Ekaterina Pozdeeva
Birthday scenario with Fixies in the middle group

At the very beginning of the holiday of the day birth When everyone has gathered, the parents report that today they are expecting unusual guests. Children are asked not to say the name of the birthday boy; let the guests try to guess.

They're coming Fixies: Nolik and Simka.

They are surprised that all the children are so smart.

Nolik: "Oh! It seems like we are at some kind of holiday.".

Simka: “Exactly! All the children are so smart and beautiful! Guys, what kind of holiday are you having?

Children answer: "Day birth.

Nolik: “How wonderful! We got there for the day birth! Who's the birthday boy? I’ll try to guess it myself now.”

Nolik can't guess. It is important that he does not address the birthday boy.

The survey must be selective.

then Simka tries to guess, but she doesn’t learn from her either, she goes to the birthday boy’s parents and finds out the name, after which she offers to play a game!


Children stand in a circle fixie throws the ball to each child in turn and he loudly calls his name, children with the same names as the birthday boy come out in a circle and take turns calling the items of clothing he is wearing. After the birthday boy has been guessed, the children sit on chairs, and the birthday boy remains with fixers.

Today is our day birth– the best holiday in the world! We have prepared a surprise for you, but we don’t want to give it away just like that, so we suggest you go through several tests. We assure you that the tasks will be fun and interesting. Are you ready? Then: “Thousand!”.

The guys shout out: “Thousand!” and show characteristic fixies three finger gesture (index and middle up, and the big one to the side).


But first, we will start with an unusual congratulations to our birthday boy. Now I will read the wishes, and you will help me. Answer yes yes yes to those wishes that you like and no no no to those that you don’t want to wish at all. You just need to shout loudly and clearly, and of course, everyone together. And at the end you need to shout HAPPY DAY together and loudly BIRTH, Deal?

Happy day congratulations on your birthday!

Children. Yes, yes, yes!

Ved. And, of course, we wish...

Definitely be fatter...

No, no, no!

Be beautiful, kind, sweet

Both loud and pugnacious...

No, no, no!

Be strong, healthy, brave...

Accurate and skillful...

What would mommy love...

Beat me with a strap more often

No, no, no!

Okay, let me feed you candy...

Maybe stop congratulating? It's time for us to play games!

Nolik: and now we’ll see how well you watch cartoons about us and know the electrical appliances that live in our houses

The people are very fussy

They repair electrical appliances!

You can't see them, don't look

After all, they live inside.

There is no place for mysticism

If nearby... (Fixies.)

The boy's name is Dim Dimych,

This is an indisputable fact!

There is also a dog in the house.

Drives fixies...(Nipper.)

Fixikov's motto is dear to us:

“Found it, understood everything, fixed it!”

Innovators to help -

There are backpacks... (Helpers.)

Fixies and people are friends,

Fixies serve them well!

If trouble comes to the house,

Everything will be fixed without difficulty!

The hairdryer can be easily repaired

And the washing machine... (A typewriter.)

Simka, Nolik, Papus, Masya,

Not even half an hour will pass

Everything will be fixed, everything will be fixed!

It's so easy to live next to them!

They repair the remote control, the alarm clock,

TV… (Fridge.)

Simka A Now I’ll check how dexterous and fast you are. Shall we play Nipper?

Contest "Nipper"

Children stand in a circle and hold hands. In the center is a child wearing a mask fixie, outside the circle - wearing a Nipper mask. Music starts playing. The nipper tries to break into the center of the circle to "bite" fixie, the children try to prevent her from doing this. If she still manages to get to fixie, then the roles change and the other child becomes a dog.

Nolik: Guys, I’m in trouble, now I wanted to show you what a wonderful helper I have, but all the tools in it are mixed up, and can you help me return them to their original place and tidy up my helper?


Two black bags containing tools and toys mixed in, children must identify the object by touch and put it in the helper.

Nolik: what a great fellow you have put together, helper, we urgently need to repair the computer, otherwise Dim Dimych will not be able to write a letter to his dad, who is now in Africa. But to fix it, we will play with you.


Children stand in a circle and the leader passes the instrument around in a circle. The presenter is trying to catch up with the instrument. You can cheat, throw, or run the tool in the opposite direction. At the end of the game, the instrument ends up in the hands of the leader.

Game "Computer" (repeated to cheerful music)

One computer, two computer (show the screen with your hands)

Buttons, buttons, (point finger)

On a large keyboard

Letters, letters. (we print)

One floppy disk, two floppy disks, (insert floppy disk)

Disk drive, disk drive, (we spread our hands)

We're watching the monitor (make circles around the eyes)

All year round, all year round.

Well done guys, you helped us and saved our computer.

Game "Virus"

What happened? A virus has entered our computer! You know, …

What is a virus? This is a health disadvantage

There are no advantages in his nature, he drives the temperature.

If it gets into the program, it will destroy the database!

No one can defeat him, he is omnipotent and famous!

And now we will try to defeat him, because together we are strong! We are fixies! I will tell you the task, and you will say YES or NO, agreed?

1. Who are they fixies? (little men living in technology)

2. What are they doing? Do they break equipment? (fix problems, repair devices)

3. What characters are there in the cartoon about fixies? (Nine fixies - Papus, Masya and their children Simka and Nolik, grandfather Dedus, Simka’s classmates Fire, Igrek, Shpulya and Verta. DimDimych is an 8-year-old boy, his mom and dad, a dog, a bug.)

4. What was the name of Dimdimych’s dog? (Nipper)

5. What to eat fixies? Cakes and ice cream? (no, they are powered by energy from devices)

6. What sign do real people show with their fingers? fixies?

7. What devices are they talking about? cartoon fixers? (kettle, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, etc.)

8. What is a helper? (knapsack with tools)

And you, well done! We have almost destroyed the virus! How did we forget about vitamins? A virus is not only a disorder in the computer body, but also a disorder in the human body.

Now we will combine both organisms and install an anti-virus program. In order to heal the human body, it needs to be fed with vitamins, now we will do it!

Game "Balls" (Vitamins) catch from the basket"

Hooray! We have defeated the virus! Well done! We have not yet completed all the tasks to find a surprise for our birthday boy, and there is almost no time left, so I suggest you hurry up.

Now in one dance we will repair a TV, refrigerator, coffee grinder, fan, calculator, transformer, synthesizer and even an excavator. And we will repair all this with the help of a helper.

What is a helper... Correct. Well, is everyone ready? Let's go!

Game "Helper"

DYTS-DYTS - claps

TWO FIXIKA INSIDE - you wiggle your butt while half-sitting down.

TV – draw a rectangle with your hands

REFRIGERATOR - showing cold

COFFEE GRINDER - turn the handle

FAN - we turn the motors in front of the chest with our hands

CALCULATOR - with your fingers right hand print on the left palm

TRANSFORMER - clench your fists and show boxing

SYNTHESIZER - we play an imaginary piano with both hands or make ears like a monkey

ESCAVATOR - digging with a shovel

HELPER - show a sign with outstretched arms "thousand"

Well, everything was repaired. Well done! And I noticed that our fixies must get out of any situation. Nolik you can. Now we will check it.


The leader scatters a lot of balls across the floor. The task of two players is to collect as many balls as possible. The one with the most balls wins. Next, 2 other players are selected.

What a great fellow you are, and now we will test your dexterity and attentiveness.


Chairs are placed one less than the number of players. Everyone runs around, when the music stops, everyone sits on chairs; those who don’t have enough chairs are eliminated. The game continues until there is only one winner left.

Well, all that remains is for our birthday boy to sing a loaf, but not a simple loaf, but a loaf fixies.


"We're on fixie birthday, let's light the electric loaf,

Loaf, loaf - load whoever you love!"

What will we wish for our birthday girl today?

"Happy Day birth» and give a gift from Nolik.

Scenario for the holiday “The Fixies are visiting”

LEADING: Good evening dear children and their parents.

LEADING: Today we have gathered here for the inauguration ceremony for the first-graders of 2015!

TEACHER: - Guys, you have already studied for a whole quarter, just recently in the summer, you have not yet thought about lessons and homework, you have not prepared your portfolios for school, you did not need to get up early to be in time for the first lesson. Let's remember what summer was like, carefree and joyful, sunny and happy. Let's listen to a song about a colorful summer performed by _______________________(song).

TEACHER: Oh, guys, we need your help, without it our holiday may not take place. The fact is that a virus entered my computer and infected all my documents and files. And without him our holiday may not take place.

Leading: Who should you call for help? Listen carefully to the riddles:

1. Little people very soon
They repair electrical appliances!
You can't see them, don't look
After all, they live inside.
There is no place for mysticism
If nearby... who? (Fixies.)

2. The boy's name is Dim Dimych,
This is an indisputable fact!
There is also a dog in the house.
Chasing fixies... (Nipper.)

3. Fixikov’s motto is dear to us:
“Found it, understood everything, fixed it!”
Innovators to help -
There are backpacks... (Helpers.)

4. Fixies and people are friends,
Fixies serve them well!
If trouble comes to the house,
Everything will be fixed without difficulty!
The hairdryer can be easily repaired
And the washing machine... (A typewriter.)

5. Simka, Nolik, Papus, Masya,
Not even half an hour will pass
Everything will be fixed, everything will be fixed!
It's so easy to live next to them!
They repair the remote control, the alarm clock,
TV… (Fridge.)

Let's sing a song about fixies so that they will come to our aid!(fixies come in and sing together)

“And who are the fixies - a big, big secret” - song

Fixies Hello guys! Oh, how well you sang the song with us! Why did you call us? What happened to you?

LEADING: We're in trouble! We gathered for the “Dedication to First-Graders” holiday, but all the files on our computer disappeared because viruses had penetrated into it. What should we do? How can we fix our computer? Help us!

FIXIK 1: We will fix your computer, but you must help us! To do this, you need to complete our tasks and then our holiday will take place!! Be careful! And answer “It’s me, it’s me, these are all my friends!”

Who walks to school with a cheerful gait every day?

- Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class?

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
- Who is not afraid of frost and flies like a bird on skates?

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

Which of you, when you grow up, will become an astronaut?

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
- Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
- Which of you, so good, wore galoshes to sunbathe?

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
- Who completes their homework on time?

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
- How many of you keep your books, pens and notebooks in order?

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

Fixik 2: Well done guys, we played well! Do you know our dance exercise? Let's do it all together?

Children repeat the movements to the music “Dryts, tuts, TV”

Teacher: oh guys, look, thanks to you, my computer is working again! What great fellows you are!

Fix 1: Well, dear first-graders, we fixed the computer, but our holiday does not end there! We have one more task for you! Since you are already experienced first-graders, you know how to assemble a briefcase, we will now play a game called “Collect a Briefcase”!

Fixik 2: We will show pictures, and you will have to choose from the proposed options those that you put in your briefcases every morning when you get ready for school. When a suitable picture appears on the screen, you must clap your hands! But be careful! Don't put unnecessary things in your briefcase! And so, let's start!

Fix 1: How well you learned to collect briefcases! Well done guys! And now we want to hear what poems you know about school?

First graders read poetry:

1.(Raises the letter Ш)
Yesterday I was just a child,
There's nothing you can do about it.
They called me a preschooler
And now they call me a first-grader.

2. (Raises the letter K)
We are not just children now,

We are now students.
And now on our desks
Books, pens, diaries.

3. (Raises the letter O)
This is my first time in class
Now I'm a student.-
The teacher entered the classroom
Stand up or sit down?

4.(Raises the letter L)
Now I'm a student
I write with ink,
I'm afraid to move
I'm sitting and not breathing.

5.(Raises letter A)
We put on a new uniform,
A brand new pen in a brand new briefcase,
New books, counting sticks,
New notebooks, new worries.
(The letters form the word "school".)

(They perform the song “First-graders”)

Fix 1: Well done guys, you have become real first graders! And now it’s time to present you with a first-grader certificate!

Fixik 2: Thank you guys, and now we ask our first-graders to tell us how much they love school!(poems about school)

Dance "We're Just Little Stars"

Does your child dream of a Fixies-style holiday? Well, you are quite capable of organizing a birthday party in the style of your son or daughter’s favorite heroes.

First, you need to decide whether you want to have a birthday in the style of all the characters from the cartoon “The Fixies,” or perhaps choose one of your favorite ones.

After this, you can safely start making invitations for the holiday (of course, having previously decided where and when it will take place).

Having sent out or personally given invitations to the Fixies holiday, you need to start decorating. Think about how and with what the room will be decorated for the holiday. It could be balloons V bright colors Fixies (green, blue, yellow, orange), garlands and banners, posters with images of Fixies or their large figures printed on cardboard.

Don't forget to decorate your food and drinks too. The easiest option is to print out small images of Fixies and glue them to toothpicks or skewers - it will make an excellent decoration for various snacks. You can also simply place them on the table in a glass (you’ll get a kind of bouquet of Fixies :)).

The choice of menu, of course, depends on the preferences of the birthday boy or girl and their guests. But what they definitely won’t refuse and will look forward to with special impatience is cake. We offer you a small selection of Fixies style cakes:

You can also offer your guests cookies in the Fixies style.

The entertainment program of the holiday depends on your capabilities (an animator or you will entertain the guests yourself) and on their age (for example, younger children can be offered a coloring book, and for older guests a master class on drawing one of the Fixies can be held).

As a basis for the script, you can take the plot of one of the cartoon series or come up with original games and tasks yourself. Here you need to start directly from the interests of your child and his friends.

If you have the desire and opportunity, you can arrange a photo zone where everything will be done bright photos as a keepsake.

Holiday scenario for children 6-8 years old

Characters: children aged 6-8 years, presenter, Nolik and Simka. There must be at least three children so that they can form a round dance with the leader and fixers.

Props: table, Nolik’s suitcase with tools (wrench, hammer, screwdriver, 2 magnets and metal objects - bolts, nuts). The presenter should also have scales to determine who won, and sweet prizes.
During the holiday, the song “Fixies” and the Fixies song about a screw are heard. For the last competition you will need cards with images of household appliances.

Music is playing, children are dancing. The dance melody is replaced by a fixie song. The door opens and Nolik enters with a toolbox.

Nolik: Well, what’s broken?

Host: Nothing broke with us. We're having a holiday.

Nolik: What holiday?

Presenter: Birthday ( birthday boy's name).

Nolik: I love birthdays! Will you take me to your holiday?

Presenter (addresses the children): Well, shall we take Nolik to celebrate his birthday?

Host: Stay. We have a lot of space, it’s more fun together.

Nolik: Can I call Simka?

Host: Of course, you can. Children, do you like to watch cartoons about fixies?

Host: Call Simka.

Nolik takes his mobile phone out of his pocket and calls Simka:

Nolik: Simka, I'm at his birthday ( birthday boy's name). Come, everyone is waiting for you here.

Host: Will he come?

Nolik: Yes, she said it would be there soon.

Host: Well, guys, are you happy?

Nolik: In the meantime, Simka is driving, let's check how you know the names of the instruments. I have tools in my drawer. I will take it out and show it. And you name it.

He puts the toolbox on the table, opens the lid and takes out one by one: a hammer, a wrench, a screwdriver, and the children say in chorus what it is and what it is used for. Suddenly the toolbox falls and screws and screws scatter across the floor.

Nolik: Oh, how am I so careless! Wait, kids, don't rush. I have magnets. Who wants to help me with magnets?

He chooses two children and, on command, they must collect everything that has scattered. Then it is determined on the scales or by counting which of them wins. The winner is given a sweet prize. The music sounds again and Simka enters the room.

Simka: Here I am. Were you waiting for me?

Simka: Well, what were you doing here without me?

Children talk about the competition.

Nolik: Simka, let’s teach the kids our favorite song?

Simka: Come on. Everyone stand in a circle so you can see us. We will study the movements and words of the song.

Simka: Look here. When I say the word “cog,” we all make this movement.

Shows big and index finger right hand, a distance of 1 cm.

Simka: Well, repeat it. Cog!

Nolik: And when we say “bulldozer,” we show it like this.

And he shows how he pushes something away from himself with both hands.

Nolik: Well, repeat it. Bulldozer!

Simka: For the word “crane”, put your right palm to your forehead and look up. Well, repeat: crane!

Nolik: And when we say “computer”, we show it like this.

Shows with his hands a square in front of his eyes.

Nolik: Well, repeat: computer!

The music of the fixers' song about the screw plays, everyone sings and shows the movements. If it doesn't work the first time, you can start the music again.

Simka: Did you like the song? Now let's just dance!

We turn on any children's music, and everyone dances as they want for 5-10 minutes.

Nolik: Are you tired?

Children: No!

Simka: Aren’t you tired? Then let's play some more.

Nolik: I suggest we play our favorite game - riddles.

Simka: Keep cards with pictures of useful tools. Nolik and I will ask riddles. And you guess and, if this tool is on your card, lift it up. Is everyone clear?

Simka: Don’t shout out answers.

Simka: Well, did you like it?

Nolik: Eh, it’s a pity to part with you. But Simka and I have to go.

Simka: We really liked your place. By the way, where is our birthday boy?

The song of the fixers sounds. The birthday boy approaches Simka.

Simka: We have prepared a gift for you.

And he gives the birthday boy something good - a toy, a real household appliance or a tool.

Nolik: Guys, bye! Watch cartoons about us and we will definitely come to you again!

The fixies are leaving.

Fixies' birthday is a great theme for celebrating children's day birth. A holiday in the style of your favorite cartoon will be a real gift for loyal fans of the series.

"The Fixies" is a Russian animated cartoon series for the whole family. Created based on the story “Guarantee Men” by Eduard Uspensky.

Fixies are miniature people who live in an apartment (or in a museum, theater, factory) and help people cope with breakdowns of various household and industrial appliances.

Both boys and girls like it - after all, all kids, without exception, are interested in how this or that device works, without which it is difficult to imagine modern life.

Decoration for Fixiki's birthday

The main colors that are suitable for decorating a Fixies-style birthday party are a combination of bright (neon) blue (light blue), orange, pink and green. Bright neon colors use in balloons and compositions made from them, decorative pom-poms, paper garlands, flags, posters and banners.

Drawn or printed images of Fixies and other cartoon characters are perfect for decorating doors, walls, festive table and, of course, for a themed photo zone.

Additional decor can be foil balloons, figures from balloons or a piñata in the form of the main characters of the series and/or with their image.

Animators for a child's birthday

Traditionally, animators dance to fixies: Fixies show funny movements, and children repeat them.

DYTS-DYTS - clap your hands

TWO FIXES INSIDE - wiggle your butt, half-squatting.

TV - draw a rectangle with your hands

REFRIGERATOR - depict freezing

COFFEE GRINDER - turn the handle

FAN - rotate the motors in front of your chest with your hands

CALCULATOR - print on your left palm with the fingers of your right hand

TRANSFORMER - clench your fists and box

SYNTHESIZER - play the piano with both hands

ESCAVATOR - dig with a shovel

HELPER - show with outstretched arms the sign “Thousand!”

Fixies, when everything works out for them, say “Thousand!” and the fingers do this: two fingers up - index and middle, and the thumb sticks out.

“They have a conventional sign,
I found out by accident!
You need to do this with your fingers (show)
Only it’s a secret!”

Birthday games "Fixies"

Draw a household appliance

Guests take out notes with the name of the household appliance, show it, and the children guess. Some tasks may be too difficult for children, so adults should give hints and help the children in every possible way.

Ideas for household appliances: laptop, microwave, iron, hair dryer, refrigerator, washing machine etc.


Give the children the task of fixing the picture - assembling a puzzle card with Fixies from the pieces that are collected in an envelope (for each guest) or a common medium-sized puzzle for all guests.


Prepare riddles about household appliances for the children. If one of the guests gave the correct answer, then the host shouts “thousand!” On the Internet you can easily find riddles about household appliances: hairdryer, iron, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, kettle, sewing machine, juicer, TV, etc.


The kids walk in a circle and sing a fixie song based on “How we baked a loaf of bread for our name day.”

We'll light up an electric loaf for a fixie's birthday,
Loaf, loaf - load whoever you love!

Birthday cake

The most important part of the holiday is a gift from the Fixies - a cake! All kids love making a wish, blowing out candles and drinking tea! Children will eat a piece of delicious cake with great pleasure.

It is advisable to cover the table at which guests will gather with a bright tablecloth with a picture of the Fixies. The serving will be complemented by bright themed plates, cups, and napkins, which can be purchased at the supermarket.

Celebrating a birthday in the Fixies style will be a pleasant surprise for the baby and his guests. In order for children to be able to plunge into the atmosphere of the magical world of little people, you can make themed decorations for the room, invite animators and invite the kids to participate in themed competitions.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil