The color of the amniotic fluid is important characteristic, and doctors attach great importance to this fact. The color of the amniotic fluid can tell you about the child’s well-being.

Sometimes there are situations that amniotic fluid they leave before the onset of contractions, at home, and of course the pregnant woman herself can draw certain conclusions based on the color of the broken water. If you notice signs of amniotic fluid leakage, then also pay attention to the color of the water.

What color is amniotic fluid?

Normally, amniotic fluid is a colorless liquid without a distinct odor. However, in the presence of certain conditions other than the normal course of pregnancy, the color of the amniotic fluid may change from slightly cloudy to dark brown.

  • If the broken waters have transparent color- this is a very good signal for you - it means that the child feels well, and there is no need to speed up labor with medications. Doctors, in the same way, when the color of the water is normal, do not try to speed up labor, but give nature the opportunity to do its job in the allotted time.
  • Amniotic fluid green.

Amniotic fluid is green in color if the baby has passed meconium in utero (in other words, the baby has pooped). This situation often develops in cases of severe oxygen starvation and requires the use of emergency measures.

If your water breaks at home, you should get to the maternity hospital as quickly as possible and be under the supervision of doctors.

If the water breaks in the maternity hospital, this is a reason for doctors to conduct additional examinations of the baby’s condition, or a reason for surgery C-section, in order to get the child out as quickly as possible and provide him with first aid, normalizing his physiological state.

  • Amniotic fluid red.

Such situations are extremely rare, but they indicate a serious danger. Red color means that there is internal bleeding, but it is impossible to determine who is the cause - the mother or the child at home. Therefore, in such a situation, minutes count, and you need to call as soon as possible ambulance.

The ambulance operator must be informed about the problem that has arisen, and in this situation they will send you a resuscitation team, rather than a regular ambulance.

  • Brown Amniotic fluid, like red, does not mean anything good. More often brown- this is a signal that the child is in a serious, critical condition and it is necessary to use emergency, surgical measures for his birth.

However, it is worth considering that such situations, unless you avoid medical care and ignore all the procedures and examinations that doctors prescribe for you, are simply kept to a minimum.

As you can see, the color of amniotic fluid has a large diagnostic value. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to and remembering the color of your amniotic fluid, so that you can then describe the current situation to the doctor at the maternity hospital as fully as possible.


Water is the first thing a child gets acquainted with. While still in the womb, it floats in a fluid called amniotic fluid. Find out what amniotic fluid looks like and what the norm is by week (table) of pregnancy from the article.

Why amniotic fluid is needed

Amniotic fluid is necessary for the normal development of the child in the mother's womb; it is needed for

  • protecting the child from loud sounds and impacts (water absorbs noise and acts as a shock absorber);
  • maintaining comfortable temperature(amniotic fluid has a temperature of 37 degrees);
  • protection from external threats (the amniotic fluid bladder is sealed, which allows the child to be protected from external influences);
  • providing nutrition to the baby (water does not allow the bladder to shrink, preventing the umbilical cord from being compressed);
  • freedom of movement of the baby (in the 1st-2nd trimester the baby can move freely and swim in the amniotic fluid).

At birth, leaving his native environment, the child experiences stress, which water helps relieve. When the birth ligament is washed off from a newborn baby, he relaxes. This is very important for preparing for the new stage of his life.

Composition and norm of amniotic fluid

The fetal membranes begin to form after the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. Then a complex process begins. A protective bladder with sterile fluid inside is formed from the membranes (amnion and chorion). As the fetus grows, the bubble enlarges.

Amniotic fluid is formed due to the “leakage” of maternal blood plasma. On later The child himself, his lungs, and kidneys also participate in the production and renewal of amniotic fluid.

Amniotic fluid consists of water (97%) with proteins and mineral salts (calcium, sodium, chlorine) dissolved in it. Skin cells, hair cells, and aromatic substances can also be found in it.

There is an opinion that the smell of amniotic fluid is similar to the smell of mother's milk, so a newborn baby can easily find his mother's breast, because he drank a liquid similar to milk in the womb.

Norm and pathologies

The normal amount of amniotic fluid at the end of pregnancy is 600-1500 ml. For a number of reasons, these figures may deviate more or less from the norm. Then doctors talk about polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.

Oligohydramnios is diagnosed when expectant mother less than 500 ml of amniotic fluid. The reason for the decrease in the amount of water lies in the insufficient development of the endometrium (water membrane) or a decrease in its secretory ability. Among other reasons causing pathology are called

  1. developmental anomalies genitourinary system child;
  2. mother's hypertension;
  3. inflammatory diseases of women;
  4. metabolic disorders, obesity;
  5. fetoplacental insufficiency.

Oligohydramnios in one fetus when carrying twins is explained by the uneven distribution of blood in the placenta.

With oligohydramnios, severe abdominal pain, painful movements of the child are observed, the uterus is reduced, and the size of its fundus does not correspond to the gestational age.

With polyhydramnios, the secretory function of the aqueous membrane is increased. Polyhydramnios can result from:

  1. diabetes mellitus, infectious and viral diseases of the mother;
  2. heart disease, kidney disease;
  3. incompatibility of the Rh factor of the blood of mother and child;
  4. multiple pregnancy(polyhydramnios in one fetus, oligohydramnios in another);
  5. diseases of the placenta.

Signs of polyhydramnios are heaviness in the abdomen, swelling of the legs, breathing and blood circulation become difficult, and the child’s movements become too active.

Oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios – dangerous pathologies. To eliminate them, the help of a specialist is required. At the slightest suspicion, you should consult a doctor.

Deviations in the color of amniotic fluid

Normally, amniotic fluid is colorless and transparent. The consistency is similar to water and has no odor. Most often, expectant mothers are concerned about changes in the color of the amniotic fluid.

You can judge the color of amniotic fluid during its outpouring, which occurs during childbirth. In most cases, if the pregnancy is full-term, the waters are clear or cloudy yellow. This is their normal color and is not dangerous. The woman’s task after her water breaks is to get to the maternity hospital within 2-3 hours.

Amniotic fluid may be a different color.

  1. Red speckled. A slight admixture of blood in a fluid of normal (light or cloudy yellow) color is considered normal, since it indicates dilatation of the cervix.
  2. Green. The baby's original feces turn the water greenish or swampy. The child experiences oxygen starvation; swallowing such water is dangerous for the development of pneumonia in the baby.
  3. Red. Dangerous color indicates internal bleeding in the mother or fetus. The best decision is to take a horizontal position and urgently call an ambulance.
  4. Dark brown. This color indicates the death of the fetus; you should immediately consult a doctor.

If the color of the amniotic fluid changes, the mother and baby may be in danger. Therefore, it is better not to get to the maternity hospital on your own; you should call an ambulance and report the color of the water.

Water research methods

Today, there are several ways to obtain information about the state of the amniotic fluid before starting birth process. All methods are divided into invasive (requiring direct sampling of material) and non-invasive (not requiring penetration into the uterine cavity).

The only non-invasive method is ultrasound. This study can provide information about the amount of amniotic fluid and allows you to diagnose oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios.

Other research methods (invasive) are associated with high risks, therefore they are carried out for serious indications.

  1. Amnioscopy. Inspection of amniotic fluid using an amnioscope. This device is a tube with a lighting device at the end. The examination of the expectant mother is carried out on a gynecological chair by inserting the device into the cervix. The doctor pays attention to the color and consistency of the water. An examination is possible after 37 weeks if there is a suspicion of fetal hypoxia or Rhesus conflict.
  2. Amniocentesis. Unlike amnioscopy, amniocentesis is performed after 16 weeks of pregnancy, when the fluid volume reaches 150 ml. A needle is inserted into the amniotic cavity under ultrasound guidance and a small amount of fluid is withdrawn. To perform amniocentesis, serious indications are needed: suspicion of genetic diseases or intrauterine infections, Rh conflict, insufficient oxygen supply, chronic diseases of the mother.

Invasive diagnostic methods are associated with risks of miscarriage, premature rupture of amniotic fluid, miscarriages, and placental abruption. Only a doctor can prescribe the procedure.

Amniotic fluid norms by week of pregnancy

As pregnancy progresses, the amount of amniotic fluid increases. Approximate calculations look like this:

  • 30 ml at 10-11 weeks;
  • 100 ml for 13-14;
  • 400 ml at 17-20;
  • 1200ml for 36-38;
  • 600-800 a few days before birth.

The amount of amniotic fluid is individual for each expectant mother; the calculations given are approximate, so doctors do not measure the amount of amniotic fluid in milliliters using the definition of “amniotic fluid index.” It is measured using an ultrasound machine starting at 16 weeks. The norms look like this:

  • 73-201 mm (average 121) at 16 weeks;
  • 77-211 (127) at 17;
  • 80-220 (133) by 18;
  • 83-230 (137) at 19;
  • 86-230 (143) by 20;
  • 88-233 (143) at 21;
  • 89-235 (145) at 22;
  • 90-237 (146) at 23;
  • 90-238 (147) at 24;
  • 89-240 (147) at 25;
  • 89-242 (147) at 26;
  • 85-245 (156) at 27;
  • 86-249 (146) at 28;
  • 84-254 (145) at 29;
  • 82-258 (145) at 30;
  • 79-263 (144) at 31;
  • 77-269 (144) at 32;
  • 74-274 (143) at 33;
  • 72-278 (142) at 34;
  • 70-279 (140) at 35;
  • 68-279 (138) at 36;
  • 66-275 (135) at 37;
  • 65-269 (132) at 38;
  • 64-255 (127) at 39;
  • 63-240 (123) by 40;
  • 63-216 (116) at 41;
  • 63-192 (110) at 42.

These figures can be seen in the medical card; the average figures for each stage of pregnancy are given in brackets. Only a doctor can correctly decipher the data, since the norms of the amniotic fluid index depend on individual characteristics body.

Leakage of amniotic fluid

You can determine the leakage of amniotic fluid at home. There is a special test pad for this. The method is quite popular, but such a gasket is quite expensive (400-600 rubles), and the result is not always reliable. So, not only leaking water, but also inflammatory diseases can show a positive result.

The exact result can be obtained in the maternity hospital after examining the discharge.

The most informative way to determine water leakage is amniocentesis. A safe dye is injected into the amniotic sac using a needle, and a tampon is placed in the pregnant woman's vagina. Dyeing the swab will show leakage of amniotic fluid. This method is used in special cases when the child's life is at risk.

Amniotic fluid is essential for the development of the baby and the birth process. This is a unique environment that performs a lot of functions. This article will tell you what waters look like and how to recognize them.

What is it and what are its functions?

Amniotic fluid is a liquid medium produced by the inner part of the membranes in pregnant women. The amnion produces fluid, which is why it is called amniotic fluid. It surrounds the baby, being a completely natural habitat for him. The course of pregnancy and the prognosis for childbirth depend on the state of the water.

They depart in the first phase of labor, when contractions reach their peak. But this classic version norms. In practice, departure may be earlier.

Nature assigns several key functions to water.

  • The liquid medium nourishes the baby, since it contains lipids, proteins, glucose, and hormones. On early stages the embryo absorbs these substances through the skin, and later begins to swallow water, digest it and write. The composition of the waters is updated every 3 hours.
  • Thanks to them, constant temperature and pressure are maintained in the uterine cavity.
  • Water is a shock absorber that softens any external influences, such as shocks and pressure. The water prevents the umbilical cord from being pinched.
  • The amniofluid contains antibodies, and the bubble is sealed - this protects the baby from bacteria and viruses from the outside.
  • Thanks to the liquid medium, the baby is able to move.
  • Amniofluid protects the baby from loud sounds, of which there are many on the other side of the mother’s belly.

During childbirth, the breaking of water has an additional significance - enzymes in the fluid help accelerate the dilatation of the cervix and facilitate the birth process.


Many women are interested in what amniotic fluid looks like. They can be described by several key characteristics.

Color and consistency

In the early stages of pregnancy, the waters may have a slight pinkish tint, reminiscent of ichor. But gradually they become lighter. Normally, during an uncomplicated pregnancy, they are transparent or slightly cloudy. Turbidity is physiological, non-hazardous. It appears due to the presence in the liquid of particles of exfoliated epidermis, particles of original lubricant, which thickly covers the baby’s body while his skin is thin and vulnerable. Fine, colorless lanugo hairs float in the environment. The composition contains some salt solutions and vitamins.

Change in water color and consistency - important sign, which could potentially indicate trouble and intrauterine suffering of the fetus. If the water becomes milky and contains large suspended flakes, this may indicate an intrauterine infection.

If they are brown or red, this is a sign of the presence of blood in the amniotic fluid, and often after the brown waters break, a stillbirth is recorded. All shades of green are a sign of the presence of meconium in the liquid. Meconium is the original stool that normally leaves the baby's rectum only after birth. Under stress factors, for example, hypoxia, early defecation may occur, due to which the liquid becomes contaminated with feces.

Since contaminated water poses a risk of infection and aspiration, it is not always advisable to continue pregnancy. Whether to induce labor, perform a caesarean section, or try to maintain the pregnancy a little longer is decided on an individual basis, taking into account the vital signs of the fetus.

Specific smell

Clean and healthy amniotic fluid has no odor, at least no specific odor, like other biological fluids - urine, blood, sperm. Only in case of contamination with meconium or purulent fragments during the outflow of amniotic fluid is observed bad smell, which obstetricians often call “swamp”.


In the first half of pregnancy, the amount of fluid increases, reaching a peak in the middle of the 2nd trimester, after which a gradual decrease in the volume of fluid inside the fetal bladder begins. This is important so that the pressure inside the uterus is maintained at a stable level.

The child grows, and the amount of water decreases so that overstretching and rupture of the walls of the uterus does not occur. Quantity measured amniotic fluid index.

IN different weeks Pregnancy has its own average norms; accordingly, by the time of childbirth, the amount of water in the amniotic sac is minimal.

When the amount of fluid decreases below the lower threshold of normal, they speak of oligohydramnios. Exceeding the volume beyond the highest limit of normal is considered polyhydramnios or polyhydramnios. Both conditions are severe complications of pregnancy, which require a special medical approach to the management of pregnancy and childbirth.

The amount of water is determined when undergoing ultrasound diagnostics.

Diagnosis of leakage and drainage

What water looks like on underwear or a pad depends on the color and amount of water that has broken. With a one-time outpouring, it is difficult for a woman to make a mistake - the liquid comes out in large quantities. It is important to note their color and consistency in order to provide this information to the doctor if the effusion occurs outside the walls of a medical facility.

It is more difficult to understand that water is leaking. In this case, rupture of the membranes does not occur, and water can ooze out in small quantities. More often it looks like watery discharge, which intensifies after the woman lies down for a while or when she changes her body position, when coughing, sneezing, or laughing.

Today, there are amniotests that can help detect leakage. Most inexpensive pharmacy tests are special pads that contain a matrix that can capture the acidity of the discharge.

If there is no water, the discharge usually has an acidic environment, and if there is leakage, it is alkaline. After several hours of wearing the pad, the control strip changes color when leaking.

There are more complex tests that are based on the determination of protein fractions in the secretions that are characteristic only of the amniofluid environment. These are expensive, but more accurate test systems, the results of which are trusted by specialists in maternity hospitals.

Amniotic fluid is the ideal environment for a baby to live before birth. They simultaneously perform several important functions, if each of them is violated, the existence and development of the baby will be seriously threatened. This article will tell you what color they are, what smell they have, what waters of this or that color say.


The color and smell of amniotic fluid are the most important markers of the baby’s intrauterine well-being. The consistency of the water, its quantity and transparency, the presence of foreign suspensions and impurities - all this is very important in order to draw preliminary conclusions already during pregnancy about how well the child feels.

For example, oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios often accompany genetic abnormalities of fetal development and are a consequence of malformations of the kidneys and heart. Suspensions in the amniotic fluid may indicate the presence of an intrauterine infection. However, the color of the waters is a characteristic that can be determined when the waters have already receded or have begun to gradually recede. Neither an ultrasound examination nor a gynecological examination can provide such information to a woman and her doctor.

The waters nourish the baby - he regularly swallows them and pees in them, but the composition of the amniotic fluid is renewed every three hours, and the environment remains sterile. The waters are rich in proteins, enzymes, hormones, and glucose. They soften harsh sounds from outside for the baby and serve as an excellent shock absorber that smoothes out shocks. The water helps maintain the temperature inside the amniotic sac at a constant level necessary for the developing fetus - 37 degrees.

Amniotic fluid is rich in antibodies, and therefore it is involved in the development of children's immunity. That is why premature rupture of water is considered the most severe complication of pregnancy, when the life of the child is at risk.

The breaking of waters is considered timely already at the peak of contractions at the end of the first stage of labor. If rupture or leakage of water occurs earlier, we are always talking about premature rupture of water, and each such situation requires making an informed decision - to prolong the pregnancy and maintain it further in order to give the baby the opportunity to grow a little more, or to stimulate labor so as not to put his life at risk .

Normally, amniotic fluid during intrauterine developmentdo not have any obvious color or odor. This is exactly what the waters will be like in uncomplicated, have a safe pregnancy when both mother and baby feel well. In the early stages they have a slight pinkish tint, resembling ichor or blood plasma. Gradually, when the baby begins to swallow them and empty the bladder, the waters become clear.

Seeing such waters, there is no need to panic. Whatever decision the doctors make, taking into account your stage of pregnancy, the baby feels well, does not experience oxygen starvation, and does not suffer from infections. Just trust the professionals.

Also, normally the water may have a slight yellowish tint. The yellow color in itself does not indicate anything alarming, and in later stages is considered a variant of normal. A small inclusion of bloody veins is acceptable - these are the remains of the mucous plug that left the cervical canal of the cervix along with the waters.

Other color options

If the amniotic fluid has completely receded or begun to leak, you must pay attention to the color and report this characteristic to the emergency dispatcher whom you call in order to go to a medical facility as soon as possible. Don’t forget to indicate this same characteristic to the doctors at the hospital where the ambulance will take you. Whatever the color, don’t be alarmed, doctors can help in any situation. For herself, it is advisable for a woman to know what the waters of a particular color indicate.


IN green The amniotic fluid stains the original stool with meconium of varying intensity. It is dark green, almost black in color and accumulates in the fetal intestines during pregnancy. Meconium is desquamated epithelium, lanugo hairs, particles of protein and lipid fragments of water that the baby swallows during pregnancy. Bile gives color.

Normally, meconium begins to come out through the rectum and anus after birth - babies use it for the first few days after birth.

If a child has bowel movements while still in the womb, this is always a consequence of problems with his condition. Usually, defecation earlier than the time prescribed by nature occurs due to severe uncompensated hypoxia, and then the water is greenish, rich green or any other shade of this color - a signal to doctors that they will have little time to make a decision - the child needs to be saved urgently.

Usually, children who are born after greenish water breaks are placed in the intensive care unit to be carefully examined and observed for at least a couple of days. This is necessary to identify the consequences of intrauterine hypoxia, and they can be different - from minor neurological disorders to significant disruptions in the functioning of the brain, cardiovascular system, and internal organs.

Usually, when the water breaks green, if this happens at home, the woman needs to be hospitalized as soon as possible. If this happens already in the maternity hospital, doctors have to decide whether to speed up the birth process or perform an emergency cesarean section, since with each hour of anhydrous period in a baby with hypoxia, the risks of death and disability increase.


This shade, fortunately, is rare. Such waters always mean that the situation is extremely alarming, and there is blood in the amniotic fluid. The degree of bleeding can be judged by the exact shade of the water - the darker it is, the more profuse the process of blood loss is.

It is absolutely impossible to understand on your own at home who is losing blood - the mother or the child, and therefore the ambulance operator needs to be informed about the red waters, and the doctors at the hospital will establish the true picture of what happened, where the woman will be taken urgently. Usually, it is not an ordinary ambulance that is sent to such trips, but a more qualified and well-equipped resuscitation team, ready to provide first aid right in the ambulance.


This color also does not bode well, and usually it signal of the baby's critical condition. Whatever the true cause of what is happening - severe intrauterine infection or placental abruption - a woman requires urgent surgical delivery. Only an emergency caesarean section will increase the chances of both mother and fetus of survival. Dark brown color often means intrauterine death fetus

Cloudy whitish, pink, swamp

This option usually indicates the presence of chorioamnionitis - inflammation of the membranes. The condition is often accompanied by an increase in the body temperature of the expectant mother, chills, painful sensations in the lower abdomen.

The waterless period for the baby should not be too long, as it can lead to infection of the baby.

If the water breaks at once, we are talking about rupture and rupture of the membranes. If there are lateral tears in the bladder and the water does not completely break, doctors have every chance to prolong the pregnancy in the absence of other complications.

Leakage is indicated by an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge and a thinning of its consistency. The discharge becomes stronger when taking a vertical position after a quiet horizontal position for some time, when laughing, coughing, sneezing.

In this case, the woman needs to do a home test to determine amniotic fluid. There are conventional pad tests that react to changes in the acidic environment of the vagina to an alkaline one, and there are more accurate systems that detect protein fractions in the discharge that are characteristic of water. Upon receipt positive result you should evaluate the color of the liquid and go to a medical facility.

You can immediately go to a medical facility, where specialists will carry out the diagnosis themselves.

If leakage is suspected it is important to seek help no later than 12 hours later- after this period, the likelihood of infection of the fetus increases significantly, since a damaged amniotic sac is no longer a reliable protection for the child from viruses, bacteria and fungi. At the same time You are strictly forbidden to take a bath, have sex, or douche.

Not rarely, after ultrasound examination, women may hear that the amniotic fluid has changed color. This begs the question, what is the normal color of water for pregnant women? Under what circumstances can the color change and does this pose a threat to the child’s life?

The reason why dirty water appears during pregnancy?

Amniotic fluid is the natural environment for the developing fetus inside the womb. The color should normally be transparent or colorless. Over time, the kidneys and lungs also begin to additionally produce this substance, in addition to the amniotic sac. There is an opinion that the smell is similar to breast milk Therefore, after birth, the baby perfectly determines the location of the mother’s breast.

A slight appearance of impurities is not a pathology; this is caused by the removal of epithelial cells from the baby, possibly the presence of hair and vernix lubrication. Constantly, every three hours, renewal occurs, so the child swallows liquid, which remains clean and useful for development due to the content of all necessary microelements.

Dirty waters during pregnancy indicate that the baby is uncomfortable in the amniotic sac. The reason for this situation mainly lies in the presence of infection in the expectant mother. Harmful bacteria threaten the formation of the baby, cause hypoxia or premature aging of the placenta.

There are other risk factors:

  • bad habits of the expectant mother, in particular smoking;
  • poor functioning of the placenta;
  • conceiving more than one fetus;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • severe chronic illnesses of a pregnant woman.
Amniotic fluid comes in different shades depending on the cause. Ultrasound can determine the transparency of the amniotic fluid. If a turbid composition is diagnosed, additional studies are prescribed using amnioscopy. In this case, an optical device is inserted into the cervix and the color and excess presence of suspensions are visually assessed.

Why are the waters green during pregnancy?

Coloration of amniotic fluid is an important diagnostic indicator. Green waters during pregnancy have their own causes and consequences:
  • disruptions during renewal as a result of aging of the placenta and improper circulation. Thus, the baby does not have enough oxygen, and acute hypoxia forms.
  • the occurrence of developmental defects in the baby, which are caused by contamination with original feces and an increased content of meconium. Pathology often occurs when the gestation period is exceeded or abnormal genetic characteristics.
  • infectious diseases of various origins interfere with renewal, which can lead to polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.
If there is leakage, there is a danger to further intrauterine development of the fetus. This pathology indicates that the baby suffers from a lack of nutrients, and respiratory function is impaired. In the latter stages, the diagnosis of green coloration can lead to delivery by cesarean section.

Many people are concerned about the question of what color is the water of pregnant women who smoke? Since nicotine causes a lack of oxygen and negatively affects the formation of the baby, the amniotic fluid acquires a green tint with a characteristic odor.

When green water breaks during childbirth, this means that the fetus has had a bowel movement and, if before birth it swallows liquid saturated with meconium, the situation threatens the occurrence of pneumonia or pulmonitis.

Various shades of amnion

Until the beginning of the second trimester, the fluid in the amniotic sac is clear. After which, the baby’s active growth begins, the composition and quantity changes. In the process of development, a child leaves traces of vital activity, which leads to cloudiness and a change in color - the water becomes more yellow. This process is considered completely normal and does not cause concern.

When does it start labor activity, and amniotic fluid leaves, you should pay attention to their color, as this determines further actions doctors.

Amniotic fluid with red spots, if the pregnant woman is feeling well, is a variant of the norm and indicates that the cervix has begun to dilate and you need to immediately seek help, call an ambulance and explain the situation in detail to the doctors.

The reasons for the discharge of red or pink amniotic fluid are associated with possible internal bleeding when the bladder has already burst, and the source of the blood formation can be both the mother and the baby. Brown dark waters during pregnancy indicate severe bleeding inside the womb and possible death of the fetus. In such a situation, urgent hospitalization is required and, most often, a decision is made to use a cesarean section.

If such a pathology is detected in the middle of the entire gestation period, the pregnant woman is admitted to the hospital for a more detailed study and clarification of the circumstances that caused the color changes. Depending on the diagnosis, treatment is prescribed, which is determined by drugs that dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow to reduce hypoxia.

If the changes are caused by pathological bacteria, then drug therapy involves a course of antibiotics in order to destroy the infectious agent. Complete rest is recommended fresh air and positive emotions.