About what he looks for in a woman, and you will most likely receive the same answers: big breasts, beautiful buttocks, problem-free. Seems like a pretty simple set of requirements.

However, according to scientific research, there ismany qualities that men look for in a woman subconsciously .

You may not think about it, but a woman's ability to bear children plays a big role in whether a man finds a woman desirable or not on a subconscious level.

In addition to physical characteristics, there are many interesting personality traits, such as empathy and agreeableness, to which men are involuntarily drawn.

In other words, men are a little more complex beings than most people think, and are capable of deeper desires.

What kind of women do men like?

1. Waist-to-hip ratio 0.7

Men biologically programmed to seek out the color red. This is explained by the fact that in nature the red color serves as a signal for mating.

In several experiments, scientists have demonstrated the same effect in men. Research has shown that men themselves are not aware of this, and the color red has no effect on how women perceive other women.

So go ahead and wear a red dress, or just put on red lipstick if you're still single.

8. Big eyes

It may come as a surprise, but multiple studies have shown that men find large eyes more attractive in women. This may be explained by the fact that such a trait associated with femininity and also indicates health and reproductive potential.

The fact is that large eyes indicate high estrogen levels, and women with high estrogen levels have an easier time getting pregnant.

There is another unexpected reason why men prefer big eyes. Large eyes are characteristic of children and are therefore subconsciously associated with youth, which attracts partners who seek to protect and care.

9. Symmetry

© heckmannoleg/Getty Images Pro

Facial symmetry, as it turns out, also plays a role important role in determining the attractiveness of the weaker sex. Symmetrical face with equal distance on both sides signals to the opposite sex that a woman has good genes.

Distortions in one direction are associated with poor health and disruptions in intrauterine development.

Facial symmetry is identified with agreeableness and extroversion. Additionally, breast symmetry in women also indicates fertility.

To be fair, it's not just men who seek symmetry. Women are also attracted to symmetrical features in men because they indicate superior genetics.

What kind of women do men love?

10. Curvature of the spine

Men are known to be attracted to round buttocks, but research has shown that... It is not the size that is important, but the curvature of the spine, which creates a bulge.

In one study, researchers asked 300 men to choose from photographs of women's silhouettes those they considered most attractive.

Most men preferred women with 45.5 degree bend, most likely because it made the buttocks look bigger.

So if men say they like big butts, what they're really attracted to is the curve of the spine.

11. Energy

© Eugenio Marongiu

Men are interested in energetic women because this characteristic is associated with youth and general health, which again indicates the woman’s reproductive capacity.

So if you are prone to laziness, it is better to change your attitude and join the gym, walk more or do something else physical activity. And in general, an active lifestyle will help maintain youth and health, which will attract potential partners.

12. Average appearance

Most women want to stand out and look above average, but several studies have shown that average looks are exactly what men are looking for.

Evolutionary biologists have determined that women with mathematically average traits had more a diverse set of genes in and therefore subconsciously considered more desirable.

In other words, our brain sees people's faces and creates an average image, which we prefer.

Another study found that men are attracted to women who are in groups over those who stand alone because they average out the faces in the group.

13. Smell

© Viktor Solomin

Men use scent to subconsciously choose a woman with a better immune system than theirs.

For thousands of years, civilization has suppressed women, relegating them to an auxiliary, decorative role. And the traditional one - “take care of the household and children while I go mammoth hunting.” The image of Cleopatra still drowns among the host of rulers of the Roman Empire. Such a patriarchal arrangement suited the clergy, especially since it regulated demography, and the armies needed new soldiers, because From time immemorial, humanity has been obsessed with wars, redrawing world maps, and only calmed down after the creation of nuclear weapons. Accordingly, having driven his wife under lock and key, a man could afford to reproduce as much as his wife’s health would allow. Those who disagreed were allowed to be tonsured a nun. The Inquisition, again. In many countries, the throne was inherited for a long time only through the male line of the family. And if it weren’t for either a German or a native of Livonia, Marta Skavronskaya (later Catherine I), for whom Peter the Great was inflamed with feelings, God only knows when a woman would have tried on the Russian crown for the first time.

Fortunately, in my opinion, the achievements of progress in modern times, coupled with the workers’ revolts of that time, seriously influenced the formation of the “left” ideology, and also created the preconditions for women’s liberation. Although the main events occurred at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and are associated mainly with the suffragettes. Just think, women didn't have voting rights! Accordingly, historically the contribution of women to world civilization has been very modest. Not to mention science, career, industry, higher education, driving...

I’m not a historian, but I feel like the surge of what is commonly called feminism in our country occurred during the revolutionary years and the period of formation of the USSR. The communists adhered to “left” views, proclaimed universal equalization and even sexual revolution. Thus, coeducational education of girls and boys was introduced in schools. They tried to fight with prostitution (). Then, however, the situation gradually returned to normal, but the groundwork had been laid.

Here is a very good selection with personalities:

As you can see, literally everything that can have a neutral professional connotation (that is, does not depend on a specific gender) is considered an entirely male diocese, because the postulate has not yet been strengthened in the public consciousness that women can do this no worse than men. Centuries-old foundations cannot be broken quickly. The number of women driving, businesswomen is increasing; sooner or later there will be many more of them in politics, which is still firmly usurped by men.

Thank you for your rich answer, really, I didn’t expect such a long excursion into history!

Apparently, I formulated the question incorrectly, I am specifically interested in everyday philosophy: why do men consider themselves in everyday things better than women y?) in the field of history, politics and other “importances” of life, our lovely men always consider themselves experts. here it’s no longer a matter of memory of the patriarchal relations of your ancestors, but as if this is anthropologically embedded in you! :) it’s interesting to listen to the versions of men/guys)


These are probably the consequences of upbringing, in addition to stereotypes you can’t just get rid of. Driving a car has been the domain of men for a century. Even in the kitchen - the best chefs men are considered, despite the fact that the situation is changing and despite the fact that professional cuisine is strikingly different from our usual everyday understanding. The situation is changing, though: but not radically.

There are quite a few examples when a person (a biosocial being, let me remind you) can be placed in conditions of loss of historical and genetic memory. This is about “a man is a driving force, and a woman is a balancing force,” “a man is “at the front,” while a woman provides a reliable rear.” It emerges one way or another, since men and women are brought up differently, in different value systems, if you like. After all, men are more adapted to physical labor due to, on average, a larger build and other physiological differences.

In general, please explain what you understand by everyday things? :)



Because they were taught this idea from childhood. "What are you like, girl?" - this is a humiliating comparison, therefore what? That's right, the girl turns out worse than the boy. "A woman's work" - therefore what? There is no need to do it, it is humiliating, and in both directions it turns out that the “woman” is worse than the man. At the same time, boys are forgiven for aggression even in the event of an attack, but girls are not forgiven even when defending themselves - “decent girls don’t fight.” Well, yes, they are supposed to just cry and endure. Otherwise they are bad.

At first, Christian civilization decided for many centuries whether a woman had a soul (unlike a man, with whose soul there were no questions), then it imposed many prohibitions on women - from the ban on extramarital sexuality (which is easily forgiven for men), through the ban on identifying a companion life, and a direct flight to a pack of prohibitions on obtaining a full education, owning property and choosing a lifestyle. Moreover, women who were able to overcome obstacles were declared either freaks or criminals: “bluestocking”, “old maid”, “witch” - and for the latter a woman could even lose her life - with the full approval of the authorities and “civilians”. A witch. He doesn’t want to, like everyone else.

And this continues to this day. “Why do you need to study, don’t worry, you’ll get married, but you’ll still end up at home!” - and by inculcating such thoughts, an image of a woman is formed, incapable of learning and not trained, and, therefore, not ready to manage her own - not to mention someone else's - life. And here we are right there, in the 21st century, easily getting men who are “better” than women. Although both from birth and in intellectual potential, people are born equal. Not better or worse. The whole question is in education and upbringing. And also medicine that helps women control when to get pregnant, how to feel about it, and how long to stay with the baby before returning to their normal, interesting life.

The most beautiful people put themselves above men, probably because the men themselves spoiled them :)

Yaroslav, 29/12/03
Ha! Guys, I have a living example of “smart” girls - I know girls who consider themselves very “beautiful” and “smart”. They have reasons to think so - one with a big hooked nose but with a beautiful figure, men cling to her just to touch her ass (especially in bars where she likes to go - you know how, she’s drunk and looking for adventure) . The second one is fat and ugly with big tits, men also cling to her (exclusively in bars) to have sex (those who are looking for this know that ugly people give more than beautiful ones), and what’s most interesting is that she always wears tight jeans and blouses( when she sits, you can see her three long rectangular abs that fall out of her clothes:))))) So, they always stood their ground that men are all brakes, and they are all so smart, we will never fuck, or rather, they have no one, that’s all fools!!!

Yaroslav, 29/12/03
(continued) One day I was sitting in the corridor and heard their conversation (and they were talking loudly, and classmates were all around) “I connected to the Internet and set myself a password for my mobile phone number” (before that I said my login) - it was completely crazy! That evening I spent two hours on the Internet for free (it’s clear that this will not be the last time) - it’s mean, I agree, but women are so smart, we need to extract benefits from their intelligence! Next, I communicate with the fat woman via ICQ and tell her about one entertainment site, saying I recommend going there and saying that it’s a little confusing, it takes time to adapt, but it’s worth it!

Yaroslav, 29/12/03
(continued 2) Next comes the question “adapt to what?” - a smile appears against my will! I answer “adaptation to the site, it’s a little confusing, but in 10 minutes everything will become clear.” And then I received just the stupidest answer (Zadornov should write this and let him include it in his monologues) “then why go to it??” I sat and laughed, I didn’t know what to answer to this..... I showed this dialogue to the boys, the effect was like a joke - ha ha they caught it all day!

Koshak, 24/07/08
If this is the case, then let them take the flag into their hands. It is immediately visible. But if this is just another 15-20 year old FIFA who believes that everyone owes her and that the world revolves around her... Who is she to think so? She has no one yet and can’t call her, but already “wants to be the mistress of the sea, so that the fish will swim around her and sing in the voice of Louis Armstrong.” Girls, come down from heaven!)

tasha602, 24/07/08
I generally don’t admit that someone verbally considers himself superior and smarter than everyone else... This is already the first stupidity. If a person is truly like this, it will be seen in his actions. Smart man he will never talk about it, he simply proves it in practice.

Baron von Schmerz, 21/08/08
especially when a bunch of women discuss how women differ from men, how one of them cheated a guy out of something, or simply speak arrogantly about us.

RevanSoft, 18/10/09
Lerka - yes, I would like to answer you too, you can only twist guys who have no experience at all) Believe me, people like me immediately see people like you, before I was also twisted, then I realized a lot of things, now I understand how many mistakes I made. But I’m even glad, now I finally see what’s going on around me, and I immediately notice the imaginaries who think that all the guys are at their feet, first I let them know that they can really spin me, and then you just throw me away like a thing. What a pleasure! Guys, I advise you to try it, the main thing is psychology.

A man with a very strange nickname, 02/01/11
It's one thing to be taller and smarter, and another thing to bet. This is generally a very feminine thing - to “put yourself” on. The girl needs to position herself “correctly”. And why, right away, are guys smarter, and not just smarter than other people? If you have any thoughts like “I’m a girl and I’m smarter than guys,” then this is some kind of complex and inferiority. Fu, fu! Damage!

MIRANDA, 02/01/11
I don't think so smart people can be differentiated by gender, it's funny. SORNIAK989 What if, for example, Bob Diamond (who is the highest paid banker in the world) was asked to perform a craniotomy? Do you think he will do it or not?) So don’t make a fuss about creating in MySQL in the Database console. No one needs this, there are specialists for this). In short, go to the programmers forum and get smart there))

norad1995, 03/08/11
I don’t like it when someone generally puts themselves above and smarter than others.

amputated head, 23/08/12
This refers to vain, self-righteous and spoiled dolls with the most ordinary, stereotyped and banal logic. They say that all men are primitive and very easy to manipulate, you just have to smile at them nicely. Of course, this is true, but only if the guy is a sucker. A reasonable guy will immediately see through such a chick and send her to hell. In relationships it’s even cooler: only women are given the right to end relationships. If she left you, that’s normal, and you still have to run after her and beg her to forgive you, if you left her, then you’re an asshole and all men are assholes. In disputes, they are always right and the last word will always be theirs, even if it is “I don’t know, but I’m sure.” Women like these consider themselves smarter and superior only because drooling males who, for the sake of fucking, are ready to praise her to the skies and fulfill her every whim, discredit themselves with their actions in their eyes. If a guy sends this spoiled doll to his ass, then suddenly he is an asshole and an idiot.

I'm smart, 08/02/13
I am smart, but I will never put myself above and smarter than my husband. Mikhail Nikolaevich correctly noted the daughter - for the eyes, the son is the basis. In this world, all great inventions belong to men. We must be realistic. If a girl turns up her nose too much, apparently she wants to hide something (an inferiority complex, for example). Men are support and intelligence. The moral qualities of modern society are another topic. And to directly declare that you are better than someone else is indecent, to say the least.

logical nickname, 08/02/13
yeah, they won’t distort anything. everything will be turned upside down! They are women, they can do anything! it’s like a tick stuck to an elephant and says hey, elephant, I’m big and strong, and you’re a small pimple, sucking my blood, so go where I say. Well, really, show me a woman who lives in a home built with her own hands, even if it’s a barn or a kennel?!

thinking man, 02/12/13
A girl’s place is to sit in the kitchen and cook food. Something else is possible, but this will be discussed in a separate topic. Just because they are more beautiful does not mean that they are taller than us. Besides, I doubt it's normal beautiful girl will do this. Only feminists can place themselves above us.

Bloody Revenge, 02/12/13
It's very simple. Sex is not only physiological satisfaction (at the level of animal instincts), not only procreation, BUT ALSO SOCIAL INTERACTION, and therefore SELF-AFFIRMATION of one individual at the expense of another. This explains: 1 When this asshole cums on the face (read: shits on the head) of this “sassy bitch” and feels like a King and 2 When this “Sassy bitch” Scams Money, Breaks up the Family, Destroys the Career of “this asshole”, and feels yourself as a QUEEN;))) Bgagaga - people are creatures and their moral level sucks!!!

Every man has made mistakes in his relationship with a woman at least once in his life (and in fact, many more). How many times have you had to raise your own self-esteem, on which another passion has been trampling for a long time and with pleasure, how many times have you had to rise from the ashes of burnt illusions, like a Phoenix bird? But do men learn from their mistakes? No, no, and no again. Every time they start a new relationship, they hope that everything will be different. The problem, according to psychologists, is that subconsciously we spend our entire lives looking for a partner who belongs to the same psychological type, and, of course, we step on the same “rake.” To avoid the collapse of yet another hope, men should memorize the 12 most dangerous types of women and try to avoid them at all costs.

1. Feminist

All the ills of society come from men, she believes. And the best thing a man can do to win her trust is to change gender. Her belief that the world would be a much better place if only angelic creatures (like herself) could rid society once and for all of the hated patriarchy forces her to communicate with men as if they were a caste of outcasts. Such women can be easily identified by their arrogant look and favorite phrase “It’s rare that a man thinks with his head.” If you see one, run away from it as quickly as possible.

2. Financier

This one only needs your money, nothing more. She expects you to provide for her simply because she is a woman. A man, from her point of view, was created to buy flowers, diamonds, clothes, cosmetics, pay restaurant bills and beauty salons. She could well be called, to put it mildly, a call girl, only at her first call it is you who come running, and she graciously accepts the numerous gifts dumped at her feet, and then only until the moment their quality continues to suit her. From her early youth, she is in full confidence that her love is expensive, and her womb is inlaid with gold. She doesn’t care about her partner’s feelings, she simply and gracefully goes towards the goal she once set for herself: to live without worries and hassle, and to achieve this goal she is capable of breaking anyone’s heart. Preferably rich and promising.

3. Princess

This woman has an extensive collection of pink glasses. Since childhood, she adored fairy tales with happy endings, in her youth she re-read all the women's novels in paperbacks, and in adulthood she revises the romantic comedies she memorized for bedtime. Walking past the windows of marriage salons, she begins to dream of prince charming on a white horse, which is about to gallop under her window, get down on one knee and invite her to become his wife, live happily and die on the same day. As a child, she was surrounded by loving relatives, who in chorus called her nothing less than a princess and the most terrible secret kept from her the knowledge that life consists not only of romantic dreams, but also, for example, paying bills and cleaning toilets. However, princesses, as you know, do not poop. You can't expect anything good from Her Highness: she will bore you with conversations about the stars, pester you with requests for care and affection, and one night she will turn into a frog. Joke.

4. Dynamist

The Princess's cousin with a bold minus sign. This lady always has a broken heart, a wounded soul and a broken spirit. Her past relationships disappointed her, and she is afraid to start new ones. Her presence in your life will leave a mark in the form of low self-esteem and confidence that you have never understood and will never understand women. It’s not surprising: at first she will show a strong interest in you, reinforce her views with flirting, leave her phone number and disappear from the horizon, without bothering herself with explanations, only to reappear after a while and repeat her strange ritual dance - “dynamo”. Even if you start dating, you will never move from the status of “friend” to the status of “young man”, “groom” and, especially, “husband”. All you will hear from her is numerous apologies for the lack of time for you, which she comes up with more for herself in order to justify her own indecision and reluctance to experience pain again.

5. Angry

Distant relative of the Feminist. Hates men as a class and species. Unlike the Feminist, who fights for gender equality, gets along quite well with men and is even ready to come to terms with their existence immediately after the onset of the New Matriarchy, the Evil One would happily put an end to the entire male population of the planet en masse. During attacks of righteous anger, he calls men nothing more than “goats” and “dirty pigs” - in the mildest version. Once upon a time she was very offended by some bad person, and now she, poor thing, pours out her bitterness on all two-legged male mammals. Methods of behavior: take pity on her and move away. Otherwise it will splatter with saliva.

6. Stuck

At first, this sweet woman will seem like an undeserved gift from Heaven. But soon her inner insecurities, carefully hidden for the time being, will burst out, and fun times will come for you. She will need to call you 10 times a day and ask if everything is okay with your relationship, wonder why you looked at her like that today when leaving the house, and check if you were offended that yesterday she did not immediately kiss you after returning from work. She will constantly have to be assured that she looks great, and even despite this, she will be driven into despair by her own appearance, hairstyle, makeup, etc. She will hang around your neck, hold on to you as if you were the last man on Earth and sacredly believe that you will leave her at any moment and find “someone better.” It's fun at first, but you'll quickly get tired of playing the operetta villain.

7. Bitch

Neither men nor women like bitches, but they manage not only to survive in an atmosphere of general disapproval, but also to exist much better than others. It is easy to spot a Bitch: she will elegantly walk over the heads of everyone who gets in her way, she is only interested in her own precious person, as well as money (in this she is similar to the Financier). She takes pleasure in gracefully humiliating someone who doesn't please her; she always looks her best, dresses impeccably, visits beauty salons and solariums, and looks with contempt at those who do not meet her high standards. In a relationship, she will immediately put herself above her partner and kill any feeling with her acquired cynicism and poisonous remarks.

8. Selfish

A close relative of the Bitch, completely and completely focused only on herself. She requires tireless care and the full attention of others. She feels calm only when she is the center of the universe, even if this universe consists of only one person - you. As a child, she was an only child in the family, " daddy's daughter", the object of everyone's concern, and, having matured, demands the world (and you) to revolve around itself.

9. Bride

Home distinguishing feature– she wants to get married. Immediately. Right now, without leaving this place. And it doesn’t matter where such a desperate desire came from: maybe her biological clock is ticking too loudly, or maybe all her girlfriends have already gotten married, and she’s the only “old maid” left... There can be many reasons, but the result is the same: she puts The goal is to screw the first man she comes across, and, we assure you, she will do this as soon as she has time to get to know him. The main thing is that this “decent man” does not turn out to be you, otherwise it will turn out like in the song of the group “Accident”: “I still don’t really remember your face when we went and bought two rings.”

10. Chameleon

The cunning and calculating Chameleon is an expert in male psychology. At first, she will seem to you like the affectionate, understanding and all-forgiving Virgin Mary, but as soon as you fall head over heels in love with her, get bogged down in a relationship and (oh, horror!) marry her, she will shed her gentle mask and turn to you with her real self. face and character. We cannot predict the consequences.

11. Mocker

She is somewhat similar to Cupid: she just as blindly emits sexual fluids as the god of love throws his arrows. She doesn’t care at all who she flirts with – she’s interested in the process itself. She likes to feel like honey, with bees flocking to her from all sides. The feeling of power over men, which stems from her irrepressible sexuality splashing out at everyone, makes her head spin and attracts her much more to monogamous relationships. She cannot be trusted: there is always the possibility that a man will appear on her path whom she has not yet seduced.

12. Controller

An absolutely unbearable creature. Strives to reign over every second of your life, strongly advise what to wear and where to go, who to be friends with and what to eat. Point one: she is always right, and if suddenly she’s wrong, then see point one. If you try to feebly resist her attempts to control your existence, she will still achieve her goal by chance, using a set of 400 relatively honest methods of persuasion: from affectionate requests to outright sex blackmail.

That's how different we are

Whenever men evaluate women, they subconsciously determine whether the chosen one is suitable for reproduction. By nature, a person finds attractiveness in certain traits. They are associated with good health and reproductive abilities. When a man sees these traits, he subconsciously feels that such a woman could give him offspring. This means that the appearance of such a woman attracts him. Science has proven that the following traits seem to be the most successful.

Correct proportions of waist and hips

A ratio of seven to ten is considered the most attractive. The waist and hips are directly related to the birth of children; a man subconsciously perceives wide hips as a sign of a good ability to bear offspring. This ensures attraction to women with a striking silhouette.

High voice

According to research, a high voice is associated with youth and speaks of fragile feminine forms, which attracts men. A thin voice evolved in women because it always seemed more seductive.

Beautiful hair

Shiny, thick and long hair look very attractive. In addition, it is a sign of health and reproductive abilities. You can easily achieve impressive results with salon visits and proper styling. Remember, this is necessary for the future of humanity!


It is obvious that a happy person seems quite attractive to others. In addition, science has proven that white teeth also attract attention. Smile more often, and then you will seem beautiful to others.

Minimum cosmetics

While you might think that contouring, shading and bold lips are beautifying, it's proven that a natural look is more attractive to men. Scientists have found that men prefer women who use a minimum cosmetics. However, this does not mean that you should give up your individuality. Do what fills you with self-confidence.

Red clothes

It is no coincidence that red is associated with attractiveness. Scientists have found that wearing red clothes makes you more attractive to men. This phenomenon is noticeable even in some animals.

Dark curls

As it turns out, men don't prefer blondes at all. According to research, brunettes are considered more attractive than blondes. Hair length practically doesn't matter.


According to science, height matters, as does breast size or waist-to-hip ratio. Tall women seem more attractive, but don't think that men only like slender models. Men prefer women whose legs look proportional to their height.

Arm length

Surprisingly, long legs have not proven to be a trait that attracts men. Things are completely different with long arms. More tall women with long arms they seem more attractive. The girth of your arms is also important. Apparently, men prefer fairly slender arms.

Lush bust

It’s unlikely that this will surprise you, but still: men like a full bust. Especially in combination with a slim waist, which is confirmed by science. Scientists monitored the eye movements of men who looked at photographs of women and found that men primarily assessed breasts and waist. At the same time, the waist played a greater role in attractiveness than the bust.

General grooming

Researchers have found that behavior and grooming attract people no less than appearance, such as height. If you look well-groomed, it shows that you are healthy and strong, which means you are a suitable reproductive partner.