talisman.

      "Money" signs on New Year

      Signs and superstitions for love and marriage in the New Year

      There is a belief that those who have not yet met their love should definitely celebrate the New Year with some symbol this feeling: a heart, a valentine, a photo of kissing silhouettes, a wish written on paper - it doesn’t matter. During the chiming clock, you should press yourself as tightly as possible this item and make a wish.

      Eastern belief says: “Whoever wishes to celebrate his love in the New Year should have a cinnamon stick with you" Cinnamon (cinnamon tree bark) is believed to have strong magical properties attract a romantic relationship to a person. You don’t need to throw away such a wand; you need to carry it with you all the time, as a talisman or if you want to get married.

      Another sign advises the chimes to strike squeeze your loved one's hand tightly or spouse. This will allow you to avoid a couple of quarrels and scandals next year, go through the entire year together and not separate. On the other hand, if you broke up and in order not to bear the burden of the breakup into the new year, you need to symbolically burn last year’s calendar and get rid of all the gifts from the person.

      "Love" belief on New Year's Eve

      New Year's signs for pregnancy and childbirth

      It’s not for nothing that New Year’s Eve is considered magical. At this time, it is customary not only to cast a spell, but also make wishes so that they come true next year. You can make a wish for anything, even the appearance of such joy as a child in the family.

      What beliefs exist:

      • It is a good sign to invite a couple who are already expecting a baby into the family to a celebration at your home.
      • A sure sign is for a woman who wants to get pregnant to try something from the hands of a woman who is already pregnant. Especially effective way-feed something from a spoon.
      • It is believed that a couple who wants to get pregnant and have a baby in the new year should buy themselves something for the baby: a pacifier, booties or a suit. This will attract the "baby" to your home.
      • It’s a good sign to buy and place a ficus tree in your house for the New Year. The ficus will attract all the negative energy that has not yet allowed the couple to have a child.
      • Gifts made of agate or pearls are considered “harbingers” of an imminent pregnancy.

      Signs for pregnancy in the new year

      Celebrating the New Year alone, alone: ​​sign

      One of the most unfavorable signs for the New Year is celebrate the holiday in “splendid isolation”. This will favor the fact that next year you will be lonely: you will not meet your “soul mate” or break up with your loved one, you will experience many difficulties in communicating with friends, relatives and colleagues.

      IMPORTANT: To save yourself from negative consequences signs, you should definitely invite guests to your place, or agree to come to the one who managed to invite you. A stormy New Year's Eve meeting with a large number of people foreshadows a year filled with pleasant meetings, events, dates and the willingness of comrades to always come to your aid in a difficult situation.

      Don't celebrate New Year alone

      Signs for the New Year to make your wishes come true

      The most “true” signs:

      • Make a wish and hang it on the Christmas tree a toy with the image of the symbol of the year. This can be any drawing or pattern with a rooster (2017), for example, or a dog (2018). A tribute to the symbol of the year will help ensure that next year your wishes will definitely become real.
      • Speaking about Christmas tree decorations, it should be noted that all toys are very symbolic: a toy in the form of a house will help you buy the desired property in the new year, an airplane will help you fly away on a long-awaited trip or to a resort, a car will help you buy the desired car, a piece of candy will help you find a luxurious and “sweet” life.
      • If from the Christmas tree in any situation the toy fell and broke on the floor- this is a good omen. You must immediately make a wish, collect and throw the fragments outside (not in the trash).
      • If your desire concerns financial well-being, immediately after the striking of the chimes in the first minutes of the new year, you should wash your face with large banknotes or foreign currency. This will help your wishes come true, always acquire what you want and not lack funds.
      • There is one good omen - for good luck and luck in the coming year, as well as in order for all your wishes to come true, you should Be sure to celebrate the New Year in new clothes. This will bring prosperity and luck to you.

      What to do for a happy new year?

      New Year's signs and superstitions for good luck and happiness

      Signs for good luck:

      • Necessarily prepare meat dishes on the New Year's table. This will help ensure that the whole year is “well-fed”, generous and in abundance.
      • In addition, for a lucky year, You shouldn’t throw away food from the New Year’s table no way. If there are leftovers, feed them to the dog, but do not throw them in the trash!
      • In order for luck to favor you next year, you should respect the symbol of the year and its color. If you choose an outfit in the color of the symbol to celebrate the holiday, you will be lucky all year round.
      • It is believed that It’s bad to celebrate the New Year with old grievances in your heart. Forgive all your offenders and be sure to accept the apology. This will allow you to easily welcome the new year and spend it on a positive note.
      • In order for your home to be prosperous all year round, on New Year's Eve you should "to appease the brownie". To do this, leave a glass of champagne and a plate of delicious treats in the kitchen.
      • Just be sure to set the table white tablecloth. It symbolizes a new page in your life, prosperity and goodness that should come to you next year.
      • If under the New Year's tablecloth on the table you put coins- this will attract wealth and money to your home in the new year.
      • Arrange on festive table seven candles in a circle and light them. It is believed that they will serve as a kind of amulet, scaring away evil spirits from you and a symbol of the family hearth for protection in the new year.

      How to make the New Year happy?

      Signs for health in the New Year

      • It is believed that in order for you to have prosperity, beauty and health next year, you should take a bath or just a shower. This will wash away all of “last year’s” negativity from you and allow you to “enter the new year” without health problems.
      • Women are recommended to perform the following health ritual: throw a scarf over your shoulders at the first strike of the chimes and before the last, remove it. This should be done very quickly and quickly. Such a ritual will protect the beauty and health of a woman in the coming year.
      • It is believed that in order to enter the coming year without illness, it is necessary pay off all debts, ask everyone who borrowed from you to return them. This will restore your energy field and attract health.

      Health in the new year

      Sign: getting sick on New Year's Eve

      It is believed that being sick on New Year's Eve is one of the worst omens. The belief says that the coming year will not only be difficult financially, but will also attract a lot of diseases: colds, infections, chronic diseases. If you feel the slightest ailment, try to make every effort to get rid of it as soon as possible.

      Sneezing on New Year's Eve: a sign

      Sneezing on New Year's Eve just like that (and not because the person has a cold or is sick) - this is a good omen. Moreover, such a sign promises a happy life not only to the one who sneezed, but also to everyone sitting at the table. If at your feast someone unexpectedly sneezed, congratulate him on a happy new year and be sure to drink to it!

      Crying on New Year's Eve: a sign

      Crying on New Year's Eve is a bad omen. She says that you will spend the entire coming year in sadness, sadness, separation or problems that will constantly spoil your mood and bring you to tears. Try to protect yourself from this on a holiday evening, even if there is a good reason.

      Celebrating the New Year on the road, on the train: a sign

      Celebrate the New Year on the road- not the best sign. The only exception can be for that person who is very lonely. In another case, the belief warns that the next year will literally “give you no rest,” will not allow you to be at home and will “take you away from your family.”

      Sleeping through the New Year, sleeping on New Year's Eve: signs

      If you don't small child, not a sick person, then a dream on New Year's Eve - bad omen. We are talking about the most magical time of the holiday - midnight. As they say: “sleep through the New Year - sleep through your happiness!”. That’s why make every effort to be cheerful and active, have fun and drink champagne. Do everything so that the coming year is joyful for you and does not upset you.

      Sign: fell asleep on New Year's Eve

      Menstruation on New Year's Eve: a sign

      This sign has a dual meaning. For example, if a woman dreams of getting pregnant and her period begins on New Year’s Eve, this tells her that She won’t be able to “get a child” next year. If you are not planning a child and your period has started, this is a good sign. The process itself is aimed at cleansing the body of “ bad blood", which means it will cleanse you in order to you met and spent the New Year healthy and clean.

      Sign with a new broom for the New Year

      For happiness in your home in the coming year, you should definitely buy a new broom! It is believed that a new broom will definitely begin to take revenge in a new way and will remove “old” problems from the house, troubles and quarrels. Tie a red ribbon to the broom and place the broom in a visible place.

      Celebrating the New Year in red panties, socks, new underwear: a sign

      It is believed that no matter what year it comes, the color red attracts wealth and prosperity to the home and family. That's why, even if you don't wear a red dress, for example, or a shirt, you can wear red panties or socks. These little wardrobe essentials “will attract good luck and money to you.”

      Signs that bring good luck and fortune in the new year

      Celebrating the New Year in a new apartment: a sign

      Celebrating the New Year in your new apartment is, of course, fortunate if this home is legally yours and you don’t owe anyone money for it. Dress up your house, “give” your apartment the symbol of the year, and be sure to put up a festive tree. This will attract good luck to the apartment and contribute to a peaceful, happy life for the whole family.

      IMPORTANT: If you have the opportunity, be sure to invite your family and friends to your new apartment for the celebration. This will ensure that people always come to your aid in difficult times and support you in any situation.

      Video: “New Year’s signs for all occasions”

      As another year comes to an end, everyone is slowly starting to think about what they would like to achieve in the coming 2013. And here superstition awakens in many. After all, it is known that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. We conducted a survey among users of our portal from different countries and cities in order to determine a list of the most popular signs common in the world.

      Don't take anything out of the house

      On New Year's Eve you cannot take anything out of the house, otherwise there will be many losses next year. It is because of this sign that many people do not take food or even garbage out of the house. If you didn’t have time to throw out the trash before the New Year, it’s better not to rush to the staircase with the bags, but take them out on January 2. As for food, if you plan to take treats with you and go to celebrate with your parents, friends or acquaintances, try to bring the food in the morning of December 31st.

      Kiss loved one at midnight

      Many people believe that if you kiss a loved one at midnight, the next 12 months will be especially successful. If you are going to spend New Year's Eve alone, you can kiss a cat or dog. They say this works too.

      Don't cry

      On December 31st, do everything you can to keep yourself from crying. There is a sign that such a manifestation of emotions will bring misfortune in the coming year. Therefore, be cheerful and cheerful. New Year's comedies and fun company friends will help create a joyful mood.

      Don't wash clothes

      There is a sign according to which you cannot wash clothes on New Year's Day. Especially superstitious people do not even wash dirty dishes on the night from December 31 to January 1. But already on January 2, you can start washing and cleaning the house after the New Year's feasts.

      No empty closets

      Empty cupboards could be the source of your luck next year. It is this sign that people believe in and try to fill the shelves of sideboards or bedside tables at any cost on the eve of December 31st.

      Do not borrow money and do not repay debts

      Many people believe that on New Year's Eve you cannot borrow money, ask for a loan of any valuables, or pay off debts. Otherwise, you will have to shell out money for various things and events all next year. Also, superstitious people try to put more money in their wallets on New Year’s Eve so that they can enjoy financial well-being in the future.

      Open the doors at midnight

      Someone opens the front door at midnight because they believe that everything bad that happened last year will go away through them.

      More noise

      Noise scares away evil spirits, so many people try to party loudly on New Year's Eve.

      Try not to break anything

      According to one of the superstitions, you should not break anything on New Year's Eve, especially mirrors. Otherwise, next year this person will be constantly haunted by troubles. Believe it or not - at your discretion, but it is better to play it safe and put away all fragile objects so as not to inadvertently drop them when running on December 31 in the evening from the kitchen to the table with holiday dishes.

      Work moderately

      December 31 Someone thinks that on New Year's Eve it is worth doing a little work or at least something related to work. Then next year you will have good luck in business. Of course, we must not forget about a sense of proportion.

      Pay attention to the person who first entered the house

      Many people believe that the first person to enter the house after midnight will be able to influence the characteristics of the next year. Ideally, this should be a tall, dark-haired, handsome young man, then good luck will linger in your home for a long time.

      See which way the wind blows

      A popular sign is to pay attention to the direction of the wind. It is believed that if the wind blows from the South, happy times are ahead. Wind from the East promises poverty, from the North - bad weather throughout the year. If the wind is from the West, it means there will always be a lot of fish and milk in the house. Speed ​​is also important. A weak breeze speaks of joy in the new year, while a strong one foreshadows conflicts.