Most likely, there is not a single person in the world who has not at least once encountered such a nuisance as stains from ballpoint pen in unnecessary places. So is there really effective way cope with this problem?

The answer is clear - way wash a ballpoint pen Yes, but you should take into account the characteristics of the material of the soiled item. Otherwise, the likelihood of not only getting rid of an unnecessary stain increases, but also irreversibly damaging the item.

How to wash paste off a handle from a leatherette sofa or a doll?

In families with small children, the problem of removing stains is especially acute. Children show their artistic talents wherever they can. But the most favorite place for children to create is sofas.

It often happens that a sofa or a kitchen corner ends up with writing written all over it with a pen. What to do when traces of a ballpoint pen appear on leatherette upholstery? There is one effective way wash off pen paste from a sofa or doll. It is necessary to rub the stained area with a slice of lemon, and after the lemon juice has dried, wipe the upholstery of the sofa with cotton wool soaked in lightly salted water.

Ink stains Clean leather items with salt: cover the stain with a thick layer of wet salt and leave it like that for two days. Then shake off the salt, wipe the area where the stain was with a damp sponge or cloth, apply turpentine and polish until shiny.

You should not experiment with alcohol, solvent and oil. Alcohol, of course, will remove stains from the handle, but it will also erase the paint of the upholstery. And the oil will leave greasy stains.

From plastic, for example, from a doll, a ballpoint pen can be easily washed with pharmaceutical alcohol.

It also happens that on linoleum appear ballpoint pen stains. Where? We are of little interest to this now. The main thing is to get rid of this annoying misunderstanding. To remove a stain, you need to rub it with a sponge soaped with ordinary laundry soap. It may take a few minutes, but the stain will definitely come off.

How to remove ink stains from clothes?

It often happens that they also appear on clothes. ink stains from a ballpoint pen. You can try withdraw them with baking soda. It is necessary to wet the stain with water and sprinkle with soda. Leave until dry. Then just rinse. But this method is effective provided that the stain is relatively fresh.

Fresh ink stains on wool can be removed by immediately washing the stained area with water, or even better, by adding 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda to the water.

In case of stains from a ballpoint pen on clothes, a solution is very effective: glycerin + ethyl alcohol in equal proportions (you can buy them at the pharmacy). Using a cotton swab dipped in the solution, remove the contamination.

Ink stains from clothes can also be removed with a solution of ammonia or citric acid(from white and colored thin fabrics).

Remove old ink stains from wool and natural silk with a mixture of five parts denatured alcohol and two parts glycerin.

How to remove a ballpoint pen from fabric and wallpaper?

The methods listed above will help, including remove the ballpoint pen from wallpaper and fabric. On white surfaces, ink stains are neutralized by hydrogen peroxide. However, it should not be used on colored fabrics and wallpaper, so as not to discolor the item itself.

Another headache for parents is drawings on the wallpaper... Turpentine will help solve this problem. The area written with a ballpoint pen must be rubbed with turpentine. And after 20 minutes, wipe with cotton wool soaked in plain water. It is only necessary to carry out the last manipulation as quickly as possible, since there is a high risk of rubbing the wallpaper to holes.

Upholstered furniture with fabric upholstery can be saved from stains using nail polish remover. Just be sure to look at the bottle: it should be marked that the liquid does not contain acetone. Use a soft cloth soaked in nail polish remover to wipe the stained area. This must be done carefully, otherwise the upholstery may peel off.

From paper and wallpaper ballpoint pen is washed using alcohol and a cotton swab.

Using the tips described above, you can save your favorite things without spending work and a lot of money.

Ballpoint pens are indispensable not only for schoolchildren and students, but also for everyone else. They have become so firmly established in our daily lives that we can no longer imagine our lives without them. But there are times when housewives dream of their loved ones using disappearing ink spy pens. This happens when traces of ink suddenly appear on your favorite clothes and the question of how to remove ink from clothes from a ballpoint pen at home comes up on the agenda. Let's figure out how to wash pen paste from clothes.

  • Everyone knows that fresh stains are easier to remove than old and stubborn ones. A stubborn stain is more difficult to remove. Therefore, if you find traces of a ballpoint pen on your clothes, do not hesitate, but get down to business right away.
  • Before using the selected composition, test it on a small, inconspicuous area, because different fabrics may react unexpectedly to solvents and other agents.
  • Pen marks must be removed before washing, otherwise they may spread throughout the entire product.
  • Apply the cleaning agent from the wrong side, moving from the edges to the center.
  • It is advisable to place a napkin folded several times under the contaminated area.
  • To prevent stains on the fabric, the areas around the blot are slightly moistened with water or sprinkled with chalk or talcum powder.
  • Some aggressive agents can be harmful to your health, so all work should be carried out in a well-ventilated area, and your hands should be protected with gloves.
  • Try not to allow small children or people prone to allergies into this room during cleaning.

All-in-one ink stain cleaners

How to remove ballpoint pen ink from clothes? For example, a white shirt. In many ways, how to deal with ink blots depends on the fabric from which your affected product is made. But there are some universal methods that will not harm even delicate fabrics.

Emergency assistance

If you see an ink stain spreading on your clothing, immediately cover it with salt, talcum powder or baby powder, and then press a napkin or absorbent cloth to the area. Remaining ink can be washed off using laundry soap, powder or other detergent suitable for this product.


This the product will do for both white and colored fabrics:

  1. Sprinkle the pen marks with salt and squeeze lemon juice on top.
  2. After some time, rinse off the composition with water and wash as usual.


  1. Apply glycerin to problem areas using a cotton pad and leave for an hour.
  2. After this, rinse off the remaining product and wash the product, adding a little salt to the water.

Glycerin and ethyl alcohol

If glycerin alone does not cope, it can be strengthened by adding the same amount of alcohol to it:

  1. Apply this mixture to the pen marks using a cotton pad and rub lightly.
  2. Change discs as needed by soaking them in the solution.
  3. When the stains disappear, wash the product as usual.


Ordinary table vinegar will not cause any damage to the fabric; it will even fix its shade if it is colored. Wipe stains with vinegar and then rinse.

Important! If you are unable to get rid of the stain, you can enhance the effect by adding alcohol to it.

After all manipulations, clothes need to be washed.

Toothpaste or powder

How else can you remove ballpoint pen ink from clothes? Plain white gives a good effect toothpaste no additives. It can be replaced with powder - apply it to problem areas for a while, and then rinse with water.

Milk or curdled milk

Oddly enough, it is these dairy products that can come to our aid in the difficult struggle for purity:

  1. Soak soiled clothing in one of the dairy products you have on hand for 20 minutes.
  2. Then rinse and wash the product.


Mustard is also effective against ink blots. You just need to smear the problem areas with it and leave it for a day, then scrape off the remaining product and wash the clothes.

Important! If you have dry powder, simply dilute it with water to form a paste.

Shaving cream

Squeeze a small amount onto the stained area, rub a little, then rinse the clothing in warm water.

Methods for linen and cotton

Now let's look at methods for removing ink stains depending on the type of fabric. How to remove ballpoint pen ink from linen or cotton clothing?


Ammonia will help remove traces of a ballpoint pen on colored cotton:

  1. Dilute one teaspoon of ammonia in a glass of water.
  2. Soak a cotton pad or clean cloth in the solution and treat the stain.
  3. Leave for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Rinse the product in water and repeat the procedure if necessary.

Important! If the solution is heated to a temperature of 50 degrees, the processing result will improve.

Alcohol and acetone

This method is suitable for light and white cotton items and linen clothing, such as a shirt:

  1. Mix alcohol and acetone in equal parts.
  2. Heat the solution in a water bath and treat the ink marks with the warm solution.
  3. Rinse and then wash the product.

Oxalic acid

Another effective way to remove ballpoint pen ink from clothes is with heated oxalic acid. Dampen a cotton pad with it and treat the problem area.

Important! If there is no acid itself, you can use products like Domestos - they contain it. Just do not leave such aggressive solutions for a long time: as soon as the stain begins to fade and disappear, wash it off immediately. It is advisable to protect your hands with gloves.

Removing ballpoint pen paste from wool and silk

For such delicate fabrics as not all products are good; more gentle methods are suitable here.


You can use turpentine to clean delicate fabrics:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in turpentine and rub the stain.
  2. Keep the cotton pad clean - when heavy pollution it needs to be replaced with a new one.
  3. Then rinse the clothes in water and wash.


Soda will also not harm capricious tissues:

  1. Make a paste by diluting baking soda with a small amount of water.
  2. Apply this paste to the problem area and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Then shake off the remaining soda and wash the product.


Kerosene works great for removing stains on woolen fabric. Soak a cotton pad in it, wipe the stains and leave for a few minutes. Then wash your clothes in the machine.

Gasoline plus talc

You can also use purified gasoline:

  1. Treat ink blots with gasoline.
  2. Sprinkle them with talcum powder or baby powder.
  3. When everything is dry, brush off the residue and wash the clothes.


If there is a stain from a ballpoint pen on, be it a jacket, skirt or jacket, then what should you do to avoid ruining an expensive item?

  • Light skin can be wiped with a sponge dipped in warm milk.
  • You can use regular hand cream - just apply it to the stain, and then remove it with a clean napkin.
  • Wipe stains with a sponge soaked in a mixture of denatured alcohol and glycerin.
  • A fresh stain can be covered with salt. Then wipe with a cotton pad soaked in lemon juice. If streaks appear, wipe them with purified turpentine.
  • With a surface made of natural and artificial leather Ink traces can be easily removed with regular hairspray. Spray it on the dirty areas, and after a few minutes wipe with a damp cloth.


  • If the area of ​​damage is large, then you can soak the jeans in a solution of ammonia, then soap them with laundry soap, leave them for 10-12 hours, and then wash them.
  • If the stains are old and ingrained, then they can be removed with a mixture of acetone and alcohol, in a ratio of 1 to 1. Wipe the stain thoroughly with the mixture, and then iron it through gauze.
  • Apply regular dishwashing detergent to the problem area, leave it for a while, rub a little, and then wash the product. In our review you can find out.

How to remove pen marks from white things?

  1. Pen marks on white fabrics can be removed using hydrogen peroxide and ethyl alcohol. To begin, treat the stain with a cotton pad or cloth soaked in alcohol. Then treat them with peroxide. Then wash your clothes.
  2. Mix in equal proportions ammonia and acetone, slightly heat and soak the affected product in this solution. Then wring out the item, place it on the ironing board with a towel underneath, and iron it through the gauze with a hot iron. After this, you can wash your clothes. Follow the link to find out

Ink marks on your favorite clothes - quite unpleasant problem. This is especially common among schoolchildren and office workers. You can remove the stain at home without resorting to dry cleaning. To prevent the paste from penetrating deep into the fibers, it is important to act quickly. What funds will be needed?

Fresh and old pollution

First, sprinkle the fresh blot with fine salt or talcum powder. Next, press a paper towel onto the surface. Wash the item by hand with shampoo, powder or laundry soap.

Various means can help remove ballpoint pen stains.

  • Lemon. Soak the problem area with freshly squeezed juice. Sprinkle fine salt on top. After 10 minutes, wash the item.
  • Shaving cream. Squeeze a small amount onto the stained area. Rub thoroughly and rinse in warm water.
  • Curdled milk. Soak the soiled item for 20 minutes in dairy product. Then keep under running water and wash as usual.
  • Toothpaste. Apply the substance to the blot for 15 minutes. After the specified time has passed, wash the clothes. This method will help to slightly whiten the item.

If nothing is done in time, the oily ink will be absorbed into the structure of the material. In this case, use special stain removers, alcohol, household acids or turpentine.

Sometimes stains can only be removed using complex methods. The contaminated wardrobe item is cleaned with a mixture of water, 10% ammonia and ethyl alcohol (in equal parts). A composition of alcohol and vinegar in a 1:1 ratio has worked well. You can mix 1 tbsp. l. turpentine with the same amount of ammonia. Apply the mixture to the stain and wait a quarter of an hour. Rinse your clothes first in soapy water and then in clean water.

Natural and artificial leather

The choice of cleaning products for these materials is very wide. You can use an eraser, hairspray, cosmetic creams, glycerin, ammonia and alcohol mixtures, and tape. It is recommended to test the effect of substances on an inconspicuous area. For example, on the wrong side, on seams or pockets.

You can remove stains from white leather by applying 5-7 drops of hydrogen peroxide to it. After 30 minutes, wipe the area with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol or vodka. Also, old pen marks can be removed with a paste of water and salt. Spread it over the stained surface and leave for 2 hours. Next, go over the item with a soft bristle brush.

You can remove pen stains from items made of natural or artificial leather using many means: eraser, hairspray, cosmetic creams, glycerin, ammonia and alcohol mixtures, and tape.

Leatherette or leatherette can react unpredictably, especially to aggressive stain removers. Therefore, it is better to work with a soap solution or citric acid. Severely ingrained stains are removed with alcohol.

Colored materials

On dyed cotton or woolen fabrics, stains from a ballpoint pen are removed with citric acid. On silk - using purified turpentine or mustard powder. In the latter case, the substance is mixed with water and applied to the stained area. After 24 hours, wash in warm water.

To remove pen stains from multi-colored fabrics, a mixture of distilled water, alcohol and a 10% ammonia solution is suitable. All components are taken in equal proportions. Check the fabric's resistance to chemicals. Apply the product to an inconspicuous area and observe the reaction.

If after removing a stain you do not want to wash the entire item, use melted paraffin. Apply it to the area around the stain. After this, begin the cleaning procedure. Before washing, add lemon juice, alcohol or vinegar to the water and detergent.

Wool and silk

For natural fabrics, cleaning compositions are selected especially carefully. Alkalies are not suitable for wool and silk. The structure of acetate silk is disrupted by acetone and vinegar. Remove ink paste from delicate fabrics with baking soda. A paste is made from it, which is used to rub off the stain. After 10 minutes, the product is cleaned off and the item is washed.

Purified turpentine has a mild effect. Spread it with a cotton sponge over the contaminated area. After 15–20 minutes, rinse the item. Soaking pen stains in sour milk has a similar effect. Glycerin is also used as a stain remover.

Linen and cotton

Phosphoric, hydrochloric and sulfuric acids are dangerous for these natural fabrics. For white shirts, use a warm solution of oxalic acid (1 teaspoon of product per 250 ml of water). To remove the stain, you can prepare the following composition: dilute 1 tsp in a glass of water. ammonia. The contaminant is moistened with the liquid, after which the area is ironed through damp gauze. Suitable simple wash with the addition of ammonia.

How alternative option To remove stains, you can use a heated mixture of alcohol and acetone (1:1). Apply the mixture over the soiled material. After 10–15 minutes, rinse the product.


Remove pen marks from synthetic fabric Alcohol, milk, ammonia, turpentine or lemon juice will help. The main thing is not to use aggressive means.

Vodka or alcohol. Suitable for cleaning various plastic surfaces, bags and clothes made of artificial materials. Soak cotton wool in the liquid and treat the stain from the pen. Repeat the procedure until it disappears. Change the cotton whenever it gets dirty. Remove any remaining dissolved ink and alcohol with a clean sponge.

Lemon juice and salt. This method can remove a fresh stain. Its action is as follows: salt prevents the ink from spreading beyond the blot, absorbing liquid, and the acid corrodes it. The product works within 5–10 minutes. After this, the item needs to be cleaned and washed.

Milk. Used for any artificial fabrics. Pour the product into a small container. Soak the pen stain for a quarter of an hour. Wash your clothes with added detergent. Rinse in clean water.

Gasoline and acetone corrode not only ink, but also synthetic products. It is better to avoid using these substances.

Denim fabrics

The easiest stain to remove on jeans is a fresh stain. First, sprinkle it with chalk, talcum powder or starch. Place a paper napkin on top. Finish the procedure by washing and rinsing your pants in cool water.

To remove a large stain, soak your pants in a solution of 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia. When the stain lightens, treat the item with laundry soap. Set it aside until the morning, then wash it.

You can remove old stains using a mixture of acetone and alcohol (1:1 ratio). Moisten the stained area with it and iron it through gauze. The final step is washing. Apply dishwashing gel to the stain. Rub it in and leave for a couple of hours. After the specified time has passed, wash your clothes.


Having decided how to remove a pen stain, think over a plan further actions. This will help achieve best effect and will secure the procedure. Follow these guidelines.

  • When working with chemicals, ventilate the room and use rubber gloves.
  • Remove stains (regardless of how old they are) before washing. Otherwise, the entire thing will be stained with ink.
  • Remove stains from the wrong side, moving from the edges of the stain to the center. This way it won't spread. For the same purpose, place a cotton napkin folded in 2-3 layers under the stain.
  • Sprinkle the material around the ink marks with chalk or moisten it with water. This will prevent streaks from occurring.
  • To apply caustic compounds, use cotton swabs.

Removing ballpoint pen stains is not an easy task, but it can be done. Ordinary washing powder can't get by. It is better to use a specific remedy in each individual case. All the above recipes have repeatedly proven their effectiveness. If you don’t have time for home experiments, purchase special stain removers.

Many people think that ink marks are an irreversible and irreducible phenomenon. Many people don’t know how to write on an old pen whose refill no longer writes, but the correction needs to be done with this particular pen. Everyone once in school years We tried to correct the remark that the teacher wrote in the diary. But it was very difficult to do it beautifully; it turned out to be a mess. Indeed, it is not so easy to remove the paste in a filigree manner, but it is possible. So how can you erase pen from paper? The method of getting rid of ink marks will be useful to many:

  • schoolchildren and students;
  • teachers working with journals;
  • office workers dealing with various documents;
  • correction of sick leave;
  • mothers whose young children artistically decorate new wallpaper.

You will learn how to quickly wipe a pen from paper without damaging it in the following “folk” recipes. Many people are also interested in how to wash paste from clothes; we’ll try to look at everything in this article.

Removing paste from white sheets

Works great on any stains, including ink stains folk remedies. To remove something written in ink from a sheet of paper, you need to know not only the components and proportions, but also the individual mechanism for removing such stains.

Soda paste

Peculiarities. The simplest way To remove ink, use baking soda. This is what our mothers did, but the method is still relevant today.


  1. Dilute a teaspoon of regular soda with water to a paste-like consistency.
  2. Apply with a cotton swab to the intended cleaning area.
  3. Leave until the paste dries.
  4. Just brush off the powder.


Peculiarities . Ideally, you should use lemon juice, but if you don’t have citrus on hand, use citric acid powder. You just need to dilute it a little with water.


  1. Cut a lemon and use a syringe to extract some fresh juice.
  2. Gently drop a drop onto the ink blot and saturate the stain.
  3. Use with caution on very thin paper to avoid acid corroding the paper fiber.


Peculiarities. Table salt gives the desired result in combination with soda and lemon juice. According to reviews, this method is very effective: the acid dissolves the ink, and the task of the soda-salt mixture is to instantly absorb it. As a result, there are no ink spots or streaks on the paper.


  1. Mix 1:1 salt and soda (half a teaspoon is enough).
  2. Apply to desired areas.
  3. Press the mixture down with any flat object.
  4. Wait 10-15 minutes for the components to penetrate the pores of the paper.
  5. Gently moisten the powder with lemon juice (drop from a syringe).


Peculiarities. Regular table vinegar can also dissolve traces of ink. Just be careful and do not allow the substance to come into contact with your skin or mucous membranes.


  1. Soak a cotton swab in vinegar and dampen the ink lines.
  2. After ten minutes, dip a cotton pad in dishwashing detergent (without dyes) and gently blot the cleaned area.

Heated vinegar will help you remove the gel pen from the paper without notice. This is a fairly common method: you just need to heat the essence to 50°C, apply it to the ink stain, then wipe with a damp cotton pad and blot with a dry cloth.

Potassium permangantsovka

Peculiarities. An excellent remedy for getting rid of colored paste is obtained by combining potassium permanganate (on the tip of a knife) with a teaspoon of vinegar essence. In this way, you are guaranteed to get rid of traces of the gel pen, as well as blue, red, green paste. This option is ineffective for removing black marks.


  1. After the potassium permanganate crystals have completely dissolved, use a cotton swab or thin watercolor brush to apply the solution to the area damaged by ink.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in hydrogen peroxide and remove the brown stain from the paper.
  3. Dry the sheet and iron if necessary.


Peculiarities. Acetone will help to carefully remove ballpoint pen paste from paper. Nail polish remover will also work. White paper will be clean again - without traces of a ballpoint pen or the product used. Please note that blue paste will wear off much faster than black paste.


  1. Soak a cotton swab in the liquid and blot the ink.
  2. If the blot is large, you can use a pipette and simply drop acetone onto the stain. If the blot is tiny, use a toothpick.
  3. Remove any remaining moisture with a paper towel.

Medical alcohol

Peculiarities. Alcohol is another substance that can dissolve ballpoint pen marks. The only additional equipment you will need is an iron.


  1. Using a moistened cotton swab, apply alcohol to the desired areas and wait until the paper dries.
  2. If you need to clear a large area of ​​notes, moisten it with alcohol for a couple of minutes.
  3. Once dry, iron the sheet through a layer of clean paper.


Peculiarities. Bleach, widely used in households, is also effective in removing ink. This method will take on average 20-25 minutes. Consider the bleaching properties of bleach and use it only on white paper.


  1. Again, use a cotton swab to apply white to the blot.
  2. Watch the ink paste turn into a dry white powder.
  3. Remove it and blot the clean area with a damp cotton pad.

How to erase pen from colored and glossy paper

All of the above methods are effective on a white sheet of paper. To remove pen stains from colored paper, you need to use the following three-step technique.

  1. Mix glycerin and medical alcohol in equal parts in a tablespoon.
  2. Using a pipette or syringe, carefully apply the mixture to the ink.
  3. When the stain disappears, blot with a damp cloth, dry and iron if necessary.

It is even easier to erase writing with a pen from glossy paper. Since the paste contains alcohol, any alcohol-containing liquid can be used to remove ink. Of course, without dyes or strong flavors. Simply soak a cotton pad in alcohol, squeeze thoroughly, and use the edge to wipe off the blot.

Try removing the paste from the gloss with a regular eraser. Just wait until the ink dries.

Mechanical impact

Although such methods do not allow you to remove the paste in a jewelry manner (the roughness and damaged structure of the paper will still be noticeable), they are nevertheless very popular.

Razor blade

Peculiarities. This skill requires a trained hand. There is a risk of cutting both your finger and the sheet of paper. If you are not sure, choose another method.


  1. Carefully, without pressing, scratch the desired area. sharp blade(keep it perpendicular to the surface).
  2. Blow away any paper lint.
  3. Sand the surface with a blade (now its plane should be as parallel to the paper as possible).
  4. Gently level with your fingernail.


Peculiarities. To remove the top layer of paper along with traces of ink, use fine-grit sandpaper.


  1. Cut a small piece and stick it on the top side of a simple pencil.
  2. Without pressing, rub the sheet with gentle movements.
  3. Blow away small particles of substance and paper dust.
  4. Smooth down the paper with your fingernail.


Peculiarities. You can use a regular eraser, a special ink eraser, or a vinyl eraser. But remember that any of them may not give the desired result, but will only damage the paper.


  1. Erase unnecessary writing with gentle movements.
  2. If that doesn’t help, try slightly moistening the paper sheet and rubbing it again.

Devices for masking errors

Using a stationery proofreader, you can make unnecessary inscriptions, unwanted mistakes, clerical errors or blots invisible. This special matte white liquid is designed to cover ink. Liquid correctors that require drying after application are available in different shapes: with brush, with soft applicator. They come in the form of a pen with a metal tip (works when pressed).

A proofreader is an indispensable thing for those who work with various documents, accounting reports, and magazines. After all, using other methods of removing ink marks is only possible at home. Although this matter also has its pitfalls. Thus, in official documents (for example, in a work book), it is strictly forbidden to erase, paste over, or cover up incorrect information or mistakes with a proofreader. Incorrect entries are invalidated and corrected only in accordance with legally established rules.

Roller tapes are especially popular. This is a dry corrector that hides mistakes and blots under a smooth white tape. You can immediately duplicate the desired entry on it. By the way, the correction strip is invisible on a copied or scanned sheet of paper.

Always be careful: in order not to correct mistakes, just try not to make them. But if this does happen, don’t be upset - now you know how to wipe the pen off the paper.

Ballpoint pens have been familiar to us since childhood and everyone knows how easy it is to stain things with ink, for example, the paste from the refill will spill out at the most inopportune moment or a child will get to stationery and decides to decorate a new sofa or mother’s blouse with ink. It’s only in spy books and films that there are pens with disappearing ink, but in life everything is different, whether you like it or not, you’ll have to figure out how to remove, clean, flatten, wash, remove ballpoint pen ink from clothes at home, which even dry cleaners can’t always cope with.

How to remove a ballpoint pen ink stain?

Ballpoint pen stains are very easily removed from hard surfaces, but in the case where ink is left on the carpet, wallpaper or favorite blouse, you will have to use only two methods:

  • Buy a special stain remover.
  • Prepare your own cleaning product from available materials.

How to remove ballpoint pen ink from fabric?

The range of stain removers is quite wide, and you can always find a product specifically for ink, paste and other stationery. According to consumer reviews, the following products give a good effect:

  • “Vanish.”
  • SANO.
  • Amway.
  • “Whiteness” (for white linen and cotton fabrics).
  • Antipyatin soap - suitable for fresh stains.

To remove ink without completely ruining the item, first test the selected product on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing or on a separate piece of fabric.

Important! Not all methods and means of ink removal are universal and suitable for all types of fabric. For synthetics, it is not recommended to use products containing acetone, as the color and structure of the fabric may be affected.

Folk remedies

If you decide to use the second option for removing ink and prepare a cleaning agent yourself, then use the following recommendations, and the most ordinary paste of a simple ballpoint pen will become disappearing, like in the best spy detective story.

To remove inscriptions and blots, prepare the materials at hand:

  • Rubber gloves.
  • Cotton swabs (for large stains) and cotton swabs (for small stains).
  • A piece of cloth, gauze or other material that absorbs liquid well.
  • Oilcloth for the table.
  • Washing basin.

Now take a look in your kitchen and find the following home remedies to help you remove ballpoint pen ink from fabric:

  • Alcohol and alcohol-containing liquids.
  • Glycerol.
  • Vinegar.
  • Ammonia
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Acetone.
  • Soda.
  • Salt (fine).
  • Milk.
  • Lemon.
  • Mustard.

These products can be used either separately or in combination with other products.

Important! Since many methods of using the above products can leave colored stains along the edges of the treated area, clean from the edge of the contaminated area to its center.

How to remove ballpoint pen ink from fabric using home remedies?

Let's look at several ways to remove ink.

Method 1

Wipe the stain with ethyl alcohol mixed with glycerin in equal quantities.

Important! This mixture will easily remove ink from various types of fabric, leather, furniture, oilcloth.

Method 2

Sprinkle a pinch of fine salt onto the stained area. Squeeze lemon juice over the salt. The salt will turn into a paste and dissolve the paste. After an hour, wash the item as usual.

Important! This method is suitable for cotton and linen.

Method 3

Fresh marks from a ballpoint pen can be removed with milk or whey:

  1. Soak the contaminated area of ​​clothing for a while in milk heated to 50 degrees.
  2. As the product becomes colored, change it for a new portion.
  3. After the stain disappears, wash the clothes as usual.

Important! This method is suitable for all types of fabric except leather. Simply wipe the leather product with a cotton swab dipped in milk.

Method 4

Black and red ink can be removed using mustard:

  1. Apply mustard to the contaminated area and leave for a day.
  2. Wash the item in warm water.

Method 5

A mixture of ammonia and water (1 teaspoon per glass of water) will help remove ballpoint pen ink from linen and cotton clothes:

  1. Soak a cotton swab in the prepared solution and treat the contaminated area.
  2. For effectiveness, heat the solution in a water bath.
  3. After treatment, place the clothes on the ironing board and go over the treated area of ​​​​the fabric through damp gauze.
  4. If there are stains left on the fabric, remove them with a cotton swab soaked in a 10% ammonia solution.

Method 6

Baking soda is the easiest and most effective way to deal with stains:

  1. Mix baking soda with water until a paste forms.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to the contaminated area and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  3. After processing, rinse the item.

Important! This method is gentle and can be used even on delicate fabrics.

Method 7

A mixture of ethyl alcohol and vinegar can remove ballpoint pen ink stains from natural fabrics light shades. Mix the ingredients in equal quantities. Treat the stain with the resulting solution. Rinse the area with plenty of water.

How else can you remove ballpoint pen paste from fabric?

The list of possible remedies also included other substances that could help you remove ballpoint pen ink from clothes at home. They are used as follows.

Option 1

Pure glycerin will save colored fabrics from stains. Soak a swab in glycerin and treat the contaminated area. Rinse the product in warm water, adding a handful of salt to the basin.

Important! Glycerin must be preheated in a water bath.

Option 2

Gel pen stains can be easily removed with heated vinegar.

Option 3

A mixture of acetone and alcohol, taken in equal quantities, will help remove ballpoint pen stains from fabric. Heat the mixture in a water bath and treat the stain.

Important! Use this method for cotton and linen fabrics.

Option 4

Kerosene works great to remove stains on woolen fabric:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in kerosene and wipe off the ink.
  2. Leave the item for a few minutes.
  3. Rinse in a basin by hand with laundry soap to remove most of the kerosene odor.
  4. Machine wash the item.

Option 5

If ink gets on silk or wool fabric, use purified turpentine. Soak a cotton swab in turpentine and treat the stain. Wipe the stain until it is washed away.

Important! Change the tampon whenever it gets dirty. After the stain disappears, rinse the item in warm water.

Option 6

If the stain is old, then mix ammonia with turpentine in equal quantities. Fill the stain with the mixture. Soak the clothes and wash them.

Option 7

Denim can be cleaned of ink in several stages:

  • first treat the stain with ethyl alcohol;
  • then add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide;
  • After a couple of minutes, remove the remaining ink under the tap and wash with laundry soap.

Option 8

To save a leather item, prepare a soap solution: dissolve 1 tbsp in 100 ml of water. a spoonful of salt and 1 drop of dish gel. Treat the stain, wipe with a damp cloth and wipe dry.

Important! At the end, the material can be wiped with glycerin so that the skin does not dry out and become rough from exposure to detergent and water.

Express methods for removing ink stains

A fresh stain can be easily removed in the same way as any other stain on clothing: with soap, powder or shower gel. Before applying the soap solution, sprinkle the ink marks with talcum powder and apply a blotting pad to the area to be treated.

If you get dirty during a trip and not at home, then use the items that are in your purse:

  1. Moisten the stain with hairspray or shaving cream. Allow the product to harden and then rinse the fabric under running water.
  2. WITH leather goods ink stains are easily removed fatty creams for hands, body, face. Leave a little cream on the stained area for a few minutes and then wipe the stain with a dry cloth.
  3. Apply hand sanitizer to the ink stain. These products contain alcohol, which dissolves the ink.
  4. Toothpaste (not gel) helps get rid of ink. Apply the paste directly to the stain and rub in lightly. Wash the item as usual.
  5. Sprinkle a pinch of salt on the stained area. After a while, shake off the product with a napkin.
  1. Before removing ballpoint pen ink from fabric, prepare the surface: place it under the fabric paper napkins and pour a mound of starch onto the contaminated area. Such a starch “cushion” will ideally absorb ink dissolved in any cleaning solution and will not allow the paste to spread across the fabric.
  2. To prevent the blot from spreading across the fabric, circle the area of ​​contamination with a paraffin candle.
  3. Before applying cleaning agent, remove excess moisture from fabric: soak the ink with napkins, blotter or toilet paper.

If you couldn’t clean the blots on the fabric, you don’t have to put the item on rags. It can be interestingly decorated or altered - you will find some ideas on this topic in the article.

Since a ballpoint pen is constantly present next to us, stains or marks from it cannot be avoided. Therefore, always react quickly to the appearance of a stain and quickly begin to remove the ink so that it is not absorbed deeply and for a long time. We hope that the following recipes and tips will help you with this.