Children stand in a circle at a short distance from each other. The driver stands in the center, he rotates a cord with a load at the end (a bag of sand) in a circle. The players carefully watch the cord, and when it approaches, they jump up in place so that it does not touch their feet. The one who is touched by the bag becomes the driver.

Game options

A circle is drawn on the site, with a driver in the center.

1. The players stand at a distance of 3-4 steps from the circle. The driver rotates the cord. As soon as the bag reaches the player, he runs up and jumps over it.

2. The driver circles the cord with the bag, and the children run towards and jump over it.

3. Children are divided into several subgroups, but no more than 5 people in each. They stand one after another and take turns jumping over a rope with a bag at the end. The one who jumped over is the last one in his group. If he touches the bag, he leaves the game. The subgroup with the most players left wins.


You need to rotate the cord with the load so that it does not touch the ground.

Instructions for carrying out

For this game you need a cord 2-3 m long with a load at the end of about 100 g. The length of the cord can be increased or decreased depending on the size of the site and the number of players. When the cord rotates, the driver can change its height.

Based on materials from Maria Litvinova’s collection “Russian folk outdoor games”
Artists E. N. Rudko, I. S. Slutsner

Academy of educational games. For children from one to 7 years old Novikovskaya Olga Andreevna

Magic bag

Magic bag

To play, prepare a ball, cube, brick, prism, block and bag of bright fabric. Thread a rubber band into the bag so that the child cannot look into it at the moment when he feels the object there. Place all items in the bag. Show it to your child and ask him to put it inside the bag. right hand. Let the baby feel for one of the figures in the bag, name it and only then take it out.

When repeating the game, instruct your child to feel for a specific object, such as a ball or brick.

Next time, together with your child, put toys, fruits or any other objects of excellent shape into a magic bag. Ask your baby to identify each of them by touch.

The game will help teach your child to identify objects by touch and thus search for given objects.

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Magic bag Place 8-10 objects familiar to the child (whistle, doll, rubber toy, keys, chess piece, comb, etc.) into an opaque bag. Blindfold him, ask him to pull out one object and determine by touch what it is. When the baby gets the hang of it

Manual "Wonderful bag"

Murygina Maria Trofimovna, teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 34”, Ivanovo

Description of material: This manual will be of interest to kindergarten teachers, as well as parents of preschool children.

The purpose of working with the “Wonderful Bag”: improvement tactile sensations and perception; developing the ability to recognize and name objects; speech development.

In kindergartens, the “Wonderful Bag” is often used in classes. It is usually made of fabric and looks like a bag with ties or an elastic band; some people use a small basin and a towel.

This is the “Wonderful bag” I made from fabric and is large plastic bottle from under water:

As a result of the use of the teaching aid “wonderful bag”, children develop the ability to determine what kind of object it is based on its characteristic characteristics. external signs, that is, in form. Also, the “wonderful bag” can be used to develop speech and imagination.

There are two types of games with the “miracle bag”:
1) younger children preschool age You can offer to name the object by first taking it out of the bag.
2) the child needs to put his hand in the bag, feel the object and name it, without seeing what it is specifically; so that children do not get confused, you can first put 1 object, and then, when they understand how to play, several more.

In addition to the main task, players may be given additional ones:
- describe the object you come across (color, size, taste, material) or animal (what it does, where it lives);
- tell what fairy tale this object or hero is from;
- describe the object so that other children guess it.

For very young children, you can offer this way to choose a toy with which he will then play. To do this, they are first shown the objects that are placed in the bag, and then each one in turn takes out his own.
This game is suitable for children from 3 years of age, when they can already speak and name an object in at least one word.

Examples of games with the “wonderful bag”:

"Baby Animals"
Goal: consolidate the names of baby animals
Children's age: 3-4 years
Folded into a bag small toys: fox, piglet, chicken, duckling, calf, bunny, kitten, bear cub, lion cub. The teacher, holding a bag, approaches the children, offers to take out one toy from there, show it to everyone and name it loudly. The teacher ensures that the children correctly and clearly pronounce the names of the baby animal: fox, piglet, chicken, duckling, calf, hare, kitten, bear cub, lion cub. If someone finds it difficult to name a toy, the teacher helps him.

"Vegetables and fruits"
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about fruits and vegetables.
Children's age: 3-4 years
Various vegetables and fruits are placed in the bag. 2 baskets are placed on the table (one for vegetables, the other for fruits).
The child selects one item in the “wonderful bag” and takes it out, the teacher asks: “What is this?”, the child answers. If the vegetable or fruit was named correctly, the teacher asks: “Which basket will you put it in?” If the child makes a mistake, the teacher asks other children.

With children of early and preschool age, it is important to carry out targeted work on the formation of tactile-motor perception. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the functioning of the senses and accumulating ideas about the world around us.

The development of tactile-motor perception in children is facilitated by didactic game"Wonderful bag." This game is widely used in their practice by educational psychologists, defectologists, speech therapists, and educators. The secret hidden in the wonderful bag arouses interest, curiosity and inquisitiveness in the child, and therefore motivates him to learn. There are several options for the game.

First option. To play you will need several toys according to the number of players. First, the children play in them, and after a while the adult shows them a “wonderful bag” and says that you can hide toys in it and then find them. Invites children to put their toys in a bag. He tightens the lace, shakes the bag and asks the child to find his toy without looking into the bag.

If the child chooses the toy correctly, feeling it with one hand, he names it himself or with the help of an adult. If the toy is chosen incorrectly, the adult puts it back in the bag and takes out the correct one. At this stage, it is important to teach the child how to properly feel the toy, show how to move his fingers, paying attention to the shape, size, texture, and parts of the object. Then another child looks for his toy.

Second option. To play, you need paired objects, for example, two balls, two dolls, two toy plates, two ducklings. An adult takes a couple of objects, examines them with the children, names them, paying attention to the fact that the objects are the same. And then puts one of them into the bag. The same goes for the other pair of objects. Cover the remaining items with a napkin.

Tactile perception is important in determining the temperature and weight of objects, as well as in mastering manual skills. When performing many habitual actions, we hardly use vision and rely on tactile-motor sensitivity.

Children take turns approaching the teacher. He takes out one of the objects from under the napkin, invites the child to look at it without picking it up, and then find the same one in the bag. The child takes out the desired object by touch and compares it with the sample. If the choice is correct, the adult says: “You identified the toy correctly. There is a duckling on the table, and you took the duckling out of the bag.” When playing the game again, you can drop three, then four, five objects, etc. into the bag.

You can simplify the task slightly if the children cannot cope. The child not only examines the sample toy, but also feels it.

Third option. A more difficult task faces the child when he does not see the sample, but only feels it. An adult puts objects into a bag behind a screen (partition), that is, children do not see what objects are in the bag. The adult takes out a sample object from under the napkin and lets the child feel it behind the screen, and then find the same one in the bag. When the object is taken out of the bag, the adult shows the children a sample and they compare them. If the item is found correctly, then the child’s actions are encouraged. If he made a mistake, then the object is put back into the bag, child feels another sample and finds its pair in the bag.

When choosing items for the game, it is important to remember the rule: in all variants the game is played with sharp various items, and as tactile-motor choice is mastered, objects that are more similar in shape are used. The choice should first be made from two or three items, and then their number can increase.

In my practice, I use not only the “wonderful bag”, but also the “wonderful box”. To do this, in a cardboard box with a lid, in its side walls, I cut two holes. The size of each hole should be such that a child’s hand can easily fit through it. The difference between this option is that the child has a more convenient way of examining an object - with both hands at the same time.

In addition, I use Wald's pre-made Miracle Pouch kit. It consists of 15 pairs of turning figures (30 pieces in total) and a cotton bag. The figurines are made of wood, their size is 3–4 cm. The figurines themselves are real objects - Christmas trees, acorns, cast iron, nesting dolls, etc. They are made of a homogeneous material, which allows the child to focus not on the texture, but on the shape of objects.

Nailya Khairetdinova, teacher-defectologist, Moscow

Magic bags- game for sensory development

Magic bags - a game for sensory development

This very simple game will teach your baby to remember the shape and properties of an object with his fingers, recognize it by touch, think, see with his eyes closed, develop speech, vocabulary, tactile ability of small fingers.

How to make this educational toy?

From red material I sewed 2 small identical bags with an elastic band. I sewed shiny butterflies, flowers and circles on them; children generally like everything shiny.

In the apartment I found pairs of identical small-sized objects, different in properties - smooth, rough, round, sharp, soft.
In total, I found paired items:
- big and small rings
- balls of the same size, but one is smooth, the other is rough
- bottle caps of different sizes
- kinder toy
- hair elastic
- pacifier
- and other little things...
I put this stuff into two bags.

You can play like this:

Mom puts her hand into the bag and takes out an object. Names its properties and lets the child touch it if necessary. And then he will forgive you for finding the same one in your bag. But with one condition: don’t peek into the bag! We play until all the items are out of the bag. If the child does not guess the item, we return it back to the bag and try again.
It is very important to play not only with your right hand, but also with your left hand.

You can play differently - mom puts her hand into the bag, feels for the object, names it, takes it out of the bag and shows it. So we take out all the items and then put them back. And your baby must then repeat everything himself. This is an option for older children.

What other items can be put in a magic bag:
- eraser (round, triangular, square, rectangular)
- pencil
- ball of thread
- AA battery
- magnetic letters, magnetic numbers
- geometric volumetric figures, flat geometric figures
- a piece of leather (usually such pieces hang on leather bags, upon purchase, along with the price tag)
- a piece of fur
- a rope
- fridge magnets
- perfume bottles
- coins
- sweets
- cube
- pebble
- small toys (car, matryoshka, dog)
- comb for a doll
- toy spoon
- buttons (round or square)
- natural material(shells, cones, acorns, chestnuts)
Etc. etc. - the list can be continued endlessly.

The easiest way to play with babies is with one bag. Put down the figures known to the child animals - cow, giraffe, snake. Ask to pull out the snake. Then a giraffe, then a cow. You can ask them to guess what kind of animals are hidden in the bag. Children two or three years old enjoy the very process of animals appearing from a mysterious bag.

For experienced players, we continue the game - we train not only tactile, but also visual memory- we invite your favorite doll or any other toy to play with us, and place in front of it all the items taken out of the bag. The child tells the horse what objects were taken out, they are remembered, and you can even count everything. Then the child closes his eyes, and meanwhile the doll hides one object in a bag. We must name the missing item. Gradually the number of items must be increased.
Now you can change places, the mother closes her eyes, and the baby hides the toy.

In stores you can find ready-made sets with cubes, balls, cylinders, etc. We invite the little ones to arrange the figures in pairs, and for the older ones to take out a specific figure and find objects near them that are similar in shape. Identical figures can be of different sizes - one is larger, the other is smaller. The figures can also be divided into two halves; when you take out one half, you need to find the other half by touch.

Another version of the game is competitive. Suitable for playing with several children. We give all the children a bag and put the same sets of objects. The presenter pulls out, say, a cylinder and shows it to all participants. Whoever pulls out the same figurine faster is the winner.

The “magic bag” game can be used to develop speech, in particular, to expand a child’s vocabulary and develop thinking.
First, try to feel one of the geometric shapes, now describe it in words. “I came across a figure that doesn’t have a single corner.” The guys guess what kind of figure this is. They especially like to change.
The older the children, the more complex the descriptions can be. It is important that all the guys be in the place of the leader in this game. After all, for some it is easy to describe objects and tell stories, but for others it is difficult. The skill appears during training.

By playing with bags with your child, you will develop his memory, logic, observation, fine motor skills, speech, vocabulary. This simple game guides the child to active activity, perfectly develops sensory abilities, trains visual memory, teaches counting, and introduces the properties of an object. Besides all of the above, this is simply an interesting and exciting game.