Everyone knows well what kind of children are the inventors of new words. Colo-current instead of hammer, street man instead of policeman, mugs instead of whirling snowflakes - Almost every child can reinvent these words based on “adult” words. But there are also words that are, as it were, originally for children, the so-called baby talk. These are words denoting: states (139), actions (140), sounds (141, 142) and objects (143, 144). Interestingly, similar words exist in all languages ​​of the world. English children cannot do without such words (145, 146), but in Japanese there is, along with the literary name of a car (jidosha or kuruma) also purely childish (bu-bu).

Why do such words exist in the speech of children and, curiously, adults? There are several explanations here.

Firstly, many of these words are onomatopoeic. They are close to the real sounds of natural and artificial objects: woof-woof very similar to a real dog barking, bb- to the car signal, and ding ding- to the sound of a bell. Even in our “adult” language there are such rhyming, meaningless elements that imitate sound (147-149).

Secondly, children's words are constructed in a form that is easy for a child: as a rule, it is a consonant plus a vowel. It’s not for nothing that a child’s first words are constructed precisely according to this model: mom, dad, uncle, aunt, and partly a children's word - woman(about grandmother). Repeating the same syllable (with a slight modification) makes it easier for a child to remember and use such a word. Somewhat later, more phonetically complex words appear (150, 151).

Thirdly, these kinds of words sometimes refer to taboo words from adult speech. After all, some adults (especially women) do not like rude words, denoting the actions of urination or defecation, and children's words denoting the same (wee-wee or ka-ka) sound quite gentle (152). They even speak softened Japanese shee-shee, when they put a child on the potty “in a small way.”

(152) Come on, make a pee-pee in front of the baby, otherwise mommy will do it.

What can be said about such seemingly incorrect language? Need to

Is it possible to use children's words in conversations with children? Isn't it better

immediately teach them to speak correctly? I think it's nothing special

But the bad thing is that children are up to three years use words like this

No. Indeed, according to the observations of child psychologists, even child of four

years old, speaking to a two-year-old, speaks much more simply than to an adult. People who want to be understood must speak at a linguistic level that ensures understanding on the part of the listener. In addition, children all over the world use baby words, which indicates the universality of the phenomenon.

In a number of countries, in particular in Canada and the USA, adults treat such features of their speech quite calmly, but in Japan teachers consider this to be wrong. The fact is that some adults excessively use this not quite correct children's language and children's words in their speech, starting to lisp with the child. In fact, both the “parental” language and all sorts of children’s incorrect words are an intermediate stage on the child’s path to mastering such a complex instrument of thinking and understanding the world, which is language. Both the “parental” language and children’s words from adults play a small but significant role in the cognitive and linguistic development of the child.

« Stop whining! Shame on you! What will other people think of you? If you indulge, you will fall! Why are you acting so strange? Laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool. I am the last letter of the alphabet! Where do your hands grow from? Sad sack! Shut your mouth! Nobody is asking you. You never know what you want? And you couldn't think of anything smarter?».

Sound familiar?

Many of us remember these hurtful words and phrases that we heard in our childhood from adults who were significant to us. These words still continue to ring in our heads, despite the fact that we have already grown up. They continue to influence our worldview, self-esteem, perception of life and attitude towards ourselves and other people.

What all these words and phrases have in common is a complete lack of respect for the child’s personality and his feelings, as well as the desire of an adult to show his superiority over the child and subjugate him to his will.

Did these phrases help you learn something?

I doubt!

As adults, we, unfortunately, often continue to “automatically” make such meaningless remarks to our children.

Let's be more constructive in communicating to children what we want to convey to them. I really wish adults would stop saying these words to their children. Because it is humiliating, offensive and painful. Because this does not teach the child to respect other people and respect himself. These words undermine the child’s faith in himself and his strengths and instill in him ideas about his own inferiority.

I once asked my readers to write what hurtful words were spoken to them as children. As a result, I compiled a WHOLE LIST of such phrases! I thank everyone who found the courage to share their childhood memories. Thanks to your participation, I have compiled a list of phrases that you need to avoid when communicating with children.

1. Don't be smart.
2.If you’re not a good girl, I’ll leave you here/take you back to the maternity hospital.
3. You never know what you want!
4. Artist from the word Bad.
5. Professor of sour cabbage soup.
6. Only we know that you are a fool. You don't need to tell everyone about this.
7. Shut up, you’ll pass for smart.
8. Why can’t you be like all normal children/people?
9. Your hands are out of your ass, you only know how to break, nothing else.
10. Why is the mug so sour?
11. You're mad about fat.
12. Everyone’s children are like children, but with us – who knows what!
13. Don't howl (when a child sings or cries).
14. You won’t succeed anyway!
15. Shut your mouth, they are not asking you.
16. I am the last letter of the alphabet
17. Where do your hands grow from?
18. If you have no mind, you are considered a cripple.
19. Wanting is not harmful!
20. You are fat and worthless, you will never be able to lose weight!
21. With your brains you won’t achieve anything in life!
22. An elephant stepped on your ear.
23. Nobody asks you.
24. The lady is not great.
25. Stop shedding your crocodile tears.
26. You write like a chicken with its paw.
27. Turn on your brain.
28. How ugly you are when you cry.
29. There is nothing of yours in this house.
30. Clueless.
31. Stop howling.
32. What will people think? All children are like children, and you...
33. All people make candy out of shit, but you make shit out of candy.
34. Soplezhuy.
35. You are the Lord's punishment.
36. Stop crying.
37. If you don’t know how, don’t try it!
38. You don't have hands, but hooks.
39. Illness.
40. If you want a lot, you will get little.
41. Just like dad.
42. You are such rubbish!

This list can go on for a long time...

Every time you feel like saying something like this to your child, ask yourself: “Would I be able to say such words to a person I respect and value my relationship with?”.

It is curious that we almost never allow ourselves to say such things when communicating with adults - our friends, acquaintances, work colleagues, relatives, neighbors. Even if we are very unhappy, we still do not say such words to adults. Because we understand the consequences well, we realize how indecent and ugly it is to say so, how offensive and unpleasant it is to another person. We also understand that we will ruin our relationship with this person for a long time. But for some reason this understanding does not extend to our children!

Remember: all these words and phrases remain in the child’s memory for a long time and very often become his inner voice, undermining his self-confidence and leaving psychological scars.

Do you remember any offensive repeated phrases or remarks from your childhood? For example, I remember from my childhood this: “If you have no intelligence, consider yourself crippled!” For a long time, this phrase really bothered me in my life. And another, unpleasant one: “You write like a chicken with its paw.”

What do you remember? Please share below in the comments - together we can compile a whole list of such meaningless and offensive phrases for a child that “get stuck” in the memory for a long time and interfere with adult people in their lives. I would be grateful if you share!

Often children say all sorts of stupid things, but for us adults these stupid things sound very funny. There is nothing more touching than hearing or reading funny children's sayings and phrases. Children's unconventional views on life seem very funny to us adults, but we can learn a lot from them.

We have collected for you the funniest and most outrageous statements from children. Some of them are so funny that they will make you laugh not only to tears, but even to stomach cramps. Reading life stories and the cycle " Children say."

Nastya 3.5 years:
- Mom, why did you first teach me to walk and talk, and now you want me to sit and be silent?!

Daughter (3 years 8 months) before bed:
- Mom, I'll tell you a scary fairy tale! Once upon a time there was a boy, he was 35 years old, he went to school...
- Daughter, this doesn’t happen! People go to school until they are 16-17 years old, no more.
- They told you - it’s a terrible fairy tale!!!
- OK then. Once upon a time there was a boy, he was 16 years old, he went to school...
- Well, that’s better!
- To the fourth grade!

Mom, is the phone ringing?
- Yes.
- And can I call him?
- Yes.
- So this is the spine.

A daughter (4 years old) asks her mother:
- Mom, how old are you?
- 38.
- Show me your fingers.

Son (5 years old) approaching his father sitting at the computer:
- Dad, what game are you playing?
- I pay bills.
-Are you winning?
- No.

A father calls home to inquire about the well-being of his seven-year-old son.
- How are you? What's your temperature?
- Forty three…
- It can’t be!
- Is it true. Mom was just measuring it now.
- And what did she say?!
- She said: 37 and 6.

Son (6 years old):
- Dad, have you seen living mammoths?
I was surprised:
- They were there a long time ago, I didn’t catch them.
He's not far behind:
- Well, did you at least manage to fight with the Germans?

The son fell asleep on the sofa. Dad decided to put him in the crib. He carefully took it in his arms, and his son, in a dream, said: “Put it where you took it.”

Three-year-old Arseny asks: “Dad, are you afraid when there’s a thunderstorm in the sky?” - No, son. I'm a man! And you? - And I’m a man when there are fireworks in the sky!

I'm going to parent meeting. I liked the child’s parting words - “The main thing, mom, don’t trust anyone there!..”

If a person is drowning, you need to throw him an anchor

My daughter (3 years old) and I read a book and look at the pictures. Next I ask my daughter, pointing to the anchor on the ship:
- What is this, do you know?
- Anchor.
- What is it for?
- If a person is drowning, you need to throw him an anchor.
So as not to suffer, apparently...

Margo, do you have a friend in kindergarten?
- Yes!
- What's her name?
- Seryozha!

On the beach he plays with his new toy- bow and arrows. He shot and went to look for an arrow, he returned with an arrow but sad.
Mom asks: “What happened?”
Ivan: “There, my aunt, I fell into a hole and said a hundred, I must aim at her.” I thought for a bit and said: “No, mom, I’m mad at you.”

Let's get ready:
- Mom, I’ll be in the first grade, and Katya (sister) in the fourth?!
- Well, yes.
- Couldn’t you make us twins?

A doctor comes to a sick child. He sees his little sister running around the floor barefoot.
- Come on, beauty, put on your slippers, otherwise you’ll get sick.
After the doctor leaves, the mother notices that the girl is still running barefoot.
- Did you hear what the doctor said?
- Yes, he said I was beautiful.

My son (4 years old) has heard a lot of Russian folk tales.
We were walking down the street with him, and suddenly he said to me in an excited whisper:
Dad, look at the tractor digging Russian soil!

I recently bought Egorik prunes in white chocolate, and I hand him the open package:
- Help yourself.
He looks into it curiously, widens his eyes and says:
- Dumplings?! Raw?!

My daughter (10 years old) and I went to see the cartoon Epic, where at the end a girl and a boy kiss. Masha loudly:
- Here you go! And they wrote “0+” at the beginning!!!

Mom! Where are tampons inserted?
Mom, choking on an apple:
- Well... how can I tell you... In general, to where children come from.
Alice, stunned:
- Like a stork, or what?

Well, guys, what can you do to help?

My sister's husband is a man of absolute honesty. Since childhood. The son of a lawyer father and a forensic scientist mother. On phone call with a request to call one of the parents, the five-year-old child answered:
- They are not at home.
-Where are they?
- Dad is in prison, mom is in the morgue.

Yaroslav (3 years old) went out for a walk with his nanny and noticed how three plumbers were “working magic” over the open hatch, lowered the cable, and consulted. Yarik, breaking away from the nanny, runs towards them. Having arrived, he carefully but busily approaches the repairmen and says the sacramental:
- Well, guys, how can I help?

My son (6 years old) asks:
- Mom, when children grow up, do they live separately from their parents?
- Yes, son, separately.
After thinking a little:
- And where will you go?

A wedding is when you pick up a girl to go out with her and never return her to her parents.

Styopa (6 years old):
- Mom, how old are you?
- 30.
- Is that three tens?
- Yeah. Already. Soon I’ll grow old and crawl away to the cemetery.
- Mom, what are you talking about! Dad over there is even older than you, and he’s still alive!

We sit and read with Masha (7 years old) a fairy tale about Ali Baba and the robbers. We reached a cave with gold. I, admiring the delights of the colorful design, the abundance of wealth, enthusiastically say:
- I would take this gilded jug for myself... And what about you, Masha?
The answer was dry and short:
- I would take everything out on a gazelle.

My son is 2 years 6 months old. I brought him to the children's hospital for vaccination.
We are sitting in the vaccination room waiting while my aunt is loading the syringe, suddenly he turns to me and says:
I'll wait for you in the car, okay?!

Happy childhood

A friend's daughter got sick. To bring down the temperature of the kids, they rub it with vodka, but the father of the family does not drink, and the only alcohol at home was a gift bottle of Chinese vodka with a snake. When they began to rub the child, a terrible cadaverous smell came from the liquid. The mother got scared and started shouting to her husband:
- Throw out this dead meat!
The girl started crying:
- No need, mommy, maybe I’ll still survive.
When they laughed it off, I had to explain for a long, long time that they loved her and would never throw her away.

A five-year-old girl says to her mother, who was trying on a new fur coat:
- Mommy! How beautiful you are in this fur coat!
“Really?..” Mom was delighted.
- Is it true. You look like a shepherd in it!

I say with a sigh:
- Well, soon I will turn 33 years old...
- Yes, and I’m already nine.

Mom, when I was born, how did you know that my name was Dima?

Maryana (4 years old):
- Mom, let's go to the store!
- No, daughter, there is no money.
- Go to the ATM, he will give you money!

My daughter (3 years 10 months) gave me an educational program yesterday:
The Groom is the one who buys ice cream and kisses, and the Husband is the one who nails the shelves at home and eats.

The eldest son is 6 years old, the youngest is 2 months old. Mom changes the youngest one, and the older one looks at him and says:
- Oh, mom, he’s all white, like me! Can you imagine what would have happened if Tyoma had been born with black skin and black hair?
“I can’t imagine,” I say.
- You'd be screwed, mom!

Grandma dug up my childhood jewelry box. My daughter (4.5 years old) looks at all this plastic and shell wealth with admiring eyes and asks:
- Mom, was it all yours?!
- Yes.
- God, what a happy childhood you had...

I have eldest daughter I once said, looking in the mirror:
- What a big head I have, there’s probably a lot of brain there!
And the younger one says to her:
- Previously, computers were also big, but they worked very slowly.

When I was little, we gathered in kindergarten, but my son is stubborn and doesn’t want to wear warm pants. I:
Do you want to leave your mother without grandchildren?
Previously, everything was explained about keeping warm.
He sighs:
Well, just for the sake of the grandchildren!

For everyone to gasp and die!

Mom says I'll meet a smart guy and kind guy... But I'll most likely just choose the tallest one with the blue eyes.

Anya (3 years old) sits with a toy phonendoscope in her hands:
- I'm fishing!
- Anya, this is for the doctor!
- Okay, I'm a doctor. What's bothering you?
- Yes, my throat hurts. Can you help?
- I can’t.
- Why?!
- I'm fishing...

Here, Zhenechka, you are already 3 years old. Ask mom and dad to buy you a brother or sister.
Why spend money? Our mother is still young, she can give birth.

3 years. In the morning:
- Well, daughter, what do you want to wear today?
She dreamily:
- Mommy, dress me so that everyone would gasp and die!

My daughter (6 years old) eats borscht. I suggest taking onion or garlic.
Don't want.
Onions and garlic kill many microbes and viruses.
It would be better if they died from chocolate.

My son (3 years old) wears tights that he got from his sister (7 years old).
- Lena! And I'm wearing your old tights.
- And I’m in your future!

Five-year-old Roma, returning from a walk:
- Wow, how cold it is today, even my eyes are frozen! Well, not the eyes themselves, but the jaws that close them.

Son (2 years 7 months):
- How difficult it is to put on panties - there are three holes, and only two legs!

Conversation with my son:
- Mom, is sour cream healthy?
- Useful.
- Are greens healthy?
- Useful.
- Then buy me sour cream and herbs chips.

IN kindergarten drawing classes. The teacher approaches the girl, who is enthusiastically painting something:
- What are you drawing?
- God.
- But no one knows what he looks like!
- Now they'll find out!

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During the period of mastering the system of their native language, children are characterized by active word creation. Word creation is one of the most important features of a child’s speech development. This phenomenon has been studied both in our country (N.A. Rybnikov, A.N. Gvozdev, K.I. Chukovsky, T.N. Ushakova, etc.) and abroad (K. and V. Stern, Ch. . Baldwin and others). Facts collected by many researchers, linguists and psychologists show that the first years of a child’s life are a period of intense word creation. K.I. Chukovsky emphasized the creative power of the child, his amazing sensitivity to language, which are revealed especially clearly in the process of word creation and at the same time help to establish some principles of grammatical compatibility, which determines the relevance of our research.

The scientific novelty lies in the analysis of new words in a child’s speech, taking into account the phonetic, word-formation, and lexical levels of the language.

The object of the work is children's speech.

The subject is “funny” words in the child’s speech.

The purpose of the work is to psycholinguistically analyze “funny” children's words and identify the reasons for their occurrence.

Achieving the goal involves solving a number of research problems:

Observe the child’s speech from the point of view of word creation.

Define role psychological factors in the emergence of new language formations in children.

To identify the features of the development and structure of the child’s lexical-semantic speech system.

Identify and describe patterns of “new” words in the child’s speech.

The methodological basis for writing the work was the scientific works of V.P. Glukhova, I.N. Gorelova, S.N. Tseitlin, R.M. Frumkina, who are developing a psycholinguistic concept of speech development in children.

The main methods of scientific research are descriptive, exploratory and psycholinguistic analysis.

The structure of the work is subject to the logic of scientific research and consists of an introduction, two paragraphs, a conclusion, and a list of references.

word creation funny speech child

1. Children's word creation

Children's speech is considered as a representation of a special children's language system, which is to a certain extent autonomous, reflecting what has been achieved at this moment level of cognitive development of the child and ability to satisfy his communication needs. In this case, the very posing of the question of the correctness or incorrectness of the child’s speech becomes absurd, because the need for comparison with an adult standard disappears.

Research by N.O. Rybnikova, A.N. Gvozdeva, T.N. Ushakova, S.N. Tseitlin and other researchers of children's speech showed that the period preschool age is a period of enhanced word creation for the child. At the same time, attention is drawn to the fact that some “new” words are observed in the speech of almost all children (“vsekhniy”, “vsamdelishny”), while others are found in the “speech production” of only individual children (“toptun”, “dictun” etc.).

Based on linguistic analysis, several “word formation models” have been identified, according to which children from three to six years old form new words:

1. Part of a word is used as a whole word. “Words-shards” appear (“smell” - “smell”, “jump” - “jump”, “sculpt” - something that was molded from plasticine).

2. Attaching a “foreign” affix or inflection to the root of a word (“smell”, “cleverness”, “possessor”, “purginki” (snowflakes), etc.).

3. One word is made up of two (“synthetic words”). When such “synthetic” words are formed, there is a concatenation of those parts of the word that sound similar (“tastes” = “tasty” + “pieces”; “kolotol” = “pound” + “hammer”; “ulitsioner” - “street” + “policeman”, etc.).

When studying “fragment words,” it was discovered that the child first seems to tear out the stressed syllable from the word. Instead of the word “milk” the child says only “ko”, later “moko” and finally “milk”. In the same way, different words and phrases are combined (“babezyana” - “monkey’s grandmother”, “mother’s daughter” - i.e. “mother’s and father’s” daughter, etc.).

Otherwise, those words are combined that sound different, but are constantly used together, for example, the words “tea” and “drink” (the verb “tea drink” is obtained), “take out” and “take” (“take out my splinter”), “all people ", "all people" (all-people), "indeed" (all-people). These words are built on the same principle as the “synthetic words” of adults: “collective farm”, “state farm”, “airplane”, “universal” and many others like them. This form of word creation also reveals the meaning of speech patterns that the child constantly hears.

Word creation, like the assimilation of ordinary words of the native language, is based on imitation of the speech patterns that are given to children by the adults around them. By mastering stereotypical speech structures - “speech patterns”, children try to understand the rules for using prefixes, suffixes, and endings. At the same time, they completely unintentionally create new words - ones that are not in the language, but which in principle (according to the rules of word formation of this language) are possible. Children's neologisms almost always correspond to the rules of vocabulary of the language and are grammatically almost always “flawless,” although sound combinations are always unexpected and unusual for adults.

There are words that are, as it were, originally childish; in foreign psycholinguistics they are defined by the concept of “baby talk”. These are words denoting: states (“bo-bo”), actions (“yum-yum”), sounds (“knock-knock”, “tick-tock”) and objects (“lyalya” - “doll”, “ byaka" - "bad"). Interestingly, similar words exist in all languages ​​of the world. There may be several explanations for this.

Firstly, many of these words are onomatopoeic. They are close to the real sounds of natural and artificial objects: “woof-woof” is very similar to the real barking of a dog, “beep-beep” is like a car horn, and “ding-ding” is very similar to the sound of a bell. Even in an “adult” language there are such rhyming, meaningless elements that imitate sound (for example, “tram-tararam”, “ding-ding”, “shurum-burum”).

Secondly, children's words are built according to a “structural scheme” accessible to a child: as a rule, a consonant plus a vowel. It is not for nothing that a child’s first words are constructed precisely according to this model: “mom”, “dad”, “uncle”, “aunt”; An example is the “partially” children’s word - “baba” (about grandmother). Repeating the same syllable (with slight modification) makes it easier for the child to remember and use such a word. Somewhat later (by the age of three or four), more phonetically complex words (“backgammon”, “bang-bang”) appear in children’s speech.

Moving from the singular form to the plural form, children change the inflection, but leave the stem unchanged (“hare, hares,” “kitten, kittens”). In this regard, the difference between a child’s speech and our speech is very clear and understandable. We have “ear, ears”, the child will say either “ear, ears”, or one of the children said in the singular “ear”.

Children struggle with suppletivism in all its manifestations, so up to a certain age they say “people” instead of “people”, or may say “children” instead of “children”. It must be said that this can be illustrated with examples from other areas, not necessarily from the area of ​​inflection of nouns. In the same way, children eliminate suppletivism when there is a comparative degree of the adjective. That is, “good” will turn out to be “good” for the child, and not “better.”

Quite often we use singular nouns to denote a substance that consists of particles large enough to be observed individually and even manipulated in some way. Let's say, peas and a collection of certain peas. Pea Ї is at the same time a certain set; singular noun. The peas scattered on the floor. The child states: “The peas scattered on the floor” and it seems to him, apparently, illogical to use the word “peas” in relation to the multitude of these individual elements. Children also say “potatoes”, “cabbages”, “carrots” when they mean not one object, but many.

Up to a certain point, children can use single inflections in a certain case, regardless of the so-called type of declension. Or a single way of correlating open-closed verb stems. For example, moves from an open stem ending in a vowel to a closed stem ending in a consonant, always using an iota. Forms of the “searching” type, “playing”, “vacuuming” and the like appear.

A subtle sense of language distinguishes the entire course of the formation of children's speech; it does not manifest itself only in word creation. Moreover, if we consider children’s word creation not as a separate phenomenon, but in connection with general development speech of a child, the conclusion suggests itself that it is not based on the child’s special creative powers, but, on the contrary, on a pronounced stereotypy of the functioning of his brain. The main mechanism here is the development of speech templates (templates of the most rigid verb forms, declension of nouns, changes in adjectives by degrees of comparison, etc.) and the widespread use of these templates. The model for “creating” a new word can be given now, or it can be learned earlier, but it is always there.

The child must gradually, through trial and error, clarify the meaning of the word. It consists of a generalization of all situations in which it was used. The more words a child masters, the easier it is for him to clarify the area of ​​meaning with which the word enters into reference relations; In addition, he acquires the technique of operating with a new word and goes through all stages faster. In this development there turns out to be a huge amount of “garbage” and material that did not go into the construction of the language.

By the end of preschool age, children's word creativity begins to “fade away”: by the age of 5-6, the child has already firmly mastered the “standard” figures of speech used by adults. Now he subtly distinguishes various grammatical forms and freely navigates which one and when to use

So, word creation at a certain stage of the development of children's speech is a natural phenomenon and expresses insufficient mastery of the variety of grammatical forms of the native language; it is based on the same principles of brain function that underlie the direct assimilation of the verbal material that we consciously give to our children.

2. “Funny” words in a child’s speech

During a psycholinguistic study, we observed and analyzed the speech of Nastya Vinokurova, who was 4 years and 5 months old.

Like any child, the age from 2 to 5 years is characterized by Nastya’s active word creation, the formation of new words, and the transformation of set expressions. In this case, “funny” words are often formed that seem so to adults, but are completely logical from the child’s point of view.

The formation of “funny” words is based on their transformation at various language levels: phonetic, word-formation, lexical, phraseological and others.

So, taking into account phonetics, we can analyze some of the speeches that appear in Nastya unusual words. It is still difficult for a child to reproduce long words by ear, especially if they are borrowed from other languages. Therefore, at the age of two and a half and three years, Nastya pronounced “satagasilovat” instead of the complex verb “to photograph.” At the same time, the sound “f” disappeared, it was replaced by the sound “s”, which became part of the root, and the sonorant “r” could not be pronounced at all.

Children's words are most often constructed according to a “structural scheme” accessible to the child: a consonant plus a vowel. Therefore, little Nastya could only pronounce her sister’s name “Ilka,” when she should have said “Lerka.” The combination of two nearby sonorants complicated the name, which was transformed into a combination of consonant and vowel convenient for the child.

The inability to pronounce the sound “r” at three years old also explains the emergence of the edible “mukalona”. Moreover, in the child’s mind a connection has already appeared between flour products such as pasta and flour, which justifies the appearance of a “synthetic” word, in which parts of known words are linked together.

The name of the Chelyabinsk river Miass could not be understood by Nastya, because it was not associated with any of the words she already knew. That is why the river began to be called “Meat”, and Nastya, when driving across the bridge, invariably says: “Oh, look, this is the Myaso River!” Nastya replaced the foreign name for the drink “cocoa” with the word “kakavu”, which confirms that at an early stage of development it is easier for a child to pronounce combinations of consonants and vowels.

At the word-formation level, children tend to add “alien” affixes or endings to the root, already known to the child and used by analogy with other words in order to unify the language to some extent. Therefore, instead of the word “jaw,” Nastya said “jaw”: “How do you move your jaw!”, endowing the human organ with a suffix that characterizes the object. According to a similar model, the word “chicks” was formed instead of “chicks,” which indicates Nastya’s knowledge of the suffixes used when naming young animals.

Little Nastya preferred to call the workers who came to do repairs at their home “repairmen,” perhaps partly because good attitude to them (the diminutive suffix “-ik”), partly from knowledge of the word “vint-ik”, and not “repair-nik”.

Often in Nastya’s speech you can hear the replacement of masculine nouns with feminine ones: “helmet” instead of “helmet”, “historian” instead of “history”. Undoubtedly, it matters how often the child uses fairly complex nouns in his speech in order to consolidate the gender.

Children usually form new verbs by adding “foreign” prefixes. At the same time, “adult”, ordinary words acquire an expressive, unexpected meaning. So, Nastya said: “I got up early this morning, but you still fell asleep,” replacing the simple verb “slept” with a more suitable one, in her opinion, in this case.

Sometimes in children's speech there are redundant phrases, the appearance of which is due to the fact that the child cannot yet accurately reproduce a complex definition and is trying to supplement it with a more detailed lexical complex. For example, while walking, Nastya says: “There’s a whipping mixer coming,” meaning a concrete mixer. At the same time, “beat” and “stir” are synonymous. Or at the amusement park, Nastya says that she is not afraid of the “damn review.” In the child’s mind, the phrases “Ferris wheel” and “Ferris wheel”, which have not yet been fixed in the lexicon, are mixed together, and the “synthetic” phrase does not include the reference word “wheel” at all.

Children tend to mix up paronyms, which is explained by ignorance of the context of their use. So, Nastya said: “You are all laughing, laughing. You are some funny parents,” replacing the adjective “funny” with the word “funny.” At the same time, the use of just such a word is determined by the situation in which the child finds himself.

Ignorance of certain words, including foreign ones, forces the child to replace them with Russian equivalents known to him. When Nastya mentions St. Isaac’s Cathedral, she says: “What is St. Isaac’s Fence?” And he calls the laptop “new beech.” Hearing how the grandmother addresses her grandson: “You sit at my table just like an aristocrat,” Nastya joyfully adds: “Yes, yes, like falling leaves!”

At the age of four or five years, a child is just mastering the language of adults, the meaning of stable combinations, and phraseological units. Often children literally understand phraseological units and catchwords, giving a lexical meaning to each word, rather than the entire unity. During an autumn walk, little Nastya listened to how squirrels change their red coats and gradually become gray so that in winter they are not so noticeable. After the explanation, Nastya thought and asked: “And when the squirrel changes its coat, will you call me to take a look?” Thus, the figurative expression turned into a real short-term action in the child’s mind.

Children are always ready to create new turns themselves: so that dad would not be angry with her, Nastya, smiling, threatened him: “Don’t frown at me.” Thus, she, having destroyed the stable phrase “furrow her eyebrows,” created her own using the word “eyes,” which, in her opinion, was more appropriate in a particular situation.

Word creation, like the assimilation of ordinary words of the native language, is based on imitation of the speech patterns that are given to children by the adults around them. By mastering stereotypical speech structures - “speech patterns”, children try to understand the rules for using the lexical and grammatical capabilities of the language.


Children's speech is considered as a representation of a special children's language system, which is to a certain extent autonomous, reflecting the level of cognitive development of the child achieved at a given moment and capable of satisfying his communicative needs.

Children's word creation is considered in psycholinguistic research as one of the stages that every child goes through in mastering their native language. As a result of perception and use in your speech large number words that have common root and affix elements, the child “carries out” analytical operations of dividing the words used into units corresponding to those that are called morphemes in linguistics, and syllabic elements in speech psychology.

Some “new” words are observed in the speech of almost all children (“vsekhniy”, “vsamdelishny”), while others are found in the “speech production” of only individual children (“toptun”, “dictun”, etc.).

The moment of awareness of the content of a particular semantic category, determined by the level of cognitive development achieved by the child, acts as a kind of trigger for the beginning of the development of a particular language category. So, it follows from this that children, as a rule, master almost simultaneously multi-level means of expressing the same type of content: lexical, grammatical and phonetic.


1. Glukhov V.P. Fundamentals of psycholinguistics: textbook. manual for students of pedagogical universities / V.P. Glukhov. - M.: AST: Astrel. - 351 p.

2. Gorelov I.N. Basics of psycholinguistics: training manual/ I.N. Gorelov, K.F. Sedov. - M.: Labyrinth, 2008. - 320 p.

3. Leontiev A.A. Research on children's speech. - In the book: Fundamentals of the theory of speech activity. - M., 1974. - p. 312 - 317.

4. Frumkina R.M. Psycholinguistics: textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments. - 2nd ed., rev. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2006. - 320 p.

5. Tseytlin S.N. Language and the child: Linguistics of children's speech: textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments. - M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2000. - 240 p.

Posted on Allbest.ru

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