Childhood, youth, school years…. We cannot return there, except perhaps mentally, in memories. A party of school friends can help do this; this is its original purpose. It doesn't matter how many years ago we left the school walls. For everyone, school years - best years, here is the first love and the first lessons of life.

So how to celebrate

It's definitely worth meeting again years later. Even if the class was not very friendly, most would be happy to meet former classmates. Former graduates most often meet at school; this is the beginning of the meeting, the “official part,” so to speak. In quotation marks, because there is no smell of officialdom there, at least it shouldn’t. The continuation, or as it is fashionable to call it today, can be done in another place, but also necessarily familiar to everyone and, of course, cozy.

Every party has organizers who take care of all the nuances of preparation. A meeting of school friends is no exception; it is important to agree in advance on holding such a party. A good place could be a cafe, someone's apartment or a private house. It is better to decorate the room in the style in which the party is planned. Probably the most appropriate would be a school theme.
Although for former classmates the most positive moment will most likely be the very fact of the meeting. Let the organizers think about how to organize this meeting. They themselves usually come from the same background, so they are familiar with the preferences of the majority. These preferences should be the basis for the party to be truly successful and memorable for its participants. After all, over the past years, everyone has developed their own destiny, and this is the main motive for the meeting.

Treats, entertainment, dress code

The latter probably doesn't mean much in the context of a school friends' party. The main thing here is conversations, and then there are treats, music, and dancing. True, in the company of former classmates who gather annually, some tradition regarding the dress code may form. For example, you must wear a belt once, a hat, tie another time, and so on. But this, as they say, is at the discretion of the public.
As for refreshments, everything is quite simple - a drink and a snack. Let the participants worry about culinary delights, if they have such a desire, of course. It would be good to agree on this in advance, so that there is no shortage of elementary things when there is an excess of something else. The central idea, the “highlight” of a meeting of school friends is the very atmosphere of school childhood, for the sake of which, in fact, it was started. Even if during school years the class was not particularly friendly, it will be interesting for everyone to meet in years to come.

Organizing parties for teenagers often becomes a headache for most parents. The children have grown up and want to do everything their own way: no parents, loud music until late, complete chaos in the apartment. The question arises: how to arrange a holiday for your beloved child and keep your own nerves in order? The main thing is to clearly define the scope of responsibilities and the extent of responsibility for their implementation. You leave the apartment, and your child presents it to you after the agreed number of hours in perfect order, etc. For violating the agreement, a fine will be imposed in the form of a ban on holding parties on your territory.

Familiarize your future party host with the following rules. They can be printed and given to the event organizer.

Rules for organizing a party

Come up with a name for the party

“Whatever you call the party, that’s how it will float.” But you shouldn’t bother too much and come up with something like: “Figli-winky.” The name should tell people what will happen and whether they should go to the party or not.

Create an event program

Having a clear idea of ​​what will happen at the party will help you choose the right music, entertainment, food, and even clothing. For example, when throwing a beach party, you won't require your friends to wear a suit and bow tie.

Make invitation cards

Believe me: the time and effort spent will pay off with interest! You can involve a couple of comrades with creative abilities in the business.

As for the design, everything is simple: place a picture from some magazine, or, as a last resort, scan some cool photo of your loved one. It's cool to get a flyer of a non-standard shape, for example round or folding, like greeting card. And if it is also in an envelope, and with a wax seal, then the number of people who come through it will be much greater.

In large print, write the name of the party and the date. And most importantly, never write: “Come everyone, we are waiting for you, we are glad to see you, you will not regret it!!!” Your party is “not a movie for everyone.” Phrases: “closed, private party”, “Face Control, Dress Code” and “Strictly limited entry after 23:00” will be much more useful.

The most important thing is to remember to include the location of the party (address, phone number).

The first step is to go around all your favorite hangout spots (clubs, coffee shops, etc.) long before the party and spread rumors about the upcoming event. Create a stir in the party (you can lie a little, for example, by saying that the party budget is $100 and that “the whole school is talking about it, but you don’t know it yet”). It’s great if this is done not by one person, but by a group of trusted individuals.

Second move - open notebook and call all your friends and acquaintances (the faithful public will not let you down).

Step three - distribute invitations from hand to hand, with the explanation: “I can’t give three, only two are the last.”

Now all that remains is to create the atmosphere in the club and decorate.


For this you can use simple remedies: candles, fabrics, fragrances, etc. The main thing is that everything should be BEAUTIFUL!!!

A few win-win party ideas

Getting to know each other

Such a party is organized in order to introduce old and new friends, for example, guys whom the child met at summer camp, and classmates. The main task is to create an atmosphere in which new people would feel at ease. Come up with activities in advance that will unite those present, and use the random draw method in games and competitions.

Home disco

For such a party, you need to select the musical accompaniment in advance, choose a DJ who can excite not only the music, but also the audience, and ask the party to come in outfits that match the musical style that teenagers prefer.

Party in Latin style

Latin American rhythms are gaining more and more fans, so feel free to learn samba, rumba and cha-cha-cha. You can organize a master class right at the party, and then hold a competition for the best dancing couple. Special requirements, as in the previous version, are for the DJ and the dress code. Girls should stock up on a wide “flying” skirt.

PARTY “Find out your destiny”

For such a party, you need to create a small gypsy camp from among your classmates who are prone to acting.

Those present will be able to find out their fate by contacting a professional fortune teller, find out their fate with the help of magic crystal, take part in gypsy fun. Here are some fun things that are suitable for such a party.

My betrothed, the mummer, appear!

Only girls will participate in this comic fortune telling. One of the “gypsies” should announce that a fortune-telling will now be held, by which the girls present will find out which of them will get married first. The girls are asked to line up and stand at arm's length from each other. Then the fun begins. The gypsy asks the girls to stand on one leg, jump around their axis, raise their arms up and stick out their tongue. At this moment, he quickly takes out a camera prepared in advance and captures the beauties for posterity. After this, a phrase is usually uttered like: “Who would marry such a person?!”

Comic fortune telling

Those who wish are invited to tell their fortunes. The following combinations of letters are written in a column on a piece of paper.

The volunteer is asked to write (opposite each abbreviation) one line from the songs - before the line and one proverb - below the line.

After the task is completed, each line is deciphered.

GDPR - one year before receiving a passport.

MDPP - a month before receiving a passport.

NDPP - a week before receiving a passport.

DDPP - the day before receiving the passport.

DPP - the day you receive your passport.

DPPP - day after receipt, etc.

After the line:

DD is the motto of friendship.

DL is the motto of love.

JJ is the motto of life.

Match fortune telling

Those who wish are invited to find out the name of the future betrothed.

You give her/him a pre-prepared box of matches, ask her to choose an arbitrary number of matches and break off their heads very carefully and accurately. You can even meticulously inspect the matches and reject the result, demanding to repeat it again. The victim must insert the remaining sticks between the upper and lower teeth, behind the ears, in the hair, wherever imagination dictates. After that, you bring the victim to the mirror, peer into it and declare: “Well, who needs you so scary?!”

You can arrange a corner where those who wish to find out the future with the help of card fortune telling.


In spirit, this party is close to the previous one, but is held during the Holy Week (from Christmas to Epiphany, January 7-19). We suggest using the following Christmas fortune-telling.

Fortune telling by shadow

Take a sheet of paper, crumple it with your hands so that it turns into a shapeless lump (but not into a ball!). Place the paper on the bottom of an overturned plate and set it on fire. Bring the burnt paper to a lighted wall without moving or destroying the ash form. Carefully rotate the plate until some shadow appears on the wall. The future should be predicted by its outlines.

Fortune telling with rice

Take a cup of rice, cover it with your hand and say: “Tell me, fate, what should I expect: good or bad?” Then pour the rice onto the table and select all the dark grains from the pile. Before doing this, make a wish. If there is an even number of grains, the wish will come true; if there is an odd number, be patient.

Fortune telling with a needle

With the help of this fortune telling, you can find out what changes in life await you in the near future. For fortune telling, you need to cut out a circle with a diameter of 25 centimeters from thick paper and divide it into several sectors. In each sector, write one of the predictions: a new acquaintance, a long journey, academic success, a successful purchase, an unexpected gift, etc.

After the circle is ready, the fortuneteller will have to sacrifice his hair (preferably it should be long). Insert the hair into the eye of the needle. Then, keeping your hand suspended, stop the tip of the needle at the center of your drawn circle. After this, slowly raising the needle above the field of your drawing, observe which sector the needle will deviate more towards - this will mean what to expect in the near future. Before starting this fortune telling, turn off the lights in the room and light a candle. The door to the room must be closed, as well as the window or balcony.

Fortune telling with a mirror

You will need seven candles and a mirror.

Sit at a table that is covered with a dark tablecloth. The room should be quiet and dark. The candles must be placed in front of the mirror as follows: three candles on each side of the mirror, at an equal distance from it, the seventh candle should stand strictly in the center of the mirror and form an equilateral triangle with the other six.

After everything is prepared, you need to light the candles, sit in front of the mirror and peer into it closely. Soon, in addition to your reflection and the reflection of burning candles, silhouettes will begin to emerge in the mirror surface... At this moment you need to whisper: “Mirror, show me my house in 10 years.” What you see in the image that appears will be your future life.


As the name suggests, this party is dedicated to the art of creating illusions, or, more simply, magic tricks. Ask everyone going to the party to prepare and perform one simple trick. Practice announcing participants like a real circus entertainer. The show can be interrupted by dancing and games.

Here are examples of some simple tricks.

Get out of the circle

Stock up on a piece of chalk. Announce that you need a volunteer to cast a spell on him using just a piece of chalk. A volunteer has been found. You invite him to stand in the middle of the room and say that you will now draw a circle around him from which he will not be able to get out - neither step over it nor jump over it, despite the fact that his legs will not be tied, but only his hands will be tied behind his back. Most likely they won't believe you. But use a piece of chalk to lightly draw a circle on the volunteer’s jacket, or shirt, or jacket. Let him try to get out of this circle! You could take off your jacket, but your hands are tied.

Thread and needle

Announce a competition to see who can thread a needle without looking, holding their hands behind their back. Perhaps no one will succeed. But you can do this, which you will demonstrate to the audience: in one hand - a thread, in the other - a needle, hands behind your back, a little effort - and in front of everyone there is a needle with a thread already threaded into it.

The secret of focus. Prepare a needle in advance with a thread of the same color and length threaded into it and hide it by sticking it into the back of your jacket. When showing a trick, just pull it out. All you have to do is hide the empty needle and get rid of the thread you were holding in your hand.

Magic shirt

The performer invites and seats one of the spectators on a chair. Smiling slyly, he approaches him and examines him carefully. Then he takes his hand and, pulling the sleeve of his jacket to his elbow, unbuttons the cuff buttons on his shirt. The performer does the same with the other sleeve of the shirt of the viewer who meekly obeys him.

So, the sleeves of the shirt are loose - now the tie is removed and the top three buttons are undone.

Everyone watches this strange procedure in bewilderment. And the magician, approaching the viewer from behind, takes hold of the collar of his shirt and begins to pull it out from under his jacket. To the surprise of the audience, the shirt easily slides off its owner and ends up in the hands of the performer. Now the viewer was left in a jacket, but without a shirt.

The secret of the trick: The “magician” makes an agreement in advance with one of his comrades and prepares him for the performance. The role of the assistant in this case is simple: before demonstrating the trick, you should not put on a shirt on yourself; the assistant will only have to throw it over himself and fasten it with the top three buttons (for this trick you will need a shirt that buttons all the way down). The tie is put on and tied as expected. The arms are not inserted into the sleeves, but only a cuff is fastened around each arm. After this, a jacket is put on over the shirt. The “secret” assistant calmly waits when his help is needed.

Is it possible to go through paper?

Before starting the trick, you ask the audience: “Is it possible to go through the paper?”, showing them a small sheet of paper measuring 12x16 cm (a little larger or smaller).

The company will think for a while, but in order not to prolong the pause, you do the following. Some cuts are made on paper with scissors, magic words, and... then you easily pass through the paper, which suddenly turns into a rather wide ring.

The secret of the trick is in the special cut line. Fold the sheet in half, aligning the corners of the short sides, and make a cut along the fold, not reaching the edges by about 1-2 cm. Then make transverse cuts, as shown in the figure.

Then unfold the piece of paper: you will have in your hands a ring with a diameter large enough to pass through it. If desired, this trick can be performed with an assistant.


This party does not require any special preparation - all you need is a karaoke system and the desire to sing. Modern systems make it possible to organize a competition between performers, which significantly increases the level of interest.


This party welcomes a pale complexion, false fangs, black clothing and a general gloomy mood. Important role The preparation plays into the design of the “crypt”, the menu, which should at least with the names of the dishes resemble a bloody feast, and the creation of a “terrible” atmosphere. The highlight of such a party will be a competition for “the scariest tale from the crypt” - well-known children's “horror stories” will do.


Those invited to the party are in fancy dress- This prerequisite. During the process, you can organize a costume parade by asking everyone to present their costume in any way (song, poetry, advertising).


Dress everyone up in military uniform, dress the girls as nurses and offer to hand out ascorbic acid to the guests, activated carbon and make dressings. In the interior of the room, you can reproduce everything necessary for completing the course of a young soldier: a shooting range (darts or a pistol with suction cups are suitable), an obstacle course (a labyrinth of ropes that you need to go through at speed), a camp kitchen, where those who wish can taste traditional soldier’s dishes.

Pre-select a jury of at least 3 people, prepare prizes and refreshments.

All the guys are divided into 2 teams and choose their captains, each receives the first task - to quickly learn 3 tongue twisters (the task is the same for both teams) and after a minute, pronounce them to everyone together. The winner of the competition is the team that was able to stay on top of the text and pronounce the tongue twisters faster than their opponents.

Tongue twisters can be different:

- There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass, don’t cut wood in the middle of the yard.

- The Greek was driving across the river, he saw the Greek - there was a crab in the river, he put the Greek’s hand in the river, the crab grabbed the Greek’s hand.

— Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer, etc.

Second task- finish the poem by offering your interpretation of events, for example:

Dropped the teddy bear on the floor

They tore off the bear's paw.

The bear got very angry:

“Ail bi back!” - and left.

Third task- creative. Each team is given one poster with a familiar artist; With eyes closed in 1 minute, the selected team member must modify the artist’s appearance; all other team members cannot help, but can tell where to point the felt-tip pen. Changes can be as follows: draw glasses, mustache, beard, change hairstyle, add eye makeup, change the shape of eyebrows, etc. After which the result is assessed by the jury.

And, finally, the last task can be sports, but with unusual sports equipment, for example, teams must demonstrate what playing lapta on surfboards would look like, how a person on roller skates who finds himself on an ice rink would feel, show the movements of a swimmer, which along the way must overcome obstacles in the form of logs, etc.

At the end of all competitions, the results are summed up, all participants are awarded incentive prizes, and each team exchanges friendly epigrams and cartoons as a keepsake.


At this party everyone tells jokes, gags, funny stories from school life.


This party is usually held on Valentine's Day and its purpose is to create new and strengthen existing couples. For this purpose, appropriate games and music are selected, creating an atmosphere that sets the mood for a romantic mood.

Here is an example of some famous games for couples.


Couples are invited for a dance competition. All pairs are given one long pasta. The dancers take the pasta in their teeth from different sides. Fast music starts. The presenter makes sure that the participants move quickly and dynamically. Those whose pasta breaks are eliminated. The couple with the whole or the longest pasta left wins. (If you use spaghetti - the game will pass faster.)

Siamese twins

Two participants stand sideways to each other, grabbing each other’s belt; The legs on the side touching the partners are tied with a belt. Thus, the two participants seem to “merge” and play the role of “Siamese twins”. The only condition is that you cannot talk. " Siamese twins“it is proposed to perform some action, for example, inflate and tie a balloon, make a paper toy, sharpen a pencil, sew on a button, write a note, put it in an envelope, seal it, etc.

One of the “twins” performs all this with his left hand, the other with his right. The winner is the couple that completed the task first and best.

The pear is hanging - you can’t eat it

Two volunteers are called up - he and she. Participants go into different rooms and their roles are explained to them. The young man is told that he will have to enter the room, take a chair and pretend that he is going to screw in a light bulb. He is also informed that his partner will interfere with him in every possible way, but he must convince her that it will be lighter for her.

The girl is told that her partner is about to hang himself, she must dissuade him. All this, naturally, should happen without words. Participants enter a room where those present already know both tasks.

Chicken Ryaba

You will need eggs, preferably boiled (but do not tell the participants about this), cups according to the number of participants.

Couples are called to play. Participants are placed together with their backs to each other, asking each to lean forward. An egg is clamped between the backs (a little lower) and a cup is placed on the floor. At the signal from the leader, the pairs must carefully “lay” the egg in the “nest”, trying not to crush it. The first hen to finish the game wins.

Bon appetit

Two or more mixed pairs participate. The task of each pair is to eat a long cucumber or banana at both ends at the same time, without touching their hands, faster than the others. Others watch and provide moral support. Blindfold option: couples are selected by mutual consent, and after they are blindfolded, partners are quietly changed. Photography (close-up) is recommended.


This party is dedicated to any holiday - New Year, April Fools' Day, Birthday. Entertainment material is selected according to the occasion. Don't forget to highlight the main attribute of the holiday, be it a Christmas tree or a birthday person.

We continue the youth theme - films about parties and get-togethers of teenagers, as well as about school graduation. There are a lot of pictures about evening holidays, but only those that relate to schoolchildren and students are collected here.

21 and more (2013)

What happens when a guy turns 21? Friends insist on celebrating this event. The poor fellow is not very thirsty as his medical college exams are coming soon. So, a harmless mug of beer turns into an endless stream of booze, and a modest get-together of guys turns into a wild party with girlfriends and dancing.

Justin Chong is 10 years older than his hero.

Project X: Dorvali (2012)

3 unpopular high school students want to make a name for themselves, and the best way to do it is through a party. Wanting to arrange something truly stunning, the guys invite friends and acquaintances. Little did they know that the party would go overboard and turn into an unforgettable disaster.

This film is based on real events. In 2008, teenager Corey Worthington invited friends. The party grew to 500 people and it all ended in riots and a call for a military helicopter.

Beach Party (2013)

A small group of teenagers are having fun on a Californian beach. During a party, the hero's surfboard disappears. This board was very important because it was custom made specifically for performances. No one could have imagined that the board would eventually fall into the hands of enemies.

We were accepted! (2006)

Bartleby Gaines found himself out of work when no university agreed to accept him. In order not to despair, he decided to set up his own university. To do this, the guy used an old abandoned mental hospital building. It turned out that he was not the only one who needed a fake institute.

College (2008)

When Kevin and his friends come to college, they decide to be friendly. But they were unlucky to attract the attention of the coolest girls on the very first day, which, of course, displeased the leader of the male fraternity. Now the life of freshmen has turned into hell, but the guys themselves are not a mistake.

Neighbors on the Warpath (2014)

The young couple has finally decided on a home and is now looking forward to an idyll while raising a baby. But guys from the student club settled next door to them. They organize noisy parties and do not allow the couple to get enough sleep and rest. The newlyweds are still from university, so they remember what it’s like to party. So we decided to find best solution, which would have suited everyone, but that was not the case.

Neighbors on the Warpath 2 (2016)

Mac and Kelly are living happily after their annoying neighbor disappears from their lives. But problems are yet to come: a sorority sorority has moved into the empty house. Yesterday's schoolgirls, and today university first-year students, they did not find a place for themselves in other communities and decided to start their own club. The married couple again knows no peace, but how to get rid of the girls? Why not turn to the one who knows everything about parties - old enemy Teddy Sanders?

Macho and Nerd 2 (2014)

Schmidt and Jenko go to the local college this time. Jenko has already managed to find a kindred spirit in the local football team, and Schmidt has found his way into ideal conditions intellectual entertainment. And now the friends are not sure that they can continue to cooperate.

Wyatt Russell turned down participation in the Hunger Games sequels in order to only participate in the Macho and Geek 2 project.

Graduation (2014)

11th grade schoolchildren are preparing for graduation party. Some of them are filming a final album, some are purchasing supplies, and some are planning to propose. This is a time of dreams about the future, about great hopes, and the last thing you need to do to take a new step into adulthood is to have a childish party at the prom.

Party King (2002)

Van Wilder had a great life in a student environment - beautiful girls, parties and strong male friendships. You don't need to wish for anything more. But then Father Wilder Sr. appears on the threshold of the university. He is a businessman and expects his son to follow in his footsteps. But the guy has other plans, but for now his father needs to play along.

American Pie (1999)

4 high school students will soon graduate from school, but they still haven’t managed to get rid of their virginity. In order not to lose face in college, friends set themselves the goal of spending a night with the girls before graduation. In their attempts to achieve their goals, unforgettable adventures await them all.

Superbad (2007)

Three friends decided to go to the coolest party of the year. At the same time, they promised to bring drinks. True, they are not yet 21, so they need to find a way out and not lose face - after all, everyone is waiting for alcohol. From this moment the adventure begins...

Harold and Kumar Go Wild (2004)

Two such different guys get along well in one house. When the couple smokes a cigarette and eats a hamburger, their real adventure begins. They have a lot to learn about the city and themselves. They will remember this night for a long time.

Where's my car, dude? (2000)

Two goofy friends wake up after a night of carousing. They remember almost nothing, and most importantly, they forgot where they parked the car. Now, to find her, the guys follow the clues and little by little remember what they did yesterday. What they learn will clarify a lot.

Drug (2015)

Malcolm was having a hard time coping with his life. He is a geek and a loser. But one day he received an invitation to a closed party, where he went with friends. Along the way, exciting adventures await them that they are unlikely to forget.

Spring Breakers (2012)

4 girlfriends are bored in their college dorm. Having promised each other an unforgettable vacation, they go on a robbery for money. Of course, they end up in prison, from where they are taken by a gangster nicknamed the Alien. The girls are about to get a real thrill.

Director Harmony Korine offered Selena Gomez the roles of Brit and Candy, but she refused, considering these roles too daring and she was not ready yet. Of the four girls, her heroine was shown the least, and a double was also filmed in explicit scenes, since Selena Gomez flatly refused to undress in front of the camera.

Blue Mountain State: Thadland Rising (2016)

Thad Castle was once the captain of the college football team. Now he finds out that their team home is being sold due to college debt. To save the house, Ted throws a real party there, which has never happened here before.

This film is one of those cases where the budget for its production was raised on a crowdfunding site.

Night Party (2004)

Four friends graduated from 8th grade and are now preparing to celebrate this important event - they gather at the house of one of the girls and, under the close attention of their mother, have a party. But mom, happy with control, doesn’t even realize that the former schoolgirls have long left the house and are now rushing in dad’s car to the nearest bar.

Graduation frenzy, or Day of Self-Government (2008)

It's Home Rule Day at Whippany Park High School and it's time to throw a party. Adam Harris, being a shy and quiet guy, did not plan to go there, because he knows that he will spend the whole time staring at the most beautiful girl schools - Karoo. But our hero will remember this evening for a long time, because it was at this prom frenzy that Adam will get his dream girl.

I Can't Wait (1998)

Preston Myers is graduating. His classmates are celebrating and his school graduation is already in full swing. But Preston is clearly not in the mood for fun: very soon he will have to leave to study, and his love, Amanda, who is not even aware of the guy’s feelings, will remain here and they will never be together. He waited 4 years to confess his love to a girl, and now, at the prom, he had his last chance.

These are all films about teenagers' parties and get-togethers, as well as about the last graduation at school. If you know something similar, write to us. 😉