Loyalty is a concept that can be viewed from different angles. It is difficult to give a clear definition of this word, because each person’s point of view depends on his experience, age, experiences in life and his own attitudes.

In addition, one can consider different types fidelity, because you can keep it not only to your loved one. To understand this concept, it is worth not only considering the definition given in the explanatory dictionary, but also finding out what types of fidelity there are, what determines a person’s decision to remain faithful to someone or something.

Definition of the term

Loyalty is steadfastness and constancy in feelings, relationships, in the performance of one’s duties and duty, according to Ozhegov’s dictionary. This is the quality of a person as an individual to once make a decision and follow his choice, brushing aside all doubts.

In essence, fidelity is a line of behavior chosen in accordance with life values. It cannot arise without an object of attention, internal or external. This spiritual need is generated by someone or something. As a rule, loyalty is shown to loved ones, friends, words, God, principles and beliefs, heart, Motherland, family.

Alternative definitions of the concept

The question of how you understand the meaning of the word “loyalty” can have many answers, depending on the person trying to define it. It could be:

  • “the right path” or “the right answer”, i.e. correct;
  • “sure thing” means fundamentally reliable;
  • “faithful person” - authoritative, serviceable.

Often, accidental or deliberate mistakes lead to a violation of fidelity. And this is already betrayal, first of all, to yourself, your rules, and then to the object of attention. Such cases are associated with certain losses, moral and sometimes physical. And depending on the situation they are experienced differently.

Loyalty to friendship

Loyalty is the main condition true friendship, which claims a lot of time, patience and dedication, without demanding anything in return. Not everyone is given the honor of becoming a friend.

Friendship arises on the basis of common interests, mutual sympathy, trust and is the highest moral value. It is acquired for a reason, but lives and develops according to its own scenario. It is very important that difficult moment there was a friend nearby. And if he is both in grief and in joy, then wings grow. And then human possibilities become unlimited. Historical victories, scientific discoveries, and adventures are impossible without true friends.

Loyalty to duty

A sense of duty goes hand in hand with patriotism. And loyalty to him is the core on which perseverance and responsibility for words and actions, courage and honesty, constant readiness to overcome all kinds of hardships and hardships, professional, physical and psychological preparation. It cannot be borrowed, imposed or taken away. This is a gift of conscience and steadfastness of soul.

When taking the oath, soldiers swear allegiance to their homeland. In combat conditions, soldiers carry wounded soldiers out from under bullets, true to their sense of duty. Even medals and badges“For fidelity to duty” the worthy are awarded. This type of loyalty is evident in politics and in religion. Presidents of all countries of the world take an oath of allegiance to the interests of the state. In ancient times, subjects swore faith in kings, and servants kept the secret of the Order. The priests died for their faith, but did not betray it, because faith in God is the basis of any fidelity.

Love and loyalty

The meaning of the word “fidelity” in the relationship between a man and a woman does not allow for compromise or double morality. Deep feelings arise only with complete trust, sincerity and openness. There are no vows or promises needed here. People have found each other, all doubts have melted away, the conscious choice is final and is not subject to outside comments. In this case, the desire to be faithful arises on its own and does not require effort. The need to look for someone better is simply eradicated, because there is no better one to be found.

This is an internal, unconscious, but therefore a real decision - to remain faithful. The meaning of this word in this context is beyond doubt - do not allow anyone into your life except the chosen person. And let them say that in modern society this concept is losing its value, that loyalty has practically disappeared. It is unlikely that this will ever happen. Because if a person loves, then he makes a silent decision to be faithful and does everything possible to create a family idyll, peace of mind and sexual harmony.

If two loyalties are combined into one family life, then this will be the key to happiness. This includes freedom from temptations, responsibility for a loved one, and fulfillment of obligations.

Parents have always been role models for their children. And if they are true to the interests of the family, it will serve good example to the younger generation in their future adult life. Over the years, people become closer, because love is the friend of fidelity.

Swan fidelity

Animals do not have such a high organization of the brain as humans do, so in most cases they are polygamous. This preserves populations and species viability. But we can also single out those for whom love and loyalty are the most important feelings. These are penguins, wolves, foxes, beavers, gibbons, turtle doves, barn owls, albatrosses, eagles and, of course, swans.

The meaning of the phraseological unit “swan fidelity” received the right to life precisely from white swans. These birds are a symbol of fidelity. They create married couples for life and remain faithful even after the death of their partner. They can sympathize, care for, heal, feed and give tenderness to their loved ones until their last breath. And after their death, they refuse to fly, remain in the place of their former happiness and remain faithful.

Loyalty is a facet of human relationships. Where she settles, a reliable and bright fortress will grow, where anger and jealousy, rage and fear will never wander. It is difficult to be faithful, but you need to try to open the door to this pure, kind and immaculate spiritual quality.

Loyalty is a moral and ethical concept, constancy in relationships and feelings, in the performance of duty, responsibilities, perseverance and honesty. To be true to your convictions and principles means to have a firm position.

Love is above all

That is why people are required to have a clear understanding of their positions and firm conviction in the chosen course. should become the basis of behavior and life priorities for everyone. And the task of adults is to instill in the growing individual responsibility for their actions and words, to lay down the correct concepts of morality.

Integrity and unprincipledness

People often make mistakes, that's nature. The world around us is changing, human views are changing. In childhood and adolescence, a person is dominated by a strict polarity of opinions. Good or bad, love or hate, right or criminal - these and only such are the distinctions in concepts. The absence of transitions and shades in relationships at this age is a common phenomenon.

Over time, people become wiser. The most subtle nuances of psychology are revealed to them. It turns out that the drunkard and rowdy neighbor heroically defended his children in the past, which is why he committed manslaughter and was convicted. He changed in prison; the loss of his family left an imprint on his character. So is it necessary to despise him with the same firmness for his current condition? Or should you change your attitude towards a person?

Sometimes principles need to be adjusted. Especially when they concern people nearby. Therefore, you don’t always need to put your integrity above humanity. And changing such attitudes is not at all considered a manifestation of unscrupulousness. It is rather life wisdom.

// Is it important to be true to your word?

What is loyalty? This seemingly easy question is very difficult to answer correctly. Everyone understands this concept differently. For some, being faithful means never violating your own principles and beliefs for anything, but for another person it means devoting your life to some specific cause.

What about being true to your word? Is it important to keep all your promises today? I think this is very important. You can rely on a person who is true to his word and will never let you down. In my opinion, the highest level of promise is an oath. Under no circumstances should it be violated.

If we turn to the heroes of Russian literature, we can see that they made promises and in most cases followed them. For me, a striking example of a person for whom it is important to be true to his word is from the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

This woman, who fell in love with the main character of the work with all her heart, marries another man and takes a vow of fidelity to him. She overstepped her feelings, putting her own honor first in her life. This act deserves respect and admiration from readers, because not everyone loving girl I would have done exactly the same. And if we take into account the time in which the heroine lived, then breaking her oath to her husband would have resulted in disgrace for her. She couldn't allow this to happen. It’s quite easy to give in to your sudden feelings, but maintaining honesty and respect in the family is much more difficult. Even Eugene for the first time realized what fidelity is and how to love correctly.

Loyalty to the Motherland is another important theme in literature. , hero of the story “The Captain's Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin is even ready to die for the Fatherland, because he took such an oath. He is not afraid of death or possible injuries. He, unlike Shvabrin, cannot even imagine a situation where he would decide to go over to the side of the enemy. For me, such an act is the pinnacle of loyalty to one’s people and one’s country. One can even say that by betraying the Motherland, a person betrays himself, his family, his principles and feelings.

Not changing your word in any situation is the truest manifestation of a person’s decency. Especially if this very loyalty causes suffering to people, but despite this they do not give up their promises. Today, not every person is capable of this. My position is not to make vain promises, so as not to let myself and other people down. This is the only way to stay true to your word.

How to be faithful husband

Cheating in a relationship

How to be a faithful husband

Fidelity is a rather speculative concept, which, nevertheless, is one of the things without which marriage cannot exist. Everyone understands perfectly well what fidelity is, but if you ask for an exact definition, confusion arises.

A man either talks about fidelity in such a way that his wife asks: “Why is this not included in the concept of fidelity, are you doing this behind my back?” - and he has to make excuses. Or the man lists absolutely everything, independently turning his marriage into a prison sentence.

Therefore, when we talk about fidelity, we do not mean just one betrayal with another woman. This concept includes many connections: spiritual, ideological, material, physical, and so on. And in each of these directions, a man can cool off towards his wife, thereby transferring his interests to others.

Is it hard to be a faithful man?

If a man loves his wife, her physical characteristics fully meet the requirements of his sexuality, they have a similar outlook on life, and the man’s work brings him tremendous pleasure, then there can be no question of cheating, right? But no. The peculiarity is that men are quite hormonally dependent creatures, and on one of these climbs a man can have his head blown off. Of course, this will not necessarily be cheating with another woman; there may be other options.

A man at the age of 40 buys a motorcycle and begins to ride around the neighborhood on it, completely turning his life into a “wanderer’s path.” Naturally, this state of affairs cannot but affect the marriage. After all, he used to devote this time to his wife and family, but now he devotes it to his motorcycle. He betrayed his principles common sense and betrayed his family.

A man, a father of 2 children, at the age of 35 understands that his calling is to serve in a monastery. Therefore, he leaves his job, leaves his wife and children to their fate and goes to serve God. For himself, he understands that this is the right path, but his wife calls it all tomfoolery and madness. Yes, he did not sleep with another woman, but he betrayed his family, the good purpose does not matter here.

The wife and husband agreed to earn some money to help their child go to college. But the man, instead of taking part-time jobs, began to stay in the garage with the men, drinking alcohol. As a result, either their common goal will not be achieved, or the woman will have to take everything into her own hands. The man betrayed this idea, he did not remain faithful to the agreement.

Therefore, it can be said quite obviously that being a faithful man is extremely hard work and a great responsibility. After all, such fidelity implies great emotional stress and the possibility of breakdowns. Believe me, we have seen a lot of good men who just got off their nerve and began to work miracles. They failed to remain a faithful man.

What to do to be a faithful husband

Personal time and hobbies. In order not to break down during moments of hormonal rise, you should have some kind of “neutral” activity that will help you calm down a little and let off steam. Let it be a game computer games, or hunting and fishing, even the same get-togethers with men can be quite useful.

However, you should be independent of such a hobby. In other words, if you need to do things, then you will do things, and not waste time on hobbies to the detriment of the main goal.

In reality, many “seductresses” tell their unsuccessful stories when they tried to seduce their boss, and he looked at them without any interest and ran off on bike rides with his friends.

Explanations to your wife. Whatever happens at work and whatever plans you have, you should always tell your spouse about it and persistently seek understanding. For example, if you want to build a garage, then you must explain everything to your wife step by step and even show her the plan. So that in the future she knows what you are doing and what you want to achieve.

This greatly increases the stability of the relationship, because now your wife will understand your actions and partially share them. This, of course, at first glance seems unnecessary and insignificant, but this is exactly what can save you from depression and a “roaring” mood.

Fighting personal weakness. To be honest, in a situation where a man tries to please his wife and “bends in” a little to her wishes, there is nothing wrong. However, if it comes to a critical point with a domineering and selfish spouse, then the likelihood of cheating increases. The principle of contrast works.

In his home, a man feels weak and downtrodden; he cannot spread his wings and flutter, because his wife so carefully lowers him to the ground over and over again. And here another woman appears, who, on the contrary, praises the man and allows him to be in charge. Here either he begins to revel in his position and begins to “become a tough guy”, insulting this woman the way his wife insults him, then he is simply sent away. Or he understands that he will be better off with this woman and succumbs to her charms.

Of course, this situation partly has a positive connotation if the wife is truly a tyrant. But most often it is the man himself who allows her to behave this way. Therefore, to avoid such situations, you need to keep yourself at your best at home.

Having sex. Even with a beautiful wife who is wonderful in bed, a man can be taken to the side for the sake of variety, this is a question of temperament and character. However, in order to avoid situations where a man begins to howl due to a complete lack of sex with his wife, this issue must be resolved immediately.

We discuss this issue in another article on our portal; you can find a link to it at the end of the article.

The meaning of family life. In order not to break down overnight, you must be clearly aware of why you started all this in the first place. If you were planning to be happier with this girl, then do just that and don't give up.

Yes, we all have difficult times, as well as the desire to send everything to one place and close ourselves off from all problems, but, unfortunately, problems cannot be solved this way. Therefore, be a man who brings his affairs to the end, even if this is a lifelong matter!