Men should not be given socks and underpants, and women should not be given dishes and scarves. Why? Explanation - in ancient beliefs

Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

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“My wife promised a gift for February 23rd. I just don’t have the patience to find out what color the socks will be this year!” This is an anecdote from life. Lovely ladies often prefer to leave their imagination to hairstyles and do not bother with gifts for strong-sexed people on Defender of the Fatherland Day. That’s why they present men with standard “gentleman’s kits” - socks, underpants, shaving foam. And whoever gives his husband socks risks receiving a set of frying pans on March 8th! Isn't it time to break this “vicious circle”? Moreover, folk signs suggest that such gifts do not bode well. For those who listen to the wisdom of their ancestors, we decided to remind you what gifts, according to the beliefs of different peoples, should be avoided.

1) Clock.

Such a gift is not honored in many countries. The Chinese especially don't like him. They believe that the donated watch counts down the time until the death of a person. Our superstition about watches is not so gloomy, but still unpleasant: they say that a watch as a gift promises a quick quarrel.

2) Knives.

Among European peoples, it is considered a bad sign to give any piercing or cutting objects as a gift. Supposedly they will bring misfortune to the house. We have the same interpretation of this gift from Western countries. But in Latin America, for example, a cutting object symbolizes the desire to break off any kind of relationship with the “gifted”. Meanwhile, in the Caucasus and the Middle East, giving weapons is in the order of things. And no one there is embarrassed by such gifts...

3) Socks.

It is believed that it is better for a woman not to give her husband socks, as he might leave home in them. However, some wives use this sign for their own benefit - they incite mothers-in-law to give socks to their sons so that their husbands get out of the influence of their mothers.

4) Handkerchiefs.

This sign is characteristic only of Orthodox countries. They believe that giving a handkerchief is a sign of tears.

5) Books.

Some people say that the book is best gift. And some people think that only if it is a gift to yourself. Or, at worst, an unmarried friend or relative. The main thing is folk beliefs, so as not to a loved one. According to signs, giving a book to your significant other means breaking up.

There is also a belief that books should not be given to married couples. Allegedly, this can provoke discord and betrayal in the family.

6) Pearls.

The sign came from Ancient Greece, where pearls were considered the tears of sea nymphs. Now superstitious people say that pearls as a gift are a harbinger of tears.

7) Mirrors.

With mirrors in different cultures There are a lot of superstitions associated with it. It is not for nothing that they are often used for fortune telling. Therefore, it is believed that donated mirrors can bring trouble to the house.

8) Dishes.

The most important thing here is not to inadvertently give away cracked or chipped dishes. Allegedly, this can “break” the recipient’s life. In this regard, I would like to remember the tradition of breaking dishes at a wedding. It is believed that newlyweds do this in order to leave all the troubles outside the new family.

If you still decide to give the dishes, then you need to put something inside. For example, a coin. Otherwise, they say, empty dishes can bring lack of money into the house.

9) Bird figures.

It is believed that figures of any birds can bring anxiety and fussiness into the house. Therefore, if you decide to give some figurines, then it is better to do without birds.

10) Empty wallet, bag or suitcase.

These gifts are only good if they are filled with something. It is recommended to put a coin in your wallet, and at least some candy in your bag or suitcase.

11) Animals or plants.

If you decide to give someone a cat, a dog (a parrot and others like them) or a flower in a pot, then be sure to ask for a “ransom”. Symbolic, of course. Let it be a small bill, for example. Otherwise, according to legend, the “living gift” will not be able to find a place for itself in the new house - supposedly it will look for a way to its previous owner.

12) Slippers.

The belief regarding slippers remains mainly in rural areas. There it is believed that giving slippers means a long illness or even death. Superstitious people have a particularly bad attitude towards white slippers.

13) Amber jewelry.

They say that such a gift for separation.

14) Caskets.

Superstitious people believe that if you present a box to someone, the recipient will subsequently hide his thoughts from the giver.

15) Hair combs.

It is believed that such a gift will help others find out your secrets.

16) Gloves, mittens and scarves.

There is no clear explanation for this sign. They just say that such gifts can cause conflict among people.

17) Tie.

It is believed that a tie “ties” the wearer to the giver. There are even many love spells with ties. Therefore, you can only give a tie to a very close person.

18) Knitted items.

This sign only applies unmarried girls. It is believed that giving your loved one something handmade before the wedding is a sign of treason.

19) Underwear.

It is believed that underwear given by a wife to her husband can push him to cheat.

20) Chains.

If the donated chain suddenly breaks (and no one is insured here), then according to legend, this can lead to a severance of relations with its donor.

21) Towels.

It is believed that such a gift can bring illness to the recipient.

22) Pectoral crosses.

There is a belief that crosses can only be given at baptism. Otherwise, the person supposedly transfers part of his “cross” to the recipient - his worries, illnesses, adversities. Meanwhile, the church refutes such superstitions and does not oppose donation pectoral crosses in any circumstances.

23) Cosmetics for shower and washing.

There is a version that because of the gift of shower gel, someone can “wash away” from your life.

24) Candles.

There is a superstition that candles are given for funerals. Alas, if you believe in omens, then you should refuse cute decorative candles as a gift.

25) Alcoholic drinks.

And this sign may have been invented by the Ministry of Health... There is a version that gifted alcohol can take away the recipient’s health. And here, unlike many previous points, you can grasp at least some logic!

It is worth noting that almost any sign can be bypassed. To do this, you just need to ask the recipient for a symbolic “ransom” for the gift. Even a penny will do! And then it will no longer be a gift, but a purchase. But “gift signs” don’t work on her.


Will accept about good gifts, alas, less than the bad ones. But some of them can be taken into account.

1) Pillows.

Paired pillows received as a gift promise home harmony and contentment for the whole family.

2) Carpet.

It is believed that a carpet as a gift will bring good luck to the recipient in all endeavors.

3) Tablecloth.

A gifted tablecloth will strengthen the friendship of the giver and the recipient.

4) Sunglasses.

If a man gives such a gift to his wife, it is believed that she will argue with him less. Because he will look at the world through his eyes.

5) Handle.

It is recommended to give writing utensils to bosses. They say that he will listen more to the donor.


Signs associated with the method of giving

1) There is a version that money cannot be given after sunset. Allegedly, this promises a need not for the recipient, but for the giver himself. If there is a need to give money in the evening, it is advised not to pass it from hand to hand, but to put it on the table for the person to take.

2) It is not good to over-give gifts. And not only from an ethical point of view. According to legends, when regifting, the “energy of a thing” changes for the worse.

3) You should not give gifts over the threshold. It is believed that one must definitely enter the house.

4) You cannot give any gifts before a person’s birthday. If you have to congratulate someone in advance, you can wrap a gift and give it to the birthday person with the condition that he unpacks the gift on the holiday.

5) As for flowers, the main sign here is to give them in odd numbers. And lovers are also not advised to present bouquets of yellow flowers. This supposedly leads to separation.


Concluding the conversation about signs, I would like to especially emphasize: the above are simply interesting elements of the cultures of different peoples. And first of all, ours, of course. Scientific basis under all these signs there is no. Therefore, to believe them or not is a purely personal matter. Majority modern people signs are considered a relic of the past. And we are sure that the main thing is to give a gift from the heart! Perhaps yes - this is really the most important thing, regardless of whether you believe in omens or not.


And what should not be given according to the rules of etiquette?

Some gifts should not be given not because of superstition, but for reasons of decency:

1) One of the main rules of etiquette in terms of gifts is to always remove price tags from any gifts. Otherwise, the recipient may get the impression that you wanted to emphasize the value of your gift.

2) In bad taste It is also considered to give someone hygiene products and cosmetics. Firstly, you may not guess the recipient’s preferences. And secondly, this can be regarded as an unpleasant hint of untidiness.

3) It is also rude to give books with your own signature on the cover (only if you are not the author of the work). When presenting a book, do not dirty it. Better yet, add a signed greeting card.

Do you believe in omens associated with gifts? We are waiting for your comments!

Candles are a nice gift, they can be given in any situation: as a present, on Valentine's Day, Christmas, New Year, Teacher's Day, March 8 and even February 23.

There are two obvious advantages: huge selection and a wide range of prices. Moreover, the inexpensive cost does not make this gift any less pleasant.

There is a huge variety of different shapes and colors. They are able to complement your home interior, add zest to it and create a special, unique atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Just imagine: twilight, the wind is whistling outside the window, you bring the lighter to the wick, and the candle comes to life. Agree, there is no more fascinating sight than a flickering flame.

Regular candles

Even the simplest candles, made from unpainted paraffin, can become a wonderful interior decoration in combination with elegant metal candlesticks.

Dining rooms are more varied. They have a similar classic shape, but can have different decorative elements, for example, are often made twisted. Such products may contain various dyes and flavors, which make them look more decorative.

There are hemp options, the main difference of which is their stable shape, due to which candlesticks or other stands are not at all necessary.

So-called tea candles, which are produced cast in a metal casing, quickly gained popularity.

In addition to their main purpose, they are also used in aroma lamps, for heating tea in special teapots, as well as cheese and chocolate for fondue.

The products are quite compact and do not require additional accessories. They are often used for spot lighting of a room; with their use it is possible to create a unique intimate atmosphere.

Thanks to their special design, they are distinguished by high safety.

Decorative candles

Production technologies are constantly developing; today there is a huge selection of candles for any purpose. The range of so-called decorative candles, which are best monetized, is especially wide.

In addition to the use of unconventional shapes and a wide variety of colors, various original elements are used in their production: from dried flowers to coffee beans and shells.

In gift departments, scented candles attract attention because they emit pleasant aromas, such as fruit, coffee, and flowers. Often candles are made in a form that is associated with a smell: rose, orange, lemon, sea shell.

They make figured wax figurines on various themes, among which you can choose a gift for any holiday. There is a stunning abundance of New Year, wedding, Christmas, Easter and other figurines.

Lamps imitating candles

Some people love candles, but, for example, cannot stand their specific smell.

If the family has children or pets, fire becomes a source increased danger. And here imitation comes to the rescue, which is almost impossible to distinguish from the real thing.

The most popular ones are LED lamps; they do not need to be plugged in and do not require batteries. They work for 10-12 hours, then recharge, and are again ready to shine and delight you with a soft light, so reminiscent of a living light.

Interior candles

Interior candles occupy a special niche. As a rule, they have a strict geometric shape, for example, a cube, a ball or a pyramid; several are made larger size and can be more than a meter high.

Such candles are installed in a certain area of ​​the apartment as an accessory. Long-lasting floor options are especially interesting and in demand.

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Every person has a need to choose gifts. This event can be difficult, because folk signs impose restrictions on many gifts. This is where numerous questions arise, for example: is it possible to give candles?

There are several dark superstitions that prohibit such wax gifts because they are associated with funerals. Although there is a rather funny sign that claims that candles are a gift for a power outage. (I immediately remember another current superstition: I washed my car and it started to rain).

In the past, craftsmen made candles by hand, and it was believed that angry man could deliberately speak to his product during the manufacturing process. Moreover, wax is a specific material, a kind of sponge that can effectively absorb negativity, negative energy and bad information. And while burning, the candle is freed from its unenviable “baggage”, causing harm to the people around it. But nowadays, almost all candle production is automated and it uses not natural essential wax, but inert paraffin, which is not susceptible to external influences and spells.

Therefore, the question of the appropriateness of giving candles is not particularly difficult for modern people. After all, the main “risk factors” have been successfully neutralized. A scented candle of an unusual design is a very cute gift that gives home comfort and a piece of warmth. And this is definitely a necessary thing in the household. It will be a wonderful attribute romantic dinner. If you read a fairy tale to children by candlelight, the house is truly filled with miracles and a magical atmosphere that young and enchanted listeners will long remember with gratitude.

Today, wax candles are a rarity; they are mainly found in churches. But in these cases unique property The release of energy can be used for good. After all, wax can also absorb positive vibes, bright joy, and peace. Some people specially store candles used during church sacraments, such as baptism or weddings, because during the rituals a lot of positive energy was absorbed into them. During a difficult period, a person lights a candle imbued with grace so that it frees up valuable “resources” of positivity and helps overcome adversity.

If you think about it, it’s good that people ask questions like this: is it possible to present candles or other items that fall into the category of forbidden gifts? This suggests that they care about their loved ones and want to protect them from harmful influence bad omens. After all, the most important thing in our life is love and friendship, and true relationships are not afraid of any signs.

The need to give gifts for a particular holiday before most people arises quite often. And then, in addition to considerations about purpose, cost and practicality, superstitious individuals have a question about whether it is even possible to use the chosen item as a present.

Such doubts usually concern sharp objects (forks, knives, souvenir weapons), watches, mirrors, slippers and towels. This list often includes candles, oh magical properties of which there are many folk signs. But sometimes it is so difficult to refuse the pleasure of buying a beautiful and original thing as a gift for a loved one. So is it worth following your passions, bravely defying the gloomy forecasts of your ancestors?

  • It has long been believed that such a natural substance as wax is capable of easily absorbing any energy, both positive and negative, and then releasing it upon combustion. If the master making the candle was angry, upset or sick, then all his negative emotions will certainly be imprinted in the product, and then return to the new owner from the melted wax.
  • Candles were often used by dark magicians and sorcerers to harm their chosen victim. They were deliberately charmed and given as a gift to an unsuspecting person. Evil energy was released when burned, leading to various diseases and troubles. Therefore, people were careful not to accept wax gifts, so as not to become an object of negative influence.
  • Nowadays, the production of attributes romantic evening almost completely automated, and contact with human emotions is reduced to a minimum. In addition, modern products use artificial paraffin material, which is absolutely incapable of accumulating both positive and negative. Therefore, a gift in the form of a candle, by definition, cannot carry any dangerous energy to the owner.
  • Deserves special attention church candles, which are often still made from wax. Many people specifically preserve these attributes of a wedding, baptism or other church sacrament as a reminder of a bright day and an accumulator of Divine grace. It is enough to light such a wax amulet at a difficult moment in life, and its positive vibes will help you cope with trouble and illness.

Even if you believe in the dangers associated with gifting a candle, they are very easy to avoid. To do this, just pay attention to the flame.

  • In enchanted specimens and gifts with poor energy, it is uneven, smokes and crackles, and often such a candle stops burning altogether for no apparent reason.
  • But positively charged sources of warmth and comfort burn evenly and strongly, emitting a pleasant aroma. Not only will they not cause harm, but on the contrary, they will rid the home of accumulated energy waste and give the home a romantic and fairy-tale atmosphere.
  • Pragmatists who do not believe in the mystical “talents” of candles should know that a burning wax product releases bactericidal substances that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora. Therefore, it is recommended to light them in a house where there is a sick or recovering person.

Can't give knives. Moreover, not only knives, but also any sharp objects in general, including forks. It is believed that this will inevitably lead to a quarrel, separation (but if someone gave it to you, “pay him off with change”). Under no circumstances give the Japanese knives - this is a hint of hara-kiri, but in the Middle East, a good knife or dagger is a valuable and desirable gift, as well as a sign of high trust and respect. Also, the knife will be a valuable gift for a hunter if he does not yet have a favorite knife.

Handkerchiefs. This gift superstition, widespread in the distant past, is still popular today. “A handkerchief as a gift symbolizes tears,” many believe. True, you can take your tears away by giving a coin in return. It is believed that this is like buying a scarf.

Empty wallets, purses and piggy banks they promise lack of money as a gift. So put a banknote in them! And even better - several to “attract” money.

Watch. They symbolize the transience of time. It is believed that the gifted watch will count down the remaining time that you intend to spend with this person. And when they stop, it will mean an inevitable separation. Or, another option: the watch, as a gift, should show that the time has come to leave. Even if we accept the justice of the symbolism of such a gift, there are still options for how and when you can give a watch. To begin with, if you give a watch, then a good one, so that for decades it will count down the time remaining for you to communicate with this person. Again, there are cases when things are given “as a keepsake” before a forced separation (retirement, moving to another city or country). And here, too, a good watch with engraving will be an excellent gift and reminder of the giver. But there is also an opinion that wrist watchwonderful gift, but only if they are mechanical and not electronic: mechanical watch as if they synchronize heartbeats, and electronic ones emit harmful energy.

Mirrors. Mirrors are credited with many mystical properties, including the belief that they are a guide to the afterlife, and mirrors also lead to rapid aging; it is difficult to sleep in bed if there is a mirror opposite. In addition, a mirror is, after all, an interior item and it will be better if a person chooses it himself, based on his aesthetic preferences.

Candles. Giving candles is a bad omen. But we often, not knowing what to give, especially on New Year, we limit ourselves to a set of decorative candles. It turns out it's for a funeral.

Inappropriate precious and semi-precious stones Before giving precious and semi-precious stones, do not be lazy - carefully study their properties. For example, giving pearls means tears. It would also be nice to know whether it is preferable to place this gift in a gold or silver frame.

Inappropriate flowers. The language of flowers is generally a complex science. Therefore, it is better to find out in advance what kind of flowers a person likes. Dried plants can only be given as a gift if the person is crazy about them. If you were given indoor flower Don’t be stingy - give the virtue money, otherwise the flower will wither.

Least favorite animal. It is clear that such a gift will not bring joy but only trouble. But even if you gave a desired animal and it died, it is believed that the deceased animal takes part of the soul of its owner. And if you were given a kitten, puppy or guinea pig (crocodile for the bathroom), then you must give small money for it, otherwise the animal will die or run away. Although, maybe in the case of a crocodile it’s not worth giving money?

Can't give cosmetics, perfumes and clothing items, if you don’t have an accurate idea of ​​the tastes and preferences of the person you’re giving it to.

If a woman gives her husband socks or panties then perhaps he will leave her or change accordingly.