Beautiful and well-maintained nails make your feet look good and make a statement for a woman's style.

Nowadays, girls tend to spend more time treating their fingers and nails with colorful nail polishes that go perfectly with the outfits they wear. How to paint toenails and do a pedicure? It is comparatively easier than doing your fingernails as you can use both hands.

Necessary things:

— Nail polish
– Nail polish remover
– Cotton balls
– File
– Wire cutters
– Cuticle cream (cuticle is the skin rim that borders the plate)
– Cuticle stick
– cotton swabs (not necessary, but useful)


The basics of manicure and pedicure nails include trimming and shaping, treating cuticles, treating hands and feet with moisturizers, and polishing nails. Typical home manicure and pedicures, which are a popular alternative to expensive beauty salons, are treatments that consist of the following simple steps and can be easily done with some nail care tools. While more emphasis on manicures and pedicures is aimed at women, men also often include a basic manicure and pedicure to keep their hands and feet healthy and well-groomed.

Nails that have grown too long are usually the first destination for manicures and pedicures. Some people choose to trim off excess nails first with nail clippers, although this practice can often result in overly sharp nail edges. The trimmed nails are then usually straightened with a nail file. This step can be done with either a disposable sandpaper disc or a metal file. Some professional nail technicians caution and always avoid using metal files with extra coarse grains because they can sometimes leave jagged edges on the nail. If at least once the fingernails and toenails have been properly done and shaped, the powdery residue should be wiped off the hands and toes before moving on to the next steps.

1. Remove old varnish

First of all, you need to remove your old varnish that is on your fingers. For hard to reach edges, you can use cotton swab to remove old varnish.

2. Treatment of the tops of the nails

Since toenails are rougher than fingernails, It is advisable to use a varnish buffer in order to smooth out the ridges and grooves. This process will eliminate the residue left from your old pedicure and force the new one pedicure hold on longer.

4. Wash your feet

Soaking your feet in a basin of warm water is usually the next step in a pedicure, and this can be done in a portable spa or foot bath. The water clears away any residue from your nails and softens any calloused foot skin to make it easier to exfoliate.
While the feet are soaked for about ten minutes, the toes also typically need to be soaked in a bowl of warm water for about three to five minutes to soften the cuticles of the skin. Once your feet and hands are sufficiently soaked and dry, lubricate them with a moisturizing cream.

Wash your nails thoroughly after trimming and filing. You need to remove all the nail polish remover and then soften the cuticles.

5. Check your cuticles

Excessive skin cuticles on the nails usually look like white coating at the base of each nail. Some nail experts recommend gently exfoliating the skin with a damp washcloth rather than pushing the cuticles back and trimming them. It's easy to overdo it when trimming cuticles, and sometimes this can lead to infection and removal of the protective layer. Moisturizing can generally be done with any type of lotion, as well as any type of cuticle cream.

After preparing your toenails, you need to push back the cuticles using a cuticle stick. If you feel it needs trimming, use a cuticle cutter. Later, apply the cream to your cuticles, but make sure you remove any cream that sticks to your nails.

6. Separate your fingers and apply base layer

Now you need to separate your fingers so that you can easily apply the polish. Then add a base layer that is fortified with calcium.

7. Choose color and varnish

After applying the base coat, choose the color you want to use on your feet. Then apply the varnish carefully so that it is evenly distributed. You should apply the varnish in a light thin layer and let it dry for 10 minutes. After drying it, you need to apply another layer of varnish in the same way.

If you want to wear fashionable sandals in the spring, presentable feet and toes are a must. For the spring season, a pedicure is always in order. A discreet leg makeover can be achieved right at home, without having to travel to the nearest spa. The procedure is not that complicated and all you need to do is follow a few simple steps to do a pedicure yourself.

How to do a pedicure step by step

1. If available, it is better to use a foot massager.
2. Remove all old nail polish and push back the cuticles.
3. Now you can trim your toenails, but not too short.
4. Smooth out sharp corners with a nail file.
5. Now, using a callus scrub, you need to remove calluses from the soles of your feet.
6. The same must be done for the back of the heel.
7. If you use a scrub that is too harsh, you may scrub your skin and injure your foot.
8. Now you need to massage your feet using an exfoliating cream, which will leave your skin soft and help with regeneration. With the cream on your hands, gently massage your feet in a circular motion.
9. Now dry your feet with a soft towel and apply body cream to your feet. After massaging thoroughly, use a cotton swab soaked in nail polish remover to dry your feet.
10. Now, apply two more coats of bright nail polish. The only thing to remember is to apply dry varnish.
11. To extend the life of your pedicure, apply a top coat of color.
12. From here on, you need to apply body lotion to your heels on a regular basis to keep your feet smooth.
14. It is recommended to apply a topcoat to your nails every four days to keep them shiny and avoid chipping.
15. You should try to wear cotton socks while sleeping to prevent them from sweating.

Nail polishes are an integral part of the look for many girls. Some people prefer red or burgundy shades, while others choose calmer beige and pink tones. Some people generally love a riot of colors. In any case, nails will look good only if the polish is applied evenly and neatly.
Painting your fingernails with varnish is quite difficult. The first time it may not work out as beautifully as you would like, you definitely need to practice. It would seem that legs should not be such a challenge. And this is true if you know how to do it correctly. Of course, you can simply trust the professionals, but it’s easy to paint your nails with varnish at home.

Nail preparation

  • a bath with warm water and optional additives;
  • pumice or foot file;
  • orange sticks;
  • nail file;
  • foot cream;
  • nail polish remover, optional nail degreasing liquid.

First you need to steam them in warm water. You can add a small amount of lemon juice to it, sea ​​salt or chamomile decoction to whiten, strengthen nails and soothe the skin. Instead of a bath, it is also possible to use special means, softening the stratum corneum.

After this, you should use a pumice stone or a special heel file and carefully remove dead cells from the surface of the skin. You need to treat the entire foot, paying attention special attention the most problematic areas prone to the appearance of corns. In fact, this step is not mandatory. If the feet are in good condition, then you can immediately begin further actions.

Carefully use an orange stick. If you use the trimming pedicure method, use tweezers to carefully remove any remaining unnecessary skin. Afterwards you need to file your nails: first give the desired shape, and then carefully polish the edges and surface. This will allow the nail plate to be smooth, even and not flake.

Now the legs can be rinsed, take suitable cream and apply it to the skin with massaging movements. This needs to be done within a few minutes. This procedure will be not only useful, but also pleasant. At this stage it is better not to take very fatty creams for legs. After the massage is finished, you can blot the remaining product with a napkin or gently wipe with a towel.

Let's start preparing the nails. It is necessary to understand that if the cream gets on the surface of the nail, then there is a risk that the varnish on top either will not lie down at all or will immediately slide off. That is why before painting your nails, you need to thoroughly degrease them. For these purposes, you can use regular nail polish remover or a special liquid to remove the greasy layer.

In principle, both options work approximately the same. Now that your toenails are ready to apply polish, you need to choose a position in which you will be comfortable doing this. The hand should not hang in the air; it must have support. It is better to put separators on your toes so that nothing interferes with the process.

Applying varnish

An important rule for applying varnish is no rush. You shouldn’t even start this task if in the next hour you need to leave the house or go to bed. All actions must be performed smoothly and carefully, because it is easier to immediately apply the varnish evenly than to correct flaws later.

What color can you paint your toenails? It's a matter of taste. Everyone chooses the shade that best suits their mood, clothing style or the nature of the event. It is believed that they are more suitable for summer bright colors, perhaps even neon: pink, orange, lilac. While for the office it is better to choose calm shades that will not catch the eye and irritate others: beige, soft pink, peach.

Often girls choose black or red shades, which are already considered classics. Any color will look good if it is appropriate and chosen correctly.

So, in order to paint your toenails with varnish at home you will need:

  • orange stick;
  • base coat;
  • varnish of the chosen shade;
  • nail polish remover (for correcting mistakes), toothpick or small brush;
  • top cover.

Exists little secret How to apply polish as close to the edge of the cuticle as possible. To do this, right before painting, you need to carefully push the skin away with an orange stick. Now you can paint. After the border returns to its original place, the polish will be underneath it, and your nails will look very neat.

First you need to apply a base coat. It can serve for different purposes depending on the type: to protect the nail plate, to level it, to increase the durability of the varnish. You can choose any one that suits you best suitable option. This coating is quite liquid and dries quickly. Therefore, after just a couple of minutes you can apply colored varnish.

The technique for applying varnish is simple. In order to properly and beautifully cover your nails, you need:

  1. take the bottle, gently roll it several times between your palms;
  2. open, take out the brush, remove excess product from it, lightly “squeezing” it against the edge of the neck;
  3. place the brush on the center of the nail and place a drop there;
  4. move in a smooth motion first to the cuticle, distributing the varnish at its border, and then move in the opposite direction to the edge of the nail;
  5. paint the side areas on both sides using gentle movements.

The varnish should be applied in two layers (if this is not enough - in three), as this will make the coating even and the color will be fully transmitted. Before each new layer, be sure to dry the previous one thoroughly.

After the varnish has dried, you can correct errors, remove excess and marks on the skin. You can take a toothpick or a thin flat brush, dip it in nail polish remover and go over the areas that you are not happy with. When this is done, you need to make sure again that the varnish is completely dry and apply the top coat. By the way, among them there are also products that speed up the drying of colored varnish. Whatever the top, it will not only increase durability, but also visually smooth the surface of the nail.

Even after all the layers have completely dried, you cannot immediately put on your shoes and go to bed, otherwise all your work will be ruined. It's better to wait at least an hour. That is why you should only apply varnish to your toenails at home when... free time when you are not in a hurry. It is better to just lie down or sit after the procedure so as not to accidentally smear the applied layers.

Obviously, there is nothing difficult about painting your toenails yourself. If you know all the rules listed above, then you can always maintain the beauty of your legs at home, without visiting any salons.

A beautiful manicure and pedicure is a source of pride for any girl. The ideal condition of your nails gives you confidence in yourself and your abilities. In order to feel 100% like a woman, it is important to constantly monitor their condition, use nourishing creams and oils, do strengthening procedures.

In addition to the beautiful shape, well-groomed and length of nails, their color is also very important.

In a previous publication, we already learned how to choose nail polish.

Let's discuss today one of the most common questions that worries modern fashionistas: should the color of the nail polish on the fingers and toes match?

A little about varnish color

The choice of nail polish color depends not only on desire and imagination, but also on clothing style, as well as other circumstances. If you are going to work or a business meeting, your nails should be calm beige, peach or pinkish shades.

It is not necessary that they be completely identical in color, but they should be similar to each other in contrast. For example, on your hands there may be clear varnish or French manicure, and the pedicure can be of any neutral shade.

If you like bright multi-colored nails in your normal everyday life, then why not?! The same color of varnish on the nails of the hands and feet is the same relics of the past, like a bag that matches the shoes. So don't be afraid to look ridiculous.

In order to look stylish you need to remember important rule- the color of the nail polish on your feet should be several tones darker than on your hands. Otherwise, it will look like bad manners. If you have chosen a warm color scheme for your pedicure, then, for example, green or blue polish on your hands will look too bright.

Classics of the genre

The same color for manicure and pedicure was very fashionable a couple of years ago. This can be seen by looking at recordings of fashion shows or leafing through the covers of glossy magazines of those years. Today, on the legs, it is better to place emphasis on red, cherry, dark brown and purple flowers. It is not only fashionable and relevant, but also very beautiful. In this combination, a lighter manicure will look natural. In addition, manicures and pedicures of different colors are more convenient. After all, the polish on your hands lasts much less than on your feet, and the manicure has to be adjusted and repainted more often.

Various patterns on nails are also trending now. Every girl can be creative and become an artist for a few minutes by drawing an interesting pattern. Ombre, caviar, Hollywood and leopard manicure and pedicure are in fashion. It is better if the pattern is only on the arms or only on the legs. You can also get a manicure with a pattern, and on your feet repeat the same pattern on only one or two fingers, while painting the rest of your nails with a single-color base polish.

Read also:

How to do your own pedicure at home?
Detailed instructions and video tutorial for pedicure!

How many nuances does a woman need to take into account to look stylish? Not only should manicure and pedicure be present as a fact, but you also need to think about how they fit your appearance, match your clothes for the near future and look great with lingerie or a swimsuit if you have to undress. Moreover, the color of the nail polish on the arms and legs should match each other. That's what we'll talk about.

The general principles of combining colors have not been canceled, so they will also be useful to us here. But it would be boring to consider the issue only from the point of view of color, so I saved a couple more ideas and tried to choose harmonious duets. I hope something is useful to you.

What principles should you use to select a duo of varnishes?

By Color

1. Same color for fingernails and toenails

The simplest but most boring option. But it cannot be denied that matching it to clothes is becoming easier. If you suddenly decide to make such a choice, then it is better to choose a fairly classic and popular color (red, fuchsia, coral, etc.) or something that looks very harmonious with the outfit. No all neon or gold.

2. One gamma

Two different shades of the same range are always harmonious and are also very easy to choose a suitable wardrobe. Shades may differ by 1 or several tones.

It is possible to have only pink on your hands and only lilac on your feet.

3. Complementary colors

Yellow and green, lime and purple, etc. Colors can be the same or different in saturation. Two delicate shades, two bright or one soft and the other rich.

4. Light + dark

Applies to both colors of the same scale and different colors. Black and white, beige and dark cherry, pale pink and mallow, etc.

5. Neutral + neutral

This includes all skin tones; accordingly, each skin color will have its own range of skin tones. The lighter the skin, the lighter the range of varnishes, and vice versa. Again, black and white. French can also be included here.

6. Neutral + any other color

Any neutral manicure goes well with other colors, be it pastel or bright polish. Gold and silver are also very versatile. They can be combined with any color.

7. Neon + soft or neutral color, gold or silver.

It’s better not to choose another neon shade to pair with neon. The risk of looking vulgar is too great, and in this case, each of the neon varnishes loses its effectiveness at the expense of the other. If neon is present interspersed in complex manicure, it can be chosen as the main color of the pedicure.

8. Multi-color manicure/pedicure + one of its colors or neutral

If, for example, you have a multi-color creative manicure, choose one of the colors present in it and repeat it in the pedicure. Also, a colorful manicure/pedicure can be paired with neutral colors.

By Texture

There are a lot of options here, since there are now so many varieties of varnishes with different textures on sale, from classic glossy to craquelure and liquid sand. The main thing is either the texture is different or the same.

1. Glossy + matte

2. Glitter + matte/glossy

3. Metal + matte/glossy

4. Volume + smooth

4. Same texture, etc.

Same textures don't always work well together. Classic options as glossy ones go together perfectly, but two types of liquid sand or two matte ones are not the best combination. It’s definitely better not to do craquelure for manicure and pedicure at the same time, but two types of metallics or glitter can exist in a duet if there is a common organic image.

By Design

If you have a very rich design on your fingernails, then it is better to make the pedicure calm, without unnecessary bells and whistles. As with textures, it’s easy to get the effect of too much. For a couple, a manicure with a design will suit either one of the shades present in it, or a neutral one. If the nail design is made in neutral colors, then any single-color option, bright, light or neutral, is suitable for a pair. Sometimes paired with an elegant design, a minimalist style, a graphic option, looks good.

On the topic

Very often, a manicure is created for a specific look for one evening or to maintain a certain style for a longer period. How extravagant your experiment is is up to you. Maybe you just want to bring only a veiled idea into the image, or create a themed manicure.

The more complex the idea, the more difficult it is to combine manicure/pedicure with other elements of the image. A creative manicure looks best with a plain or minimalist pedicure.

Cold and hot

An unobtrusive option for combining cold and warm shades, gray with peach, gold and silver, etc.


Pearl shine, unusual colors, low tide can create a magnetic effect. Such polishes are very effective with outfits in the minimalist style with futuristic accessories.

Everything that is stated as a manicure can be used in a pedicure, and vice versa.

Tell us whether you like monochromatic polishes or creative solutions. How do you combine manicure and pedicure polish? Write about your favorite colors and designs.

We have said more than once that the image of a woman lies in the details. Throughout their lives, ladies spend a lot of time taking care of themselves. Sometimes the procedures bring ladies joy and pleasure, and sometimes they bring trouble. To ensure that self-care brings only pleasant moments, you should not put off beauty until tomorrow. It becomes very important for a woman to toenail care, which is what we want to talk about.

Manicure and pedicure are procedures that every woman should perform. Of course, you can spend time in the salon if you have the money for it, but this is not enough. If you really want to have strong, healthy and beautiful nails, then they must understand how correctly the procedures are performed.

The frequency of pedicures is 1-2 times a month. The procedure begins with a preliminary stage in which the legs are processed and prepared for the procedure. This is what it looks like:

  • The basin is filled with warm water and soap. If desired, you can add lemon juice (it helps whiten the skin), fresh or dry mint leaves (has a deodorizing effect) or olive oil.
  • The legs are steamed for 10-15 minutes.
  • Using a scrub or penza, the skin is cleansed. Heels and soles are thoroughly rubbed with pumice. All rubbing should be done in a circular motion.
  • After the dead, rough skin cells are removed from the feet, the feet are rinsed with clean, cool water.

After completing the preparatory stage, the pedicure procedure itself begins.

  • Using a special manicure spatula, carefully push the cuticle away from the nail. This will allow the nail plate to “breathe”.
  • Use other manicure tools to give your nails the desired shape. Pay attention to the nail on thumb– it is cut exclusively in a straight line. If you deviate from this rule, the risk of painful ingrown toenails increases.
  • Move on to painting your nails.

The procedure will become more effective and enjoyable if you listen to the following useful tips:

  • After taking a foot bath and softening your feet, dry your feet with a soft towel and apply nourishing cream.
  • File your toenails in one direction, avoiding curves and curves.
  • After the feet and toes are lubricated with cream, have a short massage session. A softening effect can be obtained by using a small amount of lemon or orange juice with olive or other vegetable oil.
  • If the shape of your toenails is not attractive, do not focus attention on them by applying bright polish. The best option will use colorless varnish or gel.
  • Use an orange stick to push back the cuticle.
  • Don't forget to use a cuticle softener.

Painting your toenails is an art, and no less so than carrying out a similar procedure on your fingernails. And there are secrets here:

  • Using a polishing pad, polish your nails - this will allow you to apply the varnish in an even layer.
  • Gently coat your nail plates with base coat. Let your nails dry. This action will straighten and protect the nails and increase the period of wearing the pedicure.
  • Taking a bottle of varnish, shake it.
  • Cover the nail plates with varnish. Apply to the brush the amount of varnish that is necessary to cover one nail. Paint your nails from the middle to the tip and vice versa. Then carefully blend the varnish with the left and right sides. Wait until the varnish dries.
  • Just as you applied the first coat of polish, apply a second coat to your nail. Give the varnish a chance to dry.
  • Cover your nails with a layer of topcoat varnish.

Basic rules for caring for toenails

Good condition of toenails is preceded by compliance with the rules of foot care. Take note of them and don’t forget to follow them!

  • Trim your toenails promptly. Before starting the procedure, do not forget to take a steaming foot bath and massage your feet and toes.
  • Make sure to always keep your nails in dry, clean, and soft shoes. Of course, shoes should be tight. Otherwise, you provoke the development of fungal diseases, which we will talk about a little later.
  • Wash your feet daily, morning and evening.
  • Wear socks from cotton fabric and change them every day.
  • If necessary, use foot deodorant or refreshing cream. It would also be useful to use special herbal foot baths.
  • Disinfect your pedicure tools every time you use them.

Fungal nail infections, which, unfortunately, are very common, will help reduce everything to nothing. Let's try to understand the causes of their occurrence and methods of treatment.

To be fair, we note that on average, 50-70% of people have fungal cells on their skin on their feet, which in turn are the ancestor of numerous fungal colonies. However, fortunately, many people are saved by strong immunity and the protective function of the skin. In other people, the fungus independently penetrates the nails and settles there.

The most common fungal nail disease is onychomycosis.. This is a very contagious disease that develops on keratinized epithelium. Onychomycosis often develops against the background of common diseases such as: varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, swelling in the legs, thrombophlebitis, vitamin deficiency. Fungal spores and cells can be stored in cracked floors, for example in rooms such as baths, saunas, sports pools, hotels and even beaches.

The development of mycosis of the nails and skin of the nails is accompanied by the following factors:

  • Professionally caused need to wear plastic or rubber shoes all day long
  • External factors that reduce the body’s immunity: the use of antibiotics, background radiation, etc.
  • Established habit of wearing airtight sports shoes
  • Poor hygiene (washing feet, cutting nails, etc.)
  • Using someone else's shoes
  • Excessive foot washing deprives the skin of its protective properties, which provokes the development of the disease.

The presence of onychomycosis is indicated by:

  • Skin rashes
  • Peeling skin or cracks between the third and fourth toes
  • Changed color or structure of nails
  • Rough or thickened skin on the sides of the heels or feet
  • Itching and bad smell legs

How to get rid of mycosis of nails?

To give an absolutely accurate and correct answer, you need to consult a doctor who will determine the extent of the disease and select the necessary treatment.

If you managed to notice the development of a fungal infection at an early stage, you can buy an antifungal cream: travogen, batrafen, exoderil and other external agents that contain terbinafine.

To treat fungal nail infections, there are special varnishes, such as batrafen. This varnish should be applied to the nail plates every time after taking a foot bath, trimming the nails, filing them or cleaning them. In the first month, the varnish is applied every other day, then twice a week. Also, do not forget to remove any remaining varnish with a special liquid once a week.

Surely you have already encountered this problem, because the quality of shoes leaves much to be desired and even the most comfortable ones at first glance bring troubles that you won’t immediately notice.

You can use traditional home remedies to treat the problem of ingrown toenail. It is recommended to do the procedure itself at night.

  • Prepare vinegar, glycerin and iodine. After pouring hot water into a basin, soften the skin of your feet and nails. Dry your feet.
  • Treat the problem nail. Gently push back the cuticle and place a little under the nail butter. Treat the nail plate with a mixture of iodine, glycerin and vinegar (the mixture is prepared in equal proportions) with the addition of two parts of water. Leave the nail overnight.

This procedure should be carried out every day.

It should be noted that soaring feet is strictly prohibited for pregnant women and people with diabetes.

Toe nail extensions

Undoubtedly, if you want to have beautiful, even nails (which, unfortunately, nature did not endow you with), you can try the procedure of toenail extensions. You can do this service either yourself or in a salon. It should be noted that in the salon this service is seasonal, and toenail adjustments are carried out 1-2 times during the entire season.

If you have uneven nails, toenail extensions are a must. If you choose acrylic extensions, the material will force the nail to grow in the desired direction, pulling it down. Acrylic extensions also help get rid of the problem of ingrown toenails.

Taking care of your toenails is essential. Beautiful, well-groomed toenails are not only a sign of beauty, but also a sign of health!