The secret has been revealed on how to manage money energy and get maximum benefit and wealth from its flows. This method was hidden from people for a long time, but recently became known thanks to one person.

Of 100% of the world's population, only 10% have unlimited power in obtaining money. Only a select few are given the opportunity to change the flow of their monetary energy and direct it in the right direction - to wealth and prosperity. In the past, only a select few were able to do this, who had their own personal formula for attracting money. And now, by a happy coincidence, you can touch the secret knowledge forever.

Money energy

How often have you noticed that many people are lucky with money? They literally fall from the sky, while some try in vain to earn money through backbreaking labor. These processes depend on monetary energy, which resembles the water element.

Money energy is like water: it can flow in a thin stream, or it can flow in a powerful stream. For many, money energy seeps through their fingers, depriving them of wealth. And some create energy dams that can retain and increase income.

This usually looks like good or bad luck with money. Some people can find a large bill while walking along the road, while others are constantly surrounded by unnecessary expenses and small incomes. As it turned out, this does not depend on fortune at all: you are capable of unintentionally putting up blocks and losing the flow of monetary energy. Fortunately, this problem has long been subject to change. Viktor Nikolaevich will share with you.

Secret formula of the Masons

The Masons possessed secret knowledge that could improve human life. They taught their followers that acquiring money was the result of influencing the Universe. Faith, opportunities and desires can control monetary luck. The Masons believed that in order to obtain wealth, the ability to correctly accept monetary energy is necessary. To do this, each of them had their own personal secret amulet, which freed them from energy blocks and brought prosperity.

In the early 90s, Viktor Nikolaevich accidentally came across an old book that was marked “Secret”. Translating the scriptures changed his life forever. As it turned out, the book belonged to Freemason Pascal Beverly Randolph, where he handwritten a secret study that was not included in any of his works, which described the creation.

What is the use of such an amulet?

The amulet is made from a one-dollar bill and is endowed with powerful power that can change a person’s energy and harmonize relations with the Universe. Secret signs are applied to the banknote according to the Masonic formula: they are individual for each person.

Victor Nikolaevich, depending on your problem, lifestyle, character. It is possible to write a Masonic formula only after analyzing your horoscope and Tarot card layout. Otherwise, it will simply be impossible to empathize with your problem and find out which signs are capable of attracting monetary energy into your life.

With help, you can attract success, prosperity, and enrichment into your life. Your money channels will begin to work, new opportunities will appear that were previously hidden from you. Your inner instinct will tell you how to profitably put your money into circulation. You will learn how to spend money correctly and feel cash flows, forever forgetting about laziness and apathy.

However, the teachings of the Masons say that you cannot receive anything for nothing - only by spending your own strength and resources will you be able to increase them. Therefore, Viktor Nikolaevich has to charge for his work, not because of need, but only so that you can get more.

Do not miss the opportunity to use the ancient and effective teachings of the Freemasons for your benefit. Rich people do not reveal the secret of getting money, although it is known that each of them has his own amulet. But with the help of Viktor Nikolaevich, you can, charged with your bioenergy, which is capable of attracting and maintaining your cash flows. Be rich and happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.04.2017 03:44

Financial problems are familiar to every person. Often they become the main obstacle to happiness...

We live in a material world of things, in which finance plays an invaluable role. No matter how much we strive to achieve high spiritual ideals, improve ourselves and other spiritual things, we should not forget about money, because it is through it that we live, eat, dress, have the opportunity to acquire what we need, travel, develop and improve ourselves. In this article we will tell you what the energy of money is and how to attract it into your life.

Physically, money is an expression of your inner strength and creative ability. The form of money energy is unlimited; it can be used both for the purpose of creation and destruction.

Financial well-being is literally the state of your soul. A prosperous person does not necessarily have to live in abundance, but he has a strong belief in himself that he will have everything he needs.

The energy of attraction of money: the laws of the Universe

  1. Money in the material world is manifested in the form of paper bills or small change, which act as their physical body. They simply love to be treated with kindness, so it is so important to provide them with a neat appearance and register them in a cozy, beautiful wallet - their home.

The wallet may have different shapes, size, differ in their material (be leather, suede, fabric). But its main function is to store money. In addition, wallets have the ability to attract finance. Special rituals that “charge” him for an active influx of money help in many ways with this.

Money Numerology

There is a tendency for certain sums of money to quickly “leak away” from your hands and never return. Each figure or number “provokes” something. For example:

  • Two (twenty, two hundred, two thousand, and so on) - tends to leave without returning;
  • Three - does not accumulate, but is capable of bestowing good luck;
  • Four is the personification of financial stability, although not sweeping;
  • Five is the active number of money, it can be used in talismans, gambling, it will bring happiness;
  • Six is ​​a faceless number in monetary terms;
  • Seven is a very unlucky number;
  • Eight – option “either success or failure”;
  • Nine is more of a spiritual number, so it does not guarantee the accumulation of money.

The energy of money and the laws of the Universe

There are a number of rules that, if you adhere to, will ensure your financial well-being:

  1. You cannot borrow money in the evening.
  2. Don't borrow money on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays.
  3. Do not lend money on Epiphany, on other holidays, on the thirteenth of February.
  4. When you lend money to someone, do it with right hand, and take them back in your left hand.
  5. Carefully place the money strictly in the hand of the person asking so that he does not drop it.

If it does happen that he drops them or some other incident occurs during the transfer of finances (for example, your debtor receives an unexpected call), you should immediately say the following phrase to yourself 3 times:

“If anyone is to blame, then give me my money back!”

Otherwise, it will take a very, very long time to repay your debt.

And if you drop money, then you need to say:

“Powerful, powerful, my treasury!”

  1. You cannot lend amounts expressed in twos. They will not return to you.
  2. Lend large bills of money, try if possible to give more than they ask, but be sure to ask for change. If the borrower cannot give change, you need to ask them to change any bill for you (come up with any reasonable reason for this).

The bill that was given to you as change must be hidden and kept until the debt is repaid. If you do not want to lend money to this person anymore, return this particular bill to him, using any excuse.

Now you know how to win the favor of a money egregor and tune in to the wave of success and material wealth. Finally, watch the video, which will reveal to you other secrets of money magic.

You can attract material wealth into your life with a set of useful attitudes.

Start by asking yourself how you really think about money.

All the attitudes and explanations of parents “I don’t print them” to your requests, all these excuses “you can’t earn all the money”, as well as the popular one that since you have never lived well, then there is nothing to start with - all this creates blocks.

You deny yourself money, explaining that you can do without it, since you managed before.

Introduce new attitudes to achieve material abundance, the Universe will always support you in this.

Any of your thoughts, any word is supported by the Universe.

Our high patrons have no sense of humor and will take literally any information you send.

If you choose to think of lack, limitation, and judge yourself, then this is what you will get in return.

Always think about light, abundance, love and absolute security, and the Universe will joyfully support you.

Let's think together which of the statements below is close to your consciousness.

The most interesting thing is that these may not even be your thoughts, but the thoughts of your parents, but once heard, they “sit” in your subconscious and do their “dirty” thing - they don’t allow money to come to you.

By the way, not only are they not allowed in, but they can also take away existing ones.

So, it is in your interests to understand your beliefs and even childhood impressions.

So, are you familiar with the following statements:

  • Money corrupts a person
  • Having money is dangerous
  • It's embarrassing to talk about money
  • A spiritual person cannot think about money
  • Born a fool, you'll die a fool
  • It's all for the rich
  • Stretch your legs over your clothes
  • I don't need much
  • Modesty adorns
  • I can't spend my husband's (wife's) money
  • Money comes from hard work
  • You can't make money honestly
  • You need to know your place
  • It's inconvenient to be rich among the poor
  • We need to save for a rainy day

In fact, you need to learn to simply enjoy the new level of prosperity in your life.

Remember these affirmations that create abundance according to Feng Shui for the wealth zone, which is located in the southeast of your room.

You can use them or come up with your own:

  • Money flows to me easily from all sides
  • I always have money
  • I'm very attractive to money
  • I give and receive money easily and joyfully
  • I am open to the cosmic source of abundance
  • I easily and freely accept money that comes to me in an inexhaustible stream from all sides
  • My income is growing every day. I enjoy the abundance of life and am grateful for it.
  • Divine abundance manifests itself as an endless flow of money in my life
  • Thank you, good luck! Thank you, strength! Thank you, love!

And also for the zone of fame and success - south:

  • I'm doing well
  • All my dreams are coming true
  • I love and respect myself and my talents
  • People look at me with delight and admiration
  • I deserve all the best in this world and I accept it with delight
  • I believe in myself!
  • I am the personification of luck and success! I'm sure of positive results your business
  • I am successful because I was chosen by success. I succeed in everything I try
  • I do everything very well
  • I am worthy to succeed. I easily let success into my life

You can repeat these affirmations one at a time or separately.

It is believed that the most harmonious is to repeat the affirmation in a number that is a multiple of three: 3, 6, 9, 12, etc.

Then the Universe will know exactly what you need. Rest assured that your order will definitely be accepted.

Here is a list of powerful and proven affirmations. Take advantage of their power.

Choose from them the ones that you feel suit you best.

Respond immediately to any impulse of fear or false belief with an affirmation.

Don't allow yourself to have sad and anxious thoughts.

Remember that you multiply whatever you think about, so use affirmations to your advantage.

Your goal is to create a new program in your subconscious, designed for unconditional success, prosperity and support from Higher powers.

If you still feel awkward talking about money, read the corresponding affirmations, and you will feel that the stiffness and awkwardness go away, you become more free and relaxed.

And money, “feeling” this, will immediately appear to you. And so it is in everything.

The more positive things you say about money, the more attractive you will become to money.

Money answers love! So attract them into your life boldly, confidently and cheerfully, and the result will not be long in coming. Be rich and happy!

Feng Shui masters teach us that there are three types of luck.

The first is heavenly luck, or karma. It determines the conditions in which a person is born. It is believed that this type of luck cannot be changed.

The second is earthly luck, or Feng Shui. Knowledge of the laws of Feng Shui creates favorable conditions for life here on earth, influencing the receipt of joy and abundance. This can be changed for the better.

The third type is human luck. This type of luck is determined by education, a person’s desire for self-realization and self-improvement, in a healthy way life and positive thinking.

Learn to respect the money that comes into your life, learn to appreciate and be grateful for what you have.

There is no need to lament “everything is getting more expensive” with every salary. Grow up!

Are you still unable to grow financially and earn more?

Grow at least spiritually with the words that it is not the products that are so expensive, life is so worthless, and the country is not the same at all, and you STILL cannot afford everything on your salary, but you are moving towards it.

Money is energy. Any flow of finance is energy passing through you.

You need to increase your inner energy level in order to be ready for even greater power in life. Yoga and practices to help.

Law of the field. Share. Give it away!

You can’t get a new bag in your palm when you’re holding the handles of the old one in your fist.

Learn to give! For you, 10 rubles means 3 pieces of chewing gum, and for others it means half of Darnitsky bread and a day of life.

The simplest law of the field works: in order to harvest, collect, eat, or “fuck” something, you must first give it away, plant it. This is the basis.

You don't go into your garden expecting to harvest tomatoes if you haven't planted them.

Be active, you can’t just give away yet - start changing.

You change your ENERGY, not only water does not flow under a lying stone.

Is it hard to give? Yes. But know that when you need some help, believe me, someone will come who will bring you their energy.

Allow yourself to be a financially secure person. Easily? No matter how it is.

For some reason, many of us feel GUILTY about our success.

Is it awkward in front of your colleagues that you can afford a new FURLA bag because you have nowhere to spend money, you know the score and you don’t drink half your salary on the first weekend?

Or maybe you buy everything only for the child, and nothing for yourself - I’ll manage, I’ll get there? Sound familiar?

Have fun! There is no sin more terrible and no act more detrimental to money than DEPRESSION.

Money shower? Yes? At least 3 bills, but they should fall on your head like manna from heaven or out of the blue, whichever is closer to you.

Tie money to yourself? Easily! Tie, take a thread and tie!

Sleep with your money, no matter how it sounds! Lay out and sleep!

And yes, those who are afraid of bacteria and don’t believe that everything will be fine will not see how it is when it’s good and you give yourself up to energy, and don’t wipe the door handles all the time.

Finally, figure out your dreams and goals.

Just so that you have it, the money will not go.

They are not slaves to sit with you for a warm shelter.

Money goes towards a specific goal, desire, dream.

Remember about the balance - the Universe does not like advances, and does not understand how you can pay money later for what you have already received.

And if today you urgently need an iPhone on credit, don’t be surprised that you will have to pay much more for it than it actually costs.

Or, let’s say you are doing business and, naturally, your goal is to achieve material success.

But what happens if you have already had problems with bandits or with the government in the past, or are you simply expecting such problems in the future?

What happens is that, no matter how deeply hidden your fears are, they still work against you.

And they do this in two directions: they attract into your life exactly what you are afraid of, and block all your aspirations for achieving success, since you, voluntarily or unwittingly, send an impulse of the following content into the Universe: “When I am rich, the “cool guys” will come "And they will take everything away."

And since your High patrons want the best for you, they do not allow this state of wealth in which you will experience such strong discomfort.

The most important thing is to remember, feel and apply one very important metaphysical law: everything we think and talk about multiplies and grows, and what we deprive of our attention shrinks, fades and disappears!

Tune in to abundance, and money will automatically be attracted to you, even without any effort on your part (except in cases where your subconscious mind has the attitude: “Money comes only through hard work”).

For a person armed with the knowledge of this law, there are no barriers, everything turns out easily and joyfully.

Moreover, the inspired wave from the success achieved takes a person to an even higher level of consciousness, opens up an even clearer vision of the Universe and its laws, and as a result, a person becomes a powerful creator of his own brilliant world, moreover, protected by a powerful positive aura of already accomplished success.

When you reach this level of consciousness, no economic shocks will have the slightest relation to you, you will never invest in a bank that will burst in the future, your partners will always be trustworthy, etc.

Thus, the aura of success creates more success and at the same time protects its owner from possible problems.

In order to get decent money, you don’t have to “live 24/7” at work or spend 24 hours a day on development own business. Those days when the amount of money in your pocket was equal to the time spent are gone.

Nowadays it is much easier to become rich and gain financial freedom, because we live in an amazing time of new opportunities that the Universe is unfolding for us. Just learn the secrets of money energy and ways to attract it into your life.

Monetary energy, like any other, lives by its own laws. But do you know them? Remember, ignorance of the laws does not exempt you from responsibility! And including from responsibility for your financial condition and well-being. And only by working through this issue from all sides, while taking specific actions, will you achieve the best result. How can you attract money energy into your life and fill your wallet with gold coins?

Concept – Acceptance – Action. This algorithm always works, and not only in financial matters.

Step 1. Change your attitude towards money.

Take it as an axiom - “Money comes to me easily and freely in a variety of ways!” Feel this phrase at the Soul level, believe in the Abundance of the Universe and start accepting Cash Flow. Allow yourself this. Learn to make money doing what you love, putting healthy passion and love into it. Try, search, but most importantly, don’t burn out. And don't stop there.

Step 2. Revaluation of financial values.

This is one of the most important points. The more deeply you reconsider your old beliefs about money, the more your energy money channel will expand. Sit down and write down in a notebook all your negative beliefs related to the nature of money. Write what first comes into your clear head! We didn’t live richly, there’s nothing to start with; money is evil; The rich have their own quirks, and so on. Gradually a clear picture of your attitude towards money will emerge. Rewrite all negative statements into positive ones and read them 5-10 times a day.

Step 3. Love yourself!

Love is the founder of all Living things on Earth. And unconditional self-love is your key to a happy and comfortable life. Be sure to increase your intrinsic value. Ask yourself questions: How much do I value myself as a professional in my work? What’s stopping me from raising my salary (asking for a raise at work, increasing the cost of my services)? Answer all questions honestly and gradually raise your income bar.

Step 4. Teaching – Light!

It is advisable to start attending thematic seminars, reading books, and engaging in spiritual practices. Meditation, listening to Abundance settings, chanting mantras, and working with chakras are great for promoting and increasing cash flow.

Step 5. Expand your comfort zone!

Allow yourself a little more than usual! Another day off, another one summer shoes(couldn't resist :)), unplanned vacation. It’s not the actions themselves that are so important as your inner feelings. Get used to feeling the comfort and energy of Abundance within yourself. And one more thing. Get rid of the “internal debtor”! Even if you have a mortgage or a bunch of other loans. Don't look at debt with despondency. Just tell yourself: “It’s great that I have an apartment, a car...” You already have it! Live in a state of “receipt” rather than in despondency at the prospect of paying off debts.

Step 6. Movement = Prosperity

Money is energy and it must move! Therefore, learn to competently interact with real money.

Make smart investments, invest in promising projects, and finally, just keep your savings in the bank. They also move there, because the bank operates with your capital. Don’t let money energy stagnate, don’t store money in a stocking under your pillow - otherwise the flow of money will begin to dry up. Remember, money comes to money! They walk, not lie down!

Understanding the secrets of money energy is not difficult, it is much more difficult to begin to act and live in accordance with these concepts. But if you discover the energy of the Creator within yourself and create your future with your own hands, you will have access not only to the Flow of Money Energy, but also to all the other benefits of Life.

We will talk in detail about attracting money energy into your life at open webinars . 4 meetings await you in live, where we will discuss in detail what blocks the flow of monetary energy into your life and how to attract it.