If previously, pale faces of rich and noble people were considered beautiful, now a successful and financially secure lady cannot imagine herself without a golden tan. Young girls with long, bronze-colored legs look especially attractive.

But not everyone has an even and reliable tan. By following simple rules for staying in the sun, you can achieve a beautiful skin tone that will last until the next season and at the same time stock up on vitamin D.

All people have different colors of eyes, hair and skin, thanks to melanin. The more it is, the darker the shade. This substance is produced in the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, which destroys DNA and protects the skin from sunburn.

The epidermis of Russians is of 4 types:

1). Celtic species have light, slightly pink, thin skin. They are blue-eyed and freckled, do not tan and burn quickly.

2). Most of the Russian population is of the fair-skinned European type. Brown hair of all shades with green, blue and gray eyes with light skin that tans to light brown. Being in the sun longer than expected can cause sunburn.

3). An even brown tan best suits European types with dark skin. They are distinguished by light brown eyes and dark hair.

4). People of the Mediterranean type have a slightly dark, rough skin surface, which is covered with an even and beautiful bronze-chocolate tan. These are the owners of the dark - brown eyes and almost black hair.

In 2 days, clean the surface of the body from dead cells using a scrub and take care of light clothes without synthetics. Before traveling to a hot place, go for 5-minute treatments in a solarium twice a day for a week and, in any case, pamper your skin with a special vitamin complex.

In the food before beach season It is useful to give preference to brightly colored vegetables and fruits rich in carotene, which produces melanin. To protect against ultraviolet radiation, the diet can be varied with nuts, corn or olive oil.

Spinach, onion, and cabbage greens are also very healthy. It must be remembered that the tan sticks worse to those who have just eaten or are hungry. When going outside, protect your skin with sunscreen in advance.

  1. The most safe time– this is in the morning, no later than 10, and in the evening, after 16-17 hours. The scorching sun during the day is very dangerous, especially for fair-skinned people.
  2. Sunbathing can be done at any air temperature, keeping an eye on the time spent in the open rays. A disease with inflammation is prohibited.
  3. Tanning safely means gradually. For fair-skinned people, start with 5-10, for the rest, 15-20 minutes, without leaving under the tent.

Staying in the open sun should be alternated with being in the shade. Add about 10 minutes every day, bringing the duration of sunbathing to 2 hours a day. At first it is better not to undress completely.

  1. Using sunscreen appropriate for your skin type, applied when leaving the house and going in for a swim, will save you from getting burned and will help ensure that your tan goes on evenly.

You need to lubricate your body after leaving the water and while sunbathing under cover, especially those places that are most open. A special balm will be useful for your lips. Pigment spots and moles should be lubricated specifically or covered with a band-aid.

  1. Be sure to wipe off the water, as the drops act like a magnifying glass and can cause burns.
  2. In order not to disrupt the tanning procedure due to sunstroke, you must cover your head with a head covering.
  3. It is not advisable to use tanning activator, special oil, perfume and decorative cosmetics. All these products accelerate tanning, which can become patchy and cause burns.
  4. You cannot quench your thirst on the beach in the heat with sweet carbonated water, strong coffee, much less drink alcoholic beverages.
  5. The best tan is while moving. Games, walks, running. Lying down can easily overheat. For those who like to lie down, it is advisable not to read or watch videos, but simply relax, turning over after 5-6 minutes. The head should be raised.
  6. Under no circumstances should you sleep under the sun.
  7. One session is, of course, not enough for a beautiful chocolate tan.
  8. Before plunging into water, you need to let your body cool in the shade and apply moisturizer.

Situations are different, and if you need to acquire a bronze skin tone as quickly as possible, then a protective agent must be applied to it, which should be renewed every 30 minutes.

Sunbathe by the water and not under the open sun, but under a canopy. Move more, swim, and then you don’t have to get your skin wet from drops.

Bronzer and oil will also help.

We trust tanning to folk remedies

Sun protection

Take different oils: walnut - 1 bottle, two teaspoons each of jojoba, wheat germ and avocado, ylang - ylang 5 g. Store the mixture in an airtight container. After lubricating your body, stay at home for about 4 more hours.

Arriving home, carefully so as not to stain the skin, lubricate the skin with a lotion of 50 g of apricot kernel oil and 3 drops of sea buckthorn oil.

To fix your tan

Mix grated 15 cm carrots, a teaspoon each of honey and buckwheat flour, adding two spoons olive oil. Keep the product on the body for half an hour, then wash off. The course consists of 6 procedures every 3 days.

  • If the burn is not severe, go into the shade, take a cool shower, and it is better not to go into the water;
  • Sprinkle with panthenol;
  • Ordinary men's cologne helps well, which is used to moisten redness without rubbing or fermented milk products;
  • Drink more clean water;
  • If you feel very unwell, medical attention is required;
  • You cannot soothe such burns with soda, soap, alcohol, or Vaseline;
  • Do not open any bubbles that appear.

Every girl dreams of boasting a bronze tan after summer or even a weekend. But all people have different type skin, so everyone can be exposed to the sun differently. Its rays are especially dangerous for light-skinned people.

Trying to get a golden tan and spending a lot of time on the beach for this, you can get serious diseases, including oncology. At any age, you need to be careful and remember that the sun brings not only beauty, but also danger.

The answer to this question lies on the surface: the skin, being exposed to the sun without any protection, will certainly get burned. Even when the redness goes away and the desired dark pigment appears, the quality of the tan will be questionable. Getting rid of damaged cells, the skin will begin to peel off, and the dark tint will disappear along with the scales.

The conclusion is obvious - to get a beautiful and long-lasting tan, you need to choose the right sunscreen.

What products are available to protect against UV radiation and permanent tanning?

The release form and texture of the product are not as important as the degree of protection. © Getty Images

Tanning products are available in different formats and textures - from creams to dry oils. Many of them have additional effects. For the beach, water resistance and hydration are priorities.



The convenient format provides uniform and non-sticky coverage without affecting the ability to protect the skin. So whether it's a tube or not is a matter of taste.


The best product for fans of intense bronze tanning, the oil “attracts” sun rays, protects the skin from drying out and gives it a radiance that emphasizes dark color. Natural oils have a small SPF of 6–8, while the formulas of cosmetic tanning oils include filters with an index of 20–30, which provides more reliable protection and prevention of burns.

What are the criteria for choosing sun protection products?

The main reference point is yours own skin, or rather, her phototype. There are six of them in total, and the inhabitants of our latitudes usually belong to the first four.

I phototype. The skin does not perceive the sun at all, so you don’t even have to dream about tanning. Constant protection and shelter under an awning or in the dense shade of trees are required. - the only remedy that can protect snow-white skin deprived of melanin from the harmful effects of the sun.

Skin of the first phototype does not tan, no matter how much time you spend in the sun.

II phototype. It burns and turns red easily, the tan takes a long time to develop and is never chocolate-colored. The maximum that the skin is capable of is to become golden honey. For the first 5–7 days, the photoprotective agent for fair skin should contain, then the protection can be reduced to “thirty.”

Using a cream with an SPF below 30 is only permissible if the vacation lasts at least a month and the skin has time to produce enough melanin to protect itself. Filters protect against photodamage and ensure longevity and uniformity of tanning.

III phototype. The tan applies well, but the skin may burn in the first days. At the beginning of the holiday suitable remedy from towards the end - to 20 . The protectant has virtually no effect on the intensity of the tan color, but contributes to its durability.

IV phototype. Representatives of this phototype tan perfectly, so they often use tanning oils with low SPF, skipping the adaptation period, which is dangerous for the skin. Dermatologists recommend using a product with a protection factor at least 20- the body will tan just as intensely, but there will be less harm and the dark color will remain for a long time.

Are there any products for a quick and lasting tan?

Recently, products have appeared on the market that protect against the sun and at the same time activate a tan. Medical explains Vichy expert Ekaterina Turubara:

“These products do not color or tint. These are not self-tanners, but catalysts that trigger melanogenesis naturally. Tyrosine in their composition promotes the synthesis of melanin (the dark pigment is obtained from this amino acid through complex chemical reactions). And caffeine enhances the activity of the process.”

How to tan correctly?

In the first days of your vacation, choose the maximum degree of protection. © Getty Images

Moderation and constant protection are the only things that can save the skin from sunburn and create conditions for a sustainable and relatively safe tan. Here are some more good tips.

  1. 1

    Don't go out to the beach during the hours of maximum solar activity, that is, from 11.00 to 16.00.

  2. 2

    In the first days cut back stay in the open sun for up to 60 minutes or visit the beach early in the morning, before the sun has yet reached its peak activity.

  3. 3

    Get started leave with maximum protection, reducing it as the skin gets used to the sun and develops pigment.

  4. 4

    The adaptation period for light skin is longer than for dark skin. Don't rush events if you don't want to get burned.

  5. 5

    Update protect every two hours and after swimming, even if the formula is waterproof.

Do you know how to use sunscreen? Let's check it out.

What precautions should be taken?

Don't trust the insidious southern sun and don't overestimate the endurance of your skin. As a rule, only 10 minutes is enough to get a burn. As a result, you will still have to hide in the shadows and use a cream with a powerful SPF. Please note that even the highest index does not guarantee 100% protection.

When buying a sunscreen, all other things being equal, choose one with SPF factor is higher. In this case, it is better to play it safe.

12 best tanning products

Our collection includes Sanskrins of a wide variety of formats, textures and SPF values: milk, sprays, creams, oils - the best tanning products according to the site’s editors.

Sunscreens and tanning lotions

Sun protection melting emulsion Ideal Soileil SPF30 with wet skin application technology, Vichy

This waterproof product can also be applied to damp body skin immediately after bathing: the formula uses wet skin technology and does not leave white streaks. A pleasant refreshing effect is included.

An excellent solution for the first days at sea, as well as for those who quickly burn in the sun: it reliably protects and has a non-greasy texture.

Sunscreen milk Sublime Sun “Extra protection” SPF 30, L "Oreal Paris

Allows you to get an even and beautiful tan, and protection from insidious UVA rays serves as an excellent assistant in the fight against the premature appearance of wrinkles, dryness, and hyperpigmentation.

For a beautiful tan

The product provides reliable protection from the sun, while at the same time helping to obtain a more uniform tone due to the beta-carotene content in the formula.

You need to learn how to sunbathe according to the rules so that sunburn, age spots and freckles do not appear. After all, such defects appear after a long exposure to the sun. How to get a beautiful tan? We will talk about this in the article.

What is tanning?

Tanning is a process in which the skin darkens in response to the influence of ultraviolet radiation and artificial sources (solariums).

It is under this influence that special processes begin to occur in the epidermis, and as a result, melanin is produced. It is this that colors the skin in dark tones.

Melanin is produced to protect the skin from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation, which can have not only a beneficial effect on the body, but also a negative one.

To get a beautiful tan in the sun, you need to follow some tips.

How and who is better to tan in the sun?

It is dangerous to sunbathe for people with light skin and hair, as well as a lot of age spots and moles. A person who has moles of 1.5 cm or more is at risk. If you stay in the sun for a long time, you can get sunburn; ultraviolet radiation can cause dangerous diseases.

If a person falls into this category, then self-tanning cream is best for him. And you need to hide from the sun, and not enjoy its rays.

For those with dark skin, you need to follow some tips that will help you get a beautiful tan. Let's look at some of them.

How to get a healthy tan?

How to sunbathe correctly to get a beautiful tan? To do this, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. The effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin is perceived as a shock, so you need to properly prepare. Some time before the trip to the sea, the skin is prepared and a solarium is visited. 2 sessions a week for 5 minutes are enough, which will allow the skin to get golden hue and protect it from the aggressive influence of sunlight.
  2. When tanning in the first days use sunscreens. The most sensitive places are: nose, shoulders and chest. They need to be lubricated every half hour while exposed to the sun.
  3. When vacationing in hot countries (Africa, Italy, Spain), you can sunbathe under the scorching rays for no more than a few minutes. The time spent under open rays should be gradually increased. Then a real beautiful tan will appear on your body. It is not recommended to stay in the sun for more than an hour.
  4. The time from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. is a period when it is not recommended to stay under the sun. The safest tan can only be achieved before 11 o'clock in the afternoon.
  5. Before swimming in the sea, your skin should also be lubricated with sunscreen, because the sun also penetrates underwater. A swimming person cannot feel protected from ultraviolet radiation.
  6. Hair must be protected using special sprays and oils. To do this, you should always wear a hat.
  7. If a person sweats a lot, then you need to lubricate the skin with cream often so as not to reduce their effectiveness.
  8. You can get a beautiful tanned body if you constantly move under the rays of the sun, and not lie motionless on a sun lounger. You can play badminton, volleyball and other games. In this case, sunburn will not occur.
  9. To prevent your skin from drying out, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Sometimes dehydration causes you to feel unwell - fainting or loss of strength.

By following simple tips, you can get a beautiful tan.

How to tan properly in the sun?

To get an even and beautiful tan you need to follow these simple recommendations:

  • Everyone should use sunscreen, even those with dark skin. In the first days, they can use products with protection 8 or 12, and then move on to 4. It is not recommended to completely stop using such products, even after the skin has fully adapted.
  • In the first week of exposure to the sun, people with fair skin need to choose creams with maximum protection (20 or 30), gradually moving to lower indices.
  • You need to apply a special product at home, 20 minutes before going out. The skin will absorb sunscreen filters. There is an opinion that sunburn can only occur on the beach, but it can appear on the skin on the way to the sea.
  • Areas of the body such as the forehead, chest, knees, and nose need to be lubricated constantly, as they are susceptible to burning.
  • The product used for tanning must have water-resistant properties.
  • After bathing, the cream must be reapplied, thereby restoring its protective shell.
  • By noon the sun becomes active, so you need to be in the shade from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • After tanning, you need to take a shower using neutral, non-alkaline shower products. Afterwards, lubricate your body with after-sun milk. These products contain vitamins E and B5, which the skin really needs.
  • Children under 2 years old should not be exposed to sunlight. It is best for them to be in the shadows to avoid negative consequences.

By following simple tips, you can get a beautiful tanned body without harming your body.

Secrets of a quick tan

How to get a beautiful tan at sea? There are some points:

  1. One of the most simple tips- drink carrot or orange juice on an empty stomach, at least 2 glasses a day.
  2. Use special means for tanning in the form of oils, balms, sprays.
  3. Before visiting the beach, you can do a gentle exfoliation, which will allow you to get an even tan. At the same time, it will last longer and fall on the body faster.

If you follow simple tips, getting a beautiful and tanned body will not be difficult.


To make your body look great, you need to use tanning products. . For this purpose, creams with SPF protection factor are used. They help to constantly moisturize the skin, prevent aging and protect against ultraviolet radiation. The index varies from 3 to 50, and you should choose the right product taking into account your skin phototype. It shows how long you can safely stay in the sun under the influence of the cream.

The best self-defense is possessed by people who have and dark eyes. Melanin quickly appears in their body, and burns can only be obtained after 40 minutes of continuous exposure to the sun.

People with fair and delicate skin quickly burn, which is due to an insufficient amount of melanin in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to use sunscreens with indicators of 25-30.

For those with dark skin, a product with index 10 will be sufficient.

It is better to apply tanning cream to the body in a thin layer every 30 minutes of exposure to the sun. It should be well absorbed into the skin.

When purchasing sunblock, you need to check the label. It should be designed to be in the sun, not in a solarium.

To get a beautiful tan, you can use natural cosmetic oil that contains palm, coconut, wheat, cocoa and avocado oils, vitamins and SPF factors.

Diet for tanning

How to get a beautiful tan in the sun? There are products that promote this process:

  • Products containing carotene. These include pumpkin, carrots, persimmons, etc.
  • Lutein. It is found in green vegetables and fruits.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. They are present in oily sea fish and flax seeds.
  • Lycopene. It is found in tomatoes.
  • Vitamin B. Included in asparagus.

By including such products in your diet, you can get a beautiful and even tan, as well as protect your skin from the dangerous effects of ultraviolet rays.

What are the benefits and harms of tanning?

How to get a beautiful tan at sea? Being in direct sunlight, a person receives the following benefits for the body:

  1. There is an increased production of vitamin D.
  2. The amount of protein in the blood increases.
  3. Colds are prevented.
  4. The process of blood circulation and metabolism is activated.
  5. The body's defenses increase.
  6. A smooth and natural color skin.
  7. There is a beneficial effect on mental balance.
  8. Prevention and treatment of bones arises.

Despite the positive effects of tanning on the human body, there are also negative aspects process:

  • Causes premature aging of the body.
  • Increases the risk of skin and breast cancer.
  • The occurrence of heat or sunstroke.

To obtain a beautiful and even tan, as well as to reduce it negative influence on the body it is necessary to properly tan in the sun and apply effective methods protection.

Long before summer period girls are wondering how to tan quickly in hot countries. And since tanned skin looks more attractive and healthier, girls try to bring an even tan from winter resorts.

To talk about all the methods, let us take a short excursion into the history of cause and effect. We ask only one thing - carefully read the article to the end, and take into account all the advice. If a girl wants to tan faster, she should not forget a few basic rules, which will be discussed further. But it’s better to put everything in order...

How to achieve an even and quick tan at sea

Sunbathing is an excellent relaxation that helps restore peace of mind. Now we are talking about how to tan evenly and quickly at sea.

You need to prepare your skin:

All of the above procedures and tricks in the best possible way will affect your appearance.

We do not recommend eating heavily before sunbathing. It is advisable not to go out in the sun during midday hours, as the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation can lead to cancer. Choose a time before ten in the morning and after four in the evening. In the meantime, you expect to get sunburn and worsen your overall health.

When sunbathing, turn over and change body position every 5-7 minutes, do not allow one-sided “roasting”. All these are so-called folk remedies, which are suitable for quickly tanning in the sun. There are too many factors at sea that can turn a vacation into a nightmare, and the tan can fade very quickly upon arrival home. But if you use these little tricks, the sun will quickly gild your skin and will not cause any problems.

It's good at home too

Now we’ll tell you how to quickly tan at home. If you can’t go to the seaside, or don’t have free funds to visit the salon, don’t rush to get upset. Achieving an even, aesthetic tan is quite possible at home.

Today there are many folk ways make your skin darker and more beautiful by using healing masks for the face and body. The leader can be called a coffee mask, and its different variations.

We present the “top 3” most effective:

  • After grinding the beans in a coffee grinder, add a small amount of water to them. Mix, bringing the consistency to a thick paste, and apply to cleansed facial skin. This mask will give a delicate olive tint and perfectly scrub the surface of the epidermis;
  • Brew coffee or cocoa in the morning and... wash your face. A daily procedure, put on in two, will do its “dark” work, to your satisfaction. By the way, you can try to freeze coffee grounds and wipe your face with these ice pieces from time to time, simultaneously making your skin more elastic;
  • Cotton swabs soaked in strong brewed coffee will also darken your complexion, but do not forget to wipe your face with them.

You can smear your body with special oils that promote quick tanning. These include natural products such as extracts from St. John's wort, sea buckthorn, and walnuts. It would be great to add a decoction of rosehip mixed with cypress and lavender oil to the water when taking a home bath. These are the folk remedies you can use at home.

Don't forget about cosmetics, which can be found in great abundance on supermarket shelves. Self-tanning lotions, creams and sprays are no longer new. With their help, the question of what to apply to tan faster and more evenly can be decided individually, taking into account your skin type.

Please read the instructions that come with them carefully, as what works for your friend may not necessarily work for you.

Consult with specialists who know exactly the features of a particular product and will be able to advise knowledgeably. You can apply such lotions only once, and for several weeks you will be provided with an even and beautiful self-tanning. True, it is unlikely that this will work out flawlessly the first time, but with due care and skill, you will clearly become the queen in your social circle.

The salon can help us

Now let's move on to the story of how to quickly and beautifully tan in a solarium. It turns out that there are some nuances here too. First of all, you should not visit the solarium during menstruation, pregnancy, diseases of the endocrine system or allergic rashes. All creams and lotions intended for tanning in the sun are absolutely not suitable for changing pigment in a salon.

It is not advisable to undergo this procedure after peeling or recently done hair removal; a shower with soap and a hard washcloth is also not necessary, take care of your skin. Do not apply any perfume, otherwise an allergic reaction will occur.

  • For fair, fair-skinned girls who are covered in freckles and have predominantly red hair, it is advisable not to spend the first session longer than 2-3 minutes. It is better to reduce all further visits to two per week to achieve the desired chocolate shade;
  • European skin type allows you to increase the time of the first visit to 5 minutes, and up to three times a week. The tan will also cover the skin with an even layer, but do not exceed the total stay in the tube for more than 15 minutes;
  • Those who do not get sunburned can allow themselves 20 minutes of relaxation and reduce the total number of visits to 5. Such girls are predominantly dark blond or brown-haired, and their skin type is mixed;
  • Dark brunettes are in the lead; they can spend the same twenty minutes in the solarium almost the first time, and in total they will need no more than five visits.

Preparatory procedures are the same for all types, but focus on individual characteristics. For example, remove contact lenses, if you use them. Sunbathe in a bra or do not refuse special plastic pads that protect your breasts from intense radiation. Do not apply decorative cosmetics before the procedure to avoid allergies.

Cover areas of your body with tattoos, especially recent ones.

Use lip balm and a hair cap. Check when the lamps in the solarium were last changed, since the radiation from recently installed ones is much stronger. Do not forget to moisturize your skin after the procedure and do not overexert yourself physically - this is a feature of machine tanning.

That's all professional advice, we wish our readers an even tan, a chocolate shade and a great mood.

A golden tan is the dream of many people. Although the sun carries with it the dangers of an increased risk of cancer, many people ignore this risk and sunbathe. If you want to know how to tan quickly in the sun, remember to do it in moderation.

Your skin begins to tan the moment you go out into the sun. When ultraviolet rays penetrate the skin, they begin to destroy DNA in the body. To help the body protect itself from further damage, it begins to produce melanin. The more melanin in the body, the darker the skin becomes, and the better protected you are from the sun. Therefore, someone who has already spent a lot of time in the sun can stay in the sun longer without the risk of getting a sunburn. Tanning should be gradual, so it's best to tan a little at a time, using the right protection, such as sunscreen.

What is melanin in the skin

Melanin is produced to protect the skin from sun damage. When you are exposed to UV rays, whether in a tanning bed or in the sun, the body tries to protect itself from these rays by producing melanin. There is a type of cell in the body called melanocytes that produce melanin, but only a certain amount at a certain time. In some people, they produce no melanin at all, or produce very little. These people have sensitive skin types and should not be exposed to the sun for too long. The number of melanocytes in the body of each person is approximately the same, but not all people produce melanin in such quantities to ensure the appearance of a tan.

Do UV rays from the sun help produce melanin?

Any type of ultraviolet rays helps the body produce melanin, whether from tanning beds or natural sunlight. Sunlight has three different types ultraviolet rays. UVA rays are the type that contributes to tanning. UVB rays usually cause sunburn, although they can also help tan if they penetrate deep enough into the skin. UVC rays are filtered out by the atmosphere and generally do not reach the skin. When you are in the sun, you are constantly exposed to different wavelengths of UVA and UVB rays. This means that it is very difficult to tell which rays your skin is receiving and which ones it is not.

In a tanning bed, you are mostly exposed to direct ultraviolet rays and typically receive more UVA rays than UVB rays. Tanning beds were designed as a healthier way to tan by controlling the amount of UV rays you receive. When in the sun, there is no way to control what happens to ultraviolet light.

How to get a quick tan

Many people want to know exactly how to get a tan quickly in the sun. Unfortunately, the body cannot produce enough melanin to achieve a full tan in a couple of hours. However, if you are regularly exposed to the sun a little at a time, the body will produce enough melanin in five to seven days to create a beautiful, glowing tan in those people who have the ability to tan.

The best way to get a quick tan is to spend a few minutes a day in a solarium. Direct exposure to rays will tan your skin faster. Just five minutes in the solarium is the same as two hours of exposure to the sun. If you need a quick tan, you can try using a self-tanning lotion, but this is only a temporary solution because such lotions do not produce melanin in the body.

Getting a bronzed skin tone is not difficult.

  • Exfoliate the skin using a scrub. Whether you tan in a solarium or in the sun, skin that has just been exfoliated will welcome a fresh tan. Use a gentle body scrub and terry cloth to massage your body. Rinse off the scrub with warm water.
  • 15 minutes before sunbathing, apply tanning lotion to your skin. Distribute it with your palms all over your body and face. This lotion will make your tan faster and more durable.
  • Moisturize your skin morning and evening. This is important so that the new tan does not peel off. Apply moisturizer to your skin before bed and in the morning. Choose a cream with ingredients such as shea butter and aloe vera. Drink water constantly.
  • Warning: UV rays can cause skin cancer.

Sunbathe with sea water

Regularly going in and out of the sea to sunbathe will help you develop a deeper tan. Sea salt will perfectly attract sunlight to your skin. If you come out of the water, start sunbathing until you dry out.

Note: Salt mixed with bottled water is not as effective as real sea water because sea ​​water contains other important minerals that also enhance tanning.

Sunbathe with your reflection

  • In or near the pool. Water reflects sunlight, so one of the the best ways To get a quick and good tan - be in the water, or lie on the water on an air mattress. This means that sunlight will reflect off the water and hit you directly. So if you want to get a really dark tan, swimming in a pool or on a mattress will not only help you relax and refresh, but will also help you tan effectively.
  • On the sand - lying on the beach, you are next to the sand, and the sun, reflecting from the sand in the same way as from the water, hits directly on you. So spread out your beach towel on the sand and sunbathe.
  • Reflective sheets and towels may be an old-fashioned tip, but it remains one of the most effective for getting a dark tan. Reflective sheets or towels that reflect light will attract the sun's rays to your body and are safe if you already have a base tan. To tan your entire body evenly, spread out a reflective blanket, lie down on it, and remember to turn over regularly and also rest in the shade from time to time.


If you don't like just lying on the beach, you're in luck. Active movement increases blood circulation, makes the skin more hydrated and ready for tanning, providing the body with an ideal condition for getting a quick and beautiful tan.

Plus, since the sun hits you at an angle, tanning as you move will give you an even, more natural tan that's different from the one you get while lying down. Yoga, beach volleyball and swimming are ideal exercises to do in the sun.

How to maintain a tan

If you want to have a dark tan, you will need to maintain it. Don't let it disappear. Regular sun exposure will help maintain the tan you have achieved. Always remember to moisturize your skin: just apply after-sun cream or regular moisturizer.

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