Have you ever had a desire to influence this or that person? Yes, we are not talking about manipulation using psychological techniques. We are talking about real control, magical suggestion!

Magic helps to control a person, fulfilling his goals

Just imagine what you can achieve by influencing the thoughts, emotions and actions of an authoritative relative, a successful acquaintance, an inveterate enemy or an arrogant boss? If such thoughts have already flashed through your pretty head, but you simply didn’t have enough knowledge to carry out your plans, then you have come to the right place.

Magic - there is so much in this word

What is hidden behind the phrase “magical control of man”? A layman who is far from witchcraft can imagine how a subordinate follows a sorcerer, like a goat on a rope, and fulfills all his whims. Funny, but far from the truth. In reality, the manipulation of human consciousness through rituals has many vectors and nuances.

Definite magic ritual It is carried out only when there is an urgent need to make a suggestion to a person. And this is where the question usually arises for a new adept or self-taught witch - what kind of influences actually exist? Is there anything other than instilling your own desire? The answer is yes. The desires of the reader of the plot and those conducting the ritual can be oh so different:

A love spell is one of the types of magical control over a person.

In fact, magicians and witches undertake to control people for a variety of reasons and for different purposes. There are a lot of options, since human nature by nature is quite cunning, resourceful, insatiable and rich in inventions.

Is magical influence good or bad?

It is worth understanding that in magic one cannot make a clear distinction between black and white, good and evil. At first it may seem that forcing a person to do something that you need is bad and generally unworthy. Yes, the idea is not without meaning. But what if we look at the subject of conversation from a different perspective? Let's look at a trivial example. Large family, the mother is trying to raise her children as normal people, maintaining everyday life as best she can.

And the husband is an incessant drunkard, and spends the money he earned and saved for life in some pub. He only puts his hand to the glass, but does not pay attention to the house, or to his family. Is it bad to subjugate the mind of this unfortunate person in order to get him away from the “green serpent” once and for all? Is it bad to save children from an unhappy childhood with the contemplation of an always drunk dad?

Another example of the benefits of magical submission and suggestion is to ward off a rival. Why not save the family from collapse, the children from the difficult experience of divorce, the woman from embitterment towards the entire male family and her further loneliness? Is it bad to carry out a ritual on the lapel of a homewrecker who has encroached on someone else’s happiness?

And there are actually many such situations. As well as those that bring benefits only to the performer/customer, but do not promise anything pleasant to the victim.

The other side of the coin

If everything is so good, and even a practitioner who does not have great powers can control a person with the help of magic, then why does this not happen everywhere? Why do real strong witches and sorcerers, sorcerers and sorcerers often refuse to perform rituals involving coercion, enchantment, and suggestion? Why do many people shy away from causing damage and rarely work with love spells or other magical rituals?

Everything is related to the Law of Cause and Effect. An imbalance of power, one way or another, will certainly affect the person performing the ceremony. It doesn’t even make sense to talk about this and develop philosophy, since retribution for actions and actions overtakes everyone. Regardless of whether we believe in karmic laws or not. Although it is strange to talk about denying karma when we are talking about magic.

Magic and human control is not fortune telling with a daisy. Such serious rituals require vitality, a degree of courage, composure, knowledge and strict adherence to the rules of conduct. And you also need to be prepared that the ether will in due time give back for gross interference in the energy balance.

Despite everything negative consequences, today powerful magical rituals are still carried out

Despite the consequences, damage, involtation, the strongest love spells are still carried out. Adepts of magic and sorcerers have their own ways of dealing with the results of rituals. No, for obvious reasons they cannot avoid the karmic response, but there are rituals that allow them to modify the retribution and consciously work out the punishment.

"At my command"

If you still agree to use magic to force a person to do something for you, and are ready to pay for it, then welcome to rituals and rituals that will help you.

The easiest way to get what you want from someone is to introduce an obsessive thought into the “victim’s” head. For example, you need a signature from an official to build an extension to your house or open your own store in the city center. And you clearly understand that without a bribe you will not be given such permission, or the entire registration procedure will take an outrageously long time.

This is where rituals come to the rescue, allowing you to gain short-term power over the thoughts of another person. There are quite a lot of similar rituals; if you wish, you can find a dozen variations of the same thing. But the result is important to us, isn’t it?

Before controlling a person using the ritual described below, you should remember that its effect is one-time. That is, as soon as you achieve what you actually wanted, the program you put in place will no longer work.

Required magical accessories for the ritual

The first ritual described for programming a person for a specific action is quite capacious and requires a long preparation. But the result from it is also very powerful. In order to control the mind of another, you will need:

  • a handful of millet;
  • herbal collection;
  • land from the subordinate's yard;
  • water from the cemetery;
  • salt;
  • a person's small personal item;
  • maple bark.

There is no need to try to prepare everything required in advance, since the ingredients must be collected as the ritual progresses.

Description of the ritual

Stage one: Preparation

To fulfill your plan, you need to wait for very windy or rainy weather, when branches fall from trees and roofs of houses crack threateningly. On such a night the ritual begins. To do this, go to the yard where the person who will experience your suggestion lives. There you need to take a good handful of earth. At home, pour it into a glass jar and sprinkle it well with regular kitchen salt. Close the glass magic container tightly with a lid.

Stage two: Request

After exactly three days, you need to ask your subordinate for some personal trifle: a pen, a lighter, a hair tie. No matter what it is, it is important that this thing belongs to the person you are enchanting. The resulting item must be placed in a jar with salted earth. The first component is ready.

The second component is wheat. In order to get it, you need to go to the market where they sell grain. This can be done while the earth and salt are still infused. You need to come to the market and buy a handful of wheat from the second merchant you see.

Stage three: Preparation of a magic potion

The third step is a witch's potion. To prepare it, you need to go to the cemetery and find a grave where there is a vase or jar of water (for flowers). Water is poured into a glass bottle in a thin stream and said three times during this time:

“This dead water will help me make the consciousness of the slave dead (name the person you want to control), and turn his head with an unprecedented whirlwind, and pour my thoughts into his little head! Don’t touch me, but do me a favor, I took you, I own you!”

When leaving the cemetery, you cannot turn around so that you don’t hear anything there.

Finely chopped herbs collected from the field in the early morning are thrown into the resulting cemetery water. To prepare, you need to pick a flower of St. John's wort (5 pieces), a young leaf of plantain, a red petal of a field poppy and a spikelet of spring wheat.

You need to put purchased wheat in a jar of salted soil

On the night of the full moon, you need to come to the spreading old maple tree with all the prepared ingredients. Pinch off a piece from its bark and put it in a jar with salted earth. Pour the purchased wheat there.

Stage four: Completion of the ritual

The last stage is connecting all the components. The witchcraft infusion is poured drop by drop into a jar of strawberry and the hex is read:

“Just as this land cannot sprout, so you, my slave (name the person you want to control), forget how to think for yourself. Just as the seed of wheat is sown, so my will and path will be sown in your head. Just as the water from the cemetery obeys me, so you obey my strong will. Scatter the will of my servant (name the person you want to control), over an open field, over a wide river, and over dense forests. Like a powerful potion, so will my thoughts become the thoughts of my slave, (name the person you want to control). My thoughts are true, confirmed by maple, signed by the wind!”

Take the enchanted earth to the edge of the cemetery, pour it out, and have a good dance on it. When you come home, don’t go to bed, but think about what a confused person should do for you. This way you give him the setup for the desired action.

Important! During the entire long ritual, every night and morning you must visualize the action that the subordinate will do and read the spell:

“As night (day, if in the morning) comes and penetrates the windows of every house, let my thoughts penetrate the head of (name the person you want to control), and he (she) will begin to obey my will. As I say, so it will be!”

Fainting to fulfill a wish

This ritual is much simpler and much faster. To complete this, you will need a photo of the person to whom you will make a magical suggestion. It’s better to look directly at the back of his head while casting the spell, but you can get by with a photo. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

“Come from any side, it’s a hassle, from the windward and the windy, from the west, east, south and north. Confuse your head, look away thirty-three times.

Moral leprosy, eat up the purity of thoughts, give me fainting emptiness. Just as a baby does not see what he sees, does not hear what he hears, does not understand what he listens to, so let the servant of God (his or her name), my enemy, not see what he sees, not hear what He heard, he listened to the speeches, but he didn’t understand a damn thing.

Then you need to clearly and accurately pronounce your will, desire and say three times out loud:

The thought spreads like jelly, the bones of the skull disperse. It will be so!!”

May your wishes be fulfilled with joy

If you decide to punish the offender, so that he himself does not understand how he benefited you, take note of the following slander. For the ceremony, prepare a church candle.

To carry out a ritual to fulfill wishes, you need to buy a church candle

“As the dawn of evening rejoices on a dark night, so let the servant of God (his or her name) rejoice. As the frequent stars of the languid night rejoice and rejoice, so let the servant of God (his or her name) rejoice and rejoice. Just as the bright month rejoices at the dawn of Mary, so the servant of God (his or her name) will rejoice. Just as the red sun makes white light happy, so the servant of God (his or her name) will rejoice, and looks and beholds, like that sun, and would love, and have a soul in his body, like a cross on a church. And I could neither live nor think without me, God’s servant (your name), could not drink, could not eat. Like a fish without water, like a small child without a mother, like soot drying on the ceiling, so let the servant of God (his or her name) dry, if my desire is not fulfilled, for a full month, on the intervening days, at the end of the moon, at every hour , every day. And these words of mine are the key and the lock forever. Amen!!"

The person you control will happily fulfill your desire and will not even understand that there was any outside interference.

Control, manipulate, subjugate, coerce, but know when to stop and remember the consequences of magical intervention for yourself. Magic does not tolerate jokes, and therefore take the rituals you perform with all seriousness.

Everyone has had to deal with people who are negative and do nasty things. It is difficult to find a person who does not have ill-wishers and envious people. And the law cannot always save you from such people. Many people turn to magic for help in restoring justice.

Magic guards justice

So, you decided that it is necessary to punish the offender. Conspiracy is a very powerful method that is used to ensure that the villain gets what he deserves.. It is worth knowing that most of these rituals belong to black magic. You should be wary of such things, because what stronger conspiracy, the more dangerous it is due to its consequences for the person who performs it.

The main goal of such conspiracies is to somehow ruin the life of a person who has somehow seriously offended the customer or his relatives. When preparing the ritual, it is extremely important to do so so as not to harm yourself, because, as mentioned above, such magic is dangerous for both parties.

There are also rituals that are used to block enemy forces, as well as to turn his own magic against him (this is in cases where damage is sent to you). It is extremely unlikely that your opponent will die as a result of using such magic, however, he will experience pain and suffering (both moral and physical) for a long time.

For the person who uses such rituals, they will be relatively safe only if their use is justified, that is, if your life (or your loved ones) has really suffered greatly from the actions of the offender. In the same case, when you yourself provoked the enemy’s actions towards you and after that suffered damage from him, you should not resort to such magic, since with great probability it will turn against you, and in an increased form.

Before using revenge rituals, you should think carefully about everything and answer the question: are you really an innocent victim in this situation. If you suddenly use such magic by mistake on an innocent person, the result will be extremely disastrous for you.

Prayer for the punishment of offenders and enemies

Although this text is called a prayer, it is more like a whisper in the wind. Words are pronounced under certain conditions:

  • the weather should be clear and sunny;
  • it must be windy;
  • the window or window must be open;
  • the performer must be alone in the room;
  • the text must be written down on a piece of paper and also memorized by heart.

When pronouncing the words themselves, a person must imagine all the bad things that the enemy has done to him.

Lord, everything is in Your hands, everything is in Your power. Everything obeys only You and is controlled only by You. You are the creator of everything; there is no life on earth without You. The sun will not rise without you, the wind will not blow, the stars will not light up unless you wish it. A person will not be born and the soul will not leave the body. You are my creator, Lord. I am Your foolish child, who desires to know You. I am your small reflection, a piece of you in yourself. I am under Your protection, under Your protection. Lord, restore justice, turn the grievances against the offender! Amen!

There is another option that is ideal for those who see their abuser often (perhaps your office boss, colleague or neighbor). When you cross paths with him again and he passes by, just whisper in his back:

Arrow, go with pain and tears, on untrodden paths, not in the eyebrow, not in the eye, through the blood, straight into the heart, strike my offender (his name), punish him, destroy him, return all the suffering he caused. May what has been said come true!

Carrying out black rituals

Incredibly powerful and dangerous, it is recommended only if there are no other options left. This ritual can turn against the customer, besides, in any case dark forces They will charge you for your help.

Here are the conditions for its fulfillment:

  • The ritual can only be performed on days of the month that are multiples of six, that is, the 6th, 12th, 18th, 24th or 30th.
  • The ceremony can only be performed at three o'clock in the morning.

Prepare the necessary attributes:

  • white sheet of paper;
  • wax candle from the church;
  • red handle;
  • sterile clean needle;

Required procedure.

In about three days, your enemy will be in trouble.

How to make an offender apologize

There is a ritual with which you can force someone who has harmed you to repent of what they have done. Conditions:

  • a photograph of the enemy or at least his initials is required;
  • if the offender is a woman, the ritual is performed in women's days, if a man - to men's.

Here's what to do.

The stronger the harm or offense was caused, the more powerful the effect of the conspiracy will be. As a rule, within three days the offender comes with an apology.

Short and effective conspiracies

Christians believe that one must respond only with goodness to any atrocities. At the same time, it often happens that evil returns again, and with great force after it went unpunished in last time. For Orthodox Christians, only in case of a very terrible offense can they read Psalm 108: vengeance on enemies.

Now on many resources you can find various conspiracies in order to teach a friend a lesson, to punish an offender, a thief, a fraudster. Powerful conspiracies at a distance will help you destroy the enemy, take revenge on him or force the offender or offender to apologize. Many options for black magic, spells for sorcerers and so on. Here you will find only the most effective options.

It was previously mentioned that most of these spells can cause harm to the performer himself, however, there is one completely harmless way to punish your enemy. In order to use it, you do not need any photographs, threads, needles, or even long spells or prayers. In fact, you don’t really need anything. In order to punish the offender without harming yourself, you just need to forgive him, no matter how trivial it may be. You just need to go to church and light a candle for his health, saying at the same time that God is his judge.

The wise Vanga was of the opinion that in a variety of situations and trials that life sends to a person, it is necessary to act according to one’s conscience. For this reason, even if you are very offended by someone, you should not harm this person in return and arrange some kind of intrigues. Evil is evil: lesser, greater, average. Its boundaries are blurred. One evil only begets another, so breaking the vicious circle and not doing evil in return will the best solution for everyone.

If a person is powerless in a certain situation, then his Guardian Angel, straight from heaven, can help him. You should contact him. No conspiracies, you just need to ask the Angel for protection and protection from enemies simply in your own words, no sacred texts are needed.

After this simple procedure, you will feel that the pain and bitterness from the offense are gradually leaving you. It will only get better. After you have asked the Angel for protection, no enemies and their pathetic machinations will be afraid of you. And let what they have already done to you simply remain in the past, God will be their judge.

Conspiracies at a distance

If the question is spinning in your head, “How to punish an offender with a conspiracy at a distance?”, then here is the answer to it. To carry out a simple conspiracy, buy a red rose and place it in a vase or bottle of water. The flower should be in plain sight, where you can see it every day until it withers. Tear off a thorn from this rose every day, saying: “There is a thorn in your evil tongue! No more hissing, no more false accusations! You will perish from your own evil! May what has been said come true. Amen!"

Here is another conspiracy that is performed immediately after an evil has been committed against you. It should be performed only if you are completely sure that you are right in this situation, otherwise the result will be disastrous for you. You just need to say (several times to enhance the effect): “The offender will not know either peace or sleep for seven days, since he disturbed me. I will punish him with dry dryness and sickening nausea! Amen!"

Ritual with a glass of water

In order to force the one who offended you to repent of what they have done, you can carry out a conspiracy with water. To do this, take water into a glass and place a burning church candle in the same glass, while saying: “You will not live, you will suffer, until you repent from my candle and repent before me. Repent! Amen!" Say the words of the spell until the candle goes out, then hide the candle somewhere where no one will find it. When your offender repents, and this will certainly happen, bury this candle somewhere.

There is another conspiracy that is read over a glass of water, only this time without a candle.

“All your atrocities will turn on you, and will be reflected on you. I don’t wish harm, I pour water over the threshold. You won’t enter my house now, you won’t create lies in vain! Amen!"

After you have uttered the words of the conspiracy, you need to pour the water from the glass beyond the threshold of your home.

To strengthen this conspiracy, you will need a photo of your offender. Place a glass filled to the top with water on it, say the same words of the spell, then throw all the water from your glass over the threshold in the same way, and hide the photograph somewhere. You can simply throw it away or even burn it.

If you offend a child

If someone has offended your child, cross yourself three times and say: “Do not touch my child, evil tongues, grief and troubles! He who wishes evil brings it upon himself. Let it be so! Amen!"

If you have an ill-wisher at work, stand quietly in his shadow and say in your thoughts: “Victory will be mine, no matter how hard you try! Take all your evil with you!”

You can also say after your enemy: “I will punish my offender with nausea, pain and bitterness. Now he won’t know peace for a week, since he dared to bother me! Amen!" Here you need to take into account that these words are very strong and your opponent will literally feel unwell. Therefore, think for yourself whether you need it or not.

There is also a conspiracy by Natalia Stepanova. To implement it, you need to stand so that you can cast a shadow and say the words: “My shadow followed me all day. Help now, my shadow, defeat the enemy. Lay him on his shoulder blades so that the evil is broken. Amen!"

Omorochka is a rather rare way of influencing a person, aimed at suppressing his will and instilling the necessary thoughts and intentions. With the help of such witchcraft, you can completely subjugate a person to your will, be it an enemy, a lover or a superior.

In the article:

Omorochka - what is it?

What's happened trouble? This is a distortion of perception, and accordingly, confusion is a magical way of distorting a person’s perception. Such witchcraft is always aimed at getting a person to do something important to you against his will, or to refuse to make a decision that could harm the sorcerer.

In addition, a joke can be aimed at confusing the thoughts of a person who, being in a sober mind, can be dangerous to you. The victim of such a conspiracy will perform actions, thinking that this is happening according to his will, but in fact, she will be completely subordinate to the initiator of the ritual.

Sending the necessary goals and thoughts to the victim can occur in several ways. For example, some conspiracies involve suggestion by witchcraft. Some rituals only involve weakening a person's will. This means that you will have to negotiate with him personally, but it will be easy to force him to take the desired action.

In general, this type of magic is aimed at suppressing a person’s will and changing his thoughts and intentions. Such work will always be difficult; in order for the work to be crowned with success, extreme concentration and serious magical preparation are needed, as well as a considerable level of personal energy.

It is believed that before carrying out such complex rituals, it is advisable to fast for some time, rest in a place remote from civilization, and meditate. But this is not always possible; situations often occur when immediate magical help is required. Black magic will always help a person who has devoted a lot of time to researching the occult sciences, but remember that the retribution may be as serious as your goal.

The effect of such witchcraft is usually short-lived. Typically, these rituals are used to achieve a goal, after which they reduce the impact on the victim to nothing. If long-term effects are needed, they will have to be repeated very often. The stereotype about nightmarish fools is not always the case; parents can also turn to such magic in order to protect their child from bad company.

Omorochka to inspire the necessary thoughts

In order for a person to obey you in everything, think in a way that is beneficial to you, and act as you need, perform a simple ritual with his photo. Hold the image in your hands and whisper as many times as your intuition tells you:

Back to front, everything is the other way around, you will walk, you will think, you will do everything in my favor, everything as I say.

You can cast such a trick on an enemy in order to achieve reconciliation or force him to make the wrong decision, on a boss who treats you unfairly and in many other situations. The person will listen to all your instructions and agree with you in everything. You will convince him to do what you want without much effort.

If you don’t have a photograph of the object, the following option can be read while in the same room with the right person. In this case, you will have to read mentally or in a whisper. If there is a photo, the text can be read on the photo with the window open. Read nine times:

No, I’m not going, I’m going to the Vedmedytsi, I’m trashing the bastard,
And before Tebe (name), I command you to shout trash
(state the essence of the wish - what the person should do according to your plan)
I'm going to Cherez More, I'll throw poppy at More,
What am I going to say - let it all be so,
I will reach you with a bead pointer,
Until then, be kind and affectionate.

Omorochki for all occasions

You can use a joke not only to inspire the necessary thoughts. With the help of the following ritual, you can confuse not only thoughts, but also paths, and generally influence any aspect of a person’s life. To confuse your thoughts, take a blue thread from any material. If you need to confuse the paths, that is, to make sure that a person gets lost on the road and does not arrive at some place, it is advisable to take the lace from his shoe. But if such a component is too difficult to get, take a black or brown ribbon, or you can take a new shoe lace.

The length of the lace is approximately the length of a person’s foot, the thread for fooling thoughts and heads is approximately the circumference of the head. You cannot try such threads and ribbons on yourself; you will have to do it “by eye”. It’s good if there is hair from the victim, so the witchcraft will work better. If you can get the person's hair, it needs to be woven into knots.

Simultaneously with any suitable conspiracy omorochki or others that perfectly fit the meaning, seven knots are tied on a thread or cord. The knots should be tangled, their entire structure should look complex. But at the same time, in order to remove the witchcraft, you will need to untie them in the reverse order.

With the help of witchcraft, you can force an inveterate brawler to avoid you. Folk wisdom says that knowing the right words, you can close any mouth. It’s worth learning a few words in advance that are spoken in a whisper or to yourself. In general, the meaning of these words is the same - to silence a person, but there are a lot of situations in which such witchcraft can be used. For example, these words are most suitable for getting rid of a scandalous person:

Toby salt and water, chicken slipota,
toad on the shoulders, talk about me, ne mala ti talk.

Such words will always save you from the wrath of your boss, who will change his mind about scolding you:

I sit on the reptile, I chase the reptile.
I lock the mouths of all my enemies with a golden key.

Mischief on the enemy

There are puzzles for all occasions, including rituals that can be. If you can't deal with an enemy without witchcraft, try taking away his mind so that he can't compete with you.

In order to perform the ritual, you will need any black berries. At noon, cook jelly from them. When it boils, say in jelly:

I will remember your work with jelly,
Quick, fast and brave.
How Yegoriy fought and won,
So I will crush the enemy, slave (name),
I will destroy his case.
Kissel, jelly,
Simmer all day.
Get up, get up,
Secure my case firmly.
I'm first, the enemy is behind me.
My Lord is everywhere, everywhere with me.
Key, lock, tongue. So be it!

When the drink is ready, drink a third. Another third should be drunk at sunset, and what remains should be drunk at three in the morning. From this moment, count nine days and repeat the ritual. Do the same forty days after the ninth day. They count down the days at night, after the last portion of jelly is drunk.

You can put a spell on the enemy to confuse all his thoughts. This plot is similar to the previous one in its action, but no attributes are needed to read it:

Find it, trouble, from any side, from windy and leeward, from sunrise and from the west. Confuse your head, look away 33 times. Moronic leprosy, eat up the purity of thoughts, give me a swooning emptiness. Like a baby sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, listens and does not understand, so that my enemy, the servant of God (name), sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, listens to speeches and does not understand a damn thing. Amen.

Omorochki, taking away strength from the enemy instantly

There are special tricks that take away the enemy’s strength instantly. There is no need to be scared, we are not talking about a negative impact, but about protective witchcraft. The following conspiracy is used only in cases where you are sure that intrigues are already being woven against you. If your enemies are up to something, you can take away the forces that they should have spent to harm you.

You need to read it nine times, on a photo of the enemy or with a visualization of his image. There should be a candle burning in the room, preferably a black one. But if you don’t have such a candle, you can take an unpainted wax candle. The plot is read as needed, regardless of the phase of the moon and time of day:

Spun, grabbed, carried away
Through windbreaks, gullies,
Ditches, snags
With a roar, a whistle,
Leshim laughter, eagle screeching.
Heavy moans, screams.
It hit me in the ribs, it frothed in my heart,
A roar on the throat, on the chest with claws,
It swirled and splashed a yellow-muddy wave into my eyes.
Burning sparks.
Yellow all around, dark all around,
The fog is all around, it's burning all around,
It’s light all around, there’s no light around...
Saliva burns drunker than wine,
It burns and suffocates, drowning out thoughts.
Moan and cry - don't hide your tears.
A grin of laughter like a yellow snake,
It curls in rings, dazzles in the eyes,
He tied his forehead with a tight tourniquet,
The heart sucks, the soul gnaws,
My back feels cold and my ears buzz.
Fall asleep, fall - there is no way!

This fool takes away all the resources of the enemies that should be directed against you - energy, the desire to harm and even money, if they don’t like you so much that they are ready to spend money for the sake of revenge.

Love spell on a man

A love affair with a man or woman is a complex concept. It cannot be said that it evokes feelings like , or passion like black. Submission to one's will cannot cause any loving feelings. But it is quite possible to persuade someone to give gifts or force them to close their eyes to several shortcomings of any severity.

Many men do not listen to the words of their wives. To correct this situation, braid your hair and do not undo it for three days. The ritual, unfortunately, is only suitable for those who have long hair, which can actually be braided. On the fourth day you need to wake up at three in the morning, undo your braid and comb your hair with these words:

Hair on the head
I have my scythe in my hand, my mind is in my teeth.
No matter what I say
thereby showing her intelligence.
How people listen to church bells,
So let my husband listen to my words for the rest of his life.
Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Women who know this trick for their husband are able to influence their spouse and persuade him to any opinion. Moreover, even if you talk complete nonsense, your loved one will listen to you with pleasure.

As mentioned above, trouble- is changing people's perceptions in your favor. Of course, such magic can be used to appear more beautiful than you really are. The plot is read to oneself, on the way to a place where there are men:

All women are fools
Their manners are bad
All the dresses are short,
I came in, peacock,
Red maiden.
She led her gaze -
I gathered all the men.
Wherever I go, they follow me.

If there is a person in this room whose attention you especially seek, add one more line to the plot:

And my beloved (name) is above all!

Such conspiracies work great at holidays and corporate events, in public institutions, but do not work on the street.

Omorochki - how to force the victim to do something

Using a trick to force the victim to do something is quite possible. Even if the object of witchcraft did not agree to a certain proposal, he will try to listen again to your arguments. It will seem to him that he agrees with your ideas of his own free will, but this is not the case.

Attack you with sleep and darkness,
not just one, but all 40!
I take your eyes away
I'm confusing your consciousness,
I'm wrapped in a black web!
Like flies and mosquitoes to a spider's web
stick tightly
so my words-deeds-views
your will is being euthanized!
Sleep your mind, sleep your mind.
How does the earth absorb water?
so you do my will!
The trouble has fallen on you
on each side and on any side!
Perish, your clear mind, for one earthly hour!
I confuse, I twist, I twist,
do as I want!
There is blindness in your eyes,
there is numbness in your arms and legs,
to your will - my every command!
As soon as I blow on your face,
So I’ll break your spell right away!
Brother devils, throw my fetters on (name), throw them, put them on,
subordinate his (her) will to my will!

Your eyes are in the fog, and your mind is in a dope!
Your eyes are in the fog, and your mind is in a dope!

How to remove a blemish

The question of how to remove confusion is very often asked by women who have experienced adultery and the subsequent departure of the husband to his rival. Before you start removing the confusion, make sure that this is the problem. In addition to completely material reasons, there is also a love spell, for example. However, next way, directed by a rival at her husband. To do this, you need to invite him to visit and ensure that he comes alone. You need to prepare food and set the table, even a modest one. For food, before your spouse arrives, you need to read:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I am the only legal wife of God's servant (name). May our quarrels be forgotten, may the slander of others evaporate, and may my husband’s eyes be opened. We should live together, and the homewrecker should not do witchcraft. Amen.

Charmed food is only for you and your husband. No one else should eat it. This is done three times. If your spouse still lives with you, it will be much easier to remove the confusion this way. By the way, this simple ritual also removes all concerns about beauty. If your husband's mistress used such witchcraft, it will be neutralized.

If you are wondering how to remove a headache from your head, that is, one that is aimed at instilling other people’s thoughts or weakening the mind, there is such a ritual. It is done only on the waning moon. It’s good if you can figure it out so that at this time there will be church holiday- Intercession, Easter, Christmas or another, but large. For the ritual you only need fish, absolutely any fish. You need to remove the scales from it with a knife and read at this time:

Lord help me! Heavenly Father, help!
How does this scale fly off a fish?
And so the confusion disappears from the servant of God (name).
Just as you can’t give away mother earth to anyone,
No one can fool her,
So would the servant of God (name)
Don't ruin anyone
Not by deed or word to deceive.
No one would dress him up like a fool,
The heart and mind will not be clouded.
And who wants to spoil it,
To deceive with deeds, with words,
My word will find him,
Peace and happiness will come to him.
For now, for eternity, for infinity.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

After cleaning the fish, you can cook and eat it. If you don't like fish, you can give it to someone. You need to do this from three to nine times; just once, severe headaches will not go away. But the results will be noticeable after the first time. The ritual also acts as a talisman against such witchcraft.

In general, the puzzle can be useful to absolutely anyone. There are tricks both for misleading someone, and for subordinating one’s will and even protecting oneself from enemies. Almost everyone can use such witchcraft, so you should also know how to remove such hexes.

Which of us, at least once in our lives, has not wanted to take over the thoughts of some person or force him to do what is convenient for us? Such desires can arise periodically, or they can be permanent and turn into a goal. Managing people is quite difficult, but with a sound approach and skillful combination with magic, achieving this task will not be difficult for you.

There are many ways in magic that will subordinate a person’s thoughts and actions to your instructions.

There are many ways in magic that will not only subordinate a person’s thoughts and actions to your instructions, but will also turn you into a strong-willed person. You must remember that managing people is impossible without some effort. Sometimes you may feel like this task is not for you. So, higher powers are checking you for lice. Go through all the tests, and you will be able to enjoy the effect of your work in the near future.

Management is within everyone's control

How to control a person with magic? The answer to this question will delight you with a variety of options and forms for managing a person. Before you start getting acquainted with the most effective rituals, ask yourself the question: “Are you ready to cross the line between reality and white magic to achieve your goals?” If the answer is positive, you will feel an incredible surge of strength. How to control a person using magic?

  1. A ritual for subjugating a person to his desire. The proposed ritual is famous for its effectiveness; its peculiarity is that it must be used only once. In order for the person you have chosen to fulfill your wish, you should wait for windy weather and go outside in the evening. The desire must be clearly formulated and presented in the head as clearly as possible. For example, love me, forgive me, come to me. When the desire is formulated, read the following plot:

    “I was in the forests, I saw a lot of herbs there. The wind bends the grass, the grass looks in that direction. Just as grass follows the wind, so slave (name) does what I want. My words are locked, my deeds are locked. I am waiting for you slave (name) to submit to me. Amen!"

    Reading the ritual should occur 3 times every day for a week. It is better to use in business or at work.

  2. An easy conspiracy on a person. You can subjugate a person to your will without making strong efforts. To do this, a certain sequence of words, a full moon and a signed photograph of the victim (you need a first and last name) are enough. Holding a photograph in your hands, you need to start walking around the room in a circle with your back forward, saying:

    “I walk the other way around and let everything be backwards for you. Whether you run or walk, make my wishes come true. You will do what I say, for I am now leading you.”

Conspiracy against the enemy

Such a magical ritual is very powerful and a little dangerous. When performing it, you should remember that a person can harm not only himself, but also the people around him. If the consequences do not frighten you, then let’s proceed to describe the procedure.

To perform the ritual you will need the following ingredients:

  • a pinch of red pepper;
  • personal item or photo of a person;
  • red wool threads;
  • Earth;
  • jar.

All you need to do is collect the soil in a jar near the house where the person being controlled lives, sprinkle it with a pinch of red pepper, wrap the photo seven times with red thread and place it in the jar. Close the lid tightly. Next, you must wait until midnight, come to the enemy’s house and, looking at his windows, begin to say:

“You (name) have poisoned my life, so now taste unsweetened revenge. Let it be bitter, like red pepper, black, like loose earth. Now you are subject to my will, I will do what I want, believe me. Your life will be unsweetened, and your relationships with people will be out of order. You will do (say the wish) and you will regret it.”

After finishing the ritual, take the jar and hide it at home in the most secluded place. Such a sentence is so powerful that many who used it once were afraid to utter the words again, in order to avoid disastrous consequences.

To plot against an enemy, you need to collect lands in a jar near your house

Gypsy conspiracy

Gypsies are famous for their ability to control people's behavior. We invite you to try to feel like them. The conspiracy is aimed at ensuring that someone makes a decision that is convenient for you. To perform the procedure, you will need a photograph or drawing of a human figure.

Take a photo, sign it with his name, lower it to the ground in sunny weather. Bend over this drawing (photo) and whisper the sentence three times:

“Today, tomorrow, any day. I expect you (name) to make a decision without delay, in the name of goodness. My convenience comes first, forget about what you wanted.”

Then you should spit on the depicted person and rub the saliva index finger and cover with earth, stamping your foot.

Anti-government conspiracy. It is used if internal energy tells you that someone has decided to control your actions. It's not difficult to get rid of this. It is enough to write the names of all your loved ones and relatives on a piece of paper, take it in your hands, bring it to your heart and say:

"Out of envy, let him higher power will protect me, envelop me in kindness and care. May all members of the family of my slave (your name) be freed from the shackles of the enemy, and may my friends not know grief from black people. Amen".

Conspiracy on the actions of a loved one

If your lover or beloved began to behave incomprehensibly and inexplicably, to go against your will, to do unjustifiable actions - the time has come to put an end to this.

To do this, try to be alone with your thoughts, wait until midnight, light a candle and take a photo of your loved one in right hand. Free your thoughts from all burdens and focus on your desire. What you want to achieve must be presented very clearly and clearly.

When you realize that you are ready, start plotting. Stand with a photo in front of the window, close your eyes and start whispering the words by heart:

“Slave (name), you are not making your soulmate happy. You bring hardships, bad weather, adversity. How do you justify your actions? I want to help you change your position, free you from terrible shackles. Do what I say and return to your family again, as you were before. My wish sounds simple, namely (say the wish). For the benefit of good forces, you will do what I command you. Amen".

After this, go to bed and wait for your will to be fulfilled.

Lentil spell

This procedure is suitable if you want your loved one or subordinate to constantly think about you, do what you love and not argue. To implement it you will need:

  • salt;
  • lentils;
  • transparent container;
  • water.

To carry out the ritual, purchase 400 grams of lentils at the market (never in a supermarket). After that, go to the nearest water source and fill a bottle. At home, combine lentils, water and 3 pinches of salt in a container. Let it brew for 7 nights on the balcony. After a week, take out the magic container and wait until 12 o'clock at night. Open the window, light seven candles, climb onto a chair in front of the window with a container in your hands. You must be alert and full of energy (if you are sleepy or tired, nothing will happen).

“The night came and entered the houses, I waited for this day for a week. Just as night always covers the entire earth, so my desires will cover you (name). The earth of Mother Nature is faithful to all of us, and you take your example from her. Fulfill all my desires, do not reproach my will. Amen".

After this, go to bed with thoughts about achieving what you want and, waking up at dawn, repeat the spell.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about managing people. The combination of magic and perseverance will lead you to the blissful life you desire.

It has a strong effect, but only once, a person will fulfill one of your wishes. It is better to do it in windy weather, three evenings for a church candle. And before you read, clearly state your desire, briefly and clearly: forget about me, come visit, borrow money!
I was in a field and saw grass there. Where the grass bends from the wind, its leaves look there.

So the servant of God (the name of the one you are reading), you will do what I want. According to my speeches, according to my words.

The key to my words, the lock to my deeds. God, strengthen my words and deeds. Amen!

You will read three times for three days. You can do it if you want something from your superiors or go to an official for a signature. When you go to get a signature, find grass on the side of the road, wait until the wind bends it, and read the spell onto the grass that bends three times.

A simple conspiracy on a person

Take a photograph of the person for whom you are making a wish, write his first and last name on the back, hold it between your palms, walk in a circle with your back forward and say:
Just as I am backwards, so is everything backwards for you. You will walk, you will think, you will do everything as I tell you, everything will be in my favor.

You need to walk counterclockwise.

Fainting to fulfill a wish

Fainting is read three times in a row. It’s best if you think it through in your mind, when you look at the back of the person’s head, but you can also take a photograph:

Come from any side, it’s a hassle, from the windward and windy, from the west, east, south and north. Confuse your head, look away thirty-three times.
Moral leprosy, eat up the purity of thoughts, give me fainting emptiness. Just as a baby does not see what he sees, does not hear what he hears, does not understand what he listens to, so let the servant of God (his or her name), my enemy, not see what he sees, not hear what He heard, he listened to the speeches, but he didn’t understand a damn thing.

After this, say what you want from the person and say it three times:

The thought spreads like jelly, the bones of the skull disperse. It will be so!

Conspiracy on any person

A strong conspiracy to make someone do what they want with pleasure. It must be read before the church candle, at midnight. Do the spell either on the street or in a room with the window open:
As the dawn of the evening rejoices on a dark night, so let the servant of God (his or her name) rejoice. As the frequent stars of the languid night rejoice and rejoice, so let the servant of God (his or her name) rejoice and rejoice. Just as the bright month rejoices at the dawn of Mary, so the servant of God (his or her name) will rejoice. Just as the red sun makes white light happy, so the servant of God (his or her name) will rejoice, and looks and beholds, like that sun, and would love, and have a soul in his body, like a cross on a church. And I could neither live nor think without me, the servant of God (your name), could not drink, could not eat. Like a fish without water, like a small child without a mother, like soot drying on the ceiling, so let the servant of God (his or her name) dry, if my desire is not fulfilled, for a full month, on the intervening days, at the end of the moon, at every hour , every day. And these words of mine are the key and the lock forever. Amen!