The birth of a child is a great sacrament given to humanity by nature, and is the most striking event that can happen in a woman’s life. The whole family eagerly and tremblingly awaits the moment of the appearance of a new little person and wonders: who will it be, a boy or a girl, whose eyes and nose will he have, dad’s or mom’s?

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of finding out the sex of a child in the mother's womb in advance. It was once of great economic importance. The girl was a burden to the family; it was necessary to collect a dowry for her in order to marry her off successfully; boys - future workers and breadwinners - were more desirable.

Today in families there is no urgent need to know the sex of the child in advance; we love the long-awaited baby in any version. And yet, all parents want to psychologically prepare for the thought of a future child, choose a good name, think through the design of the children's room, buy appropriate clothes (blue or pink), a stroller, and so on.

Advances in modern medicine make it possible to find out gender from about the sixth week of pregnancy. With a high percentage of probability, the determination is made using the latest medical equipment - ultrasound. However, many do not really trust such methods, and some are prejudiced towards the technique - they do not want to expose themselves and the fetus to even a small dose of radiation.

And it happens that an ultrasound cannot see sexual characteristics, since at this moment the fetus lies in the mother’s stomach in such a way that the intimate organs are closed from view, and often going for an ultrasound is indeed unsafe.

That’s when a variety of scientific, pseudo-scientific methods and folk signs come to the rescue, which make it possible to find out with a high degree of probability what the gender of the unborn baby will be.

Scientific and pseudo-scientific methods

The question of the future child has been of concern to geneticists around the world for a long time. Of course, first of all, specialists are interested in determining the baby’s health status, the presence of severe congenital diseases, etc. But as often happens, in the course of research, science solves parallel problems, one of which is to determine the sex of an unborn child.

Thus, in Britain, studies were carried out on 900 families to determine the number of boys and girls born in their family tree over 400 years. Scientists concluded that men, among whose ancestors more boys were born, the likelihood of having a representative of the stronger sex in the family increased. The study showed the presence of Y chromosomes in greater numbers than X chromosomes. As you know, the Y chromosome is responsible for the birth of boys. Scientists could not answer the question of why these men produce more of these chromosomes.

Scientific methods that can be used to determine the sex of a child before birth include the following:

  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound). It is better to start from 12-14 weeks. The greatest likelihood is given by a study at 22-24 weeks of pregnancy.
  • DNA test. The study is carried out by analyzing the blood of a pregnant woman, starting from the seventh week, the probability is 95-96%. The presence of a Y chromosome in the fetal blood, which forms part of the mother's blood, indicates the presence of a boy.
  • Gender test using mother's urine. Confidence after the eighth week of pregnancy is 90%. The test is similar to diagnosing pregnancy. The strip with the reagent is painted in different colors depending on the gender.

This is interesting: scientists have discovered a relationship between the climate of the parents’ place of residence and the gender of the unborn child. It has been noticed that in countries with hot climatic conditions, more girls, and the closer to the north, the higher the chance of getting a boy.

One of the pseudo-scientific methods is an ancient Chinese folk sign that allows you to obtain information about the gender of the unborn child, as well as plan a pregnancy. Long-term observations formed the basis of a table that can be used to find out gender depending on the date of conception and the age of the mother, where “+” is male and “-” is female.

Find out the gender of the baby using folk signs

Popular predictions about the gender of the unborn baby often seem strange to us and have no explanation from a scientific point of view, although some of them are already confirmed by official medicine today. And for many hundreds of years, mothers, fathers, grandparents continue to use methods of determining the sex of a child before birth by folk signs.

All folk predictions can be divided into several subgroups. By the greatest coincidence of certain characteristics, you can find out the sex of the baby.

By mom's appearance

The main indicator is the appearance of the pregnant lady’s belly. If the belly is sharp, a boy will be born; a rounded belly indicates a girl.

  • Another sign based on the belly: a low belly is a boy, a high belly is a girl.
  • If during childbirth a woman turns ugly: her complexion has deteriorated, her nose has become large, pimples have appeared, they say that the daughter takes away the mother’s beauty. By the way, this sign also has scientific confirmation: the daughter takes away female hormones, as a result of which the mother’s appearance worsens.
  • During pregnancy, you need to look at a woman’s hands: dry and cracked ones indicate a boy, soft ones indicate a girl.
  • Gracefulness during pregnancy speaks of a son, clumsiness of gait speaks of a daughter.

How you feel

  • Severe toxicosis will indicate that the woman is expecting a boy, while good health will indicate that she is expecting a girl.
  • Periodic occurrence of fever indicates a boy, chills indicate a girl.
  • If a mother’s legs are swollen, we should expect the appearance of a son; if her legs are fine, there will be a daughter.
  • Irritability during pregnancy indicates a girl, good mood indicates a male child.

In relation to food

  • A woman pregnant with a boy is more than one who is expecting a girl.
  • If a woman has a hump, then she will give birth to a boy, if she has a “myakushka,” then she will have a girl.
  • A passion for salty and spicy foods indicates a boy, a desire to eat sweets indicates a girl.

Unusual signs

Here is one way to find out the gender of the child. According to the sign, it is necessary to compare two numbers: maternal age and the year of conception of the unborn baby. If the odd or even number matches, expect a girl; otherwise, a small man.

  • A woman pregnant with a boy sleeps on her left side, and with a girl on her right.
  • Take the pregnant woman's wedding ring and thread a thread through it. Hang the ring over the belly of a lying woman and observe: if the ring moves in circles, a girl will be born; if the ring sways from side to side, it is more likely to be a boy.
  • Ask a woman to show you her hands: if she holds them out with her palms up, expect a girl; upside-down palms indicate a boy.

Human curiosity - great power. Despite the fact that folk signs often do not have a scientific interpretation, many of them are empirically confirmed, and therefore they can be considered as a treasury of knowledge of wise people.

People are curious creatures. And what could be more interesting than determining the sex of a child even before he is born? Obviously, these days, thanks to the presence of ultrasound, it is much easier to find out who is preparing to enter this world than even some 35 years ago.

However, there are cases when ultrasound is not possible for medical reasons. In such a situation, you can resort to traditional methods of determining the sex of the unborn child.

All folk methods are divided into several main groups, which are trustworthy to varying degrees.

The shape of the abdomen and the baby's behavior
1. A pointed shape of the abdomen predicts the birth of a boy, a rounded shape predicts the birth of a girl.
2. The stomach protrudes sharply to the right - a boy, to the left - a girl.
Modern obstetricians are very skeptical about these signs, citing the fact that the shape of a pregnant woman’s abdomen is determined by individual anatomical and physiological characteristics expectant mother, and not the gender of the unborn child. Well, maybe so. It’s just well known that village midwives have always been able to accurately determine the sex of a child by the mother’s belly. 3. Boys and girls move their stomachs a little differently. If a baby hits his mother’s liver, it’s a girl, and if he tries to hit his mother’s bladder, it’s a boy.

Well-being and appearance of a pregnant woman
1. Severe toxicosis indicates a boy. This sign is reliable, because it has a real physiological basis - it is more difficult to bear a creature of the opposite sex.
2. In addition to toxicosis itself, a good diagnostic sign is the tendency of a pregnant woman to consume certain foods. Foods that help relieve nausea are especially important. So sons force mothers to eat sour, salty and meat. But the daughters behave like real sweet tooths, pushing their mothers towards buns and sweet fruits. The appetite of the expectant mother also matters. The boys’ parents want to eat much more, even though they suffer from severe toxicosis.
3. A woman experiences chills - a girl, attacks of suffocating heat - a boy.
4. A sharp increase in the amount of hair on a woman’s legs indicates the presence of a boy in her womb. It is also worth paying attention to the temperature of a woman’s feet: constantly cold feet indicate a boy.
5. Nipple areolas are light - a boy, dark - a girl.
6. The woman became ugly from the very beginning of pregnancy - a girl, became prettier - a boy. It has been established that facial swelling in mothers of girls and the occurrence age spots due to a decrease in the amount of sex hormones that the baby needs.

Time of conception
In this case, we mean the time of sexual intercourse, which, according to the calculations of the future parents, should have led to pregnancy.
If sexual intercourse took place on the day of ovulation, then a boy will be born, but if it took place a few days before ovulation, then a girl will be born. The thing is that sperm, which carry male genes, are more active than “female” cells, and therefore penetrate the egg first. But they live less, and if they have to wait several days for ovulation, they die.

The first three groups comprise methods that have certain medical justifications and are therefore trustworthy. The following methods are methods “out of desperation”: you want to find out the sex of the child, but how?

Behavior of the expectant mother
1. A woman hides her pregnancy for a long time – it’s a girl; she shows off her belly – it’s a boy.
2. A woman will experience an irresistible desire to sleep on her left side with her head to the north - boy.
3. The expectant mother is very irritated by the men around her - a girl.
4. Good mood throughout the pregnancy - a boy, bad - a girl.
Obviously, such signs depend more on the character of the woman herself, her marital status and living conditions during pregnancy, rather than on the gender of the developing fetus.

Determining the sex of a child by father
The folk sages did not forget to pay attention to those responsible for the interesting situation of women.
1. The child’s father is bald – a boy. It's interesting that this method, in fact, is confirmed by statistical data: bald men have sons one and a half times more often.
2. Fathers of daughters have greater masculine strength and more often fulfill their marital duty. Perhaps the following sign is associated with the male power of fathers.
3. A man wears tight underwear - a boy, loose - a girl (it is well known that tight underwear harms male potency). Pendulum method

The pendulum method stands somewhat apart from all the methods described above. The essence of this method is that you need to take any plumb line, for example, a ring without a stone, tied to a cotton thread, and hold the plumb line over the belly of a pregnant woman. If the ring starts to swing from side to side, it’s a boy; if it starts to move in circles, it’s a girl. Despite all its fabulousness, this method quite often gives the correct answer.

Today, parents, already 4 months pregnant, can find out what the gender of their unborn child will be. Just a few decades ago, medicine could not boast of such technologies as it does now. However, expectant mothers always wanted to know in advance and prepare for the arrival of a boy or girl. Our ancestors knew how to determine the sex of a child by signs during pregnancy. These superstitions were carefully passed down from generation to generation. Their veracity has been tested for centuries.

Our great-grandmothers believed in the superstition that chills in early pregnancy indicate a future girl, and bouts of fever mean there will be a boy.

Is this knowledge necessary in the modern world?

The sex of the child is determined during pregnancy using ultrasound. Today, happy future parents can not only be given the first photo of a little person, but also be shown on a monitor screen the baby in real time in the womb. But even modern medicine is powerless in some situations.

Sometimes the baby’s body is positioned in such a way that it is impossible to see the genitals. Doctors, in such cases, shrug their shoulders and say that the child does not want to “reveal his secrets” before meeting his parents. Then there is only one way left, to turn to the origins and determine gender according to folk signs.

If the expectant mother feels the first movement of the baby on the left side of her abdomen, then a girl will be born. If the baby moves on the right side, then a boy will be born.

Each pregnancy for the same woman can proceed differently. Quite strong changes occur in the body and appearance, which are noticeable not only to the expectant mother herself, but also to those around her. There are several common ways to find out the gender of an embryo by the condition and appearance of a woman:

  1. According to the shape of a pregnant woman's belly. If the tummy “looks” to the right and has a pointed shape, there will be a boy; if it points to the left and has a round shape, it will be a girl.
  2. According to the form of toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is believed that the poor health of the expectant mother may be caused by “opposition between the sexes.” That is, a male child will cause more discomfort to a woman than to a female child.
  3. Fetal heartbeat and activity. Signs of determining the sex of a child say that little boys “toss and turn” and girls “kick.”
  4. Weight gain and a woman's diet. If mommy eats actively and gains weight, she will be a hero. If a pregnant woman eats little and stays at the weight recommended by the doctor, you can prepare for the birth of a beautiful lady. It is also believed that pregnant women carrying a female fetus under their hearts cannot deny themselves sweets and baked goods.

If a married couple dreams of having a daughter, they should start preparing for this event a month before conception. It is recommended to consume more foods containing magnesium. Avoid eating bananas, eating dairy products and eating fish.

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They also say that if a wife loves her husband more than he loves her, then she will give birth to a girl, if on the contrary, she will give birth to a boy.

It is these products, according to scientific research, that contribute to the formation feminine. You should avoid meat or reduce its consumption to a minimum.

Simple formula

Not long ago, a formula was developed that allows you to “order” a son or daughter even before conception. To do this, you need to divide the number of full months of the future dad lived by 16 and multiply the resulting number by 4. Then divide the number of full months of the future mother by 9 and multiply the result by 3. Whose indicator is higher than that gender and the child will be conceived.

A woman's menstrual cycle plays a big role during conception. If parents are pregnant with their son, the period of ovulation, that is, the middle of the cycle, will be considered favorable. To have a daughter, conception should be planned before or after ovulation.

The more often young people have sex, the more likely it is that a girl will be conceived.

Superstitions that allow you to find out your gender identity

Some signs sound quite ridiculous in our time. Others have helped more than one modern couple find out the sex of the baby before he was born. For example, it was believed that if dad had a bald spot on his head or very sparse hair- a son will be born, and dads with thick hair on their body and head can safely prepare to braid their daughter’s hair. The truth of this popular belief still remains in question. But there are more real signs of pregnancy:

  • pay attention to the mother's hair, if it grows very intensively - it will be for the son;
  • severe swelling of the legs during pregnancy also predicts the appearance of a boy;
  • on early stages mothers who will nurse their son often complain of heat in their bodies, those who are expecting a daughter, on the contrary, always want to warm up;
  • a trail of hairs that appeared on the mother’s belly during pregnancy indicates that the birth of a son should be expected;
  • a mother expecting a son prefers to sleep on her left side;
  • The boy's fetal heart rate will be up to 140 beats per minute;
  • Invite the pregnant woman to eat a clove of garlic if the smell continues to haunt her longer than the baby’s usual delivery time;
  • a sharp change in the pregnant woman’s mood indicates that she needs to prepare for the birth of her daughter;
  • a pregnant woman prefers to eat crusts of bread for the birth of a boy, pulp for a girl;
  • if the mother’s palms are always wet and warm during pregnancy, it will be a girl, dry and cold, it will be a boy;
  • the sooner a second child is conceived after the birth of the first, the greater the likelihood that the children will be same-sex. Our grandmothers knew how to find out the sex of an embryo in the early stages of pregnancy. To do this, you had to take the young mother’s wedding ring, thread a thread through it and, holding your hands with your fingers, “hang” it over your tummy. If the ring begins to loosen, wait for the daughter to appear; for the son to rotate.

If a pregnant woman prefers to eat crusts of bread, it will be a boy, crumbs will be a girl.

If you can't wait to find out the gender of your baby, use several methods and signs at once. But don’t be upset if the ultrasound doesn’t show the baby’s gender. Do it yourself according to the signs. For parents, knowing the baby's gender before birth is not just an interest. When you can find out in advance what color baby vests and rompers to buy, it will be much easier to prepare for the birth of a new family member.

You can not only determine who will be born to a pregnant woman, but also plan in advance the gender of the new family member. Whether to use the ancient secrets that tell you how to find out the sex of a child is up to you. But even today there are parents who prefer that this remains a secret and a surprise until the baby first meets his parents.

Every expectant mother wants to know the sex of her child. Modern methods diagnostics make it possible to determine this with high accuracy. But as a rule, without special indications, ultrasound is not recommended to be performed earlier than the second trimester of pregnancy. But even at this time it is not always possible to determine who the parents are expecting - a daughter or a son. In this case, the mother may find folk signs of determining the sex of the child useful.

Having nothing to do with modern science, they often come true. How to accurately determine the gender of a child based on folk signs?

Signs for a boy Signs for a girl
Acute belly. The belly is round and spreads out at the sides.
The waist is preserved from the back and the belly is not noticeable. The waist has not been preserved.
In the first months of pregnancy. Strong in the first weeks after conception.
When it comes to food, the expectant mother prefers sour, salty dishes, as well as foods containing a lot of protein (meat, milk, cottage cheese, cheese). When it comes to food, a woman prefers sweets, pastries and fruits.
Unpronounced pigmentation of the areola around the nipples. The breasts have increased greatly, the nipples have noticeably darkened.
The woman became prettier during pregnancy. Pigmentation has appeared on the face, swelling of the nose is observed. In general, the expectant mother began to look worse and did not look as good as before pregnancy.
The palms have become drier than they were before pregnancy. The skin on my face became drier.
The baby's first noticeable movement is on the right. The baby's first noticeable movement is on the left.
A woman becomes clumsy during pregnancy. A woman remains graceful during pregnancy.
fetal rate less than 140 beats per minute. The fetal heart rate is 140 beats per minute or more.

How accurate is the result?

Folk signs do not allow one to accurately determine the gender of a child. The probability of a correct result is 50/50. That is, randomly guessing who will be born is not so difficult. Folk signs for determining the sex of a child for the most part do not have any scientific or medical basis.

For example, the shape of a pregnant woman’s belly does not depend at all on what gender of the baby the woman is expecting. It is determined by the anatomical features, position of the fetus, as well as the body mass index of the expectant mother at the time of conception.

The frequency of the baby's movements also in no way indicates its gender, but if the indicator differs from the norm in one direction or another, this may indicate. Of the listed signs, the most accurate is determining gender by the fetal heart rate, but this method is far from perfect.

It is possible to accurately predict who will be born only with the help of medical methods. Sometimes, to rule out some serious pathologies, the doctor may use certain methods to diagnose the sex of the baby in very early stages of pregnancy.

If there is no such need, then it is quite possible to use folk signs to determine the sex of the unborn child as fun and entertainment for the woman and her relatives. With a high probability it will become known who will be born - a boy or a girl, as a result.

What determines the sex of a child?

Many argue that the man is responsible for the sex of the child, and a woman cannot influence this process in any way. Some firmly believe that a certain diet and lifestyle of a mother can increase the likelihood of having a daughter or son. What actually determines the sex of a child?

The average number of sperm in one piece of semen is 100 million. Of these, half contain an X chromosome, half contain a Y. If the egg is fertilized by the X chromosome, there will be a girl, Y, a boy will be born. Thus, the sex of the unborn baby depends on which sperm merges with the egg. And this statement is indisputable.

But this process can be influenced by various factors, such as the lifestyle of future parents, their diet, sexual activity, characteristics of sexual intercourse and many others.

For example, in some families, babies of only one sex are born from generation to generation. This can be explained by a genetic feature, for example, the non-viability of sperm carrying the Y or X chromosome. In this case, only boys or only girls will be born. But this is not always the real reason.

The fact is that sperm containing the X and Y chromosomes react differently to their environment. If the woman's body into which they enter provides a permanent advantage for the Y chromosome, then the couple will continually produce male babies, or vice versa.

In the vagina, sperm enter an unfavorable environment for themselves - acidic. Only the most resilient or the fastest can survive. But even if a sperm with such properties reaches the goal, and the woman has not yet ovulated, it dies and conception does not occur, because their lifespan does not exceed 5 days.

It is a common claim that sperm containing the X chromosome move more slowly. But at the same time, they are more resistant to the conditions around them than their counterparts. It turns out that if sexual intercourse occurred several days before ovulation, and as a result of this, conception occurred, that is, conditions were created for the sperm when it is forced to wait for an egg ready for fertilization, a girl will be born.

But this simple statement, which seems to have an explanation, is not always true. Even under such conditions, sperm carrying the Y chromosome may well survive if the vagina and fallopian tubes of the expectant mother have a very favorable environment for them. This means that with a high probability, under such conditions, a boy can be born.

If everything were so clear in determining the factors influencing the sex of a child, then planning it would become a simple, everyday matter, accessible to everyone. Today, this can be done accurately only with the help of modern medical technologies.

In most cases, in the absence of serious medical indications, there is no objective need to know in advance whether a girl or a boy will be born. Then folk signs for determining the sex of a child are quite suitable as entertainment and a pleasant pastime. After all, even if they don’t work, nothing bad will happen. A long-awaited and beloved miracle will be born, and it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a boy or a girl.

Since folk signs do not have a scientific basis, their accuracy is very low. You shouldn’t trust them absolutely, but they still sometimes come true, which means they have a right to exist.

Useful video about whether it is possible to plan the gender of a child

Among our people, they begin to guess about who will be born in the family from the wedding. While the newlyweds are not even planning on having a baby, guests traditionally stuff their sliders with money. They throw it whenever possible. The sign is simple. Pink ones win - a girl will be born, blue ones - a boy will be born. Many people end up forgetting how true this sign comes true.

Well, speaking seriously, the opportunity to find out the gender of the child appeared to parents relatively recently. If the child is not hiding, then ultrasound diagnostics will determine the gender. Maybe even take a photo. Today it is possible not only to find out who was born, but even to get a 3D copy of a child who is still developing in the womb. This is what technology has come to. Such services have recently begun to be provided in Estonia.

Having learned about the gender of the unborn child, parents can choose a name in advance, prepare a room for the baby, make repairs and buy everything necessary. Friends and relatives have time to plan what color gifts to buy for christenings.

Meanwhile, grandmothers continue to guess about the heiress or heir in the old fashioned way. They determine the sex of the child by the gait alone or by the appearance of the pregnant woman. Many couples, although they do not believe omens, are willing to listen and later check the accuracy of what is said.

But skeptics categorically do not believe folk superstitions. In their opinion, there are still a limited number of options. It's hard to make a mistake. Meanwhile, doctors have their own “signs” for everything, confirmed by facts. Let's talk about the most common ones folk methods find out the gender of the unborn baby and see what explanations scientists have prepared in this regard.

Some parents want to keep the baby's gender a surprise. They deliberately ask the doctor not to tell them whether they should expect a boy or a beautiful daughter. But they still like to listen to the opinions of representatives of the older generation. Interest takes over common sense and medical facts.

Grandmothers don’t have to look at the expectant mother’s belly to determine who will be born. If you believe the signs, then a boy will grow in the belly with a slight deviation to the right, and if the belly points to the left, there will be a girl. Explanations for this people's point From our perspective there is only experience and a series of coincidences. While doctors have a different opinion - it is medically justified.

From a physiological point of view, the shape of the abdomen depends on the woman’s physique, on her pelvic size, as well as on the size of the fetus and its location. The shape will change depending on whether the baby's back is turned in one direction or another. While he is tossing and turning inside, the grandmothers are fantasizing. The same applies to signs of determining the sex of a newborn by the round or elongated shape of the tummy. For an expectant mother with a narrow pelvis, the baby is positioned more compactly. So the tummy turns out round. Be that as it may, this sign has justified itself for many.

Method 2: If toxicosis bothers you, it will be born...

There is a folk superstition, based on which girls, even in the womb, are in solidarity with their mother and will not cause her any unpleasant sensations. Therefore, women pregnant with daughters do not suffer from toxicosis as much as mothers of sons. In practice, toxicosis can equally bother all pregnant women. It turns out that the story of the “battle of the sexes” is akin to a folk legend.

Scientists are still studying the nature of toxicosis. They accurately state what provokes discomfort during the first trimester, the level of the hormone estrogen and progesterone. The higher it is, the more pronounced the toxicosis. This has nothing to do with who is growing in the tummy - a son or a daughter.

Method 3: Behavior and heartbeat

If your grandmother wants to know who your baby is, she will ask how often and how hard the baby pushes. Another popular and proven folk superstition says that boys are more active in their stomachs and push more often than girls. At the same time, they often kick the mother from the inside in the bladder area. The girls allegedly push around the liver and kidneys.

Doctors say that both boys and girls will push equally and behave actively if there are no developmental problems. The sensations of tremors in the area of ​​​​various internal organs depend on the location of the fetus and the activity of its movements. This so-called sign also affects the delivery of nutrients, as well as oxygen, to the fetus.

How diet and appetite affect sex determination

They say that if a mother eats well and eats a lot while on maternity leave, then a real hero grows in her tummy. It turns out that girls have been on diets since their mother’s womb and watch their figure. If you believe in omens, watch not only the pregnant woman’s appetite, but also her diet.

For fun, we advise expectant mothers to write down the menu and taste preferences that appeared during maternity leave. Our grandmothers noticed that the mother of her son often wants sauerkraut, pickles and more meat. While mothers who are carrying girls can hardly resist the temptation in the form of sweets, pastries, cakes and other confectionery products.

This sign is quite popular and has more than once predicted the gender of the child correctly. But here too there is scientific explanation. The body of a pregnant woman tends to replenish missing reserves. The expectant mother eats what he lacks. So, hypotensive mothers are drawn to salty and sour foods.

The body thus tries to retain water with the help of salt, which leads to increased pressure. If a pregnant woman is underweight or anemic, she will feel an irresistible desire to eat something meaty. Her diet will also include green and red vegetables. Mothers who work a lot mentally always want sweets to replenish their glucose reserves. So much for candy cravings.

Who or what really takes away mom's beauty?

You've probably noticed how often women become prettier when they're pregnant. While all relatives and friends appreciate the metamorphosis, people say that only those who bear boys become more beautiful during childbirth. Accordingly, the girls seem to take away their mother’s beauty. Pregnant daughters experience pigmentation, face swelling, pimples, peeling, and noticeable weight gain.

In fact, according to doctors, the mother’s appearance is related to the level of sex hormones that affect the body of a pregnant woman. Existing health problems also have an effect during pregnancy.

Other signs of determining the sex of a child

To believe or not to believe in folk signs, everyone decides for himself. But nevertheless, over time, the list of folk signs for determining the sex of the unborn baby becomes longer and longer. Most should be treated with humor. It turns out that the sex of the baby is determined not only by the mother, but also by the future father. And this can be done long before conception. Dad's underwear will help you figure this out! If a man wears loose underwear, a daughter will be born. Dads who prefer tight underwear will raise sons. Here are some more signs:

  1. Who loves whom more? If the mother is the father, then a girl will be born, if on the contrary, there will be a son.
  2. Does the expectant mother actively grow hair on her legs during pregnancy? A sure sign that she will soon be babysitting her son.
  3. Swelling on the legs of a pregnant woman also indicates the birth of a son.
  4. A boy will be born if the mother’s feet are very cold and even in the heat she puts on warm socks.
  5. A mother who is giving birth to a daughter often gets colds at the beginning of pregnancy. While pregnant women with a son are throwing a fever.
  6. Hairs suddenly appeared on my mother's growing belly for no reason at all? Get ready for the birth of your son.
  7. Bread is the head of everything, and also a predictor. A pregnant woman who eats the crumb will give birth to a boy. The crusts of bread are chosen by mothers of their sons.
  8. Sometimes it is enough to ask the pregnant woman to show her hand and pretend seriously, as if you are interested in palmistry. If the expectant mother shows her palm up, a daughter will be born. Palms down - son.
  9. Look how a pregnant woman sleeps. Future mothers of boys prefer to sleep on their left side.
  10. Does dad have little or no hair on his head? Let him prepare to celebrate the birth of his son. Fathers with hair on their heads will soon be practicing braiding their daughters' hair.

Fortune telling for son and daughter

You can not only observe the appearance, behavior and habits of parents to determine the sex of the child without the help of ultrasound. For fans of fortune telling, we offer a simple way to find out which name should be chosen - male or female. For this you will need a ring and a long thread. Thread the thread through the ring and hold the makeshift necklace over the palm of the expectant mother. Watch the movement of the ring. If it moves in a straight line, a boy will be born; if it moves in a circle, a girl will be born.

Japanese grandmothers came up with another way. Calculate gender using father's and mother's ages. You can check how it works on yourself or your loved ones right now. Divide the numbers of your mother's age by three, and your father's by four. Compare the results. If dad's number is higher, then wait for an heir. If mom wins, soon another representative of the fair sex will appear in the house.

Video - information on how to find out the gender of the unborn child using signs