September 28, 2017

On October 5, the wedding of Nikolai Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva will take place in Grozny. The artist and his bride came to the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program to tell Andrei Malakhov and the guests in the studio the details of the upcoming celebration.


Despite the fact that there is a week left before the wedding of the “natural blonde” and his bride, many still do not believe in the sincerity of the couple and believe that Baskov and Lopyreva are getting married for the sake of PR. In order to dispel public speculation, Nikolai and Victoria came to the studio of Andrei Malakhov’s “Live Broadcast” program and told the TV presenter the details of the upcoming celebration.

So, according to the artist, the wedding will actually take place in Grozny and will take place in accordance with all traditions. Ramzan Kadyrov and were chosen as witnesses. The bride will appear before the guests in a dress designed by the famous designer Zuhair Murad. It will be made according to an individual design. According to accepted customs, Victoria will greet guests for five hours, and Nikolai will be in a separate room all this time. Lovers are prohibited from showing their feelings in public and drinking alcohol. By the way, numerous fans of the couple will be able to see everything with their own eyes, because the wedding of Baskov and Lopyreva will be broadcast on one of the federal television channels, the portal reports.

Let us add that psychologists, numerologists and psychics also gathered in the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program, who discussed and made predictions about how long the marriage of the singer and his chosen one would last.

Disputes continue to rage on the World Wide Web about the marital status of the country's golden voice. Recently it became known that he was going to marry Victoria Lopyreva. The intentions of the future newlyweds are so serious that they even invited Ramzan Kadyrov as a witness.

By the way, the celebration is planned to be held in Chechnya. So, when the wedding of Nikolai Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva will take place and whether you should expect it at all, find out from our article.

Initially, the wedding ceremony was planned for October 5 in Grozny. After Andrei Malakhov’s show aired, it became known that the young people decided to postpone the wedding. Nikolai’s mother, Elena Nikolaevna, asked the lovers about this. What was the reason for such an unexpected request? Perhaps the mother of Russia's golden voice simply does not want her beloved son to tie the knot with Victoria Lopyreva?

It turns out that on October 5, Nikolai’s mother lost her father. This day is very memorable for her. And she would not want to combine two important dates into one. In an interview with Andrei Malakhov, Elena Nikolaevna said that she really likes Vika. The woman sees that her son is really ready to start a family. When Elena Nikolaevna found out about the proposal, she was very happy. Nikolai Baskov’s mother is incredibly happy that her son has finally found his happiness.

Unfortunately, October 5 is an unlucky day for Elena Nikolaevna. She asked Nikolai to postpone the wedding to another date. The woman is glad that her son met her halfway.

Victoria Lopyreva also responded positively to the request of her future mother-in-law. The girl reacted with understanding to the request of her beloved mother. The young people hastily canceled the wedding.

Today it is unknown where and when the wedding of Nikolai Baskov and. The lovers are not yet ready to comment on the current situation for the press. The only thing we managed to find out from the celebrities is that the wedding is being postponed indefinitely. Perhaps young people will celebrate it in Chechnya, as planned. The celebration will be held again in Moscow.

Comment from Nikolai Baskov

Nikolai said that his mother called him and asked him to postpone the wedding to another day. Elena Nikolaevna will not be able to combine sad and joyful events into one. Nikolai Baskov is not ready to get married without parental blessing. Plus, the celebrity wants the parents to be sure to congratulate the newlyweds.

Nikolai decided to ask Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov to step into their position. The Present of Chechnya kindly made concessions to the young people. Nikolai himself is not yet ready to say a new wedding date. The celebrity says that he and Victoria need time to properly prepare for the celebration.

Comment from the bride of the best singer in Russia

Victoria Lopyreva supported her lover. The girl believes that since there are good reasons for this, it is still necessary to postpone the celebration. In comments to the press, Victoria said that she and Nikolai would return to talking about the wedding after the World Cup.

Let us remind you that young people want the celebration to take place both in Moscow and in Chechnya. The lovers themselves are Muscovites. Accordingly, they want to sign in the capital. The wedding venue is Grozny.

Nikolai and Victoria say that they are not embarrassed by the public's distrust of their relationship. The couple knows that many people think their wedding is a joke. Nikolai Baskov says that he was in no hurry to propose to girls before. Now he decided to do the opposite - to act quickly and confidently. When asked if she agreed to marry him, Victoria Lopyreva answered yes.

Wedding planner of Baskov and Lopyreva

Vika says that Nikolai is incredibly lucky. After all, she already has a wedding dress from Yudashkin. The girl sewed an outfit for her wedding with Smolov. Fortunately or unfortunately, the celebration never took place. Victoria plans to wear her royal dress to her wedding with Nikolai Baskov.

It is known that Nikolai has already bought a ring for his beloved.

The President of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, will be the witness at the newlyweds' wedding. The singer Valeria should become a witness.

Nikolai believes that the wedding, of course, should be held in Moscow. However, he is ready to destroy the agreements, especially with the present of Chechnya. To please all the guests, the newlyweds decided to celebrate the occasion twice – in the capital of Russia and in the capital of Chechnya.

It is worth noting that the postponement of the wedding to an indefinite date made fans and Lopyreva doubt whether the lovers would really sign. Perhaps this is another attempt to stir up interest. Such a PR company will not be a waste of time either for the singer or for his girlfriend.

The first scandals of the Baskov-Lopyreva couple

The young people had not yet had time to sign their names, but the first omissions had already occurred in their family. What could lovers quarrel about? Obviously not because of the lack of the required amount to buy a new dress for Victoria, if she still changes her mind about getting married in the “old” wedding dress.

It is known that on the eve of the wedding, Victoria Lopareva and Nikolai Baskov had a big quarrel. The reason for the star couple's quarrel was... the singer's wardrobe. Victoria thinks that Nikolai wears clothes with a lot of rhinestones too often. She believes that such wardrobe items are unacceptable for a man. The bride strongly recommended that Baskov give up rhinestones, crowns and fur capes. Now the man wears a strict black suit.

Nikolai's fans paid attention to his figure. It is noticeable to the naked eye that the man has lost a lot of weight. Perhaps such changes are also the work of the bride, as with rhinestone costumes.

Fans of Russia's golden voice believe that the man behaves as if he has been married to his chosen one for 15 years. Although the young people haven’t even gotten married yet. According to fans, Nikolai Baskov follows Lopyreva’s lead and dresses the way the girl wants. Fans are worried that the singer may lose his image.

Nikolai himself admits that love really changed him. He is ready to part with his most beloved jackets so as not to upset his beloved. Moreover, she wants to do what is best.

Internet users noted that Victoria herself often appears in public in shiny dresses. The girl can be seen from a kilometer away. Only the color of the outfit changes.

In addition to the wardrobe, Victoria decided to take on the distribution of responsibilities. The girl believes that the man should be the head of the family - he is the head. And the wife must control him.

The parents of the future newlyweds managed to meet each other. Victoria's mother really liked Nikolai. The man says that they have mutual love, and he is ready to literally carry his future mother-in-law in his arms.

Victoria Lopyreva and Nikolai Baskov took an extraordinary approach to creating wedding invitations. Instead of a regular postcard, it will be a video. After watching it, guests will find out when and where the celebration will take place. More than 1000 guests are planned. Vika and Nikolai physically could not sign a card for each guest.

Wedding traditions and honeymoon

Fans of the star couple are interested in how the wedding celebration will go for the young couple. Will the couple stick to wedding traditions?

Victoria said that there would be no traditional ransom at their wedding. The girl is a Cossack, and the Cossack wedding ceremony implies the need to lash the groom.

It is known from unverified sources that the lovers will spend their honeymoon in the UAE or the Maldives. Perhaps the couple will change their decision on where to go on vacation depending on the expected wedding date.

Will Lopyreva change her last name?

If the wedding does take place, Victoria Lopyreva does not intend to change her last name. The fact is that the girl values ​​​​her fame and does not pretend to the fame of her star husband. The future husband and wife are self-sufficient people who do not need to gain additional popularity at the expense of each other. Victoria decided to keep her last name.

If a couple has children, they will most likely have a double surname. Perhaps Victoria and Nikolai will change their minds, and their offspring will bear the Baskov surname.

It is worth noting that many modern couples prefer to stay with their last names. Children are usually given their father's surname. This is especially true star couples, such as Lopyreva and Basque.

Jokes of young people about the upcoming celebration

Nikolai Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva (see photo) do not miss the moment to joke in public about their upcoming wedding. Young people “advertise” their union in every possible way. For example, recently at one of the performances, Basque asked those present if they had ever seen a more attractive couple than he and Victoria.

Nikolai also does not miss the opportunity to joke about changes in his wardrobe. The man says that he has become younger. And all thanks to the fact that I stopped wearing rhinestones. Let us remind you that the changes in the singer’s wardrobe are the merit of his future wife.

Nikolai Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva in live"Live" program

Victoria speaks flatteringly about her lover’s new image. The girl constantly mentions how handsome and stylish Nikolai is.

When Victoria asked if they would have pigeons at their wedding, Nikolai joked that they wouldn’t. Their celebration will be where they usually shoot into the sky at celebrations, and dead doves at a wedding are not a good idea.

Interestingly, Victoria expressed a desire to sign marriage contract. This information provoked active discussions of the upcoming celebration among users of the World Wide Web.

Nikolai's fans were divided into two camps. Some are sure that the wedding will definitely take place. Others believe that no, since Victoria intends to conclude a marriage contract with her future husband. They say if Vika truly loved Nikolai, she would not think about such things.

We are not trying to protect Victoria, but it is worth noting that many couples enter into a prenuptial agreement today. Among them are both star lovers and ordinary people who are not shown on TV screens.


Elena, I personally don’t have any (??) complaints about you and I don’t have and can’t have any complaints.
Lena, you know very well Yourselves, if questions arise, then you are always welcome - for the dialogues of my “sheets,” as Yulia (Moscow) once put it, by the way, tactfully and kindly
and there is enough space for everyone on your forums under PE releases.
As for this particular issue, I would never watch an episode about Baskov, for the reason that I have not listened and do not listen to his hits.
But curiosity took over for only one reason:
the reason for my interest was this: at previous PE forums with a new TV/host there were not so many forum members, but as soon as an episode about Kolka appeared (as someone put it here), many opinions appeared and absolutely all opinions about N. Baskov and His choice speak for itself.
Most people think that this is just another PR campaign, which, in principle, I can admit.
I left my opinion after watching the episode, as evidenced by the (-) cons to my opinion, and this is quite normal and logical, because I expressed my opinion and I don’t impose it on anyone.
but further down, everything is already visible to the naked eye, who has what reaction to the statement of the main hero of this issue.
Moreover, I have sympathy for many of the comments, because showbiz is really imposed over the edge.
But when I saw that the opinion of some began to go far, my reaction followed accordingly, I hope not offensive.
Regarding s/minorities and everything that has to do with homosexuality, my personal opinion is this:
If a person, no matter who he (she) is, publicly declares his preferences and orientations, then, in principle, government agencies should punish for this so as not to have influence on the younger generation - children and adolescents.
It’s such an outrage that in some foreign countries male people hold parades in women’s underwear, and females show off facial hair – this is beyond the pale. We don't need this!
The reaction of domestic audiences to Conchita Wurst is absolutely healthy.
Your preferences, orientations, etc. every person should keep it to themselves.
As for the rumors, and these are really just rumors about the main hero of this issue, I personally didn’t know anything and, in principle, I don’t want to know,
but I can only respect that this main hero of the issue did not publicly declare his preferences.
In this issue I didn’t notice anything like what they write on the forum about the so-called inclinations of the main hero.
Moreover, I dare to suggest that this hero also did not publicly talk about his passions with ballerinas and other young ladies-brides.
If there are facts, then let those who wish to send links, it even became interesting, but really?!
For example, I also heard a lot of things, including about the most courageous of our favorite domestic and foreign film actors,
but I will never allow myself to talk or write about these rumors.
Only because these are just rumors.
and rumors are also a kind of PR, maybe this really affects this showbiz - popularity and ratings?!
For example, I still don’t understand why B. Moiseev’s grannies love and go to his concerts.
and talents, talents will always make their way with or without PR.

The relationship between the famous Russian singer Nikolai Baskov and model and TV presenter Victoria Lopyreva has been talked about for several months now. Only recently it became known that the lovers actually decided to get married.

All rumors about the upcoming wedding of Basque and Lopyrev were dispelled when they came to Andrei Malakhov’s show. They revealed that they were actually planning to get married. The date of the event has already been set (October 5), but at the behest of his mother, Nikolai postpones the magnificent celebration. The thing is that on this day his grandfather passed away, so the fun will be unnecessary.

The singer's fiancee believes that the wedding should take place after the football championship is over. This means that the ceremony should take place no earlier than July next year. The lovers assure that this is the right thing to do, and that they cannot get married without the blessing of Nikolai’s mother.

Is it true that the wedding will take place in Chechnya?

At a reception in honor of the first match of the Akhmat football club in the city of Grozny, Nikolai proposed to Lopyreva. He presented her with a gorgeous diamond ring. Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov himself told the public about the event, who later stated that he wanted to organize a wedding celebration for the couple in love as a present.

Video: Nikolay Baskov proposes

Basque himself declares that he wants to hold two celebrations: both in Chechnya and in the capital of Russia. It is planned that the witnesses at the wedding will be the famous singer Valeria and the President of the Chechen Republic. If the event takes place next year, it can safely be called the wedding of the year.

Basque and Lopyreva - a love story

The news that Nikolai and Victoria decided to be together excited fans of the young people. The thing is that the singer never announced that he broke up with Sophie Kalcheva, with whom he lived for 3 years.

Now Nikolai claims that their relationship would not have ended in marriage. They felt good together, but the couple began to be seen less and less often. Even Basque and Kalcheva vacationed in different places.

The famous singer has known Victoria for more than 10 years. They hosted ceremonial events together, and Baskov asked Lopyreva to be a co-host, explaining this with the girl’s incredible charm and her ability to improvise well.

One day, the singer stood up for Vika when a scandal broke out near the plane (the girl refused to turn off her mobile phone and show her boarding pass). Rumors about their romance spread in the spring of 2017, when the couple danced together at the closing of the Miss Russia competition. Then Basque and Lopyreva corresponded on social networks, hinting that this evening was unforgettable for them.

Baskov and Lopyreva on the “New Wave”

At the gala concert of the New Wave competition, Nikolai and Victoria were presenters. In this role, they constantly emphasized their relationship. Basque performed songs, his bride filmed the performances on her phone and sent him air kisses. In between songs by other performers, the lovers exchanged phrases about the upcoming wedding ceremony: that the bride does not plan to throw the bouquet, will not have a bachelorette party, etc.

Photo: Instagram @newwave_official

In addition, Lopyreva and Baskov played jealous husband and wife. Vika asked to spend more time with her, and not with Nonna Grishaeva on “TV,” and Nikolai jokingly threatened to kill his bride if she constantly attended football matches.

The truth about the wedding on air with Andrei Malakhov

The first frank interview of the lovers took place on Andrei Malakhov’s show. Victoria warned fans in advance that it would be interesting on the Russia 1 channel that day. In this issue it became known about the postponement of the date of the wedding ceremony due to the request of Elena Nikolaevna, Nikolai’s mother, as well as the conclusion of a marriage contract.

Photo: Instagram @mir_znamenitykh

In addition, Baskov told why he changed his image. He dyed his hair brunette to look more masculine. At the end of the release, Basque dedicated a musical composition to his beloved.

The TV program of the Rossiya channel “Live” is a real chronicle of our lives. For years now, prime-time audiences have gathered in studios and in front of their television screens to learn about the issues that concern everyone. About what the whole country will discuss. About what can only be seen on “Live”!

Andrey Malakhov live broadcast episode from 09/29/2017

The upcoming wedding of the golden voice of Russia, singer Nikolai Baskov and TV presenter Victoria Lopyreva, has become the most discussed topic in gossip columns. The wedding of the century is to take place on October 5 in Grozny. On the eve of this event, viewers of our program will be the first to know why Nikolai Baskov’s fiancee posted a quote from the legendary comedy Prisoner of the Caucasus on her social network page. Who does Victoria Lopyreva order from? wedding dress, how much is the ring that Nikolai gave to his chosen one? Who will be the host of the most anticipated wedding of the year? Where will the newlyweds spend their honeymoon and, most importantly, which of our country's celebrities will receive an invitation to the wedding of the century?

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