How to do the first parent meeting?

The first parent meeting is of particular importance in the formation of a team of students, in uniting parents and the formation of the parent community as a team. How it is carried out largely determines whether goals and requirements will be agreed upon and whether cooperation between parents and school will be established.

Target meetings - determining common approaches to education and prospects for cooperation between the school and class parents.

The required time is 1.5 hours.


the meeting is held in the office assigned to the class, a common “round table” is created or chairs form a common circle.

    The “Business Card” technique is used - each parent’s name and patronymic are signed with a marker on the sign, followed by the child’s last and first name.

Business cards are located on the tables in front of each parent.


newspaper “Portrait of a Class”, epigraphs for the parent meeting, phonograms of melodies. A video recorder has been prepared with video recordings of the class on the “Day of Knowledge” line, on the thematic class hour, “Parent’s Memos” on the number of families in the class, paper for notes, class photo (15x20 cm).

Participants: in addition to parents, there may be specialists from the school’s psychological, pedagogical and medical and social services.

Preparation:class teacher preliminary analyzes information about parents, collects up-to-date information about the class from teachers, consults with specialists - psychologist, social worker, doctor.


The class teacher is helped by the “Council of Affairs” from among the students of the class - the guys arrange tables and chairs, decorate the classroom, meet parents, escort them to the cloakroom, to the classroom, and register those who come.

Quiet music plays, parents get acquainted with the information presented in the classroom.

At the appointed time, the class teacher offers to sit at the round table and place business cards. Names and explains the purpose of the meeting, identifies the conventional stages in the work process: acquaintance, guidelines, plans and prospects.


It begins with the class teacher talking about himself.

Comment: It is very important for parents to know which person they trust with their child. Therefore, they would like to have information about the class teacher. The need for this information is great, and the best option is to get it first-hand. In addition, the class teacher’s sincere story about himself sets the tone the necessary level of trust in communication.

Then the class teacher offers acquaintancesweat with everyone present.

Here you can use "Class Photo" reception:“I have in my hands a photograph of our class taken on September 1 of this year. I know that every family has such a photograph, you probably looked at it, perhaps the child shared his first impressions. Using this photo, we will get to know each other. I will name the child’s last name and first name, showing him in the photo, and you, dear parents, identify yourself and introduce yourself.”

Comment: the use of this technique, as a rule, evokes positive emotions in parents, which creates an atmosphere of trust and interest.

Homeroom teacher explains the features of the school, talks about traditions,mode, mode of activity, expected resultsresults. Showcases school symbols(emblem, flag, anthem, uniform elements),explains its meaning for the education of studentsXia. Each parent is given a “Memo for the parent" (or booklet -business card schools ).

Can be used reception "Microexcourse", when the class teacher or one of the children takes parents through the school museum, the “History of the School” exhibition, and a photo gallery.


This is the second stage of the meeting. The class teacher defines general approaches to education, speaks about the need for close cooperation between family and school, and about forms of cooperation that are characteristic and traditional for the school.

Work in micro groups. 7 minutes“What do I want my child to look like when he graduates from school?”

The teacher asks each microgroup to present its vision of the problem. The topic for discussion is “How do I want my child to graduate from school?” When the time for discussion has expired, one parent from each microgroup is invited to express the most general opinions. The class teacher records on the board the qualities of graduates that parents want to see, significant values. Summarizing the opinions expressed, the class teacher necessarily draws the attention of parents oncoinciding values schools and parents, draws attention to the fact that results in the development of students’ personalities can only be achieved through joint efforts, in close cooperation.

The class teacher draws attention to the fact that the movement towards long-term results begins today, in the process of specific actions, and then presents a vision of the organization of life in the classroom: values, model of organizing activities, requirements, regime moments. Hands out a printout with the necessary information (or offers to write it down): what, where, when it will happen.

The teacher agrees with parents on the regularity of meetings and the information system, explaining their importance.

Conducting parent meetings

Parent meeting is the main form collaboration teachers and parents, where decisions are discussed and made on the most important issues of the life of the classroom community and the education of students at school and at home. Its main purpose is its coordination, coordination and integration of the efforts of the school and family in creating conditions for the development of a spiritually rich, morally pure and physically healthy child’s personality.

Today there is a need to hold parent meetings in order to improve the pedagogical culture of parents, the activity of their role in the life of the class, and responsibility for the education of students.

Why are parent meetings needed?

To quickly obtain a variety of information about children. In this case, the class teacher needs to carefully think through and clearly formulate the questions to which he wants answers;

As orientation, instructive meetings in case of changes in the life and activities of the class team, requirements for children, work hours, etc. At such meetings, you can find out the parents’ opinions on the issues brought up for the meeting;

To familiarize parents with an analysis of academic performance, attendance, results of medical examinations, etc. But this should be analytical material, “without fried facts,” the names of parents and children;

As advisory services on career guidance, employment of children, employment in the system additional education, study and vacation mode. It is good to invite a psychologist, subject teachers and other specialists to such meetings: employees of the SDSD, criminal police for DD, etc.

As an emergency, emergency in an acute conflict situation, an extremely difficult case with one of the children. This is collective advice from adults on how to help a child in trouble or a mother in need of help;

How to discuss fundamental issues together with students;

Like showing the “product face”, when children show their parents their creative abilities, sporting achievements, applied skills, etc. Such meetings are very useful and interesting for both parents and children;

Like meetings-lectures, psychological trainings, role playing games on various topics and problems of education and training. Such meetings can be held frequently (once a month) as a general education for parents.

Note to the teacher

1. The parent meeting should educate parents, and not state the mistakes and failures of children in their studies.

2. The topic of the meeting is developed taking into account age characteristics children.

3. The meeting should be both theoretical and practical in nature: analysis of situations, training exercises, discussions, etc.

Seven rules

successful parent meeting

  1. Respect!
  2. Help!
  3. Explain!
  4. Trust!
  5. Learn!
  6. Ask!
  7. Thank you!

Secrets of a successful parent meeting


  • Talk about the problem, not personalities.
  • Celebrate successes and reserves. No discussion of a specific child! If you praise, then praise everyone for something.
  • The class teacher does not dictate the right solution, but encourages a group of parents to find it.
  • Use clear examples - how to do it, how to do it correctly.
  • Do not turn an individual consultation into a demonstration (I talk to one person - everyone stands around and listens).

Forms of conducting

parent meetings.

  • One of the wonderful forms of parent meetings is a written form, when the class teacher sends parents some documents, developments, parents evaluate them and make their suggestions.
  • Parent meeting with students.
  • A parent meeting in the form of a presentation of families, their traditions, skills, relationships, and views on education.
  • Parent meeting in the form of a cafe.
  • Parents' meeting on a campfire.
  • Parent meeting in the form of a game.
  • A parent meeting in the form of a press conference, when either specialists of interest to parents are invited, or they find themselves among the parents.
  • A parent meeting in the form of pre-created research groups that report the results of their research and surveys at the meeting.
  • Parents' meeting for men.
  • A parent meeting in the form of a discussion of pre-written proposals and ideas for improving the organization of class life.
  • A parent meeting in the form of a press conference of subject teachers and subsequent individual consultations.


Parent meetings.

  1. When preparing for a parent-teacher meeting, the class teacher should be most concerned about the emotional level of the meeting.
  2. If parents for the most part do not go to meetings, it means that they do not love their children, or they are against the form and content of the meetings.
  3. It is best when the parents themselves, if necessary, the students and the class teacher play an active role in holding the meeting.
  4. The class teacher needs to learn how to talk deliciously, inventively, wonderfully and originally about life in the classroom and about the children.
  5. Parents only develop love for school and for the class when they take a lot of and good part in the life of the class.
  6. The parent meeting always ends with individual consultation of parents, which is carried out by the class teacher, psychologist, social worker, and subject teachers.
  7. A parent meeting in the form of a monologue by the class teacher is the least successful form of holding it.
  8. It is important to always remember one feature of all meetings: no matter what is discussed at them, no matter how excited and noisy the debates are, however, after the end of the meeting, everything that was so passionately argued about is immediately forgotten. It is necessary immediately during the meeting every idea, every proposal, every piece of advice, if they are accepted by all or the majority, in the shortest possible time, following fresh tracks, together with the most concerned parents develop to the level of the planned task and begin implementation.
  9. The class teacher is simply obliged to squeeze out of parents all their capabilities, all their skills and knowledge for the benefit of the children and adults.

Preparation algorithm

Parents' meeting:

1. The choice of topic and form for holding a parent meeting takes into account:

  • age characteristics of children;
  • predominance of family types;
  • level of education and interest of parents;
  • problems of the classroom team;
  • goals and objectives of the educational process facing the school.

2. Preparatory work:

  • study of scientific and methodological literature;
  • documentation analysis;
  • conducting micro-research;
  • determining the type, form and stages of the parent meeting, methods and techniques for organizing the work of its participants;
  • announcement 2-3 weeks in advance about parent-teacher meetings for students;
  • entry in student diaries about the topic and timing of the meeting;
  • invitation of parents and other participants;
  • involving members of the parent committee in its preparation;
  • design and equipment of the meeting venue.
  • it should educate parents, and not to state the mistakes and failures of children in their studies;
  • it should be both theoretical and practical in nature: analysis of situations, trainings, discussions, etc.;
  • it should not engage in discussion and condemnation of the personalities of students, teachers, and parents.

4. Structure of the parent meeting:

  1. Discussion of a specific problem (educating parents, training parents, increasing their psychological and pedagogical competence).
  2. General information (achievements and prospects for the development of the school, changes in the curriculum, upcoming events, planned expenses: why and why). Separately, thanks to those parents who helped the class and the school.
  3. Analysis of children's development over a certain period:
  • personal changes (problems arising between children; diagnostic data);
  • educational activities (level of motivation, achievements, problems).
  1. Adoption of a meeting decision.
  1. Individual consultations with parents.

Example Mode

parent meeting.

The start of the meeting must be at a strictly established time. Parents get used to this requirement and try to adhere to it. Maximum duration 1-1.5 hours.

  1. Opening speech by the class teacher (introduction of guests) – 5 min.
  2. Analysis of parents' questionnaires (by class teacher, psychologist, teacher) in order to more clearly expose the problem of the meeting - 5-7 minutes.
  3. Performance

A parent meeting is always an exciting event for a teacher, as many organizational issues need to be resolved and be able to establish contact with parents. We will show you how to plan your event so that it is productive and interesting.

Ideas for organizing parent-teacher conferences

Any meeting with parents can be held in a purely businesslike tone, with a minimum of deviations and creative solutions. However, such meetings do not help bring the team closer to the teacher or school and cause few pleasant feelings.

If you apply more creativity to your work, you will be able to hold a parent meeting in an interesting and positive way. In this case, the meeting will need to include:

  • The use of informative, very detailed and preferably beautifully designed handouts that allow parents to learn more about each other, about pressing problems, about the school, teachers, the nuances of the educational process, etc. You can create one basic binder for each person with basic information, and then prepare material for meetings on the current agenda;
  • Introduction of interactive technologies (video and audio players, computers) to demonstrate video and photo reports from past class events;
  • Decorating the classroom with a wall newspaper dedicated to the parent meeting;
  • Usage special techniques to create an atmosphere of friendly communication during the meeting. For example, arranging tables in a circle, uniting parents into microgroups for one purpose or another, etc.;
  • Use of various kinds of questionnaires, questionnaires (including anonymous ones).

It's also a good idea to offer parents a coffee break with a small treat.

What should be said at the meeting?

If you are thinking about how to properly conduct a parent meeting, then you will definitely need to create an event plan. Each time it will be new, but in general a class meeting should include:

  • An introductory speech by the teacher, in which he recalls the topic of the meeting and briefly lists the issues that will be considered;
  • Studying the opinions of parents on each issue and making decisions on them;
  • Analysis of the work done since the last meeting, evaluation of the results;
  • Determination of general short-term and long-term plans for the class and individual students;
  • Preliminary elaboration of specific tasks and issues that will need to be resolved before or at the next meeting.

You can draw up minutes of meetings by assigning the work to one of the members of the parent committee.

As for how to conduct the first parent meeting, it is worth talking about this in more detail.

Example script for the first parent meeting


  • Soft music (while parents gather in the classroom).
  • Photographs, drawings, wall newspapers, posters.
  • Interactive presentation of the agenda (using a computer and projector).
  • Tables arranged in a circle.
  • Business cards with the names of parents and their children (can be immediately placed on tables).
  • Handouts for each parent.

Since preparing for the meeting will take a lot of time and effort, it is worth asking other teachers and the children themselves to help hold an interesting parent-teacher meeting.

First stage: acquaintance

  • The class teacher talks about himself, his pedagogical principles, plans for the class, etc. Parents ask questions that interest them.
  • The parents introduce themselves. To do this, you can display a photo of the class through the projector - the teacher will point to the student, saying his first and last name and inviting the parent to tell about himself.
  • The teacher tells all the most important and interesting things about the school (traditions, rules, work regulations), educational process(schedule of classes, conducting tests and exams), teaching staff, psychological assistance service for students, etc.

Stage two: planning, problem solving

  • Parents are invited to unite in mini-groups of 5-7 people and discuss what they expect from school, the learning process, what they want their children to be like in high school and at graduation. After this, a representative from each group voices a list of wishes. The teacher writes them down on the board and invites them to decide on methods for achieving their goals for the next parent meeting - organizing clubs, conducting excursions, in-depth study of subjects, etc.
  • The issue of the schedule for further meetings, communication between parents and with the class teacher is discussed. The meeting participants decide when to hold the next parent meeting.
  • Urgent organizational issues are discussed and resolved (food, school clothes, keeping diaries, financial matters etc.).
  • Selected parent committee, a list of issues that each parent will deal with is determined.
  • A list of upcoming tasks and a schedule for their solution are outlined.

You will find other useful articles in the section

Olga Shirobokova
Master class “Games that people play, or How to have an interesting parent-teacher meeting”

« Games that people play or

How interesting to have a parent meeting»

Parents meeting is a way of interaction between the teacher and parents on any topical issue, but today the meaning of such meetings comes down to solving organizational issues. Parents don't go to meetings, because they are boring, drawn-out, static and ineffective.

The teacher’s task is to seriously prepare for such events. To ensure the most effective interaction, it is necessary for the teacher to turn from a lecturer into a partner. parents.

Any parent meeting it should be unusual, unconventional, it should be held like a holiday, like game. In this case, you parents there is a great desire to attend it. First you need to create an asset parents, for the first time it will be parent committee. Having built an active and friendly relationship between parents of their group, you can achieve strengthening of the educational process, find support for your pedagogical endeavors and creativity, which will ultimately have a positive impact on the development of children.

Exactly on meetings the teacher has the opportunity to introduce parents with tasks, content, methods of raising children preschool age in kindergarten and family settings. In our time of advanced technology, many parents prefer to get information from sources Internet, literature. It’s much simpler, more convenient, you don’t have to go anywhere, waste time - this is what many modern people think parents.

Our task for today: do parent meeting interesting, useful for parents. Show priority for live communication.

How to do this? I suggest one of options: hold a parent meeting in the form of a game. Everyone likes to play, at any age. And education and the game is very similar:

There is a certain space;


There are some props;

Leads to some goal.

The rules of all games are subject to several simple and understandable rules: laws:

What is not prohibited is permitted

Accept the other's choice

Decide for yourself or negotiate

Speak for yourself

Today I would like to talk about several games, taking which template, you can easily transfer it to any topic meetings.

Now let’s go directly to practice and try play games.

(All games are played with participants"Working workshop» )

Let's start with games"Free microphone"

Target: Exchange important information on the topic.

Rules: Within 5 minutes, participants express everything they want on the topic.

Props: microphone.

Next game"3,12,2"

Target: Activate mental activity, set up for further work.

Rules: For 3 minutes, each participant makes notes reflecting aspects of the problem. (Whatever comes to mind).

The sheets are then collected and mixed. Participants are divided into pairs, each pair pulls out a piece of paper and writes their ideas on the topic. (12 minutes)

Then the participants are divided into 3 groups, tell each other their ideas and choose the best one. (2 min).


Small sheets of paper

Whiteboard markers or chalk.

Game"Weak point"

Target: Reveal information which may interfere with success.

Rules: Participants are given a topic. Everyone writes on a separate piece of paper (sticker) on this topic what He: knows/doesn't know, doesn't know/knows, knows/knows and doesn't know/doesn't know.

A plane is drawn on a piece of paper or board, and all participants paste their answers.

In this game you can very well see that parents are interested in what they would like to know. Very good hold it at the first parent meeting.


Sticker set

A sheet of Whatman paper divided into four planes.


This term is taken from the film industry and was introduced by Walt Disney.

A storyboard is a sequence of drawings that serves as an aid to the creation of films.

It helps to visualize what the director's vision is for how to make a film. A picture says more than a thousand words, and it is very useful as a basis for communication and an opportunity to convey the director's ideas to the crew and producers.

Let's take any topic, for example "Improvement of children's walking area". Participants are divided into pairs, each pair draws an element of the area, in the end all the elements are added up and something whole is obtained. Possible on one take 2-3 topics for the meeting, each group will present their project.


-felt-tip pens,markers,pencils.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that family and kindergarten are connected by common tasks in raising a child. Therefore, what is important here is not the principle of parallelism, but the principle of interpenetration of two social institutions.

Publications on the topic:

“Computer games” Parent meeting. Dear parents. Our parent meeting doesn't end there. I would like to discuss with you a hot topic that concerns each of them.

Every child loves and knows how to draw in their own way. Children draw with pencils and paints, crayons and charcoal. It turns out that you can make a drawing.

Parents' meeting "Games for children and adults" Hello, dear parents! We are glad to see you as our guest. Today we will talk about the importance of development fine motor skills and coordination.

Parent meeting “Our fingers play - our speech develops” Parent meeting “Our fingers play - our speech develops.” Form of conduct: seminar-workshop. Purpose: to give an idea.

Parent meeting “The role of play in child development” Parent meeting “Children’s games are the key to a child’s successful development” Goal: informing parents about the importance of play in the development of a child.


It's a parent meeting again...

Upon entering, statements are taken out of the box.

Goal: creating conditions for professional self-improvement and mutual enrichment of teachers on this topic.

Tasks: introduce master class participants to one of the techniques for holding parent meetings; conduct a practical lesson.

Presentation of teaching experience

There is a problem - low attendance of parents at meetings. The goal is to attract parents to participate in educational activities.Indeed, in most cases, parents do not have the slightest reason to attend those meetings where the class teacher vividly describes all the negative steps and actions of the unfortunate child known to him or reads boring lectures about how parents should raise their own children.

Unfortunately, it is also worth noting that a significant part of parents are simply passive and have not been taught to take not only an active, but generally any expressive role in parent-teacher meetings.

How to increase parents' motivation to attend parent-teacher meetings? How to get parents to want to be useful to the school? How to get parents out of their passive position? If you look at the schedule of parents' attendance at class meetings, you can see the instability of attendance in grades 1 and 2. Based on this, I set myself the task of involving parents in education issues in any way and asked myself the question? What should it be like today? Unconventional! First of all, there is a need for variability in forms, methods, and techniques when holding parent meetings. This means that at parent meetings, methods and techniques should be used that activate the attention of parents who are tired after work, make it easier to remember the essence of conversations, and create a special mood for a friendly, frank and business-like conversation. As a result of many years of work, trial and error, I made changes to the already well-known forms of holding parent meetings, and began to actively use various techniques in preparing and holding parent meetings.

As a result, I increased the interest of parents in the issues of raising children, increased their attendance at meetings, and activated parents to solve problems of upbringing. (Chart 3 and 4)

Presentation of the work system.

Slides from parent-teacher conferences.

Imitation game.

The main task of parent meetings – look for joint ways to solve emerging problems in education and training.

Where does the parent meeting begin? With an invitation!

Techniques for starting parent-teacher conferences


First option. Each participant in the parent meeting says to his neighbor, calling him by name: “Hello, I’m glad to see you!”, and be sure to add something pleasant for the person.

Second option. Everyone says hello to everyone in turn, without repeating themselves. Available in various languages.

Third option. Parents are invited to divide into small groups (by color of clothing, by zodiac sign, by the first letter of their name, etc.) and come up with an appropriate greeting for all participants.

Fourth option. Formulate an official greeting at the presidential level, mathematical, biological, physical, on behalf of fairy tale hero, hero of a literary work, etc.

Tight circle.

All participants in the parent meeting sit in a tight circle, pressing their elbows against each other. The teacher invites everyone to close their eyes and sit silently for one minute, thinking about everyone sitting in the circle.

All participants sat in a circle.

Participants are asked to imagine that they are the petals of a flower. You can imagine beads, stars and other options. This promotes group unity.

Motto of the parent meeting.

Parents choose a motto under which they will work at the meeting. If opinions are divided, it may be possible to agree to use other proposed options in subsequent meetings to ensure everyone is satisfied.

Today I want to introduce you to my favorite technique"Carousel"

This technique can be used for more than just one stage of the meeting. Today we use it at the beginning of parent-teacher conferences and during simulation games.

Welcome carousel. 2 circles are formed (small and large). Everyone says a greeting to everyone in turn, without repeating themselves. Available in various languages.

I ask you to sit in groups using the same statements.

I. Psychological mood (riddle, parable, etc.)

My friend! Entering this world,

So huge and rebellious

You must be very persistent

And at the same time – kind and gentle.

You learn to value friendship.

Be reliable yourself true friend,

Capable of protecting the weak.

Good will come back to you all around.

Know how to restrain yourself when

I want to scream so much out of anger.

And don't pass by the poor,

Manage to give them a piece of bread.

Strive to know as much as possible

And turn knowledge into advantage,

So that at the end of your life

It would be something to look at.

Good afternoon, dear parents! I'm glad to meet you again. The theme of our meeting is written on your invitations and will always be relevant. Today we will talk about morality, the role of the family in instilling moral values ​​in a child.

Practical part


    Question and answer

    Tangle of problems

    Analysis of your own experience

    Task cards


Solving pedagogical situations

Now let's move on to the practical part of our meeting. Each group receives a pedagogical situation and proposes ways to resolve it, then sheets are exchanged clockwise or counterclockwise, so that each group works with each highlighted problem. As soon as their first sheets are returned to the groups, the discussion work stops and each group summarizes the answers received and presents them to all participants. (CAROUSEL RECEPTION) (5 min)

Situation 1. The teacher informs parents about any misconduct by the child. The child denies this. The parents did not notice such behavior in the child, so they do not trust the teacher. But after talking with the children in the class, they found out that the child had lied. What would you do?

Situation 2. You noticed that the child tore out the pages in the diary. The child refuses to talk about the reasons for the action. What are your actions?

Situation 3. Parents of classmates complained to you that your child calls their children obscene names. What will you do?

Situation 4. A child came home from school and shared his joy: “I got a “5”, but Misha got a “d”. What is your answer?

Situation 5. You don’t like one of your friends and call him, for example, Bear behind his back. In the evening the doorbell rang, the child opened it and shouted: “Mom, Uncle Bear has come to us.” How will you get out of this situation?

Conclusion: Our meeting is coming to an end. And in conclusion, I would like to remind you that the measure of morality, nobility and beauty of a person’s soul is conscience. Any person can make mistakes and commit offenses that violate moral standards. But, if a child has been brought up with such a quality of soul as conscience, if he experiences shame, he will be able to stop himself in another similar situation. The task of parents is to cultivate this quality in him.

As you can see, there are many problems facing modern family, from year to year we are convinced that the spiritual and moral education of children is a complex, lengthy process that requires the strain of the spiritual strength of parents and high morality, and parents, the school, and society as a whole should be interested in this work. Only through joint efforts, joint cooperation and trusting relationships between family and school can we achieve positive result and raise a real person in every student.

Remember the words of A.S. Makarenko: “A child is a living person, it is not at all an ornament of our life, it is a separate, full-blooded and rich life. In terms of the strength of emotions, the anxiety and depth of impressions, the purity and beauty of volitional tension, a child’s life is incomparably richer than an adult’s.” Let the children always have a kind and reliable friend, parent, mentor nearby in this life; it depends on you how your child will grow up. The school will adjust something, but we are molding from what is already involved.

Reflection of the parent meeting.

What methods are you using that you are convinced are correct?

Which parents' experiences were useful to you?

What are you thinking about?

What would you like to improve in the educational process in your family?

Memo for parents. BOOKLET


“How to help your child study well” is the theme of the meeting.

Compose questions for the Carousel reception groups

(How to teach a child independence; how to teach him to be attentive; when it is more appropriate to complete a task together; how to control a child’s studies)
