Sometimes, it is worth paying attention to a conspiracy to sell an apartment.

After all, people don’t often make such big purchases as a house or apartment. And they sell on their own even less often.

Sometimes it is not even clear how to begin this process, where to start, how to conduct it, so as not to end up “at the bottom.”

There are many questions. There is even more information and advice on this topic. We will try to cover the topic.

A conspiracy to sell an apartment or how to quickly sell real estate

And there is something to talk about. A newcomer faces a lot of trouble in this matter.

Let's break down the process, accompanying each with an example of a ritual so that people can use the material to their advantage.

After all, sifting through a lot of sources, looking for a very specific ritual, sometimes there is neither the energy nor the time. And sometimes ignorant people have no idea about the existence of many nuances.

First step

When the question of selling has already been raised, advertisements have been written, tactics have been thought out, it is recommended to read the plot to sell an apartment.

It is pronounced at the threshold of the premises exposed to clients.

  1. At midnight of any day, stand in the entrance doorway, facing the apartment. It’s as if you are addressing her yourself.
  2. Say it like this:

“Sir, dear home! We were on the same path with you! Now the roads have diverged! For me - to the left, for you - to the right. Let your destiny be not fun, not pampering. Let the good owner come, let him be satisfied with your service! Thank you, sir, for your service! Let me go, please go to a new hut! I wish you happiness, protection from fire and bad weather! Amen!"

The next step is to attract a buyer

After the first ritual, you will notice how you have calmed down, and you will have confidence that everything will work out.

The ritual must be performed by those who have lived indoors for a long time. It will try not to let go of its owner, not to be sold.

You need to express gratitude to him, “calm him down”, like a child.

Then the time will come to tell the world about your desire to part with the apartment. Most often this is done through advertisements.

Regardless of how and where you place them, it is recommended to pronounce the following spell.

It accompanies every advertisement, on the Internet or on physical boards, in a newspaper or on a pole:

“Golden thresholds, diamond palaces, pure silver windows, there is no more beautiful goodness! Admire the apartment, just don’t bargain! If you love, take it and live happily! Amen!"

How to greet a buyer without being picky

After performing the rituals correctly, you will be surprised, but there will be no wave of people wanting to buy your property.

Only serious people will pay attention to your call, and not all sorts of scammers and idle onlookers. But there still remains a chance to meet a dishonest person with a dear soul.

“Holy Mother of God, protector, patroness! Turn away the bad man, bring the bright man into my house! Share the joy between two, our destiny is in Your hands! Amen!"

What conspiracy will help you sell your apartment quickly?

There is a ritual that will most likely allow you to sell your premises very quickly and profitably.

The reservation was made so that people understand that not everything depends on them. Higher Powers sometimes have their own plans for you and your apartment.

As a result, delays occur, sometimes the deal goes wrong unexpectedly, or all sorts of other unforeseen events go wrong. better quality happen.

It is simply advisable to analyze them, try to understand what is happening and why.

When you need it urgently, go to the market (not to the store) for a new broom.

Sweep the entire apartment from the windows to the threshold, not forgetting to stick a broom under the furniture, where possible.

In doing so, read:

Father, brownie, we are friends!
We lived happily, but did not grieve!
The sun was shining and we were having fun!
The clouds were flying in, taking away the sorrows!
We shared everything with you,
Wealth and profit, need and sorrow!
Take my bow and calm my heart!
I ask you to help me with the sale of my apartment,
Don't run from the territory!
Bring yourself a new friend,
And he should pay me back at exorbitant prices!
There is only hope for you,
For the angels' joy, for your goodness.
It’s profitable for me, it’s the envy of everyone.

The broom should be placed in the corner near the threshold at night, and in the morning, three branches should be torn off from it, tied in a bouquet and hung over the door.

Throw a broom at an intersection with the words: “Lead the new owner!”

Buy some wheat grain. You will need as many seeds as there are corners in your apartment.

A thorough cleaning is required on Friday. Then, go around the house clockwise, placing a grain in each house.

Read the conspiracy above each:

“Golden grain, call a rich merchant, generous and flexible. Go around the world, call people together, welcome them, tell them about your home, and praise it for its convenience and happiness, how it will protect you from bad weather! Look into the merchant's soul and awaken desire in it. So that he runs to the doorstep and drags a mountain of money. Golden seed, may luck come with you! Amen!"

Do not forget that you will need to thank the grains when you receive money for the premises. Take them to the field or garden and plant them in generous soil.

Bow to them and say a few words of gratitude from your heart.

The previous conspiracies are based on your personal connection to the premises.

And it happens that you have to deal with the affairs of relatives or acquaintances, sometimes who have passed on to another world.

Here, turning to a “stranger” brownie will not help much. It is recommended to carry out such a ritual.

  1. Take four small ones (not necessarily identical)
  2. Arrange them so that they are directed in different directions of the world. It is recommended to place the box on the table or floor and rest the surfaces against its edges.
  3. Read the plot four times, looking into each mirror in turn:

“The house has four corners, the brownie guards. He doesn't want to change the owner. He invited me to visit, but then drove me away. I renounce these in unison! I have my own father's house! Let him take the mansion, which will bring me more and faster money! With the consent of the brownie, the blessing of the Lord. Amen!"

There are situations when you put your apartment or house up for sale, but for some reason the property does not sell for a long time. In order to quickly and profitably sell your home, you can resort to the help of magic. A magical assistant in this situation will be a conspiracy to sell an apartment or house.

Realities modern life are such that quite often there is a need to use magic for certain purposes. And, even if progress is firmly established in all areas of life of each of us, a person believes in the power of words and often resorts to reading conspiracies.

For example, when you quickly need to achieve some result. In everyday magic, a separate niche is occupied by rituals that are aimed at material well-being.

And one of the very popular options is a conspiracy to sell an apartment.

Naturally, it should only be used when real estate actually needs to be sold.

Rituals of this type will help to complete the transaction as quickly and profitably as possible.

Conspiracy to sell an apartment - preparation for the ritual

Sometimes it happens that you need to sell an apartment or house. And it seems that a lot of time has passed since the decision to sell was made, and buyers periodically appear, but it is not possible to complete what was started.

In this case, it will come to the rescue strong conspiracy for sale of an apartment or house.

However, before starting the ritual itself, certain preparatory measures should be carried out.

You need to wash all the floors and corners of the house with water, which was previously infused for three days in a dark place.

You need to wash the floor with the words:

“My home, four corners, I renounce you.
Whoever brings me money for you will take it!

The words of the conspiracy are repeated at every corner in the apartment.

How to appease a brownie in an apartment or private house

Sometimes it happens that the brownie does not want to part with you and takes all potential buyers away from the house. And if you fail to make friends with the brownie, then nothing will happen with the sale of an apartment or house.

To solve this problem, before reading the plot to quickly sell an apartment, you need to appease the brownie.

This is done like this: stand in the doorway and, turning to the far corner of the room, say the words with a bow:

“Welcome new owners to your home, brownie!
Not for an hour, not for a day, but for a century!
They won’t offend you, but don’t offend them either!”

In the evening, leave a saucer of porridge in the corner. This ritual will help to appease the brownie, who will show the apartment to buyers in the best possible way.

In order to quickly and profitably carry out a property transaction, a conspiracy can be used for the successful and quick sale of an apartment or house with wheat.

At first glance, this plot to sell an apartment seems very simple.

However, very soon it will be possible to verify its effectiveness. Reviews about this ritual are only positive.

To carry out the ritual, you will need as many wheat grains as there are corners in the apartment for sale.

At dawn, in front of each corner, placing one grain, read the magic words:

“Golden grain, come out of the corner when the money merchant comes,
Invite him to visit, tell him about his happy life, show him the mansion!
So that the desire to buy appears in him, take good gold from him!
For every corner, for every piece, for every window!

To give thanks magical powers For a successful deal, after selling a house or apartment, collect all the grains from the corners and bury them in the ground as far as possible from your house.

Rituals and prayers for trade, sale or a successful deal are very popular and are considered extremely effective.

Their effectiveness has been tested by not a single person and all reviews are only positive.

To perform rituals and read prayers, no specific items are required.

As a rule, you can limit yourself to improvised means.

To fulfill this plot to sell an apartment, you need to cast a bucket of water:

“I read a conspiracy for sale, for a successful deal!
I renounce my home and open the door to new owners!
Whoever brings me money for my house is not a guest,
And he will be the owner!
My word is strong, my word is law!

When the water is charmed, you should wash the floor and all corners of the house, and then pour the dirty water under the tree.

Please note that if you meet someone on the road while you are going to pour out the dirty water, the magic will not work, so it is best to perform the ritual late at night.

Such a conspiracy will help to quickly sell the apartment with the greatest benefit for the owner. As a rule, everything should be resolved within the first month.

If you need to sell real estate in a short time, then the ritual with a pin is effective remedy to achieve such a goal.

You will need: half a glass of rice, sugar, salt and one new pin.

This plot to sell an apartment or house is best read in the last lunar phase, when the month begins to wane.

At noon, mix the three ingredients and stick a pin, point down, into the center of the mixture with these words:

“For good luck, for well-being, I’m selling my house,
Not evil people, but good people.
I’ll buy another one for myself, God’s servant (name)!
So be it!

The vessel with the charmed mixture and the pin should be put in a secluded place, preferably near the threshold. A buyer should appear on your doorstep very soon.

When the apartment is sold, bury the contents of the vessel in a deserted place and do not tell anyone about the ritual performed, even if it ended in the best possible way.

To thank the magical powers for their help, give alms to six needy people you meet along the way. After this, the ritual is considered not only completed, but also correctly completed.

To carry out a successful, quick and profitable transaction with movable and immovable property, it is best to turn to magical help.

Prayers and conspiracies for selling an apartment, house or land are very powerful and effective. And the effectiveness of such an impact does not take long to arrive.

The rituals described above will be an excellent start on the path to your cherished goal and a good foundation for the main magical ritual.

Naturally, as with other magical rituals, one must believe in conspiracies of this type and their power. Only in this case the deal will not only be profitable, but will also happen very quickly.

Well, who doesn’t want to have their own home? Having become an adult, a person begins to feel an urgent need for his own separate corner, in which he can hide from everyone, start a family and become a full-fledged unit of society. When a person works like hell, but nothing comes of it, magical methods come to the rescue. A plot to get an apartment is exactly what you need. Money will not fall on its own, but magic words will create the necessary energy message that will help align events in the right direction.

Preparation for the ritual action

Any magical action must be approached only with thorough preparation. First, you should go to the temple and ask for help from the face of Saint Matrona there. All family members must take communion. Any negative events should not affect your consciousness. If you want to win an apartment in the lottery, then you should not forget that quickly attracting a certain amount of energy into someone's life can crowd out something more important from it. For example, you may receive long-awaited wealth, but lose love or your close person will get very sick.

The plot must be selected with special care, taking into account all side effects. The best day for a ritual action to attract good luck is considered to be Wednesday, as an alternative, Thursday or Sunday. The first week of the new moon is ideal for the ceremony. No one should know about this action, and even after achieving the goal, there is no need to tell anyone how it was achieved. You must clearly know how exactly you want to get an apartment. Carrying out a ritual requires clear visualization of the goal and method, for example, which lottery ticket to buy. Perhaps performing white magic rituals to obtain an apartment for the whole family.

Rituals for obtaining housing

Each member of the household should read the plot before going to bed:

“I (name) am lying in bed facing the South and looking to the North. Five apostles live there far away and tell riddles. I want to ask them for help: “help me find a big house. I promise to honor you and treat you to delicious food for the rest of my life."

The plot to get an apartment is read three times, and the same number of times you need to make the sign of the cross over yourself. After reading the words, you cannot speak, you must immediately go to bed.

You can use the ritual if you wish. To perform a magical action, you will need:

  • green candle;
  • key.

On Wednesday, a ritual is performed on the waxing moon. After sitting down at the table with the whole family, light a lamp. Holding hands, draw an image of an apartment in front of you. It is necessary to imagine what you want in every detail, every little detail, the furnishings of the new apartment must be physically felt. You need to focus on the feeling of joy from what you have achieved. Then read the plot:

“Three travelers followed a thorny path; they went very far from their home. We got tired and decided to set up camp and go to bed. Not far away we saw a hut in which the grandmother lived, and they stayed with her to sleep. In the morning they left, their strength increased, and they reached their new home faster than before. Let us, like them, find an apartment and get it faster than expected. Let the witch cast a spell for us, attract good luck, and dispel all uncertainty. We are moving forward."

The candle should burn to the ground. Then you can go to rest.

A simple method can help you get an apartment. Regularly, while walking around the city, look at houses and apartments, look at the windows and think about how good it will be for you to live in such a home. When you feel that your consciousness is completely attuned, quickly say the spell:

“As with others, so with us. Let's get ours quickly and live in abundance. Receive, gain."

Apartment in the lottery? This won't be a problem for you

The ritual of winning an apartment in the lottery is to attract cash flow to you. You need to find a round stone in a park or forest and then bring it home. Remember, its corners should not be sharp. In a secluded place, by the light of a torch, you need to depict a banknote on it. Visualize it with a big magnet attracting money, luck, an apartment, whatever you would like. The talisman must be placed in a visible place so that it constantly catches your eye.

An effective ritual is to attract money to money. It requires daily repetition. Our ancestors also noted that if you put money in your pockets, it will constantly increase. To win an apartment and attract wealth to yourself, you need to:

  • take an odd number of coins and put them in the pockets of the clothes you wear most often;
  • during this process, read the spell: “As waves roll onto the shore and water is absorbed into the ground, so let money be attracted to money and remain in my pocket”;
  • do not part with your enchanted money for a second: it is important to remember that you cannot give or spend it to anyone;
  • Every day you need to touch coins and say magic words;
  • Before each wash, the money is taken out and then put back: the longer the money stays in your pockets, the more wealth it can bring.

A strong ceremony for obtaining an apartment in the lottery is carried out on the new moon on Thursday. You need to purchase two candles in advance: white and green. White will symbolize the querent, green - profit. In the evening, set up the lights at a short distance from each other, set them on fire with one match and, looking at the flame, think about what you want. Carry out the action daily, each time placing the candles a little closer. When they finally come together, you need to tie them with a gold ribbon and keep them away from prying eyes.

In this article:

Modern magical practices cover all areas of human life, they help in matters of the heart and in work, they allow you to get rid of bad luck and help in curing diseases, as well as in financial matters and trade.

The ritual for selling an apartment can be used not only when you cannot sell the property, but also when there are potential buyers, but you need to achieve the most profitable deal.

There are various ceremonies that can be used when an executor needs to sell a property. Some of these rituals are designed to attract buyers, others to increase the profitability of the sale, and others help in all matters that involve financial transactions. Before choosing a ritual, you should decide exactly what goals it will pursue, or simply use one of the universal conspiracies.

How to quickly sell an apartment

If you need to quickly sell any property, but you do not have any experience in magic, you can turn to professional practitioners. They will not only select the most suitable ritual for a particular situation, but will also carry out all the necessary actions to attract good luck to your transaction. However, if you believe in magic and your own powers, then you can perform any ritual yourself, and it will not be less effective.

When selling an apartment, you need to remember that you are not just selling property, but a house, a home where you and your relatives lived. Each house has its own energy, which may not want to let go of the owners. In this case, various conspiracies for sale are an excellent opportunity not only to make a good deal, but also to appease higher powers.

Broom spell

Before performing the ritual, you must buy a new broom and bring it to the apartment you are selling.

One of the simplest ways to solve the problem

There, sweep the dust in all rooms and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Come to me Grandma Nastasyushka, come and look at the oven, and there’s a loaf of bread. I’ll bake a fresh loaf for you, I want to appease you. I’ll serve you sweet tea that smells like herbs, I’ll serve you a fragrant loaf, with cinnamon, sweet. Take your purple purse with you, grandma, and don’t forget about the rich gift. God's servant (his name) will invite noble guests to his house, princes, and overseas merchants. Without you, grandmother, that meeting would not happen. You alone bring living luck, you alone know what I want. I’m selling my stone house to the boyar, I’m giving you, grandma, a delicious, lush, sweet loaf. Help me, grandmother, don’t leave me, God’s servant (name), alone with this matter.”

It's simple enough, but effective ritual, which will definitely have a positive impact on the transaction amount.

A powerful ritual for selling an apartment

This magical ritual must be performed at night on the third Thursday of the month. The performer stands at the open window and reads the words of the conspiracy, looking at the moon:

“Holy Fathers in the centers, Angels of God in the windows. Opposite my yard stands a strong mountain, a high mountain. No one can get around that mountain. No one can find a way out of it. The Lord God alone can open the lock from that mountain, unlock it with a key, and show the way. From West to East, that mountain is locked, sealed by an angel of God. The Mother of God gives me the keys to that mountain, and she herself goes to sleep. I’ll lock myself (name) on that mountain, I’ll lock myself away, I’m not afraid of anything. The Lord will be with me at that moment, will save me from the storm, will hide my children from the evil eye. He will protect me from the fierce beast, from the dark raven, from the evil man. That mountain is my home, only good man I will give the key to it, only to a kind person, and to an equally generous one. Save that man, Father, protect this dwelling, Mother. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Read the text monotonously, discarding extraneous thoughts

Powerful conspiracy

This ritual will help you quickly find a good buyer for an apartment or other property. You need to stand in front of a large mirror, comb your hair and read the words of the conspiracy:

“I have a long road ahead of me, servant of God (name). I, the servant of God (name), will walk along different roads, looking for rich merchants. I, servant of God (name), will put on a white shirt and tie a red scarf on my head. I’ll go around the edge, go around sideways, a merchant will come out of the forest to meet me, that merchant will become a crossroads for me. You can’t turn right, there’s a brown, fierce bear there. Back to the turn, there is an insidious, evil snake. I can’t go to the left, there’s a three-headed dragon that wants my heart. I just have to go straight to a rich merchant, a good, honest merchant. If a merchant says a word in stone, I will give him half of the house; he says a word in gold, the whole house, and I will give the land in addition. If a generous merchant says a word, I will have great joy. The merchant will go straight to my house. And then I can return without fear of the dark forest. The merchant will find the way to my house, he will find his happiness and his destiny there. He will have no sins there, no evil intentions, he will live and make good. And for that good property, he will give me his glorious fortune. My hair hears these words, my eyes see the power, my ears remember them. My hand will not tremble, the fire will not light, my legs obey. I will see everything in reality, I will say everything. What is commanded will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In the old days, merchants often used magic to attract rich buyers and good luck. They often used not one, but several rituals. Conspiracies that have survived to this day for quick and successful sale apartments are equally useful for both realtors and property owners who sell it themselves.

Few people know what needs to be done and how to successfully find a buyer, even for an apartment that cannot be sold for a long time. To magical rituals have not lost their strength, they perform them alone when no one is at home. Another mandatory condition is not to tell anyone what has been done. Do not discuss the upcoming deal with friends or relatives so that they do not accidentally or intentionally jinx you.

The ceremony is carried out in order to sell an empty apartment, a house in which no one currently lives. Only in this case is it possible to contact the brownie. You need to dress as if you are going out. If the action takes place in winter, then warm outerwear, in summer - a sundress or a light suit. It’s time for the brownie to show his seriousness of intentions and his readiness to part with the property in any case. Then he will not interfere and will help you quickly find new owners for the home.

The ritual is carried out during daylight hours, with the curtains drawn tightly. You will need:

  • dry sage branches;
  • lemongrass;
  • birch;
  • heather

They are set on fire one by one and walked through the house with them, not missing a single room or closet. At this time, the words are constantly spoken:

The burnt twigs are left in the house until it is purchased. After the sale, they are taken outside and buried under a large tree. After the ritual, people come to the apartment only during the day to show it to potential buyers. You should not spend the night in it, otherwise the ritual will lose its power, and the offended brownie will never let you go. Negative consequences after contacting the custodian of the house does not arise, he, as a rule, agrees to accept the new owner of the apartment.

Spells for household items

There are many rituals that do not require preparation. Folk remedies have proven effectiveness, so they are passed on to next generations. They are made using ordinary things that are found in every home.


One of the most simple ways speed up the sale of real estate - a ritual with a broom. You will need to buy a new broom and sweep the entire home with it, saying the following spell:

After these simple steps, you can quickly and profitably sell any property.

Charmed house cleaning

Before selling a residential property, a good owner puts it in order. They read a plot to make a quick successful deal and attract buyers while cleaning. The floors are washed with one bucket of water, without changing it, in all rooms. No exceptions are made even for storage rooms, balconies or loggias.

Until night falls, dirty water remains untouched; make sure that it is not poured out. As soon as 3 o’clock comes, read the hex three times:

“I’m leaving you in good hands so that boredom does not arise. Call a good tenant - a nice fellow - and free me. Amen".

After this, the bucket of water is taken outside and its contents are poured onto the ground. In a private house this is done behind the gate, in apartment buildings best option- lawn, flower bed. You can't look back or talk until you get home.


Many have noticed that money is attracted to money. This rule applies in the event of an apartment sale. A coin spell is the simplest ritual available to everyone. It will require several five-ruble coins. They are dipped into clean spring water, heated over a candle flame and the words are said:

“Tempered with water and fire, for quick sale fit. I’ll put you in the corners, help me in my affairs. Amen".

Coins are placed in all left corners of the room.


If you need to sell an apartment as quickly as possible, a strong rice spell is suitable for successful trading. In addition to cereal, you will also need salt and sugar. It is necessary to pour half a glass of each ingredient into a glass container and mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. Then insert a new pin into the middle so that the point is at the bottom. While you are doing it, say the words of the conspiracy:

Place the container in a place where no one will see it near the front doors of the house. This ritual is done on the waning moon. After selling the apartment, give alms to six needy people who are the first to catch your eye. Bury the enchanted container along with its contents in the early morning, when the sun is just beginning to rise, in a deserted place.

There is a second version of the rice ritual. The cereal is bought on Thursday, the action itself takes place on Friday. You need to pour a little rice into all corners of the apartment, and pronounce a spell over each:


If you don’t know how to sell country real estate using magic, then it will be interesting to learn about the old way of attracting a buyer for a private home. To do this, a simple ritual is performed with poppy seeds and blessed water. Required condition- learn the spell by heart. The ritual is intended to cleanse the property of negativity and attract a buyer.

Sequence of actions:

  1. pour poppy seeds into a glass;
  2. pour holy water into a small jar;
  3. place both containers on the table in front of you;
  4. take poppy seeds one pinch at a time and pour them into a jar, casting a spell;
  5. when the seeds in the glass run out, close the container with a lid and hide it in the far corner;
  6. after selling the house, take out the jar, say thanks and pour the water under any tree near the house.

Conspiracy text:

Fir needles

A ritual with Christmas tree needles can help in selling an old apartment. You will need 7 of them in any condition (fresh, dried). Place it in your right palm and quietly whisper:

Then put the needles under the threshold, after completing the transaction, take them with you and bury them in a secluded place.

Selling real estate at a distance

There are no barriers to magic; even the owner of an apartment, located at a distance from it, is able to perform the ritual. It will require holy water, thick church candle, freshly brewed tea grounds. Stages:

  • cover the table with a light tablecloth, place a plate of water;
  • Place a candle behind it and light it;
  • read the plot.

“Like the sun burn, bring buyers to my house.”

Slowly pour the tea leaves into the water, saying:

“Buyers come like tea leaves. An honest and moneyed one comes to me. Let him buy a home and not know grief or trouble with it.”

The candle is lit for 7 days, water is poured under the tree. If you want to find out how soon a buyer will be found, you can play wish solitaire or online fortune telling will tell you the answer to this question.

Nikolai Ugodnik is a patron saint to whom people turn for help in any difficult situations. There is a prayer for selling an apartment, its essence is an appeal to higher powers. It is just right to read if you have a sincere disposition towards God in your soul, otherwise there will be no benefit. The best place for prayer is the church, but this is also done at home in front of the icon of the saint.

Siberian healer N. Stepanova

Prayers and rituals from the Siberian clairvoyant are popular, considered very effective, and there are only positive reviews about them. To carry them out, you don’t need any specific items; you can make do with improvised means. A plot to sell real estate is read over a bucket of clean water:

The floors in all rooms and corners of the house are washed with enchanted water. Then it pours out under the tree. If you meet a passerby along the way, the magic will lose power, so better time for the ceremony it is deep night.

A conspiracy from Natalya Stepanova from her book will help speed up the sale of real estate. It is used if it takes a long time to sell it or the house has negative energy. It is advisable to get rid of it as quickly as possible, and powerful words and a few ordinary things will help in this. For the ritual you will need several items:

  • mop and new cloth for the floor;
  • bucket and broom;
  • salt and water.

Sequence of the ritual:

  1. fill a bucket with water and add a little salt;
  2. stir everything with a broom;
  3. wash the floors in all rooms using prepared water;
  4. kneel down in front of a bucket of used water;
  5. bend over in front of him and read the plot three times;
  6. go out onto the road leading to the threshold of the house and pour out the water;
  7. Place a broom with a whisk tip near the front door.

Vanga's help

In a difficult situation when it is impossible to sell a house with land plot, the ritual left over from Vanga will come in handy. To perform it you will need:

  • wax;
  • natural threads;
  • matches;
  • home keys.

The ritual for selling real estate is simple, carried out on the waning moon in several stages:

  1. on the full moon, melt the wax, put the threads in the middle, wait until the homemade candle cools down;
  2. when the moon begins to wane, take one candle right hand, and the keys are on the left;
  3. Lightly tapping the walls, say the spell 7 times;
  4. light the candle and wait until it burns completely;
  5. The ritual is repeated for three days.

The famous seer advised reading a spell in salt to quickly sell real estate. They take it in their hand and, rubbing it in their palms, say the words:

After this, salt is scattered under the front door and on all window sills.

Magical abilities are inherited, and their keepers sometimes share their secrets. Effective ritual from Sophia Vedunya is held early on Friday morning. It will require a new broom and holy water. Sequence of actions:

  1. wake up before dawn;
  2. mentally tell yourself that you are giving up your home;
  3. sprinkle holy water on the broom;
  4. with the first rays of the sun, start sweeping the house, saying a spell.

“I sweep away all the rubbish, I clean the house so that it shines clean and the buyer feels comfortable in it. Amen".

To enhance the effect, the action is carried out for three days continuously. There is a more complex ritual from Ivan Vedun, carried out in one of the rooms. It is advisable to choose the one where negotiations with potential buyers will take place. The plot is designed to attract the client, evoke positive emotions in him, and a desire to purchase real estate. You will need:

  • incense sticks;
  • four coins of the same denomination;
  • shallow container for water;
  • compass to determine where east is.

The ritual is performed in several stages:

  1. place coins in all corners of the room;
  2. stand in its center facing east and light a fragrant stick;
  3. kneel down and lower left hand into a bowl of water so that only your fingers touch it;
  4. take several deep exhalations, say the mantra “UuuuMmmmAaaa”;
  5. speak the text of the plot loudly and splash water in front of you;
  6. collect coins in a wallet that you will take with you to meetings with customers.

After completing the transaction, give them to the beggars or throw them into running water. Text:

This ritual belongs to black magic; it can make a person decide to buy. Then he will not be able to understand how this happened.

Not everyone knows what danger rituals that suppress the will of others and their consequences are fraught with. Violence against a person in any form is an invasion of his life path, a violation of his highest destiny. Outside interference does not go unnoticed. Problems will appear in any area of ​​life: work, health, family.

Conspiracies to attract buyers

There are conspiracies for realtors that help sell not only residential premises, but also commercial real estate. Allows you to find a buyer for an office, store, warehouse. The ritual is carried out on a red sworn scarf. For the sale of large premises this is the most suitable option. The item is carried through all rooms, first 3 times in a clockwise direction, then three times in the opposite direction. They tie him in a place where he won’t be seen, and say the spell:

“I don’t call the devils, I don’t want losses, I only knit for successful trading. The time is short, but the money is big.”

Finally, spit three times over the left shoulder. The ritual on the sworn scarf helps in any matters related to finance, and is suitable for real estate transactions. Protects against scammers and ill-wishers. Before meeting with a client, wash your face with clean water with a little linden honey added. Wipe your face dry with a bright yellow or red handkerchief. Say the words:

Carry a scarf with you when you go to a meeting with a client. To achieve the favor of buyers in order to speed up the sale of real estate, you can not only talk about a personal item, the apartment itself, but also individual items related to it.

Strong rituals include the ceremony for the keys to the apartment. To carry it out, you will need to boil water in any suitable container and place the keys to the home that is for sale in it. The words are pronounced over boiling water:

Wait until the liquid has cooled, pour it into a jar wrapped in clean paper or foil. Before showing the living space where it was held magical effect on the boiled keys, wet your hands in the narrated water. The same is done before signing documents on its sale. Then there will soon be buyers for the home, and the deal will be profitable.

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