Ukrainian civil servants celebrate their professional holiday on the day that is UN Civil Service Day - June 23. The official status of the Civil Service Day of Ukraine was given by the corresponding decree of President L. Kuchma, signed by him in 2003. Only high professionalism, honesty and responsibility of people in the service of the state allows us to properly organize effective management at all levels of government. And this is not only a guarantee of respecting the rights of citizens, but also increasing the well-being of the population and the country as a whole. This day is celebrated with awards and bonuses for particularly distinguished employees of this service, and they express words of gratitude and respect for officials - people of honorable and important work.

Show congratulations

There is for a joyful holiday
The real reason
Civil Servant Day
Ukraine celebrates!
We congratulate you guys,
Happy professional day,
Live happily, richly,
May everything be your way,
Let the civil service
Brings you joy and honor,
May you have everything you need
Plus a large savings account!


Civil servant - mission of the strong,
This is hyper-responsibility, a reserve of will,
This is a search for ways to develop stable,
This is honest service, not for show.

Let the people of Ukraine thank you,
He wishes from the bottom of his heart that the ardor does not fade away,
After all, people's smiles are the best profit
On this significant day, at a festive hour.


Serves the state faithfully
And he behaves like
According to the statute and with the report,
He works on Saturday.

Civil servant of Ukraine,
Discipline is your name
But today, on this day,
The shadow of the holiday is walking.

Today is your holiday
Have fun dancing and singing
Well, tomorrow, off to work
And, again, you are all in worries.


“Ukraine is not dead yet!”
Independence is flourishing.
You, a civil servant, are now
Our support and hope.

Under the trident coat of arms,
At the table wide
Editing documents
You are a light hand.

Let there be sorrows and adversities,
And let your labors grow like wheat shoots.
The lands of mother Ukraine are fertile.
She won't be ashamed
That she gave birth to you.
All your thoughts are about fields where there is dew,
About the valley hills of glorious Little Russia.


Today is the holiday of those
Who serves the state, the Ukrainian people.
And may success accompany you in everything,
And it serves you better year after year.

You are a mediator between the government and the people
And that means so much to people.
After all, the responsibility lies on the shoulders
For the future of citizens and the country.


You serve Ukraine selflessly,
Imbued with the importance of work,
Even though sometimes your work is unnoticeable,
But the state always needs you!

May your career grow
And the salary will also increase,
Zeal for work inspires,
My head never gets tired of thinking!

Let love live without dying,
In your heart devoted forever,
And the Lord bless you,
You are a very good person!


Who serves the state and people
This day will be celebrated for a reason.
And in rain, and in snow, and in summer weather
They will not make a mess in their country.

Let civil servants be valued, respected,
They will be able to protect ordinary citizens.
Their work is difficult, they are little understood,
Well, let us at least love them all!


We are not cogs and nuts,
Not matchmakers and godfathers,
Not “take”, “buy-sell”
We are a special article.

We serve the state faithfully,
We steer and rule honestly,
And we are strong friends with the law,
We will carry out and decide everything.

Everything will be fine in Ukraine,
After all, it’s impossible without this,
Happy Civil Service Worker's Day,
I want to congratulate everyone.


Serves the state faithfully,
Family man and faithful husband He.
Honest - valor on the face! -
He boldly catches scoundrels.
May he be happy for this,
Both health and honor!
And let the bad weather pass,
And let all the troubles not count!


A civil servant is a strong personality.
Determination, assertiveness in him.
He is usually busy with things,
He solves problems during the day.

And all because to be part
Systems of a considerable country
It’s not so simple, because the power
Only the strong are endowed.


Congratulations from Ukraine
Our employees now.
Says thanks to them all
For support in difficult times.

After all, without them, any country
He won't be able to get by in life.
They will always come to the rescue
Protect your native country.


In Ukraine, Civil Servant Day,
For which I congratulate you,
And I wish you all the best,
I wish you happiness and goodness.
Let your work progress
And you will be happy with everything,
May good things come true
You will be happy and calm!


You serve beloved Ukraine.
You give all your strength every hour,
To make people's lives even happier,
Let people live more joyfully with us.

Your time always passes in work.
You are making every effort to
So that Ukraine becomes more beautiful.
You serve your people!


Civil servant
Our beautiful Ukraine,
Receive a thank you poem
After all, your work is not in vain.

You are leading your native country
Towards development, European standards,
So let the beloved state
He will appreciate you with a bonus and a gift.

In the history of independent Ukraine, this day marks the holidays of civil servants. This is an important date because civil servants are the leaders of the country, both at the national and local levels. The fate of the state as a whole and the entire people in particular will depend on their correct, coordinated actions. They must be honest, smart, fair, and principled in order to govern their state wisely. On this day, it is worth congratulating all civil servants on this holiday, wishing them success in their work, which is undoubtedly important for the whole country. It is worth believing that their honest service for the benefit of the state and the entire people will lead the country along the right path of development. Congratulations on the Day of Civil Service of Ukraine - June 23.

You are organizers and analysts, experts and performers,
You are competent and dedicated people,
You are worthy men of our state,
Professionals in all matters of their native country.
Today civil servants celebrate the holiday
The people of Ukraine heartily congratulate you,
We wish you happiness, smiles and warmth,
May God give you patience and warmth.

There are many transformations in Ukraine,
The country is confidently moving forward for the better,
And your qualities are high, moral,
They help the country move forward correctly.
Congratulations on the Civil Service Day of Ukraine,
We wish you good luck and happiness,
Let your cherished dream come true,
May the Lord always protect you from troubles.

Your service is difficult, but so important,
The country requires your support,
So that the economy is always stable,
You have a huge responsibility.
State Service of Ukraine, congratulations,
We wish you a happy holiday from the bottom of our hearts,
May your families live prosperously,
May you have good luck on your life's journey.

To respect constitutional rights,
The freedom of citizens must not be infringed,
You must create conditions for the country,
So that we can reach European standards.
On the day of civil service of Ukraine, congratulations,
We wish you patience and endurance in your work,
May you always be lucky in everything,
May good luck certainly come to you.

A civil servant is a strong link,
It connects the people and the authorities,
Flexibly responds to all requests,
And it solves pressing issues correctly.
Happy holiday to the workers of the entire service,
We wish you confidence in tomorrow,
Let the people treat you with gratitude,
Not a step back, always go forward.

Public service deserves respect
We wish you a super mood on this holiday,
Trust in government starts with you
Our welfare depends on your decision.
May peace and happiness reign in your families,
May bad weather leave you forever,
May your health always be strong,
All earthly blessings and goodness to you.

Ukraine celebrates Civil Service Day
Heartily congratulates all employees,
After all, you carry a heavy burden on your shoulders,
You have almost no days off, you are at work all the time.
Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
May all the days of the year be good,
May God grant that the goal is achieved,
Good luck, happiness to you, family warmth.

There is for a joyful holiday
The real reason
Civil Servant Day
Ukraine celebrates!
We congratulate you guys,
Happy professional day,
Live happily, richly,
May everything be your way,
Let the civil service
Brings you joy and honor,
May you have everything you need
Plus a large savings account!

Being a civil servant is not just a profession,
This is responsibility, stress, business,
Calls and petitions, constant meetings,
How not to go crazy in this circle?

And on your special, professional day,
I wish you patience, peace of mind and a life without problems,
So that you are not so functional,
May you live without questions or dilemmas.

I also wish you harmony,
So that your dream comes true instantly,
So that you live in peace,
Happy Civil Servant Day of Ukraine to you!

Civil servant - mission of the strong,
This is hyper-responsibility, a reserve of will,
This is a search for ways to develop stable,
This is honest service, not for show.

Let the people of Ukraine thank you,
He wishes from the bottom of his heart that the ardor does not fade away,
After all, people's smiles are the best profit
On this significant day, at a festive hour.

Serves the state faithfully
And he behaves like
According to the statute and with the report,
He works on Saturday.

Civil servant of Ukraine,
Discipline is your name
But today, on this day,
The shadow of the holiday is walking.

Today is your holiday
Have fun dancing and singing
Well, tomorrow, off to work
And, again, you are all in worries.

Today is the holiday of those
Who serves the state, the Ukrainian people.
And may success accompany you in everything,
And it serves you better year after year.

You are a mediator between the government and the people
And that means so much to people.
After all, the responsibility lies on the shoulders
For the future of citizens and the country.

You serve Ukraine selflessly,
Imbued with the importance of work,
Even though sometimes your work is unnoticeable,
But the state always needs you!

May your career grow
And the salary will also increase,
Zeal for work inspires,
My head never gets tired of thinking!

Let love live without dying,
In your heart devoted forever,
And the Lord bless you,
You are a very good person!

Who serves the state and people
This day will be celebrated for a reason.
And in rain, and in snow, and in summer weather
They will not make a mess in their country.

Let civil servants be valued, respected,
They will be able to protect ordinary citizens.
Their work is difficult, they are little understood,
Well, let us at least love them all!

We are not cogs and nuts,
Not matchmakers and godfathers,
Not “take”, “buy-sell”
We are a special article.

We serve the state faithfully,
We steer and rule honestly,
And we are strong friends with the law,
We will carry out and decide everything.

Everything will be fine in Ukraine,
After all, it’s impossible without this,
Happy Civil Service Worker's Day,
I want to congratulate everyone.

Civil servant is a calling
This is work for the benefit of people,
This is excellent knowledge of laws,
This is the implementation of all the best ideas.

You represent the authorities locally,
You put all the decrees into action,
Any area is under your control:
Education, health, village...

May God give you wisdom in your decisions,
Knowledge, patience and kindness,
Give honesty to your judgments,
Give me generosity and breadth of soul!

Serves the state faithfully,
He is a family man and a faithful husband.
Honest - valor on the face! -
He boldly catches scoundrels.
May he be happy for this,
Both health and honor!
And let the bad weather pass,
And let all the troubles not count!

Congratulations on the Day of Civil Servants of Ukraine
How to congratulate Civil Servant Day of Ukraine?
text of congratulations for the Day of Civil Servants of Ukraine

Day of Civil Servant of Ukraine

On April 21, residents of Russia celebrate Local Government Day or Worker's Day. The purpose of the holiday is to convey the value of the activities of this state institution.

This holiday is very young for our state. On April 21, 2013, Municipal Worker Day was celebrated for the first time. The decree on including this day in the country’s holiday calendar was signed by the president in June 2012.

This date was not chosen at random: on April 21, the first Charter to the cities was published, which became the beginning in the development of the law on local self-government.

Historical background

After Catherine II issued the Charter, local self-government continued to develop. The crisis period of the institute began after the Revolution. Self-government was not mentioned until the early 1980s. The rapid development of this institute occurred in 1993.

Who's celebrating

Municipal Worker's Day is celebrated by certain individuals. There are over 23 thousand municipalities in Russia today. These bodies employ more than 340 thousand people.

The heroes of this holiday work in certain organizations and are their representatives. They call theirs - Local Government Worker's Day or Municipal Worker's Day.

The main work of such people is to solve many problems of Russians and improve their standard of living. The responsibility of employees affects such areas of government activity as road improvement, housing and communal services, education, medicine, culture, and sports.

This day is not a day off, but still all employees municipalities Congratulate all your colleagues on this day.

About the profession

One of the most important systems ensuring the effective activities of citizens - local government. The work of these organizations is entirely aimed at making independent and proactive decisions by the population.

The role and place of local government institutions in our lives in Russia is growing, which is explained by the growth and development of democratic freedoms and civil society. Municipal Worker Day helps highlight the importance of this profession.

More details


All professions are important, especially those related to the self-government of the state. Therefore, it is worth congratulating these individuals on this day, because it is their professional holiday - Municipal Worker Day. On April 21, you can give a gift to workers in this irreplaceable sector or simply congratulate them with pleasant words.

The civil service is one of the main structures for every country. It is entrusted with important functional tasks related to the organization and management of social processes. To honor and respect the employees of this service, a professional holiday was introduced. It is celebrated every year on the same day - June 23.

History of the holiday

June 23 is celebrated as UN Civil Service Day in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and a number of other countries. This date first appeared in the general calendar in 2003. It is regulated by General Assembly Resolution 57/227. This event is celebrated by all representatives of the profession of municipal and central government apparatuses. The document calls on the member countries of the world organization to hold special events on this day in order to highlight the importance of the civil service for the life of society and its contribution to the development process, to reward civil servants, as well as to guide the vital interests of young people in the direction of making decisions about the career of a civil servant .

For example, on the territory of Ukraine, Civil Servant Day is celebrated on the same day. It received official status thanks to Leonid Kuchma. The former president issued and signed a corresponding decree back in 2003. This is the key to strict compliance civil rights, increasing the well-being of citizens and the state.

The introduction of this date is a tribute to workers who make a significant contribution to simplifying the political life of states around the world. Only a high level of professionalism, impeccable honesty, and responsibility of people serving in the state apparatus make it possible to competently organize effective management of processes at all levels of government.