Once upon a time, ancient scientists calculated the so-called repetition in time, meaning that life is a cyclical repetition of past years. All events are repeated in history with incredible accuracy. This is a repetition of all past events in the fate of people, and even huge civilizations. Why does this happen and what does it depend on? Many scientists are thinking about this question. Many repeating event loops were computed. However, it has not yet been possible to find a single answer to this difficult question.

Peter the Great was very similar to Caesar in his deeds. When comparing historical events Ancient Rome In Russia, anyone can check this statement. For example, it was under them that for the first time the rulers of these countries were awarded the title “emperor”. Caesar in the forty-sixth year BC introduced a calendar, later called the “Julian calendar.” This calendar became famous for the fact that the year in it began on the first of January. By decree of Peter I on December fifteenth, nineteen ninety-nine, the New Year became a holiday, and it began to be celebrated on January 1st. You can also note other merits of Peter I. In particular, he, like Caesar, created the army headquarters and engineering troops. Another amazing feature: Caesar wrote, so to speak, a book about the Gallic and Civil War, and Peter I wrote “The Rules of Battle.” Even without comparing individual actions of the emperors, their personal characteristics are absolutely the same. They shared the same qualities as excellent politicians and military strategists, reformers of the old order and trustworthy diplomats. They were absolutely the same, coincidences were observed in many affairs and undertakings, and this was not an accident.

Another example comes from the United States of America. Even we can trace the coincidences in the destinies of American presidents - Abraham Lincoln, who lived and tragically died from 1809 to 1865, as well as Johnson Fitzgerald Kennedy, who also lived and tragically died from 1917 to 1963. Both were elected to office within a hundred years of each other. Their goals were the same - the fight for civil law and equality of people, white and black. Apparently that’s why they were killed, in cold blood, in public, from behind, with a shot to the head. Lincoln was killed in a theater founded by Ford, and his follower Kennedy in a car called "Lincoln", made at Ford's plant. But there were also similarities with the killers: both were from the southern United States, had the same views on life, and were killed before trial.

Many people have tried to prove this pattern of repetition of events. The theory of repetition, asserted by the Russian poet Vladimir Khlebnikov, is no exception to this. He claimed that a “divine vision” came to him, according to which he saw a cycle of repeating the development of Russia. This cycle was adopted with a period of twelve years. According to him, key events occur during this period, starting in one thousand nine hundred and five. It was at this time that the first Russian revolution happened. This theory was practically confirmed up to a certain point, then perhaps there was a glitch in the theory of cyclic time. However, most likely, some insignificant event just happened that was not widely disseminated in society. The following are the dates of this theory: in 1917, a coup took place and the Russian emperor was overthrown; 1929 collectivization occurred, all farms were destroyed and as a result many people died of hunger; 1941 began the Great Patriotic War; 1953 the great dictator Stalin died; 1965 ended the “Khrushchev thaw”; 1977 a new constitution of the USSR was adopted; In 1989, the collapse of the USSR occurred. The rise of the nuclear submarine "Kursk" and the death of a Russian passenger plane from a missile fired by the Ukrainian air defense forces.

Scientists from many countries tried to prove the fact of the coincidence of historical events. Repeatedly different people attempts were made to calculate the cyclical repetition of events, but unfortunately this figure was different for everyone. Even the famous physicist Einstein tried to determine the effect of repetition at the atomic level. He concluded that a repeat will be mandatory and he should wait for it again. No one supported Einstein in his theory of repetition. Therefore, it remained unproven.

There are also coincidences between the hypotheses of different scientists in the theory of repetition of events in time. For example, the philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus, who lived in the fifth century BC, calculated the cycle of growth of civilizations, which in his opinion was 10,800 years. He concluded that after this time everything will return to the original origins of the founding of humanity. And in our time, Friedrich Engels, based on his calculations, made the same conclusion that civilization will exist for about ten thousand years. Two people gave the same numbers, but remember that this is just a guess. In my opinion, civilization will exist until man himself destroys it.

Also in our time, physicist Alexander Chizhevsky calculated his figure for the recurrence of events. Its figure is based on solar activity and is approximately eleven years. By eastern calendar the cyclicity figure is twelve years. Which roughly corresponds to many scientific conclusions. Why does this pattern occur? Whether the secret of the repetition of events will be revealed, only time will tell. For time is the key to all events that occur.

At the end of the year, old calendars can not be thrown away, but reused for their intended purpose. There is a certain pattern in the coincidence of calendars different years exactly down to the days of the week and numbers. This way you can save a little. How often does the calendar repeat?

Leap year calendars coincide completely after 28 years. That is, the calendar of the past 2016 turned out to be identical to the one that people used in 1988, and will also be relevant for 2044.

The arithmetic for other years is a little more complicated. To find out which old calendar should be used in 2017, that is, in the post-leap year, we need to subtract 11 from this number. That is, for 2017, the calendar of 2006 or 1995 would be useful to us. To calculate the next time we need the 2017 calendar, we need to add 6. That is, the current year’s calendar needs to be stored until 2023.

In the pre-leap year we do the opposite. For 2015, calendars from 2009, 2003 or 1997 would be useful. But the 2015 calendar will only be needed in 2026.

There is one more year between the post-leap and pre-leap years (in the Julian calendar, every fourth year is a leap year, and in the Gregorian calendar, by which time is calculated in most countries of the world, there are exceptions to this rule). Let's call him regular. In our case, this is the year 2014. The calendars of 2003 and 1992 are suitable for it, and in the future it can be used in 2025. That is, 11 should be subtracted and added.

Thus, you need to stock up on only 14 calendars. Obviously, the year can begin on one of the seven days of the week. There are no other options. Plus another seven for leap years.

Social networks are actively disseminating information about a precedent that happened in a Khabarovsk maternity hospital, where a newborn girl was forcibly vaccinated by doctors, despite the fact that her mother was categorically against this procedure.
08/10/2019 U74.Ru The most common surnames in Russia have been named. The most common surnames in Russia have been named.
10.08.2019 Miass worker

In the section on the question: After how many years does the calendar repeat itself completely? given by the author Valentina Ivanova the best answer is The calendar repeats itself EXACTLY every 28 years, but maybe more often.
Get DIFFERENT calendars: 7 leap calendars and 7 regular calendars and they will last for your whole life.
And then your children and grandchildren will use them...

Reply from tractor manufacturing[newbie]
Friends! The most almost correct answer is from Grigory Chichikalo. The calendar repeat intervals are actually 6, 5, 6, and 11 years. I checked it using my day and month of birth.

Reply from chevron[active]
And as for me, all the answers are wrong. Recurrence occurs after 5, 6 and 11 years. But in a different order. There are 52 full weeks in a year. 52*7=364, and one (in a non-leap year) gives an offset by one day of the week. On leap days it shifts by two days. If it were not for leap years, the repetition would occur every 7 years. Here are leap years and give periods of 5 or 6 or 11 years.

Reply from Conscious[guru]
In my opinion, the calendar repeats itself after 5 years. The current one for 2011 repeats the calendar for 2006.

Reply from George Cooler[guru]
In 7, poor student!

Reply from Jadviga Voyler[guru]
the previous answer is not correct.. this toothless boy is a double student himself.. the calendar may repeat itself in 5-6 years, but this is not guaranteed for many reasons... leap years. and so on. but here is a guaranteed repetition of the calendar in the period from 1901 to 2099 after 28 years... enough for our life... and let the grandchildren figure it out themselves

Reply from Werr Eewe[newbie]

Reply from Alexander III[guru]
I installed a calendar on my mobile 11 years ago, as Grigory Chichikalo said - everything is clear!

Reply from Alexey Khrustalev[active]
Petrovich has the most accurate answer. The calendar repeats itself completely after 28 years, I checked it myself
. A year consists of 52 weeks and 1 day (2 days in a leap year). Therefore, the repetition will be in 5 or 6 years, depending on how many leap years occur on these days after 52 weeks. Therefore, we multiply 7 days by 4 (3 simple years+ 1 leap year) = 28. Personally, I thought so. If you don't believe me, find calendars on the Internet for 29 consecutive years (28 + 1 for the next cycle).

Few people already know that in 1929 they were still considered non-working days the following dates:

The main events were still being celebrated religious holidays. However, by the end of the decade, the country had undergone enormous changes. The NEP was curtailed, industrialization and collectivization began. The calendar has also changed.

Almost all holidays were canceled and became simple working days. Not only were religious holidays no longer celebrated, but even New Year. However, a few years later, Christmas was replaced by the New Year. At the same time, a new character appeared - Santa Claus.

If you miraculously preserved calendars for 2002, 1991, 1985, then you can use them in 2019.
In general, calendars almost completely coincide with each other by year exactly after 6, 11 or 28 years.

Years are divided into leap years and three non-leap years: pre-leap, post-leap and regular.
The calendar can completely coincide only in a cycle divisible by 4 (recurrence leap year) + 7 (recurrence of the day of the week) + 12 - (recurrence of cycles according to the zodiac).

Three articles will be presented on the topic of life cycles: 7, 11 and 18 years. This is definitely important information to understand the events that happen in a person’s life. And choosing the path he wants to go.
Human life is cyclical. The pattern of cyclicality applies to everything: events, relationships, health. Have you noticed that some situations recur with enviable consistency, after a certain time? And I would like to change some events. One - from time to time, under similar conditions, loses his job or money, another always marries unsuitable men, the third constantly becomes dependent on situations. This has its own laws. Today we will look at the law of the 7th cycle. We will do this through the prism of human development from the moment of birth to the culminating point - 7 years.
Seven years is a cycle of consciousness and self-identification. This means that before the age of seven, a person develops key concepts about his “I”. In S. Freud's psychoanalysis, up to the age of 7, a child goes through a number of phases that determine his further behavior and lay down the most important personality traits and ways of reacting. And you can’t argue with Freud here.
The seventh year is the outcome that defines our personality and shapes aspects of our identity, ideas about ourselves, our gender, our worth, relationships, potential, confidence, relationships, self-trust. The process that was formed in early childhood. How we emerge from this cycle has a significant impact on our future. It is at this age that our relationships are formed - family, friendship, colleagues.
A common example: a child does not receive traditional mother's love with cordiality, tenderness, affection, admiration, compassion. Relationships with the mother develop through a system of punishment: if you do something wrong, cause discomfort, you will be scolded. And now they “scold” him - this is an expression of love. As an adult, this person will do everything to get his version of “love.” He will cause pain, “play pranks” - he should be scolded. For him there is no tenderness, affection, care, “together under a blanket watching a movie with cocoa in hand,” “naked in the ocean at sunset holding hands,” “looking at the stars, hugging.” He expects punishment and does everything to get it. Naturally, the personal life of such a person cannot be happy, because we are as happy with others as we are happy within ourselves. An unhappy person will be unhappy with anyone.
This is how we attract events and people into our lives that will always reveal our traumas, because our goal is always to get rid of fear and pain and become free and, accordingly, happy.
People who grew up in a deficit of love cannot build full-fledged relationships, because love for them is anything: attention, scandal, encouragement, even punishment, but not what it really is.
There are many examples. And you need to understand this: after birth, the connection that is established between significant adults and the child is extremely important. Among other things, the character and attitude of the first significant adult forms a deep image higher power– God in human life. If he is strict and punishing, then God is the same in man’s mind; if he is protective and supportive, then man builds his relationship with God in the same way.
The touch and love that surrounds the child is very important at this time. This is necessary for his physical and emotional development. This is the basis for trusting people, God, life and the ability to build meaningful close relationships, and at the same time set your own boundaries.
“If a mother does not give her son confidence and love, then, when he becomes an adult, he begins to take revenge. The scriptures say: “A mother can create God, or she can create a demon. She writes fate on her child's forehead." What a mother gives to a child in the first three years of life becomes the fundamental basis of his character. In the next four years, up to seven years, the second stage of influence occurs.
Many parents become not teachers, but a shelter, protection for the child. When parents act as a shield for a young person, his own protective body does not work.”
Yogi Bhajan, February 10, 1993

Every 7 years (7,14,21,28.....) our consciousness changes, our values ​​change, we check the compass to make sure that we are moving in the direction that is our destiny. It carries big changes into our lives. And if we get rid of trauma over a period of time, clearing the subconscious, then we become the master of our life. Events no longer repeat themselves. This is called - a person has changed karma. Every seven years, new energy emerges to renew the lens through which we view life. After 7 years, it is difficult to live a false reality and ideals created in collusion by our subconscious, false ego and emotions. What we considered the absolute truth melts and dissolves like a mirage.
Our task is to go beyond the boundaries that contain the patterns that determine our actions and reactions based on traumatic experiences up to 7 years. And by directing efforts into fear, drama and trauma, release the energy that froze in childhood and is now a factor determining destructive behavior. We deserve all the best and there is no limit to this. By right of birth, we have everything: health, love, prosperity - all this comes from the light of our soul. And we need to remove from the subconscious everything that obscures and limits this light.
The crisis of the 7-year cycle also works in relationships. Every 7 years the union faces a test, as the time has come to reassess values. And if two people go through it relying on the light of the soul, compassion and love that it gives, then the union is preserved and moves on to new stage development, be it family, business or friendship.
We at Kundalini Yoga use rebirthing meditation aimed at healing this period. But you need to remember that all Kundalini Yoga practices work to cleanse the subconscious, and no matter what you do, it leads you along the path of conscious self-healing. Exercises prepare the body by clearing the channels and meridians, moving psychic energy, meditation clears the mind and subconscious, and pranoyamas activate, collect and direct the energy that is necessary for change, for action.
In addition to rebirthing, the most effective are Gong and White Tantra, in the tradition of Kundalini Yoga.
Yours cordially, Harman Kaur Grishina Ekaterina. Kundalini Yoga Academy St. Petersburg 2015