Good day everyone!
My name is Marina, I’m 39 years old, I live in Moscow with my husband and three children. I had the idea of ​​capturing “one day of mine” in a photo for a long time, but it never worked out. The night before I spontaneously decided - I have to! It’s interesting to see for yourself, interesting to show to others. It’s a very ordinary day, a weekday, an ordinary day, one might say. And I have a great many such days. Since the birth of my youngest - first my daughter, then my son - I have been a housewife. I never cease to be amazed by this and dream of going to work. But so far the circumstances have turned out the way they have.

There are 64 photos under the cut, several of them are collages. Welcome to “one day of mine”, April 25th!
And I can’t help but warn you that under the cut, in addition to the photo, there are a lot of letters. I never learned how to tell a short story. But I can’t tell you, because just looking at the photo is incomprehensible and uninteresting :)

Today is a day off for me. Even though it's Tuesday. It’s a day off from additional children’s activities, which means no one comes to us and we don’t have to go anywhere. And at home we have a reduced staff - the husband is on a business trip, the eldest daughter is at school all day.
I’ll say right away that the younger children are home-schooled; again, due to circumstances, we don’t go to kindergarten. From this fact it follows how our day is structured.

1. I wake up with the children - for me, falling asleep is always a small test. I agree, you don’t have to run to work, this is a plus, but you still have to get up and this is a minus. And, unfortunately, I don’t have weekends, vacations and sick days like at work. Therefore, I try in every possible way to delay the moment of ascent.

2. First, the remote control is used, which launches cartoons with a couple of clicks. This is enough for 15 minutes - the children stretch, move under my side and lie quietly. I manage to doze off and then...

3. Children remember their tablets, which are much more interesting to them than cartoons - together with the tablets they lie down next to each other and play or watch videos on YouTube - depending on their mood. This gives me another 15-20 minutes, but I can’t doze off - they can’t play or watch quietly: they are having fun, commenting, arguing, in general, noise and din.
Meet Varvara, 6.5 years old, and Konstantin, 3 years and 8 months old, in the photo. By the time she woke up, the eldest daughter Lisa (she is 16 years old) had already left for classes at the lyceum - it is located at the other end of Moscow and the journey takes about 1.5 hours.

4. Our large family lives in small spaces, so I do magic twice a day - in the morning I turn the bedroom into a living room/playroom, in the evening - vice versa. After washing, changing clothes, combing your hair - quick cleaning. This vacuum cleaner is my faithful assistant. It makes carpets clean in a matter of minutes, and all you have to do is pick it up and press a button. There is no need to assemble it, plug it in, or put it away later. What happiness! By the way, I take out the vacuum cleaner several times a day, when the room has so many functions - this is inevitable.
The photo shows already laid out Lego, which in the morning they manage to keep within the confines of the children's tables.

5. I'm reviving my corner. I turn on the light in the aquarium (we don’t look at it, it’s in a slightly neglected state, all my attempts to become an aquarist ended in failure, nothing beautiful could grow for me), I turn on the computer.
This corner is my oasis in the house. Sitting in it, I “go out into the world” (actively using the Internet), read books, do makeup, manicure, knit, often even eat at this table

6. Let's go have breakfast. In the morning I never feel like spending a long time in the kitchen. Therefore, for breakfast we most often eat porridge, sometimes sandwiches, and sometimes even a heated dinner.

7. Today Kostya and I have millet porridge for breakfast. Varyushka - cauliflower and a cutlet. Let me explain right away about nutrition. My children are picky. For example, Kostya eats only mono food. Just porridge. Just pasta. Just mashed potatoes. Nothing should be added (well, except oil, of course). He categorically refuses to eat meat (although until he was 2.5 years old he ate everything indiscriminately), but he will not refuse sausages and doctor’s sausage. Varyusha, on the contrary, hates porridge, but eats any meat and vegetables, and loves broccoli. That's why breakfast is so scattered.

8. My breakfast is simple, you can see it all in the photo. I call this breakfast a “sick breakfast”, and in the morning it is the most delicious food for me - porridge and a sandwich with cheese. Sometimes coffee. I drink coffee very rarely, the cup in the photo is my first since February. Suddenly I wanted it.

9. After breakfast, while I am putting away the dishes, the children indulge in idleness and play with gadgets. Kostya is back on the tablet. And Varya, a Minecraft fan, is building something with a joystick in her hands.

10. The game Minecraft (I need to google it to see if I'm spelling the name correctly:)) Dad showed it to her back in December. At first, we had a hard time tearing Varya away from the joystick, but now the interest has dropped, but still, at any opportunity, she turns it on and plays.

11. I make lemonade for everyone. I am a fan of traditional tastes - Duchess, Buratino. Children choose something different every time.

12. To my happiness and joy, children like playing with gadgets less than playing with each other. Therefore, without a reminder, they put them aside and the fun begins. Hit last days- plaid. He is a ghost, a witch in a cloak, a superhero, a shelter house, and a picnic blanket. They play with a blanket. They play Lego. This is the period now, the passion for Lego and blankets:)

13. While the children are busy playing, I decide to get a manicure. From the photo you can guess that the manicure is not simple, but shellac. I’m sitting in my corner and wondering if I started this in vain. After all, today it so happened that I am waiting for 3 deliveries and they will probably arrive in the middle of the process. But I reassure myself that I can take orders with one hand:)

14. Time check. I'm lucky and the first order is delivered when both hands are free.

15. Captured for purchase history. Online stores are a real lifesaver. I like shopping there much more than regular stores. I sit in comfort and choose without haste. And the next day all the shopping is at my house. No heavy lifting, walking around the store or standing at the cash register.

16. I immediately sort the chicken parts into bags and freeze them. I sort it into small portions, so it’s more convenient to use later - sometimes you need 1 chicken fillet, sometimes 3. Same with wings. There are exactly as many of them in the bag as you need for children's soup. If I cook soup for the whole family, I take 2-3 bags.

17. It’s time for second breakfast, more than 2 hours have passed since the first and the children are already demanding food. Sausage bones and cucumbers. Vara hot dog with curd cheese, cucumber and sausage. And please, don’t scold me for sausages, I know it’s unhealthy and all that. But children do not eat them three times a day, or even every day, or even every week. Therefore, I think there is not much harm from them.
Oh yes, I forgot to write right away. Surely you noticed the tablets among the plates? Yes, yes, that’s the kind of mom I am. I allow my children to watch cartoons while eating. I also don’t see the point in discussing this, maybe we won’t?:)

18. Unlike children, I don’t feel hungry and make myself the first cup of tea of ​​the day - cold, sweet and with lemon. Adore. This is more likely not tea, tea lovers will forgive me, it is a tea drink. But to my taste it is very tasty.

19. I’m finishing my manicure and at the same time reading the news and LiveJournal. From the news I was interested in this one - the shutdown schedule hot water. I already know our plans for the summer and with interest I follow the link to find out when the water will be turned off in our area. And exactly. “Lucky” as in previous years - at the time of the shutdown we will be in the city, again heating water with kettles and washing ourselves in a basin, brr..

20. Manicure is ready. Please don't judge strictly. I don’t have much experience, I learned from videos on YouTube. And now I’ve been “playing” for the second month. Manicure with rhinestones, glitter, drawings is not my thing at all. Therefore, only classics. Shellac is a necessity for me, because I am a housewife without a dishwasher. I think you can imagine how many dishes there are in a family with three children.

21. With my freshly manicured fingers, I peel the vegetables and start cooking chicken noodle soup for lunch. In the soup, all the vegetables are coarsely chopped, dill only in a sprig. In general, everything is done so that the taste and benefits of the vegetables are present in the broth, but they themselves are not.

22. Another time check. The morning is over. It's time for the kids to take a break from active games and play with me. I usually “play” with them separately; due to the difference in age, they have different needs and interests. But today children want to do everything together. And even study. So I adjust.

23. First we collect squares and circles, then Varya colors her favorite Barbie superheroes, and Kostya plays caps.

24. Let's do it together articulatory gymnastics, they love her, because making faces is interesting to both of them. Together we read and discuss a story with an abundance of the letter “C”. Varya does her tasks, Kostya does his.
And again I can’t help but explain. I am not a fan of “developmental” games; I am of the opinion that a child develops best by playing, with other children, games, toys, even completing tasks in game form. But we need classes because we have speech therapy problems. I won’t bog you down with details; that would require a whole separate post. But we work with a speech therapist regularly, and on other days we work on our own. We do articulatory gymnastics, develop phonemic hearing, train and enrich speech. And, of course, pronunciation. I have gone so deep into this topic, I have so many manuals, that sometimes the thought arises: should I change my main profession?

25. While the children finish the assignments on their own, I put the cupcake in the microwave to bake. The recipe is from the “lazy” series, mix everything, pour into a mold, cover with film and bake. After 9 minutes the cake is ready, leave it to cool. In the photo it is still in the form of dough, covered with ordinary cling film, in which I made holes. The screenshot from the phone shows a cupcake in a different shape, smaller in area.

26. I remember that I forgot to start the wash. I'm correcting myself.

27. Another time check. A second delivery is coming.

28. This time it's books. My husband and I discovered an interesting layer for ourselves - soviet history in posters, postcards, playbills. The first time we bought the book as a gift, but we couldn’t resist and ordered the same one for ourselves, got carried away and now we’ve added to the collection.

29. I just leaf through books and put them aside. It's not very exciting to watch them alone. It’s more interesting to watch together, discuss, remember, sometimes even feel nostalgic.

30. The time is approaching three o'clock. The soup is ready, let's have lunch. Kostya only eats pasta from the soup; all signs of vegetables are carefully removed. Varyusha eats pasta and meat, in her portion the vegetables are mashed into puree and she happily eats the broth with them. Oh, and when they finally grow up and stop being so picky about food. Again, we don’t discuss the topic that I didn’t teach them well how to eat.:)

31. All you have to do is wait for the third delivery and you can go out for a walk. I decide to tint my eyebrows before going out so that the skill is not completely lost. As usual, some of my cosmetics went to my eldest daughter. Here is her desk in the photo. To my shame, I don’t even know how to use half of what she has in her beauty box. She uses cosmetics skillfully, if not professionally.

32. For contrast, I decided to take a photo of the contents of my cosmetic bag. The photo shows almost everything that is... Yes, you can’t call me a makeup fan...

33. Taking my first selfie. For a long time I doubted whether it was worth it, since I categorically don’t like myself in the photo. But I’m not sure that the moderators will let my post pass without my photo. So here it is. As it is :)

34. I called the third courier to find out how long it would take to wait for him, it promises to be no later than half past five.

35. The cupcake has cooled down and I decorate it hastily - for a former food blogger this is a shame, of course, but I don’t have enough inspiration for more. I pour the glaze and sprinkle with grated chocolate candy.. Curtain..

36. The children continue to play enthusiastically. Have a few minutes to read a book. In fact, I read a lot, especially if the book captivates me, I find time during meals, at moments when the children are busy with their games, in the evenings. But now I don’t feel like reading. This book doesn't suit me. I've already started and quit several times. I'm making another attempt, I don't like unfinished stories.

37. Fortunately, Kostya distracts me from this activity. Varya decided to play Minecraft, Kostya got bored and called me to read. My latest hobby is a book about pencils and, of course, Suteev with his incomparable illustrations.

38. For speed, while waiting for the courier, I prepare my clothes for a walk. And then there's a surprise. Kostik's demi-season boots have disappeared. More precisely, they disappeared in the fall, when I threw them away - they grew out of size, and I conveniently forgot about it. I'll have to go for a walk in winter ones. And of course, urgently order a new pair. I quickly select what I need and arrange for delivery the next day.

39. The third courier finally arrived, I sign, leave the package on the table and we run off for a walk.

40. Time check for control. We are at the playground closest to the house, it is quiet and deserted. To be honest, I really don’t like walking. I'm bored. I don’t know how to communicate with mothers on playgrounds, endlessly discuss diapers, children’s clothing manufacturers, baby food etc. - it's not mine. I can’t afford to read or play on my phone, because... I don’t leave children unattended. So I hang around the perimeter of the site, waiting for them to finish playing. Or I get involved in a game with them: our favorite - the children “fly” in a helicopter (or some other transport), arrive, for example, in Africa and go on an excursion: they fantasize, telling me that there are elephants at a watering hole over there, over there the giraffes are eating the trees, and over there is the crocodile - let's run, run! - etc. After Africa we go to a farm, or to the bottom of the sea, or to the land of cartoons, etc. Sometimes we just wander around and look at tree bark, leaves, buds, moss. We don’t just look at it: we touch it, stroke it, discuss it. Children are interested in everything.

41. We walk for a little over an hour, I freeze standing in my coat and we return home.

42. We're home. Clothes are put away, hands are clean and it's time to enjoy the cupcake. This time we drink tea together. The children are happy, they love chocolate pastries.

43. We are watching with enthusiasm the next portion of the film “Mary Poppins, Goodbye.” This is our second children's film, the first was Pinocchio and it immediately became a hit, we have already watched it several times. And the children really liked the songs from Mary Poppins; sometimes we sing them before bed instead of a lullaby.

44. Time control. The evening is approaching quickly. I remember the washed laundry, hang it up and go back to the kitchen.

45. Dinner today is simple, but most importantly it does not require my active participation. I steam chicken fillet with vegetables and rice as a side dish.

46. ​​Rice in a steamer turns out to be the most delicious. Neither a saucepan nor a slow cooker produces such delicious rice. True, it takes almost an hour to prepare.

47. Meanwhile, we got around to unpacking the last delivery package. This is an additional set of cards for a children's tablet.

48. I'm trying to solve a non-trivial problem - to arrange everything so that it is convenient to use. Arranging them like books or stacking them is not an option. This is where containers come in handy.

49. Children enjoy playing with these tablets. The tasks look interesting, and it’s also fun to move the colored circles.

50-51. On one side there are back cards, on the other - verification. They love the moment of verification. Oops, Kostya made a mistake, although he showed me correctly with his finger, he moved the colored circles to the wrong places with his hands :)


52. I pour myself another cup of tea and retire to a secluded corner of my eldest daughter, trying to read.

53. Wow, it’s already past nine. We were late today. You need to quickly have dinner and start getting ready for bed.

54. Dinner for children. Kostya only eats rice (a little whim), Varya’s plate is more varied, but she can’t handle it all. Vegetables and rice are eaten, only half of the meat is eaten.

55. Time control. The children are tired without a day's rest, and besides, they have a very active day. The toys are put back in their places. Shower. Magically transform your living room into a bedroom.

56. And there are a few minutes to play.

57. I’m diving into the Internet in my corner once again.

58. The children are sleeping. Wow, it's so early today. Usually by this time we just calm down, having covered all the songs, getting up to drink and go to the toilet five times. In general, using every opportunity to delay the moment of falling asleep.

59. While the children fell asleep, I mentally made a list of necessary purchases in silence. I write everything down before I forget it. I always have such a list. As soon as one is implemented, I immediately start a new one.

60. Almost at 10 pm he returns from school eldest daughter. Poor guy. WITH preparatory courses In addition to her studies, she has very busy days. In addition, she is sick, coughing and hoarse throat for three days. But he persists in studying. I insist that she needs to take a sick leave, she is exhausted so late in the evening, so she meekly agrees. We measure the temperature, take medicine and get under the covers.

61. The children are fast asleep. Things have been put away. You can relax and enjoy your holiday. I often spend my evenings watching films or TV series. My “gentleman's set” in the photo. Wireless headphones are a great option when kids sleep nearby. We have 3 of these headphones - for older family members:)

62. Lisa gave me a pleasant surprise for evening tea - a big, big Snickers. He knows how much I love this bar, but I haven’t bought it for a long time. I pour another large mug of tea, hot this time. I can only handle half of the chocolate, but that’s okay, it’ll be a supplement for breakfast.

63. And my last week's series...

64. I got a little carried away by watching, it’s time to really rest. In the morning, my cute “alarm clocks” will start our new day with their cheerful laughter. Good night!

Thank you all for your attention and I hope you enjoyed spending this day with us!

Alice Polanuer is 31 years old. She lives in a residential area of ​​Moscow: gray high-rise buildings, the metro is a 15-minute walk away, a clinic, a pharmacy, a small grocery and a large shopping center are all within walking distance, but she still doesn’t have enough time. The Vera Center for Family Education helps Alice combine work and life with her special baby. Hope. Love" . Every morning, from Monday to Friday, she takes Plato there and runs off to work or run errands.

— When you, one might say, live in a hospital with a child, the most important thing is to resolve the issue with work. There is no talk of any beauty salons or fitness. Just work, and if you have a couple of free hours, run to the store, cook dinner, tidy up the house and have a little time for yourself,” says Alisa.

Today is just such a free day for Alice. Need to buy groceries, some household chemicals, go pick up a jacket for my son for the fall.

“When the doctors said that the child would be born with developmental disabilities, I didn’t doubt it for a minute. As a child, I imagined how I would grow up and take from orphanage the most unfortunate, weakest baby. Now I say jokingly that Plato’s soul heard me and understood who to go to.

I am a happy mother, because I have the most beloved, best son in the world. Of course, like any child, sometimes he plays around and behaves badly, and then I get angry. But this feeling is familiar to every mother; this is not a matter of developmental characteristics. And as an ordinary mother, my son makes me happy.
Plato is my talisman. The way he considered it necessary to be born, that’s the way he was born. Since then, in life, at least in mine, everything has fallen into place. I used to spend a lot of time with friends, and I could break away and go on a trip. Now I understand that I am responsible for my son. He is the most important thing I have.

Alice works in an audit company. Today is her first day off in 25 days. She tries to organize her flexible schedule so that she can be with Plato in the evenings. On weekdays, when Alice and her husband work, the boy spends time in the center. On Saturdays and Sundays his father sits with him.

Alice's parents live in another city; her husband, although he supported her and loved his son from the very first day, often goes on business trips. There was a time when Alice was left with Plato all alone. At first she didn’t even know how to hold a baby in her arms, but after the first months in the hospital she learned everything: nursing, weighing, changing diapers every half hour, knowing by the second how much medicine had already been received and how much more needed to be given.

“My husband and I fell in love with our son from the very first second. None of us perceives him as some other person, an alien. An ordinary child.
And thanks to this, I turned into an experienced mother. Before, I would never have believed that I would become like this. I used to be scared by conversations about diapers on playgrounds, but now I’m like that myself. This is probably the lot of every woman.

At 16:00 Alisa will pick up her son and go to the rehabilitation center for a massage, but for now she doesn’t want to run anywhere. I just want to walk down the street, to finally realize that it is already the end of August, the air smells of approaching rain and autumn, and my heart is calm.

— At the age of 18, I dreamed of a different life - bright, eventful, reckless, not like home-work-garden-children-home. And I certainly didn’t see myself as Plato’s mother. More precisely, I could not imagine that such happiness would happen to me. Now I approach life rationally and don’t look too far. The only thing: I want to relax by the sea, definitely with Plato, and I also want him to become a boxer. Why not?

In the mornings, Alice often sees mothers who bring their paralyzed children to the center in their arms, sees a father who works with his special child in the center every day from morning to evening, but also sees children abandoned by their parents and those to whom mothers come once a month.

It is very difficult for a mother who has given birth or knows that she will give birth to a child with disabilities. It may take a long time until she understands where to go and where to look for help.

“For me, seeing this is a betrayal.” Caring for a sick child is work, backbreaking work, and in this sense the center is salvation for us. But still, this is your blood. You gave birth - you bear responsibility. You need to think about something else besides your inner egoism. And this is precisely selfishness when you think that if something is not the same, not like everyone else, then it is defective. If we think about our children like this, then who in this world will stay with them?

Assistance Center family education"Faith. Hope. Love" is a real lifeline for Alice and dozens of women who are faced with their child’s illness. This building once housed an orphanage; now 70 children with special needs receive modern, qualified care here. Most of them do not have their own families and live in the center permanently, some were left behind and are periodically visited by their parents, there are temporary stay groups similar to the usual kindergarten, like the one Plato goes to.

“It’s very difficult for a mother who has given birth or knows that she will give birth to a child with disabilities. It may take a long time for her to understand where to go and where to look for help,” says Olga Kechina, a social teacher at the center. – What can they tell her at the clinic: well, go through an examination, a disability examination. They don't really give advice there. And here, firstly, they immediately begin to work with the child, and secondly, the mother is given a kind of road map, they simply explain how she should live, where to go next. At first, such parents think that they are alone. Then it turns out that they are not alone, and it turns out that something can be done, it turns out that they and their child are loved.

Alice is sorting through children's clothes on a hanger in the store.
- This blue jacket would suit Plato to match the color of his eyes!

Now I'm calm. I know my son will be taken care of at the center while I'm here or at work, I know that they will do what I, perhaps, could not do on my own. Speech therapists, speech pathologists, and art therapists work with children at the center. Children are organized excursions to the petting zoo, the market, and the shopping center. This is how they learn to live in this world, and the world, that is, society, learns not to be afraid of them and to accept them.

I remember Plato was 3 months old, after heart surgery he fell ill and had pneumonia. The ambulance arrived, the doctor examined Platosha, and then take him and say: “Is he moving at all? Like a vegetable." I felt offended then. Time passed, Plato crawled, rolled out of bed, and now he’s running around so hard that you can’t catch him.

Yes, he may not become a professor, but he will serve himself, speak and understand other people’s speech, and generally socialize.

The point is that what before the child assistance begins to be provided, the better the result, and the center for promoting family education knows about this. Many mothers bring children with serious diagnoses in the hope that their child will be taught to at least understand someone else’s speech, and then they are surprised at how many skills he has mastered. Caregivers and teachers show them how a child can be rehabilitated and what progress he can achieve. Yes, he may not become a professor, but he will serve himself, speak and understand other people’s speech, and generally socialize. This is an important task that parents of special children most likely cannot cope with on their own, especially when they need to think about where and how to earn money.

Alice is also worried that she doesn’t spend enough time with Plato. She remembers how she missed parental attention as a child, when her mother, a journalist, and father, a writer, disappeared at work. Now she understands that there was no other way. But her beloved grandmother was always next to her. Plato's grandmother is replaced by his favorite teacher in the group - Lyudmila Nikolaevna.

— In the center “Vera. Hope. Love” work amazing people. They find an approach to any child, even the most difficult one, be it autism or a complex form of cerebral palsy. For example, Lyudmila Nikolaevna. It’s difficult to say how she does it, but even those children who don’t perceive anyone run up to her, hug her, and kiss her. Perhaps the secret is that she loves them and loves her job.

To the group day stay the center accepts children with special needs free of charge, which is very important for a family that spends all its finances on medications and rehabilitation. Children are loved and cared for here and provided with the necessary assistance. Now only 12 children from all over Moscow can study at the center.

The main fear of “special” parents is tomorrow, in which they will no longer be young and will not be able to protect their grown-up children.

The Galchonok Foundation is raising funds to open another such day care group for special children within the kindergarten. Anyone can help open a group through the platform. This way you will help Alice and other mothers live and work without fear, knowing that their child is not hidden from the world, but is learning to live in it. After all, the main fear of “special” parents is tomorrow, in which they will no longer be young and will not be able to protect their grown-up children.

A ray of sun persistently shines on my face. I stretch and finally wake up. My mom is sleeping next to me. I'm bored alone, so I'll wake her up. This is not an easy matter for real men.

So, first we turn on the light - mom doesn’t react, now we pull the blanket to the floor - mom just shudders, we’ll have to drag a turnip, like grandpa, by the legs, with sound accompaniment. Hooray! It worked! Mom woke up and started kissing me. Nice, but terribly ticklish. I kick as hard as I can. After making the bed (I help, carry the blanket, smooth it out), we go for the morning beauty routine, according to mom’s words.

Even though I only have six teeth, I definitely need to brush them. After brushing, my mom washes me off the toothpaste in the shower. I get scared when my mother goes to wash herself, I knock on the shower stall and scream. Today the neighbor's dog heard me and barked loudly.

Okay, I decided, I’ll explore what’s interesting in the bathroom without my mom. I open the cabinet and reach for the treasured handle. Oh, it’s a miracle, how many different bottles are hidden here from my watchful eye. We urgently need to try everything, check the tooth. Some lids open with a click, and some, despite my two sharp front teeth, just won’t budge. So mom came out of the shower. Judging by her bulging eyes, she is happy that I am such a nice bottle discoverer. I invite my mother to try a piece of fragrant strawberry soap; I bit through its wrapper, so that my mother can immediately lick it and feel the freshness of the delicious berry. For some reason my mother refused, they are strange, these adults! She started cleaning me up, putting away the bottles, and said something about the lock on the nightstand...

I’m sitting in my high chair and knocking (do you know what an interesting sound it makes?) with a spoon so that my mother will serve me the porridge faster, I’m tired of sorting out the contents in the bathroom. Finally! Oatmeal porridge with fruit was finger-licking good (I actually dipped them into the porridge), but mom insisted on a spoon. Well, it’s necessary, it’s necessary. Yura is an understanding, obedient son!

After breakfast, we started getting ready for the fitness club, I love to swim in the pool (“boom-boom!”) and play in the children’s playroom with other kids. It’s boring to wait for mom when you’re already dressed, although this is the time you can use to visit the pantry. Oh, there’s so much interesting stuff here, we need to take it all apart and take a closer look.

"Yura, what are you doing? Why are you toilet paper did you unwind it, did you pour out the washing powder?” Mom’s joyful question distracted me from cleaning. She began to help me, arranging everything in her own way.

Today, apparently, we were late, so in the elevator I was not allowed to press the buttons, I went straight into the car, into a chair and was fastened with a belt. From this position you can’t open anything - you can’t press a door or a button, you can only taste the belt, and look out the window at cars, trams, people scurrying around. Oh, what is that big orange buzzing thing?

"The garbage truck is ahead of us! Why are you shouting like that?"

What a beautiful big car, not like our BMW. I wish I could ride it!

The classes were great, I discovered new swimming movements, I managed to hug and kiss the new girls on the cheeks, to the great joy of their mothers (the sooner you start wooing your daughter, the greater the chances of marrying her off). Then I tried to bite the gymnastics coach on the hand, but he turned out to be very vigilant (apparently he had already been bitten more than once, because experience is the son of mistakes), and he dodged me. It’s okay, I’ll try again at the next lesson, I’m goal-oriented!

After the club we went to the store. I like to sit in the cart and take something into the basket from the shelves myself, making a surprise for my mother. She is usually very happy at the checkout. At home, my mother and I had a hearty lunch waiting for us, after which we really wanted to sleep...

I wake up, I need to find out where is mom? I call her. Comes. Hooray! Sometimes dad comes instead, and then I get upset. He doesn’t play with me much, he prefers to read his books, talk on the phone, watch the computer or TV.

I have an afternoon snack and go to the toys: pyramids, cars, boats, blocks, construction sets. There are so many things that I don’t have time to play them all before dinner. After dinner, dad came home from work. I’m running to meet him, in case I manage to persuade dad to play ball and take his phone away for an urgent call to grandma (mom hid hers somewhere). Mom and dad hug, kiss, talk! It's time to open daddy's suitcase, and there is a wallet in it, and there are cards, money... What amazing discoveries surround us, we just have to take a closer look at them, stretch out our hands and - done! You feel like Columbus at home.

“So, I see we have a Tatar-Mongol invasion of dad’s things here? Yurik, let’s clean up everything, collect everything, let’s go for a swim.”

I love swimming with ducklings and ducklings, even if they are not real, but they are loved and dear. How many times have I bitten them, chewed them, thrown them out of the bath...

Mom put cream on me, dressed me in soft pajamas, and turned on lullabies. I’m lying and thinking, what a wonderful day it’s been, tomorrow will be even better, maybe mom will clean, and I’ll help her with rags, a vacuum cleaner...

And how many unknown things are hidden in my house, not to mention the street, the park (yesterday I was attacked there by pigeons when I was feeding them bread, voracious and ungrateful bellies!). I’m ready for new discoveries, I’ll rest a little, my eyes are sticking together, and tomorrow I’ll continue to explore the world. "May the force be with me!" - said little green man on TV... And I think, let mom and dad be with me, then I won’t be afraid to discover everything unknown and incomprehensible.

My name is Senka, I live in Moscow, in Butovo, with my husband Yura, who works at home, and already two baby dolls.

When I was just about to become a mother of as many as two children, I tried to figure out in my mind how I would do ordinary everyday things: wash my butts, dress two for a walk, wash my butts, feed - and it was from this angle that I viewed other people’s days. Therefore, I tried to record in detail where I put who and what I managed during this time on the most ordinary weekday without trips or guests. As my husband said, looking at some mother’s “one day”: “bad, boring reportage! It’s the same thing all the time!” - Of course, I swore, but, unfortunately, that’s the way it is.

Below the cut there are almost a hundred photos of Varvara, 2.5 years old, and Zakhara, 2.5 months old.

This amazing person always wakes up with a smile, which surprises me every time:

Varya has already woken up and is reading, and I am terribly sleepy, because all night she spent the whole night raising her last tooth about me:

Time. I would sleep some more, but I already know that Zakhar is having too much fun to let me do that, I’ll just waste my time and get upset.

I make the bed. Next to her is the sofa, on which I tried to move Varya, but I couldn’t lie on the edge and feed her all night.

I wash my face. I decide that since there is no hot water, my head will go away:

I put it to my younger husband:

And I go to wash Varya’s butt and make coffee. As a rule, my husband does all this, because Varya wakes him up while I’m still sleeping:

I cooked the porridge in the evening using a slow cooker. Varya loudly demands it, eats one spoon and runs away.

Yura wakes up:

Breakfast: oatmeal, kefir and LJ:

I’m having breakfast and responding to comments:

I put the baby doll in the chair, drink coffee and write a shop list to my husband, planning the menu:

My butt, changing into a reusable diaper:

I continue to write a shoplist:

You'll have a yummy lollipop daddy!

I’m washing my butt, I’m going for a walk (sweets, toys, clothes):

Varya agrees to get dressed only with a book, and dad is not allowed to do so at all. I shouldn’t have complained the other day that she doesn’t ask me to read to her at all:

I ask Yura to put Crocs on Varya and dress Zakhar:

Traditional elevator photo:

(Time 10:40) The book came with us:

But I quickly managed to exchange it for a tasty treat:

These strange people planted flowers in the very sun and now water them all the time. The rolled lawn has already turned yellow in places, but the flowers are still hanging on.

no, Varya is not running away, she is very close. Most likely she will reach the end of the lower ramp and even turn around. It’s very convenient to walk with a child who almost never runs away)

“What else did mom pack that was interesting?”:

The last site on the way to the park. Varya climbs high, people around her often try to save her and not let her in, I drive her away:

Please note: a normal carousel, which children climb on themselves and give themselves rides! For some reason, modern designers find it difficult to repeat this:

Sandbox. By the way, she almost succeeds:

Usually, in a half-empty area, Varya hardly needs me and can calmly sit on a bench and read a book. Today Varya joins me, we read a little, about five times:

Zakhar wakes up to eat:

Rocking, swinging:

It has become very hot, we go into the forest. Along the way I read out loud, passers-by turn around:

Butovo forest:

Another tasty treat:

I take out Zakhar, warm up, change clothes:

I feed Varya:

“Once again the human being floats with the flow, towards another adventure”:

Varya collects the bulls, says that they are garbage and throws them in the trash. I explain that you shouldn’t pick up trash, but to no avail:

We go back through the same areas, because I forgot the toys in the sandbox:

Zakhar falls asleep:

The goodies are over - it's time to go home. My house is on the far right. It is terribly inconvenient to live on a mountain.

I no longer have the strength, but it’s impossible to pass by the slide:

In the reflection we are all and even our car:

I persuade you to walk up the stairs with your feet (what if I had a cradle?):

(Time 14:30) At home, the husband bought groceries, runs quickly with them and does not get into the frame. I put Zakhar in a chair and run to prepare food:

Varya, it seems, is also dying of hunger, a croissant for her:

I throw in the soup to cook:

Yura works:

my next butt, I put Zakhar on a development mat:

Varya jumps on dad:

While the children are playing on their own:

I have time to sweep, tidy up the kitchen, start the laundry and a bunch of other small things like that:

A lot of different food awaits Varya, starting with morning porridge:

But she, logically, chooses yama:

Oddly enough, she also agrees to soup. While I was taking this photo, she put it in my tea:

I leave her with dad, call him to come “yum and sleep”, and go to bed with Zakhar:

(Time 16:40) Varya comes and goes, but doesn’t fall asleep, I leave the sleeping Zakhar and leave:

Varya is still playing with something herself:

I start the wash:

And they are already calling me back to bed. I look at my rapidly growing son and decide to read a book about mothers-in-law, it seems it’s time:

(Time 17:00) As soon as I fix the time and decide to stop putting Varya to bed, having resigned myself to the fact that today there is no nap, she suddenly comes and catches me on the edge of the bed:

(Time 17:15) Every time I doubt whether sleep is of any use at such a time, it seems better without it. but if I don’t put him to bed diligently, then my husband runs around me and nagging me about something disgusting like that I have two children, not one, and the older one could at least be put to bed, so at home it’s easier for me to spend a couple of hours putting him to bed than listen, at the same time she lay down and rested:

She came, of course, still with the same book. I quickly hide it higher while he sleeps:

I take the baby:

I go to take the laundry out of the dryer (surprisingly, he calmly waits while I take the next pile to the closet and come back!):

I assemble several diapers for him from spare parts:

I put it in a chair in the room:

And I put away the toys:

I decide to drink tea and chocolate before cooking dinner:

(Time 18:00) But Varya’s teeth do not allow her to sleep for more than 45 minutes:

While I’m trying to calm her down and put her back, Zakhar lies alone somewhere behind me and doesn’t show any light. Amazing baby:

But Varya jumps up and runs away:

To dad:

Loading the dishwasher:

Yura tries to put Varya down

But to no avail. Then he asks to pick her up because he has an important call to make. The only thing that can tear upset Varechka away from her dad is a cartoon:

I wrap Zakhar in a sling and prepare the pate:

(Time 18:50) I put dinner on a baking sheet:

Wash vegetables for juice:

And I fold it to clean them:

The cartoon is over. I choose an hour of hysteria on the floor or another 40 minutes of cartoon, I turn on:

For a moment I put Zakhar to my dad, my juicer, and take out the laundry:

I'm hanging up my laundry. Yes, I really have 4 identical T-shirts in different colors, I generally only wear them in the summer. Proudmums, where is my advertising fee?

Dinner (a straw in juice to share with Varya):

Yura arrives and helps Vaoya come to terms with the fact that the cartoon is over:

I clean the kitchen after dinner, run the dishwasher, feed:

(Time 20:50) But Varya is too unhappy to be at home, we go out into the yard.

I wanted to show off the scooter, but Varya demanded “to roll the scooter some more” and I dragged her to roll 10 meters from the entrance to the sandbox:

Suddenly, she is not playing with something, but with someone. Hooray, social interaction)):

The boy told Varya that this ladder was “ayyayyy”, and she suddenly understood the unfamiliar word and obeyed, she had to explain what she could do:

One is ready:

And Varya flatly refuses to go home (photo with flash!):

(Time 22:20) Finally persuaded:

I’m putting Zakhar down, let’s go “yum and sleep”:

But Varya runs to her dad and demands to show her something:

For now I’m snacking on pate with the croissant that Varya didn’t eat during the day and some tea. I am sending an American parcel from an intermediary to us:

(Time 23:10) Varya will put on a mitten:

I'm trying to lure you into bed with a book:

I decide to take a shower while she reads:

And finally at 0:30 she falls asleep. (Do you think she’ll sleep longer because of this? She’ll get up at 9! And thank you for not being at 6. Nobody believes me that I go to bed with the child, get up with the child and don’t get enough sleep) I quickly pack my backpack for tomorrow’s trip to the museum and leave it My husband unpacks the dishwasher and by one o’clock I also go to bed.