The popularity of hands made is gaining momentum. The Internet is full of patterns for all kinds of handbags, backpacks, and cosmetic bags. But true needlewomen strive for absolutely all of their items to be exclusive. And in this master class you will learn how to sew a pencil case with your own hands.

For work we will need:

The main fabric for the pencil case is linen or cotton (38.1 x 43.2 cm);
fabric for overlays of the same size;
batting (25.4 x 43.2 cm);
tourniquet (about 115 cm);
zipper (approx. 40 cm).

The pencil case pattern is here:

zipper-pencil-case-pattern.pdf (downloads: 2172)

The photographs show the sequence and method of action very well.
We will make an embossed pencil case. To do this, apply a random pattern to the main fabric (make sure that the contours can be easily washed off later).

We fasten the fabric and batting and quilt it.

We wash off the contours with a spray bottle.

This is what the outside of the pencil case will look like.

Now let's create a frame for the zipper.

This is what the frame looks like from the front and back.

We make restraints by sewing the main fabric and the lining back to back.

Attach the face of the stopper to the underside of the fastener frame.

We use bias tape to trim the edges of the pencil case.

We make cuts on the folds so that the fabric does not bulge when we turn the penade inside out.

Now we sew the outer and inner parts of the pencil case and the lining. We sew them face to face so that the seams are not visible. Then we'll turn it out.

Fasten and stitch one side.

We decorate the second side in the same way, leaving an unstitched section.

It has already become an established tradition to purchase school supplies at stationery stores. But it is quite possible to make the most necessary attributes of a schoolchild - for example, a simple pencil case for pens and pencils - with your own hands. Such a product will compare favorably with the accessories of other children. And every time the child takes it in his hands, he will be able to feel the warmth of his mother’s care, grandmother's hands or the hands of a sister. There are different ways making pencil cases from various types material.

Let's get started!

Pencil case from a box

The simplest but most interesting school pencil case can be made with your own hands from an ordinary box. It is enough to place a velvet or leather lining on its bottom and cover the walls beautiful paper. A box made of unpainted cardboard looks no less original and very stylish.

Pencil case made of cardboard cylinder and fabric

You can make a pencil case from a cardboard cylinder and fabric. For this you will need:

  • one fairly wide and long cardboard cylinder or two shorter cylinders with the same diameter;
  • piece of fabric;
  • zipper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • sewing thread and needle;
  • stationery knife.

If we use one cylinder, then cut it into two parts of unequal height - one should be shorter, the other longer.

If we use two cylinders, then cut off half from one, which we use together with the second whole cylinder.

We outline the bottom of the cylinder in advance on thick cardboard and fabric. We make two cardboard and two fabric circles.

Take a piece of fabric, the width of which should be enough to wrap the cylinder, leaving a little material at the edge. Along the height of the short part of the cylinder, mark the distance from the edge of the prepared piece of fabric and make a cut. We sew a zipper between the resulting narrow and wide pieces of material.

We fold the resulting piece of fabric along the right side inward, stitch along the edge.

We insert long and short cardboard cylinders into the resulting case, matching them with a zipper. (The side seam of the cover remains outside).

We place pre-cut cardboard and fabric circles below and above. Along the edge we sew a fabric circle to the cover placed on the cylinder.

You can place a cotton pad between the cardboard and the fabric for volume and softness.

Having sewn it on, remove the cover and turn it right side out. We put it on the cylinders again. We glue it.

DIY cardboard pencil case

Look at the video on how to make a simple pencil case from cardboard:

DIY leather pencil case

A simpler option for making a pencil case for school with your own hands is to use a rectangular piece of bright leather to create it. Using a stationery knife, along a ruler, in a checkerboard pattern, we make parallel cuts on it.

Pencils or pens will be inserted into each of these cuts, like rods in a basket.

Having rolled up the pencil case into a tube, we intercept it beautiful ribbon, the edges of which can be sewn to a leather flap.

Felt pencil case

A charming, soft pencil case for markers or felt-tip pens can be made from felt.

To make such a pencil case we need:

  • Braid
  • Glue gun

We cut a rectangular blank from a piece. We can estimate the size by placing markers on it. Apply glue between the markers, as shown in the photo. The gap between markers will be 2.5 - 3 cm.

We fold the bottom of the fabric, gluing it between the markers.

We take out markers. Apply strips of glue for the ribbons.

Glue the ribbons. Cut off the excess part.

We turn the pencil case over and apply glue for the ribbon with which we will wrap the pencil case. The glue strip should not be more than 5-6 cm on the right or left side of the pencil case.

Glue the tape. Please note that the tape is not glued along its entire length.

We wrap it in a tube along with markers.

Look at the video on how to make a beautiful felt pencil case:

Watermelon pencil case for school (video)

A very gentle and very thoughtful pencil case for girls.

Felt pencil case for girls “Cat”

When I was looking for felt pencil cases on the Internet, I really liked this gray cat. Let's try to make it. We cut out two parts of the craft from gray felt according to the model in the photo.

We cut one of the blanks into two parts. We sew a zipper into it.

We sew a mustache, nose and beady eyes onto the front part.

We sew two blanks from the inside.

Turn the craft inside out. We sew the paws with a thick thread, making them look like cat claws. The cat pencil case is ready!

How to sew a simple pencil case from fabric or oilcloth material?

This simple version of a pencil case can be made either from ordinary thick fabric or from oilcloth on a fabric basis. To make a pencil case we will need the material itself, a zipper, scissors and pins.

It will be most convenient to make a pencil case based on the size of the zipper. We cut out two identical rectangles from our material with a length equal to the size of the zipper.

We position the material in relation to the zipper as shown in the photo.

We sew the material to the zipper with threads. This is a temporary stitch. After we make the seam on the machine, we will remove the temporary seam.

We make a stitch on a sewing machine.

We manually stitch the second part of the material with a temporary seam in a mirror image.

We make a seam on a machine.

It is difficult to do without a pencil case if you want your backpack to be in order and your pens to lie neatly. It’s nice for a primary school student to hold in his hands something that reminds him of his mother at school. The stores have a large selection of accessories, but they cost a lot and are not always of high quality. Try making your own pencil case.

How to sew a pencil case with your own hands

Making a funny, beautiful school pencil case is quite simple, even if you don’t know how to sewing machine. There are a huge number interesting ideas, which can be implemented not only by mothers, but also by girls. For many crafts, you don’t even need a pattern - they have a simple manufacturing technology. You can make a pencil case using:

  • cuttings of materials;
  • felt;
  • old jeans;
  • paper towel tubes;
  • patchwork;
  • crochet.

High school students who can sew sewing machine, based on the diagram they can tailor an unusual cosmetic bag. The craft will be fastened with a lock, secured with contact tape or tied with a bow. To decorate the accessory use:

  • elegant braid;
  • embroidery;
  • applications;
  • buttons;
  • lace;
  • beads;
  • decorative flowers, butterflies.

How to sew a pencil case for school with your own hands using a sewing machine? You can, using patterns, make a craft in the form of some animal, for example, a fish or a cat, but this will require certain skills. Mothers or high school students can do this, and it’s better to watch the video master class in advance. A very simple and unusual case can be sewn using fabric with a funny children's pattern.

Manufacturing begins with the selection of materials. You will need 2 pieces of fabric of different colors measuring 35x35 cm. To make:

  • fold the blanks inside out;
  • stitch all sides, leaving 4 cm unstitched;
  • turn out;
  • sew the remaining space by hand;
  • iron;
  • place the workpiece with the elegant side down;
  • bend the edge at the bottom by 15 cm;
  • pin;
  • draw vertical lines with chalk on the bent part every 2.5 cm;
  • sew along the markings and edges;
  • sew a 24 cm long ribbon folded in half on one side;
  • Roll it up and tie a bow.

DIY felt pencil case

Very original pencil cases can be made from felt. To work you will need a ruler, a stationery knife, and a piece of soap. How to make a pencil case for school with your own hands without a pattern? For example, try something like this:

For making:

  • take a piece of felt;
  • measure the height of the workpiece 30 cm;
  • the length will depend on the number of pencils you want to put, plus 5 cm from each edge;
  • cut out a rectangle.

The pencils will be inserted into the weave of the strips. To execute cells:

  1. draw horizontal lines from the top every 5 cm with soap;
  2. draw 2 stripes, 5 cm from the sides;
  3. cut through stationery knife horizontal lines, between two vertical ones;
  4. mark the height of the middle on one side;
  5. take an elegant braid or ribbon;
  6. fold in half and sew along the mark;
  7. insert pencils;
  8. roll into a roll;
  9. tie it with a bow.

Girls who wield a needle can sew a pencil case for school out of felt with their own hands. Using the same technology, you can prepare a case for glasses as a gift for your grandmother. Example:

To do this you need:

  • take 2 pieces of material of different colors;
  • cut one size 30x6 cm (you can take any width);
  • second – 20x6 cm;
  • put on top of each other;
  • sew over the edge with thread;
  • cut a large part along the radius;
  • sew the remaining edges with the same seam;
  • decorate with applique, elegant button or beads.

DIY pencil case made from jeans

Any thrifty housewife has old jeans in her closet. How to sew a pencil case for school with your own hands from the remains of this material? You can do something like this:

Prepare fabric - a square with a side of 26 cm, a zipper 25 cm long. To make it you need:

  • bend the edge of the material on the front side by 1 cm;
  • sew one side of the zipper;
  • repeat the operation for the opposite edge of the fabric;
  • Turn the workpiece inside out.

Next steps:

  1. fold so that the lock is located in the middle of the product, fasten with pins;
  2. sew side seams;
  3. place the product vertically so that a platform appears below;
  4. Place the side seam in the middle - corners are formed on both sides;
  5. they need to be basted and stitched to form volume;
  6. turn out.

zipper to school

Sew an original pencil case for school that fastens with a zipper – and more than one:

To make it you will need 12 multi-colored locks, but the more you take, the larger the internal volume will be. To make this craft:

  • sew all the zippers together in sequence;
  • Fold the resulting cylinder in half, measure its width - this will be the diameter of the bottom;
  • cut out two circles with this size;
  • cut with an allowance of 15 mm;
  • turn the workpiece inside out;
  • Sew first one bottom and then the other.

Try making a lined pencil case for school. If you choose elegant material and beautiful decor, you can use this technology to sew a cosmetic bag:

You will need:

  • 2 pieces of lining and main fabric measuring 26x13 cm:
  • zipper – 25 cm.

You need to sew like this:

  1. fold the main and lining material right side out;
  2. Fold 1 cm inward along the long side;
  3. iron;
  4. put a lock between the fabrics and baste;
  5. stitch;
  6. repeat the operations for the other two pieces of material.

Further sewing technology consists of the following operations:

  1. fold the main fabric right sides together;
  2. baste, stitch on 3 sides;
  3. unzip;
  4. fold the lining in the same way, sweep;
  5. stitch, leaving 4 cm unstitched;
  6. turn the product out through the hole;
  7. sew up the open seam by hand;
  8. put the lining inside.

DIY fabric pencil case without fastener

A girl can sew a very simple bag case for school, even without a sewing machine:

For decoration use embroidery, appliqués, decorative flowers, buttons. To get the job done, you should:

  1. take a piece of cloth measuring 30x15 cm;
  2. fold in half, inside out;
  3. sew 2 seams - long and short;
  4. bend the top 1.5 cm;
  5. turn the edge up 0.5 cm;
  6. stitch, leaving 1 cm unstitched;
  7. turn out;
  8. stretch the braid.

Video: how to make a pencil case with your own hands

Pencil case - useful thing, if you need to organize your workspace. Pens, pencils, markers, erasers and other necessary items are not scattered on the table or lost in the bag.

And school pencil cases are just as necessary for children as notebooks or a diary.

But those sold in stores are often too bulky, with ugly, monotonous designs (pencil cases for girls are with pink fairies, for boys - gloomy dark blue cars, and there are almost no alternatives!), and some of them are sometimes dangerous - Poorly made plastic edges or the protruding tip of the fishing line can cause scratches.

Trying to buy something so necessary for school turns into torture. But you can sew one yourself with the help of the videos presented in this article - it will take very little time, the soft fabric will never cause scratches, and the choice of its color depends only on you.

How to make an original pencil case with your own hands? In this step-by-step photo tutorial, you'll see that it only takes five steps.

You will need:

- piece of canvas (18 x 7 cm);

- three multi-colored cuts of the same fabric - you can take any, for example, linen:

  • the first of them is 18 x 4.8 cm;
  • second - 17 x 5 cm;
  • third - 17 x 5.8 cm;

- fabric for the lining - 17 x 18.5 cm (if the lining is not always visible, this still does not mean that it should be a boring monochrome, good thing beautiful from all sides);

- batting cut 17 x 18.5 cm;

- zipper at least 17 cm long;

- measuring tape;

- safety pins;

- sewing machine.

The finished pencil case, as in the photo, according to these instructions should be 9 x 17 cm in size. Please read all the instructions carefully before you start cutting. Even a children's pencil case cannot be sewn with your own hands without careful measurements.

Making a children's pencil case for school with your own hands: step-by-step description

So, let’s start sewing our own school pencil case for pens, pencils and other stationery.

1. First we create the external part - this is the most creative moment. Place colored pieces of fabric and canvas next to each other - this is what your pencil case will look like from the outside (see photo). Then sew all the pieces lengthwise with an open seam.

2. Place a piece of fabric next to it intended for lining. The size of the sewn fabric on the “outer” side must exactly match the lining. Align them and pin them together, then sew along one side.

3. Turn the sewn fabric wrong side up and attach the zipper so that the zipper is on the right, and the zipper itself is completely hidden by the fabric (see photo). The stripes on the fabric should be perpendicular to the zipper. Fasten with pins, and then sew on a machine through all three resulting layers (fabric, lining, zipper - along its “right” side, when viewed from the side of the zipper).

4. “Separate” the fabric into a lining and an outer part. Fold each of them so that the free edge touches the other, unstitched edge of the zipper - respectively, on both sides. Pin together and then machine sew (all three layers again). You should end up with an open cylinder of fabric with a zipper.

5. Open the zipper and turn your pencil case with the lining facing out. Place it so that there is an equal amount of fabric to the right and left of the zipper, and pin the open ends of this “cylinder” with pins. Using an overlocker or zigzag on a machine, be sure to also stitch the zipper tape.

Cut off the excess part of the zipper, if there is any (the end without the lock; it is on this side, if you did everything correctly, that there should be an extra piece of tape left - if, of course, it was originally longer than 17 cm).

Since the pencil case is made of fabric without any frame, it is flat and takes up exactly as much space as the things in it take up. But it can also be quite roomy. Ideal item for a school backpack!

Video: how to make a pencil case with your own hands

Handmade things always arouse interest and attract attention. The great thing about needlework is that it allows you to create not just beautiful trinkets for decoration, but also really necessary things.

Beautiful pencil cases self made They belong precisely to this category of utilities: they are necessary for children of any age, and they can also be useful for an adult. It’s not at all difficult to make them, and who knows, maybe an activity for one evening will develop into something more?

Selecting the source material

If you look carefully at the photos of ideas on how to make a pencil case, you can guess the basic materials that will be required for creativity. Don't get rid of it right away:

  • from the bushings on which they are wound paper towels or toilet paper,
  • scraps of fabric,
  • unpaired terry socks,
  • pieces of felt,
  • leftover yarn,
  • narrow and long packaging boxes for jewelry.

In addition to the above materials, there are many more things from which you can make a pencil case with your own hands. Obviously, you shouldn’t throw away your old jeans, because denim is in demand in many homemade products. Accessories from old denim pants or jackets will be useful for decorating the finished product.

Sharp scissors and a stationery knife, a ruler, thread with a needle, several zippers of various lengths and colors, multi-colored laces or braid will definitely come in handy.

Simple leather pencil case

From a piece of artificial or genuine leather You can get the simplest storage for writing instruments. A child can easily repeat this model on his own and then give it to a friend. Let's figure out how to make a leather pencil case from a minimal set of materials.

Rectangular piece of thin leather fabric cut it so that it has smooth edges. A small cut will not be enough; it is desirable that the length of the workpiece be approximately 30 cm and the width exceed 15 cm. If the young artist has a lot of pencils, then the length of the fabric can be unlimited.

Stepping back a little from the edge, use a utility knife to cut two parallel longitudinal holes in the upper part of the material. Repeat the operation at the bottom leather material. The length of the cuts is small - just enough for the pencil to pass freely and not dangle. Make just enough slits to fit all the pencils. They will be securely attached at both ends and will be easy to remove.

When folded, the pencil case is a rolled up roll. To prevent it from unwinding, at the end we sew a bright lace or ribbon folded in half. Then, after twisting, you can wrap the ends of the braid around the pencil case several times and tie a bow.

If there is no leather fabric, then a piece of felt or other material whose edges do not crumble will work for such a homemade product. Since the pencil case is for children, the string can be modernized. Let it be a loop of elastic that is fastened with a bright button.

Leather pencil case “Funny face”

For younger children, it will be interesting to put away pencils in a pencil case made in the form of a funny face. Its base is two ovals. In one of them, just below the middle, there is a long and narrow hole, fastened with a zipper - this is the mouth.

Now all that remains is to glue or sew on the eyes, ears and cheeks as desired. That’s all, it’s a pleasure to put away markers for such a “glutton.”

A simple pencil case made from ready-made items

The master class on how to make a pencil case with your own hands from scrap items will not last long. Much more time will be spent on the exciting decoration of faceless boxes, bags and jars.

Idea 1. Simply cover the box with colored or wrapping paper suitable size. You can make an applique on it or use tape with an ornament. You need to glue a piece inside soft fabric so that it covers the bottom.

Idea 2. A flat plastic envelope of a small format (for example, A 5) with a zip fastener or riveting can also be adapted for writing instruments. Typically, documents are stored in such bags.

But it’s worth doing a little magic with the decor, and you’ll end up with a non-trivial little thing for a different purpose. Several types of colored tape will help you create a fun geometric print or a simple mosaic of squares.

Idea 3. Who said that a long and narrow plastic cereal jar can only be used for the kitchen? We fasten a piece of bright wrapping paper, a picture from a coloring book or an applique inside along the perimeter of the walls. That's all - a sealed and durable pencil case can survive trips to the country and plein air in the fresh air.

Pay attention!

Old jeans come in handy

There is nothing easier than sewing a pencil case from jeans and zippers. It will fit perfectly small child, and already a matured young lady. Let's limit ourselves to a simple rectangular shape and add decor from snake fasteners for originality.

It is necessary to cut the workpiece taking into account seam allowances on the wrong side old jacket or trousers. It’s okay if a pocket or patch gets in there – it’s even more interesting. Now you need to stitch the sides and sew in a zipper.

The decor of such a pencil case should match that which decorates the jeans: labels, abrasions, pockets, zippers, rivets. Romantic people can add a small scattering of rhinestones, the main thing is not to overdo it.

If you have a little more free time...

It is quite an ordinary situation when an adult needs to keep necessary items safe and sound. Why can you make a pencil case if you are no longer a child?

  • Girls will put away their makeup brushes in it.
  • The pencil case can be used as a case for glasses.
  • If you work hard on the form and decor, then school affiliation will replace your cosmetic bag when traveling.

You can also put medicines there that you need constantly. Now it will be convenient to carry them in your purse. These are the benefits you get if you put in just a little effort and imagination, select a suitable idea, and go ahead!

Pay attention!

Photos of pencil cases with your own hands

Pay attention!