Glycerin moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

Canola (rapeseed) oil has a moisturizing and antioxidant effect, neutralizes free radicals that destroy skin cells, and slows down the aging process.
Urea is a natural moisture-retaining factor. Urea makes up 7% of the natural moisture-retaining factors of the stratum corneum of the skin; it is formed from sweat and during the processes of keratinization (splitting of agrinin). Depending on the concentration of urea, it has different effects: 1-3% - hydration (moistening), 5-10% - strong hydration, dissolution of scales, 5-20% - the effect of an auxiliary agent. Urea is used in cosmetic skin care due to its excellent moisturizing effect. External application of urea-containing products increases the moisture content in the stratum corneum for several hours. Urea is often used in combination with other moisturizers. If it is used as the only moisturizing element, then the concentration in the formula is usually 1-10%. Schrader's research has shown that a significant moisturizing effect of urea is achieved starting from a concentration of 3%, and the effect of dissolving scales occurs at a concentration of 10%.

Lactocomplex is the main active ingredient in Bioturm cosmetics. When producing an intense lactocomplex, the biowhey is fermented in fermentation tanks by special lactic acid bacteria. Bioserum fermented in this way can be used to make products designed to improve, maintain and restore the immune system of human skin and mucous membranes. Milk sugar is broken down, and due to the formation of lactic acid, the pH value decreases significantly. And the resulting intensive lactocomplex with its proteins, vitamins, amino acids and microelements in terms of pH balance optimally matches the natural acidic protective membrane of human skin. The use of Lactobacillus acidophilus for fermentation is particularly suitable for skin care products due to its special affinity for human skin. The natural environment of the skin and its biological defense mechanisms are optimally supported. 60% of the natural moisture-retaining factors of human skin consist of lactates, proteins, trace elements and amino acids, which can also be found in the serum complex. Therefore, products containing an intense lactocomplex have a natural lactic acid environment, which is close to human skin.

Hydrogenated sunflower oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin, has a regenerating effect.

Oryzanol is an oil extract from rice bran. Stimulates the formation of new cells, promotes skin regeneration, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin and hair, has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effects, regulates the level of moisture in the skin and hair.

Description of ingredients:

Has a moisturizing effect and makes the skin smooth.
Fragrance-free and suitable for sensitive skin.


Aqua, glycerin, canola oil*, urea, lactocomplex*, squalane, alcohol, cetearyl alcohol, glyceryl stearate, hydrogenated sunflower oil, glyceryl stearate citrate, polyglyceryl-3 stearate, glyceryl caprylate, xanthan gum, oryzanol
* from raw materials obtained under controlled, highly clean conditions. Does not contain dyes, preservatives, PEGs, or paraffin oils.

Directions for use:

Apply daily as needed clean skin faces.

Manufacturers of cosmetics have long noticed the active effect of urea on the skin and its amazing effect. Adding this component to creams for the face, hands and feet has become commonplace and no longer raises strange doubts. Urea, or carbamide, has a main and important advantage - the ability to intensively moisturize the skin. Foot creams with urea are especially popular to achieve the effect.

Useful properties of urea

The positive properties of urea have become scientifically proven relatively recently. But it was the therapeutic effect of urea that made it possible to begin using the substance in cosmetology in the production of care products. Urea is considered an important component of the epidermis, capable of retaining moisture in the body and minimizing its loss.

In addition, the main properties of urea are:

  • protecting the skin from negative factors;
  • exfoliation of keratinized particles of the epidermis by softening its layers;
  • establishing the regeneration process;
  • calming effect, reducing redness and irritation on the skin;
  • the ability to enhance the effect of other active components contained in the cosmetic product.

The molecular structure of urea determines its ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, providing a rapid therapeutic effect. Molecules from inside remove excess liquid and toxic substances. The skin becomes healthy and beautiful.

The effectiveness of foot cream with urea

If the skin of the feet suffers from a lack of urea, then its covers become dry. Peeling and cracks appear on them, bringing only discomfort. Similar sensations and symptoms are familiar to those who strive for the beauty and softness of their heels.

  • moisturizing dry and dehydrated areas of the feet;
  • relieving itching and irritation;
  • healing and;
  • softening and hardened areas;
  • renewal of the upper layer of skin;
  • relaxation in the legs.

The optimal amount of urea in cosmetics is up to 10%. If the label indicates a value exceeding the indicated figures, then you should think about purchasing this cosmetic product. A high concentration of urea in the cream can cause allergic reactions.

The main indications for the use of urea-based heel cream are cracks caused by dry skin and corns. In dermatology, cosmetics containing urea are used to treat fungal infections, psoriasis and eczema.

Thanks to active nutrition, urea-based cream moisturizes and... The feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs is eliminated. The cream helps the skin fight the signs of age.

How to use the cream

To achieve the maximum effect from using urea foot cream, you must carefully prepare your feet before directly applying the product. To do this, steam the heels in a soap bath for 15 minutes. Instead of soap in hot water You can add a small amount of regular soda.

After the cleansing procedure, wipe your feet dry with a soft towel. The cream is applied with massaging movements until completely absorbed. The greatest attention should be paid to rough and damaged areas. The feet are wrapped in film for 2-3 hours so that the cream is deeply absorbed and begins its healing effect. After time, problem areas are treated with pumice.

The cream is used in the evening, once a day. The product should be used as needed until the final result is achieved.

Names of foot creams with urea: TOP-10

There are many before our eyes various tubes designed to care for the delicate skin of the heels. When giving preference to a particular product, you should carefully read the information on the label and pay attention to the presence of urea in the composition.

The most popular urea-based heel creams are:


The fairly generous composition of the restoring cream allows you to change the appearance of your heels in the shortest possible time. Thanks to the content of several types of keratin, cracks heal quickly, and dry calluses disappear within a few days.

The cost of the cream is about 350 rubles.


Long-known Siberian herbs actively nourish the skin of the feet, filling it with micronutrients and vitamins. Beeswax heals wounds, leaving the skin soft, and calendula relieves inflammation. Damaged areas are quickly restored, eliminating discomfort.

Approximate price – 180 rubles.


Systematic use of the cream will eliminate peeling and cracks on the skin. In addition, the product can relieve inflammation and soften the skin. Sage gives the cream a delicate aroma, and flaxseed oil gives it a silky texture and a healing effect on damaged areas. The lightness of the product ensures rapid absorption and absence of greasy marks or shine.

Estimated cost – 200 rubles.


The composition of the cream is natural, and the amount of active ingredient is 10%. The product has pronounced anti-inflammatory and healing properties. The regenerative effect is manifested at a deep level. The cream gives the skin softness and velvety, while eliminating corns and cracked heels.

The approximate cost of this care product ranges around 200 rubles.


The special formula of the care product contains not only highly effective substances, but also a vitamin complex that can restore and soften damaged skin. The cream is designed to combat dry calluses. Intensive elimination of the stratum corneum of the epidermis occurs in a short time. To completely solve the existing heel problem, it is recommended to use a complex of creams with urea from NEUTROGENA.

The average cost is 370 rubles.


The cream is designed specifically for people suffering from diabetes. A carefully calibrated formula allows you to smooth the skin and get rid of corns. The oils included in the cream nourish and soften rough areas. Long-term and systematic use of the product will heal cracked heels and moisturize dry skin.

Approximate price – 190 rubles.


The excellent combination of price and quality makes this cream affordable. The 10% urea content and a large amount of vitamins in the composition allow you to carefully care for damaged heel skin. Rough areas disappear due to the presence of lactic acid in the cream, which effectively removes keratinized particles. The moisturizing effect lasts a long time - as much as 24 hours.

The estimated cost ranges from 170 to 240 rubles.

SCHUTZCREME FUSSCREME für Diabetiker mit Urea und Hyaluron from PEDIBAEHR, Germany

The cream is intended for intensive nutrition of the skin of the feet, especially for diabetics. Maintaining an optimal moisture balance in tissues is ensured by the content hyaluronic acid. Oils make the skin velvety and pleasant to the touch, promote the healing of cracks. Active components reduce the likelihood of redness and bruising on the skin of the legs.

The cost is quite high - about 850 rubles.

GLATE 15% from GREPPMAYR, Germany

Foam cream is highly effective and has an excellent therapeutic effect. Heel remedy will quickly rid your feet of dry calluses and rough growths. A pleasant advantage of the cream is that there is no need to first cleanse the feet of keratinized particles. The result of use is similar to the feeling after the procedures performed in the salon.

This justifies the high cost of the product - at least 800 rubles.


In addition to its healing effect, the cream is used as a prophylaxis for fungal foot diseases. The content of 10% urea in the product promotes rapid recovery damaged tissues. Prevents the appearance unpleasant odor.

The approximate price of the cream is 120 rubles.

Making urea cream at home

The good thing about homemade foot cream is that you can include ingredients that have a certain healing effect or have an attractive aroma. The ingredients that make up the care product are common for those who have encountered soap making:

  • 3.0 g urea;
  • 60.0 g linden hydrolate;
  • 5.0 g almond oil;
  • 5.0 g emulsifier;
  • 5.0 g glycerin;
  • 3.0 g wax;
  • 2.0 g crystalline menthol;
  • lanolin;
  • preservative

First, melt in a water bath hard wax and lanolin, add almond oil. Afterwards, you can add any emulsifier and mix thoroughly. Add menthol to the mixture. At the same time as the first water bath, heat the glycerin, hydrolate and urea into the second.

After preparatory work both mixtures are poured into one container and mixed until smooth using a whisk or mixer. The final step is to add a preservative. The finished heel cream is placed in jars and tightly closed with lids.

To give the cream a special aroma, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. A successful addition would be fresh notes of scent.

Foot cream with urea is a salvation for many people with cracked heels and dry skin on their feet. Thanks to the urea content in cosmetics, it has become possible to have beautiful feet without resorting to expensive salon procedures.

You can leave your review of foot cream with urea in the comments below the article.

Recently, face creams with urea have been gaining popularity, although previously their main component was associated by all people with something extremely irritating and unpleasantly smelling. Urea is a component of many liquids necessary for the existence of the human body, and is also becoming increasingly widespread in cosmetic products.

Why is urea needed?

This organic compound has been known to people since the 19th century, but much later people decided to try making a cream with urea. The benefits for the skin are really great for products whose main component is urea. Since ancient times, this compound has been presented to people in the form of white crystals, odorless, but reminiscent in appearance of coarse salt. By studying the role of urea in the human body, scientists were able to make many discoveries.

As it turned out, this component is found even in skin tissue and makes up as much as 7% of the secretion secreted by the skin to protect against the environment. In this case, urea helps to capture water molecules and retain them in the body. In addition, it affects amino acids, as well as polypeptides of the skin, in order to bind more water into molecular chains.

Application in cosmetics

Face creams with urea are obtained from a synthetic compound of urea (ammonia + nitrogen dioxide). Cosmetologists use this component in liquid or solid form.

Carbamide (urea) is a component of moisturizers. As a rule, its share in cosmetics is only 1%. Urea can easily be found in shampoos, body creams, hair dyes, and so on. It is also included in toothpastes, lotions, and antiperspirants as an antiseptic and deodorizing agent.

Urea cream for the face is very easy to find in the pharmacy. After all, this component is also an excellent exfoliant that destroys the intercellular connections of dead skin cells and also promotes their exfoliation. The epidermis is freed from dead cells and restored much faster.

Value for doctors

Urea has found frequent use in various dermatological preparations. Absolutely every person felt the softness and tenderness of sweaty skin, which is facilitated by the combination of ammonia and nitrogen dioxide. It also softens the skin with psoriasis, eczema, diabetic dryness and other similar diseases.

In medicinal creams sold in pharmacies at reasonable prices, the concentration of urea can reach 40%, and its highest content (up to 50%) is included in the component composition of antifungal ointments.


Face creams with urea are, of course, very beneficial for the body, but they can cause harm to it. First of all, doctors say that such products should not be used on irritated or inflamed skin, as they will further aggravate the situation. It is also not recommended to use face creams with urea if you have acne or for oily skin types. And people who often suffer from allergies should definitely do an allergy test before use.

Rules of application

Most best effect from a cream containing urea will be obtained when applied to warm skin. It is recommended to use the product immediately after taking a shower or bath.

If there is a need to treat mycoses, then the cream should be applied with extreme caution and only to the affected area. It is worth knowing that the concentration of urea in this case is high, so you should not endanger undamaged areas of the epidermis, so as not to harm them even more.

Repeated studies have proven that urea is not a toxic element, but contact with the eyes and damaged skin should still be avoided.

If burning, severe redness or itching occurs after using the product, its use should be stopped immediately and consult a dermatologist as soon as possible. Each body perceives the component composition of cosmetic products in its own way, so the above problems can also arise in people who have not previously experienced them.

with urea for face and body

A moisturizing component suitable for almost all skin types, it is valued in many countries. Modern industries have been using urea for a long time or are just introducing it into their own products, due to which the popularity of the brand and the quality of goods increases significantly. The most the best creams According to customer reviews, the following products are currently recognized:

  1. Lierac Hydra-Chrono (about 1300 rubles). The cream perfectly moisturizes the skin, eliminates tightness and is guaranteed to maintain the right amount of fluid in the skin tissues. In addition to urea, it contains a plant complex, Japanese lily of the valley extract, and eichoria extract.
  2. CHRISTINA Elastin Collagen Placental Enzyme (about 1000 rubles). The product contains plant components, elastin and collagen. It is intended for combination and oily skin types, which is why it has a non-greasy concentration. The cream creates a good barrier that long and reliably protects the epithelium from all kinds of irritants.
  3. Eucerin Hyaluron-filler day cream for dry skin (about 2000 rubles). German-made cream can be purchased both at the pharmacy and in any specialized store. It is intended for the care of dry skin types after 30 years. One of the main components, in addition to urea, is one that allows other beneficial elements to penetrate the skin, moisturizing and nourishing it.

Lierac Hydra-Chrono: reviews

This product has been popular for a long time, so it has a lot of reviews. Buyers note the fact that after just a couple of uses, the skin becomes noticeably smooth and elastic. In addition, an equally important point, which is noted by absolutely all women who use the product, is the reliable hiding of wrinkles and the preservation of youth.

What people think about CHRISTINA Elastin Collagen Placental Enzyme

This face cream with urea has different reviews. Among the shortcomings, people note only inconvenient packaging, since when transporting the product in a bag, it can accidentally leak. Otherwise, buyers are satisfied: excellent value for money, providing a matte effect, maintaining the beauty and healthy appearance of the skin. Many young girls claim that they don't even have to use it very often. decorative cosmetics, since a cream with collagen and elastin can hide all imperfections.

Eucerin Hyaluron-filler day cream for dry skin: comments

Eucerin's modern product is a urea face cream that attracts the attention of women. After the first use, fine wrinkles are already hidden, and the skin becomes smoother.

People also note the possibility of using the product as a base for makeup, which other creams in this rating cannot boast of.

Urea is a natural compound that is produced in the human body and performs many important functions. First of all, it is necessary to maintain a sufficient level of moisture in the tissues. If for some reason there is a deficiency of urea, the skin dries out, becomes rough, and becomes covered with cracks. This problem is especially relevant for the skin of the legs. Dry feet become hard and crack, causing great discomfort when walking.

Beneficial properties of creams with urea

The main property of urea is active skin hydration. In addition, the substance has the following effect:

  1. Softens feet.
  2. Eliminates inflammation.
  3. Relieves pain and heaviness in the legs.
  4. Saturates the skin with beneficial substances (minerals, organic acids, vitamins).

Cosmetic creams containing urea are recommended for use for the following problems:

  • Roughness of the skin.
  • Peeling ().
  • Dry corns.
  • Dry calluses.

The choice of creams with urea is extremely diverse. The modern cosmetology market offers many products that, in addition to urea, contain extracts of medicinal plants, minerals, and oils beneficial to the skin. Such caring cosmetics not only moisturize the skin of the feet, but also promote tissue regeneration, stop the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, and relieve inflammation.

How does urea cream work?

The cream applied to the skin of the feet works as follows:

  • Intensely moisturizes the skin.
  • Saturates it with nutrients.
  • Relieves peeling.
  • Fights cracks.
  • Softens rough areas, dry calluses, corns.
  • Has a relaxing effect and relieves fatigue in the legs.

The best cosmetic foot creams containing urea

  • Doctor

This cream has a complex formula containing vegetable oils. Quickly improves the condition of the skin of the feet. Moisturizes and nourishes it, helps get rid of corns, heals cracks and wounds. To achieve good results, it is enough to treat your feet just once a day.

  • Evo with panthenol and urea

Cosmetologists recommend this cream primarily for problem skin heels It has a softening effect, eliminates calluses, and stops the development of fungal diseases. With regular use it disappears bad smell. The skin becomes soft and smooth. Use the product only once a day - either in the morning or at night.

  • Arabia

This super moisturizing cream was developed specifically for feet with very dry skin. It quickly helps cope with dry skin, softens the soles, and eliminates cracks and corns.

The natural oils included in its composition (avocado and coconut) have a calming effect, restore the elasticity of the skin, and heal damage. If you use the cream regularly, the condition of your feet will noticeably improve, and discomfort when walking will disappear. In addition, the product is quickly absorbed, which makes it very convenient to use.

  • Cream “Golden Section” with urea and olive oil

This cream is very beneficial for the skin thanks to the combination of urea and olive oil. Saturates the feet with nutrients, makes rough skin tender and soft.

  • Good pharmacist

Indications for the use of this product are: heel cracks, corns, dry calluses, drying out and roughening of the skin. The cream helps maintain the necessary level of moisture in the tissues, has a tonic effect, and relieves fatigue. Absorbs well and leaves no shine behind. In addition to urea, it also contains other substances beneficial to the skin - biotin, nut oil, camphor.

  • Belita “Softening” for dry calluses

This cream with urea (15%) is designed to eliminate dry calluses. It effectively softens rough skin, has a moisturizing effect, and prevents the re-formation of corns. Use the product regularly and your skin will become soft and smooth. The cream contains tea tree oil, which is considered one of the most effective natural antiseptics. It helps get rid of fungus, heals wounds and improves skin tone.

  • Natural help

This product with a high concentration of urea quickly improves the condition of rough, dry skin on the feet. Recommended for calluses, corns and cracked heels. This cream is suitable not only for feet; it can be used to treat rough areas on the knees and elbows.

  • Sophia

This urea cream contains a whole range of useful natural ingredients. It contains beeswax, chamomile, leech extract and other healing substances. To obtain the desired effect, it is enough to apply the cream once a day. It is better to do this at night, after steaming your feet in a hot bath and using a pumice stone.

  • Glatte

Glatte urea cream quickly heals cracked areas, softens the skin, and prevents the formation of corns. With regular use of Glatte cream, the soles of the feet become smooth and soft. Just a few applications are enough to achieve noticeable results. Recommended for diabetic foot syndrome.

  • Novosvit softening foot balm

This balm with urea (12%) is designed to daily care behind the feet. It intensively moisturizes dry skin, softens roughness, and helps solve the problem of corns and dry calluses.

  • Avon Foot Works

In addition to urea, this cream contains another active component - alpha hydroxy acid. Thanks to this composition, it softens dry and rough skin for a long time. One application provides a feeling of comfort for 24 hours.

There are few contraindications for creams containing urea. Caution should only be exercised by people with individual intolerance to cosmetic ingredients.

Features of using cosmetics with urea

To get the maximum benefit from the cream and achieve it as quickly as possible positive result, you need to use the product correctly. In order for the active components to penetrate deep into the skin, the legs must be steamed before the procedure. To do this, prepare hot baths with the addition of various components - medicinal herbs, salts, essential oils etc. It is also very important to regularly treat roughened areas of the sole with a file or pumice stone. All this will help enhance the softening effect of the urea cream. In addition, daily massage under warm water will be very useful. It is better to perform it in the evenings.

There are creams with a high concentration of urea. Caution should be exercised when using them. At first, such creams are applied daily. And when the condition of the feet improves, they switch to a preventive course (2 times a week).

Remember that foot skin care should be regular. Only in this case will your legs always be soft and smooth. Try to use creams that contain additional useful components. Then the effect on the skin will be comprehensive, it will be sufficiently moisturized and provided with nutrients.


Care cosmetics with urea are different at an affordable price and high efficiency. Cosmetologists recommend using it for the following problems: dry calluses, peeling, corns, cracks. Such products quickly improve the condition of problem skin on the legs, tone, relieve pain, fatigue and heaviness. Choose a high-quality composition, use it according to the instructions, and very soon you will appreciate the result.

Products containing urea can quickly restore rough skin on the feet. The active component is successfully used in creams to moisturize dry skin of the face, flaky hands and the whole body.

They have a wide range of useful actions.

Main properties:

Moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics with urea

Products containing urea usually have the following composition of components:

  • Urea- the second name for urea. An organic substance that can capture water molecules and hold them in the skin. Molecules small size carry the nutritional and healing elements of the product into the deep layers of the skin. Destroys intercellular connections and exfoliates dried skin cells.
  • Glycerol– an effective moisturizing ingredient. It has the property of active penetration into the epidermis. Accumulates and retains moisture, providing a quick moisturizing effect.
  • Sunflower oil– rich in vitamins and valuable substances. Nourishes the skin, improves elasticity. Antioxidant action prevents cell aging by stimulating the regeneration of new ones.
  • Collagen bases– when applied, they create a protective film on the skin that attracts moisture and prevents its evaporation. When broken down, it forms amino acids. Has a leveling effect.
  • Hyaluronate– organic compound. The hyaluronic acid molecule is capable of retaining an amount of moisture a thousand times greater than its weight. It is characterized by rejuvenating, smoothing and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Vegetable enzymes– a complex of enzymes that participate in the biological reactions of skin cells. They stimulate the acceleration of the metabolic process in the skin and trigger regeneration at the cellular level. Restore energy balance and protective mechanisms, transport and break down nutrients.

Softening creams with urea

They have a softening effect due to the complex action of substances:

Wound healing creams with urea

Cream with urea for feet has a wound-healing effect with the help of additional components:

Indications for use of a cream with a wound healing effect:

  • Designed for comprehensive daily care for damaged skin prone to dryness, flaking and frequent inflammation.
  • If necessary, preventive measures to protect against skin diseases in public places.
  • It has healing properties, prevents the occurrence of cracks and dry seals on the skin.
  • At daily use provides a softening effect.

Urea creams for the treatment of dermatitis

Urea is included in moisturizing creams that are used in the treatment of dermatitis.

The main components of this cream:

  • Lactic acid– an organic substance that can quickly and evenly exfoliate dead skin particles and relieve inflammation. Eliminates hyperpigmentation and rashes from the skin. Nourishes and carries other beneficial components deep into the skin.
  • Piroctone olamine– an effective ingredient that prevents the formation of keratinized particles. Has a powerful antifungal and antibacterial effect.
  • Zinc– added to the product in the form of a biologically active complex, which allows the substance to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. Has a protective, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Dexpanthenol– transforms into pantothenic acid upon contact with skin. Stimulates rapid cell regeneration after various skin injuries.
  • Hydrates– various natural moisturizers. For example, aloe extract, honey, propolis and others.

Use of products containing urea

For face

Moisturizers with urea are designed for problematic and sensitive skin prone to intolerance to various substances. Used when necessary to relieve irritation from the skin, protect from the influence of the external environment, and normalize the water balance of the skin.

Dermatologists advise using the cream daily in the morning and evening. You must first cleanse the skin and pat dry with a towel. When used on a regular basis, facial skin becomes lighter, smoother, and acquires an even, healthy tone. Elasticity improves, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, rashes disappear.

For the body

Used on dry body skin prone to flaking and inflammatory processes. Recommended for hyperkeratosis - a violation of the rate of cell division and desquamation. Prone to keratosis or psoriasis - pathological conditions of the skin, characterized by the appearance of dry lumps throughout the body.

Apply to dry areas of skin after performing hygiene procedures several times a day. Regular use will provide relief from flaky skin, soothe irritations, and deeply moisturize the skin of the entire body.

For feet

Urea-based creams are recommended for use on feet of any skin type. It will help remove peeling, soften rough areas, and remove calluses. The action is aimed at rapid healing of small cracks, getting rid of itching and unpleasant odor.

Apply every day 1-2 times, more frequent use is possible when a feeling of skin tightness occurs. As a result of use, the roughest areas of the skin of the feet become elastic, damage heals, and the surface of the skin of the feet becomes soft and fresh.

For hands

Should be used for hand skin that is exposed to harmful environmental factors. If itching occurs on the damaged surface of dry skin. Used daily several times a day as the feeling of skin tightness occurs.
Regular use restores and deeply nourishes the skin. Forms a protective coating on the surface of the skin.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of urea in cosmetics may have some contraindications and side effects.


Side effects:

  • When urea is concentrated in the product in large quantities, various negative reactions for the epidermis are possible. The optimal content of the substance is 10%.
  • A burning sensation may occur if the product is incompatible with sensitive skin.
  • A tingling sensation in the area where moisturizer is applied is a side effect. Indicates that cosmetic product not suitable for this skin type.
  • You should not continue to use urea cream if itching occurs at the application site.
  • Reddening of areas of the skin indicates the presence of allergic reaction to one of the components of the product.

Foot products with urea

Foot cream from Natura Siberica

Urea foot cream with sea buckthorn and natural extracts.

Main ingredients of the composition:

  • Pine bark extract.
  • Cedar extract.
  • Sea buckthorn oil.
  • Oxalis oil.
  • Shea butter.
  • Urea.
  • Tocopherol.
  • Sage oil.

Indicated for use for the purpose of intensively nourishing the skin of the feet on an ongoing basis. Organic substances have restorative and antiseptic effects.

Keeps skin soft. Approximate cost: 144 rubles.

Scholl Active Repair K+

Regenerating heel skin cream from Scholl.

Main components of the composition:

  • Keratin.
  • Urea.
  • Lanolin.
  • Dimethicone.
  • Paraffin.
  • Panthenol.
  • Decyloleate.

Suitable for daily care of dry and crack-prone skin. Heals damage to the skin of the feet and heels. Provides restoration of elasticity and deep hydration of the skin of the legs. Regenerates the growth of new cells. Approximate price: 376 rub.

With sage and flaxseed oil from Green Mama

Universal cream for any skin type from Green Mama.


  • Glycerol.
  • Mint extract.
  • Sesame oil.
  • Sage extract.
  • Flax oil.
  • Yarrow.
  • Urea.
  • Vitamin E.

Recommended use for a feeling of lightness in the legs, destruction of calluses and thickened areas of the foot. Has deodorizing, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. Promotes cell regeneration, accelerates wound healing. Approximate price: 144 rub.


The foot cream is created using urea and natural ingredients. Suitable for sensitive skin.

The main active ingredients of the product:

  • Olive oil.
  • Tea tree oil.
  • Tocopherol.
  • Urea.
  • Glycerol.
  • Celandine extract.
  • Extract from oak bark.

Eliminates sweat odor and relieves fatigue. Soothes inflammation and irritation of the skin. Approximate cost: 148 rub.

Neutrogena Heel Cream

Universal softening cream with natural nourishing ingredients.

Composition of the unique Norwegian formula:

  • Vitamin B5.
  • Allantoin.
  • Urea.
  • Panthenol.
  • Glycerol.
  • Bisabolol.

The main action is aimed at intensive softening and restoration of damage to the skin of the foot. Medicinal properties creams are represented by the ability to penetrate deep into the layers of the skin, filling and retaining moisture inside.

Rapid healing of cracked heel skin, restoring the flexibility of the skin. It has an immediate effect, the effect is noticeable from the first use. Approximate cost: 379 rub.


Urea foot cream Evo – balanced care for foot skin.

Natural complex of components:

  • Urea.
  • Olive oil.
  • Coconut oil.
  • Celandine extract.
  • Oak bark extract.
  • Sage extract.
  • Pine needle extract.

For daily softening of dry and damaged skin of the feet. It has nutritional properties and the ability to retain moisture. Removes irritation and abrasions, fights fungus, and prevents the appearance of sweat odor. Approximate price: 141 rub.

Diaderm Intensive

A quick-acting remedy that can eliminate calluses and corns.

Cream ingredients:

Designed to soften hard calluses and destroy coarse particles of the skin of the feet. Moisturizes and softens thickened skin. Stimulates cellular metabolism, renews the epithelium. Has a prolonged moisturizing effect. Approximate cost: 114 rubles.

Fusscreame Urea by Balea

Cream for daily foot skin care.

Main components:

  • Urea.
  • Panthenol.
  • Niacinamide (vitamin B3).
  • Glycerol.
  • Lanolin.

Used for foot skin with lack of moisture, flaky areas and damage. Provides deep hydration and filling with beneficial elements. Heals microcracks, eliminates uneven surface of the skin. Approximate cost: 168 rubles.


Everyday callus cream for feet with dry skin.

Main elements:

  • Urea.
  • Allantoin.
  • Coconut oil.
  • Avocado oil.
  • Glycerol.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Salicylic acid.
  • Menthol.

It has a prolonged moisturizing effect, prevents the occurrence of calluses and minor damage. Natural oils in the composition restore the softness of the skin. They launch cell regeneration processes. Approximate price: 740 rub.


Avon Alpha Hydroxy Acid Corn Cream.

Main substances:

  • Urea.
  • Aloe Barbados leaf juice.
  • Lactic acid.
  • Tocopherol.
  • Glycerol.
  • Peppermint oil.
  • Rice bran oil.

The complex action of the components is aimed at moisturizing dry, rough skin of the feet and returning a well-groomed appearance. Vitamins and biological substances stimulate cell renewal, smoothing the surface of the skin of the feet, adding elasticity and freshness.

Quick effect of soft feet without keratinized areas. Cost: 89 rub..


Daily moisturizing of rough skin on the feet and eliminating peeling.

Main ingredients of the cream:

Indicated for use on feet prone to hyperkeratosis. To restore damaged skin. Promotes deep hydration, rapid cell regeneration, softening rough areas of the foot. With regular use, the skin on your feet becomes soft, even and elastic. Estimated cost: 150 rub.

Good pharmacist

Urea foot cream with natural composition.

Main components:

  • Urea.
  • Glycerol.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Walnut oil.
  • Camphor.

For regular filling of the deep skin layers with moisture, maintaining a well-groomed appearance of the feet. Has a comprehensive softening effect on dry skin of the feet.

Prevents the appearance of corns, calluses and flaky particles. The skin of the feet takes on a fresh and renewed appearance. Approximate cost: 96 rub.

Among moisturizers for the skin of the hands, feet and the whole body, urea-based creams occupy a leading position.

The nutritional properties of urea in combination with beneficial substances can quickly return the skin to a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Video of foot creams with urea

Cream “Lekar” for feet with urea:

Foot cream Tinedol with urea for foot fungus: