What does a wedding consist of? Registration, walk, banquet with fiery dancing and fun competitions. But if the registry office and the walk do not raise any questions, and the entertainment program is managed by the toastmaster, then the feast often becomes a headache for the newlyweds. The main question that torments the bride and groom: how to choose the right wedding menu?

Home celebration

At home, the atmosphere is always warmer and more welcoming than in a noisy restaurant: guests do not feel constrained and can have fun until they drop. And homemade dishes have a very special, unique taste, because a piece of the soul is put into each of them. So, you have a wedding planned, and you need to think through a wedding menu for 20 people at home. We will be happy to help you with this!

Making a list of dishes and products

First of all, make a list of dishes that you would like to see on the holiday table, determine the number of servings and the necessary products. Focus on this plan:

  • Cold appetizers: 1 - 2 fish dishes, 1 - 2 meat dishes, 2 - 3 types of salad, cheese, vegetables.
  • Main courses – 2 - 3 types: fish, meat, poultry.
  • Desserts: ice cream, cakes, fruits, sweet pastries.
  • Drinks: alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

When creating a menu, write down at the same time what products you will need to buy in advance. Determine the range and number of drinks that you will offer to guests. Before guests arrive, put cold appetizers, drinks and assorted fruits on the table. The most convenient option is when vases and salad bowls with identical dishes are repeated every 6 to 8 places.

Remember that hospitality is manifested not so much in the huge quantity and variety of dishes, but in their competent selection and aesthetic design of the banquet table.

Sample menu

You don’t have to rack your brains about creating a menu; we offer you a ready-made option:

  1. Wedding loaf.
  2. Sandwiches with ham, cheese and mushrooms.
  3. Sandwiches with ham and mayonnaise.
  4. Liver salad.
  5. Pike perch in wine sauce.
  6. Cauliflower salad.
  7. Cucumber and tomato salad.
  8. Baked fish.
  9. Turkey stuffed with rice.
  10. Chocolate ice cream.
  11. Nut cake.
  12. Cottage cheese with marmalade and raisins.
  13. Honey cake with walnuts.
  14. Black coffee.
  15. Orange juice.
  16. Fresh fruit.

Despite the fact that all the dishes are easy to prepare at home, the menu turned out to be very sophisticated.

Summer wedding for 80 persons

The marriage registration took place, we walked around the city, now it’s time to go to the wedding banquet! True, if choosing dishes for a small celebration is not particularly difficult, a wedding menu for 80 people in the summer is a completely different conversation. The menu will vary depending on the availability of certain products, the duration of the banquet, as well as the number of guests and the theme of the celebration.

How to organize a banquet

  • The average duration of a feast is 8 hours. How many foods can a person eat during this time? Obviously no more than a kilogram, taking into account the fact that guests will be treated to dishes 2 - 3 times.
  • There can be two hot dishes on the menu: one appears on the tables in the first half of the banquet, and the second after the break for competitions and. However, one dish may be enough if you increase the portion of meat in it to 170 grams.
  • In what order does the wedding banquet take place? First there are cold and spicy appetizers (salted fish, assorted mushrooms and vegetables), then meat and fish salads, and jellied fish are served. This is followed by cold meat appetizers - boiled pork, roast beef, aspic, etc. Cold appetizers are necessary primarily in the first half of the banquet, but ideally they should be enough until the end of the feast.
  • The first time guests leave the table is after the main course, and the second time - before dessert. During the “commercial” break, everything necessary for serving sweet dishes is prepared: dessert plates, knives, coffee cups and saucers. will be a great table decoration. According to tradition, the bride cuts the cake and the groom places the most beautiful piece on her plate.
  • As an exception, in the final part of the banquet you can put cold meat appetizers on the table, as well as lemon slices in powdered sugar.

How many in grams?

It will be easier for you to make preliminary calculations using the diagram below:

  • Cold appetizers and salads – 0.4 kg.
  • Hot snacks – 0.15 kg.
  • Main courses – 0.25 kg.
  • Garnish – 0.15 kg.
  • Dessert – 0.2 kg.
  • Fresh fruit – 0.2 kg.

As we noted earlier, there is no more than 1 kilogram of food per person. As for the cake, the usual calculation is one 1.5 - 2 kg cake per 10 people. However, newlyweds prefer to order one large, beautiful masterpiece. Thus, for 80 people you will need about 12 - 16 kilograms of delicacy.

Drinks are also purchased for 10 people. Total you will need: 2 - 3 bottles of champagne (the main sparkling hero of the wedding), 3 - 5 bottles of wine (a noble drink!), 3 - 4 bottles of vodka, whiskey, cognac, martini, liqueur and other alcohol (whatever suits your taste and budget ), 4 liters of each type of non-alcoholic drinks (juices, lemonades, mineral water, etc.).

Consider the tastes of your guests

  • Special guests include those invited with individual taste preferences. Perhaps among the guests there will be people with various diseases or allergies who are intolerant to certain types of foods. Also, do not forget that a pork dish served to a Muslim will offend his religious feelings.
  • Vegetarians will be pleased to see meat-free dishes on the holiday table. And followers of a raw food diet will be happy to taste salads made from fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Children, elderly people, as well as ladies watching their figure will be happy to try light vegetable salads and mild dishes made from minced meat or fish.
  • If possible, try to accommodate the taste preferences of each guest. This way you will show concern for your friends and loved ones, and you will also save on products that in the end will still remain unclaimed.

Sample menu for a summer wedding

We have prepared for you an interesting menu option for your summer celebration. We will list only the names of the dishes, and the recipes themselves will not be difficult to find on culinary sites.

Summer wedding menu

  1. Wedding loaf.
  2. Sandwiches with sardine cream.
  3. Spanish sandwiches with poultry.
  4. Stuffed eggs with mayonnaise sauce.
  5. Fish rolls.
  6. Young veal in mushroom sauce.
  7. Fried chicken with tomato sauce.
  8. Sweet strawberries with egg cream.
  9. Sand cake with nuts.
  10. Honey cake with prune jam.
  11. Cherry compote.
  12. Italian white coffee.
  13. Wine and berry ice cream.
  14. Fruit assortment.

The menu is very rich; every guest will surely find something to enjoy.

Outdoor wedding

You can set the style and character of your holiday by carefully planning your outdoor wedding menu. Do not forget that in the fresh air the body expends more energy and persistently demands to replenish its reserves, which means that meals must be especially nutritious.

Cold appetizers

  • There is no way to do without in nature, because they are very convenient to eat, and you can cook them right on the spot. Select at least 2 - 3 types.
  • Lavash rolls with a wide variety of fillings are sure to please guests: they are very tasty, and again, they can be prepared quickly. Also on the festive table there should be assorted vegetables and assorted pickled foods. And of course, the more green the better.
  • Let’s face it, it’s not very convenient to eat salads in nature, because you need to arrange them in portions. Therefore, limit yourself to 1-2 types.
  • You should not weigh food exactly in grams - take it with a margin and you won’t be mistaken. The appetite, which always increases in nature, will force guests to sweep away all the sandwiches from the table, even if you make them 2 times more than planned. Don't forget the salt!

Main courses

Why do people go out into nature in general? That's right to enjoy aromatic kebab! A wedding banquet will also not be complete without this magnificent dish, especially since there are countless variations of its preparation, as well as all kinds of sauces and marinades, among which everyone is sure to find something to suit their taste.

Well, it’s clear with barbecue, it’s a traditional thing. But besides this, you can also cook excellent grilled dishes: sausages, vegetables, poultry, fish and mushrooms. If you are no stranger to culinary experiments, try cooking corn on the grill - very tasty and quite non-trivial. Don't forget about different serving options, too. For example, vegetables can be cut into circles, or you can bake them in the form of squares strung on a skewer - you will get an amazing vegetable kebab. In addition to food, take with you coals, skewers, barbecue, grill grates and other equipment that you will need to prepare hot dishes.


How can you ignore those with a sweet tooth! Well, firstly, a wedding menu in the summer is exactly the option when it is better to choose bright cupcakes over a huge cake that will have to be distributed to guests in portions. Secondly, be sure to take care of other options for single sweet dishes, for example, these could be waffles, marshmallows, and raisin muffins.

You shouldn’t take cakes with perishable cream when going out into nature – the only thing missing was poisoning at a wedding! You will also have to avoid chocolate - it will simply melt in the sun. The ideal option would be fruits, which, by the way, must first be washed at home.


Do you remember what drink people line up for in the summer? Of course, for kvass! Also take mineral water, juices and fruit drinks with you. It would also be a good idea to take plain bottled water.

By the way, homemade lemonade perfectly quenches your thirst, especially since the recipe for its preparation is extremely simple. You will need 1.5 liters of boiled water and 1 lemon. Cut the citrus, fill it with warm water, add sugar to taste - and the wonderful drink is ready! For lovers of savory drinks, various options for fruit and berry cocktails, cool smoothies, and everyone’s favorite refreshing mojito are suitable.

A couple more nuances

An outdoor wedding must be carefully planned. In addition to food, take care of disposable tableware: it is light, inexpensive, and, most importantly, you won’t have to wash it after the banquet.

What else you need to take with you:

  • oilcloth tablecloth;
  • knives;
  • corkscrew;
  • openers for cans and bottles;
  • bowls for sauces;
  • salad bowls;
  • wet wipes;
  • towels;
  • garbage bags;
  • mosquito repellent;
  • equipment for active games (ball, rackets, frisbee).

An excellent solution to hold a wedding outdoors. Here the environment itself can become a strong cementing solution for the relationships of a new family: the forest, field, water, sky will be witnesses and participants in the celebration of the birth of a new family. What could be the menu for an outdoor wedding?

It contains forces that can help in creating a program for the development of family relationships for harmony and happiness. People feel this intuitively and strive for living water, trees, and herbs.

Features and quantity

You should choose dishes that are prepared from products with positive energy aimed at increasing well-being, strength and joy. In nature, appetite always increases, and active recreation contributes to the same. If you make salads at the rate of 300 grams. per person, cold appetizers - 400 grams per person, the same number of hot dishes, then everyone will be full. After all, there will still be about 200 grams of dessert and two liters of drinks.

If you plan to set tables and have a kitchen with a refrigerator, then the choice in creating a menu is wider.

If you are planning an outdoor picnic, then you can solve the issue of refreshments using a buffet.

Principles of approach

For some, it is important to stick to traditional dishes, those to which they have been accustomed since childhood. In this case, it is difficult to give any advice, because habits and preferences are not known. Some people, on the contrary, like to try new dishes and discover other tastes.

And here you can approach menu creation from the perspective of choosing national cuisine.

Italian menu

It is an undeniable fact that many consider Italian cuisine to be the best in the world. It is distinguished by its bright colors and active use of garlic and olive oil.

To prevent garlic from giving off bitterness and aftertaste, real Italian chefs remove the middle from it. When a clove of garlic is cut in half, the core is often visible, which gives off an antisocial smell and taste. This is what needs to be removed, and then safely added to any dish. And Italians remove seeds from their tomatoes. Have you noticed that Italian tomato paste is sweet? One of the reasons for this taste is the use of tomatoes without seeds.

If you are celebrating in Italian style, then for an appetizer you can prepare:

  • baked tomatoes with breadcrumbs,
  • pickled zucchini,

  • spinach ravioli,
  • bruschetta,

  • mozzarella with tomatoes.

Watch the video:

What hot dishes are suitable:

  • delicious melanzana alla parmigiana (eggplant with parmesan),

  • Italian mushroom casserole,
  • risotto with asparagus.

Watch the video:

For dessert you can serve:

  • Tiramisu is perhaps the most delicate of all desserts,

  • panna cotta and

  • orange-chocolate biscotti (cookies).

Watch the video:

French menu

A variety of sauces, cheeses, root vegetables, vegetables and herbs is a hallmark of French cuisine. The active use of grape wines in cooking gives a unique taste and aroma to dishes.

Example menu

  • cheese medallions

  • Provençal tomatoes
  • French toast with rum

  • melon and cucumber salad

Watch the video on the topic:

Main dishes:

  • cream soup

  • ratatouille classic
  • leeks in sauce
  • julienne with mushrooms

Watch the video:

  • gougères (choux pastry with cheese)

  • coffee chantilly (whipped cream)

  • fruit parfait (cream with fruit)

Watch the video:

Indian menu

Spicy and tasty dishes make this cuisine original and recognizable. The abundance of spices in cooking plays a major role in shaping the taste. The main thing is to be able to combine spices correctly.

Indian food menu example

  • pakoras (vegetables in dough)

  • paratha (Indian flatbread)

  • tamatar paneer malai (fried tomatoes with cheese)

  • alu tiki (potato cutlets)

Watch the video:

Main dishes:

  • sabzhi (vegetable stew with cheese)

  • eggplant curry

  • palak paneer (spinach with cheese)

Watch video:

  • ladoo (dried fruits, nuts)

  • burfi (fudge)

  • cherry chutney

Watch video:

For these three menus, a wedding cake will be a good addition to the celebration.


A very convenient form of serving food, when all the food is placed on the tables at once. The cutlery is nearby. Anyone who wanted to have a snack came up, put in what he liked and stepped aside.

This version of the treat does not distract from the main activities, which is why we came to nature. You can play, walk, dance and sing without interruption during the feast.

In nature, it is convenient to use disposable tableware made of thick cardboard and wooden forks, spoons or chopsticks, as the material is more environmentally friendly. Don't forget napkins and paper towels. It is good to have a place for toilet and hand washing.

Here, the menu offers a wide variety of sandwiches: from small canapés on skewers to large stuffed flatbreads, salads with different sauces, and mounds of greens. You can use the grill for hot dishes. Everything can be prepared in advance, packaged and delivered ready-made.

Care must be taken to exclude perishable foods from the menu, for example, stuffed eggs, various creams, milk sauces, etc., and to prevent midges and other insects from getting into dishes.

From sweets you can make loaf, cookies and fruit.

Don't forget drinks: water, compotes and fruit drinks. They are healthier than sugary carbonated drinks.

End of the holiday

After the holiday there is always a lot of garbage left: pieces of paper, cups, bottles, etc. Place trash containers in advance for less cleanup later. For the happiness of the newlyweds, it is very important to make sure that after their wedding nature is not harmed.

Summer is the time for bright, noisy, unforgettable weddings. To ensure that the celebration goes off without a hitch, all the details are thought out and planned in advance. A summer wedding menu should be light, hearty and festive at the same time. Therefore, you need to choose your own option for appetizers, main courses and drinks.

The most popular drinks at summer weddings

The basic rule for creating drinks for a wedding in the hottest time of the year is the presence of ice cubes or crushed ice in the glasses. It is these cocktails that can quench your thirst both at the buffet table during a photo shoot and throughout the banquet. Lemon or lime, mint leaves, rum, sparkling water, and frozen berries are chosen as ingredients for alcoholic cocktails. The most popular of them are “Mojito” and “Daiquiri”. From self-sufficient drinks, choose ice-cold champagne, white or red dry or semi-dry wine.

For those who do not drink alcohol, they put on the table homemade lemonades with ice, crushes - berries mixed in a blender with crushed ice, frozen berry and fruit juices.

For a wedding for a small number of guests, for example 30 people, you can stock up on a large number of ice cubes, which are convenient to add to strong alcoholic drinks to reduce the temperature, and to light, alcohol-free cocktails based on freshly squeezed juices. The supply must be at least ten bottles of champagne, fifteen bottles of red and white wine, ten bottles of vodka and ten bottles of cognac. This does not include the liquids needed to create cocktails.

Summer buffet table

The translation of the word "buffet" from French is fork. That is, at such a table, guests eat small portioned snacks while standing, choosing what they liked. Each appetizer is placed on a skewer or small fork. This table is ideal for a summer wedding even for 100 people. The main thing is to find out the main taste preferences of the guests in advance.

What is served at the buffet? Various fruits skewered, small canapés with fish, pates, red caviar, small tartlets with vegetables, olives, capers in olive oil, small pieces of deli meat on chips, various types of cheeses grated with lime juice and placed on crackers. Especially when there are a large number of unfamiliar or unfamiliar people, a buffet will help relieve tension and start casual conversations.

Salads and cold appetizers

The approximate number of salads ranges from five to ten vegetable, fish and meat ones. It is recommended not to use sour cream and mayonnaise as a dressing for the summer salad menu. A good combination would be olive oil with wine vinegar or lemon juice, seasoned with fresh grated herbs - basil, sage, mint or rosemary. Such salads fit well into the summer mood of both guests and newlyweds, without loading them with too much fat.

Main courses

If the wedding is held outdoors, then a barbecue or shashlik would be an excellent option. Using fish as the main dish first, at the end of the celebration you can serve poultry or game baked on coals.

For 60 guests, it will be enough to prepare two dishes per person: 250 grams of fish and a side dish, and 350 grams of meat or poultry and a side dish. Baked vegetables, couscous seasoned with aromatic herbs, and a mixture of wild and white rice are served as a side dish.

If the holiday takes place within the walls of a restaurant or cafe, then the classic option would be poultry baked in the oven and grilled fish or meat steaks.

Summer desserts

Cake remains the main dessert dish. However, it is worth considering that summer is the time for light, fruit and berry desserts. An excellent option would be a curd wedding cake decorated with fresh berries and fruits.

Desserts are calculated as follows: ice cream - one hundred grams, fruits - one hundred and fifty grams, cake - two hundred and fifty grams. That is, a cake for 40 people should weigh at least ten kilograms. Multi-tiered cakes are a good option. Or small cupcakes with fruits placed in a multi-tiered vase. Also, instead of fatty ice cream, you can offer fruit sorbet, pieces of watermelon, and berries on skewers. Remember to have enough ice to keep drinks and desserts cold.

Taking into account warm and even hot summer days, it would be useful to take care of maintaining the freshness of all dishes. Especially if the celebration is held outdoors. A good move would be to have a buffet table for both cold appetizers and desserts.

A summer wedding is a beautiful event: a lot of sun and warmth, an abundance of lush greenery and bright flowers, delicious vegetables and fruits only from the garden, beautiful dresses made of light fabrics!

You can choose any place for the celebration: an open terrace of a cafe, a dacha, a garden, an open restaurant in a park - there are practically no restrictions.

But difficulties when organizing a celebration at this time of year cannot be avoided. It is necessary to take into account the onset of heat and the problems it brings. Many foods do not tolerate hot weather well and can quickly lose their freshness. Therefore, it is worth making sure that the menu for a summer wedding is compiled accordingly.

The order of the banquet is little affected by the time of year, but dishes for the summer menu should not be too high in calories or fat.

Light ones made from fresh vegetables and herbs with the addition of meat and seafood are perfect as snacks. It is better to avoid salty snacks and salads dressed with mayonnaise. Also, in the heat, a refreshing okroshka or iced beetroot soup would be appropriate on the tables.

Main course portions should be smaller and lighter. It is wiser to avoid dishes such as stews or roasts, dishes based on high-calorie sauces, fatty, spicy and fried meat products.

The best option would be grilled or baked vegetables, fish and seafood, as well as lean meat.

Dishes should be seasoned with fresh herbs and a little salt.

To prevent the main course from seeming too bland to guests, the table should have:

  • juice (or whole fruits) of lemon or lime;
  • hot sauce;
  • various seasonings.

Alcohol and heat don't mix well. High temperatures make people more susceptible to its effects and “wither” faster. Therefore, it is better to refrain from drinking large amounts of strong alcohol until the evening, when the heat subsides a little.

Before cool weather sets in, a guest bartender can serve guests dry wine and various cocktails with ice, for example, the very popular Mojito or the equally popular Daiquiri.

There should be an abundance of refreshing cool drinks on the table. To quench your thirst, mineral water with lemon and mint or juice with crushed ice, preferably from refreshing citrus fruits - lemons, oranges and grapefruits, are best suited.

Sugary drinks are best avoided as the sugar they contain adds unnecessary calories and therefore energy and heat. Hot coffee and tea can be replaced with cold tea - iced tea, mint and lemon or fruit tea are especially good.

For dessert, you can serve ice cream in cups. Any desserts based on cold yoghurts, jellies and fruit mousses are also suitable. Among fruits, it is worth offering watermelons, which are an excellent way to refresh yourself and quench your thirst due to the fact that they consist mainly of water (up to 95 percent). Other wonderfully refreshing fruits include melons, apples and pears, as well as the aforementioned citrus fruits.

It is advisable to serve dishes, especially salads, in small portions, as due to the heat they will quickly lose their attractive appearance and taste.

How to create a wedding menu in a cafe in the summer for 30, 40, 50, 70, 100 people

Guests should not leave the gala banquet hungry, so it is important to correctly calculate the amount of different products. Traditionally, 1.2-1.5 kg of food per adult is considered.

Approximate ratio of dishes on the menu per guest:

  • various salads – 250-300 g;
  • (cold meats, fish, cheeses) – 450 g;
  • hot snacks – 200 g;
  • main course – 400 g;
  • various fruits – 250-300 g;
  • cake – 150-200 g.

The table is set, calculating the dishes in such a way that a plate with each of them fits 5-6 people, respectively, 6 plates with each dish are placed for 30 people. In this way, you can calculate the amount of food for any number of guests. count as follows: for 5 people there should be 3-4 bottles of spirits, 3-5 bottles and one bottle of champagne.

When holding a wedding banquet in a cafe, which our next one will help you choose, the chef or owner of the establishment will help you calculate the dishes.

When you take into account the preferences of the guests, you need to prepare a sufficient selection of dishes for vegetarians that will replace meat.

It should also be noted that some of the guests, for various reasons, do not eat pork or beef, so lamb or poultry should be included.

Summer menu for a wedding at the dacha - ideas

Beautiful weather, birdsong, the smell of flowers and a lot of fun - this is how most people will remember a wedding reception in nature.

A wedding in a country house is charming, free and spacious. In addition, having your own plot, you can independently, in accordance with individual preferences.

Outdoors is characterized by a large number of snacks, both cold and hot. The first include boiled pork, sandwiches with caviar, cold cuts, and salads. Small pies, pancakes, juliennes are hot appetizers served before the main course.

Lamb kebab, stuffed pig, grilled fish - these main dishes, prepared in close proximity to the guests, will not leave any of them indifferent.

However, it is worth remembering that preparing shish kebab at a family picnic is very different from preparing the same dish for 20-30 people, so a qualified chef must prepare the main dish.

For dessert you can serve ice cream, nuts, caramel mousse, and assorted fruits. Considering that dachas are usually located outside the city, you should worry about an additional supply of refreshing and alcoholic drinks.

For a summer wedding, choose one with berries or decorated in accordance with the season with flowers, grape bunches, and foliage.

From this video you will learn more about choosing a wedding menu:

The most important thing is to remember, no matter what time of year the wedding is celebrated, it will certainly be the happiest day in the lives of at least 2 people, and with the correct organization of the celebration and a well-designed menu, guests will remember it for a long time.

The menu for each season has its own characteristics. In summer and early autumn it should be as rich as possible with “summer” dishes and drinks. It’s no secret that in warmer months, tastes change a little; you want to eat less heavy, fatty foods, and vice versa, you are attracted to light cold snacks, fresh fruits and vegetables. Based on this, you need to create the perfect summer wedding menu.

The first part of the menu is appetizers. In the summer, it is quite appropriate to limit yourself to only cold dishes, without supplementing them with hot ones. Avoid large containers with salads, as after a while the vegetables give off juice and the salad begins to look unpresentable. It is much better to give preference to portioned salads, such as Caesar or Greek. Please ensure that salads are served cold! And avoid mayonnaise dressing, which is not at all suitable for a summer banquet.

You can also prepare rolls, kebabs, and vegetable slices. Be sure to serve seafood dishes - for example, salad, canapés with caviar, sliced ​​salted and smoked fish.

A good hot option would be fish, as well as kebabs, especially if the wedding is celebrated on an open veranda, in nature. In general, meat cooked over a fire is the best first course for a summer wedding. For the second course, consider hot vegetable appetizers - this could be baked potatoes, vegetable stew or grilled vegetables.

Please note that guests will get drunk faster in the heat, so focusing on strong alcohol is not recommended. Light wine will be the best option, and cocktails associated with summer can be an ideal solution for the second part of a banquet with dancing. Mojito, daiquiri, pina colada will cheer up your guests and make your wedding truly summer. You can also serve cold champagne with berries - for example, raspberries or strawberries. Sangria wine will fit very harmoniously into the menu.

Non-alcoholic drinks for your summer menu can be very creative and colorful. Sodas and juices are too standard and boring, in addition, due to the abundance of sugar, they do not quench thirst well. Why not treat your guests with homemade lemonade or fruit cocktails? Non-alcoholic citrus-based lemonade, served in a large glass jug, will not only decorate the table, but will really quench your thirst. Cooled fruit tea, mint drink, and hibiscus tea are also excellent options.

The wedding cake should also suit the season and weather. No buttercream or whipped cream! Something light, airy, curd, and fruity will fit much better into the overall style of your wedding. A cake without berries and fruits has no right to exist in the summer! Cakes with floral decorations look great. But forget about chocolate right away - this product, which is prone to melting, clearly will not decorate your party!