An exemplary housewife looks like something out of a picture: neat, smart, elegant, moderately seductive and elegant. It’s hard to even imagine how she manages to wash the floors and peel potatoes!

Old home economics books instructed women to wear “simple but elegant dresses and suits” at home. If you remember the fashion of at least 50 years ago, it will become clear: the home clothes of a good housewife were far from the modern understanding of ease. Despite this, women not only wore it, but also did housework in it, and the processes were not always automated with the help of “smart” devices, even vacuum cleaners and washing machines Not everyone had them.

A small survey of young ladies I know showed that there are four types of beloved home clothes:

1. Specially purchased in lingerie departments (shirt dresses, overalls, suits), which often looks like bed linen - you still want to change it before guests arrive.

2. Bed linen: pajamas, shirt and peignoir, robe, etc.

3. Sportswear(soft, warm and cozy suits) and old clothes in casual style(jeans, cut-off jeans, knitwear).

4. Underwear or complete absence of clothing (if family composition allows).

These are comfortable and pleasant options for home clothes. In them you can feel like a gentle, relaxed, cheerful house cat. But do they really allow you to feel like an “ideal mistress”, the ruler of an ideal home? If housework is her only and favorite job, then looking perfect for a woman is a matter of skill and the degree of her perfectionism. And for those who are capable of this despite the 40-hour working week, I propose a standing ovation.

Home clothes that please the eyes of the husband and children, in which you can receive unexpected guests and safely leave the house anywhere, give the housewife a number of advantages:

1. She makes a woman be and feel beautiful from morning to evening (makeup, hairstyle - this is a minimum).

2. It allows you to remain collected throughout the day (you won’t fall on the sofa in a beautiful dress).

3. She demands that the house be just as beautiful and neat (otherwise a beautiful home outfit will just look strange).

4. She also disciplines other family members (children and husband).

It is important to always distinguish between clothes for the house and clothes for the day out: although they may look interchangeable, they are not - this is, at a minimum, a question of the undeniable cleanliness of the house dress and the safety of the day off.

How much money to spend on loungewear? Each housewife decides for herself. But practice shows that you can dress comfortably, elegantly and even elegantly for only 5,000 rubles (though without the cost of a beautiful work apron).

Home dresses

House dresses, in fact, differ little from ordinary ones. They're just inexpensive natural materials, with non-marking colors, and, preferably, with short sleeves. Of course, doing the dirtiest work in such an outfit will be inconvenient. But, firstly, you can always change clothes; secondly, life is not only cleaning.

A special category of home clothing is knitted dresses. Wrinkle-resistant and soft material allows you to easily move, relax, feed your baby, and at the same time it beautifully emphasizes the shape of the body. And how nice and cozy it is if it’s cool at home!

It’s convenient to have a light knitted jacket or blouse in your wardrobe to throw over your dress when you’re airing out the rooms or going to visit your neighbor.

Home set: skirt + blouse

Skirt and blouse often more comfortable than a dress and definitely more practical. First, there are more outfit combinations available. Secondly, if you get a stain, it’s easy to replace the damaged item of clothing with a fresh one. True, a set of a skirt and top or blouse may cost more expensive than a dress. But it might be cheaper.

Home set: top + pants

Many women find it uncomfortable to do household chores in a dress or skirt: over the past decades, we have become very accustomed to trousers. Why not create an eye-catching home set with panties? Just don’t buy shapeless sweatpants - what a woman wouldn’t wear in public shouldn’t be seen by her family. There are many very feminine models that emphasize the figure and look elegant without sacrificing comfort. Elastic tight trousers go well with a loose top.

Most women spend a long time twirling in front of the mirror when going to work, to the store or somewhere else where they are under the gaze of others.

Afraid of “falling face down in the dirt,” they put on stylish clothes and do beautiful makeup, and they leave the house only when a well-groomed lady of indescribable beauty is reflected in the mirror.

What happens when they return home? Here the princess suddenly turns into Cinderella. Beautiful dress is replaced by a washed and patched robe, which, in fact, is a pity to throw away, but cannot be worn either. Elegant shoes are replaced by torn slippers or worn out socks. crumbles before our eyes, and cosmetics disappear without a trace under a cotton pad soaked in makeup remover. In general, the picture is disappointing.

Of course, you can understand poor women. Walking around all day in tight skirts and high heels is really hard work. But don't go to extremes! There are no hopeless situations, which means a compromise can be found.

In order to look good at home In order to please your loved ones, you need to forbid yourself to wear old rags and go unkempt. This does not mean that you will have to stay in evening dresses. Agree, the range of comfortable shoes and clothes in modern stores is huge. You can always find a cute, comfortable dress and elegant, comfortable slippers. Such clothes will always be in place.

As home clothes Jeans that fit you well and don’t cause any discomfort when you put them on will also work. Then you won’t be ashamed to walk in front of your husband and open the door to a stranger. But voluminous robes are clothes that should be worn only twice a day: in the morning, when you wash your face and do your makeup, and in the evening, when you take a shower and go to bed. Cleaning an apartment in it is not only unsightly, but also completely inconvenient.

You need to take care of your appearance away from the eyes of the man you love. He doesn’t necessarily need to see you making masks, curling hair curlers, brushing your teeth, cutting your nails, or applying depilatory waxes. All these little things are small feminine tricks that make you look good. Let your loved one think that you are naturally perfect.

Just a little effort and typical housewife you will turn into beautiful woman, which is nice to look at. Agree, the efforts made, especially since they are minimal, will be fully justified.

Reading bedtime stories to your two little ones, you somehow look differently at those heroines who became princesses. And what is surprising? If in fairy tales of Western authors only beauties could become princesses, then in fairy tales Slavic peoples Only those girls who knew how to become a good housewife became princesses. Who loved cleanliness and order, prepared delicious dishes, took care of their loved ones, and helped all the good beings who demanded it.

But lazy and evil girls, even though they were a rank higher than hard-working ones, always lost in the struggle for happiness and the prince. But all this is true, and in life everything happens exactly like this:

first the prince, aka future husband, looks, of course, at beauty, and then when the passion subsides a little, gray everyday life begins, and no one really needs a beauty if there is nothing to eat at home, and there is dust, dirt, flies, a mess around, and she sits and paints her nails.

Then they remember that they need a caring and loving wife.

Nowadays there are a lot of divorces and litter on domestic grounds, due to the fact that a woman, having become a wife, has not yet become a good housewife. And the husband, in turn, instead of supporting, perhaps helping in some way, only reproaches and scolds his missus.

Then let's immediately understand the question of how to become a good housewife, wife and mother? I think that you need to learn this, or how to say, cultivate a housewife in yourself.

Yes, there are women who have it in their blood, and somehow everything about them turns out beautifully and neatly. Or maybe it’s only at first glance that everything is so fast and easy for them? And in order to become an exemplary housewife, they had to go through many tests on the path to perfection, but let’s do everything in order and slowly. I think you won't ask this question anymore.

So, if you are reading this article, then you already understand that housekeeping
farming is hard work.
It’s good if you decide to play it safe and prepare for this in advance and are looking for this information even before a conflict arises on this basis. But as practice shows, there are only a few such ladies. And before a girl gets married or until there is a serious reason to think about it, she has butterflies in her head and no serious thoughts about running a household.

A well-fed man is my man

This means the first thing you need to do to become a good, caring housewife, mother and wife, never under any circumstances don't leave your man hungry. A hungry man is an angry man, well, he can be angry not only from hunger, but it is better to remove this irritant. And do it so that your food only makes him kinder.

Therefore, remember that a good wife always has something to eat, even if it is not pies with jam or pancakes with cottage cheese, but ordinary soup or mashed potatoes, but she will have something to eat. So that a man could open the refrigerator at any time and find something tasty and homemade there. Even if you don’t like to cook, I think you will overcome yourself, you will be able to at least cope basic dishes, for the sake of his beloved family. But I don’t know how to become a good housewife and not be able to cook basic soup. And my mother says that even if you and your husband are at odds, there should still be cooked food in the house.

Let's learn to save time, set priorities and carry out a plan!

If a woman does not learn to be a domestic top manager and plan your time, then no matter how hard she tries to become a good housewife, she will not succeed. Because no matter what she does, no matter how much she bends over backwards to get everything done, there still won’t be enough time for it all.

Therefore, plan everything in advance. Get some kind of notebook or notepad and make notes of all the things you need to do. Try to do this in the evening, because in the morning it will be much more difficult to collect your thoughts. It’s best to start completing tasks immediately the next day. Write down your plans for the day, review them every evening and report to yourself on their implementation, and then write new ones the next day.

But remember that you need to make real plans, otherwise you can write down a bunch of things that you couldn’t cope with for a month, and then suddenly you decided to redo everything in one day, because you think that you already know how to become a good housewife, but cool and cool housewives can do anything.

This will not work, I say right away, if you make a lot of plans for one day, especially not real ones, then you will soon be disappointed in yourself and your capabilities, you will abandon all your starting points on the initial path, and your attempts will change, and again you'll be back where you started.

Therefore, plans must be realistic, even better if there are fewer of them and you can do more. After all, every small victory gives a big impetus to action. And over time, you will learn to manage your time and set larger tasks and goals.

You also need to learn how to prioritize. To become a good housewife, you must clearly understand what is more important today and now, cook dinner or wash the bathroom, go shopping or wipe dust everywhere, and so on. When you learn this too, many worries will go away on their own.

I also recommend that in order to combine some chores around the house, while dinner is cooking, wipe the pile or throw the laundry in the washing machine, you can also fold things. And it is not intended to stand near the stove, this is not an unimportant point on the path to becoming a good and even ideal housewife in your home.

Also, do not forget to keep a notebook with income and expenses; it is impossible to become a good housewife and not be able to manage a household budget.

How to properly keep a book of income and expenses, we will talk about this in another topic.

We ask for help and do not forget about ourselves.

We also do not forget that the housewife who runs the household should not place everything on her fragile shoulders, so you will never become an ideal, loving and good mistress of your home. You will simply fall off your feet from fatigue. Involve your husband and children in household chores. Let your husband know that it is not easy work to be a housewife, and that you deserve gratitude and some personal time. And children also need to be taught from a young age that housework cannot be done on their own, they need to be done by someone. And your children in the future will only say thank you. Your daughters-in-law will be especially grateful if your sons, their husbands, know that this is hard work and a woman always needs help, not reproaches.

Lastly, what a woman should look like to become a good housewife. And she should look good, not even good, but excellent. After all, in a clean and beautiful house there should be a beautiful and well-groomed lady.

So, in the pursuit of cleanliness and order, let’s not forget about ourselves. Beautiful hairstyle, neat nails and clean clothes, half the work is already done, little remains, and it’s up to you to decide what exactly.

That’s all, to be a good, excellent housewife, you don’t need any special knowledge and skills. Stick to these simple recommendations and be yourself, smile more often, and before you know it, your house will sparkle with cleanliness, and cleanliness and order will reign around you.

Five years ago, in the depths of Krestovsky Island, in the biogeocenosis of elite, premium and luxury residential complexes, a cosmetology and plastic surgery clinic spontaneously arose. Owner and CEO Natalia Pirogova I am sure that I chose the right moment: then the demand for aesthetic medicine exceeded the supply, and there was not enough beauty center in a secluded corner of the city. It’s really easy to hide from prying eyes here: for anxious patients posing as spies on a special mission, the clinic opens a secret entrance upon request. Natalya herself does not hide from anyone, on the contrary, she is in plain sight all the time: she communicates in the lobby with visitors, goes with the doctors of her clinic to all specialized conferences, looks into operating rooms, listens to lectures and practices the “I want to know everything” system. This is a sign not of a control freak, but of a smart person: in order to properly manage the budget, annually updating the fleet of American lasers and devices, each of which costs as much as a three-room apartment, you need to take into account all the details.

Natalya Pirogova, owner of the Medici clinic

Medici's strength is the exchange of experience. I invite plastic surgeons of Javier Benito’s caliber here at least twice a year. I simply approach speakers at international congresses whose presentations I like and ask: “Can I come and see your clinic?” They readily agree, and then conduct master classes for our doctors at Medici. My employees also regularly go to professional conferences, and the more often the better. All our cosmetologists have the opportunity to watch how surgeons operate. Knowledge is never superfluous. I love mornings at the clinic. From nine to noon we have discharge, and at this time I watch how those who come for a consultation collide in the lobby with those who have already undergone surgery. Looking at each other is priceless. It removes fears and embarrassment as if by hand. I guess I could become a doctor. TO When you’re undergoing surgery, and you’re not only not feeling bad, but wildly interested, then it’s yours. There is no shame in having surgery. Many people argue: “I’m only forty-five, it’s too early for me.” No. If you constantly look tired (not only after lack of sleep or a hard day), this is an indication for surgery. At least for a consultation with a surgeon. Time has passed circular braces for half a day. Now all competent plastic surgeons perform short, low-traumatic operations, often on the face and body simultaneously. Forty years for a woman is a significant figure in Russia, ha ha! In Europe, the concept of age has long been erased: you look exactly the way you want and how you feel. We have to keep up with the times."

The GEN87 network of innovative medicine clinics emerged only a year and a half ago, but they didn’t waste any time and have already managed to capture three cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg and Vladimir. Maria Golubeva manages the flagship, St. Petersburg. The title number 87 encrypts the word “beauty”: each letter was written down under the serial number under which it appears in the alphabet, and these numbers were added up. Apart from the name, everything else in the clinic is absolutely transparent - from windows to pricing. On medical self-leveling epoxy floors (the same ones in the operating rooms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations) there are brand new South Korean devices that can find an approach to both the acne of high school students and the ptosis of their grandmothers. LEDs and motion sensors create the feeling that you are on the captain's bridge of a starship from Star Trek - and that Commander Spock is now solving problems. Masha spends all working days at the clinic: on Monday, methodological work, on Wednesday, a meeting with doctors, and on Friday, she makes the dreams of the collective unconscious come true, arranging workplace on the cosmetologist's couch - test-drive procedures have not been canceled!

Maria Golubeva, director of GEN87

I am often asked Is it difficult to manage a medical center without specialized education? I smile and answer that this is my great advantage: I look at the process through the eyes of the patient. And medical processes in our company are handled by qualified personnel, so I’m calm about that. You need to look not young, but luxurious. Wrinkles are secondary. Even a child has nasolabial folds, and “ crow's feet"near the eyes when smiling can add charm. So our task is not to cheat time, but to properly prepare for age-related changes. Beauty is a race. And after thirty you have to pedal faster. Because at this age too much already depends on hormones - they control the condition of the skin, the quality of the hair, appetite and even the shine in the eyes. Therefore, the main doctor for both men and women after thirty is an endocrinologist, preferably a generalist. Such a specialist is seeing you at the GEN87 clinic. Interesting fact: If a patient with acne does not have the determination to be cured, medical manipulations will be ineffective. You can't hate your face, your skin. She also suffers and struggles. It’s better to help her with your inner spirit to launch the update program. I like European aesthetic medicine clinics and the general attitude towards cosmetology. There is no cult of beauty, like ours, no pomp and inappropriate decor in interiors. Taking care of yourself is a vital and natural process, so visiting an aesthetic medicine clinic should be fun and enjoyable! I tried to make sure everything was exactly like this in GEN87.

The postulate of the biologist Commoner “Everything is connected to everything” managing partner and founder of the clinic Anna Quiria immediately took her shield and coat of arms. Trichology is related to endocrinology - and therefore couples who are planning a child undergo the same analysis at Estetic Alliance for forty microelements as patients in search of a natural mane. Cosmetology is closely related to dentistry: lip asymmetry often cannot be corrected without the help of an orthodontist, and to eliminate nasolabial folds, an implant dentist is called in for help. The main difference between Estetic Alliance and other clinics is declared in its name - it is a “medical spa”. It even provides a medical concierge - here he is called a personal manager. He is available to the patient 24/7, ready to advise on all organizational issues, connect with a doctor via Skype and, like Vertu, even arrange treatment abroad. Anna herself is immersed in the affairs of the beauty center both as a manager and as a practicing orthodontist. And every Wednesday and Friday from noon to 6 p.m., she greets patients at the reception desk - because everything is connected to everything.

Anna Kviria, founder of Estetic Alliance

There are no ugly people - I am absolutely convinced of this. Either there is a physical or physiological pathology, which means there are indications for surgery, or you just need to work on your image, learn to present yourself correctly. I sometimes see women with disturbed facial expressions, with masked faces, from which you can’t guess whether they are laughing or crying. At first, they apparently wanted to correct one flaw in their appearance, but then the feeling of power over their body did not allow them to stop in time. And the surgeon or cosmetologist followed these impulses. Life has taught me not to renounce. So I screamed that I would never put on braces again after the first treatment - and I’ve been wearing them, it turns out, for the fifth year now, with a break. So it’s better not to make predictions or promises about plastic surgery. It’s easier to say: “I’m already good.” Cosmetological manipulations and plastic surgery- this is actually a titanic work on oneself, which not everyone can do. You can’t become beautiful in a click after one single procedure. This is daily, constant work, the same as maintaining physical fitness.”

Text: Alla Sharandina
Photo: Alexey Kostromin, Natalya Skvortsova