VED. Hey, good people, look at the red sun!

Smile! Rejoice!

Red girls! Good fellows! Naughty kids!

Let's sing songs, dance, dance in circles,

So that no one wants to leave!

VED. Guess what it is:

At the dawn of Zaryanskaya the Vertlyansky ball rolls,

No one can get around it, no one can go around it.


VED. Yes, and it’s a holiday – it’s DAY OF THE SUN

VED. What's higher than the forest? What's more beautiful than light?



- We have a dear guest, not bought! Honor and praise to them!

Make a wish!

(The jury ties ribbons on the rays of the sun)

VED. Now is the time to play. Game "Sun"

Shine, sun, brighter!

Summer will be hotter

And the winter is warmer

And spring is sweeter!

VED. Once you've played, relax. And now we will start playing

Another game.

VED. Let me introduce our guests


VED. Let me introduce the competition participants.

5th grade team – Sunny Bunny

6th grade team – Friends of the Sun

VED. This is how the Eastern Slavs worshiped the Sun God.

Yarilo-spring in the yari, thou art in strength, become a stake, rise up, raise the golden bottom of the sun, scatter arrows throughout all borders, remain ardent, remain glorious, with a buoy of uprising, be with us! Glory! Goy!

Vyre - eagle seed holy this weave around the fields of light suryu lei cross of fires heat do not regret give birth to the fields of the earth for the good of all!

Wake up vehemently - then lively still - then alive ardently wake up revive ardently wake up vehemently - then be alive ardently wake up vehemently - then alive! Goy!

The young Yarila, an ardent god on a white horse, green as grass, dewy as dew, came to us, bringing an ear of life and good news from the sun! Glory to Yaril! Goy!

Yarila walked and wandered all over the world, in the field of grain, he gave birth to children and gave birth to children, wherever Yarila’s foot was there, there was a shock of grain wherever he looked, there the yar would jump! Glory to Yarila! Goy!


(Whoever answers correctly first gets one point)

1.What is the name of the sun god of the ancient Egyptians? (Amon-Ra)

2.Who does Amon – Ra – fight with all night? (with the god of darkness Apep in the form of a serpent)

3.What is the name of the Sun God among the Eastern Slavs? (Yarilo)

4.What did the Slavs give to Yarilo? (eggs and grain)

5.Name the symbols that Yarilo is holding in his hands? (V right hand the symbol of life is a sheaf of ears, on the left the symbol of death is a skull)

6. What games are played in honor of the god Yarilo? (rolling eggs down a hill, fist fights, walking on hot coals)


homework (participants had to learn a poem about the Sun. Score – 5 points)


Mysterious (I make riddles, each correct answer -1 point, whoever answers faster gets a point)

1. A golden egg cup does not sink in water. (Sun)

2. from gate to gate lies a chock of gold. (rays of the sun, light) scarf, red bun,

Rolls around on a scarf and grins at people. (sky and sun) is the owner of the field,

Serebryan is a shepherd from the field.

Even if they don’t see each other, they won’t leave. (sun and moon)

5. the owner is sleeping - the sheep are in the pasture,

The owner looks out - there are no sheep in sight. (sun and stars)

6. burns without fire, flies without wings, runs without legs, hurts without wounds. (sun, cloud, river heart)

7. What can’t you cut out from the wall? (Sun) has gone, silver has come (sun, moon)

9. He will stand taller than the horse,

Will lie above the cat. (sun)

10 I drive, I drive, I won’t drive you out,
I call, I call, I won’t call,
And when the time comes,
It will go away on its own.
(The sun and its rays)

11. It warms in summer, cools in winter.(Sun)

12. From window to window - a golden spindle.(Sunbeam)

13. The lady is in the yard, and the sleeves are in the hut.(Sun)

14. There is an old oak tree, and on that old oak tree a spindle bird sits; no one will catch her: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red maiden.(Sun in the sky)

15.The red girl looks out the window.(Sun)

Ved. And now the song “Sun of the Twenty-First Century” will sound

Rise above our planet,

The sun of the twenty-first century,

Take the clouds away from people.

Failures, troubles, bad weather

Help it grow faster.

We are children of the sun

We are children of the sun

We live on the best

Of all the planets.

We are children of the sun

And the children of the sun

Must bring warmth and light.

We are children of the sun

And the children of the sun

Must bring warmth and light.

The sun of the twenty-first century,

In the sea of ​​life, become a lighthouse,

The sun of the twenty-first century,

Illuminate every home with light.

Failures, troubles, bad weather

Don't let me into the twenty-first century,

Grains of friendship, joy, happiness

Help it grow faster.

We are children of the sun

We are children of the sun

We live on the best

Of all the planets.

We are children of the sun

And the children of the sun

Must bring warmth and light.

We are children of the sun

And the children of the sun

Must bring warmth and light.

The sun of the twenty-first century,

Become a dream in every destiny,

The sun of the twenty-first century,

We dedicate the song to you.

Failures, troubles, bad weather

Don't let me into the twenty-first century,

Grains of friendship, joy, happiness

Help it grow faster.

VED. Competition No. 4 “Fairytale”

- you must listen to excerpts from fairy tales and say how

It's called a fairy tale.

1. - Warm, like our cat Murka! It’s also round and tender, like the belly of Martha the cow! And the rays

It flows just like the fresh milk and water in which my mother bathes me. And the sun

Fun like my friends!

- What fairy tale is this from?
(Tales of Planet Earth. The Sun and the Stars.)

“Everything here is mine and everything is white: a white hut, a white garden, white land.”
Then he showed the man another place:
“And here is the domain of the darkness of the night Duo, everything here is black.” From here comes the darkness of the night.
Finally he brought the man to the third place:
-Here is the domain of Hivio the Sun. Everything here is red: a red hut, a red vegetable garden, red soil. It’s just like that: after the darkness of the night comes the light of the sun.

(Visiting the Sun, Moon and Night)

3. On the twenty-fifth floor a sparrow sat and rejoiced because he saw the edge of the rising sun before anyone else.
The luminary stretched out its long rays, penetrating all the straight and oblique streets of Ivanteevka, and gently warmed the sparrow. And something exploded in his chest and burst into freedom with a chirp.
- Hello, Sunny! - exclaimed the sparrow.
The morning sun smiled tenderly and wisely back.

-What are you squealing about? - Jackdaw flew in. - Found a worm on the roof, or what?
“You don’t understand,” answered the sparrow.
— Did you see a bread crust somewhere? — a starling appeared from somewhere.
“Yes, no,” chirped the sparrow.
- Yes, he screams because he fell in love! - a seagull from the trash heap scratched the air with its croak.
- Nobody guessed right! - concluded the crow, - ha! Ha! Ha! Kar! So why are you tweeting anyway?
“I saw the sun, I’m happy.”
- It happens every day! - the birds were surprised.

(Sparrow and Sunny)

4. But the Nenets were fast asleep and did not hear anything. Finally they woke up and did not recognize their land. It was a dark night in the tundra. A cold north wind was blowing and a snowstorm was raging. Lakes and rivers were covered with thick ice.
Since then, misfortune began to haunt the Nenets plagues. Children were born weak. The old people were blinded by the smoke of the fires. There was no sun - we had to burn fires in the cold dark tents day and night. Previously, the Nenets loved to sing songs, but without the sun they forgot about the songs.

(How the mighty eagle returned the Sun to the Nenets)

VED. COMPETITION No. 5 “Skillful Hands”

From the material that you have on your desk, you need to prepare an application on the theme of our holiday. Time has passed. We hand over the work to the jury.

Ved. Competition No. 6 “Proverb” In one minute you must write proverbs about the sun. Points are counted by the number of proverbs.

VED. Song about "Sun"

The sunbeams rose at dawn,
How warm and cheerful it became on earth.
Bunnies jump along the paths in the forest
Collect early dew.

Couple - pa - memory...
Bunnies along the paths
Jumping in the forest
Collect early dew.

The river splashes with gold
Higher in silence
Sunny bunnies dancing on the wave
The bunnies stopped by
To my room,
WITH good morning, I'm already getting up!

Couple - pa - memory...
The bunnies stopped by
To my room,
Good morning, I'm already getting up!

VED. And one more competition No. 7

1. The Sun is a star, it belongs to the group (yellow dwarf)

2.who was the first to see dark spots on the Sun through a telescope (Galileo Galilei)

3. what is the temperature on the surface of the Sun (6000 degrees)

4. who was the first to scientifically prove that the center of the world is the Sun? (Nicholas Copernicus)

5. what is the distance of the Earth from the Sun? (150 million km)

6. in the sky, the Sun and Moon seem the same to us, although we know that they are very different in size (different distances)

7. Does the Sun affect the water cycle? (Yes)

8. In what year was it decided to create this holiday? 1994

9. name the holidays that were celebrated in Rus' in honor of the Sun. (Maslenitsa, summer solstice, spring equinox)

10. name the ancient monuments that are associated with the Sun. (Megaliths)

Shipilova Svetlana Viktorovna,

musical director

MBDOU No. 70 "Dove"


Entertainment scenario for young and middle-aged children

"The sun has come to visit us."

Presenter: June 1 - summer has come! And with the warmth of June the whole earth is warmed! June 1 is the day of big ideas - the Day of Protection in the world of small children!

We walk like big guys
Everyone is so smart
This summer has come to us,
Everyone is warm and happy.
As soon as we woke up, we went out to exercise and ran out onto the meadow.

Exercises in order Well, let's do it, my friend!

"Fun exercise"
(movements are performed according to the text)

1. We will clap our hands
Let's knock with our fists.
We blink our eyes
Let's growl like little tiger cubs.

2. Let's walk merrily,
Now let's sit down.
Let's shake our heads
And we'll get back up.

3. Raise the handles up.
Come on, let's go around.
Let's stand straight again.
And they bowed low.

Host: Now let’s relax and solve summer riddles.

1.In the blue sky, like a river,
White sheep are swimming.
They keep their way from afar
What are their names? ...(Clouds)

2. For some, he is a gardener,

For others, he is a field farmer, manages to be everywhere,

Water the field, meadow and garden... (rain)

3. Housewife - Flies over the lawn.

He will fuss over the flower and share the honey... (bee)

4. From branch to path From grass to blade of grass

The green back spring is jumping... (grasshopper)

5. It warms the whole world
And he doesn’t know fatigue
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls him... (Sun)

Guys, let's invite Sunny to visit together. (name is Sunny)
Children in chorus: Sunshine, sunshine,
Look out the window.
Hurry up, don’t be timid, warm up all the guys!
Sunny (adult) enters.
Sunny: Hello, guys! Happy holiday to everyone!
Presenter: Sunny! We are very glad to see you! Be with us!

Don't spare your rayswarm up our kids!

Sunny: I came to your party and I really want to play, dance, and have fun with you.
I invite everyone to a round dance, To a multi-colored round dance, The sun is spinning in the sky

- Come out and dance, people!
Round dance with the Sun (at the discretion of the music director)
Sunny: I'm on the yellow path
Brought flowers in a basket:
Red and blue - Look, that's what they are! (shows flowers)

Game "Collect flowers"
(There are 4 hoops on the floor - “flower beds”, in which flowers of different colors are laid out.

To the sound of cheerful music, 4 children collect flowers in their basket.)
Presenter: Dear Sunshine! Our children, even though they are still small,

They love to tell poems. Listen to what poems and nursery rhymes the guys know about summer.

1st child:
Sunshine, sunshine,
Look out the window;
Kids love you
Young children.

2nd child:
The sun looks through the window
Shines into our room
We clapped our hands
We are very happy about the sun.

3rd child:
The cloud is hiding behind the forest
The sun looks from the sky
And so pure
Good, radiant.
If we could get him,
We would kiss him.

4th child:
Hello summer, hello summer!
Everything is warmed by the bright sun.
Let's run into the green forest,
Let's lie down in the clearing!

Game "Sun and Rain"
Presenter: What a miracle rocker
Did it hang after the rain?
Very bright, colorful,
And how beautiful!
Multi-colored arc
Sunny... (rainbow)

Dance "Rainbow" music V. Sukolinsky (performed by girls of the senior group)
Riddle: He doesn’t want to lie down at all, If you throw him, he will jump, If you throw him again, he races at a gallop - Well, of course - it’s... (ball)

Game "Hit the Gate"
(Each child has a ball in his hands. There are goal arcs 2-3 meters away. You need to roll the ball into the goal)
Host: Oh, our kids are so good! They go to bed with the sun and rise with the sun. They live happily on the solar planet!
General dance “The sun is shining for everyone”
Host: Well, guys, the holiday was a success, let's say goodbye to Sunny!
Sunny: Don’t be bored without me, I’ll come to you soon, goodbye! (Leaves)

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We invite you to publish it on our website in the sectionMethodical office , your PUBLICATIONS. (Author's dances, videos, articles, lesson notes, methodological developments and other materials) Authors of published materials receive

Summer fun in kindergarten for older children preschool age"Travel with the Sun"


To consolidate knowledge about the phenomena of inanimate nature, the influence of the sun on life on Earth;

Develop imagination, pantomimic expressiveness, speech, spatial orientation, fine motor skills, sense of rhythm;

To develop the ability to play together and interest in natural phenomena.

Progress of the event

Educator invites children to go on a trip. He asks you to guess where: “He gets up earlier than everyone else, gives warmth to all living things.” Children guess.

The teacher asks the children to remember nursery rhymes about the sun. Appease him with nursery rhymes.

Children remember nursery rhymes and read them in chorus.

Bucket sunshine!

Come up quickly

Light up, warm up

Calves and lambs

More little guys.

Bucket sun,

Look out the window!

Your children are crying

They jump on the pebbles.

Sunshine, sunshine,

Look out the window

The kids are waiting for you

The youngsters are waiting.

Educator. Catch some rays of sunshine! Close your eyes and imagine how a ray of sunshine warms your cheeks, nose, and now your chest, arms, every finger, legs, back. It became quite warm. So good, nice.

So you yourself have become little suns. The more you smile and laugh, the more warmth will come from you.

Let's imagine that while the sun is sleeping. It's not morning yet. The moon was about to leave the sky, and on the way it knocked on the sun’s house to wake it up.

Let's wake up the sun. Let's knock on his door and say: “Knock, knock, knock,” first slowly and quietly, and then faster and louder, so that the sun can hear us.

And the sun is sleeping. Show how it closed its eyes, put its palms under its cheeks and calmly, deeply breathes.


Sunshine on the cheek

The rays have folded,

Yawned widely

And he closed his eyes.

Covered by a cloud

So as not to freeze.

It was forgotten until the morning

Giving way to the stars.

The sun heard a knock on the door, opened its eyes, and it was dark outside. I don't want to get up. The sun made a displeased grimace. She yawned widely and closed her eyes tightly again. But we have to get up. Time doesn't wait. We need to wake up the inhabitants of the Earth. The sun stretched, straightened his back, and did several exercises. Then I washed my eyes, cheeks, and mouth. She combed her rays with a golden comb. They straightened up and shone brightly. The sun straightened her dress: skirt, collar, fastened the gold buttons, and pinned a gold brooch on her shoulder. I looked down and saw puddles after the rain, in which everything was reflected as in a mirror. She looked at herself from all sides. He came out into the sky, looked at everyone, smiled and said: “Inhabitants of the Earth! Good morning everyone!”

Children imitate the actions of the sun along the content of the teacher's story.


It rained heavily at night

(Children open the fingers of both hands and move them from top to bottom.)

And he wet the whole earth.

(Spread their arms out to the sides, palms down.)

In the morning the sun rose early,

(Raise their hands.)

Looking from top to bottom:

(They lower their hands down.)

What happened to the earth overnight?

(They shrug.)

What luck, what a surprise!

(Exhibit thumb.)

A hundred mirrors lay below

(Extend all fingers several times.)

And they shone under the sun.

(They smile.)

The trees were reflected in them

(They shake their hands.)

And beautiful flowers

(A bud is made from the fingers.)

Lanterns, houses, fences -

(They lower their hands down, make their fingers round; fold them into a house; palms away from themselves, straight fingers open.)

Everyone wanted beauty.

(Spread their arms wide to the sides.)

Puddles-mirrors to the sun

(Depict binoculars or glasses.)

Really liked it

And with all my heart it

He smiled hotly.

(They smile.)

Educator Let's jump like sunbeams.

Like runners

Sunny bunnies

Jumping around merrily

And they call the kids in a circle

Jump with them

Become bunnies too.

Educator I suggest playing outdoor games “Sunny Bunnies”, “Mirror”

Educator. After the rain, not only puddles remained on the ground, but also worms came out to bask in the sun. Let's show how they did it.


(Children spread the fingers of one hand, stick the fingers of the other hand between them.)

We got out.

After the warm rain

They need to warm up.

(They clasp their arms around the body.)

Lazy worms

(Place palms under cheeks.)

Basking in the sun -

(Raise their face up, close their eyes.)

Then they shrink

(They clench their fingers into a soft fist.)

They become thicker

(They connect two fists.)

Then they become

Long as a stick.

(Extend index fingers.)

Stepping on worms

(Raise their leg.)

All the guys are sorry.

(They lower it slowly.)

Educator . The summer sun ripened the berries in the garden, forest, and meadow. Let's do a round dance "Let's go to the garden through the raspberries" and pick some delicious berries.

Sunny day

Today the sun is shining,

The river is calling us to itself.

It's sunny on the hill,

Let's sit down on the meadow.

It's a nice sunny day!

You can't pass by the forest.

We'll pick raspberries

And then we'll go home.

Sun I accidentally heard a conversation between the sun and the cloud. Divide into two groups: one represents the sun, and the second represents a cloud.

Children dramatize the poem “Sun and Cloud”.

Sun and cloud

The cloud said to the sun:

I worked hard.

I want to retire

With the wind I will fly to the sea.

The sun immediately became indignant:

You say you overworked yourself!

And the flowers and herbs dry up,

The birds have fallen silent from the heat!

How the cloud got confused here:

Don't be angry, please, luminary!

I'll rain down the plants

In the morning I simply forgot.

I'll finish everything now,

I’ll wash everything right away,

And then only with the wind

I'll fly to the sea.

Educator . The sun is getting hotter and hotter. It's really hot outside. Where can you cool off in such heat? Let's go to the skating rink to skate.


Even in the summer at the skating rink

You can go for a ride

And on the ice to the music

Have fun rushing around.

And it's hot outside,

The asphalt is melting in the morning.

Rolled up his skating rink

On the road just yesterday.

We will become figure skaters.

We skate on the ice.

We'll spin like a top,

And we'll jump up and run.

We'll pass quickly like a swallow,

Let's make twine easily.

Sharp, steel horses

They will carry us far.

Children imitate ice skating.

Educator Let's go to the summer meadow and weave beautiful wreaths of meadow flowers on a sunny day. The sun caressed the flowers. They opened their petals.

Children depict meadow flowers, gradually intertwining their hands, forming a closed circle.

Educator Now let's go to the beach. The sun heated the water in the river and the sand on the shore.

Children with a teacher recite a poem with movements “On the Beach”

The journey ends with a round dance to the song “The Happiest” (music by Yu. Chichkov, lyrics by K. Ibryaev).

List of materials used:

Alyabyeva E. A. How to organize work with children in the summer. Sphere, 2017

Target: Introduce the holiday Children's Day;

Create a festive atmosphere;

Give children pleasure in games and relay races;

Develop motor activity children;

Strengthen team spirit;


Preliminary work: conversation about Children’s Day, familiarization with the rules of games and relay races, learning poems, the song “Sunny Circle”, dance “We’re Just Little Stars”.

The song “Childhood is me and you” plays and the children enter the playground.

Leading: The holiday, Children's Day, comes to us on the first day of summer, when green forests rustle, birds sing, and the sun shines brightly.

What is summer?
That's a lot of light
This is a field, this is a forest,
This is a thousand miracles!
Guys, do you like summer? ( children's answer). What can you do in the summer?(children's answers). And the most important thing you can do in the summer is BREATHE!!! And I propose to talk about it.

Children read:

1. Do not wear a warm scarf and walk until dark!
Gather all your friends in the morning and rush out of the yard!
2. Go east, south and come back, making a circle!

Help mom and dad: water the garden beds at the dacha!

3. Open a good book so you don’t forget the letters!

Meet all your friends and miss kindergarten!

4. June has come, June, June-

Birds are chirping in the garden,

Just blow on a dandelion -

And it will all fly apart!

5. Sun Festival! How many of you are there?

Dandelions in summer!

Childhood is a golden reserve.

For our big planet.

Presenter: Let's all sing the song "Sunny Circle" together.

Children perform the song “Sunny Circle”

The readers come out:

1.Childhood is a golden time

And magical dreams.

Childhood is you and me,

Childhood is me and you!

2. Today is this first summer day

Even an old stump will bloom for us,

And every blade of grass will give us a flower,

And not a single mosquito will bite.

3. Adults and children know

Yes, it’s time for us to find out

What does everyone have in this world?

There are legal rights.

And it doesn't matter where you live,

Who is richer, who is poorer

And what color is the skin?

You also have the right

That and each of their people.

All children say in recitative:

Every child has the right

Treated in hospital if sick,

The right to food, to education,

The right to attention, to a place of residence,

Has the right to a beautiful name,

For joy, for happiness,

For a happy childhood.

Presenter: I invite the guys preparatory group to the dance.

Dance "We are little stars"

Presenter: Girls and boys
And also teachers,
IN fun game don't you want to play?
We'll have a fun game now.
A funny, musical one called E - RA - LASH!
(The musical intro for the film magazine “Yeralash” plays)

Presenter: We waited for summer for a long time, it seemed like a whole year.
We kept waiting, we kept counting, when will it come?
And now summer laughs through the open window
And the sun and light are full again.
Let's welcome summer with some fun exercises.

Dance "If you like"
Children perform movements as shown by an adult.

Carlson arrives, holding a net and colored crayons for the children.
Presenter: Children, look, Carlson! Who are you catching? Why do you need a net?
Carlson: Butterflies were flying around here somewhere! I’ll catch it, put it in a jar, and admire it!
Presenter: Remember, Carlson:
There is no point in offending a butterfly on a branch,
It's more fun in the forest because of its colors!
Carlson: Well, okay, okay! But I’ll pick the flowers, put them in a bouquet, and take them to my roof!
Presenter: And the flowers don’t want to be picked.
It's better for them to stay in the grass
So that you can admire it!
Carlson: Don’t pick flowers, don’t scare butterflies! But what can you do to avoid getting bored?
Presenter: But you can play with the guys!

Carlson: And now, my boys,
Time to get silly. Do you like to play pranks?
(Children's response)

Game "How are you living?"

How do you live - That's it!(thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this(They walk in place)

How are you swimming? - Like this!(imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this!(running in place)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you naughty? -......

Carlson: I know what else you can do
Great to draw. Is it true?
(Children's response)
You can use your talents
Are you showing now?
(Children's response)
And I'm colored crayons
I brought it with me!
(Shows crayons)
On the asphalt, on the asphalt,
Like in an album and a notebook,
Let's draw with chalk
Reflect summer in drawings!
Presenter: Carlson, give the teachers some crayons, and let's go draw on the asphalt.


Summing up the results of the competition.
Leading: Guys, let's say in unison: “Summer is a glorious time,
Kids love summer!”
Carlson: And I want to wish you good mood and have a great last summer days! And you guys, smile more often, be cheerful, moderately mischievous and friendly!

Everyone goes into groups.

“Me and the sun are friends”

Target: Create goodness in children, positive mood from participating in games and fun. Contribute to the creation of a favorable, friendly and welcoming atmosphere in the communication process. Instilling the Basics healthy image life.

Progress of entertainment.


Who can give me an answer?
It warms in summer, but not in winter!
The whole world is warming up
And he doesn’t know fatigue
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls him...



Today we are a surprise to everyone
The Sun was invited to visit!

In the clear sky the sun was baking pies,

We asked for it to come.

It's more fun to live with clear sunshine.

Our children will be friends with the sun.

Children are readers.

1. The sun is rolling in the sky,

Like a yellow ball

Then he will hide behind a cloud,

Then he jumps through the trees.

2. Come out, come out, sunshine,

Shine more generously,

Smile at us tenderly,

Make us kinder!

3. Sunny, show yourself!

Red, gear up!

Come out quickly

Be kinder to us!

Children in chorus.

Sunshine, sunshine,

Look out the window ( spring)

Your kids are crying

They're jumping over the pebbles! (jumping in place)


The sun ran

golden path,

And the sun came

Directly to our window!

Sunny enters.


Hello guys!

I am the radiant sun

Good, golden.

Early, early I get up

I'll wake up all the kids.

Wake up early

We'll do exercises.

Rhythmic gymnastics performed to music

"Radiant Sun"


These are great guys

We had a lot of fun.

The sun has prepared for us interesting games. Are you ready to play?

Game “Sunbathe, but don’t burn!”

Children stand in a circle around the Sun. It names different parts of the body that should be exposed to the sun (palms, nose, forehead, knees, heels, stomach), but as soon as the sun wants to touch them, children must hide them.


The sun is burning,

The holiday continues!

How many bright rays does the sun have,

We have so many fun and adventures!

We also know poems about the sun,

Let us read them to you now.

Reading children:

1. In the morning the sun rises,

Doesn't let the boys sleep.

Come on, kids, get up,

Charge up, rise up,

Dress carefully

And get to breakfast!

2. At noon the sun is at its zenith,

His rays are like threads.

The earth is generously warmed,

Everyone is invited to dinner.

3. Well, in the evening, guys,

Everything will be enveloped in coolness.

The sun also needs rest,

And the guys have a delicious dinner.


Wonderful poems. Thanks guys! And now I will give you my rays and invite you to new game.

Game « Who will post the sun faster?”

Children stand in two columns, each with a ribbon in their hands, at a distance of 6 meh trov - hoops. Children take turns running to the hoop, putting down their ribbon, running back, passing the baton. The game ends when all the children put down their ribbons - rays.


On your birthday, accept a song from us.

Children sing the song “The Sun Came Out” lyrics. K. Ibryaeva, music. Yu. Chichkova


Thank you, my dears. Wonderful song. Now let's continue playing.

Look, the yellow ball looks so much like the sun. I suggest you play the game.

Game "Hot Sun"

You roll, roll, hot sun.
Quickly, quickly, hands over.
Who has the hottest sun,
He will dance for us now.
Children, accompanied by cheerful music, pass “hot sunshine” in a circle when the music ends, Whoever has the sun in his hands dances with it.


Now let's rest a little. I will tell you riddles, and you will guess them.


1. Well, which of you will answer:

It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but shining brightly,

And not a baker, but bakes ? (Sun)

2. In the morning the beads sparkled,

They covered all the grass with themselves,

And we went to look for them during the day,

We search, we search, but we won’t find it? (Dew)

3.He is green, bouncy,

Completely non-prickly

It chirps in the meadow all day long,

He wants to surprise us with a song ? (Grasshopper)

4. It happens after the rain,

covers half the sky.

The arc is beautiful, colorful,

Will it appear, then melt away? (Rainbow)

5.On a green fragile leg,

The ball grew near the path.

The breeze rustled

And dispelled this ball? (Dandelion)

6. The smallest bug

Black speckled flank.


7. Who washed away the litter and dirt from the path,

I watered the leaves, blades of grass,

The hedgehog guessed the riddle

He snorts: ... Spilled...


8. The sisters are standing in the field,

Yellow eye, white eyelashes.


Sun. And now I want to play my favorite game.

Game "Zarya-Zaryanitsa" .

Children stand in a circle, the driver with a handkerchief is behind the circle. To the song, the children dance in a circle in one direction, the driver in the other.

Zarya-zaryanitsa, red maiden,

I walked across the field, dropped my keys,

Gold keys, painted ribbons.

One, two, don’t be a crow, but run like fire!

At the end of the song, a child with a handkerchief stops between two children and holds out the handkerchief. The words are spoken: “One, two, don’t be a crow, but run like fire!” and two children run in different directions. The one who first took the handkerchief becomes the driver.


Our Sun Festival has come to an end. What's your mood now? (children's answers). I wish that you always have a sunny mood, and for this you just need to become kinder and smile at each other.

And I also want to wish you that your parents call each of you “my sunshine!” more often.

Song "Let there always be sunshine."


I want to give you some advice:

To be healthy

You have to be cheerful!

Run, jump,

Jump and dance!

It will be the most interesting
In our meeting the moment is now!
I wish all the guys
From the heart of my health
And I give you a gift
A souvenir from me to you! (gives the teacher a sweet treat in the form of the sun)


Let's say “thank you” to Sunny and wave after him.

The sun is leaving.

After the holiday, the group holds a “sun tea party”